[SIZE=10.5pt]Corporation Name: [/SIZE]Corellia Digital
[SIZE=10.5pt] Drall[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Locations: [/SIZE]
• Corporate Headquarters:
Corellia Digital Building,
Meccha (Drall)
• Corellia Digital Store:
Mastigophorous (Drall);
L'pwacc Den (Selonia),
Voss-Ka (Voss),
Oswaft Station (Laekia),
Il Avali (Druckenwell),
Rebellion Actual
• Corell Financial:
Il Avali (Druckenwell)
[SIZE=10.5pt]Operations: [/SIZE]
Information Technology; including datacards, cloud computing, hologaming, networks, software development, hologram generators, subspace communications, and audio/visual equipment. The corporation also functions as a
bank holding company by virtue of it's ownership of the investment bank, Corell Financial.
[SIZE=10.5pt]Rationale:[/SIZE] A native-born Corellian from the small hamlet of Bela Vistal, Sor-Jan Xantha has always identified himself with the Corellian System, its people, and history. To arrive at this point in the future and discover that Corellia, as a planet, is no more has ignited a passion to keep the spirit of Corellia alive in everything that he does. A Jedi-owned company in One Sith controlled territory, Corellia Digital has nonetheless emerged as a growing company in the information technology sector. With contracts that span the range from small corporations to major factions, Corellia Digital is demonstrating the value of communications, hologaming, and cloud computing technology in the broader galactic commercial markets. The increasing demands of business have largely drawn the former Old Republic away from the Jedi Order however, and focused him on more practical, economic matters.
[SIZE=10.5pt]Tier: [/SIZE]4
[SIZE=10.5pt]Description: [/SIZE]Originally a computer company producing datacards at the time of the Old Republic, Corellia Digital had branched into holographic imaging displays sometime around the Galactic Civil War. Improvements on the computing capabilities of small holographic platforms in later decades saw the production of the company's first interactive holographic system: The
HoloStation. Originally pitched to a youngling market, the device proved to be successful with older demographics as well, and was succeeded by the HoloStation 2 - which seemed aimed more toward the older end of the planned marketing strategy. A sudden reversal by the board of directors resulted in a shake-up for the R&D Department and a re-newed direction for the company in the belief that their products should focus more on the original ideal of a youngling gaming system. The
HoloCube was produced, to dismal sales despite strong reviews by parents of some of the games playability and content. Attempting to recover revenue, the company focused next on portable game systems: The
HoloBoy was the first generation of this, to strong sales. Its successor, the
CorelliaDigi might have brought the company back to profits that it hadn't seen since the HoloStation days but for the destruction of Corellia wiping out the major holdings of the company: Warehouses, computer design and engineering labs, production factories, along with corporate financial holdings, records, and filings. Bankrupted, almost all of the companies storefronts across the Corellian Run were shuttered and sold overnight. The company fell into the hands of its employees, who were looking to sell out in the hopes that the Bay-Suwe Combine, Sasori, or some other company might buy them out. Then along came a small investor who refused to let another Corellian sell out and had a dream for bringing back the HoloStation.
Development of the HoloStation IV paved the way for the launch of a mobile gaming platform in the HoloBoy Advanced. This led the company to explore communications as a future development of their technology. The Go! and HoloLink were both successful additions to the market, with the Silver Sanctum Coalition commissioning development of a unique commlink that would bridge all of their military and governmental divisions.
Currently, the company has expanded into more robust communications technology, with forays into the subspace radio market from both the user-end as well as commercial broadcasting. With much of the company now controlled by the Chief Financial Officer, President Xantha leads a philanthropic effort at improving government and civilian access to communications out in the Kathol Sector. As to whether such a bold move will provide any dividends back to investors... only time will tell.
[SIZE=10.5pt]: Corell Financial[/SIZE]
Primary Source: N/A