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Company Modifications [V2]

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Katbirye Rekr said:
Company: Concord Dawn Arms
Modification Made: Rationale and Description
Rationale: Change in ownership

Pertient Development Threads:
  • [x] - Zeypher Carrick helps me see reason.

New Submission:
A collection of smaller companies, that were hostilely taken over throughout the years by Katbirye Rekr. It produces a variety of products. It consists of what used to 9 various Companies.

Do you have a dev thread for the new location and the hostile take over?

Also, i'm confused by what you mean that it used to be 9 different companies? The original sub was just one.

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
Company name: Star Tours
Modification made: Tier advancement, location addition
Rationale: Expansion, growth and development

Pertinent development threads:

Tier II to Tier III:

Sign a contract with two more factions or organizations.
Develop an additional three mass-production products (since Star Tours is a service company, Codex entries are used instead).
Complete three miscellanous threads.
New submission:

Corporation Name: Star Tours

Headquarters: Spaceport THX1138 (JanFathal)

Locations: Spaceport THX1138 (JanFathal), Tomorrowland Spaceport (Eriadu), Ringo Vinda, Nar Shaddaa

Operations: Interplanetary travel

Rationale: Using the proceeds of a moneylaundering scheme involving a sizeable number of nova crystals, Dunames purchased a fleet of ships and then proceeded to hire pilots and make a schedule of routes for interplanetary travel

Tier: 3

Description: Star Tours operates space flights from their three bases, Spaceport THX1138, Tomorrowland Spaceport and Ringo Vinda using a fleet made up of over one hundred ships, which they use for regular passenger services as well as for vacation packages. They also offer two levels of cargo services: some clients are content with using Star Tours as they would any other space shipping company, while others would desire, at a premium, which includes a security deposit, to have their cargo delivered safe from prying eyes and paying another layer of extra as security deposit if they need to schedule a stop due to the cargo necessitating a rush delivery. For this reason, some have been known to use Star Tours as a means of smuggling cargo and/or laundering money.

Cargo services have since expanded to include interplanetary travel of bulk freight, as well as of luxury cruises, with the advent of the Maersk-class bulk freighter in Star Tours service. As with its main supplier of starships, Star Tours swears to operate only using ships capable of landing on planets.

Subsidiaries: None

Parent Corporation: None

Primary Source:

"This is a canon company."
Company: Ringovinda StarYards
Modification Made: Added Soceras and Gyndine to locations
Rationale: Expansion of business

Pertient Development Threads:
  • [A Dock - Or two] - Ringovinda StarYards installs a few Egroegs over Soceras as part of a deal with Justice Shipping
  • [Paradise Lost] (posts #117, 121, 123, 126, 131, 135, 137, 141, 150, 153 and 156) - Ringovinda StarYards obtains a line of credit for 255 million credits to open a Gyndine location

New Submission:


Corporation Name: Ringovinda StarYards

Headquarters: Ringo Vinda

Locations: Ringo Vinda, Soceras, Gyndine

  • Building starships
  • Building Land Vehicles.

Rationale: As a state-run company, Ringovinda StarYards was formerly insolvent. Poor management of company funds, bribery scandals, high salary bonuses to upper management, all of which forced the Ringo Vinda government to hold an emergency meeting regarding the company. It would be decided that the corporation be auctioned off.

Understandably, even though the more conservative fringes of the population would rather let the corporation be purchased by off-worlders (candidates included several "major shipyards") than be incompetently managed at home, a grassroots movement allowed Ringovinda StarYards to remain Ringo Vinda property. It was decided that a lottery would be held and the winner would run the company.

Tier: Tier 3

Description: Ringovinda StarYards is a company that mostly accepts orders for starships from private corporations, although sometimes governments may place orders for their products and also individuals that need more security than normal transport ships can provide for. It also seems to be a pioneer in the use of disabled personnel, making it a point of employing at least 7% of its staff with disabilities. As such, Ringovinda StarYards provides appropriate training for disabled people and the roles they can fill, and often when their disabilities would be used to their advantage. For instance, deaf people can work in the noisiest of environments, smell-impaired people can do sanitation...

It is also strongly committed to the ability of their own products to safely land on planets. Sith-led factions will find it difficult to buy ships from them.

Subsidiaries: N/A

Parent corporation: N/A

Primary source: N/A
Company: Heartbeat House
Modification Made: Tier 1 to Tier 2, adding a few new company services
Rationale: To reflect the growth of Heatbeat House

Pertinent Development Threads:

-Bad Girl Boogie -Hiring both Ikki Ike and Scarlett Orion as dancers.
-Shake it Off -Instructing galactic celebrity Marzena Choi in Shimmy Fitness
-Moves I’ve Never Used -Teaching Sylvia Nuru basic dance (Potentially abandoned)
-Abolition is such an interesting word -Joza and Solan Charr rescue Amirah, a Twi’lek slave dancer who would later voluntarily work for Joza as a paid dancer.

New Submission:

Corporation Name: Heartbeat House

Headquarters: Lianna City, Lianna

Locations: Lianna City, Lianna

Operations: Dance instruction, hiring out dancers for parties and other events, sheltering ex-slaves (not publicly advertised).

Rationale: A dancer by profession during her most of her life, Joza Perl was trained on Zeltros, the galaxy's party capital. Even though she left her home for more galactic pursuits, Joza continued to occasionally take to the stage in order to both alleviate homesickness and make a few credits. No longer satisfied with giving simple performances, Joza seeks to instruct others in the art of dance by opening a small studio in the urban center of Lianna. Her intent is to pass on her skills and earn credits while doing so, but also to build her name in the entertainment industry.

Though starting out small, Heartbeat House both expanded in size and attendance, catering to absolute novices and experienced dancers alike. Joza was able to add more trained dancers with varying styles to her company, as well as increase both her studio and class size. In addition to being a dance studio, Heartbeat House now also functions as a makeshift safe house for runaway and escaped slaves.

Tier: 2

Description: Heartbeat House currently has one PC dance instructor (Joza Perl), and several NPC instructors who teaches various forms of exotic dance and entertainment. The company has a steadily growing cache of trained dancers who are available to be hired out for various events, subject to approval from Joza. Heartbeat House offers:

-Dance Instruction (from Beginner to Expert)
-Private Lessons tailored to the client’s skill level, offered either in-home or in Heartbeat House Dance Studio.
-Shimmy Fitness (Physical fitness class with exotic elements)
-[NEW] Yoga Classes
-[NEW] Housing and accommodations for runaway/escaped slaves (not publically known or advertised)

Though not known to the public, the basement level of Heartbeat House serves as a safe haven for runaway and escaped slaves. The idea occurred to Joza after she aided in the rescue of a young Twi’lek dancer who was to be sold as a slave, Amirah. Joza offered Amirah a paid position as a Heartbeat House dancer, but upon learning that the Twi’lek had nowhere else to go, allowed her to stay in the studio until she got back onto her feet. Now that she has more space and a place to fit the wayward souls, Joza works privately with her own contacts to shelter ex-slaves with nowhere else to go. In exchange, they work as dancers, housekeepers and security for her until they reunite with their families or earn enough to establish themselves elsewhere, should they wish to.

Subsidiaries: N/A

Parent Corporation: N/A

Primary Source: N/A
Company: bar Ammon Holdings (link in sig)
Modification Made: Adding held equity
Rationale: More equity came into the possession of the company

Pertient Development Threads:
WESTAR Equity Auction: Gael traded ownership of WESTAR for a 20% stake in RID

New Submission:
Corporation Name: bar Ammon Holdings

Headquarters: Mandalore

Locations:Mandalore [HQ], Yutan, Echoy'la

Operations: bar Ammon Holdings is an venture capital firm that also specializes in investing and asset management.

Rationale: Gael bar Ammon knew that the military would not fund him well early on, so he saved his credits earned and put them away. He lived paycheck to paycheck by choice, eventually accumulating enough money to invest in Mandal Hypernautics, his home planet's largest company. As the company grew, so did Gael's wealth. He sold his assets in the company and started his own company, bar Ammon Holdings, to continue the practice on a larger scale.

Tier: 2

Description: bar Ammon Holdings invests in larger and growing companies as well as offers loans for developing entrepreneurs. The company also offers cash-for-equity deals which is mutually beneficial for both bar Ammon Holdings and up and coming corporations. bar Ammon Holdings gets equity, royalties, and the credits that come with it, and smaller companies get a larger business partner and a wealth of indirect entrepreneurial mentorship. bar Ammon Holdings often contracts the services of mercenary companies to collect on unpaid loans and recuperate losses from failed companies. While controversial, it is worked into the contracts and are subsequently legal. Additional to their venture capital department, bar Ammon Holdings will also manage the funds of wealthy individuals, governments, and other companies.

Subsidiaries: N/A
Parent Corporation: N/A

-The Blackstone Group ( 5% )
-The Chandrila Group ( 10%)
-Raxis Independent Designs ( 20% )

-Gael bar Ammon [100%]
Company: InVal Cybernetics and Manufacturing
Modification Made: Updating Dev threads and products
Rationale: To keep my company up to date

Pertient Development Threads:

New Submission:
InVal Cybernetics and Manufacturing

Headquarters: Cyto Val

Locations: Main Site
Site B:

Operations: Repairing and Manufacturing of Cybernetic Replacement Limbs and Organs; Various technologies based on requested a contracts.

Rationale: Nyos Val, created the company from the ground up, after learning on his own, he developed a set of Cybernetics and wanted to make them available to more people in need.

Tier: Tier 2

Description: InVal-uable Cybernetics was built from the ground up and is the heart of Nyos Val’s life. He himself being a Cyborg made him want to better the world of cybernetics. He developed a set of cybernetic replacements to aid those in combat. The target audience is refugees of hostile systems, who were abused, tortured, maimed and beaten, but also soldiers, officers, and militiamen who’ve lost limbs and organs; or those who were damaged beyond medicinal repair. The goal behind InVal-uable Cybernetics was built upon the idea of being a way for those in need to continue living a normal, successful life with the replacements giving them that chance. Soldiers who bravely fought in battle can return to active duty, or back to civilian life if they so choose without being disabled. Nyos personally works on the floor with his employees and will go on missions to personally aid his teams. He had one ship now in the company name, Given Name: Pheobus. Nyos Val is a 2nd Lt in the Protectorate Army and like Nyos, the company is loyal to the Omega Protectorate. Any and all possible contracts are put through background checks and submitted to Nyos himself. With his extensive combat experience, he has knowledge and connections to determine the true goals of the possible contract holders. No contracts will be made with anyone deemed Hostile by the Protectorate.

Dev threads:



Business Assets:
Business Assets
Company: Raxis Independent Designs
Modification Made: Adding on the 20% ownership that belongs to [member="Gael bar Ammon"]
Rationale: As part of the winning bid in an auction

Pertient Development Threads:
  • Auction- This is the auction where Gray offered 20% ownership of RID as part of the winning bid.

Bhaltair Dhimani

A little Ruff can go a long way
Company: Crescentia Industries
Modification: Change from Tier 1 to Tier 2
Justification: Because I wish to advance

Tier I to Tier II
  • Sign a contract with at least one faction or organization (May be NPC).
  • Make at least three minor-production products.

New Submission:

Corporation Name: Crescentia Industries

Headquarters: Phindar

Locations: Phindar, Mandalore

Operations: Augmentations/Cybernetics

Rationale: Used his portion of the sizable inheritance left by his deceased parents to do something more with his life. He has a PhD in Biology and Computer Science. So, why not do something that involves both?

Tier: 2

Description: Crescentia Industries focuses in on an area that seems to be rather untouched upon: the field of cybernetics and augmentations. Sure, plenty of people in the universe have them and own this or that tech, but no single company seems to have focused heavily on this seeming gold mine of potential.

Bhaltair intended to change all of that. Originally timid about owning a company, in fear that it would interfere with the bulk of the work he wished to accomplish, he decided that starting this company was something that he really and truly wanted to do.

[member="Matsu Ike"] sorry for the delay - welcome to tier 5
[member="Dunames Lopez"] welcome to tier 3

[member="Charzon Loulan"] updated

[member="Joza Perl"]
For Tier 1 to Tier 2, i need the following as stated in the "How to Grow in Tier"

Tier I to Tier II
  • Sign a contract with at least one faction or organization (May be NPC).
  1. .
  • Make at least three minor-production products.
  1. ​.
  2. .
  3. .
  • Complete two miscellaneous threads.
    1. ​​.
    2. .
[member="Gray Raxis"] - i need the company link please

[member="Bhaltair Dhimani"]

For Tier 1 to Tier 2, i need the following as stated in the "How to Grow in Tier"

Tier I to Tier II
  • Sign a contract with at least one faction or organization (May be NPC).
  1. .
  • Make at least three minor-production products.
  1. ​.
  2. .
  3. .
  • Complete two miscellaneous threads.
    1. ​​.
    2. .

[member="Cerita Sarova"] updated

Sor-Jan Xantha

Company: Corellia Digital

Modification Made: Tier IV

Rationale: After branching into starship components and subspace communications infrastructure, the small datacard company from the broken Corellia Sector continues to be a giant in the technology sector. While oddly frequented by customers of both the One Sith and the Silver Sanctum Coalition, this Jedi-led company turns no customer away and has expanded into an era of philanthropy with its largely humanitarian effort at improving conditions in the Kathol Sector.

Pertient Development Threads:
Sign a contract with three player-run organizations, one of which must be a major faction OR a Tier V+ company.
1. New Imperial Order (later re-named as Galactic Overwatch Military Minarchy) (Minor Faction) - [ x ]
2. Ringovinda Staryards (Tier 2) - [ x ]
3. The Kathol Outback (Major Faction) - [ x ]

Make an additional four mass-produced products.
1. The Secret of Mynock Island
2. CD-9i Subspace Radio
3. CD-9s Subspace Radio
4. CD-9 Subspace Radio

Complete four miscellaneous threads.
1. Adult Training
2. Jedi, Imperials, and a Word from our Sponsor
3. Showdown at Skye (Resistance was financed with credits from Corellia Digital's subsidiary, Corell Financial)
4. GOMM-Ball

Successfully complete a project of sizable proportions. (~100 posts)
Project: Develop communications infrastructure, to include support for emergency services, cartographic mapping, and early-warning systems within the Kathol Outback.
Sur Tes Pas (12 posts)
Sharing Secrets (55 posts)
And the Rock Cried Out, No Hiding Place (35 posts)
Radio Outback (11 posts)
Total Posts = 123

New Submission:

[SIZE=10.5pt]Corporation Name: [/SIZE]Corellia Digital

[SIZE=10.5pt]Headquarters:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] Drall[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Locations: [/SIZE]
Corporate Headquarters: Corellia Digital Building, Meccha (Drall)
Corellia Digital Store: Mastigophorous (Drall); L'pwacc Den (Selonia), Voss-Ka (Voss), Oswaft Station (Laekia), Il Avali (Druckenwell), Rebellion Actual
Corell Financial: Il Avali (Druckenwell)

[SIZE=10.5pt]Operations: [/SIZE]Information Technology; including datacards, cloud computing, hologaming, networks, software development, hologram generators, subspace communications, and audio/visual equipment. The corporation also functions as a bank holding company by virtue of it's ownership of the investment bank, Corell Financial.

[SIZE=10.5pt]Rationale:[/SIZE] A native-born Corellian from the small hamlet of Bela Vistal, Sor-Jan Xantha has always identified himself with the Corellian System, its people, and history. To arrive at this point in the future and discover that Corellia, as a planet, is no more has ignited a passion to keep the spirit of Corellia alive in everything that he does. A Jedi-owned company in One Sith controlled territory, Corellia Digital has nonetheless emerged as a growing company in the information technology sector. With contracts that span the range from small corporations to major factions, Corellia Digital is demonstrating the value of communications, hologaming, and cloud computing technology in the broader galactic commercial markets. The increasing demands of business have largely drawn the former Old Republic away from the Jedi Order however, and focused him on more practical, economic matters.

[SIZE=10.5pt]Tier: [/SIZE]4
[SIZE=10.5pt]Description: [/SIZE]Originally a computer company producing datacards at the time of the Old Republic, Corellia Digital had branched into holographic imaging displays sometime around the Galactic Civil War. Improvements on the computing capabilities of small holographic platforms in later decades saw the production of the company's first interactive holographic system: The HoloStation. Originally pitched to a youngling market, the device proved to be successful with older demographics as well, and was succeeded by the HoloStation 2 - which seemed aimed more toward the older end of the planned marketing strategy. A sudden reversal by the board of directors resulted in a shake-up for the R&D Department and a re-newed direction for the company in the belief that their products should focus more on the original ideal of a youngling gaming system. The HoloCube was produced, to dismal sales despite strong reviews by parents of some of the games playability and content. Attempting to recover revenue, the company focused next on portable game systems: The HoloBoy was the first generation of this, to strong sales. Its successor, the CorelliaDigi might have brought the company back to profits that it hadn't seen since the HoloStation days but for the destruction of Corellia wiping out the major holdings of the company: Warehouses, computer design and engineering labs, production factories, along with corporate financial holdings, records, and filings. Bankrupted, almost all of the companies storefronts across the Corellian Run were shuttered and sold overnight. The company fell into the hands of its employees, who were looking to sell out in the hopes that the Bay-Suwe Combine, Sasori, or some other company might buy them out. Then along came a small investor who refused to let another Corellian sell out and had a dream for bringing back the HoloStation.

Development of the HoloStation IV paved the way for the launch of a mobile gaming platform in the HoloBoy Advanced. This led the company to explore communications as a future development of their technology. The Go! and HoloLink were both successful additions to the market, with the Silver Sanctum Coalition commissioning development of a unique commlink that would bridge all of their military and governmental divisions.

Currently, the company has expanded into more robust communications technology, with forays into the subspace radio market from both the user-end as well as commercial broadcasting. With much of the company now controlled by the Chief Financial Officer, President Xantha leads a philanthropic effort at improving government and civilian access to communications out in the Kathol Sector. As to whether such a bold move will provide any dividends back to investors... only time will tell.

[SIZE=10.5pt]Subsidiaries[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]: Corell Financial[/SIZE]

Primary Source: N/A
Bhaltair Dhimani said:

Bhaltair Dhimani said:

Please complete your threads for credit.

[member="Gray Raxis"]


[member="Sor-Jan Xantha"]

Note in the How to Tier up your company, rules state " Note that each linked thread can only be used to fulfill one of the sub-requirements for each tier level. ( IE: No double-dipping the same thread to fulfill a major project and a contract.)"

You currently have both your contract and your major project. It can only be used for one.

Do you have a different contract thread to replace it with, as I presume you wish for it to be used for your project?

Sor-Jan Xantha


My apologies. So many threads, I messed up which one I'd linked in the contracts section.

I've corrected the link. While the contract agreement itself is originally discussed in the thread I linked for the project, that agreement is later referred to by two other PCs in another Kathol Outback thread (which is what I've linked in the contracts section). I hope that satisfies the requirement. If not, I'll just try back when I've done some more threads. No harm there.

Isamu Baelor

Protector of The Iron Realm
Company: Ironwrath Industries
Modification Made: Changing the name to Iron Wrath Industries
Rationale: I don't like the way Ironfury Industries looks, so I would like to change the styling of the name so it's a bit more aesthetically pleasing. In doing that though, I want to keep a similar name structure across both my companies, so I would like Ironwrath Industries, to be changed to Iron Wrath Industries too.

Company: Ironfury Industries
Modification Made: Changing the name to Iron Fury Industries
Rationale: I don't like the way Ironfury Industries looks, so I would like to change the styling of the name so it's a bit more aesthetically pleasing. In doing that though, I want to keep a similar name structure across both my companies, so I would like Ironwrath Industries, to be changed to Iron Wrath Industries too.
Company: WESTAR

Modification Made:
-Switch out headquarters from Echol'ya to Annaj
-Switch out Bastion for Xal 3

Rationale: Due to Gray's other company that he is working on at the same time being on the other end of the galaxy, he decided to move WESTAR over there as well to make things easier to deal with by reducing travel time and easier for his companies to work together when needed.

Pertient Development Threads:
  • Move- Gathering of assets from old locations, taking them to new locations, and purchase of new properties to get company back up and going.
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