Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Company & Workshop Modifications

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Company: Aurum Saccs Bank
Modification Made: Tier up to 3 and additional operations and locations
Rationale: Expansion and growth
Pertinent Development Threads:

Tier II to Tier III

Sign a contract with two more factions or organizations. (May be NPC).
Make an additional three mass-production products.
Complete three miscellaneous threads.

Corporation Name: Aurum-Saccs

Headquarters: Muunilinst

Locations: Along the Braxant Run, Galactic Alliance Space, all ATC Trade Stations.

Operations: Banking, loans, deposits, financing, trade, investing.


In the wake of the Netherworld uprising, Gabriel Beau would go missing. With so many confirmed deaths, therein lay one of the most important banks based on Muunilinst finding itself in financial straits. With the help from Danger Arceneau and her most recent platinum mines as an added recourse, Danger would buy stock of the bank and bring stability to it by bringing into her jurisdiction of review.

Now, the plan was to expand the financial firm and increase profit by way of a variety of financing options in a galaxy with a dire need of reconstruction to do.

Tier: 3


Aurum-Saccs is a corporate entity that specifically caters to production corporations and is marketed as a safe investment with a comparatively low interest rate. Aurum-Saccs does practice fractional reserve banking and has significant resources devoted to the upkeep of technology for investment analysis.

Aurum-Saccs buildings have heavily secured vaults with backup generators and emergency uplinks to the local security forces. However, most of the funds for security are directed to cyber security specialists to prevent the far more dangerous holonet robber from achieving access.

With all the corporations floating around in the galaxy and an insatiable demand for a host of products, there is a lot of money to be made and to be spent. So, what do you do with all that money? Where do you get it from? Where do you put it? SoroSuub isn't about to stick all of its money in a shoebox and hope something happens. Corporations are all about investment. When you aren't spending your money, you should be turning it into more money. That's what Aurum-Saccs is for. Deposit funds here and they can appreciate in value. Loan funds from us and we promise a comparatively low interest rate.

In the wake of the Netherworld uprising, Gabriel Beau would go missing. With so many confirmed deaths, therein lay one of the most important banks based on Muunilinst finding itself in financial straits. With the help from Danger Arceneau and her most recent platinum mines as an added recourse, Danger would buy stock of the bank and bring stability to it by bringing into her jurisdiction of review.

Now, the plan was to expand the financial firm and increase profit by way of a variety of financing options in a galaxy with a dire need of reconstruction to do.

Danger Arceneau

Company: Corondex Arms

Modification Made: Growing in Tier. Put image on top.
Rationale: Progression. Developing my character and his growth is tied to an extent with the company.

Pertinent Development Threads:
  • Contracts
    Efficiency: Corondex Arms seals a contract with Maw construction group.
  • Ask, Seek, Knock: Corondex Arms seals a contract with ApeX PMC.

[*]3 Mass Produced Items

[*]3 Misc Threads

New Submission:
Change marked in green.

Corporation Name: Corondex; Corondex Arms

Headquarters: Etti IV (Corporate Office)

Locations: Tothis, Corporate Sector (Manufacturing plant)

Operations: Arms, Munitions and Combat Systems.

Rationale: Corondex ceased to exist some years before the Gulag Plague. The current Corondex corporation, mostly known as Corondex Arms, is smaller in terms of size than its predecessor which was also not really popular. The contemporary Corondex a.k.a Corondex Arms was founded by Gad Ignashevic two decades ago in the Corporate Sector. It was only until the man's death and passing it onto his ambitious and immoral son Gad Ignashevic II did the company began some sort of growth.

Tier: 3

Description: Corondex Arms at first began as an ambitious project and venture by Gad Ignashevic, a former police officer turned entrepreneur. The project was complete failure and Ignashevic barely sustained it, let alone gain any remarkable profit from it. Corondex Arms' fate took a 180 degrees turn when Ignashevic's son took the reigns. Gad Ignashevic II, an ambitious recent engineering graduate from a prestigious university on Etti IV, took the company with full force and began developing it correctly. Hiring other graduates he acquainted at school such as Vitor Avendahl to run the business side of things, Ignashevic completely focused on developing a substantial portfolio for Corondex to offer to the galaxy.

Bringing back older pre-dissolution Corondex products such as the VES-700 Pulse Rifle and the Corondex Blast Vest was the logical first step of entering the market. Ambition drove the company forward, not morals. Morals were tossed out of the window the moment Ignashevic II took the reigns and hired similar minded students such as him. In the congested arms market of the galaxy, one had to look at the niche opportunities and differentiate themselves from the rest. That is where Vitor Avendahl among the other business running students advised Ignashevic II to focus his inventions on.

Hence, Ignashevic II focused on specializing the company in an era-old technology - energy-coated slugs. Thermal and kinetic damage in one. Cheap, reliable and deadly were the three points of the triangle he sketched on an A4 paper. In a market full of high-end and expensive technology that required high costs to be maintained, Ignashevic and Co focused on providing to those at the lower-end of the budget spectrum.

Most, if not all, current clients of Corondex Arms can be classified as outlaws. Militants, assassins, gangsters, mobsters and the like taking over the largest chunk of the pie chart while the rest were mainly backwater governments and small-time businesses who did not have the purchasing power for the most modern arms out there.

Subsidiaries: N/A

Parent Corporation: N/A

Primary Source: N/A
Company: Golan Mercenaries
Modification Made: Upgrade Tier
Rationale: Substantial Growth was made

Pertinent Development Threads:
Two Worlds Collide - This is 2 Contracts. Selling of slaves for a better workforce that are not slaves, and assistance with growth and supply

Shrieker-class Golan Fighter - Mass-Produced Item
FC-2 Flechette Launcher - Mass-Produced Item
FC-2r Flechette Rifle - Mass-Produced Item

Ghosts and Glass - Neldar and company found by the Commonwealth, made alliance and partnership
A few ships, a few drinks - Meeting with James Justice, partnership with his company
Glory to the Bounty Hunter - Bounty made by the company, taken by HK and his group

New Submission:
Tier 3
Company: Fa Holdings

Modification Made: Tier up, expansion of company.
Rationale: Did the work for it.
Pertinent Development Threads:

Make an additional three mass-produced products.

Complete five miscellaneous threads.

Successfully complete a project of major proportions. [200]

Obtain the sponsorship of a major faction or a 100 post dev thread expanding business in another way.

New Submission:


  • Intent: Set up the beginnings of Lord Fa's Empire.
  • Image Source: <X>
  • Corporation Name: Fa Holdings
  • Headquarters: Erilnar
  • Tier: V
  • Rationale: After Tai Fa’s father passed away he came into the possession of the Fa Family’s extensive Neebray farms within the Gordian Reach. Yet, his hunger was greater than herding spaceborne beasts and skinning them for their leather. After a few months of pondering he moved towards liquidating most of his assets within the Reach, before utilizing his new funds to purchase a small flotilla of ships. This was only the beginning of Fa Holdings, of course.​
  • Locations: Erilnar, Kyriaki System, Enigma Prime, Rendili, Denon, Metellos, Zahat'n'ira, Aeten II, Ukio, Kriselist, Korriban, Begeren, Metellos, Anaxes, Byss, Vulpter, Devaron, Gandle Ott, Aaris, Scillal, Rigneldia II, Mechis III, Cotellier, Yavin Prime, Aur System, Nothoiin.
  • Operations:
  • Resource Management
  • Shipping
  • Agriculture
  • Tech Manufacturing


“Fa Holdings is a corporate entity that prides itself in its ability to scope out chances. The chance to make a difference within a community, a chance to invest much-needed funds into a project that would have been looked past otherwise, a chance to restore some of the galaxy’s dignity while also looking ensuring that the profitability of a project is not put in danger.

Fa Holdings… is an opportunity.

To start anew. To say no to the usual cretins who simply wish to exploit your resources and leave you off to dry. To get the help that you need now, so you won’t need it in the future.

The corporation is fully committed towards lifting up those they help, so they can grow strong on their own and become independent.

Trickle-down wealth and prosperity at its finest.”

Formed after the liquidation of most of his assets within the Gordian Reach Fa Holdings is Tai Fa’s newest venture.

At its core it is a corporation that scouts out possible opportunities within the Galaxy, swooping in and funneling money for their own goals. It might be a badly-managed stygium facility owned by a sentient buried under debt, or a monorail fallen into despair after a terrorist attack and a galaxy-wide plague.

Money is poured in, properties or assets or operations are bought, and then made profitable once again.
Company: Kaili's Droids

Modification Made: Rename the actual topic itself to Andromeda Electronics (from Kaili's Droids)
Rationale: I forgot to ask for this when I tiered up half a year ago and changed the company name from Kaili's Droids to Andromeda Electronics. So to avoid confusion I would like to change the topic header to "Andromeda Electronics"


The King of Ergonomic Assessments
Company: Sith Inquisitor
Modification made: Expansion in tier
Rationale: Expansion in business
Pertinent development threads:

Sign a contract with two organizations.
Take part in three miscellaneous threads.
Make three mass-produced items.
New submission:


Corporation Name: Sith Inquisitor

Headquarters: Ziost

Locations: Ringo Vinda, Alexandria, Commenor, Lok, Glyss

Operations: Publishing, gaming

Rationale: Yula realized that, to further the cause of the Commonwealth, a suitable vehicle for propaganda was required. So she took out a commercial loan in order to purchase the tabloid from an ailing Sith Lord. Realizing, however, that, to make the propaganda vehicle work, a hook is necessary, that is, maintaining the tabloid activities. Also, it provides the Rebellion with a source of income, despite its name and owner making it associated to Sith. In addition, she realizes that the manufacture of electronic games can be a profitable avenue to spread anti-Sith propaganda. Also, due to the areas of activity of the Comminwealth, some of the games have also featured pro-Commonwealth content.

Tier: 3

Description: The Sith Inquisitor's business is twofold: in the first instance, it operates as a newspaper with a significant tabloid component. However, the tabloid is a little peculiar in that it provides more room than normal tabloids to the intellectual upper crust among Force-users, light-sided and dark-sided, which the previous administration felt was overlooked by most tabloids, yet envied by so many potential readers. Of course, it also follows the lives of the rich and famous, and, despite its name, makes an effort to cover both light-siders and dark-siders, knowing that restricting themselves to one side of the Force would limit the amount of content. And, while its journalistic standards may be a little... questionable, it nevertheless attempts to cover current events. Given its concentration of staff near the Pacanth Reach and the Stygian Caldera, many stories are run on the Sith Order.

It is also famous for being attacked by the Sith Order in its headquarters on Ziost, giving rise to a newfound fame in its wake, releasing a special Je Suis Sith Inquisitor edition, which has outsold every prior issue released beforehand, the Sith Inquisitor also went from weekly publishing frequency to a daily frequency while also increasing circulation.

Also, its gaming activities are designed to at least require some strategic effort on the player's part: from TRPGs, which are described by Sith Inquisitor staff as games of dejarik where the pieces and equipment evolve with the player as the game unfolds, to fleeting simulators, making use of the OmegaTM system, allowing players to fight with a wide array of starships available to the galaxy, using a wide range of parameters. The SI staff feels that it is important for players to be challenged as appropriate but also to offer a window for escapism that allows people to delve into what their heroes do.

Subsidiaries: N/A

Parent Corporation: N/A

Primary Source: N/A

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Company: Theed Palace Space Vessel Engineering Corps
Modification Made: Advance to T6; add Terminus as a location
Rationale: Did the thing

Pertinent Development Threads:

[SIZE=11pt]Sign a contract with two more major factions OR Tier V+ companies.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Make an additional four mass-produced products.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Complete six miscellaneous threads.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Successfully complete a project of immense proportions. (~300 posts)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Theed Hangar’s specialization in elite scanning technology, and Naboo’s diplomatic credentials, has allowed its Strategic Security Branch to become a major intelligence agency and supplier of SIGINT technology, supporting both the Government of Naboo and the GADF. Cited posts were made by Theed Hangar-associated characters or by characters replying to them.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Obtain the permanent sponsorship of another major faction or a 100 post dev thread expanding business in another way.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=11pt]Let’s Get Down To Business: GA New Class Program[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] - 21 posts - Theed Hangar plays a key role in the New Class Development Program, including selling elite scanning equipment, dedicated escorts, and reconnaissance vessels to the GADF; Theed Hangar becomes possibly the only manufacturer to finalize approved New Class designs, such as the Handmaiden-class Escort Corvette.[/SIZE]

Fiolette Fortan

Company: Primo Victorian Shipwright (x)

Modification Made:
  • Adding a company logo;
  • lRrXBTH.png
  • Adding; Starship Components to Operations
  • Adding; Sor Yusan, Varada V to Locations

Rationale: Expanding on what Primo Victorian Shipwright can do, to enable company growth and trade. Also, to made a logo for the company and wanted that to be here on the official submission, and PVS has an office on Sor Yusan as well, mostly sales (x).
Company: Gallofree Yards Inc
Modification made: Expansion in tier
Rationale: Expansion of business

Tier II to Tier III
  • Sign a contract with two more factions or organizations. (May be NPC).
  • Make an additional three mass-production products.
  • Complete three miscellaneous threads.

Mass-produced Products

The GF-T1 Fusial Engine - 100 GCR per meter
- An engine scale-able to any size ship the T1 was created in partnership with Haven shipyards. Technically speaking this engine is a simple rocket engine. TibannaX enters the engine in liquid form and injected into the core by turbo-pumps. As the liquid passes through the external disk shield it is compressed into the reactor housed in the core and the reflector agitates the gas till it violently combusts. Heat from the reaction is collected in the internal shield and converted into electrical energy to run the ship's systems while the reaction itself is funneled out the rear nozzle to propel the ship.

Liquid Metal Hydrogen - 50 GCR per cubic meter
- A technological innovation originating within the Resu species prior to galactic contact. The Resu using advanced pressurization techniques utilized to extract the material from the atmosphere, they were capable of containing these liquid circuits in a field suspended in an insulating layer of inert pure water. This proved to be incredibly advantageous for the Resu's development of technology, making their technology highly resistant to ionic energy and electromagnetic bursts while maintaining their incredibly fast processing speed.

GR MWA Wedge Shielding System - 100 GCR per meter covered
- The system works by projecting a concaved gravametric field that can distort a projectile's path while in flight and even deflecting particle and light beams to a lesser degree. While this works well for unguided ammunition it does not work as well for guided and particle based attacks as the first can correct its' course and the second travels much faster and so the shield has less effect on it.


New sub

Corporation Name: Gallofree Yards, Inc.

Headquarters: Demonsgate

Locations: Demonsgate (HQ and main production) Kal'shebbol, Zonju V (Sales offices)

Operations: Shipwrights and Salvage

Rationale: The current incarnation of Gallofree Yards, Inc was the creation of Phi'mor Rha the former Csahn of Clan Rha. Purchasing the name writes Phi'mor was looking to create a legitimate company to rival that of the off-worlders that had taken over. Using what little influence and capital he had Phi'mor was able to over years acquire the schematics of GFY through purchase and other means.

Tier: Tier 3

Description: The original incarnation of Gallofree Yards, Inc was a company created sometime BBY and filed for bankruptcy a good 3 years BBY. In that time they were the creators of such vessels as the Crinya-class freighter, GR-45 medium and GR-75 medium transports (a main stay of the Alliance well through the fall of the empire), the YKL-37R Nova Courier , and the GS-100 salvage ship. While only the GR-45 and GR-75 saw moderate success it was The company's vehicles were not as innovative or reliable as those made by Corellian Engineering Corporation. Even with continued product overhauls and slick marketing, the company rarely turned a profit.

After the company went belly up and was sold off bit by bit, it was written off by many historians as a dead company. That was until revived over 800 years later by Phi'mor Rha. The company name (which had a poor reputation at the time) was never purchased and left in limbo till discovered and purchased for a few hundred credits by Phi'mor. Seeing it as a way to legitimise his salvage operation he over the next decade grew is from a single GS-100 salvage ship which would scavenge the many war zones of the Kathol region and into a small salvage refinery and minor ship construction / repair business that operated from a small Trist-Class Repair & Refueling Station.

At the time of his death, Phi'mor had just completed one of his greatest feats with his company by winning a major court case to secure the companies old ship plans and writes to produce them. He unfortunately never saw his vision fully realized as he died shortly after the liberation of Kal'shebbol. By the Twi'lek clan law the company passed to his new son-in-law Bryce Bantam and is currently being run by Phi'mor's daughter Cla'Mari Rha.

As time has passed Gallofree has advanced as will, introduction to the Resu as will as partnerships with Lucerne Labs and Haven Shipyards have allowed them to take leaps forward and Gallofree produces come of the best designed ship for the troubled hyperspace ways in the outback. Now expanding into large capital ship they continue to advance toward becoming a premier shipwright in the region.

Majority owner: Bryce Bantam (100%) of company

CEO: Cla'Mari Rha

Subsidiaries: NA

Parent Corporation: NA

Primary Source: NA

"This is a canon company.",_Inc./Legends
Company: Heartbeat House
Modification Made: Upgrade to Tier IV
Rationale: To reflect the growth and expansion of Heartbeat House
Pertinent Development Threads:
  • Sign a contract with three player-run organizations, one of which must be a major faction OR a Tier V+ company.
· This Day We Fight (Iron Empire Tier 3 Dominion Ilum Hex) [Iron Empire] (Posts #19, 24, 27, 28, 31, 39, 42, 60, 64, 67, 72, 74, 76, 102)
· A little Something Extra [Meran Mechanics]
· Party Bus [Ashhearth Industries]
  • Make an additional four mass-produced products.
· Stun Pearl
· MyShade Foundation
· PinkGlow
· Jolt Ring
  • Complete four miscellaneous threads.
· Reunion
· Dont Mind my Hands
· Time to relax
· Witches and Wyyrloks (Post #63, 66, 75, 88, 89, 91, 95, 102, 105, 107, 110, 111, 116, 125)
  • Successfully complete a project of sizable proportions. (~100 posts) [Expansion and fleshing out of Igor’s Tapani Palace safe house, 100/100 posts total]
· Low Life- 44 posts
· Sister Sister-56 posts

New Submission:

Corporation Name: Heartbeat House

Headquarters: Lianna City, Lianna

Locations: Lianna City, Lianna, Ashira’s Light


· Dance instruction
· Entertainment for hire
· Cosmetics
· Textiles
· Weapons and armor
· Humanitarian aid
· Sheltering runaway or rescued slaves (not publicly advertised)

Rationale: A dancer by profession during her most of her life, Joza Perl was trained on Zeltros, the galaxy's party capital. Even though she left her home for more galactic pursuits, Joza continued to occasionally take to the stage in order to both alleviate homesickness and make a few credits. No longer satisfied with giving simple performances, Joza seeks to instruct others in the art of dance by opening a small studio in the urban center of Lianna. Her intent is to pass on her skills and earn credits while doing so, but also to build her name in the entertainment industry.

Though starting out small, Heartbeat House both expanded in size and attendance, catering to absolute novices and experienced dancers alike. Joza was able to add more trained dancers with varying styles to her company, as well as increase both her studio and class size. In addition to being a dance studio, Heartbeat House now also functions as a makeshift safe house for runaway and escaped slaves. Gradually, the company naturally progressed into the entertainment and beauty industry.

Tier: IV


Heartbeat House has several instructors that teach various forms of exotic dance and entertainment. The company has a steadily growing cache of trained dancers who are available to be hired out for various events, subject to approval from Joza.

Though not known to the public, the basement level of Heartbeat House serves as a safe haven for runaway and escaped slaves. The idea occurred to Joza after she aided in the rescue of a young Twi’lek dancer who was to be sold as a slave, Amirah. Joza offered Amirah a paid position as a Heartbeat House dancer, but upon learning that the Twi’lek had nowhere else to go, allowed her to stay in the studio until she got back onto her feet. Now that she has more space and a place to fit the wayward souls, Joza works privately with her own contacts to shelter ex-slaves with nowhere else to go. In exchange, they work as dancers, housekeepers and security for her until they reunite with their families or earn enough to establish themselves elsewhere, should they wish to. Heartbeat has several safe houses on different planets for this purpose.

Heartbeat’s expansion is marked by the debut of several pheromone infused cosmetics which inspired the opening of a boutique next door to the studio that sells body care products, clothing and accessories. Special ordered textiles as well as covert weaponry and armor can be purchased over the holonet or in private business deals. Heartbeat also offers special clothing for refugees, as well as training for humanitarian healers.

Subsidiaries: N/A

Parent Corporation: N/A

Primary Source: N/A
Company: Golan Mercenaries

Modification Made: New Acquisition of Company, Overhaul
* ADD NEW TAG: "Fort Galderra"
Rationale: Change of Ownership (Dev Thread)
Pertinent Development Threads:
All Good Things

New Submission:


  • Intent: Help Fort Galderra have proper business and holdings
  • Image Source: <X>
  • Corporation Name: Galderra Royal Treasury
  • Headquarters: Pzob (Fort Galderra)
  • Locations: Kuat, Coruscant, Tatooine
  • Owner: [member="Eddak Manod"]
  • Tier: III(3)
  • Rationale:
    *this is due to Neldar being a very old Shi'ido*

    During the ravaging of the virus outbreak, Neldar lead an assault on a few facilities of random companies to seize ownership of ships, weapons, and other equipment. He was doing this because he was preparing his small band of pirates/thugs for better pay. With more ships and weapons, they wouldn't need to do crapshot jobs anymore, they could even become mercenaries, maybe.

    While fighting the worn-out, diseased defense forces, he came upon the final owners of Golan Mercenaries, and decided to take it. It was a quick way to gain attention to his crew, and the company offered a lot to him. With the employees of the company dead or leaving, and the security falling, there wasn't much to stop him, really.
    The company once known as Golan Mercenaries, was seized by Eddak Manod, after pursuing and executing Neldar Poska. With his armed forces severely dwindled, it wasn't hard for Eddak to get close to him. His company, on the other hand, was a mix of criminals who worked for credits, not a name, and droids which were once gained in an old contract, that of which was of betrayal of one of their fellow allies. While Neldars military forces were near nothing, his Company would keep on grinding without fault. Over awhile, Eddak would replace all criminals and droids with individuals from Fort Galderra and other worlds around the galaxy.
  • Operations:Ships
  • Weapons
  • Armor
  • Ground-based Construction
  • Mining
Golan Arms started as a joint venture between a few larger corporations that would target something more out of the others ranges. It mainly produced Space Stations of Military and Civilian use, and a variety of personal and emplacement style weapons. The company had no intentions of ever building Starships, so it has no facilities prepared for such a venture.

Recently Golan Arms has been picking up attention as a mercenary group, hired guns, for escorting and protection jobs. At cheap pricing with good equipment, it can even be hired to set up spacial defenses, rather than only making small blockades like others due to its space station production abilities. But they've become known for their criminal style tactics mostly along with their merciless killing. Cheap guns and no prisoners.
Galderra Royal Treasury is... a new beginning, a chance to grow and becoming something else.

Galderra Royal Treasury is the government-control company of Fort Galderra, which provides much of what the Fort needs on a government level, and very little civilian-level commodities. The Treasury is the new town-wide company that will provide ships for trade and defense, weapons and armor for home protection and military backing, and help fund new construction projects - civilian or military - so the Fort no longer builds high-tech frankensteins. The term frankenstein meaning Fort Galderra had not delved back into the technological age after the chaos that forced them to leave the galaxy, so the technology they have is high tech, but cobbled together messes. Galderra Royal Treasury seeks to end their ways of being stuck between ages, and lift them up to new standards.

The Treasury, however, is still under the direct ownership and command of Fort Galderra's leadership, which may or may not choose to leave something, or someone, behind. It is the leaders personal honeypot that only they are allowed to take and give from it.

Noire Vanya Tal

Company: Pharma Tech

Modification Made: Expansion, Tier Up, Locations
Rationale: Expansion, Tier Up, Locations

Tier V to Tier VI
Sign a contract with two more major factions OR Tier V+ companies.
  1. Major Faction: Kathol Outback: Second Contact x x x x x x x x x x
  2. Tier V: Aurora Industries: Instant Rehab

Make an additional four mass-produced products.
  1. Beskar Bond Spray Powder
  2. Vincha B0-93
  3. TS-N Healing Serum (For those allergic to Bacta)
  4. PharmaTech Flora transporter
Complete six miscellaneous threads.
  1. Phantom of the Past
  2. Strength Through Joy [FO Dominion of Trenwyth Hex] x x x x x x x x x x 10
  3. The Ison Corridor - Varonat Expedition 17
  4. The Beacons Are Lit ( Galactic Alliance Dominion of
  5. Chand x x x x x x x x x x x 11
  6. People of Our Fears [Galactic Alliance Hex Dominion of M... x x x x x x x x x x x 11
Successfully complete a project of immense proportions.

The cloning, production, and enhancement of rare, endangered healing plants. Continued expansion of Biodomes, Biodome Station, and agriculture. Total 303

Obtain the permanent sponsorship of another major faction.
Major Faction: Galactic Alliance

Corporation Name





Bothuwai, Endor, Junction, Anzat, Tatooine, Bestine, Saleucami, Sullust, Salacami, Telos, Munstafar, Christophis, Dressel, Echoy'la, Sump, Vassek, Mhaeli, Belsavis, Arcadia N 30, Dahomey, Vortusa, Sump, Biitu, Devaron, Aleen, Thawaka, Asmeru, Barkhesh, Zamanthea.


Pharmaceuticals, botanicals, cybernetics, terraforming, agriculture, horticultural, and military applications across the galaxy.


Pharma-Tech was formally a subsidiary of Blas-Tech Industries. Valik and Jacen Cavill formed the company after a few backroom deals between the Sith Lords. With this newest venture, the two Sith can further expand their cloud of influence into new markets via a new company. Valik himself will oversee the day to day operations with a massive investment publicly from Cade Lee that allowed the company to open on three worlds in such crowded territory. The company already has access to all of Blas-Tech's resources, and through this, the Master Alchemist will be able to further his schemes while appearing legitimate.

At the acquisition of Blast-Tech by Alric Kuhn, he placed the subsidiary for sale by auction. As of now Danger Arceenau won the bid, becoming the new owner of the subsidiary and putting it under the umbrella of Arceneau Trade Company and working in proximity with Browncoat Arms & Industrial.

Since then, PharmaTech has become an independent company under the Arceneau Trade umbrella. It has spread into green technology and terraforming operations, the most notable contributions in Corellia, Sump, Kriselist, Keris, Salacami, Telos, Devaron, Aleen, Thawaka, Asmeru, Barkhesh, Zamanthea.




Pharma-Tech was a company opened by Blas-Tech Industries. A few product lines are currently in development as development centers have been placed on strategic worlds in the most populous factions. With access to Blas-Tech's massive amounts of money and supplies, the company already has a good supply line set up. With competitively priced pharmaceutical products being supplied for dirt cheap, the company hopes to squash the competition through mass production of cheap, efficient goods. Through the profits of this line, the company will expand to further markets while secretly developing a military line the galaxy has never seen.

That's the real purpose of Pharma-Tech, the innovate chemical warfare. Where most would let morals stop them, the CEO of Pharma-Tech, and his boss at Blas-Tech have no such thing privately. Through independent research and development done in secret on worlds with primitive populations, they strive to make weapons most governments wouldn't publicly touch. Jacen Cavill's business contacts in theTionHedgemony and Valik's skill in alchemy allow them to produce weapons with a dark side flair that most wouldn't notice. This will enable them to sell mass contracts to factions that will allow the risky venture to eventually pay off and let the company finally stand on it's own and become a galactic name of it's own.

At the acquisition of Blast-Tech by Alric Kuhn, he placed the subsidiary for sale by auction. As of now Danger Arceenau won the bid, becoming the new owner of the subsidiary and placing it under the umbrella of Arceneau Trade Company and working in proximity with Browncoat Arms & Industrial. More recently, Pharma-Tech has moved towards botanicals, agriculture, cybernetics, and a heavy use of pharmaceuticals from this ventures, allowing it to move into an independent company.

Recent expansions have seen an increase with PharmaTech's BioDomes and an increase in botanical hydroculture and green technology.The Creation of the "Eden Project," A project to utilize Ithorian, Ho'Din, and Morodin biochemical agricultural techniques to set the foundation for PharmaTech to clone extinct and endangered botanical. This was done to set up the manufacture and production of new advanced healing agents long thought lost.

Stock Holders
  • Danger Arceneau 60%
  • CEO Felicity Simmons 30%
  • Alric Kuhn 10%
Relative Links:
  • [Link] - Danger bought at Auction PharmaTech
[member="Fiolette Yvarro"]

I updated the picture, but do you have the thread showing the expansion to the new operations and locations?
  • Every additional new Location & Operation or Headquarters change requested through the Company Modification Thread will require their own development thread.
[member="Joza Perl"]

Joza Perl said:
Sign a contract with three player-run organizations, one of which must be a major faction OR a Tier V+ company. · This Day We Fight [Iron Empire]
As this is a dominion, could you please link me the respective posts?

All others updated save for [member="Noire Vanya Tal"] which will be reviewed by another RPJ.
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