Coratanni Cartel
Company / Workshop: SIN
Modification Made: Tier Up to Tier Five
Adding Operations:
Rationale: To show expansion for tier up.
Tier 5 Company Mod
Sign a contract with two other different major factions OR Tier 5+ companies or workshops.
[*]Passive growth via 3 code subs
[*]Ylen - A large city created around a huge spice mine.
[*]Coratanni Biological Research Facility - A cloning and research facility.
[*]Thawne Villa - The main estate of the Thawne Family.
Display growth through three active expansions of your company.
Successfully complete a project of major proportions.
Obtain the permanent sponsorship of a major faction, OR the sponsorship of a different Tier 6 Company that is not a previous contract, OR a substantial expansion in another way.
Facilities: Ukio, Nar Kreeta, Rishi, Zeltros, Coruscant, Utapau, Spira, Kowak, Roon, Hypori, Bothawui,Coratanni Biological Research Facility,Ylen
Escort Services: Of course, music and alcohol is at times not enough for those within this galaxy, and for them SIN offers a more earthly delight. Being well aware of the variance within the galaxy and the shifting nature of ones will, the proprietors of SIN have ensured that those who enter into business with them are properly enticed at all times. Through means of will and want SIN seeks to entertain all the dreams of it's patrons.
Haute Couture: The newest division for SIN includes the expansion into manufacture, production, and distribution of Haute Couture. Using quality materials, S.I.N. invites itself to the premier fashionista society to embark on products lines such as clothing, shoes, perfumes, accessories, beauty, and many more.
Wear your S.I.N. proudly.
Agriculture: One of their nest acquisitions includes farmland and pilfered estates on the agriworld of Ukio. This includes growing flora that can be utilized and refined in their pharmecutical diviison into high quality drugs.
Pharmaceuticals: A deal with a local hutt in Nar Kreeta has opened up the opportunity to fine tune into the pharmaceutical sector. S.I.N. utilizes spice as well as other drugs to craft new methods of being able to provide
Robotics: A more recent development has been SIN's seizure of several smaller robotics companies located around the galaxy. These corporations were neither massive nor really on the cutting edge of technological development, through SIN's rather unique influence however they have quickly advanced and become far more efficient than before.
Construction: Through recent developments SIN has found itself producing many of it's own buildings and structures. Though initially utilizing back channels and smaller construction corporations Slevin and Natalia quickly found it far more simple to co-opt these companies into SIN itself. Through their usual methods they managed to take and assimilate these corporations into SIN.
Finance: With money now almost literally flooding into SIN itself, the company has begun to give out small corporate and personal loans. Through guile, deceit, and perfectly legal practices SIN has managed to grow quite the financial arm.
Healthcare: In light of the increasing production of Pharmaceuticals, SIN decided to open another legitimate business venture that they could use as a front for internal medical procedures and needs. While it does serve normal and cosmetic functions, it also provides a place for questionable research and experiments to flourish.
Smuggling: With the expansion into the Coruscant Underworld and control of level 1313 as well as upon a few Coruscant spaceports, the ease to smuggle items in and out of Coruscant to various other SIN locations has increased. This allows for an easier method of transportation while remaining covert.
SIN Incorporated, in short, is the legal name of a corporation that owns one hundreds percent of the SIN nightclub within the Rishi Maze and seeks to expand into further entertainment faculties within the Galaxy.
SIN itself is owned by two separate people who have denied giving their names to the public, though they are often seen within the confines of the main nightclub. Both figures, a male and a female, are enigmatic yet charismatic. Their names are known to but a few, and though they are approachable, more often then not doing so renders a chill down ones spine. Where they intend to take SIN is difficult to tell, yet the Club has gained massive notoriety during the short time that it has been open.
The street outside of SIN are lined with bright lights and ambient music, as one gets closer the music gets louder, much like a sirens song. The doors of SIN are decorated with a massive sign that reads three simple letters on the backdrop of a snake biting its own tail, a figure art carved from its body. The doors themselves are a plush leather that open automatically on approach, holding back a massive boom of electronic music and a roaring crowd. The club itself is expansive, and holds many features that draw customers to it.
The Club is the main attraction of SIN, the star and the very core of its foundation. The massive structure holds what many people would consider to be dreamworthy. Dozens of beautiful women, three separate bar areas, a VIP section, and of course a massive dance floor within the middle of it all. The Club seems to spread out for forever, bright blaring lights deafening music dimming the senses. There are no windows and no sign of a clock anywhere, SIN itself is designed to make one forget themselves, make them leave and spend their time within a dream instead of reality. Every facet of SIN is geared towards this, from their advertising to the decoration of the club.
Yet it is not the club itself that draws people to it, rather it is the people within and what SIN represents.
SIN sits on the entrance of the Rishi Maze, the satellite galaxy that so many are drawn to. Like the Galaxy that surrounds it SIN is a mystery, an enigma. It is the lighthouse before the dark, the bright and shinning globe within the black. In short, SIN has become the last stop of explorers before they enter the Rishi Maze. People from all walks of life pass through SIN, and as they do they find themselves changed, for the better or for worse.
That is the meaning of SIN.
Being founded within the Rishi Maze, and holding to no laws of god or government, SIN is a Gomorrah among the stars. The company follows no moral code, seeks no oppression, and is content to let the wants of the people run wild. There is no judgement within SIN, no reckoning that will land, those who enter the doors of SIN go to live their dreams and are as free as when they were born.
As the Club expands and the company begins to shift forward SIN seeks to further it's hold within the entertainment industry, as well as the hearts and minds of its patrons.
Over the years SIN has grown to something truly tremendous, becoming more than just a club, but an entire sprawling operation. SIN has become something far more, it has grown into a small corporate empire capable of holding reach in pharmaceuticals, agriculture, and entertainment. The Corporation continues to flourish and grow, seizing opportunity when it can and making partners enough to substantiate even further growth.
All throughout this SIN maintains a face of legitimacy, always hiding, always conducting it's business in the shadows.
Originally simply called "The Holdover", the business that would become SIN Incorporated was originally a cantina located within the Rishi Maze. The seedy bar was owned by Sal Virin, a Twi'lek with the mind of a crook. Sal founded The Holdover on the edges of the entrance to the Rishi Maze, creating the cantina as a rest spot for travelers looking to get into the Maze and explore it. Of course, Sal never intended for many of them to make it out of his doors. Because so many people went missing within the Rishi Maze Sal saw it as a perfect opportunity to turn his Cantina into a house of kidnapping and murder.
Over the years The Holdover collected many hundreds of people, kidnapping about one in ten people who walked through the doors and outright killing one in twenty. Sal robbed the rich, sold the poor into slavery, and scammed the middle class out of what little money they had.
The Holdover remained a staple of travel to the Rishi Maze despite its mysterious disappearances, becoming well known among people who denoted themselves as explorers.
That all changed when two travelers came to The Holdover from within the Rishi Maze itself. A man, and a woman, both with smiles on their faces and blood on their fingers. They stepped into The Holdover with a flourish, a predatory nature hanging around the both of them. They quickly spread cheer and charm through the cantina, talking up a storm and telling tales and stories of the Maze. The two caught Sal's attention, and Sal caught the woman's.
Within an hour of their meeting, Sal met his happy end within a chair in the back of The Holdover, a smile on his face and a cut of red across his throat.
The famous cantina closed its doors, Sal disappearing into the dirt and the charismatic man and woman taking his riches. They worked tirelessly, and within a month the cantina opened its doors once again, this time with a single word flashing above its doors "SIN".
Parent Corporation:
Modification Made: Tier Up to Tier Five
Adding Operations:
- Tier 5 Freebie: Healthcare
- Operation and Thread: Smuggling ( via Akkara Starport and other Coruscant starports ), via major expansion project
- Tier 5 Freebie: Hypori
- Tier 5 Freebie: Bothawui
- Unidentified Lava Planet, Ylen
- Unidentified Ice Planet; Coratanni Biological Research Facility
Rationale: To show expansion for tier up.
Tier 5 Company Mod
Sign a contract with two other different major factions OR Tier 5+ companies or workshops.
- Helix Syndicate: Corruption
- GA via Royal House of Alderaan - Once again We Rise with a little help from our friends 5 posts for a contract.
- Passive Growth Thread:
A cut or two
[*]Passive growth via 3 code subs
[*]Ylen - A large city created around a huge spice mine.
[*]Coratanni Biological Research Facility - A cloning and research facility.
[*]Thawne Villa - The main estate of the Thawne Family.
Display growth through three active expansions of your company.
Successfully complete a project of major proportions.
- Expand and take over Coruscant criminal underworld, specifically Level 1331.
- 1313
- Eye of the Beyonder
- The Unpleasant Side
- Down the Road
- 1313 - Coruscant's biggest Criminal district controlled by the Cartel
- SIN 99 - Luxury Tower in the heart of the Senate District.
- The Walk - Entertainment District near the Senate District.
- Nikolas' Apartment - An apartment in the Senate District owned by Nikolas Thawne.
- Akkara Starport - A private starport utilized by the Cartel to smuggle contraband onto Coruscant overseen by Mara Thawne.
Obtain the permanent sponsorship of a major faction, OR the sponsorship of a different Tier 6 Company that is not a previous contract, OR a substantial expansion in another way.
- Sponsorship of a Tier 6 Company: [SIZE=10pt]The Value of Trade[/SIZE] with Arceneau Trade

- Image Source: I honestly can't find any of the sources for this because it was all PS and mashed together years ago
- Canon Link: N/A
- Development Thread: N/A
- Primary Source: Me, I'm great. Also Illie she's okay.
- Corporation Name: SIN Incorporated
- Headquarters: Rishi & Coruscant
- Tier: 5
- Locations:
Facilities: Ukio, Nar Kreeta, Rishi, Zeltros, Coruscant, Utapau, Spira, Kowak, Roon, Hypori, Bothawui,Coratanni Biological Research Facility,Ylen
- Operations:

Escort Services: Of course, music and alcohol is at times not enough for those within this galaxy, and for them SIN offers a more earthly delight. Being well aware of the variance within the galaxy and the shifting nature of ones will, the proprietors of SIN have ensured that those who enter into business with them are properly enticed at all times. Through means of will and want SIN seeks to entertain all the dreams of it's patrons.
Haute Couture: The newest division for SIN includes the expansion into manufacture, production, and distribution of Haute Couture. Using quality materials, S.I.N. invites itself to the premier fashionista society to embark on products lines such as clothing, shoes, perfumes, accessories, beauty, and many more.
Wear your S.I.N. proudly.
Agriculture: One of their nest acquisitions includes farmland and pilfered estates on the agriworld of Ukio. This includes growing flora that can be utilized and refined in their pharmecutical diviison into high quality drugs.
Pharmaceuticals: A deal with a local hutt in Nar Kreeta has opened up the opportunity to fine tune into the pharmaceutical sector. S.I.N. utilizes spice as well as other drugs to craft new methods of being able to provide
Robotics: A more recent development has been SIN's seizure of several smaller robotics companies located around the galaxy. These corporations were neither massive nor really on the cutting edge of technological development, through SIN's rather unique influence however they have quickly advanced and become far more efficient than before.
Construction: Through recent developments SIN has found itself producing many of it's own buildings and structures. Though initially utilizing back channels and smaller construction corporations Slevin and Natalia quickly found it far more simple to co-opt these companies into SIN itself. Through their usual methods they managed to take and assimilate these corporations into SIN.
Finance: With money now almost literally flooding into SIN itself, the company has begun to give out small corporate and personal loans. Through guile, deceit, and perfectly legal practices SIN has managed to grow quite the financial arm.
Healthcare: In light of the increasing production of Pharmaceuticals, SIN decided to open another legitimate business venture that they could use as a front for internal medical procedures and needs. While it does serve normal and cosmetic functions, it also provides a place for questionable research and experiments to flourish.
Smuggling: With the expansion into the Coruscant Underworld and control of level 1313 as well as upon a few Coruscant spaceports, the ease to smuggle items in and out of Coruscant to various other SIN locations has increased. This allows for an easier method of transportation while remaining covert.
SIN Incorporated, in short, is the legal name of a corporation that owns one hundreds percent of the SIN nightclub within the Rishi Maze and seeks to expand into further entertainment faculties within the Galaxy.
SIN itself is owned by two separate people who have denied giving their names to the public, though they are often seen within the confines of the main nightclub. Both figures, a male and a female, are enigmatic yet charismatic. Their names are known to but a few, and though they are approachable, more often then not doing so renders a chill down ones spine. Where they intend to take SIN is difficult to tell, yet the Club has gained massive notoriety during the short time that it has been open.
The street outside of SIN are lined with bright lights and ambient music, as one gets closer the music gets louder, much like a sirens song. The doors of SIN are decorated with a massive sign that reads three simple letters on the backdrop of a snake biting its own tail, a figure art carved from its body. The doors themselves are a plush leather that open automatically on approach, holding back a massive boom of electronic music and a roaring crowd. The club itself is expansive, and holds many features that draw customers to it.
The Club is the main attraction of SIN, the star and the very core of its foundation. The massive structure holds what many people would consider to be dreamworthy. Dozens of beautiful women, three separate bar areas, a VIP section, and of course a massive dance floor within the middle of it all. The Club seems to spread out for forever, bright blaring lights deafening music dimming the senses. There are no windows and no sign of a clock anywhere, SIN itself is designed to make one forget themselves, make them leave and spend their time within a dream instead of reality. Every facet of SIN is geared towards this, from their advertising to the decoration of the club.
Yet it is not the club itself that draws people to it, rather it is the people within and what SIN represents.
SIN sits on the entrance of the Rishi Maze, the satellite galaxy that so many are drawn to. Like the Galaxy that surrounds it SIN is a mystery, an enigma. It is the lighthouse before the dark, the bright and shinning globe within the black. In short, SIN has become the last stop of explorers before they enter the Rishi Maze. People from all walks of life pass through SIN, and as they do they find themselves changed, for the better or for worse.

That is the meaning of SIN.
Being founded within the Rishi Maze, and holding to no laws of god or government, SIN is a Gomorrah among the stars. The company follows no moral code, seeks no oppression, and is content to let the wants of the people run wild. There is no judgement within SIN, no reckoning that will land, those who enter the doors of SIN go to live their dreams and are as free as when they were born.
As the Club expands and the company begins to shift forward SIN seeks to further it's hold within the entertainment industry, as well as the hearts and minds of its patrons.
Over the years SIN has grown to something truly tremendous, becoming more than just a club, but an entire sprawling operation. SIN has become something far more, it has grown into a small corporate empire capable of holding reach in pharmaceuticals, agriculture, and entertainment. The Corporation continues to flourish and grow, seizing opportunity when it can and making partners enough to substantiate even further growth.
All throughout this SIN maintains a face of legitimacy, always hiding, always conducting it's business in the shadows.
Originally simply called "The Holdover", the business that would become SIN Incorporated was originally a cantina located within the Rishi Maze. The seedy bar was owned by Sal Virin, a Twi'lek with the mind of a crook. Sal founded The Holdover on the edges of the entrance to the Rishi Maze, creating the cantina as a rest spot for travelers looking to get into the Maze and explore it. Of course, Sal never intended for many of them to make it out of his doors. Because so many people went missing within the Rishi Maze Sal saw it as a perfect opportunity to turn his Cantina into a house of kidnapping and murder.
Over the years The Holdover collected many hundreds of people, kidnapping about one in ten people who walked through the doors and outright killing one in twenty. Sal robbed the rich, sold the poor into slavery, and scammed the middle class out of what little money they had.
The Holdover remained a staple of travel to the Rishi Maze despite its mysterious disappearances, becoming well known among people who denoted themselves as explorers.

That all changed when two travelers came to The Holdover from within the Rishi Maze itself. A man, and a woman, both with smiles on their faces and blood on their fingers. They stepped into The Holdover with a flourish, a predatory nature hanging around the both of them. They quickly spread cheer and charm through the cantina, talking up a storm and telling tales and stories of the Maze. The two caught Sal's attention, and Sal caught the woman's.
Within an hour of their meeting, Sal met his happy end within a chair in the back of The Holdover, a smile on his face and a cut of red across his throat.
The famous cantina closed its doors, Sal disappearing into the dirt and the charismatic man and woman taking his riches. They worked tirelessly, and within a month the cantina opened its doors once again, this time with a single word flashing above its doors "SIN".
Parent Corporation: