Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Conquest of Alderaan [One Sith vs Republic]

Location: University Archives Building
Objective: Continue to spread some light on the situation, assist [member="Niamh Raste"] in not dying
Allies: See above
Enemy: [member="Darth Janus"] [member="Darth Astraios"]

Veino blinked suddenly at the woman's phrase and then darted off, followed by another woman, heading towards someone whom Veino could sense as someone being very powerful. Fantastic. He hurried after, lightsaber never ceasing to move as he wove his way behind her, ensuring she wasn't ambushed from behind or anything. Not that was a huge issue, given the fact the biggest danger was the being she was running straight towards. Why must people be reckless? Well, he shook his head slightly at that though. Who was the bigger fool? The fool who charged, or the fool who followed?

He saw another Sith start to run towards him and raise his hands. It slammed into him like a hurricane, and he allowed it to flip him backwards, landing lightly on his feet and responding by picking up a cloud of small pieces of stone rubble and hurtling towards the man at the speed of slugthrower rounds, and then ran forward again, propelling himself upwards into a jump.
Location: University Databanks
Enemy: [member="Masamune Tametomo"]

Flipper numb and without feeling grip,​
Bokken through his blubbery clutch did slip.​
The length of wood rushed on spurred by Force​
Toward chest it came, no utterance of remorse​
With a hollow thunk did a work of mortal's hand meet​
Armor fashioned by Nature herself, beyond any feat.​
Woe betide he who came ensconced against this blade.​
Yet I ask you, of what material is Orcus' armor made?​
Biological sorcery, chitinous, alive and incredibly rare.​
The blade's ion beam leapt forth and struck armor fair.​
Then did fall the parasite covering Herglic's right pectoral.​
Orcus blared forth a fury roar to make jealous bass choral.​
Gripped by a Dark Rage, for gap in armor he didst expose​
Now wouldst the Sith grant fool mortal no repose​
Air blasted from lungs, with force exceeding a bomb​
Structures great and small were torn apart with aplomb​
Who was this cetacean who with one mighty Hauum​
Stole Aeolus' bag and unleashed the all-ending thrum?​
I am Orcus, thought he, Wrath of the Ocean's Deep
And now I do greet thee with parting gift, eternal sleep.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Darth Tsolan"] [member="Veino Garn "]

With a single nod she shot through the city once more, aiming directly for her friend as she avoided all battle she could and found herself returning to the University. With a single leap she moved over into the battle and rushed the Jedi lines, using her sabers to stop any shots that were sent her way an moving straight to the certain grey Jedi she was targeting, whom she didn't even slow down as she deactivated a saber, clipped it to her side and stopped right infront of the man before speaking. "Hey Moron, what are you doing here...." Her hand went to at first look like she was going to punch him to just hanging there. That is right before he was sent flying by the sith and left her standing there and sighing.


Location: Outside the University of Aldera
Objective: End the Enemy.

Rocks and rubble started to fly at him. They were halted with a simple force barrier and when the Jedi leapt into the air, the Sith Knight, Darth Astraios grasped onto the handle of the disruptor pistol on the small of his back, and pointed it upwards at @Veino Garn, and fired three shots at him in rapid succession.

He moved with a Force speed, fast enough to have pulled it out within an eye blink.

The shots were distributed with care. One to the upper chest, stomach, and to his legs. Of course he expected the legs to have been dodged, but he was ready nonetheless.
One good thing about being part Shi'ido was a very interesting ability that she seemed to retain as she bolted for the hole in the wall as the entire building shook. As she ran, two, pure white wings began to grow from her back as she jumped finally and let the feathered wings stretch wide and carry her too a nearby roof and set her down lightly compared to falling, it was a scene that she was sure did not go unnoticed as she looked behind her at [member="Darth Praelior"] and fired off a few rounds right at her without hesitation, letting off as many shots as she could. She then realized she didn't see her master anywhere and instantly got worried as she looked for [member="Kian Karr"].
Location: The Library Place at the University Place
Objective: Take on Janus!
Allies Nearby: [member="Saki"] and [member=[URL=""]"Veino Garn"][/URL]
Enemies: [member="Darth Janus"] and @Darth Astraios

All according to plan. Minus the whole getting thrown back by a Force Push deal. That wasn't according to plan, it was according to annoyance level. Seriously, she wanted a bloody sword fight and the sithy had to play lord of all things metaphysical and physical instead. Can't we just play hopscotch?

Ok, maybe that blow to the head that put her in a coma really did mess her head up. Sheesh.

She landed on her hands and knees, and skid across the floor, but righted herself enough to charge right back at the Sith Lord. Nothing so simple would take her out of this fight. She was a bloody Firedancer! On top of that, Teria was right at her side, though she had to shift to keeping the peons at bay, which left Niamh basically alone against the Sith Lord, but that didn't mean Teria wouldn't butt in from time to time. After all, the other woman was Niamh's bodyguard, and was practically joined to her at the hip.

"Come now, Sithling. Can you not fight without your parlor tricks?"

She twirled the blade in her hand like it was nothing, not afraid of it, and perfectly familiar with its balance and heft. After all, she'd designed the EMBU droids that the Compact had made such effective use of. And what did EMBU's wield? Energy blades.

Circling around the Sithy, she sized him up. Her steps were swift, and she shifted her weight around easily, shifting her feet as she moved, and often doubling back several paces before continuing. Mind tricks, but she knew they wouldn't work very well on the Sith. Still, they helped put her at ease with the fight. Not that she was afraid. Fear wasn't really an Echani emotion. Better to die in battle anyways.

"You're not scared are you? Is that why you pushed me away? You know, I'm willing to accept your surrender. I've got a job opening for a seat cushion that you might be able to fill."


Fighting [member="Darth Acarus"]

Kiyron raised an eyebrow as the corpse flew through the doorway. What was the point of that? Then he understood as a chair flew through the wall and soared inches above his head, crashing through the opposite wall. Hardly an orthodox weapon for a Sith. He twisted to the side and unleashed another volley through the doorway, and then let the magazine fall to the ground, slamming a new one in. He pushed himself up and backwards, but dropped to one knee again as the the top half of the building was demolished. What a wonderful birthday it was turning out to be. He loosened the sword in its scabbard, because he had a feeling it was going to be needed fairly soon.
Elegant and depraved.
Location: Approaching the entrance of Aldera Royal Palace, Aldera City
Objective: Seek and Destroy
Allies: Cale Gunderson, Arturious Engel, Darth Nexus, Sciath, [member="Darth Junra"]
Enemies: Alyesa Praxon-Organa, Ryan Korr, Tracyn

The Hand of the Dark Lord glanced downward as a frown glued itself to his pale features, stepping off of a mobile transport that'd hastily dropped him and a small group of soldiers that Helios entrusted combat-oriented duties to, in front of the Aldera Palace. Without raising his gaze, he merely looked to his left and right, and as if the Eldorai were speaking an inaudible language the soldiers nodded and surged forward, shooting down enemies and aided Helios in clearing a path to the entrance amidst the chaos. Then, his breathing staggered, catching and snagging within his throat like fabric upon thorny barbs as Helios called upon the torrent of the Darkside which in turn evoked in him a high rush of emotions.

His frame grew tense, toned muscle pulled taut beneath the skin of his abdomen as a cracked sound issued from him, one of pleasure and revulsion intermingled as he, for but a moment, considered the pinnacle of his depravity. The personification of the gore he witnessed so often during this ongoing war – It was by the command of his Dark Lord, his entrusting displays, his subtle ferocity - that was why Helios craved such things. For the Dark Lord had bore witness to his actions, had encouraged it. How could he not hunger for the knowledge of a creature of such absolute power. His spine snapped to a curve, an almost painful arch as the crescendo of his passions was met, in tumultuous glory with the whisper of the Dark Side's voice in his mind, words he could neither hear nor decipher, but simply...follow.

Helios snapped upright and paced forward towards the door. In each of his hands, a Darkshear began to materialize as a Force Bubble formed around his being, deflecting incoming blaster bolts from enemy infantry. As if the weapons were being created by Helios' will, their invisible features suddenly vanished from the Spears as if they'd been quickly peeled away. The images they'd left behind were wicked spears to it's most original meaning. The Spears of Midnight black were 6 feet long, with a black shaft covered in abyssal shadows, making the handles hard to make out with the constant motions. Ebbed throughout the spears were red veins that extended from the pointed butt of the weapons, to the wicked tip which was split into three blades. Small, rectangular flags hung from the butt of the spears near the blade, with Sith Hieroglyphics painted onto them with the same red vein-like energy that spiderwebbed across the rest of the dark spears.

Failing to break his speed, the Sith Lord approached the massive structure and began to build up telekinetic energy in his body. Helios hopped up the stairs leading to the massive double doors, and once his booted feet touched down on the top stair the Sith Lord's torso pumped and Helios released the energy from his body scattering Sith and Republic soldiers alike as the doors slammed inward as a result of the Eldorai's efforts and allowed him uncontested entry into the building where he would seek out any present Jedi or instead turn his attention to taking over the building or potentially destroying it.
Location: Hospital, Western Quadrant, Middle Levels.
Objective: Kill @Kiyron

Raising a hand, the Force barrier rose before the soldier could even start firing at him, and then he was in the room thanks to Force speed. It moved him faster than the naked eye could see, and with a soldier such as [member="Kiyron "]as an opponent, how could he see him fast enough to actually stop him from firing?

Once he was in the room, he placed his lightsaber onto his belt, and then the Hydrastaff was in his hand, and he was lunging at the centre mass of the Havoc Soldier. Quick and easy.

All of the heads were poised to strike in their close range proximity, it'd be a miracle if the soldier could get his blaster to bare on him in time.

In the back of his mind he took note of the building around them.

Darth Odium

Enemies: [member="November Sinclair"]

Aliies:[member="Quinn Vos"]
Associated Persons: [member="Luminous"] [member="Darth Acarus"] [member="Mantorok"] [member="Darth Mierin"]

His steps increased as he found the buildings foundation and the pipes that lead away from it. It had likely held hundreds of lives. He took off his bag and removed the large thermal bomb and placed it on the low cieling of the sewers. It was simple work and work he had done before. Soon the timer was set and the emergency detonator was linked to the bomb's computer and placed in his satchel securely.

<<Can you feel the lives extinguish. This is why I have begun my plans.>> he said to his apprentice's mind. <<Let's go Quinn. We can watch it burn together. 20 minutes to get clear.>>

Odium quickly began walking and drawing on the force to consume fading lives above as he moved. A line of people on the surface would abruptly die before he stopped draining life and continued toward the nearest Exit tunnel.


Aldera Royal Palace-Grand Hall
[member="Darth Junra"], [member="Sciath"], [member="Darth Nexus"], [member="Darth Odium"], [member="Ryan Korr"] [member="Tracyn"], [member="Darth Helios"]

Myr moved into the palace proper now, on the temple steps he left behind a dozen destroyed turrets and close to the same number of troopers. It was a game to him, they shot and lashed out with their vibroswords, and he ducked and dived through their attacks. He moved and slithered like a snake, dodging and weaving through their fire. It was beautiful for him, and he could see it all.

The force granted him sight, it granted him a view of everything.

Around the corners he could see the troopers, through the walls he could see the defenders. For him it was all an open book. Myr needed no map. He rounded a corner, his lightsaber flicking forward in anticipation as she sliced through the first of the guard. He cut through one, then another, then another. They fought him, and they all died.

A silent grim chuckle escaped his throat as a trooper charged him.

He met his end with a lightsaber to the gullet. He stabbed through the man and tore him apart, then stabbed into the man next to him.

Before long half a dozen men lay dead on the floor, and Myr moved on. Deeper and deeper he moved into the palace, seeking.
Place: Medical Center
Objective: Get out of there alive.
Enemy: One sith
The good guys: Republic

Doing what she could letting the rest of the Havco cover and take on the intruders. Doing what she could for the wounded even picking up a few more med packs as she made sure the doctors and nurse that was left could make it out. Wondering if she could make it out with everyone that was still left in the building. Flowing as she let her squad take out and clear the way.

Letting herself flow out just in time to feel that the building was coming down for some reason letting this be a lesson of always wearing her helmet. In the flow of everything that happen there was still one more thing she need to do that was to see if there was any one left trip hoping that she didn't run into any more trouble that she have to fight her way out of.
@Everyone in the medical area

The building was coming down and she she was standing there shots rang out. Balaya felt them impact on her chest and shoulder. Her body moving back from its position and falling to the ground as all around her the sound of crumbling permacrete came. The leviathan was bringing down the building and it looked like Havoc was bugging out. A laugh resounded in her chest as she laid there on the ground feeling the blood seeping from her shoulder. The small irony of needing a med pack not lost on her but enjoying it never the less as she saw her equipment and glitter grabbed a building of people throwing it off into the distance. "Good girl."


[member="Darth Acarus"]

Kiyron cursed as the Sith was suddenly in the room behind and he swung around him to face, hurling the now empty rifle at his face. The multi-headed snake thingy was headed his way so twisted to one side, and went to grab it right behind the heads with his left arm, and would then yank it towards him using that momentum to send his right arm shooting forwards towards the Sith to hit him in the face with his armor's gauntlet. He'd need to talk to Kaiden about those shock gauntlets of his. They seemed like they'd be pretty useful at that point. Incredibly useful. But, no, all he had was durasteel and plasteel, which would still certainly hurt.

He staggered as the building swayed back and forth, causing the ceiling to begin to drop debris around them.
Location: Aldera Royal Palace, Aldera City
Objective: Destroy the will of all that oppose the Dark Lord
Allies: [member="Cale Gunderson"], [member="Arturious Engel"], [member="Darth Nexus"], [member=Sciath], [member="Darth Helios"], [member="Myr"]
Enemies: [member="Ryan Korr"], [member=Tracyn]
Background Music:

Such raw anger,” continued Darth Junra, “Yet unrefined.

Just as [member="Ryan Korr"] lashed out once more, Daella quickly adjusted herself in preparation for his strike. She glared at Ryan’s grey eyes with her own ice blue. With both hands on it, she began to move her lightsaber up and to her left in preparation to meet Ryan’s blade by raising her elbow to her right while keeping her hands level. Even if Ryan intended for the strike to be a feint, she would have attempted to block the strike anyway.

In that same moment, a flash of light shined straight into Daella’s face. She immediately closed her eyes - obviously blind at that point. She would have been unable to properly see visible light for a bit of time. It would have been a huge advantage to Ryan Korr.

Yet, a phenomenon that Daella was overly familiar with allowed her to continue to perceive her surroundings. [member="Darth Isolda"] might had known more about the source of it as it had been something she remembered experiencing since her first memory. Therefore, it was innate and a part of her physiology rather than a trained skill.

This was assuming what the Eye of the Dark Lord told her was even true.

Still, Daella saw through the Force in the moment that she closed her eyes. Color disappeared from her world. Objects became a bland gray and slightly translucent. The torrential storm beneath Ryan Korr’s skin revealed itself to Daella in that instance.

As Ryan’s true attack formed into a thrust for Daella’s right thigh, Daella released her grip on her lightsaber with her left hand. She pivoted her upper body to rotate her solders counterclockwise by just a few angles. At the same time, she contracted her right arm’s triceps to swing her purple lightsaber down just as Ryan’s lightsaber neared her leg. Again, she redirected the Jedi’s strength just slightly out of the way of imminent danger.

Then, Daella shuffled to her left to create distance from Ryan once again. She stood at the same stair steps as Ryan yet on the opposite side of the pathway.

Are you merely fighting for revenge?” asked Daella.

Then, Daella revealed to the Jedi, “Do you wish for my death so much that you’ll ignore my allies infiltrating the palace?
[member="Darth Praelior"]

Ellain watched as her shots hit and using her wings she moved to get up higher so that she had a clear shot on the woman, only to realize the woman was only laying there. "I can stop this." Without a second through she grabbed a vibroknife and dropped down, attempting to land on the monster's back and then moving to get close to Praelior and kneeling down. "Die Sith." Without realizing Praelior was not exactly critically wounded and only just in the shoulder she aimed the knife and attempted to plunge it into her chest.


Aldera Royal Palace-Command Center
[member="Darth Junra"], [member="Sciath"], [member="Darth Nexus"], [member="Darth Odium"], [member="Ryan Korr"] [member="Tracyn"]

Another corner rounded, and suddenly Myr stopped in his tracks. The Hall to the Command Center was a singular pathway lined with turrets, droids, and other nasty things. Within the force he could make out the feint haze of a wall that wasn't a hall, he could see the ray shielding, only barely. He registered its energy, and twisted his head slightly trying to identify what it was.

His head twisted slightly, and he took an involuntary step back.

He could not assault the Command Center head on, he couldn't do it. He had not the strength, not the power to do so. His head twisted and turned, he began to search the palace, his head darting around and around trying to find anything he could use.

Through the use of the Force he saw passed the walls, passed the physical objects around the room, and then he smiled. He saw something in the distance, he instantly knew what it was, though it did not yet matter. His smile only brightened when he saw something else.

There was another path.

His lightsaber ignited brightly, and slowly Myr cut into the wall.
[member="Ellain Hadrin"]

Balaya looked up her small break coming to an end when someone dropped out of the sky and tried to stab her in the chest. Her armor still gleaming and had it not been for the shattergun cracking it would have been pure still. Her eyes and senses flicked to the woman, the ones with a blade. She sneered and brought a hand up as the snap hiss came... the rainbow blade activating to paint them in light while the dark'chyld spoke insulting and Balaya slashed to deflect and destroy the knife, narrowed her eyes to constrict the womans throat and was focused on choking the life out of her.
Ellain's hands found her throat, trying to remove the hand that wasn't there, the wings spreading wide as she was being chocked and her thoughts fading as she let her body focus on holding onto as much air as she could. In a moment she reached down and grabbed at a pistol and tried to raise the pistol on her, trying to focus and fire straight, though the two shots she did get off went high and soon her hand let go of the pistol and her vision darkened. Icy blue eyes shaking as she hung there at the Zeltron's mercy and hands falling to her side as she slowly slipped.

[member="Darth Praelior"]

Talon Vosra

Location: Enroute to University.
Objective: Bring about an ending
Enemies: [member="Darth Isolda"] [member="Darth Janus"] [member="Darth Astraios"] NEARBY: [member="Hion the Herglic"] [member="Saki"] [member="Darth Hauntruss"] [member="Niamh Raste"] @Veino Garn
Allies: [member="Saki"] @Nimah Raste
Music: I See Fire

A Slient tear stained a pale cheek as the lives of the two healers that may have saved him abruptly disapeared. His mind reached out again as his thoughts darkened.

"Kira is gone and now so are two of my friends, witch. " Talon said not hiding the anger he felt in his heart. "Perhaps I should extract a price of my own."

The stealth-X turned slightly as it burned through the clouds and barrel rolled into an attack pattern S-foils already in attack position. He saw shuttles leave the university and Sith troops all around it. He opened the comm.

"Republic troops this is Shadow 1, clear the university." Talon didn't wait they would have to move quickly.

He lifted a single finger on the fighters yoke and rested it on a red actuator, then squeezed. Four fire-linked laser cannons began firing as he strafed the university where he could feel a deep darkness. Then with a single almost grey thumb he toggled the firing mode and pressed again. A blue proton torpedo raced for the building as he followed it at high speed toward the university.

"If we all must burn Sith. Let us all burn together." He wispered. It was time the Shadow did what he should have been doing all along. Kill darksiders, even if it meant he had to die with them.

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