Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Conquest of Alderaan [One Sith vs Republic]

Location: Remains of the medcenter
Allies: Sith
Enemies: [member="Fadeyka"] + Pubs

And then it was over. Just like that. Veles just watched as his Sith comrades fought as one body, the united might of the One Sith putting an end to his current objective. The sight of it all almost scared him, he never would have expected this liberation be so effective. It reminded him of the Republic back then, when the Sith Empire still existed and the rotten Jedi Order destroyed the Sith with ease, their invading hordes winning one battle after another until there was nothing left. The winning cards finally lied in the hands of the Sith, just as He predicted.

Veles took off, igniting his crimson blades and twisting light and sound around the plasma to hide them, just like he had done thousands of times before. His steps carried him towards the remains of the medical facility, armored boots would have made a cracking sound as he walked on the rubble if not silenced. The fight in there wasnot over yet, not for him. A good assassin never left their target to die, and so Veles ventured to finish off whatever remained from the infamous Havoc squad, hoping their annihilation dealt a severe blow to the Republic's morale.

Being lucky, he soon found a suitable target. A female member of the Republic special forces, alone. His prey, his target, a hideous foe that had to die for His vision to come true! Nothing stands between Darth Veles and achieving the Dark Lord's vision!

Still full of energy, the Sith Master continued to maintain his Force cloak that rendered him invisible to the naked eye and advanced closer to the soldier, standing several meters from her. It wouldn't take long... Taking a deep breath, the amphibian inhaled the ashes and the Dark Side that suddenly could be felt everywhere as a result of extensive destruction and several deaths.

One swift kick with his powerful legs and the Mon Cal launched himself at her, twin lightsabers pointed at her chest as he flew through the air, aiming to impale the woman through her torso and bury his blades into her heart, ending her swiftly and painlessly.
Location: Palace Steps
Enemies: [member="Tracyn"]
Ally: Sithy Withies

So, the Knight would allow Nexus to move first. A mistake he would live to regret, one of two mistakes. Some would regularly confuse Nexus' augmentation for cybernetic, where as it was entirely genetic and barely effected his ability to use Force Powers.

However, Nexus unleashed a powerful wave of force telekinetic destruction, commonly known as the power of "Force Destruction" the wave of power ripped through the ground. If Tracyn was caught in the blast, it wouldn't kill him however it would severely injure him, and if he leaped out of the way, which the only way he could was likely be upwards. Still, Nexus was more than fast enough to catch him if he did. His mastery of Force Speed and Reflexes would serve him well in this fight.

Nexus readied his body to leap into unparalleled speeds as the Force Destruction wave was ready to slam into the Knight.

Then, a massive explosion erupted from the palace. One of the Infantry Drop ships had broken through the Palaces defenses and crashed into the lower section of the palace. Which, by the law of physics caused the upper half to rumble and begin to crash. Nexus, however paid no attention to it. He was completely focused on his opponent.
Location: Medcenter that became rubble while I slept (you people don't hang around)
Allies: ?
Enemies: ?
Objective: Survive

Patterns shifted around her as she moved through the facility. The floor trembled beneath her feet and she stopped moving. She could feel [member="Darth Mierin"]'s pain, she felt the two bright lights blink out. With her lightsaber at her belt, she did not appear a threat. The twi'lek simply stood a midst the chaos as doctors and nurses moved rapidly around her, trying to shift patients. She reached out to her master, but all she could feel was pain and rage.

Something attached itself to her leg. A child, tears cutting tracks down its dust covered face. Something stirred within her, something she'd never felt before and hr hand reached down to rest on the childs head. A warmth spread throughout her body, bringing emotions forward that she couldn't recall feeling.

"The building is coming down!"

"Force save us!"

Eleena scooped the child up and handed her to a doctor. "Do not be afraid."

Dust and debris began to shower down on the and Eleena plunged herself into the force, focusing on the gift the child had given her. A force barrier formed around the civilians as the roof came down. Eleena let go of her physical form and focused on the life about her, protecting them as the building collapsed. That was her sole purpose, to ensure their survival.

The floor collapsed beneath their feet and the barrier became a full sphere about them, sinking slowly with the rubble. The vibrations stopped, Eleena was on her knees the excursion in the force draining her body. Go, she willed them, leave now! I cannot hold it. The did not need telling twice, finding a hole in the rubble around them, one by one they clambered free. Only when she felt the last of them leave did Eleena rest.

Darkness engulfed her as the rubble she was holding at bay buried her.

Arturious Engel

Objective: Palace
Location: City gates/Approaching Palace gate
Allies: [member="Darth Junra"] [member="Sciath"] [member="Darth Nexus"] [member="Darth Odium"] [member="Myr"] [member="Darth Helios"]
Enemies: [member="Ryan Korr"] [member="Tracyn"]

As Arturious looked to advance his position among his One Sith brothers a voice behind him made him stop as the troopers challenged someone. Turning to the voice as a woman spoke.

[member="Anastacia Fa'leen"] "I am Lady Panteer, I think I can help you"
Arturious looked at the woman for a moment with a mix of shock and confusion before addressing her.

"Well Lady Panteer you are either very brave or very stupid." "The Republic's oppression of the world ends today one way or another." "You want to help then you help get us into the Throne room and help secure any resistance." "Other wise a lot more people are going to die."

Arturious pauses for a moment.

"Or these men can take you into custody and escort you to the rear." "Once the fighting his over the Dark Lord can decide your fate." What ever choice you make is up to you." "I would rather not kill you unless you give me a reason."

Arturious turns his back pushing to the gates of the Palace not waiting to see if the woman was going to follow or surrender to the trooper. As he truned the corner Arturious finally found the Palace............ and the blown out bridge in half repair. Using one of the Scout Trooper speeders Arturious jumped what gap was left using the force to leap the rest of the way if the speeder failed to get him there before he got across.

Arturious' progress was halted briefly as a landing ship cut him off. Arturious watched with a smile as [member="Darth Helios"] made short work of the doors and followed him into the structure a safe distance behind as to not get caught in the fireworks of the Sith Lords force attacks on the structure.
The Admiralty
Location: Approaching Medcenter
Allies: None
Enemies: Time
Objective: Rescue people

A Man Chooses, a Slave Obeys. Words of wisdom universal in it’s meaning, when you were free you had the responsibility to pick your battles. Once again Sardun found himself in a dilemma, the battle was turning into another catastrophe, Jedi were dying all around him, the snuffing out of their sparks brought tears to his eyes and yet… he couldn’t do anything about it.

Around him people fought, Sith against Jedi, Trooper against Trooper, Merc, Pirates, all of ‘em. Sardun kept to the sidelines, watching for an opening, from the rubble of the Medcenter the Master could see people climbing out of an opening. Somehow they had survived, a flash in his mental eye saw a figure through the rubble. A person who had been channeling vast amounts of energy, to create a sphere of protection.

The sphere disappeared and her form fell, the people ran for safety. Children, doctors and the kind, yet no one thought about saving their rescuer. So much for a good deed done, Sardun had a choice here. Join the Fight, try to push the conclusion of the battle into a more profitable position, but with all the Sith running around… it didn’t seem likely that his output would do much for the battle.

Then there was the girl, who had sacrificed herself to save those people, the right decision had already been planted in his head. He would have done the same thing if he had been in her position, and so… Sardun would attempt to save her in turn.

Carefully, he wrapped his Force Presence into the echoes of the surrounding environment, kept to the shadows while approaching the medcenter. His lightsabre was hidden amongst the fabric of his robe, perhaps he would be able to evade detection soon enough to rescue the girl. Perhaps.

[member="Eleena Miho"]

Shuk Swii

The Silent Gand
Location: Medcenter
Enemies: Sithspits
Allies: Havoc squad and the republic
Objective: What the feth is going on.

As Shuk walked through teh many corridors of the medcenter, he could hear distant crashing and shaking., Bits of the ceiling began to fall all around him, raining the tiled floor with white dust. He kept walking. The Gand moved towards the source of the crashing, moving quickly as the building began to literally fall apart all around him. Large chunks of the cieliing fell as he got closer to the source, often ladning within inches of crushing the mute Gand. He still brandished his weapons; a stun baton, and his staff, both charged with electricity and ready for battle.

Edit: Changed my post... since apperantly the medcenter didn't explode.
Location: Approaching Medcenter
Allies: Any One Sith
Enemies: None, ATM
Objective: Lingering, using dead bodies as test subjects

Maverick was just starting his first experiment when he could hear the crumbling of the medical center. His head rose up to look in the direction that the sound was coming from. With a narrowed brow he focused in to see if the building was the objective they was sent for. Clarification that it was. He sighed at the falling building as he knew this meant that Jedi and Sith a like would be coming out soon. He didn’t like to rush but he also didn’t want to be got lingering around, not by any member of the One Sith anyways. They would be more ruthless on him that the Jedi ever thought about being.

Turning his attention back to the dead padawan under him he tilted a tub above the young girls eye. After three drops he paused, and then added in to more. Nothing was happening at first, but he was patient and only watched on, then the girls eye socket started to smoke. The experiment was a failure. The eye was completely burnt out. Standing in a fit of rage he kicked the girl in the side of the head and continued on toward the palace.
Location: Medical Center
[SIZE=13.63636302948px]Enemies: [/SIZE][member="Darth Praelior"], @One Sith
Allies: @Jedi, [member="Ellain Hadrin"]

Kian Karr was stunned by what was going on around them. First he felt the death of a Jedi Master and then he witnessed the death of the Jedi Knight fighting with them. He hadn't known her well, but he still felt a pang of grief and regret at not having been able to help her. On top of that, the building was becoming thick in a noxious gas that made Kian's head swoon. He had brought up a force bubble around himself to protect from the effects, but it had only partly worked, he still felt somewhat weakened.

Lifting his com-link to his mouth, he made a quick check of the evacuating medical personnel. He was pleased to see that many of the injured patients had survived with their nursing staff. However, there were still many others trapped within the building who needed to get out. But it was looking like that was no longer an option. The building suddenly buckled around Kian as he both felt and saw the massive creature begin to attack the medical center. Luckily the creature was at the outskirts of the building, which meant that there was time to stop it before it reached the important medical structures deeper within the building.

"Calling all available Republic Soldiers," Kian shouted into his com-link, "I need an air strike at the Medical Center. Precision attacks on a large, sentient creature that is attempting to destroy the center. We need to keep that creature proccupied, we need to stop it from destroying the medical facilities. All medical personnel who have yet to evacuate, double time people, you're out of time!" Kian finished and ran back out through the hole in the wall.

As Kian excited he saw the Sith Lord who controlled the beast ([member="Darth Praelior"]) holding his apprentice in a force choke and about to dismember her. Kian reacted instantly, lifting his arm and shoving with the force. Kian didn't aim at the Sith however, instead he hit his apprentice in the chest with a blast of force energy meant to send her flying backwards and away from the sith. He shoved hard, but hopefully not so hard that it would cause series damage to his padawan. Kian followed up the force push with a leap at the Sith, striking down at her with a powerful, two-handed diagonal strike meant to rend the sith in half from shoulder to groin.

((sorry there was a ton to catch up on!))

Shuk Swii

The Silent Gand
Location: Exiting the med center / outside the med center
Allies: Republic, Jedi, [member="Kian Karr"]
Enemies: Sith, @darth praeilor
(Okay... I think i've finally figured out what's going on)

Shuk continued to walk through the collapsing mecenter as his comlink burst into life, calling republic personal to the exterior of the buliding. Fair enough. It didn't take him long to spin around, and begin navigating around the rubble of the corridors to get back to the exit he entered from. Fire rose in corners, and from piles of rubble, but Shuk simply walked around them, moving quickly to the exit. His stun baton and staff were both ready for battle, both charged with ribbons of electricty that cascaded up and down the metal surfaces. The gand quickly p-ushed aside the exit's door as he finaly got to it, stepping to the exterior of the half-ruined medcenter. And was he suprised.

A Jedi- not a Gand, but like a Gand- was fighting a pink Sith, while half an army of monsters stood by and watched. ... Well then. Shuk slowly placed his sutn baton on the belt around his waist, and bent over, swiping a rather large rock off the ground. After that, he turned towards the nearest monster- a rather large one right next tote h pink sith- and flung it with all his might. He coudln't helpt he Jedi until the monsters were out of the way.
NEARBY: [member="Darth Astraios"] | [member="Veino Garn "]| [member="Niamh Raste"] | [member="Talon Vosra"] | [member="Darth Banshee"] | [member="Hion the Herglic"]| [member="Masamune Tametomo"] | [member="Saki"] | [member="Asmundr Varobalder"]

Owing to the fact that the Republic AA emplacements surrounding the University had been destroyed and the One Sith military had begun setting up their own, the Republic would face ample resistance in trying to land reinforcements at this time. The proton torpedo some lunatic had fired off at the university would be swatted out of the sky in the proper order, saving the University from an untimely destruction. Sith soldiers continued to enter the University from other entrances, securing the upper floors and mopping up whatever enemy soldiers had failed to escape with their shuttles. They made it a point to keep out of the way of Janus, Astraios, and Orcus.

Meanwhile, Darth Janus attempted to take this seriously, but the dialogue of his most esteemed enemy had an inverse effect. Roaring, derisive laughter emerged from Darth Janus in waves. The force of the laughter was so strong that it almost appeared as if his very form was flickering and wavering from existence. Once he was done threatening to shimmer out of existence, Darth Janus composed himself, mockingly appearing to wipe a single tear from his eye. A bemusement tear.

"You poor woman. Do you truly think I care what you think of me?" The Umbaran's lightsaber snapped to life silently in his hand. "Why in the galaxy would I worry about your opinion of me? You'll be dead before the next hour."

Janus didn't appear to bother with a ready stance. He just stood there, lightsaber activated, waiting for the Echani to make her move.


News They Don't Want Heard
Location: The Library Place at the University Place
Objective: Take on Janus!
Allies Nearby: Saki and Veino Garn
Enemies: Darth Janus and Darth Astraios

She smirked when he started laughing. So, he had a funny bone. Intriguing.

"Ahh, but do you think that I care if you care what I think?"

At the comment about her being dead in the next hour she just waved her hand dismissively. These types always thought so highly of themselves when they thought they were facing an inferior enemy. Nobody ever took her seriously! Sheesh! Ok, so maybe that was her own fault, but it didn't matter. She was having fun with this, and it was fun to make the Sith laugh. Not that she thought she was getting through to him or anything, it was just... fun.

"And is that a threat I hear, big boy? My my. What ever shall I do with such an offensive cushion?"

She made a tsking sound as she suddenly pivoted and reversed her path, seemingly to go the other way. Before she continued far, though, she spun towards him, half bowing as she sliced the energy blade crosswise at his torso, her other hand moving towards where her blaster was holstered. She might not care to use the thing, but she wasn't stupid enough not to. Not when she was fighting a Sith Lord.

Teria had moved nearby to cut down several of the Sith troops in the area, though she was keeping a wary eye on her charge. She didn't like to leave Niamh alone to fight, but if she didn't she'd just end up getting in the way. After all, Niamh did have the Force, she just didn't know it and Teria wasn't going to tell her. That would create even more problems for her.
Location: Outskirts of the City
Objective: Hang with Isolda and trade Pocket Sith cards
Allies: [member="Darth Isolda"]
Enemies: The Republic and the foos that serve them
Music: Mordor theme - Lord of the Rings

"I do not understand what you see in him, sister."

His arrival had been heralded by a gust of ferocious wind, and the whine of a ship's engine as it hovered gently a few meters above the ground. From the confines of the shuttle came forth a being shrouded by a dark green cloak, who gingerly landed some feet away from the prophet with a dull thud as his armored sabatons crushed the ground underneath him. The wind ruffled his cloak violently, and with a dramatic wave of his arm he revealed himself to the Sith Lady. A suit of silver and gold armor covered his torso, arms, and legs, and a hood of dark green concealed most of his head save for the dark silver mask that covered his face. A pair of eyes shone through the open visors on each side of the helmet, and they burned with a hunger, a hunger for the destruction of his enemies. He rose to his full, imposing height, and strode over to Isolda with a swagger that spoke deeply of his highborn position and arrogance.

A single lightsaber was securely fastened to his left hip, and a blaster pistol was holstered on his right, but he suspected he would not need it at all for this upcoming battle. As he closed in on Isolda, he bowed deeply and respectfully. "Forgive my intrusion, milady, but I thought you could use some company, and who better than I to give you that?" Behind his mask he smiled a coy smile, which Isolda could not see, but she no doubt could visualize it anyways. "The battle rages on, and soon this world will be swallowed by the darkness, as so many others have."
[member="Kian Karr"]n [member="Darth Praelior"]

Location: Falling, Med Center
Allies: The Republic Forces, [member="Kian Karr"]
Enemies: Sith, [member="Darth Praelior"]

Ellain felt the pain as the blade bit into her first harm, causing her to jolt awake and the pain to seep through her. 'Do something Ellain, do something.' She was still being held and now she felt herself rotated, she couldn't let this happen, she would die. She had to do something, anything, and so her eyes focused on the woman and for a moment they shifted between colors and type as her body felt the blade cut into her left leg and her mind reacted solely without thinking. The pain jarred loose a volatile command over the force, innate and more instinctive than trained, as a blast of force energy left her much like a Force scream but purely telekinetic. If such worked it would divert both Praelior's blade, which would only cut into but not remove her other leg, and more importantly Praelior would lose her grip on Ellain. Then she felt herself falling, her body tumbling through the air and then it would be shot in a different direction and land roughly on the roof of a building not far away, mind and body scarred as she breathed slowly, trying to deal with the pain.
Location: University
Objective: Tame the Warrior
Allies: Republic
Enemies: [member="Hion the Herglic"], [member="Darth Janus"]

A blast of air,
A wall of sound,
A roaring there
Destroying all.

A twist of fate
It seemed to be
That without hate
Reaction would be.

A short sight ahead,
Masamune could see,
And without dread
His response would be.

A bellow this strong
Could not be deflected.
A strong, sturdy block
Would not be effective.

Both in use together may
Break or lessen the assault,
Allowing the mortal fray
To continue onwards.

A shield shot forth
From outspread hands
Blocking for all its worth
The worst of the assault.

A twist of power and
Another shield went up
Spreading from outstretched hand
To deflect what it could.

The two together did not hold,
But both in tandem prevented
The worst against the warrior of old
In the mortal dual between man and beast.

Drained and sore from the blast
Masamune recalled his bokken.
He would fight to the last
And took up another stance.
NEARBY: [member="Darth Astraios"] | [member="Veino Garn "]| [member="Niamh Raste"] | [member="Talon Vosra"] | [member="Darth Banshee"] | [member="Hion the Herglic"]| [member="Masamune Tametomo"] | [member="Saki"] | [member="Asmundr Varobalder"]

Darth Janus did not move to defend himself. The blade struck across his chest and the illusion dissipated instantaneously.

The funny thing about lightsabers was that they did not activate silently. No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't get that sound right. The funnier thing about Sith was that, no matter how hard they laugh, they did not flicker and waver. One would think the fact that he had just about shimmered out of existence a few moments ago would have tipped her off that the illusion in front of her was not actually the Sith Lord she wanted to fight. Tyrin often made it his passion in life to exploit the total lack of perception these Republic-types were known for.

The illusion vanished after her sword cut clean through it. The actual Darth Janus, who had silently taken up position behind the Echani, popped back into the visible realm. His arm was already extended. His illusions were not of the White Current, but rather entirely of the mind. He could dictate what the Echani did and did not perceive to some degree. The cackling, electric blue tendrils of Dark Side energy that sprang forth from his extended hand were not illusions, but rather a very potent application of Force Lightning.

Considering he had taken her from behind and she had no real mechanism to defend from such an attack, her odds did not look good.

"It was more of a promise, actually." Janus said, but over the thunderous electricity, it was difficult to hear him.
Location: Enroute to University.
Objective: End the Jedi Forces
Allies: [member="Darth Isolda"] [member="Darth Janus"] [member="Darth Astraios"] [member="Hion the Herglic"] [member="Bottlecap"] [member="Sylvanan Glass"]
Allies: [member="Saki"] [member="Niamh Raste"]

Hauntruss watched as the Jedi Knight pulled an unbelievable feat of acrobatics whipping across the battlefield and stealing a bike while managing to send one right at her. Hauntruss polvualted over her own bike and moved to land by the Jedi Knight. But she had sped off when the presence of Bottlecap, her loyal trooper had arrived with reenforcements. Time was slipping from her fingers. It was time to end all of this. Still connected to [member="Darth Isolda"], she hissed in the force What of the archives! What is your position. Then she summoned the dark curse she was building for last few moments and she then unleashed it into a violent force call that rang out in the force and in the air in an audible screech. The language was old and dark, forbidden tongue of the ancient Sith.

tapti' kia nun nuyak!
The call travelled to the oversized carrier, within it the large Sith abomination, a sarlaac worm through magic and alchemy years ago by Darth Velok and herself warped into a Sith battle worm burst from the open gate of the carrier and burred itself into the Alderaanian earth leaving a wide crater the size of a space vessel. While it had taken her Black Lancers the hours to reach her point, the worm was as long as the field they had traversed. Within minutes, the ground beneath Hauntruss and the Jedi Knight and all those surrounding the immediate area in front of the University began to feel the earth beneath them sink. First it felt like a sink hole, then inexplicably a whirlpool made of earth until, the large circular rows of dark teeth exploded from the earth. Hauntruss focused the force into her legs and leapt into the air.

She landed inside the worm's jaw and stroked its flesh. The worm purred at the touch of his dark master. Now only speaking in the dark tongue of the sith she called out to it. "ardyti savimi visa!" Destroy them all! She hissed. Moving onto the deeper end of the mouth Hauntruss held herself as the worm curled back its upper body and then sudden jerk it lunged forward and unleash an ungodly force shout. One that even [member="Hion the Herglic"] would nod in approval. The force shout roared in a sudden,

The blast battered into the street tearing concrete from its base, ripping metal from the buildings and denting the street it flowed across into a large valley shaped U. Debris and people where torn apart as it travelled down the road leading into the University and then proceeded like the fist of a giant punch whole in the opening lobby of the university. A great gaping hole now existed where the front f the University once existed. Hauntruss pointed at the hole, commanding in a battlecry, "All forces fill that hole and flood the university! Kill everyone inside, let no one survive! Assist our brethren and sisters!" Hauntruss' Black Lancers rallied and with a gigantic hole their entrance they didn't even need to dismount to enter the road straight in. Retreating into the deep throat of the worm Huantruss sat down and began to meditate. The worm lunged into the earth leaving another giant crater and vanished. Hauntruss moved to appear beneath the university and finish this entire battle here and now.

[tl;dr: Giant worm appears, force shouts and blows up the street and the front of the university, Black Lancers now flooding into the university. Sith bros in Uni feel free to wield them as NPCs]
The Admiralty
Location: Medcenter
Allies: None
Enemies: Time, time, time
Objective: Rescue the Rescuer

Seemed like hours passed, while the Jedi Master stalked around the battlefield, trying to avoid detection by the combatants. Seemed like hours, because in reality only minutes had passed, maybe only seconds. Sardun continued to scatter his signature and eventually arrived at an opening of the Medcenter, he looked around before he finally entered the scene.

The blue twi’lek sprang immediately to eye, but for the moment Michael concentrated on the environment. Listened intently to be sure it wasn’t a trap, after a moment he treaded closer and kneeled besides the woman.

She had a lightsabre on her, which suggested either her being a Jedi or a Sith. It was hard to tell, especially because a Sith wouldn’t have tried to save anyone except themselves in their hour of need, and yet he didn’t recognize her at all.

Which truthfully… didn’t really mean much, because there were a lot of Jedi out there. Even as the Battlemaster, he wouldn’t know every single one of them.

His hand gently shook her, as he spoke to her in mind and voice.

‘Awaken, young one. We have a long road to walk before salvation is upon us.’

[member="Eleena Miho"]
Tsolan stopped behind Alexandra as se spoke to @Veino Garn. "I was expecting some sith when you said you had a fri-" He stopped mid-sentence as Veino Garn was launched away by the force. "Oh look, he can fly. Wasn't that something you wanted to learn? Maybe he can teach us." Of course, he was aware of what had really happened but there was no harm in using a few jokes to distract his mind from the death and blood around himself.

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]


Came in like a wrecking maul
Enemies: [member="Darth Hauntruss"]
Objective: Smack a Sith Witch

Saki saw it and couldn't believe it. As she moved along the street letting her speed keep her from the lancers and then she was going with them. Getting as much speed as she could because there was a large carrier dropping a worm the size of a starship onto the planet. The tremor that came when it impacted and started moving through the ground brought her attention around. She needed a new plan... or at least one that didn't involve fighting while a giant worm tried to eat you. The fact the area around her started sinking as she gripped the hammer and pushed off letting the force guide her path.

Mostly up as the sinkhole came, she was running up ruins and focusing on making a plan... a better plan then that... no still needed something and then she could see it. The worms massive maw and Hauntruss going inside it.... There we go. "No guts.... and all that." No more she had to do what was right and as the scream came Saki moved getting onto a building and running off it. No time to check the jump she was just going to have to guesstimate while she sped forward pushing more energy into herself. She really hoped this worked leaping up and at the war worm's mouth. Her snarl coming while she saw the worm coming down to return to the earth.

Saki threw the hammer at it and threw the whips to latch onto its teeth, she wanted to catch and with the cords she searched for the woman. Mostly to attack Hauntruss in her own beast while it went through the earth and she was on the jaw. Speaking with gritted teeth and keeping her focus as her eyes flicked back and forth. "This was incredibly stupid." Then she was moving again and pointed at the dark sith master feeling the earth around herself. She could try using it as a weapon but she isn't that strong yet, no she had her gauntlets with their blade and the whips.... also lots and lots of spunk with insanity for even trying to do this. She stayed moving in the jaw area and finding a footing so she was rooted.

"Zankarr, going to have to ask you to surrender." Yeah insanity, last time it had taken Boolon to put her to sleep and now it was a kid with some armor made for breaking things and fighting. "Come peacefully and there will be a fair trial, we don't have to fight."
[member="Shuk Swii"] [member="Ellain Hadrin"] [member="Kian Karr"]
Location: Medical Center Ruins
Objective: Fight

Balaya kept her grip on the girl until she screamed the telekinetic burst sending her hand back as the jedi blasted her away. If she hadn't broken it he most likely would have snapped her neck which meant he was getting reckless and careless. The jedi's rending strike coming at her as she raised the dark'chyld blade and stood tall. Free hand on her cheek where she had a hole still but could still speak the djem so stance falling forward and countering. She swiped in a low (for her) arc quickly using her height and the jedi needed to land on his feet as the distraction to try and bisect him. Her anger flaring and words coming out.

"How reckless, your acting more like a sith then others. Perhaps your only doing this because you want to join yes? Perhaps jedi what you screaming out to do is bow for the dark lord." She kept moving as the sithspawn around the went after the gand and Glitter roared tail and arms enclosing them all there now. Balaya's blade shifted colors while it moved into a defensive position again with a whip uncurling and activating.

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