Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Conquest of Alderaan [One Sith vs Republic]


LOCATION: The Mean Streets of Alderaan
ENEMIES: Republic, [member="Spencer Jacobs"] should totes come here too
ALLIES: One Sith
OBJECTIVE: Go crazy? Don't mind if I do!

The crawl continued, with his legs still aching and entire being trembling. One doesn't simply leap off of a building and stroll away into the sunset all the while whistling a jaunty tune! Well, one could in this galaxy but I'm just not that kind of one, you know? Yeah, you know.


A disembodied voice swam within the Chistori's head, it sounded as if it was taunting him, a long drawn out hiss that seemed to mock the fact that he remained upon all fours.

Caaaaaaan't yooouuuu sssstaaaaaaaand?

Okay, let's cut out the seemingly part, but let's cut him a break. The beast had taken shotgun (once again orignally typo'd as shotfun) blasts to the chest, it had pierced both crab and scales and while not fatal it was an injury none the less. He had leapt from the roof of the hospital and while that too was not fatal it had taken a toll. Mantorok growled, and with a violent shake of his head responded to the voice.


However when he attempted to do as said (as one should always follow the commands of disembodied voices), his legs wobbled and gave way once again, leaving the saurian creature upon his knees. Poor Mantorok


Aldera Royal Palace-Throne Room
[member="Darth Junra"], [member="Sciath"], [member="Darth Nexus"], [member="Darth Odium"], [member="Ryan Korr"] [member="Tracyn"] [member="Darth Helios"],

As soon as Myr saw Darth Helios enter the room he fell from his place upon the throne.

The Miraluka fell onto his knee, supporting himself with one arm resting upon it and “looking” at the floor. A sign of respect, from an apprentice to one of the Hands of the Dark Lord. He had done well of course this was true, he had taken the palace and together they had secured it. He did not know what Helios had done, but he was sure whatever task the Hand had carried out was essential to them keeping the palace.

“Thank you, My Lord.” Myr hissed in his serpentine voice.

The snake finally allowed his head to turn upward towards Darth Helios. Of course there were no eyes within his face, nothing to actually “see” with, but the fact that his face now looked upward to Helios was a sign of something, though what was a mystery.

“And now Lord Helios?” Myr asked almost eagerly. “Do we wait?”

He didn't know how the battle outside was faring, even his sight could not see that far away. Yet in his heart he knew that the Sith were winning, and soon the Jedi would be ended.


Location: Med center ruins, beneath a Sith knight

Kiyron had his breath knocked out of him as he hit the ground, hoping the coiled hydrastaff would take at least some of the force. That had been the idea at least. Then the knight landed on him, and he heard his armor crack, and then his ribs crack, and pain flared through him. He stiffened, but training kicked in and, ribcage screaming in agony, he twisted his torso, shoving the sword further up, and then pulled himself upwards to push it further as well, wanting to curse as he felt the bones shift, but he gritted his teeth and pushed onwards and upwards. Cold nothing danced at the corner of his eyes.

[member="Darth Acarus"]
Med center ruins next to Glitter
[member="Kian Karr"]

Balaya looked at the jedi as he offered her a chance to surrender. "I'm afraid I'll have to decline, why surrender when I hold all the cards jedi. With a snap of my finger I can have Glitter devour your padawan absorbing her knowledge and memories as well as her life. With a twitch I can amrk you for the sithspawn slaves around you and let them attack. They'll lose their lives, die but the corruptive powers of the caries coursing through their veins, will be fueled by the nexus all around us and I could watch you convulse on the ground." She was laughing now and doing as needed while the lightsaber in her hand spoke.

"Hey she witch, your apprentice is back, give the order and lets go somewhere else I want to fight someone worth my time. This one is a kid." She looked at the blade and it deactivated as in the crowd of sithspawn and soldiers the child stood having gathered the weapons and with some of the blackblades had guns leveled. "Besides jedi I hold the upperhand all I have to do it take my time, allow your padawan to lay up there dying, keep you here an in inaction long enough for Elara to get a sonic shot on you." She raised her eyebrows. "Or I can bring back all the people in the rubble and all that death will be for nothing."

She stayed there and turned going towards the large creature and patting it while pushing the force. "Glitter heel we are going to get more food, Odiums bombs should be going off soon enough." The creature roared while massassi warriors went to retrieve [member="Ellain Hadrin"] from the roof. She was after all a prisoner of war and unlike the jedi and Republic had a chance instead of whatever loaded trial they offered. Balaya was walking ignoring the kel dor as one spoke. "Commander what about the jedi?" She spoke. "What about him? He is alone surrounded by an army, attacking would only serve to kill himself and we will have his padawan."

The leviathan for his size didn't have to move much, the tail was nearly the size of him and those large extra appendages made standing around him at any part very easy as she was attacking the gand. Slashing and stomping the large arm/feet like appendages to destroy more rubble as it went after the thing [member="Shuk Swii"] throwing rocks at it. The force direction from one of its masters had it stopping and turning its head to let out a massive roar before moving its tail with a large swipe and turning around to strike at the rubble and reduce more of it.

The large head starring at the jedi while the axe like blade atop it came lower. A tongue coming out of its mouth and licking up some of the dead bodies while it absorbed and fed from them. "Come glitter we're going to the others." Balaya stood down below and she spoke to the ones there. "Any who surrender will be treated fairly we are not monsters even though you force use to commit monstrous acts."
Location: Med Centre Ruins, Dancing on Havoc Squad.

When Malphas was surprised, devastating things happened.

When @Kiyron's phrik blade continued gouging holes into his leg, he knew that when the blade had finally stopped, it was jammed between a hole that had already been cut. When he himself rose up with Acarus atop of him, that phrik blade pushed into his actual flesh,and eyes flashed in rage. The attack hadn't been seen, he knew of only a few ways on how to react.

He knew the wound would heal itself within the weak, but at the moment he lunged backwards off of the soldier, and then the wound started to heal itself once it had exited, but it was going to be some time before he'd be able to move as fast as he'd like.

The rage that he felt was pulled to his body. He gathered all the emotions in the immediate area, using them to the best of his ability to find and utilize the negative emotions and to add them to his own gathered power.

In a few moments, he was ready and his hand snapped outwards to the constricted @Kiyron's form and crushed his head through the Force.

Location: Destroyed Medical Facility
Enemies: [member="Darth Praelior"] @Sith
Allies: @Jedi, [member="Ellain Hadrin"]

Kian Karr should have been dead. The Sith held all the cards. There was an army around him, a giant monster, and a Sith Lord. Kian should have been dead. So why wasn't he? Luck. Luck that the sith before him was arrogant enough to leave him alive. Kian hadn't been listening to the sith as she spoke. He'd been busy. is time to go. Kian said to his apprentice through the force. It wasn't in Kian's nature to flee from a battle....but he had to. His apprentice wouldn't make it out of here alive if he didn't. Using the force to enhance his speed, Kian turned and darted off toward the building his apprentice was one. While the sith prattled on, Kian was moving and with a series of force enhanced leaps, he bounded up the rubble and onto the top of the building.

Massassi warriors were closing in. Kian deactivated his lightsaber and clipped it to his belt. Grabbing [member="Ellain Hadrin"] under her severed arm, Kian lifted her up and with his other hand sent a blast of force energy in the direction of the massassi warriors in an attempt to off-balance them and buy him the necessary time. Kian didn't know what lay on the other side of the building. Could be more sith, could be nothing. But he needed to get the building between him, his apprentice, and the sith soldiers closing in on them. With another leap, Kian cleared the edge and fell. The was longer then he thought, and even with the force aiding him, when Kian hit the ground a jolt of pain shot up his legs and into his spine. Kian grimaced and a groan of agony escaped his lips, but he couldn't afford to stop.

Kian ran.

He ran with his apprentice clutched in his arms. He ran because he didn't know if they were following, but he knew for her sake...and his own...they had to escape. He knew the palace was in that general direction and Kian had to hope that there were still enough of a defense there that he could get Ellain off-world.

"Hang in there." Kian said said, his head spinning from his exhaustion and pain. "Hang in there." He said again in a whisper....and for a moment Kian wasn't sure if he was talking to his apprentice or himself.
[member="Darth Praelior"] [member="Kian Karr"] [member="Maverick"]

'Come on Ellain, you cant be that weak, get up or ill come out and make you get up myself.' She smiled as she told herself to get up, however impossible it was. Then she heard a sound she didn't like to think she heard, the sound of Massassi closing on her and her head turning to look as one came in sight. Fear gripped her for a moment but so did something very different. 'No... no i wont die...' Her body shook as she reached out and grabbed her pistol, aiming it and firing on the first Massassi she saw. "GET BACK." Her mind focused on one thing, she had to get her wounds closed and her body responded as if she were trying to change her form, her eyes staring at the Massassi all the while and unleasing another few shots into the closest one.

The wound in her still attached leg was the first, bones being set and tendons being manipulated to act in the best way they could while she then focused on her arm and trying to close it as she screamed out once more. Should would never be able to have a arm like she had before, but she would not see that be a problem and in a moment she switched her eyes once more to a Massassi as it got too close and fired a round right between its eyes followed by two in its chest. 'Help Me Kian....'

((Uh... Imagine this came before you got to me Kian)


Came in like a wrecking maul
LOCATION: Inside Sparkle

Saki felt it, an overwhelming sense of fear in her mind even with the mental shields and the sigil as it glowed and even burned on her chest. She lost her grip with the whip was falling as the worm came up. She was falling and sliding down its throat as her energies were pushing. She heard Hauntruss and was sliding deeper in with some of the earth as her force powers reached out to shift the earth and made a strong rod. Something she could grab onto when she was down the gullet. Her face feeling slime on her while she hung with a small scream.

"Dammit." She really didn't want to be here and for a moment she debated what she had been thinking but realized she had been doing what she usually did just on a larger scale. She had been here in this war, this battle since Jor'si sent her to Metalorn, since she was on Kashyyyk fighting sith run slavers. She took a moment to focus herself wanting to retreat into her mind more while she hung there and closed her eyes. Slowly breathing and letting her mind focus on what was going on. While Hauntruss and her soldiers assaulted the library, assaulted the university and soldiers.

She could hear it then, the thump thump of the heart organ while she looked. Seeing one of the segmented heart organs that moved blood down the length of its body and back up on the other side. She would need to work quickly taking a breath in and out before she started swinging pulling herself up before letting her boot slide down the gullet and she swung flipping as the whip lashed out to go into the fleshy bits as she pulled herself closer. Placing a hand on the beast activating the holographic projector on her hand to show where she was and spoke.

"Ah if anyone can hear me, I am alive.... I just don't want to ever talk about this...... ever." She touched the flesh and felt it, the blood pumping while she had the idea now. The turadium blade ejecting from her wrist bracer and slashing as the blood gushed out and some of it splashed her in the face. Saki gurgling and tasting it as she slipped hanging on the whips and spitting. "Blech blech... oh god." She kept coughing and looked at the crimson gush while thinking of how much she would have to go through. THere was still a whole lot of worm about while she whipped at the blood.
Tsolan let out a small sigh as he finally grasped the situation. "For the love of Ruurrri." He stepped into a more battle ready stance, still not activating his saber. He hadn't needed it thus far and now it was time to see just how far he could go without it. "Alexandra, I'll make sure none of his allies come and disrupt your duel."

[member="Veino Garn "][member="Alexandra Cinthra"]
Location: Aldera Royal Palace, Aldera City
Objective: Destroy the will of all that oppose the Dark Lord
Allies: [member="Cale Gunderson"], [member="Arturious Engel"], [member="Darth Nexus"], [member=Sciath], [member="Darth Helios"], [member=Myr]
Enemies: [member="Ryan Korr"], [member=Tracyn]
Background Music:

As Darth [member=Sciath] distracted [member="Ryan Korr"] with the telekinetic use of the Force, Darth Junra stood on the steps and glared at the Jedi as he charged for her apprentice. She did not speak a word after she was met with further silence. However, she tensed up her body and shifted her eyes to the palace.

Just a moment after, over a third of the palace went up in flames due to a massive explosion. The ground at Daella’s feet shook. She stumbled slightly due to the violent quake. Small chunks of rock and metal poured from the sky over the stair steps. Larger chunks rolled down and Daella took care to avoid them.

As the ground settled and debris had ceased falling, dust began to drift over the stairs. The crumbling remains of the temple loomed above Darth Junra and those near her.

You have failed,” Daella told Ryan, “You protected nothing in your mad quest for revenge. A useless Jedi.
Friedrich Stahlmann said:
[member="Kymaero Vol"]
SPACE: The Penultimate Frontier!

The defenders of Alderaan were not alone! Far above them in orbit, the Republic fleet had arrived.
The large Republic fleet was built and ready for combat, and the newly reinstated Admiral Stahlmann was the man to do it. With ships and crews ready for action his fleet entered formation to take the battle to the opposing Sith armada.

Class Type Length Number Total Names
Justicar Class Command Ship Support Command Ship 2000 1 2000 Liberty
MC180 Command Ship Assault Command Ship 2000 1 2000 Justicar
Valiance Class Star Destroyer Balanced Star Destroyer 1600 5 8000 Virtue, Destiny, Righteous, Adament, Overlord
Watts Class Heavy Cruiser Assault Heavy Cruiser 1000 5 5000 Arkania, Talasea, Illum, Ossus, Tython
Nudcha Class Heavy Cruiser Assault Heavy Cruiser 900 2 1800 Radiance, Judgement
Redoubt Class Cruiser Assault Cruiser 600 4 2400 Paladin, Cavalier, Dragoon, Cataphract
Nixor Class Cruiser Balanced Cruiser 550 2 1100 Nova, Quasar
Metellos Class Frigate Support Frigate 350 4 1400 Green, Blue, Red, Gold
Taboon Class Corvette Support Corvette 160 8 1280 Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Zeta, Eta, Theta
Alderaan Moon's Orbit
5th Fleet
One Sith

"Move us into attack position," Kymaero growled, his peg leg tapping the durasteel deck as the entirety of the 5th Fleet began to move closer to the orbit of Alderaan.

"Have our Dark Blades focus down the shields of that Command ship from outside their range, force them to close in on us. Push the transport contingents around the dark side of the moon to sling shot towards the planet."

The Rear Admiral puffed on his hooka.

"I want troops landing planetside within the next couple of hours."

He tapped the navigational H.U.D. and turned to address C.I.C. (Combat Information Center).

"Remember, folks. We're here to engage and distract. Keep the enemy occupied while our transports land undisturbed. Our boys down there want a second wave of reinforcements - by Hell, they'll get a second wave."

Soon the two massive fleets would stand toe to toe, with the 5th Fleet Battlegroup standing in between the transports and and the Republican Navy. Kymaero would make sure they'd suffer greatly if they wanted to get a piece of that very vulnerable pie.

[member="Friedrich Stahlmann"]


[member="Darth Acarus"]

"Negative, Colonel," Kiyron rasped through the comm, "Engage all Sith forces at the library." He paused, and then added, "If you have any artillery, have it launch strikes there as well. Havoc out." He slumped back down to the ground as the Sith staggered back in pain and rage. Starstuff. That would make the situation worse. He groped out and grabbed a fallen soldier's slugthrower and wrapped his hand around the grip, every movement sending searing pain through his body. He angled it up, calculating the trajectory from the side, aiming for the sword wound as his helmet began to crumple around pinching the back of his head and narrowing his field of vision. He squeezed the trigger, nearly blacking out as the recoil jammed his wrist back. He forced it back down, bones clicking in his wrist, and squeezed the trigger again, holding it as it started flying upwards.

Something rumbled off in the distance and he could hear the engines and treads of the Reliant-class tanks arriving, though compared to whatever creature the Sith had now, it was like a scene from an old holovid as the tanks trundled up to face a monster far larger than them. If anyone survived this nightmare, it might end up being made into a movie. Attack of the 50 Foot Sith Monster or something like that.

Hopefully they wouldn't run him over. That would be unfortunate.

Arturious Engel

[member="Darth Helios"] [member="Myr"]

Arturious made it up to beside the two Sith when the Palace shook and rumbled half of it coming down. Arturious looked at the destruction in awe before addressing the two men.

"Looks like I missed one heck of a party?" "Perhaps I should have hitched a ride with a group that landed closer to the Palace than what I did."

Arturious chuckled looking around for any last patch of resistance.
No more time to waste.

The man somehow continued to be moving even with the Hydrastaff constricting and breaking his armour as it tightened around his body and removed his breath and pressed against his ribs.

But [member="Kiyron "]still moved.

Surely this soldier was a super soldier? It was impossible for him to continue moving with the five amphistaff heads tearing at his armour, shredding it in several places at once whilst it bit at him, injecting it's poison, but he was still able to move all the while. His gaze narrowed when the slugs found the armour.

He raised a force barrier, too late for the first fire, and it tore through his Yuuzhan Vong armour, blasting holes into his leg, but he kept moving, and then when the second blast came it hit his force barrier, this time it protected him wholly.

This time, he'd make sure the trooper died.

And he crushed with all that he had upon the head of the trooper, this time throwing the weapon out of the soldier's hand with the Force and plunging his lightsaber into the shoulder's head once he had ignited the crimson beam. He was pinned with no where to go, how could he stop the bleeding and enraged Pureblood?


Shuk Swii

The Silent Gand
LOCATION: In front of the medcenter rubble
OBJECTIVE: Don't get killed by a rampaging monster

The Gand, despite his exoskeleton, was agile. He had very little trouble manuvering around the massive limbs of the Leviathon while it stomped at the medcenter. What he did have trouble with, however, was injuring teh thing. Not did he have to put all his focus on moving around the erratic stomping movements of the monsters multiple limbs, he knew that even if he hit the monster it probably wouldn't do anything. Shuk flipped over a quick tail swipe from the monster,- Yes, he's a ninja- only barely stopping himself from being curhsed by the massive extremity. That's when he saw the Kel Dor running. Shuk took one look at [member="Darth Praelior"], before turning around and running for it. He couldn't stop the monster. His plan was to make sure the Jedi got away. They did. Now it was his turn.
Location: Palace Steps
Allies: [member="Darth Junra"]
Enemies: [member="Ryan Korr"]

As the rubble crashed around them and the Jedi flew towards Sopher, he watched the man's leg extend to kick him. It was possible through the haze of the dust that was circling them, that the man didn't realize Sopher still had his blades drawn. Twin crimson blades ignited, the one closest to the leg extended swinging at the attacking leg, while the other pointed straight out waiting for the Jedi's momentum to betray him.

He protected his Master, a proper shield he was.
Location: Welcome to the Jungle (The mean streets of Alderaan)
Enemies: [member="Mantorok"]
Allies: [member="Talon Vosra"]

His mind was made up and there was nothing she could do. Cursing under her breath she broke the meditation, her mind was set to find him somewhere on this large scale battlefield. Deep down she knew it was pointless to look for him, the man's mind was made and there was nothing to change it. The woman, the one she met during the revealing of the powerhouse of the One Sith, that woman was behind all of this. Vowing to find the woman and erase her from this galaxy, Spencer broke free of the vine cocoon and headed down the side of the building. Landing on her feet she surveyed the area, she felt the darkside everywhere.

Though usually one was scared at this point going oh noes the darkside, but when you're face to face with a dinosaur that can't walk and probably can't crawl...well you can't help but wonder what you did to get into this situation. Spencer took a few steps towards the creature that was shouting about him being able to stand. “Let me help you.” He was still an enemy and if she could just knock him unconscious then she could contiue on. The force shifted and moved against the saurian creature, with a flick of her wrist the force shifted and moved under him attempting to telekentically flip him onto his back.

Chistori are like turtles right?
[member="Kymaero Vol"]
Kymaero Vol said:
Alderaan Moon's Orbit
5th Fleet
One Sith

"Move us into attack position," Kymaero growled, his peg leg tapping the durasteel deck as the entirety of the 5th Fleet began to move closer to the orbit of Alderaan.

"Have our Dark Blades focus down the shields of that Command ship from outside their range, force them to close in on us. Push the transport contingents around the dark side of the moon to sling shot towards the planet."

The Rear Admiral puffed on his hooka.

"I want troops landing planetside within the next couple of hours."

He tapped the navigational H.U.D. and turned to address C.I.C. (Combat Information Center).

"Remember, folks. We're here to engage and distract. Keep the enemy occupied while our transports land undisturbed. Our boys down there want a second wave of reinforcements - by Hell, they'll get a second wave."

Soon the two massive fleets would stand toe to toe, with the 5th Fleet Battlegroup standing in between the transports and and the Republican Navy. Kymaero would make sure they'd suffer greatly if they wanted to get a piece of that very vulnerable pie.

[member="Friedrich Stahlmann"]

The Justicar was under severe fire. From his perch on the Liberty, Stahlmann could see the shields flicker and flame as the enemy ships unleashed a ferocious barrage against it. Even at long range it was having an impact.
“Justicar’s shields down to 50%, Admiral!” an aide reported.
“Bring up the Redoubt class Cruisers and return fire at long range. Let the Justicar fall back behind the advancing ships. Bring up the Nixors and Nudcha cruisers. They’ll form our front line with the corvettes and frigates behind. The main battleline will form with the Watts, Valiance and the Justicar.”

At long range he didn’t have much to return fire, but his Redoubt class had a handful of long range guns, and when his other cruisers and heavy cruisers took the lead they could open the fighting with a devastating volley against the Sith vessels. Then his Star Destroyers and Watts Special Heavy Cruisers could carry the battle.

Justicar Shield: 50%.
Redoubt Class: Firing on the Dark Blades.
Nixor and Nudcha Class: moving to the front. In range next post.
Rest of the Fleet: forming behind them. In range post after next.)

Class Type Length Number Total Names
Justicar Class Command Ship Support Command Ship 2000 1 2000 Liberty
MC180 Command Ship Assault Command Ship 2000 1 2000 Justicar
Valiance Class Star Destroyer Balanced Star Destroyer 1600 5 8000 Virtue, Destiny, Righteous, Adament, Overlord
Watts Class Heavy Cruiser Assault Heavy Cruiser 1000 5 5000 Arkania, Talasea, Illum, Ossus, Tython
Nudcha Class Heavy Cruiser Assault Heavy Cruiser 900 2 1800 Radiance, Judgement
Redoubt Class Cruiser Assault Cruiser 600 4 2400 Paladin, Cavalier, Dragoon, Cataphract
Nixor Class Cruiser Balanced Cruiser 550 2 1100 Nova, Quasar
Metellos Class Frigate Support Frigate 350 4 1400 Green, Blue, Red, Gold
Taboon Class Corvette Support Corvette 160 8 1280 Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Zeta, Eta, Theta
Elegant and depraved.
Location: Throne Room of the Aldera Royal Palace, Aldera City
Objective: Utilize free time by teaching
Allies: Arturious Engel,
Enemies: TBA

Helios' head tilted moreso, as the young Acoloyte, Myr hopped out of the Throne and knelt before him. Helios' mind wondered at first whether Myr thought Helios would have some sort of feelings towards this particular chair before his bearings settled in more firmly and he remembered the varying degrees of those with rank and without it. Helios' inhaled sharply, irritated by his decaying mind. The Sith Lord's golden gaze stared blankly at first before he simply said, "Hail."

When Lord Arturious entered the room, Helios acknowledged him accordingly.

"Hail, brother." Helios paused, then replied to Arturious' initial statement. "I believe it matters not, brother. Myr's handy work cleared most of this side of the Palace."

Helios pursed his lips allowing them time to add to the statement, should they feel the need. And afterwards lifted his hand into the air. He turned his pale, right palm upwards and flexed his fingers. Next the air above Helios' palm shimmered, then black smoke appeared, compacted, and harmlessly exploded outwards, leaving a 7" dagger behind in it's wake. The weapon floated and slowly rotated in place, showing off all the details of the dark weapon. It's wicked, curved blade, the guard at the top of the hilt, and the signature red energy veins that spider-webbed across the surface of the item itself. Helios addressed the Acoloyte and Knight in his presence with hard gazes, as he manipulated the energy of the weapon to change shape and moments later form a 6" spear.

Afterward, the weapon began to dissolve onto itself until finally it'd disappeared entirely. Still looking at his palm, Helios simply said. "Conjuration." As if he'd answered a question, and afterwards said nothing else, instead allowing either of the two to express interest before he continued.
Objective: Palace
Location: City gates/Approaching Palace gate
Looking for [member="Darth Junra"]
Walking with [member="Arturious Engel"]

Ana felt intimidated and empowered at the same time. "There is nothing to find in the throne room, the Queen and some members of the High Council have been taken off world" She didn't say her mother was among them, how would that look. A mother who leaves her child behind to face an enemy of untold numbers, and power. What was the right choice, to be taken into custody or to follow this man like some lost puppy. Is that how a noble woman would react.

She would follow for the moment, "I want to speak to one of your leaders" Whoever was in charge here, "There is no need to destroy anything more, or hurt anymore people of Alderaan" She noticed that her guards had been held back. she picked up her hand motioning it would be ok. She walked trying to keep her head high but when she turned the corner and saw the state of the palace, her heart and spirit hurt within. A sadness filled her eyes, "This has to stop" she said to no one but herself, the citizens of Alderaan were frightened, hurt, and in need of a show that the families of Alderaan were still there, still helping them.

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