Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Corridors of the Past.. [SSC Only]


Well-Known Member
Ryn'Dhal | George O Rourke | Freyia Whitelight | Matsu Ike | Valae Kitra | Krux Mullarus | Anna Song | Krest | Polydroxol |Rasu Gan | Ronin Wendigo | Abaigeal E'ron | Aika Kawakami | Syn | and Thurion Heavenshield

It was then as he silently watch from the sideline and patiently waited on Coci reply. That he noted a few more other arriving from the sideline one which seem a female appear look harmlessly normal enough. And then a strange cloak being who's face was clearly shrouded behind some sort of mask. Which for the most part seem to him something strange at same time somewhat frighting. As it no less reminded him of the strange cloak being from his nightmares to which. Made him somewhat shrink back to want stay close to Coci for now.Not so much our of fear but for the feeling of uncertain about the individual as with what little training he had been able to get thus far.In regard to the force and the strange effects it had on him at times. Drew him be well caution of other at the same time bit more open to others.

At any rate so it would seem Master Coci took note of it thought for now. With their unusual bond the two had previously had in their first meet seem unreliable or somewhat unstable at best . To such that thought they could seem faintly sense a familiarity to each other thru the force. The connection to communicate thru it like most was at best very not well establish yet. At any rate she then soon turn face him and replied to his question.

"That is Master Syn, one of our elders here in the Sanctum."

At which time learning of his name seem for whatever reason drew his interest.

"I have not seen him in the Sanctum for a long time."

As his eye turn back towards Master Syn for whom with a curious innocent look in his eyes. As by then while Coci turn to address the seem growing crowd that gathered before her. In his minds eye Ronin could only gaze turn his attention at Master Syn. Who then seem despite the distance between where they stood turn back gaze towards them and replied.

"I am not that old."

Much to his surprise and somewhat curiosity about the seem strange Master Syn. Who given the idea that he was an elder of the Sanctum who'd not been seen in a long time. That the idea sort out the blue form in his mind as a seem harmless thought.

'Could he'd know of Master I'ella? Being that he is an elder.....would he be willing talk and speak to me about her?'

But then as the room soon settled and one by one those gather spoke or let their intention be know. As to where they were mean go and with who. That with faint smile at Master Coci that Ronin spoke to her in a seem curious tone.

" I guess in that case if Master Syn not that old as he say he is then how then could he be an Elder?At any rate i would be interested go with your Master Coci or him perhaps ...."
The Coci made a gesture.

It was a curious movement. For a moment, the polydroxol was tempted to try and duplicate the form and gesture. The joints and ambulatory motion of the hand and arm was quite an ordeal. Bones, overlaid with muscle, sheathed in a specialized organ known as 'skin', joined by unique connectors known as 'joints'. As a solid piece of metal, that was a lot of articulation and underlying architecture to try and replicate -- even on just the surface. The rough approximation of humanoid form was the best that the polydroxol had managed.

And was constantly observing and studying the different people persons in order to try and perfect the geometry of shapes familiar to these 'humanoids'.

At the time of The Coci's hand motion, the polydroxol had been trying to duplicate the vine-like organs which grew from the head of the one known as The [member="George O Rourke"]. Part of the fascination with them was the number. Eight? Ten? Twelve? The polydroxol wanted to go over to the blue giant and feel the head-vines for itself, as well as count them.

But, The Coci's gesture now had the polydroxol's attention. Was it meant to be a form of non-verbal communication? What had this movement meant? Curiously, the polydroxol moved on its two legs until it stood closer to The Coci. Which had the benefit of giving it a closer vantage point for the examination of the other giants that were present.

[member="Syn"] | [member="Anna Song"] | [member="Krux Mullarus"] | [member="Valae Kitra"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Ronin Wendigo"]​
"Yes, well it's nice to see you whole and well also Master." she replied to Syn, allowing her mood to soften, relaxing her face as a result. She could truly never stay mad at the man. He had mentored her through majority of her Padawan years and with the arrival of the twins, this bond grew stronger. His mysterious persona was just a facade to what lay beneath; a friendly and comedic nature.

Her attention was drawn to Master Heavenshield as she addressed the group. She had been looking forward to the idea of exploring the jungle and if Abaigeal was attending then it was sure to be a blast. However her heart longed to assist the younger one's, knowing that her role as Headmistress had never really left her spirit. She would always be there to guide and teach the younger generations of the Jedi Order.

Her mind made up, she smiled at Master Syn, joining the group forming around [member="Coci Heavenshield"]. Standing at her side, she nudged the Jedi Master, making her aware of her presence and her desire to assist. These Padawan's could be a handful and even the Master of the Order would have trouble keeping them all in line. Finally feeling relaxed, Rasu took a step back and awaited her orders.
[member="Anna Song"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Rasu Gan"]

George waited along side Master Coci as Jedi poured into the room from all angles it was a magnificent sight to see. The pure amount of Jedi that had come to Ossus to search and enjoy its atmosphere was incredible. George could feel the bond strengthening between them all. As George stood near Coci as she made her speech to what had become the masses he knew where he was going to go. Master Coci was leading a party into the mountains in search of lightsaber crystals with the younglings and Padawans who were in search of them.

Just as Coci had finished speaking George heard a voice from behind him. A very excited voice. He quickly turned around to see a young Padawan with blue hair and a big smile. "Hello there Padawan." He replied as she introduced herself. "Nice to meet you Padawan Song. I am Knight George O Roruke, pleasure to meet you." He said with a smile. He turned to look at Coci as the Jedi began to sort out their agendas. "Sure you can follow me. I'm going with Master Heavenshield to the Mountains. Help the Padawans and younglings with their crystals." He replied to Padawan song as they waited patiently for the group to head out for the mountains.

"So Padawan Song, I haven't seen you around much. Are you new to the Silver Jedi?" George asked, making simple conversation as they waited for the adventure to start.
"Ronin I do not know if Master Syn knew Master E'ron, you would need to speak to him of that. But he has been with the Silver Jedi from the beginning so it would seem he would have crossed paths with her. If you feel you need to speak with him, then follow your instinct, besides I am sure he has a lot he could teach you, as he has been around for awhile", a knowing smile lit her eyes, she knew of his age well enough that much is on his files. "Now those of you that wish to join me please follow me to the shuttle. We are not traveling through the Jungle as Knight E'ron shall, as the mountains are very far from here, but we will fly low so you can take in all the views of Ossus".

"Master Gan, it is good to see you again. You must tell me more of what had happened on Felucia. The reports are very interesting to say the least, and when we have a moment to ourselves I wish to speak with you alone if I may". Coci would leave it at that for the time being as she understood the nature of the friendship between Sochi and herself. But with little time to speak in private or at leisure, they had to grab opportunities where possible.

A hand reached out and found Polydroxol, she turned to the boy and smiled to reassure and to see if the touch as acceptable to him. A slight tug on her hand beckoned him to follow, I wonder .. oh why did I not think of this before ..

"Padawan Kitra, it is nice to meet you", her head bowed in recognition of Jedi to Jedi. "I am pleased you have decided to join me, this expedition will give us a chance to be acquainted .. I hope your training is going well?, come walk to the shuttle with me". Coci lead the way to the awaiting craft sitting humming on a landing pad by the side Temple and soon they would be in the air.
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Ryn'Dhal"] | [member="Matsu Ike"] | [member="Valae Kitra"] | [member="Krux Mullarus"] | [member="Anna Song"] | [member="Krest"] | [member="Polydroxol"] | [member="Rasu Gan"] |
[member="Ronin Wendigo"] | [member="Aika Kawakami"]
This one blames [member="Coci Heavenshield"] and [member="Valiens Nantaris"] for this post!

Meanwhile, Kaida was inspecting the fortifications of Aegis Base and being 'diplomatic' to Jedi. "This is supposed to be a place of relaxation, peace and contemplation. Not a military base. Our Padawans walk out and see military installations all over the place. This is ancient ground."

"Would you rather have your 'ancient ground' be absolutely defenceless if Sith come knocking?" Ok, Kaida was not being diplomatic at all. "Frankly, the eastern sector could use more land mines. With a higher yield. It is far too exposed. Put a battery of Keraunos turrets on the mountains."

The Jedi looked aghast at the idea, as if the thought of more tools of destruction made him physically ill. "More land mines? Are you mad? It's bad enough that we have to worry about our Padawans taking a step too far and being blown up."

"Teach them to read a map," Kaida said flatly.

"Jedi are keepers of the peace, not warriors. We already have locals demonstrating about warmongering."

"The average person is stupid." Kaida's tone was terribly indifferent as her eyes fell upon the ARGH mobile barricades that guarded a crucial portion of the fortress' defence. Soldiers were arrayed behind them, with e-webs and heavy bolters in position to guard against intruders through superior firepower. "Just so you know, there's supposed to be live firing drills this weekend."

"Live firing drills?!"

"The mortars won't be directly targeting the militia. It'll just look very real. Keep the Paddies away from sector 5."

"I miss the days when people accused of us being Space Hippies," the Jedi muttered to himself, sighing in defeat.

Anna Song

Coci ushered them towards the landing pad and an awaiting shuttle. Meanwhile, Anna made conversation with [member="George O Rourke"] as they walked,

"Yes indeed. I am rather new. I was recruiting only four months ago in Mandalorian space. My Master is Knight Mas Petra of Zeltros. She and I are not the adventurous type, in the common sense. I've only begun to travel Sanctum space recently. My Master prefers her time on-world, with her patients and appointments. So I often travel alone. Between studies, of course. ...Like, vacation time. Or something. To, broaden my horizons."

Anna was not a formally educated girl. She had learned little of the outside world while she grew up nearer the Rekali Clan in Mandalorian space. So her Master was careful in her education. Perhaps, just a tadpole over protective. If Jedi believe such a term.

Song shrugged and blinked her double set of eyelids again,

"Actually. I was wondering if you might help me when we get to the mountains? You see, my lung's are not as proficient as these other creature types. The high elevation of the mountains may cause me to get rather winded, rather quickly. ...I fear that while a mermaid like myself was born with legs? Hehe. Her lung's are rather undeveloped still. Sorry."

She blushed and her cheeks, ears, and neck grew a bright red hue. It was embarrassing to talk about one's weaknesses. Yet, hopefully George would understand?

"So... Um. Can I trust you to carry this Stim Pack for me. Just in case I pass out? ...It's... Just a blood stim. But I don't have an automatic injection pack yet. So I need someone else to carry it. Just in case I grow weak to inject myself during the voyage. Medical stuff. Ya know."

She looked embarrassed and began to rub the small scales on top of her knuckles. Oh dear. Fish out of water, indeed.
Abaigeal stifled a yawn as Master C. Heavenshield gave her speech, even though it was well thought out and rather eloquent. And she could not help but notice the exchange between George O Rourke and Anna Song, this caused her brow to rise and a smile to grace her full lips, she is flirting with him, pass out indeed who is she kidding.

But! everyone seemed to want to go with Coci on this trip... fine! she made a mental note to learn how to make those eloquent speeches in the future. So she picked up her bag shoved her datapad in her bag and slung it over her shoulder. "If anyone does want to come with me, I am leaving now"

There is no shuttle awaiting her, or her group .. if she has one. But a long trek through the jungle, with all the added bonus of sweaty arm pits, sweaty crouches, and sweaty socks, sticky frogs, biting insects, stinging plants and all manner of rashes. Yeah she can see why a comfy shuttle is appealing.

She bounded down the steps, onto the path to see a sign "Stay off the grass!". Nantaris!

And so, the intrepid explorer began her journey to find a .. tree. Best adventure ever!

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Ryn'Dhal"] | [member="Matsu Ike"] | [member="Valae Kitra"] | [member="Krux Mullarus"] | [member="Anna Song"] | [member="Krest"] | [member="Polydroxol"] |
[member="Rasu Gan"] | [member="Ronin Wendigo"] | [member="Aika Kawakami"]
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
The talking was interesting to take in while he walked, that a number wanted to go and explore the shuttle a little disheartening but he looked at [member="Rasu Gan"] with a small movement of his head to indicate going outside. Mostly following [member="Abaigeal E'ron"] as part of the fun and the jungle was the best place in case there was anything left over from when the sith had taken the world. He doubted it but sithspawn creatures had notoriously long life spans while he was walking and spoke indicating [member="Ronin Wendigo"]. "If the boy wishes to ask questions Master [member="Coci Heavenshield"] he should come now." THe jedi master didn't turn his head just descended following the girl and looked around. "Do you have more direction then just the jungle? There is a lot of it on this world."
She noticed that Krux was nearby in the crowd, and she was about to wave, but her attention was drawn in another direction. Valae turned when Master Heavenshield addressed her, and she bowed in greeting. “It is nice to meet you, Master Heavenshield.” She said with a pleasant smile. The padawan moved up alongside Coci and she walked along next to her on the way to the shuttle. “Yes, my training is going very well.” She nodded, though she wondered if she was progressing fast enough. Valae did feel that she lagged behind the others in her classes, but it was always difficult to view one's self in comparison to others. Jedi training was a very personal thing; she reckoned that it was different for everyone.

Her gaze shifted to the young boy that held onto Coci’s hand, she couldn’t help but notice that he was shimmery and silver. He was something of a curiosity to her; she had never seen anyone that appeared to be composed of liquid. There was also something about him that reminded her of Théo. Valae offered him a friendly smile, and looked back to Master Heavenshield. The padawan noticed that Coci moved with a swift grace, and noted that she was feminine, yet had a commanding presence. Valae had grown up without a strong female role model, and she looked to Coci with admiration. Master Heavenshield was a wife, mother, and a Jedi… Valae hoped someday she too would grow into these roles.

“I am looking forward to exploring the mountains.” Valae said as they boarded the shuttle. “I’ve never seen such a beautiful world before.” She was still in awe of the majesty of Ossus.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"], [member="Polydroxol"], [member="Krux Mullarus"]
So Valae had seen him, though her attention was then directed to Master Heavenshield, apparently Thurion's wife. It really is true, then, he thought, what Connor said. The Jedi really don't suppress all emotion. They're even allowed to marry? The Sith...they've fed me lies my entire life. They must feed the same to all who fall victim to the temptations of the Dark Side...I HAVE to save Setzi... he frowned, thinking of how much Setzi was probably suffering. Or, was she? Maybe she enjoyef being the plaything of a Sith Lord. Maybe she didnt mind being pulled along as a puppet of the Dark Side...

I know there is good in her that wants to return to Voss...

Without a word, Krux idly listened to [member="Coci Heavenshield"] and Valae chit-chat as he followed them to the shuttle, climbing on board shortly after. He gestured to the seat beside [member="Valae Kitra"], "May I?"

Heaving a heavy sigh, the padawan tumbled from his perch. His unnatural grace and agility caused his decent to seem almost ethereal, otherworldly. His presence was mostly masked from perception through the Force. He'd land, noiselessly, a few paces ahead of [member="Abaigeal E'ron"], his cloak falling all about him to conceal his form, his weapons, and his gloved hands resting idly upon the hilts of his lightsabers.

Speaking softly, as his face turned, mask visible to Abaigeal, just so she alone could hear him, he informed of his intent. "I accompany you, Knight E'ron. I shall be your eyes and ears, to the best of my ability, in the forest ahead." Provided she gave no objections, he would begin to increase his pace, quickly accelerating into a full run, his cloak billowing out behind him. Even without the aid of the Force, his natural speed would have outstripped any of the other present humanoid's potential for fleetness. A quick hop, his foot skipping but for a moment off the top of a sign that Ryn neglected to even read, likely a 'keep off the grass' sign, which remained unmoved even from the brief contact, and the padawan would be found already entering the branches of a nearby tree, vanishing from view as he began progressing deeper into the forest.

Golden eyes began scanning, his HUD coming alive before them. Time to see what kind of trouble, if any, could be found in this little adventure.

[member="Krux Mullarus"] | [member="Valae Kitra"] | [member="Syn"] | [member="Anna Song"] | [member="Kaida Taldir"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Rasu Gan"] | [member="Ronin Wendigo"] | [member="George O Rourke"]​
Finding herself joining this little mission into the jungle she had only a pair of plain looking pants and shirt. That was find with her even those the color was basic she couldn't help but have her dark pooling eyes stand out. Wondering what kind of mission her mother was up to this time. Even those she wasn't always that there was always @Cico Heavenshield that looked after her and her twin brother from time to time.

That didn't make any less for her to not knowing if she was on a dangerous mission or even if she would all by disappear like her father did so long ago.

Even as she spoke up what they would be doing today fun what was that, even then she shifted her boots back and forth as her own fun would be reading about the jungle in a book in the libary. Giving a sigh as she rightly thought this out making her way as she wanted to try and get to know some of her fellow SSCers.

Speaking her soft tone but also putting a little bit of a forceful tone behind it. "Hi this will be fun, Right?" as if she was having self doubts about coming on this trip even to the point she was thinking of seeking off again unless someone would stop her from doing. It was in her nature being the shy doe she was coming from there being a lot of factors involved with this.

Krux Mullarus | Valae Kitra | Syn | Anna Song | Kaida Taldir | Coci Heavenshield | Rasu Gan | Ronin Wendigo | George O Rourke| [member="Ryn'Dhal"]
The denantium would have soft beneath Coci's fingertips, like a warm potter's clay.

She might have even received a mild shock, depending on if she might have picked up a bit of static, but that wasn't anything that the polydroxol did. It was merely a fact that the being was composed of metal, and thus acted as a conductor. The warmth to the pliable silver skin was the product of the electricity surging through the unique body of the changeling.

The polydroxol was not bothered by the touch in the least. It made no movement either to shy from or come toward The Coci, so her slight pull brought with it a stretch of mercury-like clay as though she were tugging on a large piece of gum. The creature seemed to looked down to regard her hand and the implications of the contact for a moment. In fact, it rather liked the new opportunity to study the human finger up close, with the indentation of The Coci's hand left in the metal.

Looking back up at The Coci, the silvery figure started to follow along with the Jedi people persons. Silently observing as always.

[member="Syn"] | [member="Anna Song"] | [member="Krux Mullarus"] | [member="Valae Kitra"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Ronin Wendigo"]​
[member="Anna Song"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Krux Mullarus"] | [member="Valae Kitra"]

Objective: Search the mountain side, along side Master Coci.

As Master Coci ushered those who were to follow her to the mountains towards a transport ship Padawan Song and himself enjoyed some conversation. "Knight Mas Petra, unfortunately someone I've yet to meet. By the looks of your she is quite the trainer. Seems you've came out nicely." George commented, as he took in the information she was providing.

However Padawan Song did have favour to ask of George. With her species being based underwater her lungs are not developed as much as his own and other humanoid species to handle the heights of the mountains. She simply asked that George carried a stim pack for her, in case the heights cause any trouble with her breathing and she faints. "That is fine Padawan Song, I'll gladly hold onto this for you." George smiled as he looked at the Padawan walking beside him as they made their way to the shuttle.

Soon enough they made it to the shuttle and it was off exploring the mountains of Ossus, a place George was yet to see, but anxious to get to know. With both himself and Padawan Song yet to explore the Ossus nature it would definitely be good fun for the both of them.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu looked at the ones there while her attention went to a few of them padawans speaking. Where did she want to go was the real question and the jedi master hovered there heading over by [member="Coci Heavenshield"] with a small raising her her eyebrows to the crowd that was coming with her. "You look like you might need someone else to help wrangle them." She offered a soft smile while looking over the ones there and she spoke. "I do hope they are ready for some fun, last time we were here, there was a monster stalking the caves." She had been working to uncover the older labs Iella had found when she came here before and stumbled across other things like that mind prison an ancient Whiphid master was supposed to be trapped in.
Jungle excursion

Judah had taken time to find out which mission would be a good first trip for Samara. The two were still developing thier relationship with each other in order to find how they would be as a master and padawan. The survey at Ossus seemed a good mission for them considering they were also trying to figure out where Samara would be best suited. There was a rich history to explore as well as the chance to get off Voss and stretch their legs. Judah liked to teach from the academy and go home to make wild passionate love his wife, but he also like teaching on mission. There are things no simulation could teach.

"We will go through the jungle and check into this history. I don't know what she is looking for, but it will be an adventure."

A small grin was offered to his padawan as he followed the team lead off. The tempation was there to pull the pipe out, but the last thing Judah wanted to do was attract some wild creature. There was a chance their natural scent was going to do that on its own, but Judah wasn't dwell on that. In a way he hoped it would happen, but only to test where things had progressed. There was also the fun of teaching something new.

"Stay close, and we'll see what new things we can learn, hmm?"

Judah smoothed out his green robes as he moved into the trees. Hopefully Samara would enjoy this journey as they went through the darker parts of the jungle. It was fun so, Judah tapped into the force and used his own aura to illuminate the path in front of him. Yes he was showing off, but there was a point to it.

[member="Samara Raine"] [member="Abaigeal E'ron"] [member="Freyia Whitelight"] [member="Ryn'Dhal"]
When it raines... it pours.
Mission 2: Ossus Jungle

Samara was excited to be on Ossus that had long ago been associated with the ancient Order of Jedi and therefore the lush planet in the Cron Cluster held a rich history for the light-sided Force users. More so the padawan was looking forward to the mission ahead with her new master, [member="Judah Lesan"]. So far so good they had gotten along while having training sessions and lessons on Voss at the academy. Now it was time to put the teachings from master to student to the test and possible incorporate new ones as they trudged through the jungles of Ossus in searh of a… tree?

"I am very much up for an adventure, and I will stay close, Master," the young blonde nodded as Sam walked beside the Telosian Knight wearing her brown robes with her amethyst-bladed lightsaber hooked on the leather utility belt worn with them.

[member="Abaigeal E'ron"] [member="Freyia Whitelight"] [member="Ryn'Dhal"]


Well-Known Member
Freyia Whitelight| Ronin Wendigo | Abaigeal E'ron | [member='Judah Lesan'] | [member='Samara Raine'], Syn |
Mission: Jungle Excursion
It was then seem take moment to patiently wait on her reply as he didn't want look or sound rude. Being that in all intentional purpose the fact being she was his.... Master Coci was so will help him.

"Ronin I do not know if Master Syn knew Master E'ron, you would need to speak to him of that. But he has been with the Silver Jedi from the beginning so it would seem he would have crossed paths with her. If you feel you need to speak with him, then follow your instinct, besides I am sure he has a lot he could teach you, as he has been around for awhile"

That she then soon came forth reply with knowing smile lit her eyes as she then turn to address other that were gathered there. At which time hear her out as he passingly glance over at Master Syn then back to Master Coci. That Ronin seem try his best to contemplate her words and weigh it against that which his instinct told him. Weigh his option as he tried decide who to go with when out the blue. As he slowly began walk away that he passingly caught Master Syn speak.

"If the boy wishes to ask questions Master Coci Heavenshield he should come now."

Though he did not seem turn even glance at him Ronin no less figured he might have heard what was said between them. And with one last glance at Master Coci then a slight nod spoke.

" ....then guess my gut tells me perhaps i should go with him. Perhaps your right and least he could at best teach me new stuff....being as well who he is?"

His words seem err of the side of caution being that he did know even much less of Master Syn as Master Coci had. And from look of him he seem not one you want get on bad side off anytime. But just the same being so young at heart despite his outward somewhat older appearance. Ronin no less turn quickly to try catch up with them and as he did Ronin noted as he passed seem familiar face. That of Freyia to which walk pass her seem in jest and in good spirit he calls to her.

"Say....fancy meet you here Freyia ...want have bit fun dare? Race yah to try catch up with Master Syn?"

After which seem all to glad be out and running free....for once not having be confined in the four walls of the Temple or Voss. Ronin slowly quicken his stride unknowingly oblivious tap into force as he did. Being that take in by the moment it all seem flow somewhat naturally. As even though the mind didn't know the body seem to as instincts honed running wild in the streets and back alley of mirad of world on his own. Ronin no sooner somewhat caught up with just few feet behind Master Syn to catch wing what he said.

"Do you have more direction then just the jungle? There is a lot of it on this world."

To which he passingly ask towards his direction.

"...A lot of jungle....then is this planet so wild to have such a abundance coverage of jungle Master Syn?"
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
Jungle Excursion
[member="Ronin Wendigo"] [member="Samara Raine"] [member="Judah Lesan"] [member="Ryn'Dhal"] [member="Abaigeal E'ron"] [member="Rasu Gan"]

The one running off past them caught his interest for a moment as he scented the air and didn't rely on the force to see and track him. The stench of working to conceal himself was there but they had been shown how to see through it and illusions with Selena to better protect and fight. He followed with his senses more then anything while listening to more approaching and standing tall while the fell star hummed in the force on his chest. More he didn't know and the padawan was following them as he asked a question about the world. "The planet is old and when it was poisoned it reclaimed what the jedi had cleared away. They have never tried to clear out more then needed to show respect to the native Ysanna and it allows ancient things to remain hidden below."

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