Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Corridors of the Past.. [SSC Only]

[member="Abaigeal E'ron"]

This one also blames [member="Coci Heavenshield"] for this post.

Deep inside the jungle, in the Jedi ruins, the gigantic spider stood tall and proud, looming over the horizon and dwarfing everyone beneath it. It was neither malicious nor good, for such sentient constructs of morality were beyond a creature driven by instinct. One could even say there was an innocence to it.

Its legs were massive and its exoskeleton very thick. In the distance, very far away from the titanic beast, a figure stood and took aim, balancing what seemed to be a a very heavy looking railgun sniper rifle on her shoulders. The shatterboltgun's weight was comparable to that of a missile launcher and Eldorai were on average less physically strong than humans, but she managed to retain balance. Her back would probably soon remind her of the fact that it didn't like her carrying a long-ranged, sniper anti-armour bolter.

The Seraph squeezed the trigger and fired a solid slug that was propelled at incredible speed. Part of her job was testing weapons to make sure they were useful for the Angelii. This failed like a good time after she'd been annoyed with the Jedi earlier. The slug round impacted upon the spider's massive head with sufficient force to punch right through it. Ouch. The massive creature began to fall.

Boom. There was a loud bang, almost like the sound of a cannon. By the time the loud bang was heard, the creature's head already been blown apart by the hyper-velocity projectile in a showe of gore, brain matter and ichor.
Ryn had been springing lightly, branch to branch, tree to tree, evading trip-hazards, and all in all moving as if he belonged in the canopy of the forest. He'd keep his party in his peripheral. Be it his line of sight, or in his keen hearing, at all times while continuously roaming about them, he had a bead on each of them. Should one fall prey to the creatures and natural hazards of the jungle, he'd be able to swiftly respond.

His forward progress halted suddenly, spotting a potential threat ahead. A spider. A huge one. Holy kark! He'd remain motionless on his perch, a hand reaching behind to rest idly upon one of his swords, preparing to descend rapidly in the defense of any of his group who happened to run afoul the large predatory arachnid.

Or.... he would have....

Except suddenly, and quite violently, it's insides became it's outsides, and vice-versa, as a high-velocity projectile tore through it's tough exoskeleton as if it were paper, spraying gore and ichor all about. The beast was already in it's final decent to the forest floor, it's life ended in a brief moment of near super-sonic violence. Then the gunshot sounded, hinting at it's velocity and it's range, both being extremely great. Leaping to the highest vantage he could muster, Ryn'Dhal scoured about, his golden eyes dancing quickly, while remaining obscured by foliage, in the direction he easily ascertained the shot came from, judging by the orientation of the exit wound.

Sadly, a combination of angle, and time-passed since the shot was taken, the furry padawan was unable to spot the shooter. He didn't like this.... Not at all. In the direction of the shooter he began, cautiously maneuvering through the upper reaches of the trees, obscured from below. He needed visual on the shooter, to hopefully confirm friendly, rather than hostile.... And if hostile, potentially engage, to protect his.... his.... acquaintances???????

[member=Syn] | [member=Abaigeal E'ron] | [member=Ronin Wendigo] | [member=Freyia Whitelight] | [member=Judah Lesan] | [member=Samara Raine] | [member="Kaida Taldir"]
Krux had spent so much of his time trying to motivate [member="Valae Kitra"] that he was hardly focused on his own climbing after that. He heaved a heavy sigh of relief as his friend reached the top, feeling a sense of pride overcome him that he had helped her accomplish such a daring task. Well, in some way.

But then he realized he still had to finish as well, and he had a good fourty feet to go.

C'mon then, Mullarus, hand up. Get a grip. Don't you fething quit. You don't have to be first place, you just have to finish. What would Setzi think if you didn't climb this mountain? She'd laugh. She'd say Pyrrhus is the better man. Know what? Pyrrhus isn't even a man. He's a damn monster! Prove yourself! Get up there! Show these Jedi you're capability!

Just like that, Krux had reached the top. Knees scraped with holes in his robes, boots scratched, gloves falling apart, but he made it, taking a knee as he reached the top to catch his breath.

To hell with Pyrrhus. To hell with the Sith.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] / [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] / [member="Polydroxol"]
Mission 2: Ossus Jungle

Judah was slightly surprised to have the daughter of the Silver Jedi founder speak up to affirm his caution. He was not used to having his position affirmed as the Jedi had been more a wanderer as of late. The Jedi had seen many changes since he'd been a padawan, and he could not say it had been for the better. There were so many different versions of the Jedi now, and Judah did not know which was right anymore. The Silver Sanctum seemed to do the most good, so Judah had aligned with them. They'd always welcomed him.

"Seeing them change can be interesting. However, it is pretty astral," Judah said trying to use the lingo he'd heard the kids using. Maybe he should leave it to the younger.

The pair was approached by [member="Abaigeal E'ron"], and Judah returned the bow, hopefully Samara knew to do the same. While Judah was not a formal Jedi, he was also considerate of the others traditions. Samara would learn from Judah to be a social chameleon of sorts. His role as a shadow made him one who liked to blend in.

"You would not remember meeting me. I knew your mother a long time ago. I've been absent from the Silver Jedi for a while. It is good to meet you again. This is my Padawan Samara Raine. We've recently begun working together, and are hoping for good teaching moments. If we break off from the group, it is because an opportunity presented itself."

At least they would not have to worry. Judah felt as though it was fair to let her know they may not remain with group. As they approached the ruins Judah pondered the site. It was curious, though here was a sense of caution as well. A hand motioned to the ruins. They were covered in moss and ivy, but the presence of the force could still be felt.

"I wonder what could be found in there, Samara. What interests you more, the ruins or the Neti?"

[member="Samara Raine"] [member="Syn"] [member="Ronin Wendigo"] [member="Freyia Whitelight"] [member="Ryn'Dhal"]
[member="Coci Heavenshield"] [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]

As the shuttle set them down just outside a cliff face it was the last obsticle before they would make it to the cave. Geroge waited down the bottom of the cliff face with Master Coci waiting on everyone to get up. Moments before he heard Padawan Song leave. She had other plans for this mission and to get to the top
Geoege knew they would reconnect at the top so didn't worry too much.

Withca deep breath in it was time to make his way to the top. "I'll see you at the top Master." He called as he focused the force and used it to boost him at to the rock face before him. However unlike thos before him climbing wasn't what he was doing. He bounded from one jagged rock face to the next. Making short work of the cliff face in front of them.

As he made it to the top he quickly dusted himself off and looked around. He saw that the Grandmaster had already made the journey. "Goodmorning Grandmaster. Its good to see you here. Was getting worried that Master Coci was wrong about you joining us." He said to the Grandmaster. It was not a usual occurance to see teh Grandmaster on a mission so it was good for George to see.
"How rude," Thurion replied into Coci's mind as he smiled at her presence, eyes remaining closed until the dozen or so climbers drew near. Occasionally he would peek just a little over to the edge of the cliff to see if anyone had arrived.

When several students of the Force made the climb and came out on top - quite literally - Thurion remained seated and welcomed each one with a smile and a nod. His padawan had been among the first, which pleased him greatly. "Hello there, Padawan," he casually returned her greeting. "Please, have a seat. You look about ready to fall over," he added with a smirk. Still sitting atop his rock beside the entrance to the cave, Thurion beckoned all those gathered, asking them all to follow Valae's example in sitting down. Some were noticably exhausted from the climb while other's weren't, or were better at hiding it. Either way they should be proud of their accomplishment.

Once everyone had assembled outside the cave entrance, the Grandmaster addressed them from atop the waist-high rock. "Good morning, everyone! I'm glad to see you all made it - not that we would allow you to make the climb unless we believed you to be ready." Finally he rose from his seat and jumb down onto the ground where they sat. "Have you been told why you are all here, today? Or did Coci leave out that small detail?" He chuckled before pointing to the cave entrance behind him. "Within these ancient caves you will find a great number of crystals, each of them unique in shape, size and colour. When you enter, it will be your task to find the one crystal that connects with you. The bond between a Jedi and her crystal is the most important thing when the time comes for each of you to assemble your very lightsaber. Whether it be tomorrow or years from now, this crystal will be at the centre of it."

Stepping closer to the group, Thurion placed a hand upon the nearest shoulder. "Let the Force guide you in your search. It will tell you when you've found what you are looking for." His face then turned grim for but a moment when next he spoke. "Beware, however: When you enter these caves, you cannot leave until you've completed your task. You will be experiencing visions of your past, and perhaps your future. You will encounter illusions of people you once knew, of loved ones lost. It is a deeply personal matter, but trust in the Force and your Jedi teachings and you will prevail. Know that even if you don't, I believe in you. May the Force be with you."

His face then returned to its lighthearted state as he stepped aside, leaving the entrance open for those brave enough to enter. When Valae would walk past him, Thurion reached for her arm. "You be careful in there, alright? I cannot go with you, but know that whatever happens in there, it's not real. I will be right here upon your return." He'd then send her off with a nod and reassuring smile.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Valae Kitra"] | [member="Anna Song"] | [member="George O Rourke"] | [member="Krux Mullarus"] | [member="Polydroxol"] | [member="Rasu Gan"] | [member="Krest"]
Krux stood back up as Thurion began to explain what exactly was to come in the cave. He shuddered when the man talked about 'visions of the past'. Feth...this cave is gonna screw me so hard, he thought, a pained expression already on his face. No doubt, there was far too much trauma in his past for this to be a merciful trip. For a special crystal, no less? Did he really need one since he already had a lightsaber? Well, apparently lightsabers can house more than one. Even then, he wasn't going to back down from the challenge in front of all of these other Jedi.

The best way to solve your problems, Mullarus, is to confront them.

Krux swallowed his pride and began taking his steps toward the cave, once again nodding politely to [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] as he passed, and beginning to descend into the darkness.



The inside was pitch black. There was a faint sound that echoed through the darkness that sounded like water dripping. Krux ended up taking his lightsaber from his belt and igniting it just for the extra light, the cave around him now lit a dark shade of blue, the cracks and sparks emitting from the white-hot core of the blade - due to the fact that his lightsaber was crafted mostly from old lightsaber parts scavenged off Felucia and Raxus Prime, and how the old, some outdated components housing a natural, powerful blue Kyber crystal he uncovered from Lothal - helping to light up the area around him. Just as Master Heavenshield had said, he had gone in alone and could not feel or hear any other presences around him.

Complete darkness and isolation. Figures. A metaphor for the Dark Side.

Krux trudged along, still breathing rather heavily from the trip up to this point and his robes scratched and torn from the jagged rocks he had climbed on. The only sounds he could hear now were the faint hum of his lightsaber and the dripping water in the distance. The silence went on forever as he searched the cave, and questioned himself. Well? Where are the disturbing illusions? Of all the Jedi here, i'm bound to be one of the most prone to being emotionally traumatized some more, so where is it?! Krux felt himself growing impatient, and began to shout. "Come on, then! Show me! I know this is a test, so bring it on!"

Still, silence was all that met his ears. He made a face, taking a deep breath as to not lose his temper. Not here. This was a test, whether the cave wanted him to believe it was or not. He wouldn't be fooled. Patience is a virtue of the Jedi. Of course. He had to be patient. They would come.

Krux tapped the button on his lightsaber, shutting off the blade and engulfing the cave into darkness again. I don't need this light. The Force will guide me. Even without it, I can still see in ways others cannot. Krux Mullarus shut his eyes, thinking back to his training early in his training as a Sith Acolyte to learning Force Sight, a technique similar to the way species like Miralukans saw without mortal eyes. Your eyes can deceive you. The Force does not lie.

But still, he saw nothing. He felt nothing. Nothing beckoned to him, and it was jabbing at the back of his head how much it was driving him insane. He shook his head. I won't cry out. They will come.

He crossed his legs and sat down, as if beginning to meditate. Patience is a virtue of the Jedi, he repeated to himself in his mind.

Patience is a virtue of the Jedi

Patience is a virtue of the Jedi...



It seemed like hours he sat there meditating. Waiting.He had moved on from reciting the quote about patience to reciting the Jedi Code that he had doubted for so much of his life.

There is no emotion, there is peace...

There is no ignorance, there is knowledge...

There is-

You lie to yourself

The new voice made his eyes shoot open. He was still engulfed in total darkness, but the voice sounded as if it were right behind him.

You're a traitor
There was no questioning here. The voice was too familiar to Krux for him to wonder who it was.

You have descended down a path I will not follow you in. What makes you think I will fall with you?
Krux did not open his mouth, yet he spoke.

Because you want to. I know you do.

I have everything I could have ever wanted because I let the Dark Side into my life!
You don't have your sister.

I- ...I don't need...She will come with me.
You live in constant agony. You told me yourself you don't want that. welcome through the Dark Side. It makes me powerful! Why would I forsake it? To live a lie like you? To live like a Jedi and LIE to the entire galaxy? To bring hypocrisy wherever I go?!
Pyrrhus is not a teacher. He is a tormentor. What makes you think he'll be a better father, too? You know what he did to the two of us in our training. Do you want that for your children as well, Setzi?

They will suffer because it will make them stronger...
So you want your children to suffer through that agony?

You are okay with them being twisted into the same kind of monster that Pyrrhus has become? Into the beast he has molded you into? Do you not want them to live happy lives?

They happy...
You're a liar.

They won't suffer. They'll be powerful. They will
Under the Tyrant's iron fist?

He is no tyrant! You're blinded by the Jedi!
There is no ignorance, Setzi. There is knowledge. I am blind to nothing. The Light has opened my eyes. Your eyes were open once, too, before they were sealed by Pyrrhus' darkness. He has you wrapped around his finger because you're obsessed with the Dark Side. It's your drug now. You're not even Setzi Lunelle anymore. You're just a pawn of the Dark Lord called Azurea.

You only see what the Jedi want you to!
Open your eyes, you fool! You're blind with power and obsession! Turn away from the Darkness before it consumes you as it did to me!

I won't turn away from what makes me human!
You schutta, you already have!

Krux stood up and turned around, igniting his lightsaber and deflecting a red blade descending down upon him and backing away. In the darkness before him, now lit by blue and red stood a petite woman with curly chestnut hair in a black robe, golden eyes stabbing at Krux's soul like flaming daggers. In her other hand spawned a second red lightsaber, her snarl visible in the darkness.

You're a fool to follow the Jedi, Krux. Come home to Ragoon VI with me...or you'll die here.
There is no death, Setzi...there is only the Force.

She then lashed out at Krux with both weapons.


Well-Known Member
Ryn'Dhal | George O Rourke | Freyia Whitelight | Matsu Ike | Valae Kitra | Krux Mullarus | Anna Song | Krest | Polydroxol |Rasu Gan | Ronin Wendigo | Abaigeal E'ron | Aika Kawakami | Syn | and Thurion Heavenshield

Mission 2: Jungle

"Hey at less you didn't end up in the water this time."

It was then seem before he noted her answer that Ronin couldn't help notice a bit of laughter come from her. Which compared to the fall seem hurt more as it struck somewhat close to his pride that got bruised. At any rate ones he'd straiten himself that with hand behind his neck Ronin replied.

"Yeah i know.....then i probably wouldn't hear the end of it from you ..or your little pup."

It was then as he notion up towards the canopy and spoke seem hope to deviate the topic away from his. Somewhat precarious fall from the tree line all because he got bit distracted and unfocused. As she then in turn seem with a smile replied back to him.

"To bad I didn't bring Fido with me that been real fun."

At which time seem reminded of his first meet with the seem rambunctious pup back in the temple. All but made Ronin smile as well and slightly scoff . As he turn gaze back her briefly and in light hearted tone replied.

"Oh yeah Fido....too bad indeed who'd forget Fido... but anyway shall we then?

In which time no sooner had he tried shift the topic back to the situation at hand. Hope if anything that their absence had not been noted yet and for once they not have a repeat of the last time. But then seem on cue as his mind seem been distracted for moment she spoke.

"So you want to climb, careful you might just regret this. "

And he in turn shake his head slightly take her words as sort challenge Ronin then replied.

" Oh really now well...if i were a betting man i would...."

He then cut his words short as if anything else the thought that play in his mind was well. At any rate his words was soon challenged by her no less as she boldly replied back.

"So what I get out of it if I win, if you win."

And he in turn seem embolden by her challenge cross his arms before him in show of bravado. Raise then left hand to his chin stroke it as he spoke.

"Well if your up for it then....i wager if i win ....want maybe a favor.....from that you can't say no to....when i do come cash it it and well if you win then....if you win you get same thing from me....a favor i can't refuse that you can cash in later when you want it...but it gonna be one time ifs or buts deal?"

He then eye her with silent gaze, size her up in jest to see if she was will commit to his little plan. Which he seem didn't need long wait as she in turn came reply back.

"Well, what you waiting for count us down "

And he with sly coy smirk turn her and took his position by one side of the tree. Prepare to leap and make his attempt to climb.

"Well alright guess deal been struck and seem no back out now one.....two.....three..."

By then before he barely got three out Ronin had made his move to climb to nearby branch and made sure to avoid. The one he was in earlier as he didn't want repeat of earlier fall....not with her hear and know what was at any rate soon enough the climb began and once on the treetops. The two could make better sense of where they were along with where the other were heading.
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
Jungle Excursion

There was a lot happening and he could feel it now while moving, scenting the frogs and spiders before starting to move up at the mention of neti with a small laugh internally just at the ones wanting to see one. It would be cruel to point out there were two with them right now but fair was fair and it was up to Abigael to lead the way while he perched in a tree on the thicker branch. THe one padawan who had seemed to want to ask questions found something else to interest him, the one running ahead as well and the other two who joined were unknown... A vague scent that was familiar but briefly from sometime long ago before the jedi master moved ascending to the canopy to reach out and start leaping to get towards the older ruins.
Mission 001//Mountains
What are you?

A question. One answered not with a name, but an identity that flowed like water. Rivers. Streams. Entire lake beds of molten, fluid metal, reflecting on its surface a sky full of ash, with active volcanoes blasting toxic material into an atmosphere so dark that it blotted out the light of the sun. There were no people. There were no animals. There were no plants. Just rocks that glowed with the red embers of cooling magma, radiating heat in visible waves from off the ground.

But the lake was not a single entity. It was a city. A confluence of personalities, thoughts, identities, and expression blended together in a harmony of being as the polydroxols moved in ebbs and flows. Adaptive. Constantly in motion. Constantly in a state of flux. Changing.


What she was seeing was polydroxol. The rivers. The lakes. The metal flowing across the hot, cracked, glowing red earth and the consciousness within that metal. The consciousnesses within the liquid metal. It was all polydroxol.

Arriving at the top of the hill, the metal squirrel's tail fluttered as it observed individuals departing for the interior of a cavern behind a blond furred stalk walker who stood before the cave. Turning around, the polydroxol peered back to see if The Coci was close behind.

[member="Anna Song"] | [member="Valae Kitra"] | [member="Krux Mullarus"] | [member="Krest"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"]​

It was not a word, it was a feeling .. of unity. A sense of a collective of sorts but melded into one and yet many. It was a strange feeling to communicate with this being this way, it was very intimate like caresses of the mind, showing more, feeling more then what words can do, although they are powerful weapons too. The galaxy is truly a wondrous place ..

Coci continued to watch the group scale the side of the mountain, and as the last of the group disappeared from her view, she began her climb. However, Coci used the force and scaled up the side quickly and assuredly, bounding from one place to the next with sure footing and direction.

As the group, began to gather around Thurion, she smiled and moved to the side to listen to him. He, was as eloquent as she can be, also like Thurion, Coci would remain outside the cave, ever vigilant to their presence within it, but they need to take this journey on their own, like Jedi past. She decided to perch on a nearby rock and wait.
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Polydroxol"] | [member="Valae Kitra"] | [member="Anna Song"] | [member="George O Rourke"] | [member="Krux Mullarus"] | [member="Krest"]
When the last of those gathered had entered the caves, Thurion walked up to Coci sat upon the rock, hands in his pockets. "Morning, love," he greeted her while taking a seat next to her, joining her in watching the entrance. He reached for her hand bearing the wedding ring and gave it a kiss. "She'll be fine," he told her, more to ease his own mind than hers. "Yeah, they'll be fine." Perhaps he was being too familiar towards them, but each of them he regarded as family. In a way, they were all his children to look after. At least, that's how he saw it. While some were more 'capable' than others in terms of experience, all of them required guidance in some manner. Having grown up with his own master for a mother, he'd always regarded the two linked.

"I wish I could've been there for when Nina and Théo went through their trial," he then spoke. He couldn't even remember why he hadn't. Whatever the reason, he hoped it was an important one.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Polydroxol"] | [member="Krux Mullarus"] | [member="Valae Kitra"] | [member="Anna Song"]

Whilst the others entered the cave he along with Master Coci and Grandmaster Thurion waited outside. After the events of Malachor V with Master Coci George felt for the time being that he had enough disaster relief for the time being. He was simply there to help the Padawans. Although he could no physically be in there with them it was in force that he would attempt to guide those who seek it.

As Master Coci and Grandmaster Thurion developed conversation George stepped away looking at the cave entrance and then thinking about Padawan Song. Since deciding to take a different path to the cave entrance he was yet to see her, much less her enter the caves. George sat upon a rock near by closing his eyes looking through the force to see where this Padawan was and to feel any abnormalities from with the caves itself. It didn't seem like much, but George felt it was his way of guiding those who seek it.
Her lightsabers collided with Krux's normally, sparks flew from the blades of the three lightsabers in the darkness of the cave naturally. I thought this was a test? This feels so I actually fighting Setzi right now? How did she get to Ossus?

A swathe of blue and red surrounded the two as they battled. All the while, Krux kept a regretful gaze in his eyes as he watched the woman he fell so deeply in love with lash out at him like an animal hopped up on a drug known as the Dark Side. "Open your eyes, Setzi! Pyrrhus is evil! The Dark Side will inevitably destroy you, too, one day! It happened to me, it will happen to you!" he shouted, feeling the desperation to save her from the path she was choosing to walk.

You-...No! You're...too weak... she said, which was a strange choice of words. Setzi never ran around calling all of her enemies weak like most stereotypical psychopathically mad sith with a lust for blood and death. No, she was never like that, even at her worst.

Her two curved-hilted crimson lightsabers locked with Krux's. The two stared at each other in silence for a minute.

The Jedi are wrong...they will only bind you in more chains, Krux...

"No, Setzi, i've seen it for myself, and you have too! You were a student on Voss once...come home. Chastity is there waiting to be found. The Jedi want you back...I want you back!"

The two tore away from one another, staring each other down again with their blade ready to clash any moment.

"Setzi, I....I haven't let go. I havent given up on you! You've been my undying inspiration to grow as a Jedi. I want you to come back to Voss and turn away from this lie you're living! Darth Pyrrhus will only make yours and your children's lives a living hell to 'become stronger with the Dark Side'. Is that what you want? To continue living as the 'Daughter of Agony'?"

Shut up!

"No! I won't be silenced! Tear away the veil of darkness! I havent forgotten the night you confessed to me your desire to run away from the Sith to come back to Voss to find Chastity and live peacefully! Now is your chance! Take my hand, Setzi...please!"


"Do it! I can't go on without you! I still love you, Setzi! I'm sorry!"

Setzi screamed, seeming to lash out at Krux again, but stopping and throwing her lightsabers away and collapsing to her knees, where she began to sob. Krux watched for a second, his lightsaber deactivating and the hand he had extended to her dropping back to his side. Standing there watching her cry like this tore his heart to pieces. He frowned, rushing to her and kneeling down before her.

"Setzi..." he whispered to her as she lifted her face. When she did, she was different. Her eyes were not yellow with Dark Side corruption. They


Krux started to instinctively lean in closer to her, just as she did. The two were inches from each other's faces, about to kiss until Krux closed his eyes and kept on leaning...and leaning...and leaning...

He opened his eyes.

She was gone.
Mission 1: Eocho Mountains

It was time to enter the cave. Valae stood up and let her gaze wander to the dark entrance, and she felt a shiver of anxiety creep up her spine. She watched as Krux entered before her, and she only hoped that she could enter standing tall as he did. The padawan felt her Master’s hand upon her arm, and she looked up as he spoke to her. She nodded, reassured by the fact that [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] would be waiting for her, but still feeling uneasy about venturing forth alone. Valae took a few steps forward, listening to the crunching sound that her boots made against the ground. It wouldn’t be too bad, right? So many had completed this task before her, and they all emerged successfully. ‘Don’t fret, Val…’ she thought to herself, and then walked into the waiting darkness.

As she entered the cave, she pulled out a small flashlight to light her way through. Valae began to concentrate and focus on the presence of the force. There were so many different ways ahead, for a moment she paused and pondered which route to take. “Don’t think… feel.” She spoke aloud; her voice echoed around her and seemed to linger in the air. As soon as she let her thoughts drift away, there seemed to be a presence calling to her, beckoning her down a tunnel to the right. Valae followed along obediently, carefully placing each step, as the ground was a bit uneven. The padawan stopped suddenly, there were footsteps behind her. As she stood still, the footsteps came to a halt as well, and she was left there in the silence again.

Valae steeled her nerves and pressed on, moving as swiftly as she could manage. A shadow moved to her left, and she spun to the side, lighting up the area with her flashlight… to find that there was nothing there. Her breaths were coming faster now, as she was beginning to feel frightened. Valae turned around again, and she saw something on the ground. Moving closer she saw that it was a man, sprawled out on the ground in front of her. Valae’s light slowly illuminated the figure, first his boots… the soles were worn and they looked very familiar. Next came the torso, she recognized the shirt clad around the body. Finally the light shone upon the face, it was Atticus Kitra, her father. His eyes were blank and staring up at the ceiling of the cave, his skin was tinged with blue, and he was exactly as he had been the day she found him back at their family home.

Before she even realized it, tears were already streaming heavily down her face. She had feared this would happen; it was a moment that she had not wanted to revisit this soon. But she had no choice in the matter. As she stood there motionless, the body of Atticus began to stir… Slowly he rose to his feet, and approached Valae. She stumbled backwards, and fell to the ground; her eyes were wide as she watched her father coming closer. “It’s not him… it’s not really…” His finger was pointing at her, his mouth moving with silent accusations. Soon he was upon her, and the body was falling forward, right on top of her. Valae screamed and threw her arms out in front of her, shutting her eyes tight.

When she opened them, there was only the black of the cave. Her flashlight was illuminating a tunnel to the left; she’d dropped it when she fell. Valae slowly got to her feet, reclaimed her light and started moving into the next tunnel…

Anna Song

Eocho Caves
p2 - [member="George O Rourke"]

Anna was busy fiddling her way through the green caverns. Ever vigilant to find a Force Crystal of suffice size and prowess. Alas, she was also slightly lost. Meandering upwards and looking outside often to make sure she was at least ascending the cliff side. It was then that a nearby Force Crystal made itself known to her. Projecting an image of Knight O Rourke on it's blue surface. A reflection of sorts. So Anna knelled down and poked it with her finger,

"Oh. Hello there Knight O Rourke. How are you? ...Sorry. Um, I can see you in the reflection of this crystal here. Can you? Can you hear me?"

She took a moment to notice that he probably couldn't. Still, the crystal was humming something softly. Perhaps she should take a different approach. Mmm. Anna closed her eyes and reached out for George in the Force,

~ "Hello. Is... Um... Is this better? Can you hear me now?" ~

With the crystal acting an attunement sphere, he probably could now.
She wriggled her bottom over to make room for Thurion to join her on the rock. He reassured her that padawans would be fine, and they would be, they are strong, even if they don't think so themselves. This test for them, should make them all aware of this, that they can overcome events of the past that have written on their souls to influence the people they have developed into today. Nothing is written in stone, everything is fluid and can change .. if they want it to. You have to want change or it will not happen.

Sometimes we can't be where we want to be...

Coci smiled as Thurion raised her hand to his lips and kissed her wedding ring, it is a gesture he often does and one she never tires of. "You would have been proud of them, both Théo and Nina did so well, so brave. They are but children and did not falter as they faced their tests, they came away with good strong focusing crystals, unique both and so them", she laughed a little. "And over time that connection to their sabers will strengthen and make them more protected against the darkness", she paused and turned to her beloved.

"We have no choice, we had to let them training, to help them train as Jedi, we are not the average family .. it saddens me too, that we are not able to offer them a life that would have been simple, allow them to just be children. They have a gift that can not be ignored".

Now she raised the hand that held hers to her lips and kissed his open palm. "Nor will duty be ignored. Sometimes it is not possible to be in the place we want and distance removes us but although you were not present, you were .. we all sensed you there, we knew you were there".

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu shifted and flew up while she pulled one of the gloves from her pack. Letting them run off while she watched some of them working and attention went to the stronger parts of it all. Slowly entering one of the windows with the pieces she could work on everything. Crystals and half built devics in places before she was putting some of the sections up to work on it and focus the force energies. Thanks to Corvus helping her she could work on the glove in the valley of the jedi and it was there before she continued to pour the force energies into it. Finding her own place and her own power being pulled into the glove nd then into the gemstone while she touched it making a loop that let her draw it back into herself.
Mission 2: Ossus Jungles.

A warning in the force snapped Abaigeal's head around, but too late. A shot rang out through the jungle disturbing all the wildlife in the immediate area, including the frogs, who began to rain down all around them from the canopy tops, it would be next to impossible for them to avoid getting hit by a large colour sticky, curious .. frog. Who had saw the wisdom in this? The shooter could not be seen by sight yet, however, "Hold your fire!", she screamed out with much annoyance. The giant spider had been hit, but still alive and writhed upon the ground full of fear of the danger of these beings wishing to cause it harm or worse. The spider had come to see what had disturbed it's webbing, thin tendrils of the sticky stuff lined the ground on which they walk and around the ruin. Hard to see at first sight, but now evident with it's presence.

Abaigeal, spied Ryn in the tree tops bounding toward the origin of the shot, she followed him until they both met upon a woman .. "Did you do that? did you attempt to kill the thing?". It would be evident by the voice she was not impressed and so in her annoyed state Abaigeal persisted. "We could have calmed it through the force, subdued it, there was not need for this". After all all Jedi should hold all living things sacred especially life forms that are not sentient and only do what nature intended. Sure the spider might have wanted to eat them, but it was just being a spider.

"Ryn", she looked up, "Do you think you could take a look at it, see if you can heal it?". Thud! Abaigeal was now the proud wearer of a frog on her head.

"Peachy", she could feel the ooze running down the back of her neck.

[member="Kaida Taldir"] | [member="Ryn'Dhal"] | [member="Judah Lesan"] | [member="Syn"] | [member="Ronin Wendigo"] | [member="Freyia Whitelight"] | [member="Samara Raine"] | [member="Dune Rhur"] (welcomed to join the party!)
[member="Abaigeal E'ron"]

Mission Dos, Ossus

Coming up behind gave Dune enough time to create a bubble around himself to shield himself from the worst of the frogs. Thusly, they bounced off harmlessly though apparently rather confused. While Abigeal's new hat amused him, the injured jungle spider did not. The Bith reached out through the Force to soothe the fearful arachnid.

He cringed as he felt it's pain screaming in it's non-sentient mind. "Ryn," he called out "Hurry. I'm trying to keep her calm as best I can but she's going to die if you don't help." Not for the first time did he wish his healing talents were more than average. This exceeded what he could repair and would need someone with greater ability.

He frowned as he looked in the direction of the shooter. Trigger happy idiots, was his thought. Panicky and thus prone to lash out. Not for the first time did he sigh at the shortsightedness of the galaxy's many beings.

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