Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Corrupt a wish


Pureblood don't mean a thing to me anymore.
It can but everything it says is condescending and it has the voice of Jar Jar lol

I wish Mass Effect had a better ending to the series.
Granted. Mass Effect 3 now contains dozens of completely different endings based on your choices in the series. Unfortunately, you have to buy a DLC for each of these endings in order to see it...

I wish The Witcher 3 finally came out.
Your life becomes monotonous and dull, nothing exciting happens and even if you start to manipulate people into creating drama, they become placid and do nothing about it.

I wish I could command my own starship.

Atlas Kane

Your wish has been denied, caveman.

I wish Star Wars was more awesome than it already is.
Your wish is granted but you are killed just as instantly as it is granted by a fat, deranged lunatic in a makeshift Batman costume with a blunt knife with no way of saving yourself.

I wish to be omniscient.

Emily Vani

Granted. But then you are put into solitary confinement forever.

I wish balloons didn't pop.


Pureblood don't mean a thing to me anymore.
Granted but now so many of them clutter the entire world, even in the skies causing plane accidents.

I wish for a griffin for a pet.

Emily Vani

It does, but the lines are so outrageous that you never get one. Ever.

I wish I had my two front teeth.


The Mind Behind
Granted, but now everyone always thinks you're up to something and drops by unexpectedly at the most inopportune times.

I wish I had a pokeball that worked on people.


Guardian of the Weak
wish granted...but it only works on the elderly :) Sorry old people...but your driving sucks :)

I wish I could read people's thoughts


The Mind Behind
You can't turn it off and it has an unlimited range. You kill yourself from the resulting insanity.

I wish I was the best pilot in the galaxy.

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