Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Corrupt a wish

It is done, but then the underworld leaders get bored and make force user characters who, having no one to "teach" them, are instantly masters capable of killing the crime lords.

I wish that I could find a ship.
You have found a ship!!! However it is an incredibly cheep ship that has no hyperdrive and thus you cannot leave the system.

I wish that I owned a second ship.

(If you want you can tag along on my ship, its pretty roomy and I only got a skeleton crew in so the more the merrier. :p )
Your second ship was previously owned by a rival and was rigged to explode, it self-destructs in port, simultaneously destroying your original ship.

I wish that the gungans were extinct.

(I would love to join your crew and stir up some mischief :) )
(Was beat to the punch. Bah!)

Gungans are annihilated by a horrible flesh eating bacteria...and then [member="Robb Killian"] is as well for the original wish was granted.

I wish for an Assassin Droid that kills those who do not grant my wish.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Granted. Everyone hated him, and he became a whiny little b_tch who did everything Palpatine said. He becomes worse than Anakin.

I wish to enjoy this site more.

But you have to share with Jack Sparrow, thus causing your ears to bleed after listening to him for just an hour.

I wish to finish this bio and not be distracted by corrupted wishing games!

Walls are made to be completely stormtrooper proof. However they are also made to be incredibly difficult to get through for all people. Making sneak attacks through walls no longer possible.

I wish that I could find a picture for the gun this character has.
The Empire never existed, but then the Underworld became the next great enemy. It took over and destroys all other factions.

I wish the planet Coruscant would have a blackout to see what would happen.
Coruscant suffers from a planet-wide blackout resulting in millions of deaths as elevators, traffic signals, and life support systems for the under-city cease to function.

I wish that Anakin Skywalker hadn't brought up sand in any conversation, ever.

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