Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Corrupt a wish


Droids become more appreciated, however it's only due because of a new sexbot setting

I wish that Revan and Anakin would stop being used as a template for force user characters
They are stopped used as templates, then we get broken people who are loyal to their cause and people get board of that. Then they wish Anakin and Revan were templates, so the circle continues.

I wish that that's humans were used less and more aliens were created.


Aliens begin to be used more, sadly they are all of the near-human species variety

I wish you had more time


Don't make me bite you...
You are victorious in your conquest. The galaxy is yours. The damage done to get there has left it largely uninhabitable and empty, and you rule over a graveyard.

I wish to succeed in all I do.


Active Member
You do, but you end up eating yourself to death, eating the inhabitants that is.

I want to own one of those giant skyscrapers on Coruscant.
You spend your life's savings and buy it, happy with the great deal. That night the support infrastructure gives out and the building collapses in on itself.

I want to kill the Black Sun Vigo who wronged me in the past.


A Rock...Maybe?
You kill the Black Sun Vigo but also kill your best friend in the process.

I wish to stay out of the spotlight and not be famous.

Darth Armyss

Nobleman, Sith, and Womanizer
The transports are linked by a slave circuit, and a hive virus causes them to all jump to a random hyperspace coordinate where they are lost for thousands of years, in a repeat of the Katana Fleet Incident.

I wish to find said transports and have them for myself.
You find the transports but after the thousands of years drifting in space they are all derelict and dysfunctional. In short, utterly worthless.

I want to establish a criminal empire strong enough to eradicate the Black Sun.
It is brought back, but Disney then gives to another company to work on. Making it worse than hoped for.

I wish that Sith would finish the Jedi and stop playing around fighting each other.

([member="Robb Killian"] I would be fine with that. I would love to stop being called Malfoy, or anything related to Harry Potter.) :)
The Sith conquer the galaxy and destroy the Jedi once and for all, having eradicated their ancient foes they find they have nothing left to do, and resume killing each other.

I wish there were fewer gods on this site (no offense to anyone).
There are fewer gods on this site, but due to the people who made the gods leaving (which was a large chunk of the community, just hypothetical situation), the site begins to fall apart.

I wish for the underworld to overpower both Force types.

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