Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Deadly Void (Fleeting)

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Allison Martha Iversson

CWO Master Gunner, Commonwealth Navy
Battlegroup Alexandria:
Ship Name: No Land Beyond
Class: TTW-1250
Shield/Hull: 494 / 494
Armament/Defence: 18 / 12
Hanger: N/A
Movement: On Standby at 10,32

Ship Name: Shortland
Class: TTW-1250
Shield/Hull: 494 / 494
Armament/Defence: 18 / 12
Hanger: N/A
Movement: On Standby at 10,32

Ship Name: Mandurah
Class: TTW-1250
Shield/Hull: 494 / 494
Armament/Defence: 18 / 12
Hanger: N/A
Movement: On Standby at 10,32

Ship Name: Birmingham
Class: TTW-1250
Shield/Hull: 494 / 494
Armament/Defence: 18 / 12
Hanger: N/A
Movement: On Standby at 10,32

Ship Name: Mayfield
Class: TTW-1250
Shield/Hull: 494 / 494
Armament/Defence: 18 / 12
Hanger: N/A
Movement: On Standby at 10,32

Allison watched from the command console as Horus laid out his plan to the others. They were going to swing around the fleet and use the mandolorian ships for cover. Seeing the battle slowly progress forward was nerve wracking for her. So many ships were moving at once and it seemed Omega itself could fight back. She had faith in the Admiral though. He'd never let us die without a fight.

"Echo", she said to the small orange hologram on the side, "Lock in optimal firing solutions for battlegroup Alexandria against the frigate group at 01.24 and the two destroyers squadrons at the southern flanks 01.23 and 02.21 for the Fury STS Missiles. Flight path on the tangential with launchers on port side. As soon as the Admiral chooses which group to engage fire salvo of the Fury STS 5 second delay primed."

"Acknowledged. Firing solutions for Fury STS Missiles plotted on port launchers. Five second delay activation."

She turned towards the gunners in their stations. "All guns stay alert for Sith fighters. Hold fire for now. If any Sith fighters or bombers attack the nearby groups or Alexandria open fire and provide screening defense for their advance with flack guns."

Finally she reported to the Admiral. "Lord Admiral. Firing solutions on enemy groups closest to us are locked and flack guns are on standby to engage enemy craft. Firing on your command."

Summary: Long range missiles of Battlegroup Alexandria are locked on the Sith frigate group at 01.23 and the two southern most Sith destroyer groups at 01.22 and 01.21 with optimized solutions (maneuvering to avoid will be difficult). Will fire as soon as the Admiral designates which group to fire on. Flack Guns are ready to fire on hostile fighter or bombercraft within 1 hex of Battlegroup Alexandria if any enter range.


Event Account
Round 5


“Sir, the Omega is prepared. The Lady has given assent.”
The Admiral glanced at the man. He did not say what he felt, that the Sith had better give her assent or she wouldn’t have an Omega to use later.
Rather he nodded. “Very well, Commander, you may fire when ready.”

The target was locked in. The Spirit of Druckenwell was too large a target either to ignore or to miss. It was monumental…but so too was the Omega.


“Beginning primary ignition. Firing on my mark…3…2…1…FIRE!

The Admiral watched in satisfaction as the hungry red beams shot forth, reaching for the Spirit of Druckenwell.


“We are the Alpha and the Omega. Flee, pitiful Alliance…for today will be your last if you do not!”

Flagship Command
Grand Admiral Chysa'sk Commanding

“Admiral, shall we advance?”
The Harch studied the displays. “A little while longer. Let the First Order come to us first. Open fire on their Destroyers. When the time comes we will move in and surround them.”
“Sir, Admiral Choros is advancing!”
Her multi-faceted eyes narrowed and a slight hiss emerged. “Tell him to return to the line, it is too early!” She considered. “No, belay that. Let Choros have his fatal glory. All other ships are to hold position!”

1st Immortal Command
Admiral Brotus Stark Commanding

“Sir, the Republic cruisers are on fire. Orders?”
Stark chopped his hand down. “Continue the bombardment until they are ash and less than ash. Then we can deal with the rest of this Republic and Alliance scum. Fire!”

2nd Immortal Command
Admiral Jol Kallak Commanding

The Jotun blazed with fire as both the Spirit and Leviathan emptied their batteries into it. Admiral Kallak watched in horror as one of the HVC munitions tore the proton cannon off. He fancied he could see the drifting bodies of crewers in the maelstrom before they were swept away.
“Crew, get to the escape pods! Set guns to automatic firing!”
He watched in horror as the Spite, riddled with rounds from the distant Silver Jedi fleet, broke apart.
“Contact the Grand Admiral, we’re going to need reinforcements or the flank will be turned!”
“Admiral, you need to get to a pod,” his aide said.
“No, son, my battle ends here. Give me the firing controls.”
He took a seat on the bridge and took careful aim at the Leviathan. It would do nothing at this range, but it made him feel good to give something back.
The fifty heavy cannons still operational belched and blazed at the distant dreadnought. Admiral Kallak smiled…and waited for the end.

3rd Immortal Command
Admiral Jenn Veston Commanding

“Sir, the Mandalorians are preparing for another attack. Orders?”
“Continue firing. Prepare all fighters for launch and try to get this interference dealt with.

1st Exalt Command
Vice-Admiral Attalus Choros Commanding

The First Order was a wall of ships getting closer and closer. Already their shots were beginning to bite.
Finally the Admiral could take it no longer.
“All ships advance two units forward and open fire on the nearest Order Destroyer.”
“Sir…the Admiral ordered the Command…” an officer said slowly.
“The Arachnid can wait! All ships forward! We will give these false Imperials turbolasers! All ships open fire!”

2nd Scout Command
Commodore T’chall Commanding
Sheltering in a corner of the battlefield after receiving a torrential blast of fire, the Commodore tried to get order re-established.
“Get the shields back online! Repair the damage, and for Sith’s sake, stop that klaxon!” he said. At this moment he really, really wanted to be in the distant Immortal. Slower than a bantha sure, but they had armour a metre thick….

North: [member="Zark"] [member="Astarii Saren"] [member="Aerion Ivelisse"] [member="Ayden Cater"] [member="Allison Martha Iversson"] [member="Winslow"] [member="Reshmar"] [member="Taneas Haring"] [member="Gir Quee"] [member="Charzon Loulan"] [member="Knight"]
East: [member="Natasi Fortan"] [member="Flora Burn"] [member="Valessia Brentioch"] [member="Cyrus Tregessar"] [member="Tanomas Graf"] [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] [member="William Kerkov"]
South: [member="Aedan Miles"] [member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Verz Horak"] [member="Captain Larraq"] [member="Rach Vizla"] [member="Zofia Marek"] [member="Horus"]


Rogue Sith Fleet
Grand Admiral Myth Worgemuth Commanding

Station Command
Admiral Alina Sar'theron Commanding

Ship Name: Imperator Class: Imperator Prototype Frigate Shield/Hull: 400/400 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/18/10 Hanger: 3 fighter squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 01.17 Firing At:

Ship Name: Constrainer Class: Rhak Skuri Interdiction Cruiser Shield/Hull: 600 Armament/Flak/Defence: 4/4/10 Hanger: 2 fighter squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 01.15 Firing At:
Ship Name: Restraint Class: Rhak Skuri Interdiction Cruiser Shield/Hull: 600 Armament/Flak/Defence: 4/4/10 Hanger: 2 fighter squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 01.17 Firing At:

Ship Name: Wrack Class: Torment Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1000/1000 Armament/Flak/Defence: 4/8/10 Hanger: 8 fighter squadrons, 4 bomber squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 01.15 Firing At:

Ship Name: Hyaat Station Class: Hyaat Station Shield/Hull: 3000/3000 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/14/18 Hanger: 6 fighter squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 01.16 Firing At:

Flagship Command
Grand Admiral Chysa'sk Commanding

Ship Name: Razer 1 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Stationary at 02.15 Firing At:
Ship Name: Razer 2 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Stationary at 03.15 Firing At:
Ship Name: Razer 3 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Stationary at 03.16 Firing At:
Ship Name: Razer 4 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Stationary at 03.17 Firing At:

Ship Name: Tython Class: Maladi Strike Frigate Shield/Hull: 460 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/8/14 Hanger: 2 squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 02.14 Firing At:
Ship Name: Corellia Class: Maladi Strike Frigate Shield/Hull: 460 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/8/14 Hanger: 2 squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 02.16 Firing At:

Ship Name: Desire Class: Invidia Class Cannon Cruiser Shield/Hull: 900/900 Armament/Flak/Defence: 14/10/14 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 02.14 Firing At:
Ship Name: Want Class: Invidia Class Cannon Cruiser Shield/Hull: 900/900 Armament/Flak/Defence: 14/10/14 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 02.16 Firing At:

Ship Name: Agony Class: Torment Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1000/1000 Armament/Flak/Defence: 4/8/10 Hanger: 8 fighter squadrons, 4 bomber squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 02.14 Firing At:

Ship Name: Lance Class: Dark Blade Class Dreadnought Shield/Hull: 1050/1050 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/12/16 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 02.14 Firing At:
Ship Name: Spear Class: Dark Blade Class Dreadnought Shield/Hull: 1050/1050 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/12/16 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 02.16 Firing At:

Ship Name: Desolator Class: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1300/1300 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/12/16 Hanger: 5 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron, 1 gunship squadron
Movement: Stationary at 03.15 Firing At: Contempt (16.12) [member="Cyrus Tregessar"]
Ship Name: Tyrant Class: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1230/1300 +130 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/12/16 Hanger: 5 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron, 1 gunship squadron
Movement: Stationary at 03.16 Firing At: Contempt (16.12) [member="Cyrus Tregessar"]
Ship Name: Slaughter Class: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1100/1300 -200 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/12/16 Hanger: 5 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron, 1 gunship squadron
Movement: Stationary at 03.17 Firing At: Contempt (16.12) [member="Cyrus Tregessar"]

Ship Name: Dark Prince Class: Darr Itah Grand Battlecruiser Shield/Hull: 3000/3000 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/14/12 Hanger: 4 elite fighter squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 02.15 Firing At: Contempt (16.12) [member="Cyrus Tregessar"]

1st Immortal Command
Admiral Brotus Stark Commanding
Ship Name: Razer 5 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron. Deployed, Intercepting Light Corvettes at 01.10 [member="Zark"]
Movement: Moving to 03.12 Firing At:
Razer Squadron 1
Ship Name: Razer 6 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron. Deployed, Intercepting Light Corvettes at 01.10 [member="Zark"]
Movement: Moving to 03.12 Firing At:
Ship Name: Razer 7 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron. Deployed, Intercepting Light Corvettes at 01.10 [member="Zark"]
Movement: Moving to 03.12 Firing At:
Ship Name: Razer 8 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron. Deployed, Intercepting Light Corvettes at 01.10 [member="Zark"]
Movement: Moving to 03.12 Firing At:
Ship Name: Razer 9 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron. Deployed, Intercepting Light Corvettes at 01.10 [member="Zark"]
Movement: Moving to 03.12 Firing At:

Ship Name: Grinder Class: Boneshatter Assault Frigate Shield/Hull: 380/380 Armament/Flak/Defence: 16/8/14 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 03.11 Firing At: Nekogal (03.09) [member="Charzon Loulan"]

Ship Name: Onderon Class: Maladi Strike Frigate Shield/Hull: 160/460 -300 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/8/14 Hanger: Squadrons Destroyed
Movement: Stationary at 04.11 Firing At: Nekogal (03.09) [member="Charzon Loulan"]
Ship Name: Balmorra Class: Maladi Strike Frigate Shield/Hull: 0/170 -460 -270 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/8/14 Hanger: Squadrons Destroyed
Movement: Stationary at 03.11 Firing At: Nekogal (03.09) [member="Charzon Loulan"]

Ship Name: Yearn Class: Invidia Class Cannon Cruiser Shield/Hull: 300/900 -600 Armament/Flak/Defence: 14/10/14 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 04.11 Firing At: Sabrina (04.09) [member="Charzon Loulan"]

Ship Name: Ballista Class: Dark Blade Class Dreadnought Shield/Hull: 1050/1050 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/12/16 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 03.11 Firing At: Sabrina (04.09) [member="Charzon Loulan"]

Ship Name: Dictator Class: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1300/1300 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/12/16 Hanger: 5 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron, 1 gunship squadron Deployed, Intercepting Light Corvettes at 01.10 [member="Zark"]
Movement: Stationary at 03.11 Firing At: Sabrina (04.09) [member="Charzon Loulan"]
Ship Name: Devastator Class: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1100/1300 -200 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/12/16 Hanger: 5 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron, 1 gunship squadron Deployed, Intercepting Light Corvettes at 01.10 [member="Zark"]
Movement: Stationary at 04.11 Firing At: Sabrina (04.09) [member="Charzon Loulan"]

Ship Name: Colossus Class: Immortal Shield/Hull: 2000/2000 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/14/18 Hanger: 10 fighter squadrons, 4 bomber squadrons Deployed, Intercepting Light Corvettes at 01.10 [member="Zark"]
Movement: Stationary at 02.12 Firing At: Dunamas (04.09) [member="Charzon Loulan"]

2nd Immortal Command
Admiral Jol Kallak Commanding
Ship Name: Razer 10 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 0/0 -222/-222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron. DESTROYED
Movement: Stationary at 01.11 Firing At:
Razer Squadron 2
Ship Name: Razer 11 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 50/222 -50 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron. Deployed, intercepting fighters/bombers at 01.10
Movement: Moving to 01.14 Firing At:
Ship Name: Razer 12 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 100/222 -122Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron. Deployed, intercepting fighters/bombers at 01.10
Movement: Moving to 01.14 Firing At:
Ship Name: Razer 13 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 0/0 -222/-222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: Squadron Destroyed DESTROYED
Movement: Stationary at 01.09 Firing At:
Ship Name: Razer 14 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 0/0 -222/-222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: Squadron Destroyed DESTROYED
Movement: Stationary at 01.09 Firing At:
Strike Squadron 1
Ship Name: Puncture Class: Boneshatter Assault Frigate Shield/Hull: 140/380 -240 Armament/Flak/Defence: 16/8/14 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 03.11 Firing At: Nekogal (03.09) [member="Charzon Loulan"]

Ship Name: Iridonia Class: Maladi Strike Frigate Shield/Hull: 460 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/8/14 Hanger: Squadrons Destroyed
Movement: Stationary at 01.12 Firing At: Nekogal (03.09) [member="Charzon Loulan"]
Ship Name: Fornax Class: Maladi Strike Frigate Shield/Hull: 460 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/8/14 Hanger: Squadrons Destroyed
Movement: Stationary at 03.11 Firing At: Nekogal (03.09) [member="Charzon Loulan"]

Ship Name: Spite Class: Invidia Class Cannon Cruiser Shield/Hull: 0/0 -600 -900 Armament/Flak/Defence: 14/10/14 Hanger: 0 DESTROYED
Movement: Stationary at 01.10 (facing 02.09) Firing At: Sabrina (02.10) [member="Charzon Loulan"]

Ship Name: Scorpion Class: Dark Blade Class Dreadnought Shield/Hull: 0/700 -300 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/12/16 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 02.10 Firing At: Sabrina (04.09) [member="Charzon Loulan"]

Ship Name: Praetor Class: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 600/1100 -400 -100 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/12/16 Hanger: 5 2 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron, 1 gunship squadron Deployed, intercepting attack craft at 01.10
Movement: Stationary at 01.10 (facing 02.09) Firing At: Dunames (04.09) [member="Charzon Loulan"]
Ship Name: Imperator Class: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 800/1300 -200 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/12/16 Hanger: 5 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron, 1 gunship squadron Deployed, intercepting attack craft at 01.10
Movement: Stationary at 02.10 Firing At: Sabrina (04.09) [member="Charzon Loulan"]

Ship Name: Jotun Class: Immortal Shield/Hull: 0/600 -1200 -1400 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/14/18 Hanger: 10 fighter squadrons, 4 bomber squadrons Deployed, intercepting attack craft at 01.10
Movement: Stationary at 01.11 (facing 02.10) Firing At: Leviathan (06.04) [member="Astarii Saren"]

3rd Immortal Command
Admiral Jenn Veston Commanding
Ship Name: Razer 15 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Stationary at 01.21 Firing At:
Razer Squadron 3
Ship Name: Razer 16 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Stationary at 01.20 Firing At:
Ship Name: Razer 17 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Stationary at 01.20 Firing At:
Ship Name: Razer 18 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Stationary at 01.20 Firing At:
Ship Name: Razer 19 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Stationary at 01.20 Firing At:

Strike Squadron 2
Ship Name: Pierce Class: Boneshatter Assault Frigate Shield/Hull: 380/380 Armament/Flak/Defence: 16/8/14 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 02.20 Firing At:

Ship Name: Anaxes Class: Maladi Strike Frigate Shield/Hull: 460 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/8/14 Hanger: 2 squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 02.20 Firing At:
Ship Name: Ebaq Class: Maladi Strike Frigate Shield/Hull: 460 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/8/14 Hanger: 2 squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 02.20 Firing At:

Ship Name: Covet Class: Invidia Class Cannon Cruiser Shield/Hull: 900/900 Armament/Flak/Defence: 14/10/14 Hanger: 0
Movement: Firing At: Gett’se (07.28) [member="Verz Horak"]

Ship Name: Javelin Class: Dark Blade Class Dreadnought Shield/Hull: 1050/1050 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/12/16 Hanger: 0
Movement: Firing At: Gett’se (07.28) [member="Verz Horak"]

Ship Name: Obliterator Class: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 730/1300 +130 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/12/16 Hanger: 5 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron, 1 gunship squadron
Movement: Stationary at 01.22 Firing At: Gett’se (07.28) [member="Verz Horak"]
Ship Name: Ruination Class: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1130/1300 +130 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/12/16 Hanger: 5 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron, 1 gunship squadron
Movement: Stationary at 02.21 Firing At: Gett’se (07.28) [member="Verz Horak"]

Ship Name: Leviathan Class: Immortal Shield/Hull: 1800/2000 +200 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/14/18 Hanger: 10 fighter squadrons, 4 bomber squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 01.21 (facing 02.21) Firing At: Gett’se (07.28) [member="Verz Horak"]

1st Exalt Command
Vice-Admiral Attalus Choros Commanding
Ship Name: Razer 20 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Moving to 04.17 Firing At:
Razer Squadron 4
Ship Name: Razer 21 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Moving to 04.16 Firing At:
Ship Name: Razer 22 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Moving to 04.16 Firing At:
Ship Name: Razer 23 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Moving to 04.16 Firing At:
Ship Name: Razer 24 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Moving to 04.16 Firing At:

Skirmish Squadron 1
Ship Name: Claw Class: Talon Class Carrier Shield/Hull: 50/300 -250 Armament/Flak/Defence: 2/8/10 Hanger: 2 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron.
Movement: Moving to 07.17 Firing At: FIV Dosuun (11.16) [member="Valessia Brentioch"]

Ship Name: Fenris 1 Class: Fenris Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 200/350 -125 Armament/Flak/Defence: 12/10/14 Hanger: 2 squadrons
Movement: Moving to 07.17 Firing At: FIV Dosuun (11.16) [member="Valessia Brentioch"]
Ship Name: Fenris 2 Class: Fenris Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 150/350 -200 Armament/Flak/Defence: 12/10/14 Hanger: 2 squadrons
Movement: Moving to 07.17 Firing At: FIV Dosuun (11.16) [member="Valessia Brentioch"]
Ship Name: Fenris 3 Class: Fenris Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 100/350 -250 Armament/Flak/Defence: 12/10/14 Hanger: 2 squadrons
Movement: Moving to 07.17 Firing At: FIV Dosuun (11.16) [member="Valessia Brentioch"]

Ship Name: Assault Class: Vanguard Class Heavy Cruiser Shield/Hull: 625/625 Armament/Flak/Defence: 14/6/14 Hanger: 2 gunship squadrons
Movement: Moving to 05.17 Firing At: FIV Sloane (12.16) [member="Valessia Brentioch"]

Ship Name: Chagrin Class: Torment Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1000/1000 Armament/Flak/Defence: 4/8/10 Hanger: 8 fighter squadrons, 4 bomber squadrons
Movement: Moving to 05.18 Firing At: FIV Sloane (12.16) [member="Valessia Brentioch"]

Ship Name: Apocalypse Class: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1300/1300 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/12/16 Hanger: 5 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron, 1 gunship squadron
Movement: Moving to 05.17 Firing At: FIV Sloane (12.16) [member="Valessia Brentioch"]
Ship Name: Armageddon Class: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1300/1300 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/12/16 Hanger: 5 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron, 1 gunship squadron
Movement: Moving to 05.18 Firing At: FIV Sloane (12.16) [member="Valessia Brentioch"]

Ship Name: Worship Class: Exalt Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1800/1800 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/16/16 Hanger: 3 squadrons
Movement: Moving to 04.17 Firing At: FIV Sloane (12.16) [member="Valessia Brentioch"]

2nd Exalt Command
Vice-Admiral Kyra Mir Commanding
Ship Name: Razer 25 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Stationary at 02.19 Firing At:
Razer Squadron 5
Ship Name: Razer 26 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Stationary at 02.18 Firing At:
Ship Name: Razer 27 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Stationary at 02.18 Firing At:
Ship Name: Razer 28 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Stationary at 02.18 Firing At:
Ship Name: Razer 29 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Stationary at 02.18 Firing At:

Skirmish Squadron 2
Ship Name: Rend Class: Talon Class Carrier Shield/Hull: 0/250 -50 -50 Armament/Flak/Defence: 2/8/10 Hanger: 2 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron.
Movement: Moving to 02.18 Firing At:

Ship Name: Fenris 4 Class: Fenris Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 25/350 -77 Armament/Flak/Defence: 12/10/14 Hanger: 2 squadrons
Movement: Moving to 02.18 Firing At:
Ship Name: Fenris 5 Class: Fenris Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 50/350 -50 Armament/Flak/Defence: 12/10/14 Hanger: 2 squadrons
Movement: Moving to 02.18 Firing At:
Ship Name: Fenris 6 Class: Fenris Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 25/350 -75 Armament/Flak/Defence: 12/10/14 Hanger: 2 squadrons
Movement: Moving to 02.18 Firing At:

Ship Name: Charge Class: Vanguard Class Heavy Cruiser Shield/Hull: 625/625 Armament/Flak/Defence: 14/6/14 Hanger: 2 gunship squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 03.19 Firing At: Be'vod Runi be'te Naast (10.24) [member="Captain Larraq"]

Ship Name: Interrogator Class: Torment Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 500/1000 -500 Armament/Flak/Defence: 4/8/10 Hanger: 8 fighter squadrons, 4 bomber squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 03.20 Firing At:

Ship Name: Warmonger Class: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1150/1300 -150 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/12/16 Hanger: 5 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron, 1 gunship squadron
Movement: Stationary at 03.19 Firing At: Be'vod Runi be'te Naast (10.24) [member="Captain Larraq"]
Ship Name: Pacifier Class: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 900/1300 -400 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/12/16 Hanger: 5 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron, 1 gunship squadron
Movement: Stationary at 03.20 Firing At: Be'vod Runi be'te Naast (10.24) [member="Captain Larraq"]

Ship Name: Deify Class: Exalt Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1800/1800 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/16/16 Hanger: 3 squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 02.19Firing At: Be'vod Runi be'te Naast (10.24) [member="Captain Larraq"]

3rd Exalt Command
Vice-Admiral Vaylin T’Gaer Commanding
Ship Name: Razer 30 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Stationary at 03.14 Firing At:
Razer Squadron 6
Ship Name: Razer 31 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Stationary at 02.14 Firing At:
Ship Name: Razer 32 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Stationary at 02.14 Firing At:
Ship Name: Razer 33 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Stationary at 02.14 Firing At:
Ship Name: Razer 34 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Stationary at 02.14 Firing At:

Skirmish Squadron 3
Ship Name: Hook Class: Talon Class Carrier Shield/Hull: 300/300 Armament/Flak/Defence: 2/8/10 Hanger: 2 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron.
Movement: Stationary at 02.14 Firing At:

Ship Name: Fenris 7 Class: Fenris Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 350/350 Armament/Flak/Defence: 12/10/14 Hanger: 2 squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 02.14 Firing At:
Ship Name: Fenris 8 Class: Fenris Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 350/350 Armament/Flak/Defence: 12/10/14 Hanger: 2 squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 02.14 Firing At:
Ship Name: Fenris 9 Class: Fenris Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 350/350 Armament/Flak/Defence: 12/10/14 Hanger: 2 squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 02.14 Firing At:

Ship Name: Escalade Class: Vanguard Class Heavy Cruiser Shield/Hull: 625/625 Armament/Flak/Defence: 14/6/14 Hanger: 2 gunship squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 04.13 Firing At:

Ship Name: Flense Class: Torment Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1000/1000 Armament/Flak/Defence: 4/8/10 Hanger: 8 fighter squadrons, 4 bomber squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 04.14 Firing At:

Ship Name: Krayt Class: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1300/1300 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/12/16 Hanger: 5 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron, 1 gunship squadron
Movement: Stationary at 04.13 Firing At:
Ship Name: Centurion Class: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1300/1300 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/12/16 Hanger: 5 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron, 1 gunship squadron
Movement: Stationary at 04.14 Firing At:

Ship Name: Avatar Class: Exalt Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1800/1800 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/16/16 Hanger: 3 squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 03.14 Firing At:

1st Reserve Command
Rear Admiral Arian Kanno Commanding

Strike Squadron 3
Ship Name: Impale Class: Boneshatter Assault Frigate Shield/Hull: 380/380 Armament/Flak/Defence: 16/8/14 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 01.20 Firing At:
Ship Name: Slice Class: Boneshatter Assault Frigate Shield/Hull: 380/380 Armament/Flak/Defence: 16/8/14 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 01.20 Firing At:
Ship Name: Maul Class: Boneshatter Assault Frigate Shield/Hull: 380/380 Armament/Flak/Defence: 16/8/14 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 01.20 Firing At:
Ship Name: Dismember Class: Boneshatter Assault Frigate Shield/Hull: 380/380 Armament/Flak/Defence: 16/8/14 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 01.20 Firing At:

Ship Name: Telti Class: Maladi Strike Frigate Shield/Hull: 460 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/8/14 Hanger: 2 squadrons
Movement: Firing At:
Ship Name: Togoria Class: Maladi Strike Frigate Shield/Hull: 460 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/8/14 Hanger: 2 squadrons
Movement: Firing At:
Ship Name: Justicar Class: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1300/1300 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/12/16 Hanger: 5 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron, 1 gunship squadron
Movement: Stationary at 01.19 Firing At:
Ship Name: Victor Class: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1300/1300 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/12/16 Hanger: 5 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron, 1 gunship squadron
Movement: Stationary at 01.19 Firing At:

1st Scout Command
Commodore Yhorm Commanding
Ship Name: Celeres 1 Class: Celeres Class Light Corvette Shield/Hull: 48/48 Armament/Flak/Defence: 5/10/5 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 05.17 Firing At:
Ship Name: Celeres 2 Class: Celeres Class Light Corvette Shield/Hull: 48/48 Armament/Flak/Defence: 5/10/5 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 05.17 Firing At:
Ship Name: Celeres 3 Class: Celeres Class Light Corvette Shield/Hull: 48/48 Armament/Flak/Defence: 5/10/5 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 05.17 Firing At:
Ship Name: Celeres 4 Class: Celeres Class Light Corvette Shield/Hull: 48/48 Armament/Flak/Defence: 5/10/5 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 05.17 Firing At:

Ship Name: Corsair 1 Class: Corsair Class Gunship Corvette Shield/Hull: 160/160 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/4/12 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 05.17 Firing At:
Ship Name: Corsair 2 Class: Corsair Class Gunship Corvette Shield/Hull: 160/160 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/4/12 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 05.17 Firing At:
Ship Name: Corsair 3 Class: Corsair Class Gunship Corvette Shield/Hull: 160/160 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/4/12 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 05.17 Firing At:
Ship Name: Corsair 4 Class: Corsair Class Gunship Corvette Shield/Hull: 160/160 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/4/12 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 05.17 Firing At:
Ship Name: Corsair 5 Class: Corsair Class Gunship Corvette Shield/Hull: 160/160 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/4/12 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 05.17 Firing At:

2nd Scout Command
Commodore T’chall Commanding
Ship Name: Celeres 5 Class: Celeres Class Light Corvette Shield/Hull: 5/38 +5 Armament/Flak/Defence: 5/10/5 Hanger: 0
Movement: Moving to 1.24 Firing At:
Ship Name: Celeres 6 Class: Celeres Class Light Corvette Shield/Hull: 13/48 +5 Armament/Flak/Defence: 5/10/5 Hanger: 0
Movement: Moving to 1.24 Firing At:
Ship Name: Celeres 7 Class: Celeres Class Light Corvette Shield/Hull: 5/30 +5 Armament/Flak/Defence: 5/10/5 Hanger: 0
Movement: Moving to 1.24 Firing At:
Ship Name: Celeres 8 Class: Celeres Class Light Corvette Shield/Hull: 48/48 Armament/Flak/Defence: 5/10/5 Hanger: 0
Movement: Moving to 1.24 Firing At:

Ship Name: Corsair 6 Class: Corsair Class Gunship Corvette Shield/Hull: 136/160 +16 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/4/12 Hanger: 0
Movement: Moving to 1.24 Firing At: Can'gal Kyramund (02.26) [member="Verz Horak"]
Ship Name: Corsair 7 Class: Corsair Class Gunship Corvette Shield/Hull: 116/160 +16 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/4/12 Hanger: 0
Movement: Moving to 1.24 Firing At: Can'gal Kyramund (02.26) [member="Verz Horak"]
Ship Name: Corsair 8 Class: Corsair Class Gunship Corvette Shield/Hull: 156/160 +16 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/4/12 Hanger: 0
Movement: Moving to 1.24 Firing At: Can'gal Kyramund (02.26) [member="Verz Horak"]
Ship Name: Corsair 9 Class: Corsair Class Gunship Corvette Shield/Hull: 146/160 +16 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/4/12 Hanger: 0
Movement: Moving to 1.24 Firing At: Can'gal Kyramund (02.26) [member="Verz Horak"]
Ship Name: Corsair 10 Class: Corsair Class Gunship Corvette Shield/Hull: 136/160 +16 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/4/12 Hanger: 0
Movement: Moving to 1.24 Firing At: Can'gal Kyramund (02.26) [member="Verz Horak"]

Combat Summary:

The Omega Fired on the Spirit of Druckenwell.

Fighters and bombers from 1st and 2nd Immortal Command engaged [member="Zark"] and [member="Charzon Loulan"]’s surviving squadrons.

The Republic’s cruisers will be destroyed this turn under such bombardment.

One Immortal is severely wounded. Other ships have taken heavy fire. An Invidia was blown up by [member="Gir Quee"].

The 1st Exalt Command has advanced on the First Order to give them some cold steel.

Moves were much better this time. Thank you. Remember to post departure and destination.

If there’s any mistakes or if I missed something I do apologise. Let me know and I’ll fix it next round or this.

Taneas Haring


Allies: [member="Reshmar"] Ξ [member="Gir Quee"] Ξ [member="Lily Kilia"] Ξ [member="Reen Lorgon"] Ξ [member="Korro Kenyu"] Ξ [member="Roth Tillian"] Ξ @SJ Ξ @GA Ξ @TNR
Neutral: @GR Ξ @both mandos Ξ @FO
Enemy: @os Ξ @ros Ξ @omega

The allied fleets had already begun the attack on the Sith. Many more prepared for this battle than his own. Although the time sat idle for all ships and starfighters to report in for system checks gave him time to assess. Battles where rarely won from sheer power while the everyone who had joined against them could win from that- the element of strategy was surely needed. "Admiral, all vessels are green light." His cold cybernetic arms crossed behind his back as he gave a slight nod. "Very well. Relay the message to all ships to begin advancing. Once we are in range I want all ships to unleash controlled fire." He spoke out his commands. The gental vibration ran through the libita as it's engines had been put on full burn. "Shan, surik have your accelerator cannons charge. Don't fire without a clear shot. Use the fire of other ships to our advantage. They'll want to avoid as much as they can. Lets not give them that opportunity. Hammerheads ion only for now."

That feeling returned to him he'd not felt in a long time. Adrenaline the rush of excitement coursing through him waiting for the imminent mixes of green and red shots bursting out the barrels of the guns. This was where be belonged. The past twenty years he'd imagined a worthy battle. One that tested and brought everyone together to beat a common enemy. Was today the day the Sith would have that crippling blow that wiped them? Probably not. But it was a day where they would be the ones living in fear. Voodoo magic or not their reign is over. "Officer kayleen take over for Lieutenant Litvyak. Lieutenant Litvyak front and centre." His eyes never left the table struggling to keep up with every ship. There had to be more than a hundred or close. Nether the less more than he could comprehend. "Yes Sir?" She said sounding her words as a question. A small glimpse at her now pale face coming to the realization of what's happening. "I want you to track where our allies are been hit and what allie ships are been lost. I'm focused on where they are hitting and what enemy ships are been lost." He had other people around been a point of communication between the fleet. All taneas had to do was find openings and exploit them. "Yes admiral." That should keep your mind occupied. He thought to himself. "And just call me by my first name lieutenant." She nodded at him acknowledging his request. "Begin charging the S M F F D H L. Lets get payback and target the battle cruiser moving towards grid three twelve. Its big and slow just like the a hutt."

[member="Lily Kilia"]
Jen looked around the hanger as everyone stood by their ships in full pilots gear. They where heavy and thick casing him to feel the sweat role down his back. Although the nerves didn't help. Damn it wasn't just nerves but the thought of unknowns. I can do this, I cancan do this, I can do this. he repeated many times in his head. Even jen's face showed it. His oown mind dragging him through a fight before he'd even gotten intovthe real one. Then there she stood. Lieutenant Kilia. He couldn't deny her beauty matched her skills as a pilot. Top marks across all exams and hardly crashed in the flight sims. She had a reputation that followed her. It was no surprise she'd be leading a squadron. If anything everyone here walked in her shadow and Jen in theirs.

"Mi.. Lieutenant?" He spoke loudly. "I think there has been a mistake. I've been assigned to your squadron." He said. His abilities where far from hers. A part of him screamed I'm not worthy of speaking to such talent let alone flying with her. What where they thinking. I've been here eight weeks. I'm still getting a grasp of everything. I didn't attend acadamy like her. Geez I was just a crewmen a few months ago. What if I freeze up? What if I put them in jepody? doubt had reached most corners now yet somewhere nagged. Grow up. You have been trained for this. Its what you wanted to do. Now act like it.

23rd Fleet - Commanded by [member=Taneas Haring]

Set 1 — 12.01>>10.03
Ship Name: Rendili Heart
Class: Libita-Class Command ship
Shield/Hull: 3000 -- 3000
Armament/Defence: A4/D18

split wing T-90 piloted by [member="Lily Kilia"]
Dynamic class freighter
X2 Dynamic class II Freighter Piloted by [member="Reen Lorgon"]
X3 split wings T-90
X4 B-wing
X4 vesparum Interceptors

Movement: 10.03
Firing At: 02.12 battle cruiser @omega

Ship Name: Shan
Class: Noblesse-Class Heavy Destroyer
Shield/Hull: 1700 -- 1700
Armament/Defence: A10/D10

X3 Split wings T-90
X3 B-wing
X2 Vesparum Interceptor

Firing At: 02.12 battle cruiser @omega

Ship Name: Surik
Class: Noblesse-Class Heavy Destroyer
Shield/Hull: 1700 -- 1700
Armament/Defence: A10/D10

X3 Split wings T-90
X3 B-wing
X2 Vesparum Interceptor

Firing At: 02.13 battle cruiser @omega

Ship Name: Arache
Class: Hammerhead Frigate
Shield/Hull: 315 -- 315
Armament/Defence: A10/D10

X3 B-wing

Firing At: 02.12 random ion only @omega

Ship Name: Lamia
Class: Peacekeeper Light Cruiser
Shield/Hull: 122 -- 122
Armament/Defence: A10/D10
Firing At:

Ship Name: Serenno
Class: Peacekeeper Light Cruiser
Shield/Hull: 122 -- 122
Firing At:

Ship Name: Blu
Class: Peacekeeper Light Cruiser
Shield/Hull: 122 -- 122
Armament/Defence: A10/D10
Firing At:

Class: B-wing Piloted By [member="Korro Kenyu"]

Class: B-wing
Shield/Hull: 17 -- 17
Firing At:

Set 2 — 13.01>>11.4

Ship Name: Matriarch
Class: Centurion
Shield/Hull: A12/D11
Attack/Defence: A18/D18

X5 split wings T-90
X5 B-wing
X4 vesparum Interceptors

Movement: 11.04
Firing At:

Ship Name: Antilles
Class: Hammerhead Frigate
Shield/Hull: 315 -- 315
Armament/Defence: A10/D10

X2 split wings T-90
X2 B-wing
X2 vesparum Interceptors

Firing At: 02.12 random ion only @omega

Ship Name: Vao
Class: Hammerhead Frigate
Shield/Hull: 315 -- 315
Armament/Defence: A10/D10

X2 split wings T-90
X2 B-wing
X2 vesparum Interceptors

Firing At: 02.12 random ion only @omega

Ship Name: Onasi
Class: Hammerhead Frigate
Shield/Hull: 315 -- 315
Armament/Defence: A10/D10

X2 split wings T-90
X2 B-wing
X2 vesparum Interceptors

Firing At: 02.12 random ion only @omega

Ship Name: Mira
Class: Peacekeeper Light Cruiser
Shield/Hull: 122 -- 122
Armament/Defence: A10/D10
Firing At:

Ship Name: Handmaiden
Class: Peacekeeper Light Cruiser
Shield/Hull: 122 -- 122
Armament/Defence: A10/D10
Firing At:

Ship Name: Brianna
Class: Peacekeeper Light Cruiser
Shield/Hull: 122 -- 122
Armament/Defence: A10/D10
Firing At:

Ship Name: Marr
Class: Peacekeeper Light Cruiser
Shield/Hull: 122 -- 122
Armament/Defence: A10/D10
Firing At:

Ship Name: Onyx

Class: Peacekeeper Light Cruiser
Shield/Hull: 122 -- 122

Armament/Defence: A10/D10
Firing At:

Ship Name: Genesis

Class: Peacekeeper Light Cruiser
Shield/Hull: 122 -- 122

Armament/Defence: A10/D10
Firing At:

summery of actions -
set one moved 3 hex's to 10.03
Set two moved 4 hexe's to 11.04
Libita targeting 02.12 battle cruiser with main gun and all lr weapons
Shan, Surik targeting 02.12 battle cruiser with main gun and all lr weapons
Hammerheads firing ion spread at 02.12 (choose what it's hits. Aimed more for movement restrictment than damage)

Valessia Brentioch

Faction: The First Order
Commanding Officer: Adm. Fiolette Yvarro
Fleet Size: 9,800m

Alpha Line: 3,200m
Movement: 13.16 >> 9.16
FIV Chevalier: Inflictor-class, Heavy Cruiser
Shield/Hull: 980/980
Arm/Def: 14/16
Firing At: 5.18 - Armageddon ( [member="Omega"] )

FIV Resolve: Empire-class, Heavy Frigate
Shield/Hull: 500/500
Arm/Def: 17/13
Firing At: 5.18 - Armageddon ( [member="Omega"] )

FIV Valiant: Empire-class, Heavy Frigate
Shield/Hull: 500/500
Arm/Def: 17/13
Firing At: 5.18 - Armageddon ( [member="Omega"] )

FIV Fortitude: Empire-class, Heavy Frigate
Shield/Hull: 500/500
Arm/Def: 17/13
Firing At: 5.18 - Armageddon ( [member="Omega"] )

FIV Starknife: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: 5.18 - Armageddon ( [member="Omega"] )

FIV Cestus: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: 5.18 - Armageddon ( [member="Omega"] )

FIV Morningstar: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: 5.18 - Armageddon ( [member="Omega"] )

Bravo Line: 1,500m
Movement: 11.16 >> 9.17
FIV Dosuun: Retribution-class, Star Destroyer
Shield/Hull: 600/900
Arm/Def: 17/15
Hangar: TIE/FO x2 Squadrons | Active - Defensive Screens Engaged
Firing At: 5.18 - Armageddon ( [member="Omega"] )

FIV Caracal: Fortan-class, Heavy Corvette
Shield/Hull: 200/200
Arm/Def: 16/14
Firing At: 5.18 - Armageddon ( [member="Omega"] )

FIV Felis: Fortan-class, Heavy Corvette
Shield/Hull: 200/200
Arm/Def: 16/14
Firing At: 5.18 - Armageddon ( [member="Omega"] )

FIV Leopard: Fortan-class, Heavy Corvette
Shield/Hull: 200/200
Arm/Def: 16/14
Firing At: 5.18 - Armageddon ( [member="Omega"] )

Charlie Line: 3,200m
Movement: 12.17 >> 10.16

FIV Warden: Inflictor-class, Heavy Cruiser
Shield/Hull: 980/980
Arm/Def: 14/16
Firing At: 5.18 - Armageddon ( [member="Omega"] )

FIV Resilience: Empire-class, Heavy Frigate
Shield/Hull: 500/500
Arm/Def: 17/13
Firing At: 5.18 - Armageddon ( [member="Omega"] )

FIV Victorious: Empire-class, Heavy Frigate
Shield/Hull: 500/500
Arm/Def: 17/13
Firing At: 5.18 - Armageddon ( [member="Omega"] )

FIV Fearless: Empire-class, Heavy Frigate
Shield/Hull: 500/500
Arm/Def: 17/13
Firing At: 5.18 - Armageddon ( [member="Omega"] )

FIV Cutlass: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: 5.18 - Armageddon ( [member="Omega"] )

FIV Gladius: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: 5.18 - Armageddon ( [member="Omega"] )

FIV Sickle: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: 5.18 - Armageddon ( [member="Omega"] )

Delta Line: 2,000m
Movement: 12.16 >> 10.17
FIV Sloane: Executrix-class, Star Destroyer
Shield/Hull: 200/1600
Arm/Def: 14/17
Hangar: TIE/IN x2 Squadrons | TIE/SF x2Squadrons | Supporting the Dosuun @ 9.17
Firing At: 5.18 - Armageddon ( [member="Omega"] )

FIV Warhammer: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: 5.18 - Armageddon ( [member="Omega"] )

FIV Kukuri: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: 5.18 - Armageddon ( [member="Omega"] )

Unknown Region
FIV Rae Sloane, Command Center
Objective: Destroy the Omega Weapon
Allies: [member="Tanomas Graf"] | [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] | [member="William [/I][/FONT][I][FONT='times new roman']Kerkov"] | [member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"] | [member="Avicus DuSang"] / [member="Natasi Fortan"] | [member="Cyrus Tregessar"]
Enemies: Rogue Sith, Omega Weapon
Neutrals: The Galactic Alliance, The Mandalorians

The Sloane's alarms sounded after the hit, and no doubt most commanders might've had their nerves freyed. Then again, most commanders were not named Fiolette Yvarro. Most commanders hadn't lived through nearly as many would-be Imperial factions as the Admiral, including the One Sith. And so she remained calm, her feet planted to the durasteel beneath her feet.
"You call that a hit?" Admiral Yvarro sneered from her command center, "Galeway open fleet communications." She looked over and Galeway gave her the thumbs up. "Yvarro to Fleet." She paused a moment as a Petty Officer handed her a cup of tea, "I am sending you targets, please ensure their destruction. If you don't, I'm demoting you all. Happy Shooting, Yvarro out." The Admiral then sipped her cup of tea and made a face and looked at the Petty Officer. "What is this?"

"E-Earl Gr-Grey?" He stammered, and Galeway cringed for the man.

Yvarro took a deep breath and handed him the cup of tea back. "Go, go away and learn how to make a tea for a Yvarro not some bloody bald headed fictional commander, mhmm?" She motioned with her hand, "that's all." Walking with a cool collective swagger she was internally swearing that - that should've killed the Sloane right where it stood but it hadn't. Instead, it only served to enrage the entire fleet she walked to her holographic table and punched out her orders. "Walzer, ensure the fleets get these targets - Galeway, open a diplomatic cipher to the Alliance."

The Admiral slowly paced toward her communications center. "Attention Alliance Fleet, you and your brethren have fought exceptionally well. Perhaps on another day we shall have our time together, mhmmm. Until then, the First Order shall do the best we can to keep the Sith occupied while you recover and regroup. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, Admiral Yvarro out." Grand Admiral Tregessar was probably going to have a bantha over that, oh well. She watched as the petty officer rushed back to her. "Are you sure this is tea?"

"Y-Yes ma'am."

Taking a deep breath she looked at Galeway, "you take it, I must see to our shield systems."

"Walzer with me, Ensign Halashari I want you to target this ship the Armageddon. Let us show them what it means to die, like a proper Sith." There was a sly grin on her face, and as she looked at the target she could feel a bit of inspriation no doubt, the pet Sith that her niece [member="Natasi Fortan"] brought with her, [member="[/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=14px][FONT=tahoma]Avicus[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=tahoma][SIZE=14px] DuSang"]. "Remind me to thank Admrial DuSang when we get home, Walzer."

"Of course, Admiral."

At the tactical station she looked at the enemy formation in front of her and gave her orders, "Galeway transmit enemy coordinates to Graf, Rausgeber, Kerkov and Fortan - include new coordinates for the fleet."

"Aye Admiral," Lieutenant Galeway acknowledged, "dispatching coordinates, orders to the fleet?"

A brow raised, "Lieutenant would you like me to demote you to JG?"


"Fetch me my tactical board, and I'll dispatch new orders when you return." Admiral Yvarro remarked as she locked target onto the Armageddon. "All lines, fire on the Armageddon."

Ensign Halashari repeated off, "Strike Force Avalonia - Engaging the Armageddon."

Summary of Actions:
  • Strike Force Avalonia Moves
  • Dosuun and Sloane Took Fire
  • Strike Force Avalonia Targets the Armageddon
  • + Avicus DuSang's Meditation Bonus
  • All Attack Craft: Engaged Defensive Screens on the Dosuun
  • Someone Made Terrible Tea

Aerion Ivelisse

Unknown Region
Firing on Rogue Sith Forces


That's all Captain Jax could see happening right now.

They had significantly lowered the shields of their target.

"Sir, the Frigate survived the initial barrage."

"Fire another, tighten those targeting solutions," he ordered. His words had been transmitted across the Fourteenth's frequencies. After the communications officer turned off that channel, the Human Captain turned and said. "After the next command to fire, fire at will until that ship is slag!"

"Yes Sir!"

They went about completing his orders.

The ships of the Command Line didn't move, they didn't want to get any closer.

"Sir, the Omega is firing!"

And then the tactical readout was awash with the information scrolling through the feed of what the Spirit of Druckenwell was doing. An iconic ship, no doubt, he still wanted to see what happened, but he had other things to do. He wasn't hard pressed, not yet, but he had faith the other Commanders of the Alliance would make up for whatever damage the OMEGA dealt out. "An open message from the... First Order, sir."

"Play it," he said.

"The ship of its origins has just suffered a great blow to her shields," the same man said. Jax, turned his head back to the screen to find the ship. His target was nearly gone destroyed, the sensor readouts said. The day had yet to finish. Who knew if the Imperials would go back on their word and then fire on the weakened Alliance Fleet? Who was to say the Alliance wouldn't do the same? He couldn't say as to whether they would or not, but the idea of taking out a large chunk of the First Order's Fleet was ideal to him.

"Finish off the Frigate."

And again, as one, the Fourteenth fired on the same ships as they had only a handful of minutes before.


[ 1 ] Tython-Class Prototype - ‘Audacity

1850 Hull / 1850 Shield

Armament: 18
Defense: 18
Speed: Two Hexes
Maneuverability: One Turn
Firing At: [member="Omega"] Onderon, at 4.11

  • Starfighter Complement(s):
[24] T-70 X-wing Starfighters
[24] B/E-3 B-Wing Multi-role Starfighters
[24] X-83 TwinTail Space Superiority Starfighter
[5] M47 Illira-Class Dropships

[ 2 ] - Horn-Class Escort Cruiser 'Remember Tython,' 'Akk Jaw'

500 Hull / 500 Shield

Armament: 15
Defense: 14
Speed: Four Hexes
Maneuverability: Four Turns
Firing At: [member="Omega"], Onderon, 4.11

  • Starfighter Complement(s): (Holding)
[12] OS-G1 Guardian
[12] OS-G2 Knight
[12] OS-G3 Paladin
[12] Eharl Assault Starfighter
[6] M32 Dropship

[ 2 ] - Excubitor-Class Cruiser - ‘Absolving Touch,’ ‘Forward’

550 Hull / 550 Shield

Armament: 14
Defense: 14
Speed: Two Hexes
Maneuverability: Eight Hexes
Firing At: Omega, Onderon, 4.11

  • Starfighter Complement(s): (Deployed; Holding)
[12] M47 Illria-class Dropships
[12] OS-G2 Knights
[12] OS-I2 Interceptors

[ 3 ] - Thranta Mk-II class Patrol Frigate 'Benevolence,' 'Control,' 'Eriadu's Return'

400 Hull / 400 Shield

Armanent: 16
Defense: 12
Speed: Six Hexes
Maneuverability: Four Turns
Firing At: [member="Omega"], Onderon, 4.11

  • Starfighter Complement(s): (Deployed; Holding)
[12] T-70 X-wing Starfighters

[ 3 ] - Warden-class Heavy Cruiser 'Light the Way,' 'Shadows Aside,' 'Haut Noon'

1000 Hull / 1000 Shield

Armament: 18
Defense: 14
Speed: Three Hexes
Maneuverability: Two Turns
Firing At: [member="Omega"], Onderon, 4.11

  • Starfighter Complement(s): (Holding)
[16] Peregrine-class
[8] M32 Dropship
[6] M59 Raven Dropship

[ 2 ] - Stalwart-Class Heavy Cruiser 'Shield,' 'Spear'

1000 Hull / 1000 Shield

Armament: 14
Defense: 14
Speed: Three Hexes
Maneuverability: Two Turns
Firing At: [member="Omega"], Yearn, 4.11

  • Starfighter Complement(s): (Holding)
[18] OS-G2 Knight
[8] M32 Dropship


Firing at the same ships. Advanced Line moves closer to the enemy lines.

RIP Carlyle Rausgeber

"It's all been bloody marvellous..."
Battlegroup Imperator
Location: Imperial-x class Star Destroyer Vindicator
Allies: [member="Tanomas Graf"] | [member="Valessia Brentioch"] | [member="Natasi Fortan"] | [member="Avicus DuSang"] | [member="William Kerkov"] | [member="Cyrus Tregessar"]
Enemies: [member="Omega"]

Conquest Line: 2840m
Movement: 13.15 >> 11.15
Vindicator (Flagship)
Imperial-x class Star Destroyer
Shield/Hull= 1600/1600
Hangar= Deployed.
Firing At= Torment Class Star Destroyer @05.18 ([member="Omega"])

Remaining Conquest Line
Movement: 12.15 >> 10.15

Survivor Empire-class Heavy Frigate
Firing At=Torment Class Star Destroyer 05.18([member="Omega"])

Sabre Dagger-class Escort Frigate
Firing At=Torment Class Star Destroyer 05.18 ([member="Omega"])

Brutal Empire-class Heavy Frigate
Firing At=Torment Class Star Destroyer 05.18 ([member="Omega"])

Victory Line: 2840m
Movement: 14.14 >> 12.15
Defiant Imperial-x class Star Destroyer
Shield/Hull= 1600/1600
Firing At= Torment Class Star Destroyer 05.18 ([member="Omega"])

Remaining Victory LineMovement: 11.15 >> 9.15

Blade Dagger-class Escort Frigate
Firing At= Torment Class Star Destroyer 05.18 ([member="Omega"])

Bruiser Empire-class Heavy Frigate
Firing At= Torment Class Star Destroyer 05.18 ([member="Omega"])

Bombardier Empire-class Heavy Frigate
Firing At=Torment Class Star Destroyer 05.18([member="Omega"])

Loyalty Line: 1880m
Movement: 12.14 >> 10.14

Gallant Retribution-class Star Destroyer
Arm/Def: 17/15
Hangar: Deployed
Firing At: Vanguard Class Heavy Cruiser 05.17 ([member="Omega"])

Blade Dagger-class Escort Frigate
Firing At= Vanguard Class Heavy Cruiser 05.17 ([member="Omega"])

Machete Dagger-class Escort Frigate
Firing At= Vanguard Class Heavy Cruiser 05.17 ([member="Omega"])

Brawl Empire-class Heavy Frigate
Firing At= Vanguard Class Heavy Cruiser 05.17 ([member="Omega"])

Royalty Line: 2340m
Movement: 15.15 >> 13.16

Rescue Retribution-class Star Destroyer
Arm/Def: 17/15
Firing At: Vanguard Class Heavy Cruiser 05.17([member="Omega"])

Steadfast Vindicator-class Light Carrier
Hangar= Deployed
Firing At= Vanguard Class Heavy Cruiser 05.17 ([member="Omega"])

Resilience Vindicator-class Light Carrier
Hangar= Deployed
Firing At= Vanguard Class Heavy Cruiser 05.17 ([member="Omega"])

Cutthroat Dagger-class Escort Frigate
Firing At= Vanguard Class Heavy Cruiser 05.17 ([member="Omega"])

"We're what?" Carlyle asked the Gunnery Officer.

"Sir, we're in range of the enemy." The Officer replied, "Shall I prep the guns?"

"Prep the guns? Prep the karking guns?!" he asked, "You should be firing already!"

"Yes sir, sorry sir, which target shall we focus upon?" the Officer replied.

"Largest one available, get the rest of Conquest Line, and Victory Line to fire upon this beastie!" The Captain bellowed, his crew listened, and immediately the Vindicator unleashed a barrage of fire which suppressed a Torment-class star destroyer. The rest of the ships in its squadron, as well as the Defiant and Victory line followed suit, beginning to rain hell upon the enemy.

"Sir, Loyalty and Royalty lines have come into range, what are they to do sir?" Comms asked.

"Fire upon the secondary cruiser, we're going to suppress the enemy and force them back."

"Aye aye sir. Loyalty and Royalty lines, form up and assault the heavy cruiser. Repeat, form up and destroy the heavy cruiser." Comms commanded.

"Gunnery, are we hitting them hard?" Rausgeber asked.

"We are sir, in fact, I'd dare say we're probably hitting them better than we ever have." The Gunner replied.

Carlyle turned to the viewport, and watched as the star destroyers and their escorts began hammering away at the ship. "Must be DuSang..." he muttered to himself. Or perhaps that'd been a placebo to calm some nerves. Either way, this would be interesting.

Summary Of Actions
  • Conquest and Victory lines are opening fire upon the Torment-class Star Destroyer @5.17
  • Royalty and Loyalty lines are opening fire upon the Vanguard-class Heavy Cruiser @ 5.18
  • Avicus DuSang is making our troops better
  • Carlyle's tumour has doubled in size
skin, bone, and arrogance​

Natasi nodded at [member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"], her dark eyes narrowing a little as she processed his report. "Good idea, Colonel," she said gravely. "I leave it in your capable hands." She placed a gloves hand on his forearm and squeezed softly. The presence of a friend and occasional riding partner was comforting during this trying time. But she realized, for the moment, that everything seemed -- if not calm, then at least manageable. Under control. Not pants-wettingly terrifying. She released him and smiled over at him, her head cocked at an odd angle for a few moments. She looked as if she was about to say something, but something caught her attention on the screen: a section of the Rogue Sith fleet was breaking away, heading for the First Order position, and it flashed red on the battle map. "What the -- yes, Colonel, you have my leave, but -- look here. What the devil are they hoping to achieve?"

Her eyes traced the trajectory before the map even lit up. "Yvarro," she whispered, almost to herself. "Her flagship can't repel firepower of that magnitude. Comms, signal to Yvarro -- get her the hell out of there." The order was controlled and her voice clipped, but there was urgency there. "All lines, move on my command. Stand by for targeting instructions," she ordered. She turned to the gunnery coordinator and said, "See if we can get them off Yvarro." She felt the deckplates thrum under her feet as the engines engaged, propelling the Concordia forward with the rest of Battlegroup Nebula. She opened a channel to the rest of the ships in Battlegroup Nebula. Finally, they had targeting solutions. "All ships, open fire at the following coordinates. Focus fire on the target -- the Wyyrlock-class Star Destroyer Apocalypse. It should be lighting up on your targeting maps in a moment."

She clicked over to her private channel to [member="Avicus DuSang"]. "Anything you can do to here, Admiral... I don't know if it works like this, but if you can kick that thing into overdrive -- well, now is the time." She clicked back over to the general channel and watched as the vessels moved in a block, aided by the Sith Meditation Sphere's tactical meld, and then looked up at the gunnery coordinator again. He nodded; they were ready. "Battlegroup Nebula -- OPEN FIRE!"

The awesome destructive power of the Concordia joined the song of the rest of the ships -- with enough firepower to vaporize cities, to level mountains, to boil oceans -- so massive that the deckplates vibrated under Natasi's feet. She only hoped that it was enough. Leaning over the combat display, she reached a hand up to her neck, where her Balance pendant hung, and murmured a silent prayer for the survival of Fiolette Yvarro and her forces.

Grand Moff Line: 2915m
Movement: 15.17 >> 13.17
FIV Concordia: Resurgent-class, Star Destroyer
Shield/Hull: 2915/2915
Arm/Def: 18/17
Hangar: Deployed at 10.19
Firing At: 5.17 - Apocalypse (@Omega)

Destroyer Line: 3200m
Movement: 16.16 (16.17) >> 14.16
FIV Thrawn: Executrix-class, Star Destroyer
Shield/Hull: 1600/1600
Arm/Def: 14/17
Hangar: Deployed at 10.18
Firing At: 5.17 - Apocalypse (@Omega)

FIV Gallius Rax: Executrix-class, Star Destroyer
Shield/Hull: 1600/1600
Arm/Def: 14/17
Hangar: Deployed at 10.20
Firing At: 5.17 - Apocalypse (@Omega)

Cruiser Line: 1960m
Movement: 14.18 >> 11.18
FIV Centurion: Inflictor-class, Heavy Cruiser
Shield/Hull: 980/980
Arm/Def: 14/16
Firing At: 5.17 - Apocalypse (@Omega)

FIV Warrior: Inflictor-class, Heavy Cruiser
Shield/Hull: 980/980
Arm/Def: 14/16
Firing At: 5.17 - Apocalypse (@Omega)

Dagger Line One: 960m
Movement: 14.16 >> 12.16
FIV Scimitar: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: 5.17 - Apocalypse (@Omega)

FIV Chakram: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: 5.17 - Apocalypse (@Omega)

FIV Khopesh: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: 5.17 - Apocalypse (@Omega)

FIV Rapier: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: 5.17 - Apocalypse (@Omega)

Dagger Line Two: 960m
Movement: 15.18 >> 12.18
FIV Katar Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: 5.17 - Apocalypse (@Omega)

FIV Falcata: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: 5.17 - Apocalypse (@Omega)

FIV Machete: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: 5.17 - Apocalypse (@Omega)

FIV Trident: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: 5.17 - Apocalypse (@Omega)

Summary: Battlefleet moves forward to coordinates under Spoiler Tags. All forces within range of 5.17 and firing on Apocalypse (@Omega).​
Starfighters deployed at 10.19 (Concordia), 10.18 (Thrawn), and Gallius Rax (10.20). All First Order forces benefiting from [member="Avicus DuSang"] and Concordia's Sith Meditation Sphere.​
Natasi has a +12 Charisma haircut.​
[member="Valessia Brentioch"] | [member="Tanomas Graf"] | [member="William Kerkov"] | [member="Cyrus Tregessar"] | [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"]​
Location: Above Castameer, aboard the Rendili Heart, commanded by Admiral [member="Taneas Haring"]
The New Republic and her allies
Squadron Remaining=12
Firing At=N/A

A voice came through Lily's com. It was a voice she hadn't heard before, filled with fear, uncertainty. "Mi...Lieutenant? I think there's been a mistake. I've been assigned to your squadron." it said. A quick look at ships IFF display showed the speaker had been Grey-12, the newest addition to Grey Squadron. The pilots name still unknown she addressed him, "No mistake Grey-12. If your part of Grey Squadron you were meant to be here. The Admiral always has a plan. I trust him and he obviously trusts you enough to put you with us. You should trust yourself too. What your name Grey-12?"

Lily's grip on the yoke, tightened. The silently deafening roar of the ship firing rumbled through the hanger, the air suddenly coming alive. Soon enough the bombers and fighters would be taking off, joining the fight. Lily wasn't certain what exactly had brought together the forces that had come today. All she knew was that it was some sort of Sith superweapon, one that had to be destroyed. She was itching to get into the fight.
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
Allies: [member="Tanomas Graf"] | [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] | [member="Avicus DuSang"] | [member="Natasi Fortan"] | [member="William Kerkov"] | [member="Valessia Brentioch"]
Enemies: [member="Omega"] (the Alliance can chillax, [member="Gir Quee"])

From a distance it appeared as if the firing of the Contempt's great guns had little impact on the durable Wyyrlok. Even as Vayyrel was already barking out orders to re-calibrate firing solutions, Cyrus himself let his anger the better of him and launched into a storm of profanity entirely unfit for PG-13 ears. He didn't have long to rage before a senior watch officer muttered loudly enough for him to hear "well that's seems to have gotten their attention."

Indeed the other capital ships of the Command Battlegroup had shifted their axis and all together opened fire, the combined batteries of three Wyyrloks and, most worryingly, an enemy Darr Itah, began their counter-attack.

Vayyrel took charge immediately. "Raise Particle shields, stutter-fire the 74's to counter enemy shots. Shift all power to forward arrays, and start evasive maneuvering!"

For his part, Cyrus hailed the Warspite and ordered them into a supporting position. In practice, this meant the Destroyer would literally get in the way of enemy shots. It was a derivative of a common tactic, two-ship 'sword and shield,' often utilized by cruisers. Destroyers tended to be too cumbersome to manage it, but the Contempt was terrifically nimble for its size and could take up most of the slack.

As best as possible, it moved to keep the Warspite just forward of its nose, essentially putting the Contempt into a hull-down situation, where even the best angle of fire from the enemy was a glancing shot on the sloped armor. It helped, some, but both ships took a beating.

Cyrus caught himself grinning like a madman, caught up in the thrill and chaos of the battle. The ship itself shuddered and rocked as if it were about to break apart, but he knew better than most that the frame at its heart was more than capable of suffering through much worse damage than this.

A short volley of enemy HVC rounds slipped past the Warspite right when the particle shields were down. They struck amidships, two of the slugs slamming into mount 706. The impacts tore the mount from its seating and a moment later an explosion flared up as the internal generator that powered the great gun lost containment. The ship lurched hard backwards, throwing everyone standing in CIC, including Cyrus, to the ground.

He rose to his feat with a roar of rage. "Damage report!"

It was not encouraging. mount 706 was completely destroyed and 705 next to it had been knocked offline by the explosion. There was high probability that the rail system was damaged, which meant two mounts were out of action for the fight. A large conflagration raged on several decks near the destroyed turret, with several hundred casualties so far.

But that was a long way from being out of the fight. Even before he could bark orders a sense of unnatural calm fell over his mind. Admiral DuSang's battle meditation no doubt, but he'd be damned if he let the force benefit him now, and shook the feeling best he could. Anger was his strength here, fury was the secret power at the heart of every Tregessar.

In dealing with the damage he had neglected to give orders, and as a result his strike group had fallen back as the rest of the First Order fleet advanced, with Admiral Yvarro stepping in to fill the gap. She was performing the role admirably enough, though Cyrus did physically wince when he heard her commiserating words to the Galactic Alliance forces.

Their destruction could wait for another day, he had old allies to deal with for now.

"All ships, this is Grand Admiral Tregessar. The enemy commander is attempting to lure us into an envelopment. Captain Graf, Captain Rausgeber, extend your destroyers along our flanks and prevent any enemy forces from getting behind us. Continue the advance, we'll crack the enemy in half yet."

A grand encirclement was clearly the design of Chysa'sk. It had all her hallmark complexity, but also depended heavily on the ability of the subordinate commanders to maintain their positions, and right now several of those forces were wilting under the fire of Alliance and Mandalorian fleets.

There was an opening there, if they could get to it.

"Focus fire on the 1st Exalt Command, blow that line open. Escorts close in and engage the Razer's at point blank range, we wipe them out and we can pick the destroyers apart with our strike craft. Don't let any enemy fighters through!"

The Corsair and Boneshatter squadrons darted forward as yet unmolested by enemy guns. They began firing immediately at the 1st Exalt's Razer escorts. The Corsairs in particular were well suited to this work, specifically designed as they were to eliminate ships around their size at close range. Flying escort were the seven fighter squadrons from the Brawler. Here and there in pairs or divisions the fighters would make guarded runs on the Razer's where the opportunity presented itself, but mostly they stayed in clusters protected by the larger Boneshatters, only moving in to engage enemy attack craft as necessary.

The two Heavy Cruisers followed suit, turning their guns on the enemy corvettes in a fury and providing what screening fire they could for the attack craft.
Despite the withering barrage they now faced, the Contempt and Warspite shifted their fire onto the Exalt and Wyyrloks of Cholous' squadron. The Worship would now face down the massive Mark 74's and combined long range batteries of a Wyyrlok.

Cyrus watched it all from within a red haze, his anger fueling his every action and thought. He could counter Chysa'sk well enough, and the First Order itself had the discipline and cohesion necessary to punch through the enemy formation, but a nagging worry kept lingering at the edge of his mind. Where was the only Admiral among the old One Sith who could match him blow for blow, where was Sar'theron?

Summary of Actions
Heavy damage received. I can do this all day. Shifting all fire to 1st Exalt Command.

Boneshatters, Corsairs, and Inflictor's targeting 1st Exalt Razer's. Air Wing Brawler covering.

Receiving benefit of [member="Avicus DuSang"]'s battle meditation (except possibly Cyrus, or maybe it's enhancing his rage).

Battlegroup Fury
Ship Name: Contempt Class: Darr Itah-class Grand Battlecruiser Shield/Hull: 2100 (-900)/2700 (-300)
Arm/Flak/Def: 20/18/10 Hanger:
Movement: 16.12 >>> 14.12
Firing At: 04.17 - Worship
Launching all fighters, staying in screening positions.

Ship Name: Warspite Class: Wyyrlok-class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 900 (-400)/1300 (-100)
Arm/Flak/Def: 18/12/16 Hanger:
Movement: 15.13 >>> 13.13
Firing At: 04.17 - Worship
Launching all fighters, staying in screening positions.

Support Element 101
Movement: 12.13 >>> 09.15
Ship Name: FIV Agony Class: Inflicator-class Heavy Cruiser Shield/Hull: 980/980
Arm/Flak/Def: 14/12/16 Hanger: 0
Firing At: 04.16 - Razer 21

Ship Name: FIV Anguish Class: Inflicator-class Heavy Cruiser Shield/Hull: 980/980
Arm/Flak/Def: 14/12/16 Hanger: 0
Firing At: 04.16 - Razer 22

Support Element 40
Movement: 16.13 >>> 15.13
Ship Name: FIV Striker Class: Vindicator-class Carrier Shield/Hull: 600/600
Arm/Flak/Def: 2/12/10 Hanger:
Firing At:
Note: Air Wing Striker is staying back and acting defensively.

Ship Name: FIV Brawler Class: Vindicator-class Carrier Shield/Hull: 600/600
Arm/Flak/Def: 2/12/10 Hanger:
Firing At:
Note: Air Wing Brawler deploying to 09.13

Escort Squadron 32
Movement: 14.13 >>> 09.13
Launching all fighters, staying in screening positions.
Ship Name: FIV Wrack Class: Boneshatter-class Frigate Shield/Hull: 380/380
Arm/Flak/Def: 16/8/14 Hanger: 6x TIE/MN
Firing At: 04.16 - Fire split amongst various Razers

Ship Name: FIV Ruin Class: Boneshatter-class Frigate Shield/Hull: 380/380
Arm/Flak/Def: 16/8/14 Hanger: 6x TIE/MN
Firing At: 04.16 - Fire split amongst various Razers

Ship Name: FIV Ravager Class: Boneshatter-class Frigate Shield/Hull: 380/380
Arm/Flak/Def: 16/8/14 Hanger: 6x TIE/MN
Firing At: 04.16 - Fire split amongst various Razers

Ship Name: FIV Decay Class: Boneshatter-class Frigate Shield/Hull: 380/380
Arm/Flak/Def: 16/8/14 Hanger: 6x TIE/MN
Firing At: 04.16 - Fire split amongst various Razers

Ship Name: FIV Havoc Class: Boneshatter-class Frigate Shield/Hull: 380/380
Arm/Flak/Def: 16/8/14 Hanger: 6x TIE/MN
Firing At: 04.16 - Fire split amongst various Razers

Pursuit Squadron 95
Movement: 13.13 >>> 09.14
Ship Name: FIV Raider Class: Corsair-class Corvette Shield/Hull: 160/160
Arm/Flak/Def: 18/4/12 Hanger: 0
Firing At: 04.16 - Fire split amongst various Razers

Ship Name: FIV Bucaneer Class: Corsair-class Corvette Shield/Hull: 160/160
Arm/Flak/Def: 18/4/12 Hanger: 0
Firing At: 04.16 - Fire split amongst various Razers

Ship Name: FIV Bandit Class: Corsair-class Corvette Shield/Hull: 160/160
Arm/Flak/Def: 18/4/12 Hanger: 0
Firing At: 04.16 - Fire split amongst various Razers

Ship Name: FIV Robber Class: Corsair-class Corvette Shield/Hull: 160/160
Arm/Flak/Def: 18/4/12 Hanger: 0
Firing At: 04.16 - Fire split amongst various Razers


Tanomas Graf

Death Squadron - 8390m

55th Command Line
Movement: 14.20 >>> 12.19
Firing At: Fenrir 3, 7.17, [member="Omega"]

1600m in total

56th Destroyer Line
Movement: 13.20 >>> 11.19
Firing At: Fenrir 1, 7.17, [member="Omega"]

1600m in total

57th Cruiser Line
Movement: 12.19 >>> 10.18
Firing At: Fenrir 2, 7.17, [member="Omega"]

[*]Ship Name: Pride of the Order

[*]Ship Name: Devastator​

2700m in total

58th Support Line
Movement: 11.20 >>> 9.19
Firing At: Claw, 7.17, [member="Omega"]

[*]Ship Name: Warlord​

[*]Ship Name: League

[*]Ship Name: Accuser​

[*]Ship Name: Pellaeon​

[*]Ship Name: Elitist​

1440m in total

59th Cruiser Line
Movement: 12.20 >>> 9.18
Firing At: Claw, 7.17, [member="Omega"]

[*]Ship Name: Judgement

[*]Ship Name: Freedom

1050m in total
It was the only time in Graf's life that he had ever feared for an enemy's well-being. The Omega had turned a couple of minutes ago but he didn't expect for it to actually fire. So that's what the Omega's weapon was, just as the Death Star II and certain star dreadnoughts such as the Eclipse-class or the Sovereign-class, the ability to destroy a single ship, no matter the size, at the cost of trillions of credits that could've gone to multiple starfleets, which were much more mobile and much less likely to draw the attention of the entire karking galaxy to unite and destroy it.

Tanomas grimaced deeply, throughout galactic history every single faction that wasted their considerable resources on a superweapon have collapsed, but not before causing damage on a large scale. Alderaan, the Hosnian system, all being prime examples of the destructive force of these blasted superweapons. The commodore was pulled out of his private thoughts by the com-scan operator "Sir! The Sith Fleet is firing upon Admiral Yvarro's command ship, she's almost lost her shields!", Graf scowled and barked out the orders once more.

"Move Death Squadron to the north and fill the gaps that the Admiral's fleet have left. Once we're in position fire on the closest line, our intel suggests that is it only a frigate squadron." He notioned over to both the comm operator and the gunnery chief. The orders went through and the fleet began to arc to the starboard, moving to side with the rest of the fleet that was also advancing upon the Sith fleet exchanging shots with them.

"Open fire and send the TIEs to swarm and destroy their ships!" Graf commanded, turbolasers for the third time in a ten minute window changing target and opening fire, the only differences being the fact that dozens of TIE Fighters were zooming at high speeds towards their chosen target, the bombers preparing to drop their deadly payload and the fighters getting paranoid looking for other strike craft to take down. And secondly the entirety of the squadron suddenly felt more inspired than usual, firing with above-average accuracy and volley coordination, perhaps this was what that meditation sphere aboard the Concordia was for...

Summary of Actions:
  • Death Squadron has moved again
  • Opened fire at Hex 7.17
  • Strike craft making attack run at Hex 7.17
  • Battle Meditation has amplified the squadron

[member="Natasi Fortan"] | [member="William Kerkov"] | [member="Cyrus Tregessar"] | [member="Avicus DuSang"] | [member="Valessia Brentioch"] | [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] | [member="Roderik Von Brinkerhoff"]

ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet
3rd Mon Cala Expeditionary Force - 10,000 meters
31st Command Line - 1,940 meters (Destroyer)
Movement: 3 speed / 2 turning 14.05 moving to 14.08 / Targeting: [member="Omega"] Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer - Devastator at 04.11

Ship Name: Ordo Argentum
Class: Imperious-class Star Defender / Shield:1,940 / Hull:1,940 / Armament:15 / Defense:16
Hanger: 3 Fighter Squadron, 3 Bomber Squadrons / Deployment: 14.02
Movement: 3 speed / 2 turning / Targeting: Holding Fire

32nd Destroyer Line - 1,200 meters (Destroyer)
Movement: 2 speed / 1 turning 15.07 moving to 15.07 / Targeting: Holding Fire
Ship Name: Solidarity
Class: MC80d Solidarity-class Star Cruiser / Shield:1200 / Hull:1200 / Armament:12 / Defense:20
Hanger: 1 Fighter Squadron, 2 Bomber Squadrons. 2 Pickets, 1 Assault Ships / Deployment:15.02
Movement: 2 speed / 1 turning / Targeting: Holding Fire

33rd Destroyer Line - 1,200 meters (Destroyer)
Movement: 2 speed / 1 turning 16.04 moving to 16.06 / Targeting: Holding Fire
Ship Name: Courageous
Class: MC80d Solidarity-class Star Cruiser / Shield:1200 / Hull:1200 / Armament:12 / Defense:20
Hanger: 1 Fighter Squadron, 2 Bomber Squadrons. 2 Pickets, 1 Assault Ships / Deployment: 15.01
Movement: 2 speed / 1 turning / Targeting: Holding Fire

34th Fire Support Line: - 2,820 meters (Heavy Cruiser)
Movement: 3 speed / 2 turning 14.04 moving to 12.06 / Targeting: [member="Omega"] Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer - Devastator at 04.11
Ship Name: Revenge
Class: MBC75 Battle Cruiser / Shield:940 / Hull:940 / Armament:16 / Defense:16
Movement: 3 speed / 2 turning

Ship Name: Repulse
Class: MBC75 Battle Cruiser / Shield:940 / Hull:940 / Armament:16 / Defense:16
Movement: 3 speed / 2 turning

Ship Name: Renown
Class: MBC75 Battle Cruiser / Shield:940 / Hull:940 / Armament:16 / Defense:16
Movement: 3 speed / 2 turning

301st Support Line 1 - 1,050 meters (Frigate)
Movement: 6 speed / 3 turning 16.06 moving to 12.09 / Targeting: Holding Fire
Ship Name: Marjata
Class: MFG34 Mantis-class ELINT Frigate / Shield:400 / Hull:400 / Armament:2 / Defense:14
Hanger: 3 Fighter Squadrons / Deployment: 15.01
Movement: 6 speed / 4 turning

Ship Name: Maulus
Class: MFG37 Moray-class EWAR Frigate / Shield:400 / Hull:400 / Armament:10 / Defense:16
Movement: 6 speed / 3 turning

Ship Name: Rippington
Class:MCE30 Nautilus-class Escort Frigate / Shield:250 / Hull:250 / Armament:6 / Defense:16
Movement: 7 speed / 4 turning

302nd Support Line 2 - 1,050 meters (Frigate)
Movement: 6 speed / 3 turning 13.07 moving to 12.08 / Targeting: Holding Fire
Ship Name: Oste
Class: MFG34 Mantis-class ELINT Frigate / Shield:400 / Hull:400 / Armament:2 / Defense:14
Hanger: 3 Fighter Squadrons / Deployment: 15.02
Movement: 6 speed / 4 turning

Ship Name: Amari
Class: MFG37 Moray-class EWAR Frigate / Shield:400 / Hull:400 / Armament:10 / Defense:16
Movement: 6 speed / 3 turning

Ship Name: Horton
Class:MCE30 Nautilus-class Escort Frigate / Shield:250 / Hull:250 / Armament:6 / Defense:16
Movement: 7 speed / 4 turning

303rd Picket Line 1 - 370 meters (Corvette)
Movement: 7 speed / 4 turning 11.08 moving to 10.08 / Targeting: Holding Fire
Ship Name: Templar
Class:MCE30 Nautilus-class Escort Frigate / Shield:250 / Hull:250 / Armament:6 / Defense:16
Movement: 7 speed / 4 turning

Ship Name: PT28
Class: MPT10 Wake-class Multi-role Picket / Shield:60 / Hull:60 / Armament:4 / Defense:12
Movement: 8 speed / no limit turning

Ship Name: PT45
Class: MPT10 Wake-class Multi-role Picket / Shield:60 / Hull:60 / Armament:4 / Defense:12
Movement: 8 speed / no limit turning

304th Picket Line 2 - 370 meters (Corvette)
Movement: 7 speed / 4 turning 15.07 moving to 15.10 / Targeting: Holding Fire
Ship Name: Clorus Vandi
Class:MCE30 Nautilus-class Escort Frigate / Shield:250 / Hull:250 / Armament:6 / Defense:16
Movement: 7 speed / 4 turning

Ship Name: PT97
Class: MPT10 Wake-class Multi-role Picket / Shield:60 / Hull:60 / Armament:4 / Defense:12
Movement: 8 speed / no limit turning

Ship Name: PT108
Class: MPT10 Wake-class Multi-role Picket / Shield:60 / Hull:60 / Armament:4 / Defense:12
Movement: 8 speed / no limit turning

Reshmar watched as barrage after barrage lashed out at the destroyer in the distance. The ship now highlighted and identified as Devastator, a Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer, took hit after hit from the long range weapons of the 3rd. At these ranges, nearly two-thirds of the plasma fire being sent down range missed but as the engagement went on the gunnery would improve.

"Sir we have ships moving into our fire arc" said a tactical officer. Reshmar looked to a display on the port wall at the ships now moving in closer. They would be in his arc in a moment and block his fire.

"Helm, Shift us into that gap in their lines and continue fire on that destroyer, Comms, inform the group to follow suit." said Reshmar as he watched the ally ships get closer. The ships moved out and away from their current formation to take up position to fire through the light coalition lines and continue their assault on the Devastator.

"CAG, once your ships are in formation have them move forward to interdict incoming craft." said Reshmar as he looked out at the ship in the distance, its shields rippling under the barrage of fire sent at it by the long guns of the 3rd. It was a powerful vessel but it would not last forever under the barrage it now faced. His train of thought was cut short when a flash of light and a beam of energy shot out of the massive construct at the Alliance flagship. around him people gasp then silence fell over the command deck as the realization of just why they were sent to this place sank in.

Fleet moved into position to fire between allied lines
Ordo Argentum @ 14.08 Targeting Devastator @ 14.11 (672/0/0)
Repulse @12.06 Targeting Devastator @ 14.11 (384/60/0)
Revenge @12.06 Targeting Devastator @ 14.11 (384/60/0)
Renown @12.06 Targeting Devastator @ 14.11 (384/60/0)
All attack craft formed up at 14.05

Allies:[member="Zark"] [member="Astarii Saren"] [member="Aerion Ivelisse"] [member="Ayden Cater"] [member="Horus"] [member="Allison Martha Iversson"] [member="Winslow"] [member="Taneas Haring"] [member="Gir Quee"] [member="Charzon Loulan"]
Location: CIC, Tercel-class Heavy Cruiser Black Sword
Allies: [member="Ayden Cater"], [member="Astarii Saren"], [member="Reshmar"], [member="Zark"], [member="Aerion Ivelisse"], [member="Knight"], [member="Charzon Loulan"], [member="Taneas Haring"]
Enemies: [member="Omega"]

Gir watched as the Spite succumbed to the continuous fire of the Silver Jedi starships. As the craft dissipated under their fire, Gir half-expected some ragged cries to break out across the bridge. But there was no mirth or celebration to be found, which pleased Gir. They rolled the dice just as us. Maybe some minutes from now, we will join their fate. He pushed the thoughts out of his consciousness just in time to see a giant beam flare up some kilometers in front of his warships. Gir felt his pulse quicken as the realization that the weapon was operational hit him like charging bantha. Gir stood silent and unmovable for nearly a minute. He blinked. And it's aimed at one of our ships...At quick glance at the holo-tank told him that the station's target was the massive and renowned Spirit of Druckenwell. But it too appeared to be fighting back just as the rest of the armada's ships.

The ship's captain cleared his throat, and gestured at an angry swarm of smaller vessels in front of him. He blinked. The Galactic Alliance is now spearheading the assault it seems with corvettes...and the enemy has responded by moving in frigates to counter them...His eyes flickered across the holo-tank, realizing that most of the other ships allied to the Silver Jedi were already engaged in slugging matches with the much larger One Sith warships. Such large and dangerous ships cannot go ignored, but letting swarms of smaller enemy ships operate with impunity can be equally dangerous, especially if they are maneuvered just right. And we're equipped just right to deal with this threat...

"Helm, advance us slowly forward at one-eighth uniform impulse," said Gir, "divert energy from our stern shields to reinforce our bow shields, weapons, let's batter back those frigates advancing on those Alliance corvettes."

The Silver Jedi warships slowly began to plow through the black ocean, releasing a furious mixture of gun and missile fire at the collection of assault frigates. A swell of satisfaction swept across his warships were entering the effective firing range for most of their weapons. Gir noted with some measure of anxiety that this included his patrol frigates. The quartets of frigates had swept forward to fire off salvos of mass driver cannon slugs and emerald turbolaser bolts at their rogue One Sith counterparts. Gir was less worried about the larger craft, which were designed for extended slugging matches. The Tercel-class in particular was designed with a heavily reinforced front hull to better cope with prolonged enemy fire. The Tercels were close to optimal for this particular scenario, with their quartet of Trident autocannons designed specifically to rapidly shred up smaller escort vessels with flurries of proton munition shells. Gir watched as the quad streams of autocannon fire from the Black Sword joined those of two her sister ships in converging on Razer 5. While the larger ships of the Silver Jedi expeditionary fleet struck at the assault frigates, the smaller craft of the fleet were no less busy. The three wings of Typhoon-class starfighters had shifted forward to accompany the patrol frigates while the Cyclone bombers, having finished laying down their mines, quickly departed to the safety of the carrier corvette's holds to rearm.

Summary of Actions:
-Heavy Cruisers and frigates slowly advance forward
-Heavy Cruisers and frigates reinforce bow shields by diverting energy from stern shields
-Black Sword group fires on Razer 5
-Steel Blade group fires on Razer 6
-All 6 Delphin-class Frigates fire on Razer 7
-All 8 Freedom-class Patrol Frigates fire on Razer 8
-All 9 Typhoon starfighter squadrons move to 03.04
-All Cyclone Bombers return to host carrier corvettes to rearm

Silver Jedi Expeditionary Fleet
Heavy Line - Black Sword Group (2700 meters)
Ship Name: Black Sword Class: Tercel-class Heavy Cruiser Shield/Hull: 900 / 900
Armament/Defence: 16/18 Hangar: 0.5 sq shuttles (embarked)Movement: 05.03 to 04.03 Firing At: Razer 5, 03.12, [member="Omega"]

Ship Name: Green Mantle Class: Tercel-class Heavy Cruiser Shield/Hull: 900 / 900
Armament/Defence: 16/18 Hangar: 0.5 sq shuttles (embarked)Movement: 05.03 to 04.03 Firing At: Razer 5, 03.12, [member="Omega"]

Ship Name: Azure Hammer Class: Tercel-class Heavy Cruiser Shield/Hull: 900 / 900
Armament/Defence: 16/18 Hangar: 0.5 sq shuttles(embarked)Movement: 05.03 to 04.03 Firing At: Razer 5, 03.12, [member="Omega"]

Heavy Line - Steel Blade Group (1800 meters)
Ship Name: Steel Blade Class: Tercel-class Heavy Cruiser Shield/Hull: 900 / 900
Armament/Defence: 16/18 Hangar: 0.5 sq shuttles(embarked) Movement: 04.03 to 03.04 Firing At: Razer 6, 03.12, [member="Omega"]

Ship Name: White Cuirass Class: Tercel-class Heavy Cruiser Shield/Hull: 900 / 900
Armament/Defence: 16/18 Hangar: 0.5 sq shuttles (embarked) Movement: 04.03 to 03.04 Firing At: Razer 6, 03.12, [member="Omega"]

Heavy Frigate Line- Shadow Hand Group (900 meters)
Ship Name: Shadow Hand Class: Delphin-class Assault Frigate Shield/Hull: 300 / 300
Armament/Defence: 16/16 Hangar: 0.5 sq shuttles (embarked)Movement: 04.03 to 03.04 Firing At: Razer 7, 03.12, [member="Omega"]

Ship Name: Golden Nyss Class: Delphin-class Assault Frigate Shield/Hull: 300 / 300
Armament/Defence: 16/16 Hangar: 0.5 sq shuttles(embarked) Movement: 04.03 to 03.04 Firing At: Razer 7, 03.12, [member="Omega"]

Ship Name: Bright Jewel Class: Delphin-class Assault Frigate Shield/Hull: 300 / 300
Armament/Defence: 16/16 Hangar: 0.5 sq shuttles(embarked) Movement: 04.03 to 03.04 Firing At: Razer 7, 03.12, [member="Omega"]

Heavy Frigate Line- Crimson Dagger Group (900 meters)
Ship Name: Crimson Dagger Class: Delphin-class Assault Frigate Shield/Hull: 300 / 300
Armament/Defence: 16/16 Hangar: 0.5 sq shuttles(embarked) Movement: 03.03 to 02.04 Firing At: Razer 7 ,03.12, [member="Omega"]

Ship Name: Brazen Petard Class: Delphin-class Assault Frigate Shield/Hull: 300 / 300
Armament/Defence: 16/16 Hangar: 0.5 sq shuttles(embarked) Movement: 03.03 to 02.04 Firing At: Razer 7 ,03.12, [member="Omega"]

Ship Name: Blazing Claw Class: Delphin-class Assault Frigate Shield/Hull: 300 / 300
Armament/Defence: 16/16 Hangar: 0.5 sq shuttles(embarked) Movement: 03.03 to 02.04 Firing At: Razer 7 ,03.12, [member="Omega"]

Pursuit Line - Cerulean Spear Group (1000 meters)
Ship Name: Cerulean Spear Class: Freedom-class Escort Frigate Shield/Hull: 250 / 250
Armament/Defence: 5/4 Hangar: N/A Movement: 03.03 to 02.04 Firing At: Razer 8 ,03.12, [member="Omega"]

Ship Name: Iron Lance Class: Freedom-class Escort Frigate Shield/Hull: 250 / 250
Armament/Defence: 5/4 Hangar: N/A Movement: 03.03 to 02.04 Firing At: Razer 8 ,03.12, [member="Omega"]

Ship Name: Hook Nebula Class: Freedom-class Escort Frigate Shield/Hull: 250 / 250
Armament/Defence: 5/4 Hangar: N/A Movement: 03.03 to 02.04 Firing At: Razer 8 ,03.12, [member="Omega"]

Ship Name: Red Tails Class: Freedom-class Escort Frigate Shield/Hull: 250 / 250
Armament/Defence: 5/4 Hangar: N/A Movement: 03.03 to 02.04 Firing At: Razer 8 ,03.12, [member="Omega"]

Pursuit Line - Ivory Fang Group (1000 meters)
Ship Name: Ivory Fang Class: Freedom-class Escort Frigate Shield/Hull: 250 / 250
Armament/Defence: 5/4 Hangar: N/A Movement: 03.03 to 02.04 Firing At: Razer 8 ,03.12, [member="Omega"]

Ship Name: Chrome Shield Class: Freedom-class Escort Frigate Shield/Hull: 250 / 250
Armament/Defence: 5/4 Hangar: N/A Movement: 03.03 to 02.04 Firing At: Razer 8 ,03.12, [member="Omega"]

Ship Name: Night Hammer Class: Freedom-class Escort Frigate Shield/Hull: 250 / 250
Armament/Defence: 5/4 Hangar: N/A Movement: 03.03 to 02.04 Firing At: Razer 8 ,03.12, [member="Omega"]

Ship Name: Emerald Standard Class: Freedom-class Escort Frigate Shield/Hull: 250 / 250
Armament/Defence: 5/4 Hangar: N/A Movement: 03.03 to 02.04 Firing At: Razer 8 ,03.12, [member="Omega"]

Light Carrier Line - Blue Group (300 meters)
Ship Name: Blue One Class: Circinus-class Bulk Corvette Shield/Hull: 100 / 100
Armament/Defence: 2/10 Hangar: 1 sq fighters - deployed at 03.04 Movement: Holding at 04.02 Firing At: N/A

Ship Name: Blue Two Class: Circinus-class Bulk Corvette Shield/Hull: 100 / 100
Armament/Defence: 2/10 Hangar: 1 sq fighters - deployed at 03.04 Movement: Holding at 04.02 Firing At: N/A

Ship Name: Blue Three Class: Circinus-class Bulk Corvette Shield/Hull: 100 / 100
Armament/Defence: 2/10 Hangar: 1 sq fighters - deployed at 03.04 Movement: Holding at 04.02 Firing At: N/A

Light Carrier Line - Red Group (300 meters)
Ship Name: Red One Class: Circinus-class Bulk Corvette Shield/Hull: 100 / 100
Armament/Defence: 2/10 Hangar: 1 sq fighters - deployed at 03.04 Movement: Holding at 04.02 Firing At: N/A

Ship Name: Red Two Class: Circinus-class Bulk Corvette Shield/Hull: 100 / 100
Armament/Defence: 2/10 Hangar: 1 sq fighters - deployed at 03.04 Movement: Holding at 04.02 Firing At: N/A

Ship Name: Red Three Class: Circinus-class Bulk Corvette Shield/Hull: 100 / 100
Armament/Defence: 2/10 Hangar: 1 sq fighters - deployed at 03.04 Movement: Holding at 04.02 Firing At: N/A

Light Carrier Line - Green Group (300 meters)
Ship Name: Green One Class: Circinus-class Bulk Corvette Shield/Hull: 100 / 100
Armament/Defence: 2/10 Hangar: 1 sq fighters - deployed at 03.04 Movement: Holding at 04.02 Firing At: N/A

Ship Name: Green Two Class: Circinus-class Bulk Corvette Shield/Hull: 100 / 100
Armament/Defence: 2/10 Hangar: 1 sq fighters - deployed at 03.04 Movement: Holding at 04.02 Firing At: N/A

Ship Name: Green Three Class: Circinus-class Bulk Corvette Shield/Hull: 100 / 100
Armament/Defence: 2/10 Hangar: 1 sq fighters - deployed at 03.04 Movement: Holding at 04.02 Firing At: N/A

Light Carrier Line - Gray Group (300 meters)
Ship Name: Gray One Class: Circinus-class Bulk Corvette Shield/Hull: 100 / 100
Armament/Defence: 2/10 Hangar: 1 sq bombers - embarked to rearm Movement: Holding at 04.02 Firing At: N/A

Ship Name: Gray Two Class: Circinus-class Bulk Corvette Shield/Hull: 100 / 100
Armament/Defence: 2/10 Hangar: 1 sq bombers - embarked to rearm Movement: Holding at 04.02 Firing At: N/A

Ship Name: Gray Three Class: Circinus-class Bulk Corvette Shield/Hull: 100 / 100
Armament/Defence: 2/10 Hangar: 1 sq bombers - embarked to rearm Movement: Holding at 04.02 Firing At: N/A

Light Carrier Line - Gold Group (500 meters)
Ship Name: Gold One Class: Circinus-class Bulk Corvette Shield/Hull: 100 / 100
Armament/Defence: 2/10 Hangar: 1 sq bombers - embarked to rearm Movement: Holding at 04.02 Firing At: N/A

Ship Name: Gold Two Class: Circinus-class Bulk Corvette Shield/Hull: 100 / 100
Armament/Defence: 2/10 Hangar: 1 sq bombers - embarked to rearm Movement: Holding at 04.02 Firing At: N/A

Ship Name: Gold Three Class: Circinus-class Bulk Corvette Shield/Hull: 100 / 100
Armament/Defence: 2/10 Hangar: 1 sq bombers - embarked to rearm Movement: Holding at 04.02 Firing At: N/A

Ship Name: Gold Four Class: Circinus-class Bulk Corvette Shield/Hull: 100 / 100
Armament/Defence: 2/10 Hangar: 1 sq bombers - embarked to rearm Movement: Holding at 04.02 Firing At: N/A

Ship Name: Gold Five Class: Circinus-class Bulk Corvette Shield/Hull: 100 / 100
Armament/Defence: 2/10 Hangar: 1 sq bombers - embarked to rearm Movement: Holding at 04.02 Firing At: N/A
Spirit of Druckenwell
Unknown Region
Engaging Rogue Sith forces
Allies: [member=Zark], [member="Astarii Saren"], [member="Aerion Ivelisse"], [member=Horus], [member="Allison Martha Iversson"], [member=Winslow], [member=Reshmar], [member="Taneas Haring"], [member="Gir Quee"], [member="Charzon Loulan"], [member=Knight]
Enemies: [member=Omega]

There was a brief moment when the superweapon fired that Ayden wondered what would happen if they didn't survive. It seemed like a poor time to consider the philosophical implications of one's life, not to mention one's legacy, but Ayden did so at that time nonetheless. How would history remember him? Would he be remembered for his successes or for his failures? Would he go down in history with many still falsely believing him to be the Destroyer of Corellia, his beloved homeworld, or would he be triumphed as a champion?

When the blast struck the outermost layer of the Spirit's shields, the physical impact was immediate and immense. The entire ship was violently thrown backwards more than a hundred meters in a matter of seconds. The ship's inertial dampeners could only compensate for so much of this sudden introduction of force. As a result, crewmembers across the ship were tossed about like ragdolls. From his position on the bridge, unsecured and with nothing to grip, Ayden was catapulted forward more than a dozen meters, ending in a painful tumble and an abrupt stop against a console.

Across the bridge, sparks showered the room as power regulators ruptured causing all manner of power fluctuations and black outs across the ship. Panels were blown off the walls as several pressurized pipes were compromised while cable bundles were exposed and drooped about precariously. Several terminals had blown out as well, Throughout the ship, a similar scene was unfolding. Labs were a mess as all manner of materials and tools were bounced around as if inside a hurricane. Crates were thrown with such force that they embedded themselves in walls.

When the deafening sounds ceased, Ayden untangled himself from the heap he had landed and surveyed the scene around them. Alarms were going off everywhere, though already there were those on the bridge rushing to shut them off and collect the incoming reports from across the ship. Gas could be seen rushing out of several segments of pipe as great fountains of white clouds. Most amazing of all though... they were still alive. "Status report!"

"Shields are down to eleven percent. We've sustained hull damage across twenty-six percent of the ship, largely the forward sections. Mostly micro-hull fractures, though there is some occasional bulkhead collapse. We were lucky."

"Casualty and department reports are coming in now. We've got at least nine hundred wounded and rising. Forty-seven confirmed dead. Engineering is reporting numerous fires. Fire response teams are already containing them. Main battery and Javelin cannons are off-line; the capacitors overloaded from the Omega blast. No word on repair time. Long-range Communications are down. Life support is offline in Wing Five, levels nineteen through forty-one, sections Besh through Qek. The hanger reports-"

The sudden screeching of a new alarm brought the report to a standstill as the crewmember reviewed the incoming data before dutifully relaying it, though not without obvious distress in his voice now. "Engineering just sent an update. Shields are slowly being restored, but they're still in the process of rerouting around ruptured power nodes." That didn't seem so bad... "Engineering also reports that the engines are off-line."

"Blast... Alright. Order all starfighter wings to attack. have the Star Defenders move forward to continue pressing the assault. Keep our escort cruisers close in case someone tries something stupid." Miraculously, perhaps by some favor of the Force or the old Corellian Gods, none of the Spirit's innumerable starfighters were incinerated in the Omega blast. As the order went out, the starfighter swarm moved towards the Rogue Sith fleet. The rest of the battle group dispersed, looking to keep pressure on the Rogue Sith fleet. "Contact the Fifth Expeditionary Fleet. Have them move their Shield cruisers into position to take any fire from the Rogue Sith. Contact the Leviathan in the Thirteenth; have them activate their shield reinforcement array. Hopefully we'll get our shields back online before that thing fires again. I want every weapon that can still fire to keep firing on the Rogue Sith. We've been hit hard, but we're not out yet."

Spirit of Druckenwell attacks Wyyrlock Praetor, 1.10, with available weapons (640 Turbo, 960 Ion, 145 HW)
Spirit Attack Craft swarm Dark Blade Scorpion, 2.10.
Noble Star Defenders attack Wyyrlock Imperator, 2.10, with all available weapons (280 Turbo, 100 Ion, 20 HW, 40 LW; 560 Turbo, 200 Ion 40 HW, 80 LW total)
Unyielding Cruiser attacks Razer 11, 1.14, with 80 CG (HVG and Mass Driver)
Horn Cruisers attack Razer 12, 1.14, with 60 CG apiece (HVG and Fast Mount Turbo), 120 CG total)

1x Teferi-class Star Dreadnought - The Spirit of Druckenwell | 6.05

5,470 Hull / 673 Shield
Armament: 20
Defense: 20
Target: Praetor, Wyrrlock-class Star Destroyer, 1.10 (640 Turbo, 960 Ion)

Speed: 2 Hexes
Maneuverability: One Turn

Attack Craft: Moving to 2.10, Attacking Scorpion, Dark Blade-class Dreadnought, 2.10

[*]18 Bomber Squadrons (216)

132 M47 Dropships
100 Tora Drop Pods

2x Noble-class Star Defenders | 7.06 → 6.07

1,000 Hull / 1,000 Shield
Armament: 20
Defense: 18
Target: Imperator, Wyyrlock-class Star Destroyer, 2.10

Speed: 4 Hexes
Maneuverability: Three Turns

Attack Craft: Deployed, Holding Position

12 M47 Dropships

1x Unyielding-class Command Cruiser | 5.05 → 6.06

500 Hull / 500 Shield
Armament: 15
Defense: 10
Target: Razer 11, Razer-class Frigate, 1.14

Speed: Six Hexes
Maneuverability: Two Turns

Attack Craft: Deployed, Holding Position

12 T-70 X-Wing Starfighters
5 Eharl-class Assault Starfighters (Prim. Config)
8 M47 Dropships

2x Horn-class Escort Cruisers | 5.05 → 6.06

500 Hull / 500 Shield
Armament: 15
Defense: 14
Target: Razor 12, Razer-class Frigate, 1.14

Speed: Six Hexes
Maneuverability: Four Turns

12 B/E-3 B-Wing Assault Starfighters
6 M47 Dropships

1x Sentinel-class Cruiser | 7.06 → 6.06

500 Hull / 500 Shield
Armament: 5
Defense: 8
Target: N/A

Speed: Six Hexes
Maneuverability: Four Turns

Attack Craft: Deployed, Holding Position

24 T-70 X-Wing Starfighters
8 M47 Dropships
Team: Lightside
Flagship: The Nirvana
Allies: [member="Zark"] [member="Astarii Saren"] [member="Aerion Ivelisse"] [member="Ayden Cater"] [member="Horus"] [member="Allison Martha Iversson"] [member="Winslow"] [member="Reshmar"] [member="Taneas Haring"] [member="Gir Quee"] [member="Charzon Loulan"]
Ship Name: The Nirvana (10 - Hex Move) Class: The Nirvana Shield/Hull: 300/300 Armament/Defence: 4/10 Hanger: 0
Movement: 05.02 Firing At: In Stealth Mode
Ship Name: The Risen (4 - Hex Move) Class: Phoenix Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1000/1000 Armament/Defence: 16/16 Hanger: 4 sq 2x Honorable Class 2x Callan-class Starfighter – Idle 1 squadron Honorable Class 02.01 moving to 02.04
Movement: 05.02 Firing At:
Ship Name: The T'Chala (4 - Hex Move) Class: Panther Carrier Shield/Hull: 1000/1000 Armament/Defence: 8/8 Hanger: 9 sq 2x Phenex Advanced Jedi Star Fighter 3x Revelation Class Gunships 1x Reaper Class Starfighters 3x Specter Bombers – Idle
Movement: 05.02 Firing At:
Ship Name: The Gen'dai (2 - Hex Move) Class: Dirge Class Assault SD Shield/Hull: 1600/1600 Armament/Defence: 16/10 Hanger: 4 sq 1x Reaper Class Starfighters 3x Revelation Class Gunships1x Mouse Landers – Idle
Movement: 05.02 moving to 04.01 Firing At:
Ship Name: THe Magellan (4 - Hex Move) Class: Cartographer Seeder Ship Shield/Hull: 950/950 Armament/Defence: 0/8 Hanger: 2x Sasori Hauler sq –
Movement: 05.02 moving to 02.01 Firing At: Idle
Ship Name: The Seigar (7 - Hex Move) Class: Reigar Class Shield/Hull: 50/50 Armament/Defence: 2/6 Hanger: 0
Movement: 01.02 moving to 01.04 Firing At: Idle

The Omega fired and it was towards Ayden himself, the largest target sure but still it was something they were all going to need to be working on when she was letting the information go across their screens. Ships themselves had been destroyed when she was organizing and setting them up while she looked over some of the things. She tried to add some of the information from it. "Prepare the haulers and start sending them to retrieve in the locations marked. Remove the mining droids and fill the bays with what they can get for processing and refinement. We'll work with them." She stayed over with a couple of the things while the fighters were moving closer forward towards their goal and the rest of the fleet was heavily engaging the enemy. "Proceed to start moving the fleet carefully. I want to try and maintain the element of surprise if we can." Knight was staying with more of what they had been doing. She was setting markers for the fleet to prepare to deploy the bombers and heavy fighters.

Action Summary:
The Gen'Dai move to 04.01
The Magellan move to 02.01
THe Seigar move to 01.02
1 Squadron Honorable Class moving to 02.04
First Imperial Navy
Sector Group Iron Fist
1st Fleet
Grand Admiral William Kerkov

3rd Command Line
Length: 3,000 Meters
Movement: 14.15 to 12.15
FIV Triumph Darr Itah-Class Grand Battlecruiser
3000 Shield/3000 Hull
20 Armament/12 Defense
Hangar: Deployed,
x24 TIE/MN Starfighters
x12 TIE/IN Interceptors
x12 TIE/FO-SK Bombers
Firing at: Chagrin [member="Omega"]

18th Assault Line
Length: 3,200 Meters
Movement I: 13.17 to 11.17
FIV Huntsman Imperial X-Class Star Destroyer
1600 Shield/1600 Hull
17 Armament/14 Defense
Hangar: Deployed,
x64 TIE/FO Starfighters
x12 TIE/FO-SK Bombers
x4 TIE/SF Superiority Fighters
Firing at: Claw [member="Omega"]

FIV Subterfuge Imperial X-Class Star Destroyer
1600 Shield/1600 Hull
17 Armament/14 Defense
Hangar: Deployed,
x64 TIE/FO Starfighters
x12 TIE/FO-SK Bombers
x4 TIE/SF Superiority Fighters
Firing at: Charge [member="Omega"]

839th Escort Squadron
Length: 960 Meters
Movement I: 11.18 to 8.17
FIV Relentless Dagger-Class Escort Frigate
240 Shield/240 Hull
6 Armament/4 Defense
Hangar: N/A
Firing at: Rend [member="Omega"]

FIV Ferocious Dagger-Class Escort Frigate
240 Shield/240 Hull
6 Armament/4 Defense
Hangar: N/A
Firing at: Rend [member="Omega"]

FIV Inception Dagger-Class Escort Frigate
240 Shield/240 Hull
6 Armament/4 Defense
Hangar: N/A
Firing at: Rend [member="Omega"]

FIV Deception Dagger-Class Escort Frigate
240 Shield/240 Hull
6 Armament/4 Defense
Hangar: N/A
Firing at: Rend [member="Omega"]

295th Rapid Assault Squadron
Length: 600 Meters
Movement: 11.19 to 8.18
FIV Posthumous Fortan-Class Heavy Corvette
200 Shield/200 Hull
16 Armament/14 Defense
Hangar: N/A
Firing at: Fenris 4 [member="Omega"]

FIV Eraser Fortan-Class Heavy Corvette
200 Shield/200 Hull
16 Armament/14 Defense
Hangar: N/A
Firing at: Fenris 4 [member="Omega"]

FIV Warmonger Fortan-Class Heavy Corvette
200 Shield/200 Hull
16 Armament/14 Defense
Hangar: N/A
Firing at: Fenris 4 [member="Omega"]

89th Support Line
Length: 2,320 Meters
Movement: 11.17 to 8.16
FIV Domination Victory II-Class Star Destroyer
900 Shield/900 Hull
16 Armament/16 Defense
Hangar: Deployed,
24x TIE/FO Starfighters
Firing at: Rend [member="Omega"]

FIV Crusher Broadside-Class Heavy Cruiser KDB-1
500 Shield/500 Hull
16 Armament/8 Defense
Hangar: N/A
Firing at: Rend [member="Omega"]

FIV Obliterator Broadside-Class Heavy Cruiser KDB-1
500 Shield/500 Hull
16 Armament/8 Defense
Hangar: N/A
Firing at: Rend [member="Omega"]

FIV Eliminator Denial-Class Anti-Starfighter Frigate
420 Shield/420 Hull
10 Armament/14 Defense
Hangar: N/A
Firing at: N/A

Calmly one of the deck officers handed him a datapad, with the log of transmissions sent to the ship and the surrounding First Fleet. Kerkov mulled it over in his head, from what his radars could incur, the enemy positions were correct. The movements suggested were indeed in cohesion with his own strategy for the battle. The navigation officer assigned to the CIC stood next to the deck officer, after being notified of the impending decision on the Fleet's positioning, "Orders sir?" The Grand Admiral handed the deck officer back his datapad, and the lieutenant commander retreated to his post. Without halt, the flag officer moved to his station of command, with the nav officer following, "Integrate those coordinates of our flight plan." The nav officer nodded, sitting back down at his terminal and transmitting the message to the helmsman and the comms officer to send to the rest of the fleet.

The Grand Admiral did not particularly enjoy staring at a hologram throughout the battle, but it was neither his place nor his job to be any where on the bridge mid-action. He could almost swear on the sanctity of Bakura that his sentiment was shared by his fellow crewman in the operations room. The ominous blue glow did not give one a sense of a adventure like the parlay of laser fire, the skirmishing attack craft, and the explosions of downed vessels seen from the various observation decks. During the height of the battle Kerkov decided he would try and view some of the, twas a waste if not to watch what he had helped created.

Kerkov twirled a cigara in his right hand, that he had snuck out of his breast pocket under his white uniform. He may not have lit it in the enclosed room, but the mere thought relaxed him ever the slighter, "Prepare to re-engage the Second Skirmish squadron. I want the combined fire power of our broadsides, daggers, and the victory aimed on that vessel." The JO transmitting the orders didn't hesitate to reply, "And the Fortan's sir?" Kerkov gandered at the intel on the Second Skirmish squadron, "Fire for effect on the weakest frigate, the uh, Fenris 4 will do." The officer replied stiffly, "Yes sir."

The Grand Admiral announced to the crewman beside the one he had previously given orders to, "Continue the salvo of fire by the IDXs, and the Triumph on the Rogue Sith fleet in that sector. The sooner we can disable those vessels the sooner we can launch our own attack craft." The senior enlisted nodded, "Aye aye, sir." Kerkov grabbed his aide by the arm and spoke into his ear, "Prepare observation deck 19 for my arrival, I want the full combat suite prepared, if I am to truly command this battle I must have a first hand view of it." The aide saluted, and marched out of the CIC, an objective in mind. The 19th observation deck was at the direct bow of the Darr Itah, yes that would give him a good view of the battle in front of him, much better than these blasted holograms.

Combat Summary
2 Missile cruisers, 4 Frigates, and a heavy cruiser firing on the Rend at 02.18
1 IDX Star Destroyer firing on the Claw at 07.17. 1 IDX Star Destroyer firing on the Charge. 1 Darr Itah firing on the Chagrin.
Movement forward.

[member="Cyrus Tregessar"] | [member="Flora Burn"] | [member="Valessia Brentioch"] | [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] | [member="Tanomas Graf"]
[member="Sara Lee Jones"] | [member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"]
2nd Fleet Fighter Wings (Lead by [member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"])

*Note, this is only for reference and informational purposes only, and will be updated based on the fighter movements of the parent fleet.

Concordia (Resurgent SD)

Fighter Hex: Deployed, 10.19

Alpha Squadron (TIE/sf) (Lead by [member="Pierce Fortan III"], flown with [member="Sara Lee Jones"])
Status: 16/16
Bravo Squadron (TIE/sf) (Lead by [member="Nils Brenner"])
Status: 16/16
Charlie Squadron (TIE/sf) (Lead by [member="Greta Kohler"])
Status: 16/16
Delta Squadron (TIE/sf)
Status: 16/16
Echo Squadron (TIE/sf)
Status: 16/16
Foxtrot Squadron (TIE/sf)
Status: 16/16

Thrawn (Executrix SD)

Fighter Hex: Deployed, 10.18

Alpha Squadron (TIE/FO)
Status: 12/12
Bravo Squadron (TIE/FO)
Status: 12/12
Charlie Squadron (TIE/FO)
Status: 12/12
Delta Squadron (TIE/D)
Status: 8/8

Gallius Rax (Executrix SD)

Fighter Hex: Deployed, 10.20

Alpha Squadron (TIE/FO)
Status: 12/12
Bravo Squadron (TIE/FO)
Status: 12/12
Charlie Squadron (TIE/FO)
Status: 12/12
Delta Squadron (TIE/D)
Status: 8/8

Faction: First Order
Fleet Boss: [member="Natasi Fortan"]
  • [member="Tanomas Graf"], [member="Valessia Brentioch"], [member="William Kerkov"], [member="Cyrus Tregessar"], [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] [First Order Fleets]
  • [member="Pierce Fortan III"], [member="Nils Brenner"], [member="Greta Kohler"], [member="Sara Lee Jones"] [First Order Starfighter Corps]
  • [member="Omega"] weapon, Rogue Sith forces

Command Bridge, Resurgent-class Star Destroyer 'Concordia'

Prior to leaving [member="Natasi Fortan"]'s side, the Colonel examined the incoming data from the Grand Moff's battle map. A section of the Rogue Sith fleet was breaking formation, something that could have indicated a great many things - not least among them, a breakdown of chain of command. To rattle the enemy into making a mistake was a common goal in many strategic and tactical doctrines, though rarely did it happen so unexpectedly quickly against an otherwise disciplined force.

"It could be a ruse, would the Sith sacrifice themselves so readily?" Roderik answered with a question, though the Grand Moff was already moving forward to issue commands. She is in top form, taking in all the nervous energy and converting it into sharp purpose. He thought as he rushed back to his station. In another life, she could've been an Admiral.

"Sir," Major Marston acknowledged Roderik's arrival first, stepping aside to let the Colonel man the holo-table once more.

"We have new orders. We're to begin initiating fighter sweeps out front to cover the fleet's movements. Our assets will be providing defense by way of playing first string offense." Roderik indicated to the Major where their starfighter forces were selected to move, and lightly traced the route, which would soon look more like a fighter conveyor belt in the holo-projection displayed.

After completing the re-routing, Roderik again picked up the comm-link hand-piece and connected himself to the frequency used for command messages to the deployed starfighters. He wanted to reach each and every pilot under his direct command. If he was about to send them into the fire, he wanted them to at least hear his voice when they received the news. Lead by example, don't let them think you've already forgotten where you came from, the Colonel thought briefly. He may command them from a bridge, but that didn't mean he had to command them idly, and with silence.

"All flights, this is Angel," he started with Concordia's call-sign for himself. The pilots would recognize his voice, undoubtedly, but it was proper comm etiquette none the less.

"Loosen up and maintain combat spacing," That order alone should have clued the pilots familiar with Roderik in to the gravity of the situation. Anything short of his usual 'tighten up' was tantamount to an admission that events were about to get karked. To out-right say loosen up was something else entirely.

"You're being placed in the thick of it, but I have every confidence you will all win the day with superior skill, courage, and equipment. This is the battle the academy will teach for generations to come. Do your duty, and come home successfully, each and every one of you an ace. No rest until you've earned your five. Angel out."

Nervous, excited energy shot from Roderik as he completed his transmission and replaced the comm-link back in its cradle on the table.

"Now we just wait to see if they want to come out and play. Maybe you're not going to miss much." Marston spoke with a grin as he looked at Roderik, as if reading the expression on the Colonel's face, deciphering successfully the 'I wish I was out there' look.


Attack Craft Fighter Movement - Concordia Group Stays at Hex 10.19
Attack Craft Fighter Movement - Thrawn Group Stays at Hex 10.18
Attack Craft Fighter Movement - Gallius Rax Group Stays at Hex 10.20
"They're all over me" the commander of the Mateus' fighter squadron told over comms, before his own fighter explodes.

"We have no attack craft left: that was a forlorn hope with inexperienced volunteer pilots, admiral. The Republican rabble in every single way" the Mateus' captain told Charzon.

"Finally, for once that they didn't fire at us!" Charzon exclaimed, referring to the Leviathan being fired at by the Jotun.

While most enemy heavy units in the 1st and 2nd Immortal Command opened fire at the Republican cruisers, only the Jotun wasn't. Plus the enemy heavy units of the 2nd Immortal Command were coming under heavy light-sider fire; its commanding officer was very unhappy at this turn of events. Whereas the 17th Fleet took up nearly all the light-sided damage, Charzon saw that the damage held up all they could. Plus the Mateus' bridge could be easily refitted to act as a combat information center - in fact, one would think that a bridge of a ship where there is only one bridge for both starfighters and navigation would be de facto a CIC. She began to wonder what glory is there for the 17th when they are the forlorn hope in a greater tactical plan... And all the attack craft of theirs was lost to the last, with a bunch of enemy squadrons still harassing the light corvettes launched by [member="Zark"]. Up to this point everyone and their dogs among the 1st and 2nd Immortal Commands were just firing at Charzon's fleet, Omega notwithstanding.

"We have now lost all three cruisers, admiral"

"May the Force have mercy on the poor crews of the cruisers. Command battlegroup, Cresh Squadron, finish off the Balmorra; Besh Squadron, aim at the Puncture!"

"Admiral, our supply of parts as supplied by [member="Knight"] has run out" the chief engineer of the Mateus reported.

While the Spirit of Druckenwell has taken a beating by the enemy firing the Omega at them, and Nekogal heavily damaged, nevertheless the forlorn hope of the Republic still needs to keep on fighting and to fight on regardless of the odds in play. Since they lacked the firepower to fire at the Jotun, they had to fire at the enemy frigates. But they could finish off a frigate or two that much more easily by concentrating their fire at these ships. Hopefully someone else would kill Admiral Kallok, who has been a thorn on the light-siders since the battle began. Yet something was weird: the Mandalorians stopped firing. Was it part of some Mandalorian strategy to get the "space-wizarding fleeters" to take up the brunt of the damage the Rogue Sith fleets would inflict? But the dark-siders renewed their attacks on the Rogue One Sith. Plus, Charzon was the one who had to tie up the enemy force so that the light-siders and dark-siders would exploit the gap Charzon caused. Even though she was but a pawn in the plan, Charzon knew that it was their only chance at destroying the Rogue Sith. She might have been given the leftover scraps of the Republican fleet, may as well take a few of the enemy fleet with them.

"The Mandos, they stopped! Why did they hold their fire all of a sudden?" Julie asked.

"Command battlegroup, double front!"

Command battlegroup:

Ship name: Mateus
Class: Mateus-class fleet carrier (3-hex move)
Shield/hull: 600/1600 (+200 shields, the supply of parts sent by Knight allows another 200 points of hull repairs per round for 3 rounds and has run out)
Armament/defense: 5/13
Hangar: none
Movement: Moving from 03.02 to 03.05
Firing at: Balmorra (03.11)

Ship name: Fortan
Class: Praetorian-class corvette
Shield/hull: 180/180
Armament/defense: 6/10
Hangar: None
Movement: Moving from 04.02 to 03.05
Firing at: Balmorra (03.11)

Ship name: Vizsla
Class: Praetorian-class corvette
Shield/hull: 180/180
Armament/defense: 6/10
Hangar: None
Movement: Moving from 04.02 to 03.05
Firing at: Balmorra (03.11)

Ship name: Saren
Class: Praetorian-class corvette
Shield/hull: 180/180
Armament/defense: 6/10
Hangar: None
Movement: Moving from 04.02 to 03.05
Firing at: Balmorra (03.11)

Ship name: Heavenshield
Class: Praetorian-class corvette
Shield/hull: 180/180
Armament/defense: 6/10
Hangar: None
Movement: Moving from 04.02 to 03.05
Firing at: Balmorra (03.11)

Ship name: Carnifex
Class: Praetorian-class corvette
Shield/hull: 180/180
Armament/defense: 6/10
Hangar: None
Movement: Moving from 04.02 to 03.05
Firing at: Balmorra (03.11)

Squadron Aurek:

Ship name: Sabrina DESTROYED
Class: Spearhead-class cruiser (5-hex move)
Shield/hull: 0/500
Armament/defense: 10/13
Hangar: None

Ship name: Nelvaan DESTROYED
Class: Spearhead-class cruiser (5-hex move)
Shield/hull: 0/0
Armament/defense: 10/13
Hangar: (deployed at 01.10, targeting the Praetor)

Ship name: Dunames DESTROYED
Class: Spearhead-class cruiser (5-hex move)
Shield/hull: 0/0
Armament/defense: 10/13
Hangar: none

Squadron Besh:

Ship name: Nekogal
Class: Udarnik-class assault frigate (7-hex move)
Shield/hull: 0/250
Armament/defense: 13/16
Hangar: None
Movement: Stationary at 03.09
Firing at: Puncture (03.11)

Ship name: Ameba
Class: Udarnik-class assault frigate (7-hex move)
Shield/hull: 500/500
Armament/defense: 13/16
Hangar: None
Movement: Stationary at 03.09
Firing at: Puncture (03.11)

Ship name: Larvas
Class: Udarnik-class assault frigate (7-hex move)
Shield/hull: 500/500
Armament/defense: 13/16
Hangar: None
Movement: Stationary at 03.09
Firing at: Puncture (03.11)

Ship name: Catoblepas
Class: Udarnik-class assault frigate (7-hex move)
Shield/hull: 500/500
Armament/defense: 13/16
Hangar: None
Movement: Stationary at 03.09
Firing at: Puncture (03.11)

Ship name: Longueuil
Class: Udarnik-class assault frigate (7-hex move)
Shield/hull: 500/500
Armament/defense: 13/16
Hangar: None
Movement: Stationary at 03.09
Firing at: Puncture (03.11)

Squadron Cresh:

Ship name: Pencil
Class: Hammerhead frigate (7-hex move)
Shield/hull: 315/315
Armament/defense: 10/13
Hangar: None
Movement: Stationary at 02.08
Flak firing at: fighters at 01.09
Firing at: Balmorra (03.11)

Ship name: Cheater
Class: Hammerhead frigate (7-hex move)
Shield/hull: 315/315
Armament/defense: 10/13
Hangar: None
Movement: Stationary at 02.08
Firing at: Balmorra (03.11)

Ship name: Pink Panther
Class: Hammerhead frigate (7-hex move)
Shield/hull: 315/315
Armament/defense: 10/13
Hangar: None
Movement: Stationary at 02.08
Firing at: Balmorra (03.11)

Ship name: Medication
Class: Hammerhead frigate (7-hex move)
Shield/hull: 315/315
Armament/defense: 10/13
Hangar: None
Movement: Stationary at 02.08
Firing at: Balmorra (03.11)

Ship name: Drill
Class: Hammerhead frigate (7-hex move)
Shield/hull: 315/315
Armament/defense: 10/13
Hangar: None
Movement: Stationary at 02.08
Firing at: Balmorra (03.11)

Ship name: Clouseau
Class: Hammerhead frigate (7-hex move)
Shield/hull: 315/315
Armament/defense: 10/13
Hangar: None
Movement: Stationary at 02.08
Firing at: Balmorra (03.11)

Summary of actions: Now deprived of its cruisers, Task Force 17 has now engaged other frigates to make the job easier for light-sided fleeters to send in their attack craft squadrons afterward

OOC: Flak is assumed the same as defense

Allies: [member="Reshmar"] [member="Gir Quee"] [member="Ayden Cater"] [member="Knight"] [member="Zark"] [member="Astarii Saren"] [member="Aerion Ivelisse"] [member="Taneas Haring"]
Enemies: [member="Omega"]
Faction: First Order
Fleet Boss: [member="Natasi Fortan"]
[member="Tanomas Graf"], [member="Valessia Brentioch"], [member="William Kerkov"], [member="Cyrus Tregessar"], [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] [First Order Fleets]
[member="Pierce Fortan III"], [member="Nils Brenner"], [member="Greta Kohler"], @Sara @Lee Jones, [member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"] [First Order Starfighter Corps]
[member="Omega"] weapon, Rogue Sith forces

Darkness. Then light. Collin had found himself shaken from a restful sleep in his Interceptor Section's Flight Barracks at roughly 0340 Avalonia Standard Time. The overheas coms blared with steely voices shouting various assembly orders, not time to even shit, shower or shave. He'd done as his fellows had. Donning his flight gear and equipment in the methodical manner that could only be earned through months of training. The man with tattoos scars from years of criminal activity and incarceration felt something he hadn't felt years. Fear. A cold knot that burrowed it's way into the pit of his stomach.

Try not to think of casualty statistics for Interceptor Pilots.

Try not to think of the equally trained beings waiting in the void of deep space to kill you.

Shut up. Don't be a coward. You volunteered.

Collin had focused on the pure execution of mechanical function as he ran down the shiny gray hallways of the Destroyer and towards the Flight Deck. A quick preflight check, so flashing lights, and a few stern words later and the man found himself helmeted and slowly drifting towards the gaping mouth of stars in his Starfighter.

Breath. One. Two. Three.

He hit his burners and got in formation as instructed, on the far right edge of the Flight. His own breathing and the lite hum of the TIEs instruments were his only company as the order to assemble in front of the larger Navy vessels came in. The sheer scale of the Coalition before him astounded him.

"Son of a queen." Slipped through his mouth without any communication from his brain to do so. This wasn't anything like the Sims. He eyed Nil's TIE from his corner.

This was a hell of a time to pop his combat cherry. He thought to himself as he adjusted his gloved hands on the vessel's controls. Sweat. Fear. Excitement.

Collin felt a grin grow on his helmeted face. He wondered if it would be anything like the first time he killed.

Avicus DuSang

The Patron Saint of Heartache​
Yellow eyes focused on the hologram map of the battle. He watched as the Sith's new toy fired upon the Galactic Alliance. The targeted ship took substantial damage, but it hadn't been destroyed. An eyebrow raised on the Dark God's face. A small pout, almost out of disappointment. The forces of the Galaxy assembled to take on that? He was half tempted to call a retreat. Not out of fear, mind you.

But because their presence now felt unnecessary.

The voice of [member="Natasi Fortan"] broke him of his concentration. The Sith Fleet had advanced on the First Order, it was time to get down to business. No. They shall stay. Let these Sith realize how obsolete their fleet and new weapon truly was. How easily they would fall. How the might of the First Order would be demonstrated. Let the entire Galaxy witness a long, hard look at their capabilities. "Very well, Your Grace."

Black ichor creeped over his eyes as his mind spread out to Nebula Fleet. The crews and commanding officers of the large ships within the Grand Moff's fleet grew black as well. They were under his direct control. As the Grand Moff finished her prayer, the God of Death crept into her thoughts, granting her full control over the fleet through him. Forget your religion, revel in the divinity of the Dark Side...

Fighters and the remainder of the First Order forces were still under the effect of Battle Meditation. His mind crept out to [member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"]. He let a wicked grin creep across his lips as he anticipated seeing the Ace in action, assisted by the Meditation Sphere. His mind touched [member="Collin Calhoun"], blanketing him in the Battle Meditation as well. There was no more dwelling on statistics. There was only the glory of the First Order. The thrill of combat that came from piloting an Interceptor.

The God of Death shuddered as the firing cannons of Concordia rippled through the ship. His knuckles were white with the tightened grip he kept his fists in. He could feel the ship through the Meditation Sphere. The release of her weaponry was divine. His grin only widened. He was ready to sink his teeth into Sith throats. He was out for blood.

Combat Summary:
Activated Sith Battle Coordination on Nebula Fleet, giving full control of fleet to [member="Natasi Fortan"]. Fighters and other fleets within First Order still under the effect of Battle Meditation.

Every 1d6 rounds, Avicus gets a +15 on CHA checks to seduce Omega Superweapon.

Faction: Mandalorian Clans
Subgroup: Clan Dem'adas Navy
Formation: B'alor Dem'adas Tra'akaan'ade
Commander: Rygel Larraq (under a false name)
Fleet Size: 9,820 meters

The display before him danced with the shifting, twisting digital representations of starship formations gliding through space. Lancing through the display, needle-thin lines crossed the gap between the Renegade Sith ships and the three different armadas that had arrived to deal with the threat of the Omega. Weapons-fire from both directions... As the bulk of his formation continued to race directly towards the heart of the Sith fleet and the Omega that lay behind it, dozens of pinpricks separated from the Dem'adas formation and raced to catch-up with a wing of fast attack frigates to the far left of the Aliite armada. The entirety of his fleet's starfighter and bomber complement rushing towards the flank of the Dar'jetiise.

"Range?" Larraq asked as he absently sloshed the bourbon round and round his small glass. His eyes still on the dancing dots of light that moved into position. He had faith in his plan of attack... He had faith in his prediction of how the Renegade Sith would react to the threat he showed them... And he had faith in the effectiveness of what would come next. It would be costly... but effective.

"We're still outside of our maximum effective engagement range..." A nearby officer answered. "The Keldabe and Kandosii are approaching firing ranges though. They'll be ready to engage the enemy in a moment."

"Good. Have the Keldabe open fire first." Larraq said as he sat his glass of bourbon upon the chair's armrest again. With any hope, the dar'jetii would open fire on them first in-kind. "The Runi be'te Naast and Meg'hiibir are to hold their fire until the Dar'jetiise have returned fire and revealed their targets. And the Dral'hettyc Tra will open fire as soon as she is within range."

"Understood." The same officer responded. "Orders relayed."

The seconds ticked by as the Dral'hettyc Tra held her fire, armored bulk still racing towards the Sith Fleet and the Omega that lay beyond. On the holodisplay, four small icons changed color in near-unison as the four Keldabe Battleships opened fire. Mere seconds later, one of those icons changed color again as thin pinprick lines raced towards them from the Sith ships nearest them. The Kandosii Dreadnought Be'vod Runi be'te Naast. <So they're aiming for the largest targets, not the closest or the most active.> Larraq thought as he watched the display. Almost immediately, the pair of icons for the two large Kandosii Dreadnoughts changed color as they too opened fire upon the Dar'jetii, pouring their hate upon them. At the same time, a smaller status icons popped up next to the Meg'hiibir, the Kandosii of the other formation, as the massive ship focused its Aegis Shield Transfer Array upon her sister-ship to help maintain her shields.

"Dral'hettyc Tra in range Jaig Eyes Larraq." Reported the primary fire control technician.

"Then karking fire." Larraq said with more than a hint of annoyance. A fraction of a moment later, a pair of thuds echoed through the hull of the massive Dreadnought. Two, then four, then eight... the weapons batteries each opened fire as the individual weapon crews brought them to bare. Soon though, the stretto of stuttered weapons-fire turned into an unending rolling barrage as the Dra'hettyc Tra continued her charge upon the dar'jetii tra'akaan'ade.


His mind tricked his body into believing that he could hear the roar of his ship's guns. The reverberation of each massive mass-driver vibrated throughout the superstructure of the Alor Dreadnought, transferring vibrations into the air where able. These pressure-waves washed over Larraq's Beskar'gam as the vibrations in the deck transferred into the soles of his feet.

<Impressive.> Larraq thought as he enjoyed the sensation. It was far more visceral than what one got when serving aboard a ship that utilized energy or plasma weaponry. "Increase rate of fire." Larraq said simply as he basked in the momentary connection he felt with the ship he built.


The rolling barrage increased in both speed and intensity as the Dra'hettyc Tra spat forth her hate upon the enemy. A moment later, a rapid volley of hissing sounds echoed from somewhere towards the prow of the ship. She had fired her Assault Missiles at the enemy. A quick glance at the holodisplay showed the volley of warheads racing towards the Sith ships; a similar volley of tiny icons were spat forth by the Dreadnoughts and Destroyers of Paru Solas and Paru T'ad as the other capital ships attempted to time their own ordnance volleys to sync up with that of the flagship.

Absently, Larraq tried to recall how long it would take those same launch-tubes to reload with the shipbreacher torpedoes as he had ordered.

As the three massive formations of capital ships continued their charge upon the front lines of the dar'jetii formation, Larraq's attention was drawn to the lesser digital icons on the holodisplay. <They're in position.> Larraq thought as he saw the Nari'oya'karir Paru line up with the Renegade Fleet's flank. "Order Beharan Nari'oya'karir Paru to charge through the enemy line." Larraq said aloud, his mind focused upon cavalry tactics one would use against legionnaires or riflemen. "Get all of the Starfighters and Bombers as close to their wake as possible without getting fried by the frigates' Ion Drives. I want bombing runs on the entire line of ships on the Dar'jetii's left flank... but I want them to dump absolutely everything they've got on to the Star Destroyer at grid 02.19."

It was a painful order to give. Neither Larraq, nor, likely, the pilots themselves would be expecting any of those small ships to survive their assault on the enemy position. Hopefully though... they would be lives spent, not lives wasted. A matter that would be dependent upon the results they achieved.

If nothing else though... They were about to greatly disrupt the enemy's line of battle.

Fleet Status > Engaging Exalt Command #2
Alii'gai Al'verde Paru
Ship Name: Dral'hettyc Tra be'te Ne'tra Sho'cye
Class: Alor-class Dreadnought
Shield: 3000/3000
Hull: 3000/3000
Armament/Defense: 19/18
Hanger Complement: Launched
Movement: (3/1)
Status: (Overdrive Engines ; +1 Movement)
Firing At: (X)

Movement: (11.26 > 07.24)
Firing At: (Destroyer Group @ 03.20) (Renegade Sith)

Ram'or bal Aran Paru Solus
Ship Name: Be'vod Runi be'te Naast
Class: Type 2.5 Kandosii-class Dreadnought
Shield: 680/1360 (+680 Aegis) (-1360 incoming fire)
Hull: 840/1360 (-520 incoming fire)
Armament/Defense: 14/16
Hanger Complement: Launched
Movement: (5/3)
Status: (Ouch)
Firing At: (X)

Ship Name: Kotep Bes'gaid Ik'aad
Class: Type 2.5 Keldabe-class Battleship
Shield: 750/750
Hull: 750/750
Armament/Defense: 19/16
Hanger Complement: Launched
Movement: (6/4)
Status: (Normal)
Firing At: (X)

Ship Name: Be'tra Morut
Class: Type 2.5 Keldabe-class Battleship
Shield: 750/750
Hull: 750/750
Armament/Defense: 19/16
Hanger Complement: Launched
Movement: (6/4)
Status: (Normal)
Firing At: (X)
Movement: (10.24 > 05.22)
Firing At: (Destroyer Group @ 03.20) (Renegade Sith)

Ram'or bal Aran Paru T'ad
Ship Name: Meg'hiibir Uvette de Tracyn
Class: Type 2.5 Kandosii-class Dreadnought
Shield: 1360/1360 (-680 Aegis)
Hull: 1360/1360
Armament/Defense: 14/16
Hanger Complement: Launched
Movement: (5/3)
Status: (Normal)
Firing At: (AEGIS Shield Transfer Array targeting/repairing Be'vod Runi be'te Naast)

Ship Name: Cabur be'te Be'kyrayc Tome'tayl
Class: Type 2.5 Keldabe-class Battleship
Shield: 750/750
Hull: 750/750
Armament/Defense: 19/16
Hanger Complement: Launched
Movement: (6/4)
Status: (Normal)
Firing At: (X)

Ship Name: Tal'vod Meg'oya'karir Darjetti
Class: Type 2.5 Keldabe-class Battleship
Shield: 750/750
Hull: 750/750
Armament/Defense: 19/16
Hanger Complement: Launched
Movement: (6/4)
Status: (Normal)
Firing At: (X)
Movement: (09.26 > 04.23)
Firing At: (Destroyer Group @ 03.20) (Renegade Sith)

Be'haran Nari'oya'karir Paru > LEROOOOOY!
Ship Name: Can'gal Kyramund
Class: Type 2.5 Haran'uliik-class Light Frigate
Shield: 220/220
Hull: 220/220
Armament/Defense: 18/16
Hanger Complement: NA
Movement: (8/X)
Status: (Overdrive Engines ; +1 Movement)
Firing At: (X)

Ship Name: Kaden Me'sen'ika
Class: Type 2.5 Haran'uliik-class Light Frigate
Shield: 220/220
Hull: 220/220
Armament/Defense: 18/16
Hanger Complement: NA
Movement: (8/X)
Status: (Overdrive Engines ; +1 Movement)
Firing At: (X)

Ship Name: Meg'dral'ika
Class: Type 2.5 Haran'uliik-class Light Frigate
Shield: 220/220
Hull: 220/220
Armament/Defense: 18/16
Hanger Complement: NA
Movement: (8/X)
Status: (Overdrive Engines ; +1 Movement)
Firing At: (X)

Ship Name: Ara'novor at Kebii'tra
Class: Type 2.5 Haran'uliik-class Light Frigate
Shield: 220/220
Hull: 220/220
Armament/Defense: 18/16
Hanger Complement: NA
Movement: (8/X)
Status: (Overdrive Engines ; +1 Movement)
Firing At: (X)

Ship Name: Bikadinir sha'te Aru'e
Class: Type 2.5 Haran'uliik-class Light Frigate
Shield: 220/220
Hull: 220/220
Armament/Defense: 18/16
Hanger Complement: NA
Movement: (8/X)
Status: (Overdrive Engines ; +1 Movement)
Firing At: (X)
Movement: (02.26 > 02.17)
Firing At: (Suppressing Fire "Snowplow" of AA Flak Vulcan Cannons)

Fighter Swarm > JENKINS!
Squadron Name: Alpha Wing
Parent Ship: Alor
Formation Complement:
Movement: (9/X)
Status: (Normal)
Movement: (04.27 > 02.19)
Firing At: (X)

Squadron Name: Bravo Wing
Parent Ship: Keldabe / Keldabe
Formation Complement:
Movement: (9/X)
Status: (Normal)
Movement: (04.27 > 02.19)
Firing At: (X)

Squadron Name: Charlie Wing
Parent Ship: Keldabe / Keldabe
Formation Complement:
Movement: (9/X)
Status: (Normal)
Movement: (04.27 > 02.19)
Firing At: (X)

Squadron Name: Delta Wing
Parent Ship: Kandosii
Formation Complement:
Movement: (9/X)
Status: (Normal)
Movement: (04.27 > 02.19)
Firing At: (X)

Squadron Name: Echo Wing
Parent Ship: Kandosii
Formation Complement:
Movement: (9/X)
Status: (Normal)
Movement: (04.27 > 02.19)
Firing At: (X)
Movement: (04.27 > 02.19)
Firing At: (BOMBING RUN EVERYTHING from 02.21 to 02.19; Especially Battlecruiser at 02.19)

Alor-class Dreadnought
  • Move Closer to Renegade Sith Fleet
  • Continue Stacking Forward Shields on all ships
  • Still Reload Port/Starboard Assault-Grade Flex-Tubes (w/ Boarding Torpedoes)
  • Reloading Forward Assault-Grade Flex-Tubes (w/ Shipbreacher Torpedoes)
Dreadnought Formation One
  • Battleships In-Front-Of Dreadnought in an Inverted-V-Formation
  • Move Closer to Renegade Sith Fleet
  • Still Stacking Forward Shields on all ships
  • Fire All Forward Weapons at nearest formation of Destroyers (03.20)
  • Reload Forward Assault-Grade Flex-Tubes (w/ Shipbreacher Torpedoes)
Dreadnought Formation Two
  • Battleships In-Front-Of Dreadnought in an Inverted-V-Formation
  • Dreadnought focuses Aegis Array on Dreadnought of Formation One
  • Move Closer to Renegade Sith Fleet
  • Still Stacking Forward Shields on all ships
  • Fire All Forward Weapons at nearest formation of Destroyers (03.20)
  • Reload Forward Assault-Grade Flex-Tubes (w/ Shipbreacher Torpedoes)
Frigate Formation
  • Maneuvering in a V-Formation
  • Move Closer to Renegade Sith Fleet
  • Still Stacking Forward Shields on all ships
  • Fire All Forward Weapons (including Vulcan Cannons) Forward as moving through hostile formations (AA effect, occasional damage vs targets along path of apporach).
Starfighter Swarm
  • Follow Frigate Formation (using them as shields)

a small percentage of energy damage done to Retribution shielding causes feedback/ricochet effects back towards firing ship.
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