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Deadly Void (Fleeting)

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Well-Known Member​
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Faction: First Order
Fleet Command: [member="Natasi Fortan"]
[member="Tanomas Graf"] | [member="Valessia Brentioch"] | [member="William Kerkov"] | [member="Cyrus Tregessar"] | [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"]
[member="Pierce Fortan III"] | [member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"] | [member="Greta Kohler"] | [member="Sara Lee Jones"]
Rogue Sith Fighter Craft
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Nils had seen to it personally that each of his squadrons fighters was in tip top shape, going so far as to inspect their maintenance records. It was one of his flaws if you could call it that, he'd always said the devil's in the details. Knowing there was combat ahead had pushed him into overdrive, making sure he did everything he could to leave the outcome of the coming battle to the gods of war rather than in the hands of lazy mechanics, faulty equipment, or outdated parts. It had taken him every waking moment of his free time but now, with the heat on, he was glad he had done it. Now as they headed towards the enemy front he could see the excessive volume of fire both incoming and outgoing. This was one bad fur ball if he ever saw one. Flashes never seemed to stop, the bright lights and lasers streaking across his visible line of sight. The constant hum of the turbo-laser batteries firing around would have filled his ears had he not been more focused on the reports coming in.

All lead craft, intercept course 90.3.20 on galactic plane. Harassment & Interdiction fire on retreating destroyers. Seek fast movers.
Bravo Squadron had been performing a close run of the dorsal hull plating of The Concordia when the command came through, Charlie Squadron in tow. Their leashes had been released by command and they were at the disposal of the Squadron Leads. Nils took a deep breath. Here it was, the edge of the precipice and now? Now they were in the free fall that was the moment before first contact.

:: Bravo Squadron on me, you heard the man. ::
Gripping the controls tightly Nils adjusted his heading. "Nine Zero point Three point Two Zero. Ada, get me a battle grid." The young pilot addressed the BB-10 droid sharing a fighter with him. The TIE/sf's had given up the gunner's position to a droid, enabling a limited number of hyperspace jump locations as well as aid in managing the ship's power and targeting systems, Nils' he had affectionately named Ada. An alarm chimed as they streaked towards their objective, the Star Destroyer Apocalypse. Currently his ship's systems were balanced meaning an equal amount of power allocated towards the shields, weapons, and other systems. Despite that, the TIE's were nimble, covering much of the space between their start point and their objective. Glancing down at his readouts Nils saw a flurry of blips pop up on his short range sensors. As if to cement what he was seeing on his sensors he heard another chime from his systems. They'd been painted, something out there had pinged them and was now starting to get a lock. Quickly he keyed up a channel to the other squadrons in the 100th.

:: Bravo Leader, Bogeys incoming. Weapons Free but keep those firing solutions clear, I don't want any friendly fire. Good Hunting. ::
With an audible click he disengaged the wing wide transmission. He had words, so many words he wanted to express to his fellow flyers but he knew more would just clutter the comms. A wave of clarity washed over him, calm and reassuring. It had seemingly come out of nowhere but he knew it had nothing to do with his own ability to focus on the mission, he wondered if the others felt it too. Weapons were free yet no one fired. It was as if they were all linked, waiting patiently for the same range before opening fire. As if suspended by strings the fighters, both Sith and First Order streaked towards each other like puppets, had Nils seen it from afar he might have wondered if they were all just puppets in some god's giant game. As it was however, he was instead busy locking onto the lead craft at the head of the enemy formation.

As the two squadrons of fighters crossed an invisible line they all began firing at once, the high pitched whine of TIE engines merging with the rapid discharge of laser cannons. As if rehearsed each fighter fired a rapid burst at the enemy before peeling off, some upwards and some downwards as they came about trying to get a bead on their targets. Nils had fired an extra long burst, peeling off at the last possible moment. Had he remained on course he would have collided with the enemy's debris, even so, his ship was peppered with shrapnel as he felt the explosion of the enemy craft. He let loose a low growl as he performed a 'Split S' maneuver and slid in behind another enemy fighter. Alarms sounded but the less important ones, or at least the ones that didn't _really_ need to be addressed were muted by Ada, if something truly required Nils' undivided attention aside from piloting and shooting the BB unit would notify him.

Hoping his wingman, [member="Collin Calhoun"] was still on him as was customary, he keyed up on the private channel between the two.

:: Bravo 2, I've got this one padlocked, break off and engage at will! ::

The excitement in his voice was hard to mask. Here in the thick of it Nils truly felt alive, not just breathing and going through the day to day but utterly and completely alive. A grin hidden behind the mask of his helmet the ace let loose a feral howl as he depressed the dual triggers on his control sticks, releasing a hail of blaster fire directly into the rear of the fighter in his sights. He watched, enthralled as the blasters tore through the shielding and into the hull, one engine erupting and sending the craft spiraling out of control. Nils pulled hard back on the sticks as he once more began searching for a target. As he brought his craft to bear, a loud squeal came from Ada, a simultaneous alarm blaring in the pilot's ear followed by an automated voice.

Enemy Missile Lock Detected

The alarm sent a cold chill down the pilot's spine, his veins icing over. It was one of the last things many a pilot heard before they were either blown into oblivion or their ship was rendered inoperable, forcing the pilot to eject. Neither of those were exactly something a pilot wanted. Some even preferred the former as exposure and the sheer vulnerability of being outside of your cockpit could be more painful than a quick death in an immediate explosion. Slamming the controls to his right he pushed in, diving and cutting out to the right. If he was quick enough he just might be able to break the lock, giving him enough time to locate the fighter on his tail. Frantically he checked his targeting computer, unable to get a bead on the fighter.. and there it was. It came screeching a mere meter past his viewport. If he'd been made of lesser stuff, Nils might have needed a new flightsuit but as it was, Nils liked things nice and close. Quickly disengaging his engines, spinning the craft around, and firing off his engines at full power he was able to streak forward towards the fighter that had almost had him dead to rights.

He tracked the fighter, matching every turn and maneuver. Like two birds fighting after a worm the two spun, climbed, dove, and turned, the Sith pilot frantically trying to shake the TIE/sf. It was no use, Nils was right in the sweet spot, flying so close he could have almost reached out and touched the ship in front of him. The Sith had slowed drastically in an attempt to make Nils overshoot him but he'd been too quick for that old trick to work. Instead Nils was still on him, toying with him with a stray blaster bolt or two before finally committing and unleashing a torrent of blaster fire into the cockpit of the Sith fighter. The Sith had pulled up, trying to get out of the TIE's firing arc but had failed, the nimble TIE coming up and shattering the enemy cockpit with a pair of solid hits.

"Take that!" He exclaimed.​
Once more free of the melee for a moment he glanced at his controls and the squadron readouts. Soon enough it would update, letting him know how many of his squadron he'd lost. No time for that now, he thought to himself. Another chime sounded, the voice somewhat less chilling.

Enemy Missile Lock Detected
He reached down to his controls, flipping a switch on one of his panels. With a whir of energy the ventral turret came to life, the targeting computer humming as it began searching for the culprit. Pulling back on the controls and flipping a 180 he shot forward, lasers still flashing as the combat around him took place. He felt the energy drain slightly as the ventral cannon fired, a short staccato burst loosing from its barrels. Hopefully that would dissuade the fighter from holding the lock. As if to crush any hope he'd had, the alarm increased in intensity, they were close now. He keyed up as he tried his best to keep the fighter from feeling comfortable enough to fire.

:: Bravo Two, I could use some help! ::
Summary of Action
Bravo Squadron (TIE/sf) (Lead by Nils Brenner) Status: 16/16
Location: Hex 10.19 to 5.17
Action: Engaging Sith Fighters en route to Sith SD "Apocalypse"

ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet
3rd Mon Cala Expeditionary Force - 10,000 meters
31st Command Line - 1,940 meters (Destroyer)
Movement: 3 speed / 2 turning 14.08 moving to 11.10 / Targeting: [member="Omega"] Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer - Devastator at 04.11
Ship Name: Ordo Argentum
Class: Imperious-class Star Defender / Shield:1,940 / Hull:1,940 / Armament:15 / Defense:16
Hanger: 3 Fighter Squadron, 3 Bomber Squadrons / Deployment: 14.02
Movement: 3 speed / 2 turning / Targeting: Holding Fire

32nd Destroyer Line - 1,200 meters (Destroyer)
Movement: 2 speed / 1 turning 15.07 moving to 13.08 / Targeting: Holding Fire
Ship Name: Solidarity
Class: MC80d Solidarity-class Star Cruiser / Shield:1200 / Hull:1200 / Armament:12 / Defense:20
Hanger: 1 Fighter Squadron, 2 Bomber Squadrons. 2 Pickets, 1 Assault Ships / Deployment:15.02
Movement: 2 speed / 1 turning / Targeting: Holding Fire

33rd Destroyer Line - 1,200 meters (Destroyer)
Movement: 2 speed / 1 turning 16.06 moving to 13.07 / Targeting: Holding Fire
Ship Name: Courageous
Class: MC80d Solidarity-class Star Cruiser / Shield:1200 / Hull:1200 / Armament:12 / Defense:20
Hanger: 1 Fighter Squadron, 2 Bomber Squadrons. 2 Pickets, 1 Assault Ships / Deployment: 15.01
Movement: 2 speed / 1 turning / Targeting: Holding Fire

34th Fire Support Line: - 2,820 meters (Heavy Cruisers)
Movement: 3 speed / 2 turning 12.06 moving to 10.08 / Targeting: [member="Omega"] Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer - Devastator at 04.11
Ship Name: Revenge
Class: MBC75 Battle Cruiser / Shield:940 / Hull:940 / Armament:16 / Defense:16
Movement: 3 speed / 2 turning

Ship Name: Repulse
Class: MBC75 Battle Cruiser / Shield:940 / Hull:940 / Armament:16 / Defense:16
Movement: 3 speed / 2 turning

Ship Name: Renown
Class: MBC75 Battle Cruiser / Shield:940 / Hull:940 / Armament:16 / Defense:16
Movement: 3 speed / 2 turning

301st Support Line 1 - 1,050 meters (Frigate)
Movement: 6 speed / 3 turning 12.09 moving to 12.10 / Targeting: Holding Fire
Ship Name: Marjata
Class: MFG34 Mantis-class ELINT Frigate / Shield:400 / Hull:400 / Armament:2 / Defense:14
Hanger: 3 Fighter Squadrons / Deployment: 15.01
Movement: 6 speed / 4 turning

Ship Name: Maulus
Class: MFG37 Moray-class EWAR Frigate / Shield:400 / Hull:400 / Armament:10 / Defense:16
Movement: 6 speed / 3 turning

Ship Name: Rippington
Class:MCE30 Nautilus-class Escort Frigate / Shield:250 / Hull:250 / Armament:6 / Defense:16
Movement: 7 speed / 4 turning

302nd Support Line 2 - 1,050 meters (Frigate)
Movement: 6 speed / 3 turning 12.08 moving to 09.10 / Targeting: Holding Fire
Ship Name: Oste
Class: MFG34 Mantis-class ELINT Frigate / Shield:400 / Hull:400 / Armament:2 / Defense:14
Hanger: 3 Fighter Squadrons / Deployment: 15.02
Movement: 6 speed / 4 turning

Ship Name: Amari
Class: MFG37 Moray-class EWAR Frigate / Shield:400 / Hull:400 / Armament:10 / Defense:16
Movement: 6 speed / 3 turning

Ship Name: Horton
Class:MCE30 Nautilus-class Escort Frigate / Shield:250 / Hull:250 / Armament:6 / Defense:16
Movement: 7 speed / 4 turning

303rd Picket Line 1 - 370 meters (Corvette)
Movement: 7 speed / 4 turning 10.08 moving to 09.11 / Targeting: Holding Fire
Ship Name: Templar
Class:MCE30 Nautilus-class Escort Frigate / Shield:250 / Hull:250 / Armament:6 / Defense:16
Movement: 7 speed / 4 turning

Ship Name: PT28
Class: MPT10 Wake-class Multi-role Picket / Shield:60 / Hull:60 / Armament:4 / Defense:12
Movement: 8 speed / no limit turning

Ship Name: PT45
Class: MPT10 Wake-class Multi-role Picket / Shield:60 / Hull:60 / Armament:4 / Defense:12
Movement: 8 speed / no limit turning

304th Picket Line 2 - 370 meters (Corvette)
Movement: 7 speed / 4 turning 15.10 moving to 11.11 / Targeting: Holding Fire
Ship Name: Clorus Vandi
Class:MCE30 Nautilus-class Escort Frigate / Shield:250 / Hull:250 / Armament:6 / Defense:16
Movement: 7 speed / 4 turning

Ship Name: PT97
Class: MPT10 Wake-class Multi-role Picket / Shield:60 / Hull:60 / Armament:4 / Defense:12
Movement: 8 speed / no limit turning

Ship Name: PT108
Class: MPT10 Wake-class Multi-role Picket / Shield:60 / Hull:60 / Armament:4 / Defense:12
Movement: 8 speed / no limit turning

"Sir the weapon is firing again!" said one of the crew in horror. The first blast had struck one of the massive Alliance ships but the powerful vessel had managed to survive. Reshmar was not certain it could take a second hit from the construct. around him the officers of his crew frantically worked to move the formation close and target more of the Sith vessels. For now the long ranged weapons of the cruiser group and Ordo Argentum would have to do.

"Continue firing on that destroyer!" ordered Reshmar, having to raise his voice over the noise in the command room. Officers were communicating with other ships and other commanders frantic to adjust and compensate for the massive super powered weapon in the distance.

"Captain slow us down and let the cruisers move up to flank us. Once they have moved into position, we will move forward in a line abreast right formation and engage the rest of those Sith ship." said Reshmar to his executive officer. The man saluted with a "Yes Sir" and went about completing the orders given him.

To his port the fleets of the First order grew closer. Soon he feared the lines could blur as the two formations each sought to move into the Sith formation to engage them. He would keep his formation in line and hope the commanders of the imperial ships stayed out of his line of fire. An accidental hit on one of their ships would ignite a powder keg full of long unresolved rivalry. That was something he did not want but feared more than the massive super weapon in the distance.

Fleet moved up into standard weapons range.
Ordo Argentum @ 11.10 Targeting Devastator @ 14.11 (672/0/0)
Repulse @10.08 Targeting Devastator @ 14.11 (384/60/0)
Revenge @10.08 Targeting Devastator @ 14.11 (384/60/0)
Renown @10.08 Targeting Devastator @ 14.11 (384/60/0)
All attack craft formed up at 11.09

Allies:[member="Zark"] [member="Astarii Saren"] [member="Aerion Ivelisse"] [member="Ayden Cater"] [member="Horus"] [member="Allison Martha Iversson"] [member="Winslow"] [member="Taneas Haring"] [member="Gir Quee"] [member="Charzon Loulan"]
skin, bone, and arrogance​
Natasi watched, her jaw hanging, as the Sloane was wrecked in front of her. The emotional message from her aunt Fiolette underscored the muted nature of the trauma she felt. She didn't know Fiolette well -- they had reconnected only recently, and Natasi's reserved personality made it impossible for them to make up the years they had lost in so short a time. But the grief that she felt -- both for Old Ironpants herself and for the relationship they would not now have the chance to build -- was intense, like a heavy iceberg surrounding Natasi, suffocating her. She bent over the command table, her stinging eyes, glassy and unfocused from the tears she was refusing to shed, tracing the now-disintegrating line of Yvarro's battlegroup.

"Ma'am, priority signal from the Dosuun's fighter group," came the ensign's voice. "Distress signal from the Rae Sloane's bridge comms. It's weak -- perhaps automated, but -- "

"We have to try," Natasi said resolutely. "Scramble three dozen AALs to assist with the search and rescue. If there's any way to get to Admiral Yvarro, they are to do it."

"Yes, ma'am," called the Ensign, and he began to speak into the comlink at his collar. Natasi watched the tactical screen, then pushed past it and towards the helm. Things looked astonishingly different from the viewport. It wasn't dagger-shaped, color-coded icons, going from green to yellow to red to grey -- it was ships blown apart -- venting atmosphere -- corpses sailing across the battlefield -- explosions so bright they seared her vision -- blood and gore flash-frozen in the vacuum -- dozens of widows and orphans created before her eyes. Knees weak, the Grand Moff felt like she was about to be sick but willed herself to stay and to stand.

It was an object lesson in the price of order.

As the Concordia's ships swooped in to aid the search and rescue crews, Natasi was confronted with the transmission from the Commonwealth. Stroking her jaw, she finally allowed herself to turn back to her command table and keyed the communicator. "Commonwealth vessel, this is Grand Moff Natasi Fortan of the First Order. Your assistance in this matter is much appreciated -- and will not be forgotten." Natasi swallowed around the lump in her throat and nodded to herself as she regrouped at the command table. She convinced herself that the signal was genuine, that it meant Yvarro was alive and could be saved, and contented herself with that. She wouldn't have wanted Natasi to go to pieces in the middle of a battle.

Surveying the battle map, Natasi called to the gunnery coordinator on the channel so that [member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"] could hear. "Our starfighters won't last long against those corvettes. Flintshire! Order our Daggers to engage those Celeres-class light corvettes -- one through four -- one on one at point blank range. We'll make them sorry they ever started this war. Send our Inflictors against a Corsair each, and our four remaining Daggers against the other two Corsairs. Shackleton, Grantham -- redirect your firepower tothese targets. See if we can't relieve them of their shields. Someone get me an update on search and rescue for Yvarro and Rausgeber!" She clasped her hands behind her back and watched the map, occasionally glancing over to Colonel von Brinkerhoff or another officer on the deck. Could they feel the uncertainty radiating off her? She clamped down on her emotions and leaned over the table, once again look the very part of a warrior Moff.

"You have your orders. Take your shots. Remember -- it is a war they started, but by the Balance we will finish it."

Grand Moff Line: 2915m
Movement: N/A
FIV Concordia: Resurgent-class, Star Destroyer
Shield/Hull: 2915/2915
Arm/Def: 18/17
Hangar: Engaging at 5.17
Firing At: 4.15 - Desolator

Destroyer Line: 3200m
Movement: N/A
FIV Thrawn: Executrix-class, Star Destroyer
Shield/Hull: 1600/1600
Arm/Def: 14/17
Hangar: Engaging at 5.17
Firing At: 5.15 - Tyrant

FIV Gallius Rax: Executrix-class, Star Destroyer
Shield/Hull: 1600/1600
Arm/Def: 14/17
Hangar: Engaging at 5.17
Firing At: 5.16 - Slaughter

Cruiser Line: 1960m
Movement: 14.18 >> 11.18
FIV Centurion: Inflictor-class, Heavy Cruiser
Shield/Hull: 980/980
Arm/Def: 14/16
Firing At: 5.17 - Corsair 1

FIV Warrior: Inflictor-class, Heavy Cruiser
Shield/Hull: 980/980
Arm/Def: 14/16
Firing At: 5.17 - Corsair 2

Dagger Line One: 960m
Movement: 14.16 >> 12.16
FIV Scimitar: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: 5.17 - Corsair 3

FIV Chakram: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: 5.17 - Corsair 3

FIV Khopesh: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: 5.17 - Corsair 4

FIV Rapier: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: 5.17 - Corsair 4

Dagger Line Two: 960m
Movement: 15.18 >> 12.18
FIV Katar Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: 5.17 - Celeres 1

FIV Falcata: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: 5.17 - Celeres 2

FIV Machete: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: 5.17 - Celeres 3

FIV Trident: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: 5.17 - Celeres 4

Summary: Battlegroup Nebula remains in position and aquires new targets. AALs dispatched to join search and rescue efforts for Fiolette Yvarro.​
Starfighters engaging at 5.17. All First Order forces benefiting from [member="Avicus DuSang"] and Concordia's Sith Meditation Sphere.​
Natasi has a +12 Charisma haircut.​
[member="Valessia Brentioch"] | [member="Tanomas Graf"] | [member="William Kerkov"] | [member="Cyrus Tregessar"] | [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] | [member="Avicus DuSang"]​
Faction: First Order
Fleet Command: [member="Natasi Fortan"]
[member="Tanomas Graf"] | [member="Valessia Brentioch"] | [member="William Kerkov"] | [member="Cyrus Tregessar"] | [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"]
[member="Pierce Fortan III"] | [member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"] | [member="Greta Kohler"] | [member="Sara Lee Jones"]

Collin found himself without the proper amount of time to truly appreciate the level of destruction that was filling his viewscreen, with behemoth vessels carrying important folk being cast into oblivion. The mixture of slighty horrified fascination was replaced with a stern anger mixed with a mad blood lust. These bastards would pay for what they'd done. There'd be a reckoning without a chance for the rage to cool.

The TIE/SF flipped gracefully through the void as [member="Nils Brenner"] directed the unit towards a Sith SD that appeared to have fighter escorts. Wolves who'd been given free reign to hunt. The engines vibrated, begging their pilot to hit the burners and launch the craft towards the fast approaching hostiles as the officer trailed the lead SF. Gray shapes silhouetted against the starry black.

Sensors swarmed with red and green dots, the green ones being marked with friendly callsigns.

The action was sporadic at first, less focused than it ought to have been. Those were the first timers or the nervous, (on either side) sending streaks of plasma barreling into space before a lock or sure fire visual could be achieved. Most of these flew past their intended targets and into the icy black that surrounded the fighters. Blobs of death that were to continue onward until they hit something. As the distance closed between the opposing groups Collin found his hand thumbing the button that would unleash death onto his enemies and let out a short burst from six cannons as his sights lined up. If their would've been any noise outside of his cockpit it would've been glorious. He hit a fighter to his immediate front in it's left wing and rolled right to avoid the inevitable retaliation.

The TIE/SF was just too quick for the bastard to catch a good bead. Another burst, tight group, same location, sent the poor soul barreling into the black with a firey wing. Whether the pilot was dead or not didn't matter, since they were now out of the fight. By the end of his little skirmish he found that the entire squadron was clashing with the whole of the enemy unit. It reminded one of ancient times when men would rush at one another with sword and shield before violently crashing together.

Collin let out a loud WOOO before the com crackled with Nils request for help.

He let out a "Roger sir." As he spun his vessel at a 90° and sped off towards the Captain's green dot.

There was a determined little cus on his six, and the targeting computer did it's job in a timely manner. With lock achieved Collin let off two accurate bursts onto the fighter's tail, bursting through it's shields and igniting the engines and creating a brilliant brief fireball that sent shrapnel flailing into oblivion.

The excitement was the best feeling Collin had yet experienced in his life. A unique combination of adrenaline, victory, and pride in his own abilities took hold.

He was putting his training into action.


"Bogie down Cap." He said unecessarily into the private com, unable to mask the giddiness in his voice as he spun past his superior.

Location: Hex 10.19 to 5.17
Spirit of Druckenwell
Unknown Region
Engaging Rogue Sith forces
Allies: [member=Zark], [member="Astarii Saren"], [member="Aerion Ivelisse"], [member=Horus], [member="Allison Martha Iversson"], [member=Winslow], [member=Reshmar], [member="Taneas Haring"], [member="Gir Quee"], [member="Charzon Loulan"], [member=Knight]
Enemies: [member=Omega]

The battle, it seemed, was drawing inexorably towards a rapid, vicious conclusion. The Mandalorian fleet had closed the distance between themselves and the Rogue Sith and were entering the naval equivalent of knife-fighting ranges, an area where the Mandalorian design philosophy excelled. While they accelerated at a bit of a mismatched pace, the First Order advanced in a relatively well-ordered formation. Their dagger-like ships fired in precise volleys, tearing into the Rogue Sith ships with surprising ferocity. By comparison, the joint Republic-Alliance-Jedi fleet was... a little less coordinated in their assault, with more than half of their ships still working to get into position. Perhaps it was this hampered movement that restrained the fleet's effectiveness. More ships were here as a part of the joint force than the First Order or Mandalorians contributed, yet they had yet to score as many capital ship kills. Perhaps that fortune would turn as the fight progressed.

The swarm of squadrons from the Spirit of Druckenwell moved forward in formation with the M47 dropships. Their weaponry meant that, in dire straits like this, the M47 could function like a gunship. As they approached their target, Rogue Sith fighters moved toward them to intercept. The M47s led the spear point, using their greater shield and hull strength to blunt the Rogue Sith's opening barrage, opening up with their repeating blaster cannons. Knowing that they wouldn't have the staying power to dogfight, the M47s fired their concussion missiles just as soon as they got target lock. If any survived the initial assault, they pushed forward to open up on the crippled Scorpion with their rocket pods. The bombers passed through, largely ignoring the dogfight and instead fired on the Scorpion with their heavy armament. Proton and energy torpedoes mixed with concussion and assault concussion missiles. The fighters escorted them through, breaking off to engage any Rogue Sith fighter that attempted to waylay the bombers.

It seemed as though the Rogue Sith had finally decided to begin firing back at Ayden's forces, specifically the Noble-class Star Defenders. The response was impressive; dozens, or perhaps even hundreds, of long range guns opened fire with blistering firepower that could hammer a ship into submission... where they fired at optimal ranges. Long-range weapons sacrificed tracking speed for raw power. They were best used against slow targets from afar. Once things got in close, their effectiveness was reduced dramatically. Many of the heavier Rogue Sith capital ships had an impressive display of firepower... for long range engagements. Some of them had capital guns designed solely for that plan of attack. At less than a quarter of the range most long range cannons fired and closing, the Noble-class cruisers knew that closing the distance meant havoc for such weaponry's targeting. Combined with the relative agility of the Nobles and it was difficult for the Rogue Sith to get suitable firing angles to inflict consistent, meaningful damage. The sheer volume of fire meant that some were inevitably going to hit home, but not nearly as many as would have struck had they been faster tracking standard turbolasers.

By design, the Nobles had a strong mix of long, mid, and short-range weaponry. While long range weapons typically fared poorly in short-range, the spinal nature of the Javelin cannons meant that as long as the ship was making at attack run head on, the cannons could still reliably and accurately fire. To make matters more grave, the Imperator still had not moved an inch. And they used this fact to devastating effect. With its shields on the verge of collapse, they pair of cruisers opened up with their full arsenal. Powerful viridian turbolaser bolts lanced forward alongside the chilling, shield-cutting blues of heavy ion cannon fire. But then each fired their pair of heavy Javelin cannons, accompanied by their half-dozen smaller, mini-Javelin cannons. As they closed in, the range was cut down enough that great fountains of light erupted as they activated their cluster missile weapon suite. Missiles were fired and suddenly one became six. Energy torpedoes were spat out in waves.

The smaller escort cruisers were not sitting idle either. The pair of Horn-cruisers belched cannon shot after cannon shot at the Rogue Sith frigates, as did the Unyielding-class. With moving targets, not even shot hit, but again volume fire prevailed and the weakened frigate exploded in a small fireball that was quickly snuffed by the void. Immediately they turned their attention to the remaining frigate. It had apparently received orders to try and fend off the Alliance fighters that had closed in. Unfortunately for it, this movement to get closer to them meant that the frigate carried itself well into range for the fastmount turbolaser cannon turrets to begin firing as well. Their own massive engines firing, the cruisers closed the distance further, allowing their cannons to more accurately fire. The Unyielding led the pair forward, its own heavy mass driver cannons ripping into the Rogue Sith frigate as well. With its shields down, their fire could now begin impacting the hull directly, which meant weapon emplacement destruction for the shots that landed. Compounded, each cruiser fired a cloud of cluster missiles. Now the frigate would have to choose between trying to shoot the missiles down or try to target any Alliance fighter.

As this took place, Ayden was busy furiously giving orders. The Leviathan's array was rapidly recharging their shields, in cooperation with the Spirit's own massive reactors. Without having to power the main battery or the Javelin cannons, that power was instead transferred directly to the shields. The engines were still being worked on, though a bad feeling in the pit of Ayden's stomach made him feel like they wouldn't come on soon enough. Sure enough, a technician reported that the energy levels from the Omega weapon were rapidly rising again. 'So soon?' Unwilling to waste time wondering how it had fired so soon again after taking time before, Ayden instead gave a bizarre order. Without the engines, they couldn't move... traditionally. "Open the hanger doors. As soon as they're half open, drop the shields over the hanger." The sudden drop in pressure would violently depressurize the massive hanger. Such a huge volume of air being displaced would be enough to shift the ship's position. Whether it would be enough to avoid the coming blast...

Two Shield-class cruisers moved ahead of the Spirit, deploying their massive umbrella shields in a staggered defense. He knew that those shields, powerful and capable of withstanding enemy bombardments for as long as they could, would not come close to stopping the superlaser. And their crews had to know that too. But the ship's sacrifice would mean that, just maybe, the Spirit would survive. Fortunately, each of the Shield cruisers has a pair of dropships; more than enough for the ship's minuscule crew. The dropships disengaged from the stationary cruisers just as the superlaser fired. Its massive red beam impacted the first umbrella shield and almost immediately sliced through it. The second held against the blast for a fraction of a second longer, but it too rapidly succumbed to the overwhelming power of the titanic weapon. As the weapon fired, the hanger was vented and the ship suddenly lurched to one side.

As before, the superlaser slammed into the Spirit of Druckenwell's massive shields. And again, the ship was violently rocked as the force of the weapon pushed the ship backwards. But now the shields began to buckle. The emitters had already been grossly overtaxed from the first blast, combined with the effort of rushing to get the shields back towards full-power. The strain was simple too great and all over the ship, dozens of miniature explosions occurred as the emitters overloaded and blew apart. Unfortunately, the shield had not fully dissipated the Omega blast. While the emergency maneuver had moved the ship's core out of the line of fire, it was not entirely clear.

On the bridge, Ayden watched the shields fail and expected the ship to be rocked again. However, this time it was oddly still. He turned to a technician and asked for a report. For a long minute, the technician read the display, his eyes wide with terror. Finally he turned back and with almost no inflection or emotion in his voice, "The hanger wing has been destroyed. It's gone." The movement of pushing the core out of position had carried the hanger clean into the line of fire. Already a structurally weak area given the extensive chasms needed to house so many fighters, the hull simply could not take it. From outside, the normally six-winged fortress that was the Spirit of Druckenwell had been outright reduced to less than five. "The main battery wing was also hit. We're still assessing damages now, but they're saying the Javelin cannons are completely inoperable now."

Ayden took a moment to grimly process the situation. There was no way the Rogue Sith weren't going to fire again, and he couldn't count on the third strike taking any more time than the second. "Set the weapons to autofire on the Rogue Sith ships. ... Sound the evacuation alarm. We're abandoning the ship." Stunned silence filled the bridge. The Spirit of Druckenwell had always been a pillar of the navy, a ship with a colorful history nevertheless being a seemingly invincible ship. Now... "Go. I want command staff transferred to the Leviathan. All support crews are to get clear of the battlefield. Try to rendezvous with the Republic ships in the rear. This isn't the end for our fight. The Spirit will see us to safety, even in death."


Spirit of Druckenwell attacks Wyyrlock Praetor, 1.10, with available weapons (523 Turbo, 647 Ion, 115 HW). Crew is evacuating.
Spirit Attack Craft swarm Dark Blade Scorpion, 2.10. 337 / 384 Fighters, 205 / 216 Bombers, 68 / 132 M47 dropships
Noble Star Defenders attack Wyyrlock Imperator, 2.10, with all weapons (280 Turbo, 100 Ion, 320 HVC 20 HW, 40 LW; 560 Turbo, 200 Ion, 640 HVC, 40 HW, 80 LW total)
Unyielding Cruiser attacks Razer 11, 1.14, with 80 CG, 8 HW (HVG and Mass Driver, and Cluster Missiles)
Horn Cruisers attack Razer 11, 1.14, with 60 CG, 5 HW apiece (HVG,Fast Mount Turbo, and Cluster Missiles), 120 CG, 10 HW Total)

1x Teferi-class Star Dreadnought - The Spirit of Druckenwell | 6.05

4,230 Hull / - Shield
Armament: 20
Defense: 20
Target: Praetor, Wyrrlock-class Star Destroyer, 1.10

Speed: 2 Hexes
Maneuverability: One Turn

Attack Craft: Moving to 2.10, Attacking Scorpion, Dark Blade-class Dreadnought, 2.10

[*]18 Bomber Squadrons (207 / 216)

132 M47 Dropships
100 Tora Drop Pods

2x Noble-class Star Defenders | 6.07 → 4.08

1,000 Hull / 675 Shield
1,000 Hull / 585 Shield
Armament: 20
Defense: 18
Target: Imperator, Wyyrlock-class Star Destroyer, 2.10

Speed: 4 Hexes
Maneuverability: Three Turns

Attack Craft: Deployed, Holding Position

12 M47 Dropships

1x Unyielding-class Command Cruiser | 6.06 → 4.06

500 Hull / 500 Shield
Armament: 15
Defense: 10
Target: Razer 11, Razer-class Frigate, 1.14

Speed: Six Hexes
Maneuverability: Two Turns

Attack Craft: Deployed, Holding Position

12 T-70 X-Wing Starfighters
5 Eharl-class Assault Starfighters (Prim. Config)
8 M47 Dropships

2x Horn-class Escort Cruisers | 6.06 → 4.06

500 Hull / 500 Shield
Armament: 15
Defense: 14
Target: Razor 11, Razer-class Frigate, 2.10

Speed: Six Hexes
Maneuverability: Four Turns

12 B/E-3 B-Wing Assault Starfighters
6 M47 Dropships

1x Sentinel-class Cruiser | 6.06 → 4.06

500 Hull / 500 Shield
Armament: 5
Defense: 8
Target: N/A

Speed: Six Hexes
Maneuverability: Four Turns

Attack Craft: Deployed, Holding Position

24 T-70 X-Wing Starfighters
8 M47 Dropships
skin, bone, and arrogance​
"Cut the chatter," Pierce snapped over the channel at the chorus of Captains Obvious. He felt their jitters, muted but still felt them thanks to the influence of the Sith Meditation Sphere. He hoped to respond with some of his own cool reserve. "Get some more space. Choose your targets and line up your shots. They're going to come in fast -- so are we. They're going to come in hot -- so are we. But they haven't got what we've got -- Admiral DuSang and the Meditation Sphere. They haven't got Admiral Yvarro or Commodore Graf -- they surely to God haven't got Major von Brinkerhoff -- and they haven't got us. Let's show them what they're missing. Weapons free."

As his board lit up with enemy signatures, the time for pep-talks and reminders, for remembering training videos and exercises, was over. It was going to be up to every man and woman, their instincts and their muscle memory -- including Pierce. It was bedlam -- flashes of red, green, blue light creating a deadly lightshow outside his canopy -- and it was all Pierce could do not to gape. But he had his role to play; they all did. He locked on to the target nearest him and opened fire as they came in range. Pierce imagined it like a war movie from the old days -- lines of troops, in this case fighters -- smashing into one another. They swarmed through each other's lines, the First Order's TIE/sf's having a dual advantage -- the Sith Meditation Sphere and the revolutionary rear-fire system. The former gave the pilots an edge in their reaction time, and the latter allowed the First Order to take a second bite at the apple -- the first in their initial onslaught, the second when the Rogue Sith fighters had gone through their lines.

The lines broke -- this was expected. They needed room to maneuver, and room not to crash into one another while doing so. Pierce took down the fighter he had targeted, rolled hard to the left to dodge incoming fire. As his view rolled to the left, he was confronted with the heartwrenching view of one of his fighters -- one of his, it had to be Ambrose -- as its wing shattered under Rogue Sith fire, spinning out of control. He lost visual, allowing his rage and grief for Flight Officer Ambrose fuel his reflexes; he locked on, fired again -- his canonfire stitched across the fuselage of a Rogue Sith fighter to its engines, but he couldn't see whether the fighter went down, as it dove, leaving a trail of smoke and debris and Pierce was forced to climb to avoid an incoming blast of fire. All around him was ship and laser fire, missile and flame.

He glanced quickly at the heads-up display, consulting his map; the blip that had once belonged to Ambrose was a grey X. Confirmed kill. The only consolation was that right next to Ambrose's grey X was a dark red X indicating a confirmed enemy kill. His careening fighter, lacking engine control, must have taken one of the bastards down with him. Classic Ambrose.

Summary: Alpha Squadron (lead by Pierce Fortan III) Status 16/16 (beginning), 15/16 (end) moving from 10.19 to 5.17, engaging Rogue Sith fighters while en route.


Event Account
Round 7


The Grand Admiral pounded his fist on his command chair. How long could this cursed ship survive?

“Commander, full power to the Omega! Fire a third time, and make it count!”
“Sir, her Ladyship has requested power be reserved for an interstellar target.”
“Damn her and her vagaries. I want that ship destroyed. Maximum firepower…now.”
“Yes, sir.”

This time it was no blast even like the first arc of crimson. This was something altogether more lethal. Something which could shatter a moon, something which could exterminate all life on a planet. It was something reserved specially for the Spirit of Druckenwell, that ship passed from faction to faction like a bad credit would now reach the end of the line.



“Sir, enemies have landed on the Omega!”

The Admiral turned away from the view. “Her Ladyship will deal with it. Put all troops on alert and have them intercept the intruders. And start the Omega’s recharge….”


Grand Admiral Chysa'sk watched the tactical map. They had struck hard into the First Order ranks and destroyed two Star Destroyers, but weight of fire was finally overwhelming them. The 1st Exalt Command had ceased to exist, the 2nd Immortal Command likewise. However, they could still make the enemy bleed.
“Continue the bombardment! Do not stop!”
She watched as the shields of her flagship went down, unravelling one after another under the onslaught from the enemy guns. She growled, since when did all of these fools work together and not squabble amongst themselves?!

North: [member="Zark"] [member="Astarii Saren"] [member="Aerion Ivelisse"] [member="Ayden Cater"] [member="Allison Martha Iversson"] [member="Winslow"] [member="Reshmar"] [member="Taneas Haring"] [member="Gir Quee"] [member="Charzon Loulan"] [member="Knight"]
East: [member="Natasi Fortan"] [member="Flora Burn"] [member="Valessia Brentioch"] [member="Cyrus Tregessar"] [member="Tanomas Graf"] [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] [member="William Kerkov"]
South: [member="Aedan Miles"] [member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Verz Horak"] [member="Rach Vizla"] [member="Zofia Marek"] [member="Horus"]


Rogue Sith Fleet
Grand Admiral Myth Worgemuth Commanding

Station Command
Admiral Alina Sar'theron Commanding

Ship Name: Imperator Class: Imperator Prototype Frigate Shield/Hull: 400/400 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/18/10 Hanger: 3 fighter squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 01.17 Firing At:

Ship Name: Constrainer Class: Rhak Skuri Interdiction Cruiser Shield/Hull: 600 Armament/Flak/Defence: 4/4/10 Hanger: 2 fighter squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 01.15 Firing At:
Ship Name: Restraint Class: Rhak Skuri Interdiction Cruiser Shield/Hull: 600 Armament/Flak/Defence: 4/4/10 Hanger: 2 fighter squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 01.17 Firing At:

Ship Name: Wrack Class: Torment Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1000/1000 Armament/Flak/Defence: 4/8/10 Hanger: 8 fighter squadrons, 4 bomber squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 01.15 Firing At:

Ship Name: Hyaat Station Class: Hyaat Station Shield/Hull: 3000/3000 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/14/18 Hanger: 6 fighter squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 01.16 Firing At:

Flagship Command
Grand Admiral Chysa'sk Commanding

Ship Name: Razer 1 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron. Deployed. Intercepting attack craft at 5.17 [member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"]
Movement: Moving to 05.15 Firing At: FIV Obliterator (07.16) [member="William Kerkov"]
Ship Name: Razer 2 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron. Deployed. Intercepting attack craft at 5.17 [member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"]
Movement: Moving to 05.15 Firing At: FIV Obliterator (07.16) [member="William Kerkov"]
Ship Name: Razer 3 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron. Deployed. Intercepting attack craft at 5.17 [member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"]
Movement: Moving to 05.15 Firing At: FIV Obliterator (07.16) [member="William Kerkov"]
Ship Name: Razer 4 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron. Deployed. Intercepting attack craft at 5.17 [member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"]
Movement: Moving to 05.15 Firing At: FIV Obliterator (07.16) [member="William Kerkov"]

Ship Name: Tython Class: Maladi Strike Frigate Shield/Hull: 460 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/8/14 Hanger: 2 squadrons Deployed. Intercepting attack craft at 5.17 [member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"]
Movement: Moving to 05.15 Firing At: FIV Crusher (07.16) [member="William Kerkov"]
Ship Name: Corellia Class: Maladi Strike Frigate Shield/Hull: 460 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/8/14 Hanger: 2 squadrons Deployed. Intercepting attack craft at 5.17 [member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"]
Movement: Moving to 05.15 Firing At: FIV Crusher (07.16) [member="William Kerkov"]

Ship Name: Desire Class: Invidia Class Cannon Cruiser Shield/Hull: 900/900 Armament/Flak/Defence: 14/10/14 Hanger: 0
Movement: Moving to 06.15 Firing At: FIV Domination (07.16) [member="William Kerkov"]
Ship Name: Want Class: Invidia Class Cannon Cruiser Shield/Hull: 900/900 Armament/Flak/Defence: 14/10/14 Hanger: 0
Movement: Moving to 06.16 Firing At: FIV Dosuun (07.17) [member="Valessia Brentioch"]

Ship Name: Agony Class: Torment Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1000/1000 Armament/Flak/Defence: 4/8/10 Hanger: 8 fighter squadrons, 4 3 bomber squadrons Deployed. Intercepting attack craft at 5.17 [member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"]
Movement: Moving to 06.15 Firing At: FIV Domination (07.16) [member="William Kerkov"]

Ship Name: Lance Class: Dark Blade Class Dreadnought Shield/Hull: 1050/1050 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/12/16 Hanger: 0
Movement: Moving to 06.15 Firing At: FIV Domination (07.16) [member="William Kerkov"]
Ship Name: Spear Class: Dark Blade Class Dreadnought Shield/Hull: 1050/1050 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/12/16 Hanger: 0
Movement: Moving to 06.16 Firing At: FIV Dosuun (07.17) [member="Valessia Brentioch"]

Ship Name: Desolator Class: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 580/1300 -760 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/12/16 Hanger: 5 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron, 1 gunship squadron Deployed. Intercepting attack craft at 5.17 [member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"]
Movement: Moving to 05.16 Firing At: FIV Triumph (09.16) [member="William Kerkov"]
Ship Name: Tyrant Class: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1060/1300 -240 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/12/16 Hanger: 5 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron, 1 gunship squadron Deployed. Intercepting attack craft at 5.17 [member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"]
Movement: Moving to 06.15 Firing At: FIV Domination (07.16) [member="William Kerkov"]
Ship Name: Slaughter Class: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 860/1300 -240 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/12/16 Hanger: 5 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron, 1 gunship squadron Deployed. Intercepting attack craft at 5.17 [member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"]
Movement: Moving to 06.16 Firing At: FIV Dosuun (07.17) [member="Valessia Brentioch"]

Ship Name: Dark Prince Class: Darr Itah Grand Battlecruiser Shield/Hull: 0/2700 -3000 -300 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/14/12 Hanger: 4 elite fighter squadrons
Movement: Moving to 05.16 Firing At: FIV Triumph (09.16) [member="William Kerkov"]

1st Immortal Command
Admiral Brotus Stark Commanding
Ship Name: Razer 5 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron. Deployed, Intercepting Light Corvettes at 01.10 [member="Zark"] DESTROYED
Movement: Moving to 03.12 Firing At:
Razer Squadron 1
Ship Name: Razer 6 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 0/120 -222 -102 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron. Deployed, Intercepting Attack Craft at 02.10 [member="Ayden Cater"]
Movement: Moving to 03.12 Firing At: DESTROYED
Ship Name: Razer 7 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 0/200 -200 -22 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron. Deployed, Intercepting Attack Craft at 02.10 [member="Ayden Cater"]
Movement: Moving to 03.12 Firing At: DESTROYED
Ship Name: Razer 8 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 40/222 -120 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron. Deployed, Intercepting Attack Craft at 02.10 [member="Ayden Cater"]
Movement: Moving to 03.12 Firing At: Unyielding Command Cruiser at 04.06 [member="Ayden Cater"]
Ship Name: Razer 9 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron. Deployed, Intercepting Attack Craft at 02.10 [member="Ayden Cater"]
Movement: Moving to 03.12 Firing At: Unyielding Command Cruiser at 04.06 [member="Ayden Cater"]

Ship Name: Grinder Class: Boneshatter Assault Frigate Shield/Hull: 200/380 -180 Armament/Flak/Defence: 16/8/14 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 03.11 Firing At: Unyielding Command Cruiser at 04.06 [member="Ayden Cater"]

Ship Name: Onderon Class: Maladi Strike Frigate Shield/Hull: 0/100 -160 -360 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/8/14 Hanger: Squadrons Destroyed DESTROYED
Movement: Stationary at 04.11 Firing At: Nekogal (03.09) [member="Charzon Loulan"]
Ship Name: Balmorra Class: Maladi Strike Frigate Shield/Hull: 0/170 -460 -270 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/8/14 Hanger: Squadrons Destroyed DESTROYED
Movement: Stationary at 03.11 Firing At: Nekogal (03.09) [member="Charzon Loulan"]

Ship Name: Yearn Class: Invidia Class Cannon Cruiser Shield/Hull: 0/400 -300 -500 Armament/Flak/Defence: 14/10/14 Hanger: 0 DESTROYED
Movement: Stationary at 04.11 Firing At: Noble Class Destroyers (6.07) [member="Ayden Cater"]

Ship Name: Ballista Class: Dark Blade Class Dreadnought Shield/Hull: 1050/1050 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/12/16 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 03.11 Firing At: Noble Class Destroyers (04.08) [member="Ayden Cater"]

Ship Name: Dictator Class: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1300/1300 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/12/16 Hanger: 5 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron, 1 gunship squadron Deployed, Intercepting Attack Craft at 02.10 [member="Ayden Cater"]
Movement: Stationary at 03.11 Firing At: Noble Class Destroyers (04.08) [member="Ayden Cater"]
Ship Name: Devastator Class: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 0/0 -750 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/12/16 Hanger: 3 fighter squadrons, 0 bomber squadron, 1 gunship squadron Deployed, Intercepting Attack Craft at 02.10 [member="Ayden Cater"]
Movement: Stationary at 04.11 Firing At: Noble Class Destroyers (6.07) [member="Ayden Cater"] DESTROYED

Ship Name: Colossus Class: Immortal Shield/Hull: 2000/2000 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/14/18 Hanger: 10 fighter squadrons, 4 bomber squadrons Deployed, Intercepting Attack Craft at 02.10 [member="Ayden Cater"]
Movement: Stationary at 02.12 Firing At: Noble Class Destroyers (04.08) [member="Ayden Cater"]

2nd Immortal Command
Admiral Jol Kallak Commanding KIA
Ship Name: Razer 10 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 0/0 -222/-222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron. DESTROYED
Movement: Stationary at 01.11 Firing At:
Razer Squadron 2
Ship Name: Razer 11 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 0/200 -72 -22 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron. Deployed, intercepting fighters/bombers at 01.10
Movement: Moving to 02.10 Firing At: Attack craft at 02.10 [member="Ayden Cater"] DESTROYED
Ship Name: Razer 12 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 0/0 -Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron. Deployed, intercepting fighters/bombers at 01.10 DESTROYED
Movement: Moving to 01.14 Firing At:
Ship Name: Razer 13 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 0/0 -222/-222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: Squadron Destroyed DESTROYED
Movement: Stationary at 01.09 Firing At:
Ship Name: Razer 14 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 0/0 -222/-222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: Squadron Destroyed DESTROYED
Movement: Stationary at 01.09 Firing At:
Strike Squadron 1
Ship Name: Puncture Class: Boneshatter Assault Frigate Shield/Hull: 0/0 Armament/Flak/Defence: 16/8/14 Hanger: 0 DESTROYED
Movement: Stationary at 03.11 Firing At: Nekogal (03.09) [member="Charzon Loulan"]

Ship Name: Iridonia Class: Maladi Strike Frigate Shield/Hull: 460 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/8/14 Hanger: Squadrons Destroyed
Movement: Stationary at 01.12 Firing At: Sentinel Cruiser (04.06) [member="Ayden Cater"]
Ship Name: Fornax Class: Maladi Strike Frigate Shield/Hull: 460 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/8/14 Hanger: Squadrons Destroyed
Movement: Stationary at 03.11 Firing At: Sentinel Cruiser (04.06) [member="Ayden Cater"]

Ship Name: Spite Class: Invidia Class Cannon Cruiser Shield/Hull: 0/0 -600 -900 Armament/Flak/Defence: 14/10/14 Hanger: 0 DESTROYED
Movement: Stationary at 01.10 (facing 02.09) Firing At: Sabrina (02.10) [member="Charzon Loulan"]

Ship Name: Scorpion Class: Dark Blade Class Dreadnought Shield/Hull: 0/0 -700 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/12/16 Hanger: 0 DESTROYED
Movement: Stationary at 02.10 Firing At: Mateus (03.05) [member="Charzon Loulan"]

Ship Name: Praetor Class: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 0/0 -300 -1110 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/12/16 Hanger: DESTROYED
Movement: Stationary at 01.10 (facing 02.09) Firing At: Mateus (03.05) [member="Charzon Loulan"]
Ship Name: Imperator Class: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 0/700 -1300 DESTROYED Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/12/16 Hanger: 5 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron, 1 gunship squadron Deployed, intercepting attack craft at 01.10
Movement: Stationary at 02.10 Firing At: Mateus (03.05) [member="Charzon Loulan"]

Ship Name: Jotun Class: Immortal Shield/Hull: 0/0 -1200 --600 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/14/18 Hanger: 2 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadrons Deployed, intercepting attack craft at 02.10 DESTROYED
Movement: Stationary at 01.11 (facing 02.10) Firing At:

3rd Immortal Command
Admiral Jenn Veston Commanding
Ship Name: Razer 15 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron. Deployed. Intercepting attack craft at 02.21
Movement: Moving to 02.21 Firing At: Attack Craft attacking 02.21 [member="Verz Horak"]
Razer Squadron 3
Ship Name: Razer 16 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron. Deployed. Intercepting attack craft at 02.21
Movement: Moving to 02.21 Firing At: Attack Craft attacking 02.21 [member="Verz Horak"]
Ship Name: Razer 17 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron. Deployed. Intercepting attack craft at 02.21
Movement: Moving to 02.21 Firing At: Attack Craft attacking 02.21 [member="Verz Horak"]
Ship Name: Razer 18 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron. Deployed. Intercepting attack craft at 02.21
Movement: Moving to 02.21 Firing At: Attack Craft attacking 02.21 [member="Verz Horak"]
Ship Name: Razer 19 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron. Deployed. Intercepting attack craft at 02.21
Movement: Moving to 02.21 Firing At: Attack Craft attacking 02.21 [member="Verz Horak"]

Strike Squadron 2
Ship Name: Pierce Class: Boneshatter Assault Frigate Shield/Hull: 380/380 Armament/Flak/Defence: 16/8/14 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 02.20 Firing At: Can'gal Kyramund (02.22) [member="Verz Horak"]

Ship Name: Anaxes Class: Maladi Strike Frigate Shield/Hull: 460 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/8/14 Hanger: 2 squadrons Deployed. Intercepting attack craft at 02.21
Movement: Stationary at 02.20 Firing At: Vode (03.23) [member="Verz Horak"]
Ship Name: Ebaq Class: Maladi Strike Frigate Shield/Hull: 460 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/8/14 Hanger: 2 squadrons Deployed. Intercepting attack craft at 02.21
Movement: Stationary at 02.20 Firing At: Vode (03.23) [member="Verz Horak"]

Ship Name: Covet Class: Invidia Class Cannon Cruiser Shield/Hull: 240/600 -660 -300 Armament/Flak/Defence: 14/10/14 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 01.22 Firing At: Gett’se (02.24) [member="Verz Horak"]

Ship Name: Javelin Class: Dark Blade Class Dreadnought Shield/Hull: 0/925 -525 -1050 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/12/16 Hanger: 0 DESTROYED
Movement: Stationary at 02.21 Firing At: Gett’se (02.24) [member="Verz Horak"]

Ship Name: Obliterator Class: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 0/0 - --750 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/12/16 Hanger: 5 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron, 1 gunship squadron Deployed. Intercepting attack craft at 02.21 DESTROYED
Movement: Stationary at 01.22 Firing At: Meg'hiibir Uvette de Tracyn (04.23) [member="Verz Horak"]
Ship Name: Ruination Class: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 730/600 -400 -700 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/12/16 Hanger: 5 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron, 1 gunship squadron Deployed. Intercepting attack craft at 02.21
Movement: Stationary at 02.21 Firing At: Gett’se (02.24) [member="Verz Horak"]

Ship Name: Leviathan Class: Immortal Shield/Hull: 1800/2000 +200 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/14/18 Hanger: 10 fighter squadrons, 4 bomber squadrons Deployed. Intercepting attack craft at 02.21
Movement: Stationary at 01.21 (facing 02.21) Firing At: Gett’se (02.24) [member="Verz Horak"]

1st Exalt Command
Vice-Admiral Attalus Choros Commanding KIA
Ship Name: Razer 20 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron. Deployed. Intercepting attack craft at 5.17 [member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"]
Movement: Moving to 04.17 Firing At: FIV Eliminator (07.16) [member="William Kerkov"]
Razer Squadron 4
Ship Name: Razer 21 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 0/0 -222 -222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron. DESTROYED
Movement: Moving to 04.16 Firing At:
Ship Name: Razer 22 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 0/0 -222 -222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron. DESTROYED
Movement: Moving to 04.16 Firing At:
Ship Name: Razer 23 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 0/150 -222 -72 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron. Deployed. Intercepting attack craft at 5.17 [member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"]
Movement: Moving to 04.17 Firing At: FIV Eliminator (07.16) [member="William Kerkov"]
Ship Name: Razer 24 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 0/150 -222 -72 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron. Deployed. Intercepting attack craft at 5.17 [member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"]
Movement: Moving to 04.17 Firing At: FIV Eliminator (07.16) [member="William Kerkov"]

Skirmish Squadron 1
Ship Name: Claw Class: Talon Class Carrier Shield/Hull: 0/0 Armament/Flak/Defence: 2/8/10 Hanger: 2 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron. DESTROYED
Movement: Moving to 07.17 Firing At: FIV Dosuun (11.16) [member="Valessia Brentioch"]

Ship Name: Fenris 1 Class: Fenris Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 0/220 -200 -130 Armament/Flak/Defence: 12/10/14 Hanger: 2 squadrons DESTROYED
Movement: Moving to 07.17 Firing At: FIV Dosuun (11.16) [member="Valessia Brentioch"]
Ship Name: Fenris 2 Class: Fenris Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 0/0 -150 -350 Armament/Flak/Defence: 12/10/14 Hanger: 2 squadrons DESTROYED
Movement: Moving to 07.17 Firing At: FIV Dosuun (11.16) [member="Valessia Brentioch"]
Ship Name: Fenris 3 Class: Fenris Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 0/120 -100 -230 Armament/Flak/Defence: 12/10/14 Hanger: 2 squadrons DESTROYED
Movement: Moving to 07.17 Firing At: FIV Dosuun (11.16) [member="Valessia Brentioch"]

Ship Name: Assault Class: Vanguard Class Heavy Cruiser Shield/Hull: 0/0 -625 -625 Armament/Flak/Defence: 14/6/14 Hanger: 2 gunship squadrons DESTROYED
Movement: Moving to 05.17 Firing At: FIV Sloane (12.16) [member="Valessia Brentioch"]

Ship Name: Chagrin Class: Torment Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 0/200 -1000 -1000 Armament/Flak/Defence: 4/8/10 Hanger: 8 fighter squadrons, 4 bomber squadrons DESTROYED
Movement: Moving to 05.18 Firing At: FIV Sloane (12.16) [member="Valessia Brentioch"]

Ship Name: Apocalypse Class: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 0/300 -850 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/12/16 Hanger: 5 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron, 1 gunship squadron Deployed. Intercepting attack craft at 5.17 [member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"] DESTROYED
Movement: Moving to 05.17 Firing At: FIV Sloane (12.16) [member="Valessia Brentioch"]
Ship Name: Armageddon Class: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 0/75 -350 -1225 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/12/16 Hanger: 5 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron, 1 gunship squadron Deployed. Intercepting attack craft at 5.18 [member="Tanomas Graf"]
Movement: Moving to 05.18 Firing At: FIV Sloane (12.16) [member="Valessia Brentioch"]

Ship Name: Worship Class: Exalt Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 0/0 -790 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/16/16 Hanger: 3 squadrons Deployed. Intercepting attack craft at 5.17 [member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"] DESTROYED
Movement: Moving to 04.17 Firing At: FIV Sloane (12.16) [member="Valessia Brentioch"]

2nd Exalt Command
Vice-Admiral Kyra Mir Commanding
Ship Name: Razer 25 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron. Deployed. Intercepting attack craft at 02.21
Movement: Stationary at 02.19 Firing At:
Razer Squadron 5
Ship Name: Razer 26 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron. Deployed. Intercepting attack craft at 02.21
Movement: Stationary at 02.18 Firing At:
Ship Name: Razer 27 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron. Deployed. Intercepting attack craft at 02.21
Movement: Stationary at 02.18 Firing At:
Ship Name: Razer 28 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron. Deployed. Intercepting attack craft at 02.21
Movement: Stationary at 02.18 Firing At:
Ship Name: Razer 29 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron. Deployed. Intercepting attack craft at 02.21
Movement: Stationary at 02.18 Firing At:

Skirmish Squadron 2
Ship Name: Rend Class: Talon Class Carrier Shield/Hull: 0/250 -50 -50 Armament/Flak/Defence: 2/8/10 Hanger: 2 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron. Deployed. Intercepting attack craft at 02.21
Movement: Moving to 02.18 Firing At:

Ship Name: Fenris 4 Class: Fenris Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 60/350 +35 Armament/Flak/Defence: 12/10/14 Hanger: 2 squadrons Deployed. Intercepting attack craft at 02.21
Movement: Moving to 02.18 Firing At: Be'tra Morut (05.22) [member="Verz Horak"]
Ship Name: Fenris 5 Class: Fenris Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 85/350 +35 Armament/Flak/Defence: 12/10/14 Hanger: 2 squadrons Deployed. Intercepting attack craft at 02.21
Movement: Moving to 02.18 Firing At: Be'tra Morut (05.22) [member="Verz Horak"]
Ship Name: Fenris 6 Class: Fenris Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 60/350 +35 Armament/Flak/Defence: 12/10/14 Hanger: 2 squadrons Deployed. Intercepting attack craft at 02.21
Movement: Moving to 02.18 Firing At: Be'tra Morut (05.22) [member="Verz Horak"]

Ship Name: Charge Class: Vanguard Class Heavy Cruiser Shield/Hull: 625/625 Armament/Flak/Defence: 14/6/14 Hanger: 2 gunship squadrons
Movement: Stationary at 03.19 Firing At: Be'vod Runi be'te Naast (05.22) [member="Verz Horak"]

Ship Name: Interrogator Class: Torment Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 500/1000 -500 Armament/Flak/Defence: 4/8/10 DESTROYED
Hanger: 8 fighter squadrons, 4 bomber squadrons Deployed. Intercepting attack craft at 02.21
Movement: Stationary at 03.20 Firing At:

Ship Name: Warmonger Class: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1150/1300 -150 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/12/16 Hanger: 5 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron, 1 gunship squadron Deployed. Intercepting attack craft at 02.21
Movement: Stationary at 03.19 Firing At: Be'vod Runi be'te Naast (05.22) [member="Verz Horak"]
Ship Name: Pacifier Class: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 0/0 -900 -1300 DESTROYED Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/12/16 Hanger: 5 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron, 1 gunship squadron Deployed. Intercepting attack craft at 02.21
Movement: Stationary at 03.20 Firing At: Be'vod Runi be'te Naast (10.24) [member="Verz Horak"]

Ship Name: Deify Class: Exalt Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1800/1800 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/16/16 Hanger: 3 squadrons Deployed. Intercepting attack craft at 02.21
Movement: Stationary at 02.19Firing At: Be'vod Runi be'te Naast (05.22) [member="Verz Horak"]

3rd Exalt Command
Vice-Admiral Vaylin T’Gaer Commanding
Ship Name: Razer 30 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Moving to 05.14 Firing At:
Razer Squadron 6
Ship Name: Razer 31 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Moving to 04.13 Firing At:
Ship Name: Razer 32 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Moving to 04.13 Firing At:
Ship Name: Razer 33 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Moving to 04.13 Firing At:
Ship Name: Razer 34 Class: Razer Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 222/222 Armament/Flak/Defence: 8/14/12 Hanger: 1 squadron.
Movement: Moving to 04.13 Firing At:

Skirmish Squadron 3
Ship Name: Hook Class: Talon Class Carrier Shield/Hull: 300/300 Armament/Flak/Defence: 2/8/10 Hanger: 2 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron.
Movement: Moving to 04.13 Firing At:

Ship Name: Fenris 7 Class: Fenris Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 350/350 Armament/Flak/Defence: 12/10/14 Hanger: 2 squadrons Deployed intercepting attack craft at 06.13 [member="Cyrus Tregessar"]
Movement: Moving to 04.13 Firing At: FIV Wrack (07.14) [member="Cyrus Tregessar"]
Ship Name: Fenris 8 Class: Fenris Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 350/350 Armament/Flak/Defence: 12/10/14 Hanger: 2 squadrons Deployed intercepting attack craft at 06.13 [member="Cyrus Tregessar"]
Movement: Moving to 04.13 Firing At: FIV Wrack (07.14) [member="Cyrus Tregessar"]
Ship Name: Fenris 9 Class: Fenris Class Frigate Shield/Hull: 350/350 Armament/Flak/Defence: 12/10/14 Hanger: 2 squadrons Deployed intercepting attack craft at 06.13 [member="Cyrus Tregessar"]
Movement: Moving to 04.13 Firing At: FIV Wrack (07.14) [member="Cyrus Tregessar"]

Ship Name: Escalade Class: Vanguard Class Heavy Cruiser Shield/Hull: 0/425 -625 -200 Armament/Flak/Defence: 14/6/14 Hanger: 2 gunship squadrons
Movement: Moving to 06.13 Firing At: FIV Agony (08.12) [member="Cyrus Tregessar"]

Ship Name: Flense Class: Torment Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 600/1000 -400 Armament/Flak/Defence: 4/8/10 Hanger: 8 fighter squadrons, 4 bomber squadrons Deployed intercepting attack craft at 06.13 [member="Cyrus Tregessar"]
Movement: Moving to 06.14 Firing At:

Ship Name: Krayt Class: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 700/1300 -600 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/12/16 Hanger: 5 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron, 1 gunship squadron
Movement: Moving to 06.13 Firing At: FIV Agony (08.12) [member="Cyrus Tregessar"]
Ship Name: Centurion Class: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 0/1100 -1300 -200 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/12/16 Hanger: 5 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron, 1 gunship squadron Deployed intercepting attack craft at 06.13 [member="Cyrus Tregessar"]
Movement: Moving to 06.14 Firing At: FIV Anguish (08.12) [member="Cyrus Tregessar"]

Ship Name: Avatar Class: Exalt Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1800/1800 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/16/16 Hanger: 3 squadrons Deployed intercepting attack craft at 06.13 [member="Cyrus Tregessar"]
Movement: Moving to 04.13 Firing At: FIV Anguish (08.12) [member="Cyrus Tregessar"]

1st Reserve Command
Rear Admiral Arian Kanno Commanding

Strike Squadron 3
Ship Name: Impale Class: Boneshatter Assault Frigate Shield/Hull: 380/380 Armament/Flak/Defence: 16/8/14 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 01.20 Firing At:
Ship Name: Slice Class: Boneshatter Assault Frigate Shield/Hull: 380/380 Armament/Flak/Defence: 16/8/14 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 01.20 Firing At:
Ship Name: Maul Class: Boneshatter Assault Frigate Shield/Hull: 380/380 Armament/Flak/Defence: 16/8/14 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 01.20 Firing At:
Ship Name: Dismember Class: Boneshatter Assault Frigate Shield/Hull: 380/380 Armament/Flak/Defence: 16/8/14 Hanger: 0
Movement: Stationary at 01.20 Firing At:

Ship Name: Telti Class: Maladi Strike Frigate Shield/Hull: 460 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/8/14 Hanger: 2 squadrons
Movement: Firing At:
Ship Name: Togoria Class: Maladi Strike Frigate Shield/Hull: 460 Armament/Flak/Defence: 20/8/14 Hanger: 2 squadrons
Movement: Firing At:
Ship Name: Justicar Class: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1300/1300 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/12/16 Hanger: 5 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron, 1 gunship squadron
Movement: Stationary at 01.19 Firing At:
Ship Name: Victor Class: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1300/1300 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/12/16 Hanger: 5 fighter squadrons, 1 bomber squadron, 1 gunship squadron
Movement: Stationary at 01.19 Firing At:

1st Scout Command
Commodore Yhorm Commanding
Ship Name: Celeres 1 Class: Celeres Class Light Corvette Shield/Hull: 8/48 -40 Armament/Flak/Defence: 5/10/5 Hanger: 0
Movement: Moving to 06.12 Firing At: FIV Raider (07.13) [member="Cyrus Tregessar"]
Ship Name: Celeres 2 Class: Celeres Class Light Corvette Shield/Hull: 48/48 Armament/Flak/Defence: 5/10/5 Hanger: 0
Movement: Moving to 06.12 Firing At: FIV Raider (07.13) [member="Cyrus Tregessar"]
Ship Name: Celeres 3 Class: Celeres Class Light Corvette Shield/Hull: 48/48 Armament/Flak/Defence: 5/10/5 Hanger: 0
Movement: Moving to 06.12 Firing At: FIV Raider (07.13) [member="Cyrus Tregessar"]
Ship Name: Celeres 4 Class: Celeres Class Light Corvette Shield/Hull: 48/48 Armament/Flak/Defence: 5/10/5 Hanger: 0
Movement: Moving to 06.12 Firing At:

Ship Name: Corsair 1 Class: Corsair Class Gunship Corvette Shield/Hull: 0/120 -160 -40 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/4/12 Hanger: 0
Movement: Moving to 06.12 Firing At: FIV Raider (07.13) [member="Cyrus Tregessar"]
Ship Name: Corsair 2 Class: Corsair Class Gunship Corvette Shield/Hull: 160/160 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/4/12 Hanger: 0
Movement: Moving to 06.12 Firing At: FIV Raider (07.13) [member="Cyrus Tregessar"]
Ship Name: Corsair 3 Class: Corsair Class Gunship Corvette Shield/Hull: 0/148 -160 -12 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/4/12 Hanger: 0
Movement: Moving to 06.12 Firing At: FIV Bucaneer (07.13) [member="Cyrus Tregessar"]
Ship Name: Corsair 4 Class: Corsair Class Gunship Corvette Shield/Hull: 160/160 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/4/12 Hanger: 0
Movement: Moving to 06.12 Firing At: FIV Bucaneer (07.13) [member="Cyrus Tregessar"]
Ship Name: Corsair 5 Class: Corsair Class Gunship Corvette Shield/Hull: 160/160 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/4/12 Hanger: 0
Movement: Moving to 06.12 Firing At: FIV Bucaneer (07.13) [member="Cyrus Tregessar"]

2nd Scout Command
Commodore T’chall Commanding
Ship Name: Celeres 5 Class: Celeres Class Light Corvette Shield/Hull: 5/38 +5 Armament/Flak/Defence: 5/10/5 Hanger: 0
Movement: Moving to 1.24 Firing At:
Ship Name: Celeres 6 Class: Celeres Class Light Corvette Shield/Hull: 13/48 +5 Armament/Flak/Defence: 5/10/5 Hanger: 0
Movement: Moving to 1.24 Firing At:
Ship Name: Celeres 7 Class: Celeres Class Light Corvette Shield/Hull: 5/30 +5 Armament/Flak/Defence: 5/10/5 Hanger: 0
Movement: Moving to 1.24 Firing At:
Ship Name: Celeres 8 Class: Celeres Class Light Corvette Shield/Hull: 48/48 Armament/Flak/Defence: 5/10/5 Hanger: 0
Movement: Moving to 1.24 Firing At:

Ship Name: Corsair 6 Class: Corsair Class Gunship Corvette Shield/Hull: 136/160 +16 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/4/12 Hanger: 0
Movement: Moving to 1.24 Firing At: Can'gal Kyramund (02.26) [member="Verz Horak"]
Ship Name: Corsair 7 Class: Corsair Class Gunship Corvette Shield/Hull: 116/160 +16 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/4/12 Hanger: 0
Movement: Moving to 1.24 Firing At: Can'gal Kyramund (02.26) [member="Verz Horak"]
Ship Name: Corsair 8 Class: Corsair Class Gunship Corvette Shield/Hull: 156/160 +16 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/4/12 Hanger: 0
Movement: Moving to 1.24 Firing At: Can'gal Kyramund (02.26) [member="Verz Horak"]
Ship Name: Corsair 9 Class: Corsair Class Gunship Corvette Shield/Hull: 146/160 +16 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/4/12 Hanger: 0
Movement: Moving to 1.24 Firing At: Can'gal Kyramund (02.26) [member="Verz Horak"]
Ship Name: Corsair 10 Class: Corsair Class Gunship Corvette Shield/Hull: 136/160 +16 Armament/Flak/Defence: 18/4/12 Hanger: 0
Movement: Moving to 1.24 Firing At: Can'gal Kyramund (02.26) [member="Verz Horak"]

Combat Summary For Each Writer:
[member="Zark"] Your fire combined with your bombers destroyed the Praetor. Nice work! I directed all your fire to the Praetor first, and then the Imperator when the Praetor was dead.

[member="Aerion Ivelisse"] your fire was excessive considering the Onderon was already crippled. It is the most dead I’ve seen a ship so far! So I shifted some fire to the Yearn and destroyed that too! Finally, I fired your Stalwarts at the Devastator in 4.11 since their target was already scrapped. Their fire was quite effective due the close range and heavy weapons. Good work.

[member="Astarii Saren"] an Immortal falls! Nice work. Your fire on the Scorpion almost destroyed it, but it’s barely hanging on. Your fire on the Imperator did some damage due to close range, though the escorts were ineffective.

[member="Tanomas Graf"] your fire was extremely damaging to the destroyers, though your escort’s fire was ineffective against so powerful a ship.
Your 9 fighter and 1 bomber wing attacking 05.18 were opposed by 5 fighter and 1 bomber wing. Adding in the battle meditation bonus this resulted in 5 Rogue Sith fighter and 1 bomber squadrons being destroyed – the whole force. I worked on 3 First Order squadrons being destroyed, though you may choose your own losses since this is just the amount I used for the bombing run calcs.
Your bombers almost destroyed the Armageddon.

[member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] Your fire on the Centurion was very cutting and chopped through all its shields and into the hull. Your corvettes and carriers were ineffective against the destroyer though.

[member="Valessia Brentioch"] your fire managed to do considerable damage to the Worship, though your Dagger class was ineffective. The Fortan corvettes surprisingly did some damage.
Return Fire – Fired 1 x Wyyrlok, 1 x Dark Blade & 1 x Invidia at point blank into the FIV Dosuun (07.17)

[member="Charzon Loulan"] had to redirect your corvettes from 3.07 to 2.06 as that hex was already occupied. Your fire on Razer 11 was ineffective due to range and low firepower. Since the Yearn was destroyed by the time you got there I redirected that fire onto the Devastator (the only survivor in 4.11) where you inflicted a moderate amount of damage.

[member="Knight"] had to redirect your ships going to 02.06 and 1.06 to 1.05 and 1.07 respectively to avoid the Omega weapon’s fire.

[member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"] + First Order Pilots.
The dogfight. All attack craft from Flagship and 1st Exalt Commands move in to engage. 43 Fighter and 9 Bomber vs 50 fighter, 10 bomber. However, the First Order has Battle Meditation, writer characters and newer attack craft on their side.
Adding in the battle meditation bonus plus the 6 writers for the First Order this resulted in a horrific 35 squadrons of Rogue Sith fighters destroyed and 5 bomber squadrons. My figures calculate 17 FO fighter squadron and 2 bomber squadron casualties – but I stress this is just my figures and you may take whatever casualties you like, I merely used it for determining damage to the Destroyer.
Regardless they pierced the net and destroyed the Apocalypse with bombs and torpedoes. There were no other targets in 05.17 to continue to, but you can move elsewhere and attack next turn with the survivors.

[member="Verz Horak"] Your dreadnought shattered the Obliterator and destroyed it totally. Your fire on the Ruination did further damage to shields. Your frigates hit the Javelin hard. The Wolfpack 2, since the Obliterator had already been destroyed, fired on the Covet instead and inflicted heavy shield damage.
For your attack craft I don’t know where the mass of squadrons launched by the Harbinger came from since it can only support 4/2/2 fighter/interceptor/bomber squadrons. I am very confused about what attack craft you have and where it is. The ones from the ‘Bes’bev’ I’ve directed at the Obliterator’s hex, now occupied by the Covet, where I worked on 1 squadron of fighters and 1 of bombers being suppressed by flak. The rest did heavy damage to the Covet.
I have not resolved your other attack craft as I’m very confused.
Return Fire – Fired 1 x Immortal, 1 x Wyyrlok, 1 x Dark Blade & 1 x Invidia into the Gett’se at close range.
Fired 2 x Maladi into the Vode (03.23)
Fired several ships into vessels formerly under Captain Larraq but now passed to you.

[member="William Kerkov"] your fire was severe and dropped all the shields on the Dark Prince and inflicted some light hull damage. The low defence rating of the Darr Itah makes it more vulnerable than expected.
Return Fire – Fired 1 x Wyyrlok, 1 x Dark Blade & 1 x Invidia at point blank range into the FIV Domination (07.16).
Fired 2 x Maladi into FIV Crusher in 07.16.
Fired 1 x Wyyrlok & 1 x Darr Itah into FIV Triumph at 09.16.
Fired 4 x Maladi into FIV Obliterator at 07.16
Firex 2 x Razer into FIV Eliminator at 07.16

[member="Gir Quee"] Your fire on the Grinder was somewhat effective, but hampered by long range. You managed to destroy the damaged Razer 6 though, same with Razer 7. Your fire against Razer 8 was less successful due to range.
Your fighters swept down on the survivors at 1.09 and wiped out the 2 fighter and 1 bomber squadron there. They were unable to press on as there were no ships left in that hex to attack!

[member="Reshmar"] your fire was successful in destroying the Devastator. Well done!

[member="Natasi Fortan"] your moves seemed entirely out of place and wrong as though they’d not been changed from last round. No moves made therefore.
Your capital ship fire was quite scattered and inflicted light-moderate shield damage on the Wyyrlok Destroyers. I concentrated your fire on the Corsairs and Celeres otherwise it would be quite ineffective. Damage was light-moderate. The Celeres especially is very, very hard to hit.

[member="Ayden Cater"] I had to relocate your ships from 04.06 to 05.07 as it was already taken. The Praetor and everything in 1.10 was already destroyed, so relocated the Spirit’s fire to the Imperator too. This resulted in the Imperator being destroyed by their combined fire. Razer 11 was also destroyed.
In the attack craft melee the Scorpion was finished off by the bombers. There were no other targets in the hex so they’ll duel with the Rogue Sith fighters again next round.
Return Fire – Fired 2 x Razer & 1 x Boneshatter at Unyielding Cruiser at 04.06.
Continued bombardment of Noble Class at 04.08 with Immortal, Dark Blade and Wyyrlok.

[member="Cyrus Tregessar"] your fire destroyed the Worship. Since there was no other ships left in that hex I could not redirect the Warspite’s gunnery. The Inflictors did heavy damage to the Escalade, stripping it of shields and inflicting damage. The Boneshatters did surprisingly heavy damage at close range. The Corsairs also did well despite the size difference.
Air Wing Striker, Warspite & Brawler 19 fighter squadrons total have been met by 22 fighter and 5 bomber squadrons to see if they can get to 06.13. After you resolve damage I’ll do the same on my fighters.
Return Fire – Fired 3 x Fenris into FIV Wrack (07.14)
Fired 1 x Exalt, 1 x Wyyrlok at FIV Anguish (08.12). Fired 1 x Wyyrlok & 1 x Vanguard at FIV Agony (08.12)
Fired 2 x Corsair & 3 x Celeres into each of FIV Raider and FIV Bucaneer (07.13).

Attack Craft Resolution for those ships formerly under Captain Larraq’s control.
Rogue Sith: 63 fighter and 12 bomber squadrons.
Mandalorians: 56 fighter and 8 bomber squadrons with 48 light corvettes.
Losses: 43 fighter and 8 bomber squadrons for the Rogue Sith.
Javelin bombed and destroyed. Ruination badly damaged by bombers.
Attack run can continue next turn along with flak frigates once casualties have been removed. I was operating on the assumption that 12 squadrons would be lost for damage purposes.

If there’s any mistakes or if I missed something I do apologise. Let me know and I’ll fix it next round. Special prize for the first one to read this and post it.

This update includes Cyrus’ post below because he asked nicely.
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
Allies: [member="Tanomas Graf"] | [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] | [member="Avicus DuSang"] | [member="Natasi Fortan"] | [member="William Kerkov"] | [member="Valessia Brentioch"]
Enemies: [member="Omega"]

The response of the enemy shots was immediate and almost surprising. The Havoc lit up like a fireball before its shields collapsed and the frigate was caught unprotected by the attack from the enemy frigates. Ships Cyrus himself had designed once, to operate as partners for the Boneshatters.

A lucky shot punch through the main thruster and killed all forward propulsion. With only a few panicked comms, mostly focusing on fluctuating power and attempt to vent the reactor, the Havoc pulled out of formation by firing all its maneuver thrusters in the same direction at once, the commanding officer trying to minimize damage to friendly's if the reactor blew, no doubt.

But no explosion followed, and the Havoc simply drifted off silently, crippled and out of the fight. Evidently the emergency venting had succeeded. Cyrus' face remained a steel mask of dispassion, his only thought on the matter something like pride at the conduct of Havoc's CO in what must have been the face of certain death. He switched through various holo-displays at his console, observing the impacts of shots on the enemy Exalt-class and the efficiency with which his Corsairs tore through enemy corvettes.

Eventually he turned his attention back to the larger scheme of the battle. Besides the loss of one Boneshatter, he hadn't received any other fire for the past several minutes.

"Report, status of all fleets."

"The Sloane is gone, no contact with Admiral Yvarro. We've also lost communications with the Vindicator. Commodore Margs from the Defiant has assumed command of Rausgeber's force. Commodore Graf has assumed command of all three fleets and is continuing to advance."

The rest of the data played out on the display. Kerkov's first fleet maintained steady progress across the battlefield while pouring fire on the Sith's lone Darr Itah. Meanwhile the Concordia and the Grand Moff's fleet had stopped to assist in recovering survivors from the Sloane and Vindicator.

"Status of our advance?" Cyrus all but growled.

This time it was Vayyrel who answered.

"We've slowed somewhat, there's some confusion among Rausgeber's and Yvarro's fleets, and the Admiral DuSang's force has also halted, presumably to assist in search and rescue operations."

Cyrus scowled. Losses were expected, even of senior command staff. In a large battle it was inevitable, and of all the forces out here he had assumed that the First Order would be able to handle it best. In all various forms of military service only the Navy could claim true equality. The danger faced by a common spacer was shared by the Captain of his ship, and the Admiral of the fleet. When you ordered a ship into battle you placed yourself at as much risk as everyone else. It also meant that you needed to have a system in place for when that risk became reality.

"Perhaps the Sith will be content to wait while we sift through the wreckage before they turn Omega on us? The Spirit of Druckenwall utilized extraordinarily heavy shielding even in Atrisian service, and it is all but finished in two shots. I'd wager no other ship can here can survive one blast. Put me on a general frequency."

He paused for a moment, considering what to say. Grand speeches were not his style, indeed he was famous at least in part for his laconic style of command. Something certainly needed to be said, but words of meaningless praise could accompany Admiral Yvarro to her grave. Not that Cyrus held any particular ill will towards her, she'd performed well, and it was a shame to lose an experienced Admiral, but the officers picking up the pieces of two fleet commands needed to know that every minute of dithering was a step towards total disaster.

And he'd be damned if Chysa'sk would beat him now, at his own game.

"This is Grand Admiral Tregessar. Our losses are significant but we shall not falter. Delaying now will enable the enemy to treat their wounds and block our advance, and if we fall into that trap we all die. Through victory lies survival, so regardless of what and who we may lose., the order is to advance. We will break the Sith before us. All ships ADVANCE!

One enemy carrier had strayed close to the front line, and Cyrus' four Corsairs shifted targets and swept in to engage at close range, relying on their speed and maneuverability to account for any deficiencies in armoring and shields to help. They weren't totally defenseless, Air Wing Warspite followed in a covering movement, the fighters ranging out to intercept enemy strike craft and the bombers following up on the barrages of the Mauler turbolasers with volleys of missiles.

In contrast, the Boneshatters had closed in on larger targets, and with the support of the Inflictor Cruisers and the fighters from the fleet carriers, had begun to fire on the Wyyrlok Krayt at nearly point blank range. It would make for an interesting test at least, as in two paired groups the Boneshatters closed in flanked by strike craft and covered by the barrages from the Inflictors to unleash their Assault Concussion missiles at nearly point blank ranges.

They were frigates designed to destroy capital ships. Proof of concept at work, or so they would see.

The Contempt and Warspite had no new priorities though. Instead they sought to avenge the loss of the Sloane, and as they closed their fire became ever more accurate and damaging as it ceaselessly barraged the Exalt.

Summary of Actions
Contempt and Warspite continue to shoot at Worship. If it should die, they'll shift fire to Escalade and Krayt.

Support Element 101 engaging Escalade and Krayt mostly intending to distract and confuse them.

Escort Squadron 32, backed up by Air Wing Strike and Brawler closing in to engage Escalde and Krayt at point blank range.

Pursuit Squadron 95 engaging Flense with the support of Air Wing Warspite.

Cyrus remains a pitiless bastard. May god have mercy on all our souls.

Battlegroup Fury
Ship Name: Contempt Class: Darr Itah-class Grand Battlecruiser Shield/Hull: 2300 (+200)/2700
Arm/Flak/Def: 20/18/10 Hanger:
Movement: 14.12 >>> 12.13
Firing At: 04.17 - Worship
Launching all fighters, staying in screening positions.
Continuing to pour fire on the Worship.

Ship Name: Warspite Class: Wyyrlok-class Star Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1100 (+200)/1300
Arm/Flak/Def: 18/12/16 Hanger:
Movement: 13.13 >>> 11.14
Firing At: 04.17 - Worship
Air Wing Warspite engaging Flense at 06.14.
Continuing to pour fire on the Worship.

Support Element 101
Movement: 10.13 >>> 08.12
Ship Name: FIV Agony Class: Inflicator-class Heavy Cruiser Shield/Hull: 980/980
Arm/Flak/Def: 14/12/16 Hanger: 0
Firing At: 06.13 - Covering fire on Escalade and Krayt

Ship Name: FIV Anguish Class: Inflicator-class Heavy Cruiser Shield/Hull: 980/980
Arm/Flak/Def: 14/12/16 Hanger: 0
Firing At: 06.13 - Covering fire on Escalade and Krayt

Support Element 40
Movement: 15.13 >>> 12.14
Ship Name: FIV Striker Class: Vindicator-class Carrier Shield/Hull: 600/600
Arm/Flak/Def: 2/12/10 Hanger:
Firing At:
Note: Air Wing Striker deploying to 06.13, conducting bombing runs on Escalade and Krayt.

Ship Name: FIV Brawler Class: Vindicator-class Carrier Shield/Hull: 600/600
Arm/Flak/Def: 2/12/10 Hanger:
Firing At:
Note: Air Wing Brawler deploying to 06.13, flying escort for Air Wing Striker.

Escort Squadron 32
Movement: 09.13 >>> 07.14
Launching all fighters, staying in screening positions.
Ship Name: FIV Wrack Class: Boneshatter-class Frigate Shield/Hull: 380/380 (Minor shield damage)
Arm/Flak/Def: 16/8/14 Hanger: 6x TIE/MN
Firing At: 06.13 - Targeting Krayt at point blank range

Ship Name: FIV Ruin Class: Boneshatter-class Frigate Shield/Hull: 380/380 (Minor shield damage)
Arm/Flak/Def: 16/8/14 Hanger: 6x TIE/MN
Firing At: 06.13 - Targeting Krayt at point blank range

Ship Name: FIV Ravager Class: Boneshatter-class Frigate Shield/Hull: 380/380 (Minor shield damage)
Arm/Flak/Def: 16/8/14 Hanger: 6x TIE/MN
Firing At: 06.13 - Targeting Krayt at point blank range

Ship Name: FIV Decay Class: Boneshatter-class Frigate Shield/Hull: 380/380 (Minor shield damage)
Arm/Flak/Def: 16/8/14 Hanger: 6x TIE/MN
Firing At: 06.13 - Targeting Krayt at point blank range

Ship Name: FIV Havoc Class: Boneshatter-class Frigate Shield/Hull: N/A
Arm/Flak/Def: 16/8/14 Hanger: 6x TIE/MN
Crippled and out of the fight.

Pursuit Squadron 95
Movement: 09.14 >>> 07.13
Ship Name: FIV Raider Class: Corsair-class Corvette Shield/Hull: 160/160 (Minor shield damage)
Arm/Flak/Def: 18/4/12 Hanger: 0
Firing At: 06.14 - Close and engage Flense at point blank range.

Ship Name: FIV Bucaneer Class: Corsair-class Corvette Shield/Hull: 160/160 (Minor shield damage)
Arm/Flak/Def: 18/4/12 Hanger: 0
Firing At: 06.14 - Close and engage Flense at point blank range.

Ship Name: FIV Bandit Class: Corsair-class Corvette Shield/Hull: 160/160 (Minor shield damage)
Arm/Flak/Def: 18/4/12 Hanger: 0
Firing At: 06.14 - Close and engage Flense at point blank range.

Ship Name: FIV Robber Class: Corsair-class Corvette Shield/Hull: 160/160 (Minor shield damage)
Arm/Flak/Def: 18/4/12 Hanger: 0
Firing At: 06.14 - Close and engage Flense at point blank range.

Allies: [member="Kami Meran"] | [member="Causstik Rahn"] | [member="Reshmar"]
Enemies: [member="Omega"]
Objective: Leave the vicinity of Omega, or meet up with GA ships.
Ship: Modified YZ-2500

Adson pulled out of the hangar of Omega. He had the required information. He came out into a battle zone. Maybe it would have been better to stay in the hangar? Not likely. These ships were trying to blow the station apart. Adson swiveled in his seat, and sent out a pulse radar scan. To many ships to go through individually, but his ships computers would filter them, and hopefully find where the Alliance's ships were stationed.
Sifting through his backpack, Adson pulled out the 5 Petabyte hard-drives. He began downloading a copy of them into his ships hard-drives, under an intruder safe trigger system. If anyone without a password tried to get in, or make copies, it would automatically clean the entire computer of everything.
Perspective: Mazik Stazi
Allies: [member="Ayden Cater"], [member="Astarii Saren"], [member="Aerion Ivelisse"], [member="Knight"], [member="Reshmar"], [member="Gir Quee"]
Enemies: [member="Omega"]

Bridge, Shield-class Cruiser Knight Errant
Unknown Region, Site Designation OMEGA

"C'mon, hold together you fat cow," Captain Gregor Tanner muttered to the empty bridge, ignoring the roaring alarms and the sparking consoles all over the place, "Give me more time...give me more time!"

Tanner had followed his orders almost to the letter. He had moved the Knight Errant into position between the Spirit of Druckenwell and the Sith superlaser, he had sounded the alarm for general evacuation, and sealed the doors to the bridge. His single act of disobedience in a decades long career as a navysoul had been to stay on the wrong side of the bulkhead doors when they closed. The Umbrella emitters, like most systems on the ship, could operate automatically, certainly for as long as was necessary to abandon ship. But they would never be quite as effective as they would be if someone stayed behind to monitor them and make necessary adjustments in the moment. Gregor could not ask anything of his men that he was not willing to do himself, and so here he was, several fires blazing out of control behind him and the containment systems had failed. Not that it would matter in a few moments.

This close, this direct, the light of the Sith weapon would have literally blinded anyone on the bridge, so the blast shields had engaged the moment the weapon first fired. But now, the grey durasteel in front of him was glowing almost the same shade of bright red, slightly tinted with orange. The emitters were beginning to fail, it would not be long now at all. Captain Tanner could only hope his efforts had bought the Spirit of Druckenwell enough extra time to make some sort of difference.

"I'll see you in hell you Sith sons of bi-"

And then Gregor Tanner and the Knight Errant were no more.

Bridge, Indomitable-class Star Defender Light of Ashla
Unknown Region, Site Designation OMEGA

"Admiral! Contact reestablished with the crews of the Bulwark and Knight Errant, all dropships safely away," the young ensign's report was a rare bit of welcome news on a combat bridge bordering on anarchic in the wake of the Omega's second barrage, "The Knight Errant is reporting one killed in the line of duty...its the Captain, sir. Captain Tanner."

Gregor, you old fool, Teros closed his eyes in mourning, Stubborn to the end.

Though he wished Tanner had followed his orders, the Draethos was forced to concede the possibility that the old man's sacrifice had saved countless lives. Had it not been for the Bulwark and Knight Errant, their hulls so thoroughly vaporized that hardly any debris even remained to herald their passing, the Spirit of Druckenwell likely would not have survived at all. As it was, she was in rough shape, and even now smaller craft and escape pods were streaming out of her belly in waves. The majority of the survivors were picked up by vessels within their own flotilla, but Teros directed craft from the Light of Ashla, the Providence, and the Halcyon to also perform search and rescue operations. As devastating as the loss was to the Galactic Alliance armada, morale was bolstered by the equally horrific casualties on the side of the Rogue Sith forces. The hulk of an Immortal drifted in smoking ruins, the victim of the Leviathan's devastating guns, and two Wyyrlocks on her now devastated battle line had fallen while under the guns of the 5th Expeditionary. Checking his instinctual racial lust for vengeance, the Admiral arrived to the same conclusion but through the path of logic.

'All vessels, refocus fire. Target the Immortal-class Star Dreadnought transponder designation Colossus,' he commanded telepathically, 'We will match force with force, and show our enemy we do not fear them.'

Javelin hypervelocity slugs belched forth from the fleet once more, followed by the long range turbolaser fire from the Providence and Halcyon. Before long, the main turbolaser batteries on all vessels were firing as well, showering a barrage of their own in the direction of the Colossus. They had hardly begun their assault when warning cries sprung up from the sensor pit seconds before the blast occurred. Admiral Teros could only watch helplessly as somehow the superweapon fired one last time at the Spirit and then the blast shields came down, the searing light finding just enough time to blind many of his bridge crew temporarily, including the Admiral himself. Sensor readings went off the scale, and the bridge rocked as the Light of Ashla's inertial dampeners struggled to compensate in the wake of the shockwave. Several consoles on the bridge blew out, showering sparks and triggering several alarms that were quickly silenced.

"The Druckenwell sir, she's...she's gone," his executive officer reported as soon as the blast shields raised.

They didn't need the sensors to start making sense again to confirm it, they could see plainly enough in the void before them.

'Let us hope there was enough time for them all to get off safely.' he responded to them all, 'The Druckenwell may be gone, but we are not, and we are breaking them. Maintain your fire, there is hope yet!'

5th Expeditionary Fleet

1x Indomitable-class Star Defender - Light of Ashla | 08.04 → 07.06

1,700 Hull / 1,700 Shield
Armament: 17
Defense: 17
Target: 02.12 Immortal-class Star Dreadnought Colossus [member="Omega"]

Speed: 2 Hexes
Maneuverability: One Turn

Attack Craft: Deployed, Returning to Mothership

5 T-70 X-Wing Starfighters
12 Inimica-class Heavy Gunships (1 Squadron)
12 M47 Dropships
10 CXR-75 Heavy Dropships

2x Noble-class Star Defenders | 09.05 → 08.05

1,000 Hull / 1,000 Shield
Armament: 20
Defense: 18
Target: 02.12 Immortal-class Star Dreadnought Colossus​ [member="Omega"]

Speed: 4 Hexes
Maneuverability: Three Turns

Attack Craft: Deployed, Holding Position

12 M47 Dropships

2x Nonnah-class Assault Cruiser | 07.05 → 07.07

900 Hull / 900 Shield
Armament: 17
Defense: 16
Target: 02.12 Immortal-class Star Dreadnought Colossus​ [member="Omega"]

Speed: 3 Hexes
Maneuverability: Two Turns

Attack Craft: Deployed, Holding Position

8 M47 Dropships
6 CXR-75 Dropships

1x Sentinel-class Cruiser | 09.06

500 Hull / 500 Shield
Armament: 5
Defense: 8
Target: 02.12 Immortal-class Star Dreadnought Colossus​ [member="Omega"]

Speed: Six Hexes
Maneuverability: Four Turns

Attack Craft: Deployed, Returning to Mothership

3 B/E-3 B-Wing Multi-role starfighters
8 M47 Dropships

1x Unyielding-class Command Cruiser | 08.06

500 Hull / 500 Shield
Armament: 15
Defense: 10
Target: 02.12 Immortal-class Star Dreadnought Colossus​ [member="Omega"]

Speed: Six Hexes
Maneuverability: Two Turns

Attack Craft: Deployed, Returning to Mothership

16 T-70 X-Wing Starfighters
8 M47 Dropships

2x Horn-class Escort Cruisers | 08.06

500 Hull / 500 Shield
Armament: 15
Defense: 14
Target: 02.12 Immortal-class Star Dreadnought Colossus​ [member="Omega"]

Speed: Six Hexes
Maneuverability: Four Turns

12 RZ-1 A-Wing Interceptors [MKII Variant]
6 M47 Dropships

2x Shield-class Cruisers |08.06 → 07.08

450 Hull / 450 Shield
Armament: 0
Defense: 20
Target: N/A

Speed: Four Hexes
Maneuverability: Two Turns

2 M47 Dropships

2x OS-B1 Avengers | Attached to Horn Escorts (2 Per Escort)

30 Hull / 50 Shield
Armament: 20
Defense: 16
Target: No Target

Combat Summary

2 Shield-class Cruisers Bulwark and Knight Errant destroyed shielding Spirit of Druckenwell from second superlaser blast.
Indomitable Star Defender, 2 Noble Star Defenders and 2 Nonnah Assault Cruisers maneuver closer, rest of 5th remains stationary (specific movement in fleet list).
All 5th Expeditionary ships except the remaining Shield Cruisers fire on 02.12 Immortal Colossus.
Attack craft repairing and rearming at motherships, preparing for possible final assault.
"The Devastator ate our fire" the security officer told the bridge officers.

"Time for the big push! Maximum forward speed! Aim for the Grinder!" Julie ordered from her cockpit station, while realizing that the enemy redirected their fire at other allied heavy units.

"The corvette screen reports that they have made their junction with Squadron Cresh" the communications officer told the enemy on the bridge.

"For now the corvette screen is to be regarded as part of Squadron Cresh: Squadron Cresh, fire at these Razers: we do not want the enemy picket to take us, or our allied attack craft out"

"The enemy flagship, 2nd Immortal Command, 1st Exalt Command are destroyed! The enemy flagship shields are down!"

"But captain, we can't fire at the Black Prince! We only have one long-range hypervelocity cannon!"

Julie knew that best forward speed with a carrier meant slow maneuvering and not moving in too fast. With the double front protocol still active, knowing that their enemies can only fire at one arc, that is, the Mateus' forward shields, Julie had all of the Mateus' shields redirected on its forward arc. But, with what firepower they have left, Squadron Besh could probably destroy the Grinder along with any contribution from the Mateus, while knowing that the ship's hypervelocity cannon is, even at close range, a hit-or-miss on a frigate. With the Alliance's heavy units closing in on their position, and the Mateus posing no real threat, compared to them, and Jor Kallak dead, or so Charzon hoped. Because by now Charzon knew that Kallak held a special grudge against the Mateus by virtue of it having fired the first shot. But the chief medical officer of the Mateus came back with bad news from the sickbay regarding the captain of the Mateus. Such grave information was to be relayed to the acting commanding officers of both the ship and the fleet, and they came to the ship's bridge to this end.

"Unfortunately, the captain of the Mateus is dead" the chef medical officer announced.

"Dead? What killed him?" she asked the CMO before turning to Julie. "Master Jutland, you're now in command of the Mateus"

"All right, I have earned it after all these years of piloting capital ships"

"Your orders?" Squadron Besh's commander asked Charzon over comms.

"Squadron Besh, fire at the Grinder"

Command battlegroup:

Ship name: Mateus
Class: Mateus-class fleet carrier (3-hex move)
Shield/hull: 200/1200
Armament/defense: 5/13
Hangar: none
Movement: Moving from 03.05 to 03.08
Firing at: Grinder (03.11)

Corvette screen:

Ship name: Fortan
Class: Praetorian-class corvette
Shield/hull: 180/180
Armament/defense: 6/10
Hangar: None
Movement: Moving from 02.06 to 02.09
Firing at: Razer 8 (03.12)

Ship name: Vizsla
Class: Praetorian-class corvette
Shield/hull: 180/180
Armament/defense: 6/10
Hangar: None
Movement: Moving from 02.06 to 02.09
Firing at: Razer 8 (03.12)

Ship name: Saren
Class: Praetorian-class corvette
Shield/hull: 180/180
Armament/defense: 6/10
Hangar: None
Movement: Moving from 02.06 to 02.09
Firing at: Razer 8 (03.12)

Ship name: Heavenshield
Class: Praetorian-class corvette
Shield/hull: 180/180
Armament/defense: 6/10
Hangar: None
Movement: Moving from 02.06 to 02.09
Firing at: Razer 8 (03.12)

Ship name: Carnifex
Class: Praetorian-class corvette
Shield/hull: 180/180
Armament/defense: 6/10
Hangar: None
Movement: Moving from 02.06 to 02.09
Firing at: Razer 8 (03.12)

Squadron Aurek:

Ship name: Sabrina DESTROYED
Class: Spearhead-class cruiser (5-hex move)
Shield/hull: 0/500
Armament/defense: 10/13
Hangar: None

Ship name: Nelvaan DESTROYED
Class: Spearhead-class cruiser (5-hex move)
Shield/hull: 0/0
Armament/defense: 10/13
Hangar: (deployed at 01.10, targeting the Praetor)

Ship name: Dunames DESTROYED
Class: Spearhead-class cruiser (5-hex move)
Shield/hull: 0/0
Armament/defense: 10/13
Hangar: none

Squadron Besh:

Ship name: Nekogal DESTROYED
Class: Udarnik-class assault frigate (7-hex move)
Shield/hull: 0/250
Armament/defense: 13/16
Hangar: None
Movement: Stationary at 03.09
Firing at: Puncture (03.11)

Ship name: Ameba
Class: Udarnik-class assault frigate (7-hex move)
Shield/hull: 500/500
Armament/defense: 13/16
Hangar: None
Movement: Moving 03.09 to 03.10
Firing at: Grinder (03.11)

Ship name: Larvas
Class: Udarnik-class assault frigate (7-hex move)
Shield/hull: 500/500
Armament/defense: 13/16
Hangar: None
Movement: Moving 03.09 to 03.10
Firing at: Grinder (03.11)

Ship name: Catoblepas
Class: Udarnik-class assault frigate (7-hex move)
Shield/hull: 500/500
Armament/defense: 13/16
Hangar: None
Movement: Moving 03.09 to 03.10
Firing at: Grinder (03.11)

Ship name: Longueuil
Class: Udarnik-class assault frigate (7-hex move)
Shield/hull: 500/500
Armament/defense: 13/16
Hangar: None
Movement: Moving 03.09 to 03.10
Firing at: Grinder (03.11)

Squadron Cresh:

Ship name: Pencil
Class: Hammerhead frigate (7-hex move)
Shield/hull: 315/315
Armament/defense: 10/13
Hangar: None
Movement: Moving from 02.08 to 02.09
Firing at: Razer 9 (03.12)

Ship name: Cheater
Class: Hammerhead frigate (7-hex move)
Shield/hull: 315/315
Armament/defense: 10/13
Hangar: None
Movement: Moving from 02.08 to 02.09
Firing at: Razer 9 (03.12)

Ship name: Pink Panther
Class: Hammerhead frigate (7-hex move)
Shield/hull: 315/315
Armament/defense: 10/13
Hangar: None
Movement: Moving from 02.08 to 02.09
Firing at: Razer 9 (03.12)

Ship name: Medication
Class: Hammerhead frigate (7-hex move)
Shield/hull: 315/315
Armament/defense: 10/13
Hangar: None
Movement: Moving from 02.08 to 02.09
Firing at: Razer 9 (03.12)

Ship name: Drill
Class: Hammerhead frigate (7-hex move)
Shield/hull: 315/315
Armament/defense: 10/13
Hangar: None
Movement: Moving from 02.08 to 02.09
Firing at: Razer 9 (03.12)

Ship name: Clouseau
Class: Hammerhead frigate (7-hex move)
Shield/hull: 315/315
Armament/defense: 10/13
Hangar: None
Movement: Moving from 02.08 to 02.09
Firing at: Razer 9 (03.12)

Summary of actions: Julie is confirmed in her command of the Mateus, the corvettes make their junction with Squadron Cresh and fire at Razers 8 and 9, everyone else fires at the Grinder

Allies: [member="Reshmar"] [member="Gir Quee"] [member="Ayden Cater"] [member="Knight"] [member="Zark"] [member="Astarii Saren"] [member="Aerion Ivelisse"] [member="Taneas Haring"]
Enemies: [member="Omega"]

ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet
3rd Mon Cala Expeditionary Force - 10,000 meters
31st Command Line - 1,940 meters (Destroyer)
Movement: 3 speed / 2 turning 11.10 moving to 08.09 / Targeting: [member="Omega"] Dark Blade Class Dreadnoughts Ballista @ 03.11 (552/0/0)
Ship Name: Ordo Argentum
Class: Imperious-class Star Defender / Shield:1,940 / Hull:1,940 / Armament:15 / Defense:16
Hanger: 3 Fighter Squadron, 3 Bomber Squadrons / Deployment: 14.02
Movement: 3 speed / 2 turning / Targeting: Holding Fire

32nd Destroyer Line - 1,200 meters (Destroyer)
Movement: 2 speed / 1 turning 13.08 moving to 11.09 / Targeting: [member="Omega"] Dark Blade Class Dreadnoughts Ballista @ 03.11 (756/30/0 60 EWAR)
Ship Name: Solidarity
Class: MC80d Solidarity-class Star Cruiser / Shield:1200 / Hull:1200 / Armament:12 / Defense:20
Hanger: 1 Fighter Squadron, 2 Bomber Squadrons. 2 Pickets, 1 Assault Ships / Deployment:
Movement: 2 speed / 1 turning / Targeting: Holding Fire

33rd Destroyer Line - 1,200 meters (Destroyer)
Movement: 2 speed / 1 turning 13.07 moving to 11.08 / Targeting: [member="Omega"] Dark Blade Class Dreadnoughts Ballista @ 03.11 (756/30/0 60 EWAR)
Ship Name: Courageous
Class: MC80d Solidarity-class Star Cruiser / Shield:1200 / Hull:1200 / Armament:12 / Defense:20
Hanger: 1 Fighter Squadron, 2 Bomber Squadrons. 2 Pickets, 1 Assault Ships / Deployment: 15.01
Movement: 2 speed / 1 turning / Targeting: Holding Fire

34th Fire Support Line: - 2,820 meters (Heavy Cruisers)
Movement: 3 speed / 2 turning 10.08 moving to 07.10 / Targeting: [member="Omega"] Dark Blade Class Dreadnoughts Ballista @ 03.11 (1188/255/0)
Ship Name: Revenge
Class: MBC75 Battle Cruiser / Shield:940 / Hull:940 / Armament:16 / Defense:16
Movement: 3 speed / 2 turning

Ship Name: Repulse
Class: MBC75 Battle Cruiser / Shield:940 / Hull:940 / Armament:16 / Defense:16
Movement: 3 speed / 2 turning

Ship Name: Renown
Class: MBC75 Battle Cruiser / Shield:940 / Hull:940 / Armament:16 / Defense:16
Movement: 3 speed / 2 turning

301st Support Line 1 - 1,050 meters (Frigate)
Movement: 6 speed / 3 turning 12.10 moving to 06.10 / Targeting: [member="Omega"] Dark Blade Class Dreadnoughts Ballista @ 03.11 (16/0/0 96 EWAR)
Ship Name: Marjata
Class: MFG34 Mantis-class ELINT Frigate / Shield:400 / Hull:400 / Armament:2 / Defense:14
Hanger: 3 Fighter Squadrons / Deployment: 15.01
Movement: 6 speed / 4 turning

Ship Name: Maulus
Class: MFG37 Moray-class EWAR Frigate / Shield:400 / Hull:400 / Armament:10 / Defense:16
Movement: 6 speed / 3 turning

Ship Name: Rippington
Class:MCE30 Nautilus-class Escort Frigate / Shield:250 / Hull:250 / Armament:6 / Defense:16
Movement: 7 speed / 4 turning

302nd Support Line 2 - 1,050 meters (Frigate)
Movement: 6 speed / 3 turning 09.10 moving to 05.10 / Targeting: [member="Omega"] Dark Blade Class Dreadnoughts Ballista @ 03.11 (16/0/0 96 EWAR)
Ship Name: Oste
Class: MFG34 Mantis-class ELINT Frigate / Shield:400 / Hull:400 / Armament:2 / Defense:14
Hanger: 3 Fighter Squadrons / Deployment: 15.02
Movement: 6 speed / 4 turning

Ship Name: Amari
Class: MFG37 Moray-class EWAR Frigate / Shield:400 / Hull:400 / Armament:10 / Defense:16
Movement: 6 speed / 3 turning

Ship Name: Horton
Class:MCE30 Nautilus-class Escort Frigate / Shield:250 / Hull:250 / Armament:6 / Defense:16
Movement: 7 speed / 4 turning

303rd Picket Line 1 - 370 meters (Corvette)
Movement: 7 speed / 4 turning 09.11 moving to 05.11 / Targeting: [member="Omega"] Dark Blade Class Dreadnoughts Ballista @ 03.11 (32/4/0)
Ship Name: Templar
Class:MCE30 Nautilus-class Escort Frigate / Shield:250 / Hull:250 / Armament:6 / Defense:16
Movement: 7 speed / 4 turning

Ship Name: PT28
Class: MPT10 Wake-class Multi-role Picket / Shield:60 / Hull:60 / Armament:4 / Defense:12
Movement: 8 speed / no limit turning

Ship Name: PT45
Class: MPT10 Wake-class Multi-role Picket / Shield:60 / Hull:60 / Armament:4 / Defense:12
Movement: 8 speed / no limit turning

304th Picket Line 2 - 370 meters (Corvette)
Movement: 7 speed / 4 turning 11.11 moving to 06.11 / Targeting: [member="Omega"] Dark Blade Class Dreadnoughts Ballista @ 03.11 (32/4/0)
Ship Name: Clorus Vandi
Class:MCE30 Nautilus-class Escort Frigate / Shield:250 / Hull:250 / Armament:6 / Defense:16
Movement: 7 speed / 4 turning

Ship Name: PT97
Class: MPT10 Wake-class Multi-role Picket / Shield:60 / Hull:60 / Armament:4 / Defense:12
Movement: 8 speed / no limit turning

Ship Name: PT108
Class: MPT10 Wake-class Multi-role Picket / Shield:60 / Hull:60 / Armament:4 / Defense:12
Movement: 8 speed / no limit turning

3rd Attack Wing - combined attack craft @ 11.09 craft moving to 03.11 Targeting [member="Omega"] Dark Blade Class Dreadnoughts Ballista @ 03.11
11 Fighters

7 Bombers
4 Pickets
2 Assault Ships

Slowly the forces of the sith fell to the overwhelming power of the combined fleets massed against it. Ship after ship fell to the guns of the light side coalition as the ships of the Alliance, Republic and The Order moved into close range with the formation and the massive super weapon. The Flagship of the Alliance, the once great symbol of the power of the Techno Union and later the Alliance now lay a wreck just holding together long enough for her crew to safely evacuate her broken hull. She was not dead but her back was broken and she had no fight left in her. Reshmar could see many of the larger Sith warships were now much in the same condition. Many broken and venting what was left of life into space, burning off the last of the life left aboard them. While many of the Sith's ships had fallen, many more remain and still fought to the last.

"All stations report they are within firing range Admiral" said Reshmar's executive officer. The last of the ships on the 3rd had moved close enough in and were now within standard weapons range and ready to fire. Reshmars group had been the far flank of the light side formation and was intended to act as a deterrent against any of the other forces there. While none of the assembled governments had taken the opportunity to venture into an engagement with each other. The power of the Omega weapon had been enough to keep everyone fixated on it and the danger it represented to the entire galaxy. The truth was no one wanted this weapon out plying the space lanes.

Now the fighting was becoming more and more chaotic as the fleets of the galaxy neared the Sith lines and fought tooth and nail to get to the massive construct before it could lash out with its powerful weapon again.

"Very well captain, have all board set to green and set safeties to free and fire at will." ordered Reshmar. His XO nodded and passed the order onto the communications officers who then transmitted the orders to the other ships of the 3rd.

Immediately the smaller frigate group's and their heavy electronic warfare vessels began jamming the sensors of the ships in the distance. Jamming targeting sensors and interpreting the guidance of their projectiles as their own active jammer beams targeted the weapons themselves of the black Dark Blade-class vessel tagged and labeled as Ballista on the board. the Energy torpedoes of the three support cruisers fired, instantly crossing the distance and striking the ships shielding. Soon after, the turbolaser and ion cannons of the vessel in the distance lanced out in a torrent blue and red energy soaking the Ballista in a constant barrage of fire.

The real fight had just begun as the ships of the 3rd were now fully envolved and there to take the fight to the Sith.

31st Command Line - 1,940 meters @ 08.09 / Targeting Ballista @ 03.11 (552/0/0)
32nd Destroyer Line - 1,200 meters @ 11.09 / Targeting Ballista @ 03.11 (756/30/0 60 EWAR)
33rd Destroyer Line - 1,200 meters @ 11.08 / Targeting Ballista @ 03.11 (756/30/0 60 EWAR)
34th Fire Support Line: - 2,820 meters @ 07.10 / Targeting Ballista @ 03.11 (1188/255/0)
301st Support Line 1 - 1,050 meters @ 06.10 / Targeting Ballista @ 03.11 (16/0/0 96 EWAR)
302nd Support Line 2 - 1,050 meters @ 05.10 / Targeting Ballista @ 03.11 (16/0/0 96 EWAR)
303rd Picket Line 1 - 370 meters @ 05.11 / Targeting Ballista @ 03.11 (32/4/0)
304th Picket Line 2 - 370 meters @ 06.11 / Targeting Ballista @ 03.11 (32/4/0)
3rd Attack Wing - combined attack craft @ 03.11 / Targeting Ballista @ 03.11 (11 Fighters/7 Bombers/4 Pickets/2 Assault Ships)

[member="Zark"] [member="Astarii Saren"] [member="Aerion Ivelisse"] [member="Ayden Cater"] [member="Horus"] [member="Allison Martha Iversson"] [member="Winslow"] [member="Taneas Haring"] [member="Gir Quee"] [member="Charzon Loulan"]


Well-Known Member​
----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Faction: First Order
Fleet Command: [member="Natasi Fortan"]
[member="Tanomas Graf"] | [member="Valessia Brentioch"] | [member="William Kerkov"] | [member="Cyrus Tregessar"] | [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"]
[member="Pierce Fortan III"] | [member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"] | [member="Greta Kohler"] | [member="Sara Lee Jones"] | [member="Collin Calhoun"]
Rogue Sith Fighter Craft
----- ----- ----- ----- -----
As the craft tailing Bravo Leader exploded into a fiery ball of durasteel Nils dove beneath another fighter. Bringing himself about he keyed his comms.

:: Nice shooting Calhoun, thanks for the assist! ::
Nils kept it short. He'd glanced down at his computer earlier but now as he did once more he noticed a solid four indicators. Four of his squadron had taken hits, a full flight gone. Maybe they'd survived but as his eyes caught just how much debris was scattered before him, suppressing any hope he might have had that the pilots had made it out alive. Keeping his fighter dodging through the debris and back into alignment he scanned for targets. That couldn't be right could it? According to the readout he was getting, the vast majority of the enemy fighters in the vicinity had been shredded. By the estimated count on his targeting computer he was picking up only somewhere around ten to twelve squadrons of enemy craft. How was that possible?

As if to respond to his silent inquiry a wave of clarity washed over him sending tingles down his arms and into his fingertips. Almost as if he could sense where the enemy was he adjusted course, eyes squinting through the cockpit. A small glint of light on metal was all he needed to see his next target. There they were, their larger frames identifying them as bombers. He pushed full forward, engines roaring to life as he coaxed every bit of energy he could from his TIE. Cautiously he kept his eyes open for the defending fighters. As he caught up to the bombers he dove, rapidly coming up behind them. Several other flights were with him, slightly behind and above, watching for the first of the Sith fighters to try and catch the Leader unawares.

Locking in on the bomber's engines Nils grinned. No, he wouldn't be satisfied... he needed more. Flipping a switch a small reticle appeared on his HUD, a small flashing light blinking. Still increasing his speed he was almost upon them, the bombers trying pointlessly to outrun the more nimble fighter. He was close... too close but he didn't care. The light had gone solid, a loud ringing alarm sounding in his ear.

All of the pilot's anger, his rage, his frustration and sorrow were embodied in that singular word as it was uttered. The loss of the FIV Rae Sloane, its hull exploding, the sight of The Vindicator's empty hull, fire lining the gaping holes in its armor plating... it was too much and the rogue Sith would pay, Nils would see to that as best he could. Before the word was fully out of his mouth he'd fired, the lock solid. A singular mag-pulse warhead streaking from the dual-purpose warhead launcher found its mark. Teeth grinding, eyes open wide, hands gripping the controls, Nils yelled. His ship had been extremely close to the bomber, debris and flame engulfing the small TIE/sf. His fighter shot forward, alarms blaring as his shields were rendered inoperable, lights flashing and sparks shooting out of his targeting computer. A loud series of chirps and squeals came from the BB unit behind him as if the alarms hadn't been loud enough. As the TIE shot forward he tried to recover, cutting power to the engines as he fought with the controls. He was in no way out of the fight but his systems had taken a jarring.

A quick survey of his targeting computer indicated that his rearward facing turret had been knocked out of commission but the rest of his ships seemed to be in good order aside from the collision alarm and loud chirping. Seconds later his shields had come back online albeit at a low percentage. He'd have to be extra careful until they recharged some but that didn't keep him from rocketing towards a new target. The rest of his squadron should have cleared up the remaining bombers without much trouble and formed up on him. Now he set his sights on something larger, his mind fueled by unleashed anger and rage. Headlong they dove towards the Desolator. Once within range, they would unload with all they had, remaining torpedoes and warheads and then lasers. They would drive the enemy ship to its death.

Summary of Action:
Movement: 05.17 to 05.16 - 12/16 TIE/sf - Nils Brenner

Sith Bombers/Fighters remaining in 05.17

-> Movement

Ship Name: Desolator
Class: Wyyrlok Class Star Destroyer
Shield/Hull: 580/1300
Location: 05.16

Aerion Ivelisse

Unknown Region
Battle of Castameer, OMEGA
[member="Astarii Saren"], [member="Ayden Cater"], [member="Reshmar"], [member="Gir Quee"], [member="Zark"]

"Send a message to Fleet Admiral Saren, the Fourteenth is pushing through the open gap!" Aerion pointed, the communications officer would send the coordinates they were going to take and distribute them through the Fourteenth Fleet, and then to the Fleet Admiral. The Advanced Line was in prime position to widen the gap that was there already. He'd send them ahead first. The Advanced Line was to widen the gap for the rest of the Fourteenth to come in behind it and brute force the rest of it, though they'd be surrounded on both sides.

"Contact the Advanced Line, tell them to target those Corvettes."

There was a confirmation of the orders, and while the Advanced Line moved, they came as close as they could to the coordinates where the corvettes that were engaging the First Order were located. Everything that was fired that was available to be fired, the heavy dual mass driver cannons, heavy ion cannon batteries, assault concussion missile launchers, and even the quad laser cannons coupled with the flak cannons. Naturally, they did less damage, perhaps didn't even penetrate the shields, but the Stalwart's in the Advanced Line were firing everything.

They deployed their fighters too. Two Stalwarts, eighteen OS-G2 Knights each. Thirty-six of them all in total. Those were reserved for a different corvette target than what the Stalwarts had been firing upon. A squadron that had been deployed earlier in the battle was returning in the midst of the battle as well. Fairly far behind, the rest of the Fourteenth was following as fast as it could. "Deploy all fighters and dropships, target the rest of the corvettes. Neutralize those ships." The fighters wouldn't go for complete destruction, but rather leave them nearly destroyed, sitting ducks, targeting weapon emplacements and engines so that they were prepared to be boarded.

[ 1 ] Tython-Class Prototype - ‘Audacity

1850 Hull / 1850 Shield

Armament: 18
Defense: 18
Speed: Two Hexes
Maneuverability: One Turn
Firing At: [member="Omega"], Ballista, 3.11

  • Starfighter Complement(s): (Deployed). Attacking [member="Omega"] Celeres 4. 6.12
[24] T-70 X-wing Starfighters
[24] B/E-3 B-Wing Multi-role Starfighters
[24] X-83 TwinTail Space Superiority Starfighter
[5] M47 Illira-Class Dropships

[ 2 ] - Horn-Class Escort Cruiser 'Remember Tython,' 'Akk Jaw'

500 Hull / 500 Shield

Armament: 15
Defense: 14
Speed: Four Hexes
Maneuverability: Four Turns
Firing At: [member="Omega"], Ballista, 3.11

  • Starfighter Complement(s): (Deployed) Attacking [member="Omega"] Celeres 4. 6.12
[12] OS-G1 Guardian
[12] OS-G2 Knight
[12] OS-G3 Paladin
[12] Eharl Assault Starfighter
[6] M32 Dropship

[ 2 ] - Excubitor-Class Cruiser - ‘Absolving Touch,’ ‘Forward’

550 Hull / 550 Shield

Armament: 14
Defense: 14
Speed: Two Hexes
Maneuverability: Eight Hexes
Firing At: [member="Omega"], Celeres 3, 6.12

  • Starfighter Complement(s): (Deployed) Attacking [member="Omega"] Celeres 3. 6.12
[12] M47 Illria-class Dropships
[12] OS-G2 Knights
[12] OS-I2 Interceptors

[ 3 ] - Thranta Mk-II class Patrol Frigate 'Benevolence,' 'Control,' 'Eriadu's Return'

400 Hull / 400 Shield

Armanent: 16
Defense: 12
Speed: Six Hexes
Maneuverability: Four Turns
Firing At: [member="Omega"], Ballista, 3.11

  • Starfighter Complement(s): (Deployed) Attacking [member="Omega"] Celeres 3. 6.12
[12] T-70 X-wing Starfighters

[ 3 ] - Warden-class Heavy Cruiser 'Light the Way,' 'Shadows Aside,' 'Haut Noon'

1000 Hull / 1000 Shield

Armament: 18
Defense: 14
Speed: Three Hexes
Maneuverability: Two Turns
Firing At: [member="Omega"], Ballista, 3.11

  • Starfighter Complement(s): (Deployed) Attacking [member="Omega"] Celeres 2. 6.12
[16] Peregrine-class
[8] M32 Dropship
[6] M59 Raven Dropship

[ 2 ] - Stalwart-Class Heavy Cruiser 'Shield,' 'Spear'

1000 Hull / 1000 Shield

Armament: 14
Defense: 14
Speed: Three Hexes
Maneuverability: Two Turns
Firing At: [member="Omega"], Ballista, at 3.11

  • Starfighter Complement(s): (Deployed) Attacking [member="Omega"] Celeres 1. 6.12
[18] OS-G2 Knight
[8] M32 Dropship

All fighters and dropships deployed. Targeting weapon emplacements and engines rather than hull; salvage plox. Firing on Ballista Dark Blade Dreadnought at 3.11
Team: Lightside
Flagship: The Nirvana
Allies: [member="Zark"] [member="Astarii Saren"] [member="Aerion Ivelisse"] [member="Ayden Cater"] [member="Horus"] [member="Allison Martha Iversson"] [member="Winslow"] [member="Reshmar"] [member="Taneas Haring"] [member="Gir Quee"] [member="Charzon Loulan"]
Ship Name: The Nirvana (10 - Hex Move) Class: The Nirvana Shield/Hull: 300/300 Armament/Defence: 4/10 Hanger: 0
Movement: 01.01 moving to 01.03 Firing At: In Stealth Mode
Ship Name: The Risen (4 - Hex Move) Class: Phoenix Destroyer Shield/Hull: 1000/1000 Armament/Defence: 16/16 Hanger: 4 sq 2x Honorable Class 2x Callan-class Starfighter – Idle 1 squadron Honorable Class 02.06 moving to 03.10 engaging 03.11 Grinder [member="Omega"]
Movement: 05.03 moving to 05.04 Firing At:
Ship Name: The T'Chala (4 - Hex Move) Class: Panther Carrier Shield/Hull: 1000/1000 Armament/Defence: 8/8 Hanger: 9 sq 2x Phenex Advanced Jedi Star Fighter 3x Revelation Class Gunships 1x Reaper Class Starfighters 3x Specter Bombers – Idle
Movement: 05.02 moving to 06.03 Firing At:
Ship Name: The Gen'dai (2 - Hex Move) Class: Dirge Class Assault SD Shield/Hull: 1600/1600 Armament/Defence: 16/10 Hanger: 4 sq 1x Reaper Class Starfighters 3x Revelation Class Gunships1x Mouse Landers – 1x Reaper Squadron moving to 02.09
Movement: 03.03 moving to 04.04 Firing At:
Ship Name: THe Magellan (4 - Hex Move) Class: Cartographer Seeder Ship Shield/Hull: 950/950 Armament/Defence: 0/8 Hanger: 2x Sasori Hauler sq –
Movement: 01.03 moving to 01.05 Firing At: 2x Sasori Haulers to 01.10 Collecting Parts
Ship Name: The Seigar (7 - Hex Move) Class: Reigar Class Shield/Hull: 50/50 Armament/Defence: 2/6 Hanger: 0
Movement: 01.07 moving to 01.06 Firing At: Sacrifice Play

Knight continued to watch as the spirit fell and the vangaurd or the bulwark.. something flashy but the biggest thing they could use was down now but it had managed to take more ships with it. The others were getting a chance and with that Omega weapon firing it made a dangerous path that they would have to deal with come a problem. "Evacutate the Seigar and have it get put into position. I want it in the path of that beam, either we can hope it buys the rest of the fleet time to move past it or it will soften the blow for the rest of the fleet." SHe was thinking of a way to try and keep them with more time to get there to that station but also to get past the builk of those immortals that were being attacked. The other ships would be a problem but they could start working on that as KNight positioned more and was looking. "First squardons, move in and engage when you have range. Flank the enemy ship and target the engines. Disable it and go for the systems of the ship." She wanted to get the weapons and everythign they had but once they got within range. Launching more fighters without all of the clutter would be a very important thing of late as the haulers were heading off to go and start retrieving to get components and everything they could to try and repair fleet ships and systems that needed it.

Action Summary:
Seigar moving to 01.06 to try and intercept next shot
Magellan moving to 01.05
Gen'dai moving to 04.04
T'Chala moving to 06.03
Risen moving to 05.04
1 squadron Honorable Class 02.06 moving to 03.10 engaging 03.11 Grinder [member="Omega"]
Nirvana moving to 01.03
1x Reaper Squadron moving to 02.10 engaging 03.11 Grinder [member="Omega"]
2x Sasori Haulers to 01.10
Location: CIC, Tercel-class Heavy Cruiser Black Sword
Allies: [member="Ayden Cater"], [member="Astarii Saren"], [member="Reshmar"], [member="Zark"], [member="Aerion Ivelisse"], [member="Knight"], [member="Charzon Loulan"], [member="Taneas Haring"]
Enemies: [member="Omega"]

The SIlver Jedi took advantage of the brief lull in the Omega weapon's firing pattern to surge forward, weaving in and around friendly ships to close the gap to their enemy. Even the corvettes which Gir had taken care to keep in the rear of the lines were quickly advancing up the far right flank to help recover damaged starfighters and wreckage from the Typhoons destroyed in their assault on the rogue One Sith lines. As the fleet moved forward, Gir watched the holo-tank as several more of the frigates fall under the withering Silver Jedi fire. Combined with the destruction of the enemy strikecraft at the rogue One Sith's far left flank, Gir felt that they had made a gap large enough in the defenses to bring the bombers in for a relatively unhindered attack run. Gir watched as the flight controller pushed the surviving Typhoon starfighters forward to attack a single Maladi-class Strike Frigate, the Iridonia. As the starfighters swarmed the frigate, his squadrons of starbombers soared in to make their run, even as the guns of a trio of heavy frigates led by the Shadow Hand began to their hypervelocity cannons on the same target. Gir slowly shook his head.

"That is going to be messy," mused the man, "Flight control, better direct your strike craft to stay on the opposite side of the Iridonia that's taking fire from our frigates."

The quick and frank acknowledgement did not help with his unease. He knew that more likely than not, they would uncover some incidents of fratricide from the frigate's gunners as they attacked the Maladi: it seemed inevitable to Gir simply given the sheer numbers of strike craft involved and the inability of hypervelocity rounds, mass driver slugs, and turbolaser bolts to distinguish friend from foe. But fire converging from even among his own craft was not his only concern. Several other Silver Jedi starships under a different commander and the remaining Galactic Republic warships were near him as well, and firing on the same targets as more and more rogue One Sith warships fell. We need to start being somewhat more disciplined and concentrated in our target selection so that we aren't wasting shots on the same target. Gir's eyes wandered towards an apparently undamaged star destroyer near the rear of the enemy lines that had engaged one of the Alliance's Noble-class Star Defenders. He tapped several buttons on the holo-tank's console, designating the Dictator to become the new primary target for all of his heavy cruisers. Seconds later, the Silver Jedi and Directorate gunners turned their fire onto the rogue One Sith warship's massive hull.

Summary of Actions:
-Black Sword Group moves from 04.03 to 02.06
-Steel Blade and Shadow Hand Groups move from 03.04 to 02.07
-Crimson Dagger, Cerulean Spear, and Ivory Fang groups move from 02.04 to 02.08
-All Carrier corvettes move from 04.02 to 01.08

-Black Sword group & Steel Blade groups (all 5 heavy cruisers) fire on Dictator (03.11)
-Shadow Hand group attacks Razer 9 (03.12)
-Crimson Dagger group attacks Iridonia (01.12)
-Cerulean Spear and Ivory Fang groups attack Razer 8 (03.12)
-3 Typhoon fighter squadrons destroyed in dogfight, remaining 6 Typhoon starfighter squadrons move from 01.09 to 01.12 to attack the Iridonia (01.12)
-All 8 Cyclone starbomber squadrons move from 01.05 to 01.12 to attack the Iridonia (01.12)

Silver Jedi Expeditionary Fleet
Heavy Line - Black Sword Group (2700 meters)
Ship Name: Black Sword Class: Tercel-class Heavy Cruiser Shield/Hull: 900 / 900
Armament/Defence: 16/18 Hangar: 0.5 sq shuttles (embarked)Movement: 04.03 to 02.06 Firing At: Dictator, 03.11, [member="Omega"]

Ship Name: Green Mantle Class: Tercel-class Heavy Cruiser Shield/Hull: 900 / 900
Armament/Defence: 16/18 Hangar: 0.5 sq shuttles (embarked)Movement: 04.03 to 02.06 Firing At: Dictator, 03.11, [member="Omega"]

Ship Name: Azure Hammer Class: Tercel-class Heavy Cruiser Shield/Hull: 900 / 900
Armament/Defence: 16/18 Hangar: 0.5 sq shuttles(embarked)Movement: 04.03 to 02.06 Firing At: Dictator, 03.11, [member="Omega"]

Heavy Line - Steel Blade Group (1800 meters)
Ship Name: Steel Blade Class: Tercel-class Heavy Cruiser Shield/Hull: 900 / 900
Armament/Defence: 16/18 Hangar: 0.5 sq shuttles(embarked) Movement: 03.04 to 02.07 Firing At: Dictator, 03.11, [member="Omega"]

Ship Name: White Cuirass Class: Tercel-class Heavy Cruiser Shield/Hull: 900 / 900
Armament/Defence: 16/18 Hangar: 0.5 sq shuttles (embarked) Movement: 03.04 to 02.07 Firing At: Dictator, 03.11, [member="Omega"]

Heavy Frigate Line- Shadow Hand Group (900 meters)
Ship Name: Shadow Hand Class: Delphin-class Assault Frigate Shield/Hull: 300 / 300
Armament/Defence: 16/16 Hangar: 0.5 sq shuttles (embarked)Movement: 03.04 to 03.09 Firing At: Razer 9, 03.12, [member="Omega"]

Ship Name: Golden Nyss Class: Delphin-class Assault Frigate Shield/Hull: 300 / 300
Armament/Defence: 16/16 Hangar: 0.5 sq shuttles(embarked) Movement: 03.04 to 03.09 Firing At: Razer 9, 03.12, [member="Omega"]

Ship Name: Bright Jewel Class: Delphin-class Assault Frigate Shield/Hull: 300 / 300
Armament/Defence: 16/16 Hangar: 0.5 sq shuttles(embarked) Movement: 03.04 to 03.09 Firing At: Razer 9, 03.12, [member="Omega"]

Heavy Frigate Line- Crimson Dagger Group (900 meters)
Ship Name: Crimson Dagger Class: Delphin-class Assault Frigate Shield/Hull: 300 / 300
Armament/Defence: 16/16 Hangar: 0.5 sq shuttles(embarked) Movement: 02.04 to 02.08 Firing At: Iridonia, (01.12) [member="Omega"]

Ship Name: Brazen Petard Class: Delphin-class Assault Frigate Shield/Hull: 300 / 300
Armament/Defence: 16/16 Hangar: 0.5 sq shuttles(embarked) Movement: 02.04 to 02.08 Firing At: Iridonia, (01.12) [member="Omega"]

Ship Name: Blazing Claw Class: Delphin-class Assault Frigate Shield/Hull: 300 / 300
Armament/Defence: 16/16 Hangar: 0.5 sq shuttles(embarked) Movement: 02.04 to 02.08 Firing At: Iridonia, (01.12) [member="Omega"]

Pursuit Line - Cerulean Spear Group (1000 meters)
Ship Name: Cerulean Spear Class: Freedom-class Escort Frigate Shield/Hull: 250 / 250
Armament/Defence: 5/4 Hangar: N/A Movement: 02.04 to 02.08 Firing At: Razer 8 ,03.12, [member="Omega"]

Ship Name: Iron Lance Class: Freedom-class Escort Frigate Shield/Hull: 250 / 250
Armament/Defence: 5/4 Hangar: N/A Movement: 02.04 to 02.08 Firing At: Razer 8 ,03.12, [member="Omega"]

Ship Name: Hook Nebula Class: Freedom-class Escort Frigate Shield/Hull: 250 / 250
Armament/Defence: 5/4 Hangar: N/A Movement: 02.04 to 02.08 Firing At: Razer 8 ,03.12, [member="Omega"]

Ship Name: Red Tails Class: Freedom-class Escort Frigate Shield/Hull: 250 / 250
Armament/Defence: 5/4 Hangar: N/A Movement: 02.04 to 02.08 Firing At: Razer 8 ,03.12, [member="Omega"]

Pursuit Line - Ivory Fang Group (1000 meters)
Ship Name: Ivory Fang Class: Freedom-class Escort Frigate Shield/Hull: 250 / 250
Armament/Defence: 5/4 Hangar: N/A Movement: 02.04 to 02.08 Firing At: Razer 8 ,03.12, [member="Omega"]

Ship Name: Chrome Shield Class: Freedom-class Escort Frigate Shield/Hull: 250 / 250
Armament/Defence: 5/4 Hangar: N/A Movement: 02.04 to 02.08 Firing At: Razer 8 ,03.12, [member="Omega"]

Ship Name: Night Hammer Class: Freedom-class Escort Frigate Shield/Hull: 250 / 250
Armament/Defence: 5/4 Hangar: N/A Movement: 02.04 to 02.08 Firing At: Razer 8 ,03.12, [member="Omega"]

Ship Name: Emerald Standard Class: Freedom-class Escort Frigate Shield/Hull: 250 / 250
Armament/Defence: 5/4 Hangar: N/A Movement: 02.04 to 02.08 Firing At: Razer 8 ,03.12, [member="Omega"]

Light Carrier Line - Blue Group (300 meters)
Ship Name: Blue One Class: Circinus-class Bulk Corvette Shield/Hull: 100 / 100
Armament/Defence: 2/10 Hangar: 1 sq fighters - deployed, intercepting enemy strikecraft at 01.09 Destroyed Movement: 04.02 to 01.08 Firing At: N/A

Ship Name: Blue Two Class: Circinus-class Bulk Corvette Shield/Hull: 100 / 100
Armament/Defence: 2/10 Hangar: 1 sq fighters - deployed, intercepting enemy strikecraft at 01.09 Destroyed Movement: 04.02 to 01.08 Firing At: N/A

Ship Name: Blue Three Class: Circinus-class Bulk Corvette Shield/Hull: 100 / 100
Armament/Defence: 2/10 Hangar: 1 sq fighters - deployed, intercepting enemy strikecraft at 01.09 Destroyed Movement: 04.02 to 01.08 Firing At: N/A

Light Carrier Line - Red Group (300 meters)
Ship Name: Red One Class: Circinus-class Bulk Corvette Shield/Hull: 100 / 100
Armament/Defence: 2/10 Hangar: 1 sq fighters - 01.09 to 01.12, attacking Iridonia, 01.12, [member="Omega"] Movement: 04.02 to 01.08 Firing At: N/A

Ship Name: Red Two Class: Circinus-class Bulk Corvette Shield/Hull: 100 / 100
Armament/Defence: 2/10 Hangar: 1 sq fighters - 01.09 to 01.12, attacking Iridonia, 01.12, [member="Omega"] Movement: 04.02 to 01.08 Firing At: N/A

Ship Name: Red Three Class: Circinus-class Bulk Corvette Shield/Hull: 100 / 100
Armament/Defence: 2/10 Hangar: 1 sq fighters - 01.09 to 01.12, attacking Iridonia, 01.12, [member="Omega"] Movement: 04.02 to 01.08 Firing At: N/A

Light Carrier Line - Green Group (300 meters)
Ship Name: Green One Class: Circinus-class Bulk Corvette Shield/Hull: 100 / 100
Armament/Defence: 2/10 Hangar: 1 sq fighters - 01.09 to 01.12, attacking Iridonia, 01.12, [member="Omega"] Movement: 04.02 to 01.08 Firing At: N/A

Ship Name: Green Two Class: Circinus-class Bulk Corvette Shield/Hull: 100 / 100
Armament/Defence: 2/10 Hangar: 1 sq fighters - 01.09 to 01.12, attacking Iridonia, 01.12, [member="Omega"] Movement: 04.02 to 01.08 Firing At: N/A

Ship Name: Green Three Class: Circinus-class Bulk Corvette Shield/Hull: 100 / 100
Armament/Defence: 2/10 Hangar: 1 sq fighters 01.09 to 01.12, attacking Iridonia, 01.12, [member="Omega"] Movement: 04.02 to 01.08 Firing At: N/A

Light Carrier Line - Gray Group (300 meters)
Ship Name: Gray One Class: Circinus-class Bulk Corvette Shield/Hull: 100 / 100
Armament/Defence: 2/10 Hangar: 1 sq bombers - 01.05 to 01.12, attacking Iridonia, 01.12, [member="Omega"] Movement: 04.02 to 01.08 Firing At: N/A

Ship Name: Gray Two Class: Circinus-class Bulk Corvette Shield/Hull: 100 / 100
Armament/Defence: 2/10 Hangar: 1 sq bombers - 01.05 to 01.12, attacking Iridonia, 01.12, [member="Omega"] Movement: 04.02 to 01.08 Firing At: N/A

Ship Name: Gray Three Class: Circinus-class Bulk Corvette Shield/Hull: 100 / 100
Armament/Defence: 2/10 Hangar: 1 sq bombers - 01.05 to 01.12, attacking Iridonia, 01.12, [member="Omega"] Movement: 04.02 to 01.08 Firing At: N/A

Light Carrier Line - Gold Group (500 meters)
Ship Name: Gold One Class: Circinus-class Bulk Corvette Shield/Hull: 100 / 100
Armament/Defence: 2/10 Hangar: 1 sq bombers - 01.05 to 01.12, attacking Iridonia, 01.12, [member="Omega"] Movement: 04.02 to 01.08 Firing At: N/A

Ship Name: Gold Two Class: Circinus-class Bulk Corvette Shield/Hull: 100 / 100
Armament/Defence: 2/10 Hangar: 1 sq bombers - 01.05 to 01.12, attacking Iridonia, 01.12, [member="Omega"] Movement: 04.02 to 01.08 Firing At: N/A

Ship Name: Gold Three Class: Circinus-class Bulk Corvette Shield/Hull: 100 / 100
Armament/Defence: 2/10 Hangar: 1 sq bombers - 01.05 to 01.12, attacking Iridonia, 01.12, [member="Omega"] Movement: 04.02 to 01.08 Firing At: N/A

Ship Name: Gold Four Class: Circinus-class Bulk Corvette Shield/Hull: 100 / 100
Armament/Defence: 2/10 Hangar: 1 sq bombers - 01.05 to 01.12, attacking Iridonia, 01.12, [member="Omega"] Movement: 04.02 to 01.08 Firing At: N/A

Ship Name: Gold Five Class: Circinus-class Bulk Corvette Shield/Hull: 100 / 100
Armament/Defence: 2/10 Hangar: 1 sq bombers - 01.05 to 01.12, attacking Iridonia, 01.12, [member="Omega"] Movement: 04.02 to 01.08 Firing At: N/A

RIP Carlyle Rausgeber

"It's all been bloody marvellous..."
Conquest Line: 2840m
Movement: Immobilized
Vindicator (Flagship)Imperial-x class Star Destroyer
Shield/Hull= 0/10
Hangar= Deployed.
Firing At= No One
Remaining Conquest Line
Movement: To 7.15

Survivor Empire-class Heavy Frigate
Firing At= Razer 3 5.15 (@Omega)

Sabre Dagger-class Escort Frigate
Firing At= Razer 3 5.15 (@Omega)

Brutal Empire-class Heavy Frigate
Firing At= Razer 3 5.15 (@Omega)
Victory Line: 2840m
Movement: 10.14

Defiant Imperial-x class Star Destroyer
Shield/Hull= 1600/1600
Firing At= Torment 6.15 (@Omega)
Remaining Victory Line
Movement: 7.14
Blade Dagger-class Escort Frigate
Firing At= Razer 4 5.15 (@Omega)

Bruiser Empire-class Heavy Frigate
Firing At= Razer 4 5.15 (@Omega)

Bombardier Empire-class Heavy Frigate
Firing At=Razer 4 5.15 (@Omega)
Loyalty Line: 1880m
Movement: 8.14
Gallant Retribution-class Star Destroyer
Arm/Def: 17/15
Hangar: Deployed
Firing At: Desire, Invidia 6.15 (@Omega)

Blade Dagger-class Escort Frigate
Firing At= Desire, Invidia 6.15 (@Omega)

Machete Dagger-class Escort Frigate
Firing At= Desire, Invidia 6.15 (@Omega)

Brawl Empire-class Heavy Frigate
Firing At= Desire, Invidia 6.15 (@Omega)
Royalty Line: 2340m
Movement: 10.16
Rescue Retribution-class Star Destroyer
Arm/Def: 17/15
Hangar: Deployed
Firing At: Corellia, Maladi 5.15 (@Omega)

Steadfast Vindicator-class Light Carrier
Hangar= Deployed
Firing At= Corellia, Maladi 5.15 (@Omega)

Resilience Vindicator-class Light Carrier
Hangar= Deployed
Firing At= Corellia, Maladi 5.15 (@Omega)

Cutthroat Dagger-class Escort Frigate
Firing At= Corellia, Maladi 5.15 (@Omega)

Temporary Captain Artemis Margs looked across the battlefield, before turning to towards the Defiant's crew. The fleet was rather disappointed they hadn't caused their previous target to Wyyrock star destroyer to explode. Nonetheless, new targets had presented themselves, and "Move us forward Helmsman, I want us engaging that Agony class ship." he commanded, "Move us into range!" he commanded.

"Aye aye sir, moving ship."

"What are the rest of our orders sir?" The Comms technician asked.

"Move all lines up, I want them engaging the enemy fleet closer than what we are." He commanded, "I feel the battle closing now gents, it's only a matter of time before we break them." Artemis' eyes narrowed as he saw them closing in on their target, "Fire all batteries once in range, we're going to show these Sith scum what real imperials do." Within seconds of this directive, the Defiant's turbolasers began to make short work of the enemy ship, pounding away at her hull with the burning wrath of a thousand burning suns.


Carlyle stumbled and fell to the floor when the Vindicator's reactor exploded. The once polished deck plates were now shattered or even uprooted as the power cables detonated. Sparks of electricity lit up the room as all ordinary lights gave out. The captain picked himself up, and dusted himself off, some form of fluid from the cables now stained his crisp uniform. He he looked down at his hand, feeling the thick, green, gooey substance that clung to his hand. It didn't matter now, nothing really did. "Wonder if this is what Piett felt like?" he mused, as he slowly walked into the main bridge area. He never thought that this was how it would all end. He'd always had dying in battle in the back of his mind, but never thought this would how he would go. His boots left a hollow clink as they walked on twisted and scorched metal. "Well, a captain must go down with his ship." he said with a sad smile. Below him, the bridges crew terminals continued to fizzle out and the air began to go cold. Carlyle shivered at this, if this was the end, then let it be.

Summary of Actions:

  • The Defiant has moved from 12.15 to 10.14. It is firing upon and Agony-class ship at 6.15
  • The remainder of Victory Line has moved to 7.14 and is firing upon Razer 4 at 5.15
  • Remainder of Conquest Line has moved to 7.15 and is firing upon Razer 3 at 5.15.
  • Loyalty Line has moved to 8.14 and is firing upon Desire-class ship at 13.16.
  • Royalty Line has moved to 10.16 and is firing upon Corellia-class ship at 15.15
  • Command of all TIE's has been surrendered to Roderik Von Something
  • [member="Avicus DuSang"] is providing a much loved boost to efficiency
  • Carlyle Rausgeber is getting to terms with the fact he's gonna have to go down with the ship.

Valessia Brentioch

Faction: The First Order
Commanding Officer: Commodore Aileen Grant
Fleet Size: 6,980m

Foxtrot Line: 1,320m
Movement: 7.17 >> 4.16
FIV Starknife: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: 5.15 - Razer 2 ( [member="Omega"] )

FIV Cestus: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: 5.15 - Razer 2 ( [member="Omega"] )

FIV Morningstar: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: 5.15 - Razer 2 ( [member="Omega"] )

FIV Dosuun: Retribution-class, Star Destroyer
Shield/Hull: 600/900
Arm/Def: 17/15
Hangar: TIE/FO x2 Squadrons | Active - Defensive Screens Engaged
Firing At:

FIV Caracal: Fortan-class, Heavy Corvette
Shield/Hull: 200/200
Arm/Def: 16/14
Firing At: 5.15 - Razer 1 ( [member="Omega"] )

FIV Felis: Fortan-class, Heavy Corvette
Shield/Hull: 200/200
Arm/Def: 16/14
Firing At: 5.15 - Razer 1 ( [member="Omega"] )

FIV Leopard: Fortan-class, Heavy Corvette
Shield/Hull: 200/200
Arm/Def: 16/14
Firing At: 5.15 - Razer 1 ( [member="Omega"] )

Charlie Line: 3,200m
Movement: 8.16 >> 4.15

FIV Warden: Inflictor-class, Heavy Cruiser
Shield/Hull: 980/980
Arm/Def: 14/16
Firing At: 4.13 - Razer 31( [member="Omega"] )

FIV Resilience: Empire-class, Heavy Frigate
Shield/Hull: 500/500
Arm/Def: 17/13
Firing At: 4.13 - Razer 31( [member="Omega"] )

FIV Victorious: Empire-class, Heavy Frigate
Shield/Hull: 500/500
Arm/Def: 17/13
Firing At: 4.13 - Razer 32( [member="Omega"] )

FIV Fearless: Empire-class, Heavy Frigate
Shield/Hull: 500/500
Arm/Def: 17/13
Firing At: 4.13 - Razer 32( [member="Omega"] )

FIV Cutlass: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: 5.15 - Razer 2 ( [member="Omega"] )

FIV Gladius: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: 5.15 - Razer 2 ( [member="Omega"] )

FIV Sickle: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing 5.15 - Razer 2 ( [member="Omega"] )

Echo Line: 2,460m
Movement: 12.17 >> 8.15

FIV Chevalier: Inflictor-class, Heavy Cruiser
Shield/Hull: 0/90
Arm/Def: 14/16
Firing At: 6.16 - Want ( [member="Omega"] )

FIV Resolve: Empire-class, Heavy Frigate
Shield/Hull: 110/500
Arm/Def: 17/13
Firing At: 6.15 - Desire ( [member="Omega"] )

FIV Fortitude: Empire-class, Heavy Frigate
Shield/Hull: 0/475
Arm/Def: 17/13
Firing At: 6.15 - Desire ( [member="Omega"] )

FIV Warhammer: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: 5.15 - Corellia ( [member="Omega"] )

FIV Kukuri: Dagger-class, Escort Frigate
Shield/Hull: 240/240
Arm/Def: 6/4
Firing At: 5.15 - Corellia ( [member="Omega"] )

Rapid Response Line: 2,000m
Objective: Search & Rescue
6x Steadfast-class Medical Cutters
  • Hope
  • Halo
  • Heaven
  • Ally
  • Angel
  • Caretaker
  • Embrace
2x Blackwell-class Medical Transports
  • Hippocrates
  • Galen
12x Bolt-class Sloops
  • Impulse
  • Cobalt
  • Mercury
  • Hermes
  • Flash
  • Speedster
  • Dasher
  • Wahoo
  • Lightning
  • Bolt
  • Resurgence
  • Quick

Unknown Region
FIV Dosuun, Bridge
Objective: Destroy the Omega Weapon
Allies: [member="Tanomas Graf"] | [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] | [member="William Kerkov"] | [member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"] | [member="Avicus DuSang"] / [member="Natasi Fortan"] | [member="Cyrus Tregessar"] | [member="Horus"]
Enemies: Rogue Sith, Omega Weapon

Neutrals: The Galactic Alliance, The Mandalorians

It was all happening at once. Blow by blow the First Order would not bow, the First Order would not yield they would not bend their knee for the tyrants of this galaxy. Mocked for their belief in order, reminded of their committed atrocities that have offended the galaxy. They cared not for it, they cared for order and worked to serve the will of their Supreme Leader. Or at least - they had, hadn't they? They believed in him, sure. More than that they believed in her. Their Grand Moff [member="Natasi Fortan"], they believed in her and placed their hopes in her hands that she could lead them out of this alive and if not - then it was their honor to die for her.

Commodore Aileen Grant's eyes needn't numbers to tell her that the Dosuun was doomed. So she contacted Colonel [member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"] and informed him of his new charges. "Colonel von Brinkerhoff, I transfer to you six squadrons from the Dosuun to you." She cut the line there and with relief she turned to her bridge crew. "The Guards have arrived," the All-Surface Guards escorted by the Navy's Bolt-class sloops, sloops inspired by the Millennium Falcon herself. "And not a moment too soon, all hands abandon ship!"

"I order you all to abandon this ship, if you defy these orders then your life rests in your own hands," she announced over the shipwide comms systems as she made every system check she possibly could. "Time's up," she whispered rushing into her escape pod and slamming the door shut she hit the jettison button and away they went. Commodore Aileen Grant and her command crew were now among the hundreds if not thousands of escape pods now floating in between larger vessels, praying not to be picked off in the process. The Valiant, the Vindicator, the Rae Sloane, the Dosuun and at least three others had now fallen to the Renegade Sith forces. Blackwell-class medical transports could be seen in the back of the fleet holding somewhere along the fourteen or fifteen line as Bolts and Steadfasts worked in tandem running across the field of battle moving in between the fleets scooping up survivors.

"Get me to the Warden, I am not abandoning this fleet." Commodore Grant said to a Commander of one of the Bolts, feeling a surge of resilience (most likely from the Sith [member="Avicus DuSang"]), "now!"

He nodded and pushed the Bolt as fast as she would go, and watched as she sped down the airlock and onto the Warden. He moved his ship off and back into the fray, there were at least twenty AALs now engaged in the desperate search and rescue of the fleet's Admiral Fiolette Yvarro. He was also going to be looking for Captain Carlyle Rausgeber and so moved to the Vindicator's last known coordinates.

Meanwhile, aboard the Warden. Commodore Grant stormed to the bridge, "Foxtrot and Charlie move to coordinates four fifteen and four sixteen engage on units in five fifteen, four thirteen. Echo line move up and support Margs' and the Defiant's battlegroup, and the Grand Moff!"

The Grand Moff - she had to survive this no matter the cost, they would not lose her. They refused to lose her. They would all die before that would ever happen. The Commodore had never met nor seen their supreme leader, she didn't doubt that he existed as some masterful force of Ren. She instead knew he was there through the Grand Moff's own belief, but - it was the Grand Moff that spoke to her, to the people of the First Order. It was she who led them and guided them, "and long may she reign..."

"Commodore, targets acquired." A lieutenant said from the tactical station, "all lines reporting - but uh, Echo line, they may-"

"They know the risks, Lieutenant. Balance guide them all, they knew the risks just as we do." Commodore Grant said softly, "engage on my command." She waited until the Warden was in the right position, moving to attempt a full broadside. "Now! FIRE!"


Back at the remains of the Sloane, FIV Caretaker docked with what had once been the command center. Now it was but a shimmering piece of metal afloat in the black abyss of space. Twenty AALs from the Concordia had established a link for the rescue teams to umbilical to. Quickly the team flooded into the Sloane. Their suits kept them from coughing and gagging on the smell, and HUDs went to work telling them that there was indeed a life sign.


"There she is," A rescuer said gesturing to a holotable and a communications station. "C'mon!"

Four of the twenty dispatched ran to help, "all together now, three, two, LIFT!"

"Hold her, hold her steady, we need to stabilize!" The rescuer shouted, and the race against time itself began as Yvarro's life ticked away. Tick, tock, tick, tock. "She's got internal bleeding, c'mon Admiral, c'mon stay with me."

The AALs rushed to the Caretaker to help retrieve supplies, "we've got the stretcher!"

"Good, easy, easy we have to do this easy," The rescuer remarked, "okay, slide and lift in three, two, GO!"

Rescue teams and the AALs worked to ease the Admiral onto the stretcher, paramedics worked to keep her stable, blood units were being hooked into her arms now. "Blood pressure's dropping!"

"FETH!" Another shouted as they worked to bring her blood pressure back and move her to the Caretaker, her fate - was still unknown.

Summary of Actions:

  • Foxtrot Line fires at units in 5.15
  • Echo Line supports Grand Moff and Captain Artemis Marg's battlegroups
  • Charlie Line also fires at units in 5.15 and begins to fire at 4.13
  • Rapid Response Line conducts search and rescue operations, evacuating wounded off the battlefield
  • + [member="Avicus DuSang"]'s Battle Meditation
  • Dosuun's Squadrons are now under Col. von Brinkerhoff's command
  • FIV Dosuun is lost to the Sith
skin, bone, and arrogance​

"Fox three!" Pierce shouted into his communicator as he loosed a part of his missile payload against the Apocalypse. This may have been overkill; a moment later, a warning from the Concordia directed the First Order TIEs to get clear. All flights, get clear of that Star Destroyer! Our readings show the reactor's about to -- but whatever else was said Pierce didn't quite catch over the whoops of celebration over the communicator as fire began to pour out of the ship's viewports. Pierce allowed himself a grin as he coasted along the ship's side; he wasn't likely to see anything like this again up close, and if his calculations were right, he'd outrun the reactor's explosion.

His calculations were wrong.

The explosion had enough energy to blow Pierce off course, his vision jerking to the side as the energy from the explosion rolled him. He knew better than to fight it, and pushed into an elegant roll, taking advantage of the momentum, but his instrument panel was shining an unhappy red color. He gulped. "I'm hit," he called over the channel. "Repeat, this is Alpha Lead, I'm cooked. It's not bad, but she's in no fit state to dance with these tangos," Pierce said, silently cursing himself. It was stupid not to pull away from the Apocalypse (now a grotesque shade of its formal self, warped and wrecked by explosions and the cold embrace of the void) when he had the chance. He was grateful, at least, that he could get back to the Concordia without much fuss. His squadron could more than handle the mop-up of the Rogue Sith fighters while he swapped his ship out for a fresh TIE/sf.

His stupidity aside, they were doing astonishingly well.

Pierce made a mental note -- as he swung his ship around to head back towards the Concordia, his cannons claiming another Rogue Sith fighter -- that the Sith Meditation Sphere (never again to be called a Thingie or a Doodad by Pierce) was not to be trifled with. To be certain, their hard training and discipline accounted for much of their success, but it would be stupid to discount [member="Avicus DuSang"] and his technique with the Meditation Sphere. He would be among the first to shake DuSang's hand when this fight water over -- assuming he survived it, which, as his yoke became sluggish in his hand, he coldly realized that he may very well not. "Mission Control, this is Alpha Lead, reassessing the status of my vehicle. Solar engine on the starboard side is down to thirty percent -- make that twenty eight -- uh, twenty-five -- Angel, I'm losing the engine. Auxiliary power coupling damaged. I'm getting very little out of the stick, over."

Before there was a chance for a response, a well-placed bolt from a Rogue Sith fighter blew off his good wing, and sent his TIE tumbling through the void. He tried the radio -- nothing. He tried the auxiliary power -- nothing. He tried to steer -- his instrument panel threw up white-hot sparks in protest. "Blast," Pierce whispered to himself; he was quite alone. No one to see him go out -- not in a blaze of glory but as a result of his own self-indulgence. Mustn't dwell, he told himself as he felt the Gs work on him. Remember the ejection training -- the training you half-attended because you didn't believe you'd ever be shot down -- because you thought you'd never die. Wrong on all counts, old chap.

Or maybe not quite wrong. He had found the memory. As his fingers worked over the control panel, working to engage the ejection process, his thoughts fleetingly went to [member="Natasi Fortan"] and he hoped that if he died, she wouldn't grieve too much. She had done enough of that. [member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"] knew the odds, knew the score, and knew probably that his chum was going to get himself killed like a damned fool some day -- probably why he let Pierce deposit his cigarettes and flasks and other vices in his pockets when he left for battle -- for after. Maybe. He thought of [member="Nils Brenner"], who was manifestly more talented and would likely take his spot. Jolly good luck to him. And as he felt his vision begin to tunnel -- then saw -- he thought of [member="Greta Kohler"]. Tally ho, Kohler. Too bad I never saw under that flight suit. I'm about to die, it's all right to think that, right?

He yanked back on the switch, lurched back against his seat, and was gone. The job that the Rogue Sith fighter started finished when the TIE/fs exploded, sending Pierce's ejector seat tumbling through space. Pierce, too disoriented to do more, yanked hard on the stabilizer thrusters, but could only slow the tumble, not stop it. Blood trickled down into his eyes from where the force of the ejector had slammed his head into his helmet, creating a grisly kaleidoscope as Pierce went careening through the void.

Combat Summary: Pierce => boom!
Sara was in hot against the sith fighters she weaved and dodged as she was followed close behind* bolt 2 he's on my tail can you get em?

=copy that bolt 1=

She kept dodging taking the high g turns as she felt the fire move past her and over threatening to take out the ace, in just a minute bolt 2 flew over her and shot the fighter down

=bogie down bolt lead=

Alright let's keep these fighters off the attack squadrons maybe we will see some fire works, keep lead on smoke gotta make sure he comes out of it* she said and added under her breath* even if he's annoying

With that she battle went on, every so often she got glance of the ship being attacked, soon she listened in and got a earfull of whoops and hollers, she gave a laugh of her own* hahaha they did it! Bolt 2 got a track on smoke

=yes ma'am shall we escorted him back into the fray?=

Nah he'll join up just,

She watched the ship explode, with that she watched smoke tumble, at first she relaxed and started for hin, she looked around before she spotted, she watched him take a sight fighter out before one came and got him* smoke! Bolt 2 scramble I want that fighter in pieces I'm going to protect Pierce!

She didn't know how she would do it but she would figure it out...maybe, she started tracking the ejection as she slowed down* bolts three and four I don't want any fighter within the a half mile of me!* he sharp tone would get through point across to them

She started circling him like a vulture, the bolts flight made sure anything getting close was a piece of scrap, she kept her eye on the emergency beacon, damn that idiot why's he have to be so bold* command I need a rescue shuttle to my location we have a pilot down repeat pilot down

[member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"]

[member="Pierce Fortan III"]
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