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Deep Black Sea II: By the Pitiless Stars (sign up or ask)

[member="November Sinclair"] [member="Mia Monroe"] [member="Ermac Laith"]

Lisa shifted uncomfortably in her spot, stretching wide and readjusting hear gear. She could feel the electromagnetic waves even in the force. As the crew departed to scout the asteroid, Lisa desperately wished that she was on that craft. It was probably better that she wasn't however as she would most likely lay waste to whatever she stumbled upon prematurely.

"This is boring. When's the fun start!"

It was then she noticed Sinclair in the darkness. It was odd, they shared almost the same looks, and both had goggles on. Lisa nodded. Judging by her looks she was also an operator, similar skills to Lisa's own too.

"What kind of rifle you got there?"
The Admiralty
Who: [member=Catherine Romanov], member=Flint Michigan], [member=Kitt Solo]
Where: Moving out

He was almost inside the hangar bays when someone bump-- well, hello there gorgeous. Cheeks turned just a touch more crimson as Khaleel noticed the prettiness behind the foam and bleariness of sleep being hijacked by duty, before he could reply with anything smart or funny she was gone again. The thief sighed to himself, he really wanted to kick himself right here and now, but there ain’t no time for that.

Duty calls.

Khal walked into the hangar and waved at Flint. ‘Got my own ride, Michigan. I will see ya out there.’ he shouted before going for one of the terminus-class fighters loaded in the bay. He wasn’t a top-notch pilot yet and the last thing he wanted to do was carry the responsibility of other people’s lives on his shoulders, the fighter would have to do. He’d be able to give fire-support and all that jazz.

He strapped himself in, the astromech droid locked itself into position behind him and with a motion of the hand all the systems began to fire-up.

Acknowledged, Flint. Switching to whiskey-bravo, over.’ he mentioned over the comms, while checking over all his systems. Everything seemed to be in the green and with that he commenced launching procedures.

This was going to be a doozy.
Location: Helm of the Baobab
Objective: Get information from the various departments
[member="Jorus Merrill"]
[member="Anija Ordo"]
Engineering Officers (reporting to Lt.Cmdr Ordo): [member="Kana Truden"]
SIGINT Officer: Lieutenant Commander [member="Kian Karr"]

A hand would rub at the side of her head, a slight dull ache at the temple. She took stock of herself, and found herself still fit. Jorus's voice would come from her right, having broadcasted the message throughout the ship. As First Officer, her objective now was to determine if the ship was space worthy. That depended on SIGINT and Engineering.

With the comms being down that meant that there were few options on being able to talk. But it did mean she would be able to use the intercom and select specific sections of the ship to communicate. They too would have hardwired systems to talk back.

[ Lieutenant Commander Karr ] her voice would come overhead in SIGINT. [ Got a fix on what is going on jamming our systms?]

Kitt Solo

Alen Na'Varro's Ex
[member="Khaleel Malvern"] [member="Flint Michigan"]

It was funny how Flint's arm around her felt natural. And as quickly as that realization came his arm left. Thoughts flitted briefly to Alen before she refocused them.

She adjusted her tool belt and loaded the shuttle, offering a waggle of her fingers to the roguish looking kid from earlier before disappearing inside.

Since Catherine was off on her own, she plopped down and strapped herself into the co-pilot's seat, digging out a ration-bar. Mmm, nothing said death mission like a good ol' bite of cardboard in the morning. What she wouldn't do for some Nuna eggs.

Leaning over, she tied the boot. "All set, Cap." She tried to push her real worries aside. This wouldn't just be some bar-situation gone wrong.

She had a bad feeling about this one. And if Flint found out or worse, he got hurt. Stomach twisted and she knew it wasn't just from the ration bar.
Location: Collision Areas
Objective: Aid the Wounded.

Nyos reached the site of the worst collision spots. There was wounded crewman laying on the deck, some unconscious and others with just some bumps and bruises. Nyos went to his first crewman, he sustained a nasty gash on his head. Blood was pouring from the wound, he'd need stitches. Nyos pulled out some morphine and gave him a good dose. Grabbing some Bacta and synth skin, Nyos cleaned the wound and injected some Bacta into the wound. He covered it with synth skin and a bandage wrap.

Nyos radioed to the leader of the funky bunch, [member="Jorus Merrill"]

The medical teams have dispatched. Where else do you need me?
Location: Science Lab
Who: [member=Viktor Romanov]

A thud that threw Zalgo off balance and was reaching out to grab something to not fall down on the floor. Was that usual for a ship to do that? No idea, since he wasn't one to drive and pilot ships in space. What he did know was the information that was being given to him and the rest of the captain of this ship and commander of this exploration. An asteroid that was inhabited from Imperials exploiting beskar for their own purpose and benefits. Seemed more like a base if it could do such things at a probable high magnitude of work.

All he knew what he was suppose to be doing was to obtain samples of the asteroid and confirm whether or not this was actually beskar or just some rock that held no importance except for geologists. If they were going to obtain some samples, then they were going to need to get out of the ship and head on over to the asteroid which could and would be hazardous due to the fact mentioned about the Imperials having influence over it. The Epicanthix would follow Viktor's every move and action as it seemed that they are preparing to extract samples from the asteroid.

"I do hope we won't be going off like those, yes?" He questioned and asked, for these men were probably not fit for combat; therefore, some team with combat experience would need to protect them from any harm that could come in their way. Don't want to reduce the number of scientists that there was on board.
Location: Airlock
Objective: Repel Boarders. Not borders.

What started out as a bad idea had turned into a bad decision, and once again, Kaiden Rohn was thrust into a situation where everything was beyond his control and yet he had to not survive it. The impact wasn't as hard as he thought, but it definitely wasn't pleasant. Kaiden had forgone most of his gear, being that he was on a ship. So, right now, he was wearing a shoulder holster and holding onto dear life with his shotgun and his blaster pistol. The pistol was very nice, he reminded himself as it bounced against his ribcage. It was a high grade, high impact OPP-1. He liked the high kill ratio that came with the 4-shot burst. He also liked how cool it looked. The shotgun was the standard OP Specops shotgun, 12 gauge. No stock, maximum scatter. Great for situations like this, bad for everything else. He felt the air of the ship lick his bare arms like some Coruscanti whore would. He was wearing only a tank top, and a pair of crappy denim pants, and even crappier shows. Not exactly dressed to impress, but dressed to kill.

Airlocks. He always hated the certain tension of waiting to board a ship back when he was a Havoc trooper- but he also liked the brief moment of solitude it gave him. It gave him a brief time to reflect, but he didn't like looking back at himself. What he used to see was a man plagued by war, he now saw a man who had too many cigarettes and too many drinks and didn't shave enough. He looked tired. He knew he did. He felt tired. Not a good night's sleep in years. He needed one. He needed something other than painkillers and booze to fall asleep at the wee hours of the morning.

Speaking of, he wouldn't mind a fix.

Just something to get him through the firefight. That was about to happen. The Havoc Squad commander stared at @Ermec Laith, and then to his compatriot, [member="Lisa Ticon"]. Then, [member="Mia Monroe"] posed a question. The kind of questions edgy teenagers asked, or people who had some serious mental health issues. Kaiden didn't want to draw attention to himself, and if everyone else just thought of him as another dumb grunt, that'd be fine by him. He had no real intention of doing anything else, besides what he was told to do. He blinked, standing amongst some hardened killers. The others in the airlock, even in the dimlight, could see the massive tattoo spanning his back. He was glad they didn't see the lower half of the tattoo, the part of the Grim Reaper shattering the old Sith Empire emblem.

Then he remembered he had a similar design, the same Sith Empire emblem cut into tiny pieces on his arm. And the Havoc Squad logo on his forearm.

Kaiden realized that he had just failed to be another dumb grunt. Dumb grunts don't have Havoc squad tattoos or a deep-seated hatred of the Sith empire. Then again, he was quiet, and nobody probably really cared. Or even noticed. Lot of 'memememememe' types aboard the ship, from what he could tell. And some real weirdos.

Hopefully, someone mentioning the name Kitt Solo was a coinkydink. He would hate to run into her again. For the most part, at least. Kaiden liked to lie to himself more than [member="Popo"] liked to eat everything in a buffet.
[member="Kaiden 'Papa' Rohn"]

Lisa sensed the new arrival in the pitch black hall and turned to view him through her own goggles. She could see he was taller and more muscular. He was dressed in almost no armor and yet carried himself like an elite warrior. She coked her head to the side before popping a quick question in his direction.

"Well hello there. What brings you to our noble company!"

Her voice dripped with poisonous sarcasm. She could sense internal conflict within the man. She drew on that, pushing the torment into her own mixture of emtion, powering her connection to the darkside....
If [member="Lisa Ticon"] was feeding off of inner turmoil, Kaiden was an all-you-can-eat-buffet of regret, guilt, self-hate and addiction issues. Kaiden didn't say anything, just looked at her. He blinked for a moment, and then sighed.


Preferred to keep it quiet.
[member="Kaiden 'Papa' Rohn"]

Lisa could tell her was the strong and silent type. She loved to probe and prod and so made her way over to the warrior, blinking in the dark. Her goggles were throwing off her eyeballs severely. Through shades of emerald she observed him, reaching out and sensing him, sending her mental powers to his mind in an attempt to make contact.

He would hear a small voice whisper into the back of his head.

"I know your type. You carry great darkness. Yes a great burden consumes you. Stay close to me, I have need of your emotions..."
[member="Kaiden 'Papa' Rohn"]

"I don't get kicks from you old timer. You are a beacon for me, strength flows from you to me. Here have some."

In a move Lisa had never attempted before she pushed her own energy back at him. As the emotions and turmoil of his mind and heart fueled into her dark matrix, she slipped some of that power towards the man. Dark energies would captivate him, crawling up his bones and his muscles, charging them with the fires of her wrath.

He would feel slightly emboldened, and stronger. Hopefully his pain would be less as he drew from his renewed strength.

"You and I can form a symbiotic relationship. Lend me your pain, I'll lend you my strength to augment your own."

Lisa backed off. More respectful in tone than curious. She wanted the warrior to get the right perspective, and not the wrong idea of her....
Who: [member="Kitt Solo"], [member="Khaleel Malvern"], [member="Catherine Romanov"]
What: Land boarding party. Frag some Sith Remnant's beforehand.
Where: Spaaaaaaaaace

Prepping the flight for takeoff he charged up the engines, readied the sensors, ran a futile comms check in hope he could get something, predictably to no avail. Life support was obviously working, weapons checked out, shield generator was working, everything was in order. Except for his co-pilot's right boot. He looked over at her with a smile, no, a smirk, before bringing it to attention.

"You need some help there Kitt or do you have it on your own?" Flint asked. Her bedhead and wet toothbrush might have saved her from one wisecrack but Flint was known for more than one shot of sarcasm. Practically emptied a magazine of it everyday. She said she was all set, to which he gave an "If you say so." before taking off and leaving the hangerbay and getting out into the space around the asteroid. With Comms still down he didn't bother to establish communication with anybody just yet. Glancing to the side he saw that Kitt wasn't her usual self. Maybe she was getting 'in the zone', or maybe she was worried about something. Deciding he'd rather be wrong about her getting in the zone than getting worried he put on a grin and started talking to her.

"I ever tell you about an old buddy of mine named Johnny Oak?" He said as blips began to ping here and there on the sensors. S90 MAAT's trying to board the Baobab and old TIE Fighters trying to take them down. Flint swerved the ship right, then left, evading some fire and trying to open up shots for Kitt. Sure, old Sith Empire remnants were trying to shoot them down and capture their ship, but that didn't mean it couldn't be time to tell some old stories. Hell, maybe that was the best time to tell old stories.
Who: [member="Lisa Ticon"] [member="Kaiden 'Papa' Rohn"] [member="November Sinclair"] [member="Mia Monroe"] [member="Jorus Merrill"]
Location: Near main airlock
Objective: Preparing to repel boarders
...Laith had been standing there in relative silence while leaning against the wall of a junction splitting into two adjacent corridors. He didn't enjoy making small talk though when Security Officer Monroe mentioned playing a game to determine who was the deadlier killer he caught himself smirking briefly. Remaining quiet he'd have eventually turned his head to survey those in attendance, counting five including himself, before he finally remarked..."Well this isn't going to work."...then did another headcount of those present so that he could coordinate their actions...

...the corridor leading to the main airlock was still bathed in darkness thanks to the deactivation of the lights by Ticon. It gave the security personnel a slight advantage when the initial boarding action commenced however Laith knew the Troopers that would be attacking them would wise up eventually to make use of thermal, or low light, vision optics. Probably during the second wave once they'd learned the error of their initial folly. It made no sense keeping all security personal there though so to that end...

"Ticon and Monroe. Both of you hold down the airlock and see who the winner of your game is going to be."...a short chuckle accompanied the direction before he went on..."Rohn, go down to main engineering. Anyone successfully infaltrating the ship will likely target that area. Comms are down but you can keep in touch via the intercom."...he'd nod, Kaiden Rohn was a veteran soldier and Laith trusted he could count on him to lock down an important area against attackers which brought him to..."Sinclair, scout out secondary entry routes and lay down a defensive perimeter to repel attacks. We don't want to stack up here and let them flank us."...that was it for now....

...his directions given Laith would have adjusted the infrared goggles he'd slid over his head before moving down one of the corridors stretching away from the main airlock where the lights were still operational. Activating the intercom he found he'd patch himself through to the bridge...
"Captain Merrill my people are getting into place now. What's the situation up there?"...comms weren't working, he didn't expect sensors to be very effective either, it didn't hurt to ask though...
[member="Ermac Laith"]

"We've got a handful more boarding parties coming your way, Chief, but I've got the defense gunners making sure the bogeys only have a narrow lane to get in. We're doing our best to make sure you don't get flanked by someone cutting in another way. There's a handful of bigger ships, but they're hanging back for now. Do what you do. Carte blanche."

Catherine Romanov

Who: [member="Flint Michigan"] [member="Kitt Solo"] [member="Khaleel Malvern"] [member="Jorus Merrill"]
Objective: Land team on asteroid.

Catherine navigated the shuttle through an alternative route, clear of the Baobab. Enemy crafts were beginning to swarm the cruiser, and she wanted to avoid any incursions if possible. Travelling through the width of the asteroid, she managed to find a huge depression, leading to the interior.

It was large enough for a small cruiser to enter, suggesting that she may have indeed found the entrance to the base. Her guess proved true, when several gun turrets opened up on her, lighting up the surrounding airspace with red blaster fire. She immediately swerved the craft to the left, and to the right, averting several close strikes. Gunning the engines, and with a hard twist of the stick, Catherine circled back out, out of range of the turrets.

Powering up the shuttle's weapons, she yelled for the team onboard to hang on, as she swooped in with all guns blazing, firing her laser cannons and missiles. The outer turrets were successfully destroyed, but the mission was not without failure, taking several hits during the attack. It was also then that she noticed something strange. Communications were working within the asteroid. Her comlinks and com channels were online. Hitting the com channel switch before she left the asteroid, she reported :

"Baobab, I've found the entrance to the asteroid, it was defended by laser cannon turrets. I took out some on the exterior, but I fear this is but the tip of the iceberg. Oh, and communications are online inside the asteroid. I took some damage, but I am on route back."

With that said and done, she landed the shuttle, dropping off the team to proceed on foot, before swiveling the shuttle around to head back to the Baobab.
Location: OUtside medbay 1

She wished there were better communications, she didn't know where [member="Jericho"] or [member="Nyos Val"] were. She looked over to the intercom, getting up she hit the button, "Anyone from the medical staff check in, where are you located?"

She wiped the sweat from her brow, the last hour had been a bit grueling. The injured here were for the most part now past the serious wounded there was word of others at the impact points, she could hear from the chatter going back and forth where the areas were. She would need to get to those areas the teams were having a hard time getting into the tight spots. She heard familiar voices on the intercom system.

She walked listening still she had to get the kit, there should be first aide kits through the ship, the medical teams were out thanks to someone dispatching them, and the droids were in full motion performing duties.

She would wait a few more moments, and then have to move out the wounded could not wait.

There was something else, a presence that she didn't know....that meant.......they were being boarded....really! Again! She checked for her lightsaber, ok chicken little make sure if you strike be sure you're ready for the consequences.
Kaiden glared at [member="Lisa Ticon"] and thrusted a finger at her, before he shook with rage. He felt like when he was a kid and someone took his candy. That pure, blind rage. He shook it off, stepping away from her."Don't."She definitely was one of those kinds of people. The kinds that literally fed off of when other people got mad. Not exactly good for him to be around her, that was for sure. He hopped to it, away from the group. He went downward, using a maintenance hatch instead of one of the corridors to get to main engineering.

Sure enough, his luck was as bad as ever. Bad guys a plenty. But not enough to cause serious problems. Kaiden removed the vent hatch, by pressing his foot down on it and bending it to the point where he would be able to slide it. No point in kicking out a nice vent, and telling all the bad guys where he was with a big neon sign followed by a swath of red blood. Kaiden was overtop what appeared to be a sapper, or someone looking to disable the ship. He placed the shotgun on the floor of the vent, before descending down it like he would a ledge.

He dropped down on the poor sap with a resounding thud, the mixture of muscle and what he admitted was fat, right onto his chest. Couldn't breathe, couldn't scream. Kaiden applied a collar choke, before feeling the guy go out cold like a kid on his first night out with his friends. Kaiden felt a familiar sting, the sting of combat. He reached up and grabbed the shotgun out of the vent, and took cover behind a shelf that held various tools.

"My name is Kaiden. I have a drinking, and luck problem."
[member="Rianna be Ar'klim"]

Nyos was patching up another patient when his comm chirped and Rianna of Mand'alor came over the radio asking his location.

"Madam Ar'klim, I am at the collision sight assisting the wounded. Is there anything I may assist you with?"

He finished bandaging the man he was seeing and moved to the next. The intercom was going on about possible boarding parties and the ship comms were down. Nyos was not worried about boarders, if they made it this far with the kind of troopers that were on board, Nyos was more than enough to take out the few that made the mistake of boarding this ship.

Kitt Solo

Alen Na'Varro's Ex
Who: [member="Flint Michigan"], @Khaleel Malvern, @Catherine Romanov
What: Land boarding party. Frag some Sith Remnant's beforehand.
Where: Space - approaching BIG BAD asteroid

She pulled up the weapon's systems, the crash webbing tightening across her shoulders as she leaned forward in the seat. She let off a volley of fire. "You sure this is the best time for story time, Cap?" She knew what he was trying to do, he was trying to distract her. Was her worry so obvious? She'd have to work on that.

Myrtle-ellipses shot him a look out of the corners of her eyes as she pulled up the shuttle's comm. "Hang on back there, ride's about to get bumpier." She fired off a few more shots. Explosions lit up the blackness of space as they hit their targets.

"Way to go Catherine! Looks like she put a big dent in clearing the way for the rest of us. Tell me more about this Johnny Oak."

Her anxiety levels were stabilized for the moment.

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