Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Deep Black Sea II: By the Pitiless Stars (sign up or ask)

Location: Science Bay

Ah, so there were hostiles preparing themselves to aboard and intrude on this safe haven, if you could call it? Well, Zalgo would just be inside the Science Bay that was sealed and locked until the security of this ship dealt with these imperials. The Epicanthix could fight and aid the security tram if he was given armor and a sword, but sadly he had none of those two items with him. Which, again, was why he was going to chill out and relax here in the Science Bay while responding to Captain [member="Jorus Merrill"], "Just waiting until we can finally go out and extract samples from that asteroid."

[member="Viktor Romanov"]
[member="Kian Karr"] [member="Anija Ordo"]

"Good work, Mr. Karr, Chief Ordo. Relaying coordinates now."

COORDINATES RELAYED TO [member="Flint Michigan"], [member="Catherine Romanov"]

[member="Jaani Doosun"]
"Nice work, Mr. Doosun. Rendezvous with Master [member="Jericho"] and Commander [member="Spencer Jacobs"] on Deck Twelve, port. Internal sensors are picking up a new incursion. Our security forces are stretched pretty tight; we'll need all hands on deck for this."

[member="Viktor Romanov"] [member="Zalgo Baal"]
"Science team, it looks like there's a window for sample collection through hatch seven-B; it's out of sight of the points where we've had boarding parties. Travel armed -- there's half a chance they've noticed the same thing, and may be trying to cut their way in there. Small chance. Travel safe."
Location: Boarding
Objective: Repel the Boarders

Nyos moved through the ship to find someone to coordinate with on gathering defenses for the counter boarding.

"This is Nyos, I'm a medic. Where might I be needed in case the boarding party gets off a lucky shot?"

[member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Anija Ordo"] [member="Jericho"] [member="Rianna be Ar'klim"]
Location: Science Bay
Allies: [member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Zalgo Baal"]

Viktor listened carefully as the captain ordered Viktor and his assistant to go and fetch the sample themselves. Viktor would have preferred to have one of the crew go and retrieve it for him, but he supposed that the crew could be busy with the boarding party. "Affirmative, captain, we will head out immediately." Viktor grabbed custom blaster he had built, he left his beam cannon at his lab, as he felt it was unnecessary.

Viktor then turned towards his assistant, the man looked more trained in combat than Viktor so he would prove useful here. "You are good with swords, no? Then let up depart." Viktor then went over to the blast door and unlocked it when he entered the password.
Location: Engineering
Objective: Prepare defenses and stage possible counter-offensive if needed.
Allies: [member="Kaiden Rohn"] | [member="Anija Ordo"] | Others in Engineering

Ijaat listened to all that was said and then nodded. Oddly enough he stood up, eyed Kaiden, and tapped him on the shoulder, motioning him to follow. He walked with the sure steps of someone who would be listened to. Minute by minute a change seemed to be coming over the engineer since the fight. No one on this ship was quite prepared for it either.

Well, Anija might be. She seemed to know something about when he had lost his family, what he had done after. She had offered him cen vhetin after all. And that wasn't something light, so she knew something of his ability and crimes. He struggled, internally, as he walked, to keep the beast caged and not go howling down to track down the troops and slaughter them where they stood. As he moved, he spoke to Kaiden.

"Hey, war-dog... Follow me.... You need some ammo for your boom stick, and I have a generic suit of durasteel 'gam you can borrow... Be better than walking about in shorts. If you want the armor. If not, at the least, we can restock your ammo and plan out defenses. These are Empire.... Not some pretenders in rags... You fight them long enough, you know their very smell.. I know it. You know it... Now lets make them pay"

There was a feral grin at that least statement as Ijaat walked into an area of engineering he had quasi claimed as his own little workshop to tweak and repair tools and armor. It wasn't like his old shop, but it would do.
Location: impact site
Who: Science

Rianna could see that the injured were nearly all taken to the med bay the droids would have that in control for a time. Nyos was with boarding. Jericho in engineering. Rianna moved toward the science section, keeping her senses as high as she could.

(Will add more when I get home)

Kitt Solo

Alen Na'Varro's Ex
Enemy Asteroid!!!!

Seemed her comm worked fine for [member="Jorus Merrill"]'s intercom message for a sitrep. Good. Maybe they had short-range communications up and there may have been a preliminary strike by one of their other teams on the jammerrs. She hunkered down behind their own troops and some crates as Flint's explosion went off. Thumb hit the reply switch to the Merrill that was still on her good side. "Jorus, Kitt Solo reporting in. I'm with Flint and Catherine. We've successfully landed on both sides of the asteroid. We're hitting some resistance on moving deeper but we've got enough support to where we're not pinned down yet. We got your coordinates to blow those jammers. Heading there now, over."

She switched her weapon for a blaster set on stun and looked to Flint.

"So, back to your story, Cap." Which, was highly appropriate during a warzone charge. Duh.

"What exactly did ya'll dig up on this guy?" She rolled out from her cover and fired with their support troops at three advancing soldiers. Her moves made it clear she had seen combat before.

"Oh hey Catherine!" Keeping low, she ran toward one of the deeper tunnels toward their attack coordinates. "Got any explosives cause we might need to blow up some jammers."

[member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Flint Michigan"] [member="Catherine Romanov"]
Location: Engineering
Objective: Prepare

The kid had a point. Maybe running around in his glorified undies wasn't exactly a good point. [member="Ijaat Akun"] was a rare thing, a thinking, rationalizing Mandalorian. Kaiden nodded, and drifted off for a moment, before snapping back to reality."I'll be right back."He moved quickly, heading to the small section of engineering that was more or less a storage room. He wasn't going to find his armor in here, but he would find a couple of things he could use. Kaiden picked out a vest that was used by engineers to hold tools and gear, and opted it to hold gear and ammo instead.

He quickly made his way back over to Ijaat, where he had told him he could find ammo. Kaiden made it a point to pick up his shotgun on the way over. No use for shells without a gun. He promptly took Ijaat up on his offer, loading up on shotgun shells like he loaded up on painkillers and booze. He rubbed his head, ignoring the withdrawal symptoms again. He needed to be more focused, but it was getting progressively harder and harder. He racked the final shell into the shotgun, and chambered a round. He turned to Ijaat, nodding his head. Didn't have much to say to the kid, didn't really need to say anything.

He marched back over to [member="Anija Ordo"], who might have been nursing a worse headache than he had."We need to do anything else here?"
Location: Main bridge
Objective: Lock down the bridge, prepare for counter boarding.
Who: [member="Anija Ordo"] - [member="Kana Truden"] [member="Kian Karr"]

[ This is Commander Blake, what is your status over? ]

Chloe's voice would rock through the overcomm. At least until she got the counter boarding notification.


"Lock down this bridge." she said, taking her weapon out to double check the power supply and set it to stun. She didn't believe in blasters in a ship, so she used a weapon that was more of a stun paddle than anything else.

"Alright... let's see who decided to come play."
[member="Anija Ordo"] | [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Kaiden Rohn"] | [member="Ijaat Akun"]
Where: Engineering
Objective: Fix the damn display

Kana quickly turned around at the sound of comms being used. Was this thing working after all? She flipped the switch yet nothing happened. A strange look made it’s way for Anija as she reported to the captain. The comms seemed to work somewhat, so what was that switch for? She knelt down and opened the hatches for maintenance. A quick inspection was enough. The systems were stable with the exception to a few broken wires here and there. Nothing a little soldering could fix.

It was as good of a reason as any this writer could come up with to make Kana actually do something anyway.

A quick reach for the toolbox and Kana was hard at work. Her head perked up to see where the switch she played around with was. A quick comparison had her rolling her eyes. The wires to said switch were torn. Her hand reached out for the wires as she tried her best to figure what went where. Wire for wire she eventually built herself a pretty good idea of what it was she had to do.

After soldering the appropriate cables together she stood up once more. Her hand reached out for the button. Moment of truth, what did it do? She touched the plastic cover. Her finger gently pushed through and activated the button and a fluorescent light flicked up in Kana’s face. It was the screen switch. It controlled the information screen.

A message blinked in front of her eyes and a pulsing little bloop made itself heard.

<<‘System maintenance required.’>>

“Yes, but where?” And how?

Kana sighed in frustration and looked over to Anija. Kana could help with that headache, possibly, but there were others nearby more capable at that sort of thing. Her only experience so far had been minor wounds such as splinters and small pricks of needles. No, for now she could simply kneel down by the console again and continue her adventure into learning ship repairs.

Now, those cracks in the metal... Were they supposed to be there? Hmmm, no, they definitely shouldn’t be there...
Who: [member="Kitt Solo"] [member="Catherine Romanov"] [member="Khaleel Malvern"](I think.)
What: Head to communications room.
Where: Enemy Hangerbay

Flint reached for his comm, but Kitt was already on it so he quickly stashed it back into his pocket. His blaster fired a few more rounds before he had to switch powerpacks and reload. There were an insufferable amount of droids however.

"Nothing at first. We tried to find his medical file, look through his stuff, figure something out and came up empty handed. Until I decided to send a letter to his sweetheart asking about him. Pretty much told her that we were trying to get Johnny drunk and couldn't do it. Lucky for us she was all for playing a joke on him." He said as she rolled from cover with a grace and quickness that wasn't just practiced, but used enough that she was comfortable with in live fire. Flint whistled. Would you look at that. As if a bit distracted it took him a second before he leaned over cover, took a few more shots, and got back to his story.

"She tells us that he's some not human. Heck, he's not even a mammal. He's some weird species called a Zelosian, that look like people but they're really plants. Alcohol doesn't do a dang thing to 'em, but sugar?" Flint said with a devlish grin. "Sugar'll mess 'em up."


The sound of laser cannons echoed throughout the hangerbay as Flint ducked to the screeching sound. Looking up he saw a few squads of droids severely fraged by laser cannons. Neither Kitt, nor him, nor the rest of the Baobab's crew were in the crossfires though. Not bad shooting at all. The dropship the firing came from quickly landed and Flint and Kitt were joined by one mock-saluting Catherine Romanov. A smile crossed Flint's face. Almost had the band back together.

"Welcome back Cat." He said as she fired a few shots. Flint leaned over cover to take a few more shots himself before seeing a cat-like man with his hands raised emerge from the hallway. Though of a larger frame his body was smaller than it should have been, his clothes ragged, worn, and marked only with a number. Behind him the sight of other men and women in similar 'uniform' could be seen, but they hid just far enough to be able to run from Flint and Jorus's other men if necessary.

"Su cuy'gar. Coopani gaan?" The Cathar spoke to Flint and the rest of the Baobab's crew. Flint recognized the dialect enough to know it was Mandalorian, but not to translate it. He looked at Catherine.

"This is all you Cat." He said, and kept his weapon low, not trying to threaten. If these men where who he thought he were he had no fight with them. Only their captors.

Catherine Romanov

Who: [member="Flint Michigan"] [member="Kitt Solo"] [member="Khaleel Malvern"]
What: Stay alive
Where: Enemy Hangar Bay

As Catherine began to approach the lead Cathar, she recognised the language that was used to greet them. But words were one thing, tone another. Hearing that, she knew that there was more than what appeared to be. She knew that these Cathar had been around for ages, probably even remembered the great Battle of Cathar of old. How they even lived this long, she had no idea. These survivors must have fled the genocide of the race and eventually ended up being captured and enslaved by the SIth Empire of old.

Glancing around, her wandering gaze hidden by her helmet, she scanned the surrounding group of Cathar. Their fingers gripped tightly around their weapons, blaster rifles, pistols and other assortment of weapons in their hands. Judging by their stance and posture, they sure didn't look like they were attempting to make peace. Her insuit computer thought likewise, marking the group as "HOSTILE"

And her being the lone Mandalorian out here, she must have looked like a big fat juicy target of revenge for them right here. Speaking in a private channel into Flint and Kitt's comlink, she said "Guys...I don't think they intend to make peace."
Location: Science Bay
Objective: Move out
Who: [member="Viktor Romanov"]

"Aye, Captain," the Epicanthix responded back to [member="Jorus Merrill"] as he informed him and the rest of the Science Team of where they could retrieve samples with a higher chance of not running into hostiles. He assumed that the Captain ordered the Science Team to go fetch a sample by themselves was because of the boarding parties that the security team had to deal with. He couldn't blame that order. If they were to lose this ship and have it overrun by Imperials then it would be the equivalent of losing your base and be alone until aid could arrive to your side.

Zalgo looked up at the overseer of the Science Team when he asked the amateur alchemist that if he was good with a sword. "Do you have one by any chance?" Asking the scientist for a sword, though not directly. If he were to interpret it in a different angle then he would know what Zalgo meant by his question. And he would need it now, for when he stepped outside of the ship there would be no turning back to get something they forgot to pack.
Who: [member="Kitt Solo"] [member="Catherine Romanov"] [member="Khaleel Malvern"](I don't know why I even tag you anymore)
What: Try not to get attacked
Where: Hanger Bay

Note to self. Security cannot diplomacy.Flint thought to himself. They didn't look friendly sure, but they didn't look like Sith either. His theory was captive mandalorians, some people to smith and mine the Beskar for the Old Sith Empire, and it's remnants. They looked angry, but broken. Defensive. As if everyone they saw was a potential aggressor, just another Sith to take the reigns over what was largely their slavery.

"Back up." Flint said to his squad, or rather the squad that was in his drop ship. Their commander looked at him a bit skeptically and Flint replied with a bit of a shooing motion. They backed up slowly but kept their weapons raised. Flint likewise backed up, and the Cathar leader stared him down.

"May we leave?" The Cathar asked, but the growling tone of his voice he could tell that really wasn't the question at hand. Really he was asking Are we gonna have to fight you for it. Flint turned around and motioned to the two Ruisto class shuttles.

"On any ship but those two." Flint said, and the Cathar looked at him, the rest of Flint's crew, and the rest of the adventure's hiree's. Slowly he motioned for the rest of the Cathar to follow him and went down the path with their weapons raised and eyes open. They slowly packed into S90 MAAT's with the hardier prisoners lingering by the door, watching the Baobab's explorers until everyone was loaded up and they took off. Flint let off a deep sigh of relief and pulled up his commlink. Wasn't sure if [member="Jorus Merrill"] could hear him or not on the other end, but he needed to say something.

"Captain Merrill this if Flight Officer Michigan. Three MAAT's have just left the west hangerbay. Do not engage, repeat, do not engage, MAAT's are carrying former mandalorian prisoners."

Kitt Solo

Alen Na'Varro's Ex
[member="Flint Michigan"] [member="Catherine Romanov"]

The way was clear and she took the opportunity to head further in, even if the squad was a little slow to follow her. After all, they were still covering the Captain. She would take the chiding about going off on her own later. Right now, she had a job to do.

She had the coordinates to where the jamming signal was coming from and she followed them.

Blaster ready, she stopped outside the fifth door down the hall. The door swished open and she quickly stepped inside. It seemed abandoned. "F-i-n-a-l-l-y, a break," she breathed and moved over to the back wall counsel. Kneeling down, she put her blaster on the floor. Taking out her hydrospanner from the tool-belt she popped open the base panel and wedged herself halfway inside.

With a few sparks and Corellian curses, she cut the transmission of the jammer while keeping the other parts usable. There were a few parts she had her eye on for the Captain's ship and those coolant systems.

A sharp tap on her thigh caused her head to hit the top, inside of the panel cubby. She bit back a curse as a gruff and reptilian sounding voice met her ears. "Get out slowly with your hands up, schutta scum."
Jorus Merrill said:
[member="Jaani Doosun"]
"Nice work, Mr. Doosun. Rendezvous with Master [member="Jericho"] and Commander [member="Spencer Jacobs"] on Deck Twelve, port. Internal sensors are picking up a new incursion. Our security forces are stretched pretty tight; we'll need all hands on deck for this."
"Understood!" Janni replied. With a click his shield retracted back into a small frame and he hung it across his back. He kept a fletchette pistol in his hand, but clicked the safety down. He wasn't the best with pistols and blasters, and if he fired a fletchette round into the deck, they were liable to bounce all over the place and rip him to shreds.

Port, port, which was was port? The Gungan strode over to a map of the ship, mounted to a bulkhead. Damned thing didn't display which way was which. It took him a few seconds to even realise this. He hadn't started to learn basic writing and aurabesh until a few months ago, and currently had the reading age of an average human six year old. Fortunately, when he looked at his datapad, he saw that the locations of the breaches were marked.

The gungan warrior headed for a turbolift. Anyone who came near would hear him mumbling under his breath: "Port is left, port is left."
[member="Kitt Solo"]

"That ended decently." Flint said as he turned, to find his Mechanic gone. Poofed. Vanished. Deciding talking to himself wasn't the best of pursuits he headed down the hall, blaster ready for whatever might be around the corner. The squad of soldiers divided as the routes branched off, trying to secure positions here or there but Flint headed specifically to the Comm Jammer co-ordinates with two other squadmates on his tail. He eventually came to his target room, finding a hulking tailed reptile in his way. Barabel maybe, but whatever it was it was it was talking loud and making threats.

"You'd do well to follow your own advice Sithscales." Flint said, blaster trained on the reptile. It turned around with more speed than he'd have given a reptile credit for and let a shot out on the man next to him. He went down but Flint and the other squadmates blasted the creature. It's hide went black and the smell of charred meat began to wade but it just charged forward at them, aiming another shot as it did so.

"Kriff." Flint said and began backpedaling as he took another shot, up towards the beast's shoulder. Flint and Sithscales got their shots off at the same time, Sithscales taking down Flint's other squadmate and Flint disarming. It screamed in hissing fashion but didn't let it's charge stop, tackling Flint and putting him on the ground. One scaled arm over his torso, the other over his left arm as the beast lowered it's neck and tried to chomp with it's fangs. Flint let out a right hook and began trying to sock the creature in the eye.

He made a note to get a bigger blaster.

Kitt Solo

Alen Na'Varro's Ex
[member="Flint Michigan"]

Hopefully [member="Jorus Merrill"] would see that all comms were back online, while they dealt with a barabel. Rubbing her sore head, she yanked herself free from inside the panel box. She managed to pop to her feet, seeing the confirmed barabel about ready to bite her Captain's throat out.

The force fueled her muscles as she sprinted for them. He was too entangled with Flint to try a force push or force shield.

"Son of a...," she tackled the lizard's back, arms wrapping around his throat and pulling up. Leg's wrapped around his torso. He tried to buck her off but she held on tight.

"Flint! Knock him out ple---," she yelped as the barabel regained his feet and pushed away from Flint, ramming his back and her into the wall behind him. He growled as he hit his own tail.

She saw stars.

With another jerk and twist of his torso, her significantly loosened grip left his neck and she flew across the room.
[member="Kitt Solo"]

Flint continued to punch at the barabel's face until he saw a woman, perhaps a hundred and thirty pounds at best, straight charge and tackle the lizard, wrapping arms around it's throat and legs around it's torso. There was something to be said about jealousy or trying to jump on himself later but Flint couldn't figure out what it was. Those reptilian fangs were simply far too distracting.

"Workin on it!" Flint screams at Kitt as she starts to tell him to knock it out as he lays a few quick punches into the barabel's stomach, his knuckles scratching against the hard scale hide of the beast as if he was punching permacrete. As the Barabel came up and began backpedelling Flint decided it was time for another approach and scrambled for his blaster. Flint heard a growl, and turned to see Kitt flying in the air.

"Kitt!" He screamed, but for the moment the barabel warranted his attention. Growling and charging it came at him and Flint fired at it's chest once, twice, thrice before it finally went down. He probably should have examined the body and made sure it was dead, but his first thought was to head over to his Mechanic.

"Kitt, are you alright?" He asked, trying to shake her awake. She may have needed him, but she didn't need him most. Not yet.

Kitt Solo

Alen Na'Varro's Ex
[member="Flint Michigan"]

"But I dun wanna go to school. Can't I just work in the shop with you. Ma will never," eyes opened and struggled to focus, seeing two blurry Flints looking down at her. "Hey. Flint. Flint!"

She pushed herself to a seated position and winced.

"Okay, there's just one of you now. I think I'm fine. Are you okay?" Looking over her captain's shoulder she saw the motionless body if the barabel. "Nice job on Mister Scales."

She winced as she went to stand. The room swayed a little and she instinctively reached out to Flint for support. She was starting to get too old for this @@&$.

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