Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Deep Black Sea II: By the Pitiless Stars (sign up or ask)

Location: Science Bay
Objective: SCIENCE!!!!!!!!!

Word had come down to Viktor that an assistant had been assigned to him following the impact, but it had not disturbed him. So long as this new guy respected Viktor and his authority, he would get along without any major lacerations. As soon as the assistant entered the room and acknowledged his entrance without a word, just a mild nod. At that time Viktor opened up the man's file in his eye implant to see what this man specialized in.

[member=Zalgo Baal]
[member="Kana Truden"] | [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Mia Monroe"] | [member="Jorus Merrill"]

Location: Engineering
Objective: Assess the situation and facilitate repairs

Slowly, Anija opened her eyes. The left side of her face hurt. As on the last mission, she had brought along her beskar'gam. As she sat up, she realized two things: One, that the padding in her helmet had saved her from some rather lovely facial injuries. But, she had still hit the panel quiet forcefully. Hence the tender areas of her face. And two: That her crash webbing had done pretty much the same thing. Whatever it was they hit - her thought trailed off at he Captain's shipwide message. Well, that was going to complicate a few things.

Well, what she was hearing was a recording of the message. Helpfully played by Anne. Sometimes, Anija had an overwhelming urge to pull the wiring free from the ANNE module. But, logic won out. ANNE was extremely helpful when it came to solving engineering issues. That was afterall, what she had been specifically designed for. She was, then fulfilling her purpose. With a muttered curse, Anija sat up slowly and took a moment to take stock of herself. She had what was probably a minor concussion. But right now, it was more important to make sure the ship was still spaceworthy.

As she sat up and got her bearings, the chatter around her began to register. From the few snippets she caught, they were already working to resolve the issue of the jamming beacon. As it was, Anija had been working at a main systems console, =keeping an eye on things as they trundled along the edge of Wild Space. That was, until the collision had knocked her cold for a couple minutes. Now, she was trying to play catch up. Kana and Kian had both been hard at work, from the sound of things. "Keep up the work on locating the jammer..." she said after a moment. "And I'll see about geting a couple small teams out to check the hull damage. From the diagnostics, there is some, but it's difficult to tell how bad."

For now, she turned back to her panel and did just that, sending text only messages to the consoles of the other engineers. Once she'd done that, she carefully drafted a message and tried to send it to one Mia Monroe. Anija hadn't seen the woman for weeks, really. And when she'd seen the crew roster, her eyebrows had gone up. Maybe they could meet up and talk, if time allowed.

[[OOC: sorry for the long wait, I was out of town for the weekend and didn't have reliable internet for posting]]
Location: Engineering
Friends: [member="Anija Ordo"], addiction.
Objective: Repel boarders

What a fool I am, to get involved in this madness.

Then again, I am my own demons.

The colors were shifting. He felt himself getting sweaty in his arms and the shaking of his muscles. Alcohol withdrawal would follow soon. He needed a fix, but that'd come later. Right now, he had people to protect and a job to do. Be that as it may, he realized that the job was not exactly what he had signed on for. Then again, the thin dotted line where he had signed his soul away for a while never seemed to be what he signed on for. He usually ended up getting the short, broken end of the stack that someone had used a large piece of sandpaper to file down before giving it to him. Time and time again, his luck ran out like his friends and all the girls who said they'd still be there in the morning.

What a charmed life.

He was quiet when he snuck around, and spotted [member="Anija Ordo"] going to work. A pretty young girl with more brains than he had, he had to respect her for her craft and expertise in the subject matter of ships and how to make them run. As far as he knew, ships ran on oil, magic, and some guy at the front pushing a button. Which, there may have been some truth to that. He approached her quietly, tapping the wall near her, and crouching beside her, checking the area.

"Rohn. Security detail."

Wearing only a tank top, a shoulder holster, and a pair of cargo pants, he certainly didn't look like the knight in shining armor. His muscular arms grasped the shotgun just a bit tighter knowing everyone else had body armor, and he didn't.

"Ermec sent me."

Confirming his identity was crucial, especially to his survival. He knew Mandalorians liked to pack heat wherever they could. That, and he didn't exactly want to get beaten to death with any nearby tool that the poor girl might have had lying around.

"I'm your go-to guy for shooting and hurting for the moment, miss."
Location: Engineering
Objective: Locate source of jamming
Allies: [member="Anija Ordo"] - [SIZE=14.3999996185303px][member="Chloe Blake"] - [member="Kana Truden"] - @Jorus Merril[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.3999996185303px]Kian grumbled to himself as he heard his name being called out over the system. He hated interruptions. His hands flew over the console, moving as rapidly as he could. The calculations were almost complete. With a chirp the diagnostics completed and a series of [/SIZE]probabilities[SIZE=14.3999996185303px] displayed before him. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.3999996185303px]"Likeliest location of the jamming device is," Kian brought up the map and pinged a location on the map, "here."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.3999996185303px]"There is a 84% likelihood that this is where the jamming device is," Kian said, running a hand over his forhead, "that is the best probability I can give you with most of our systems down." Kian said, happy that the probability had even come out that high. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.3999996185303px]"It appears to be in a crater on the far side of the asteroid." Kian turned to [member="Kana Truden"] and [member="Anija Ordo"], "Either one of you care to confirm my calculations?" Kian asked, not in the least bit sarcastically. While as a Jedi, Kian often followed his instincts, in work such as this Kian preferred to have all calculations double and triple checked. He was nothing if not methodical. [/SIZE]
After fainting in the middle of a field, plagued with tall grass; Jericho awoke. he couldn't find the energy to pull himself up so he stopped trying and laid there looking at the stars above him. He felt as though he was dying, but his mind flattered with thought of beings he knew not of yet felt attachment to them. A time had passed from the time he felt the first sign of an illness. Blood was coursing through his throat when he coughed, now it was fainting all of a sudden. He knew her time would come soon enough, the pain was just too much to bare anymore.

Water trickled over her face, tears rolled down his face only to be camouflaged by the rain. His heart was breaking and the heavens were acknowledging it. Lightning cracked through the skies and thunder began to engulf his ears. It was painful to say the least, but he needed to save his energy to be able to breath. He watched the rain fall onto the dry soil and nourish the ground once more. His point of view changed as he was in his own body once more looking down at the body in pain. He felt her pain as though as it were his own, this continual pain. The giant of a man took a knee and lightly touched the top of her head with three fingers.

"Shield my pain, my suffering. Shroud my existence in a dark veil and give my soul the peace it deserves." She said with all the energy she could muster upon herself. She could almost feel death's presence strike it's cruel stare upon her weakened form. A strong urge to cough emerged from her mouth and blood spewed out into the air. "Let my....soul a safe haven. Please just give me some peace." She cried out. The life was leaving her more rapid than she had expected, but she was still alive and feeling every painful breath.

He forced her eyes shut hoping the lights will leave her pupils. The pain was too much for her to deal with, but the more she tried to pray for the end; the more the pain had worsened. The images of two more women plagued his mind. Her emotions were ravaging her body as she started to feel nothing. It wasn't death's embrace, but the conflicting emotions she felt left her with nothing.

"Let my existence be forgotten like it should have been. The earth shall hide the evidence, and the shadows will hide the truth." She said. She never thought she would speak those words, but now anything was possible. She could sit here for hours, maybe days to be tortured and ridiculed by death's gruesome voice.

"Anyone from the medical staff check in, where are you located?"

The sounds of the new commander's voice echoed through his ear, instantly his eye opened wide and his body in a cold sweat. He rubbed the top of head and breathed heavily, realizing this he placed a hand to cover his mouth and maintained himself. In and out, slow and steady. After a moment he calmed his himself and took a moment to look around. His locker, his bed, his personal quarters. This recurring dream of his he continually became more and more vivid every time it came. The face of the woman etched into his mind, the first person he tried to save through his healing that went wrong.

He clenched his fist tightly, his teeth grinding from his own failure; realizing he was losing composure once more he took a breath before turning on his comm. "This is Jericho reporting in, Commander [member="Rianna be Ar'klim"]." He said as he stood up and putting his equipment then fasting on his battle breathing mask. "I am in my personal quarters. Is my assistance needed?"
Who: [member="Khaleel Malvern"] [member="Kitt Solo"] [member="Catherine Romanov"]
What: Board ASAP, kill sithies on the way
Where: Spaaaaaaaace

Flint's ship swerved at an Energy Torpedo fired by a vulture droid, missing it far too close for his liking. He'd dodged stuff like that before, but that was back in an old XA-5, much more maneuverable than this barge. Kitt fired some shots, taking down two fighters. No, three after the downed fighters swerved into another. A smile crossed his face. Shots weren't half bad.

"What are you talking about? Now's the best time for stories." He said as she let out some more shots, clearing more fighters in front of them. The ships shook a bit as the debris hit them, their shields stopping them from enduring any particularly nasty damage. On the edge of his viewscreen he could see Catherine taking out some turrets and getting to land inside the facility. They were making good progress.

"If she's boarding on that dock we should head to the one on the east side. Cover more ground." He said, as he headed over to the other side of the asteriod, trying to avoid turret and blasterfire as he went. Mostly successfully as it happened, but that wasn't to say the ship didn't rock a bit here or there.

"So, I enlist into the military right? Was fifteen at the time, Republic thought I was eighteen, and didn't know what the hell I was doing, cept trying to get out of Nar Shadda. They put me through this test and that and I end up in flight school. Everyone in training school ends up with a wingmate, and I end up with one human named Johnny Oak." Flint says, lining up shotsd. "Long brown hair. Real naturey fellah. Even managed to sneak a plant into school and take care of it. Could never figure out if his name was real or not." Flint began as he kept bringing the ship towards the other dock, it coming into sight. All they needed to do was clear a way in.
His eyes slowly blinked open. Almost immediately Jaani wished he’d stayed down and out. It took him a moment to gain orientation and realise where he was and how much pain he was in. “Oie, mesa gonna break dat hisan,” he murmured, reverting to gunganese. He recalled walking through the narrow corridors, ducking under another bulkhead too low for his seven foot frame. There’d been a crash, he’d stood up straight and…yes that’d be the pain at the top of his head. He reached up and gingerly felt the lump forming there, before wiping his damp eyes. That stung.

Was Jorus Merrill just a dreadful navigator? He’d heard quite the opposite. Why had he let [member="Mrrew"] talk him into another venture?

He tentatively regained his footing, before stretching out his shoulders and nearly hitting his head again. He’d been out cold in a particularly awkward position. He unclipped his comm unit and thumbed open a link to Mrrew, his line manager for this little excursion.

“What is going on boss?” he asked, in carefully clipped tones. He was beginning to get the hang of speaking basic without the pidgin slang of the gungans. The lights were out, only red emergency lighting on this corridor, casting long and deep shadows. Last time he’d been stabbed shortly after this had happened. Fething Jorus Merrill.
She let her eyes fall back to the piece of equipment on her workbench and couldn’t help wondering how she of all people got put onto engineering duty. Computers and a broken robotic leg prosthesis, now that was what she was good at. Heavy machinery and spaceships, not so much. Not that she had ever gotten the chance to really try it either, so to discount her skills within the area at this stage felt unnecessary and stupid.

Kian called out for the Engineering team to come double check his readings. Kana being who she was jumped at the opportunity to look at a computer or console, even if just for a little while. With eager footsteps she made way for ‘Lieutenant’ [member="Kian Karr"] and set her eyes on the console.

“Now you triangulated… And you… Hmm…” Her elbow was lifted towards her chest and her hand rested against her chin and mouth as she tried to think on it. “You also… Hmm... “

“Well, it looks - to me - like you did a pretty good job at it.Kana motioned in a circle around the spot Kian had suggested. As long as whatever team sent out to find and destroy this jamming device can keep their eyes open and search around the area rather than using this data thinking we've pinpointed an exact location I’d say we have a good chance of getting rid of it.”

“Though Anija should probably take a look at it just for good measure.” A sudden realization dawned on her. “No wait! I mean, Lieutenant-Commander [member="Anija Ordo"]. No wait, Lieutenant Or-... Ugh, just forget it.”

Titles was important to some people, and they weren’t exactly on a complete first name basis just yet. Kana shot a half-apologetic look over at her superior. Military people had a tendency in particular to not enjoy having their rank forgotten. At least that’s what experience told her.
While boarding parties were sent to the asteroid and enemies figured out ways to board the Boabab, Mrrew was going through the weapons he'd brought. He decided to leave his Chiru rifle behind, they probably wouldn't need to capture many alive. The Togorian smiled as he pulled the shotgun @Jorus Merill had given him out of the chest. Perfect for clsoe quarters- which meant perfect for fighting off boarding enemies in ship corridors. Mrrew grabbed several packages of the various types of custom amuunition, and tucked it all away in his bodo bass gunbelt. He placed his oversized Fett Kal tranch knife on one of the lops of his bandoleir, before standing from the chest. Next priority: Help whoever was responsible for getting any and all Imperial soldiers off the Boabab.

Then his comlink buzzed. Were the comm frequencies back up? Odd. However, he awnsered and heard the familiar voice of Jaani Dosun on the other end. He noticed it was getting easier to understand the Gungan. Was he getting better as Basic, or was Mrrew just beginning to get used to his unique way of talking? The Togorian shrugged. "Old Sith Empire base, based on an asteroid, possible Mandalorian prisoners. They're not that inviting of guests." That pretty much summed it up. After a moment's pause, Mrrew spoke again. "Where are you?"

[member="Jaani Doosun"]

Fan-fething-tastic, Jaani thought to himself. Well at least he hadn’t been gassed and left in zero-g with a bucket of…Perhaps this was a better situation.

“I’m at sector gee-one, floor three,” he replied tentatively. At least he wasn’t too far from quarters. He wasn’t security, so had no excuse for walking around the ship armed. Looking at a map on the wall he traced his route back to his quarters to arm himself. He wasn’t far. “Do you know if da turbolifts workin’?” he added.
The Admiralty
Who: [member=Catherine Romanov], [member=Flint Michigan], [member=Kitt Solo]
Where: Crowd-control

I ain’t the best in the business when it came to flying, Vaud would probably outfly me with his eyes closed and hands trapped behind his back. But I wasn’t here to show off, I was here to make sure my guys were safe and sound while they were transporting the troops off to the asteroid base. Only thing that mattered really, and so that was what I did.

Moment my fighter took off I felt that same surge of freedom I felt every time when I got into space. I closed my eyes and felt every bolt in the fighter, the durasteel frame holding me inside and the cold vacuum biting into it - felt it all and then I snapped my eyes open, doing a wide roll, evading incoming fire.

They were eager to start a fight? I’d give ‘em a fight.

Squeezed the trigger twice, thrice, four times and bam, one less fighter to worry about.

Thunderin’ Nexu, got a bogey on your six. I will handle it, over.’ I spoke over the commlink to Flint’s ship, before thundering off into the fold again, striking down upon them with great vengeance and furious anger who would try and destroy my brothers.

Who: [member="Kaiden Rohn"] | [member="Kana Truden"] | [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Chloe Blake"]
Location: Engineering
Objective: Repair stuff, find the jammer

The voices around her faded to a low murmur as Anija focused on her work. Those who knew her were well-versed in her work habits. So, she wasn't overly surprised when Kian and Kana both asked her for input and advice. Not that she minded it, really. She did enjoy their fresh perspective. She continued with her work for the moment, pulling off her helmet after a few moments and clipping it to her belt. Her head ached, but she tried to focus past it. Feth, [member="Rianna be Ar'klim"] would probably yell at her later. That gave Anija a bit of chuckle at the thought.

Rianna had married [member="Ordo"] a few years ago now... and well, the two were perfect for each other. A slight smile touched Anija's face as she thought about it. Initially, Anija hadn't been too enamored of the idea... but she had to admit that she'd grown rather fond of the woman over the years. Especially over the last few months. Teta. The events there and just before still left a dry, sour taste in her mouth. Because of what had happened, and what her own anger at the situation had caused her to do.

With a heavy sigh, Anija rested her forehead on the heel of her hand for a moment and squeezed her eyes shut as she tried to breathe out the anxiety. It helped... some. But not completely. She was still shaken by other more recent events for it to work totally. Silently, Her right hand curled into a fist. Feth, it still felt as if a giant Ordo-shaped hole had been ripped in her chest. She knew he wasn't dead. The Force told her that much. But he was certainly...diminished. She barely felt him now. And one man was the cause. Her fist tightened, her gloved fingers clenching and unclenching for a moment or two. She knew hatred could lead her down the same path Ordo had walked mere weeks before. But for Strider Garon to do such a thing to the man whom she considered her father with no warning... and no trial was unforgivable in her eyes.

It was about this time that a firm knock on the bulkhead next to her shook Anija from her own thoughts. She looked up to find an older man standing slightly to her right. A brief visual scan told told her two things: One: that the man seemed a bit... distracted by something. And Two: That he meant business. His demeanor and attire told her that. Her helmet clicked against her thigh plate for a moment as she turned towards him. Her gaze searched his face for a moment longer before she nodded and gripped his wrist in a warrior's grip. "Glad to have you, Mr. Rohn..." she said firmly, releasing the grip after a moment. "Right now, we're working on triangulating the location of the jamming beacon... Though it sounds like they might have found it." she said with a glance towards Kian and Kana.

Then she looked back towards Kaiden. "What we need right now... is to make sure no boarders breach Engineering as we work on repairs. I've sent out a couple four man teams to assess and begin repairs on some of the areas near the impact zones. Initial damage assessments say there were some minor hull breaching at the main impact site. Otherwise, damage appears to be minimal." She sighed for a moment and rubbed two fingers along the bridge of her nose. "Me, I'm going to double check KIan's numbers." She shrugged slightly, both at him, and Kana's stumbling over her title. A glance at the younger woman across the room, and she tried to smile reassuringly.

"Ms. Truden..." She called out to the young woman as she pushed to her feet. "You needn't worry about my rank. You can simply call me 'Ma'am' or 'Ms. Ordo' if you like. Feth, even Chief if you like. No need to get overly formal." She chuckled a bit. "A military woman I might be, but sometimes a break from that is nice." She reached out for a moment to rest her hand on the woman's shoulder in what she hoped was a reassuring gesture before she leaned over a bit to take a look at Kian's screen. A few moments to look them over was all she needed. He knew what he was doing, it appeared. And if his sense in the Force told her anything, it told her that he was confident. Not to the point of being overly cocky, though. That was something she liked. What he thought of her in that regard, she wasn't sure, nor did she much care at the moment. What mattered more was getting the karking ship fixed.
Location: Engineering
Friends: [member="Anija Ordo"] and impending sense of demise
Objective: Boarder repelling

The young Mandalorian called him Mr. Rohn. What a way to make him feel older. At the ripe age of 30, Kaiden wasn't exactly looking well. He looked tired and stressed out. The beard wasn't for style, it was because of a lack of grooming over several days that eventually turned into a style. He blinked at Anija, before nodding. He had no idea what she was doing, but he had plenty of ideas of what he was doing. He heard the boarders, Imperial marines coming to take over house and home. He blinked, and pulled the shotgun upwards towards his shotgun.

"Stay down and do what you do."

Kaiden moved towards the corner, clearing it with the shotgun barrel greeting one unfortunate Imperial marine with it's version of hello, which involved a high-powered scattergun blast to the chest. He went flying, bits of his organs slamming backwards against the bulkhead. He turned the shotgun forwards again, aiming it another marine. And then, Kaiden stepped out from the corner. Time was still moving for everyone else, but Kaiden had spent enough years fighting and enough shooting to be comfortable out of cover. He pumped shell after shell to the approaching marines, until a squad had fallen victim to the viciousness of his scattergun.

The tell tale clicking sound told him that his gun was empty and he didn't have anything to feed it.

Kaiden removed his sidearm, diving around a separate corner to catch the enemy by surprise and pump him full of laser. Surprisingly, the marine being pumped full of laser didn't appreciate it much, and responded with curses and screams. More poor souls being thrown towards the Havoc squad commander, only to die. He could never go anywhere or do anything without leaving a trail of bodies and failed ventures and sins. He was like a bulldozer trying to sneak through a forest. The more he tried to be careful, the more he destroyed.

And yet, the aging commander found himself pushing himself further, with no real goal and no real end in sight. Mainly because suicide was never really his deal, but also because he kept lying to himself and that he'd find something to live for.

So far-

he hadn't found any real luck.
Who: [member="Anija Ordo"] | [member="Kian Karr"] (is nearby) | [member="Kaiden Rohn"] (was nearby)
Location: Engineering
Objective: Be useless for just a bit longer

The reassurance worked. The smile made it all better when mixed with the pat on the shoulder. Even if it was just to say that the usage of titles wasn’t as big of a deal as Kana had thought it to be she still appreciated the support. A smile of her own formed and in return Kana bowed her head as a thank you.

“Got it, ... Chief.” She laughed, quietly. “If you want to you may simply call me Kana, most people do.She let the silence linger for a bit before letting herself go back to the business at hand. I'll be at my workbench if you need me.”

And with that she was off to find something to do. Kana wandered back to her workbench and tried to remember what it was she had been doing before. Maybe her head had taken more of a hit than she could remember. There was a broken piece of equipment in front of her but the memories of what it was or where she got it from escaped her.

She placed her forearm and elbow on the table in front of her and tried to remember where she had been and what she had done. Hand conveniently reaching up to cover her eyes she accepted it’s embrace and soon enough her mind set itself to work. Echoes of the event played out in her mind. The loud warning cries that something was ‘coming right for us’ mixed with voices urging her to brace for impact. A loud thud later and-... Blackout. That was all she could remember. The specifics to her waking up wasn’t really as interesting or noteworthy at all, she had simply gotten up from the floor and placed herself over the very same workbench she was leaning over right now and asked herself the same questions.

A small ‘Huh.’ later and she looked back at Anija and Kian as they ran through his calculations and triangulations together. It would appear Kana hadn’t actually done anything before except keep check of the hardware and made sure they were running as they should. Perhaps it was time to get back to being ‘useful’ once more. She waited for the other two to finish their business before speaking up.

“Ms. Ordo, I’m not sure where you want me around here. Do you know of any crucial parts of the ship that’s in need of repairs?” A droid or a console in need of repairs felt like too much to ask for. Kana shrugged and shook her head. “I'm still not used to these bigger ships, sorry.”
Location: Moving through corridors heading towards impact sites
Who: [member="Jericho"] [member="Nyos Val"]

Rianna was listening to hear the voices of the medical staff on the intercom system seeing how personal communications were still down.

Stopping she took a breath waiting for a break in the traffic. "Jericho, there are boarding parties headed throughout the ship. You need to watch your area and not get captured or killed since their intent has not yet been established. And there is a team that is boarding the asteroid that hit us."

Rianna was trying to think clearly, "[member="Nyos Val"], if you are at the collision site you should accompany the boarding party onto the Asteroid in case they need a medic or there are people on there that need medical attention. [member="Jericho"], if you are in your quarters yes your assistance is needed. I'm going to the impact site to take over for Nyos so he can go with the boarding team, you can replace me at the MedBay. Jericho if the droids can take care of medbay, you can join one of the teams moving around with Security. Get with Chief [member="Ermac Laith"] to see which team could use a medic on hand."

No she wasn't trying to overload the Chief but if Security the main defense against invaders, got hurt they needed to make sure there were people on site to help immediately. Plus those red shirted individuals might need some help.

If the injured at the impact site were taken care of she'd move on to either a Security Team or join the team on the Asteroid.

"Any questions?"

Rianna listened.
Location: Engineering
Friends: [member="Anija Ordo"] | @Kian Kaar | [member="Kaiden Rohn"] | [member="Kana Truden"]
Objective: Boarder repelling

Ijaat had been at his desk going over some reports when the impact clashed. As the announcements came and others arrived, he had been slowly suiting up in his aliit'gam, a stand in suit of armor until he could collect enough beskar and equipment to forge his armor he and Anija had designed. He had a warriors instincts, despite being assigned to engineering. He knew the impact meant, at the least, possible vacuum breach

First the boots, make the toe spike clamp nice and tight, then the shins, knees. Watch the seal on the left gauntlet, it's a little loose and faulty.

As Kaiden arrived, Ijaat seemed to change his mannerism. It was like one dog recognizing another. He didn't bristle, per se, but he straightened and rolled his shoulder from his desk off to the side as he left the helmet to the suit on the table and checked his haymaker shotgun, the sonic weapon humming to life with a shrill whine as he thumbed the triggers back to let it build a full charge, clamping it via mag lock to his backplate.

With a resigned sigh as Kaiden charged, Ijaat followed shortly after the clicking of an empty gun sounded, his helmet snapping into place with a hiss and pop of an environmental lock activating as he breathed stale, scrubbed air and charged forward, the vox on his helmet distorting his voice as he yelled out a loud 'OYA' , motioning for the others to stay back, and began swinging the durasteel dueling saber he had in his hand, flat out beheading or dismembering a few troopers downed on the ground by Kaiden but still drawing breath, before switching to one hand with the saber as he arrived at the side of old soldier blasting away with his sidearm.

There was no greeting to the man. There was no announcement of friendship, He merely planted his feet with a thud of durasteel and leather and let loose with both barrels of his haymaker. There was, at that moment, a loud throaty whoomph and rush of concussive force, and the troopers hit by it stumbled, clutching at heads or guts and some keeling to their knees, none dead, but the small group left stunned quite effectively as he dropped the gun behind his back, the mag-lock clamping it to the armored plating as he began to lay about in brutal, efficient two-handed strokes with the saber.

There was little of his usual elegance that anyone from engineering might expect from how he treated the blade between battles. This was butchers work. This was the bloody tally he was born to collect. As he fought, he began to laugh a throaty rumble, the vox broadcasting it in a tinny report. If one could have seen beneath the visor, they would have found his eyes narrow, the usual expressive honey orbs dead and flat. In truth, the conscious Ijaat and his conscience were miles away inside his own mind, his body given over to the ebb and flow of battle.

Kitt Solo

Alen Na'Varro's Ex
Who: @Khaleel Malvern [member="Flint Michigan"] @Catherine Romanov
What: Board ASAP, peow peow lasers, having interesting conversations with the pilot
Where: Spaaaaaaaace

Some of the tension slowly began to release from her shoulders at his insistence on story-time. When he was finished, she laughed and spared a glance away from the targets to look Flint up and down. "Did you just make that up or is that for real?"

Myrtle-ellipses glanced toward the open-comm. "And I'm glad that kid's on our side."

Her attention was quickly brought back to the bogies as she lined up a few more shots. "And wait a minute." Lips pursed into a frown. "You enrolled in the military when you were fifteen?! You must've been either really ballsy or stupid or both." She flashed him a wink.

Okay, so maybe she didn't have to protect him as much as she thought she did.
Who: [member="Kitt Solo"] [member="Khaleel Malvern"] [member="Catherine Romanov"]
What: Board the Asteroid
Where: Spaaaaaaaace . . . and a hanger bay.

"Copy that Scoundrel, thanks for the assist." He spoke on the comms to the fighter behind him. While the Baobab's comms seemed to be jammed talking with other fighters and shuttles seemed to work just fine.

"Really ballsy, really stupid, or really desperate." Flint said in reply as he headed over to the dock, sending a few concussions missiles at the turrets around them. "Guess which one I was." He said with a grin, before hitting the intercom.

"Prepare for a hot DZ." He said on the intercomm, before turning back to Kitt.

"You can tell me if you think it's true at the end." Flint says as the ship swerves slightly, dodging an outgoing fighter. "Anyways, Johnny, me, a rodian chick, and a givin fellow kind put ourselves into a group. We were friends, and we were all pretty dang good at flying. So we have to take this flight exam five times in flight school, but all of us aced it first go. So the four of us decide to play a game for the rest of the tests. The day of the test we'd all sneak out, get ourselves plastered drunk, and try and figure out which of us could get the best score."

The ship shook a bit as the landing gear hit the steel ground of the Asteroid. Afterwards Flint got out of his chair, pulled his blaster out of his holster, and began heading to the ship's exit, nodding for Kitt to join him. They had a drop zone to secure.
Location: Collision Site
Who: [member="Rianna be Ar'klim"]

Nyos was fixing up the last minor case in the area when Rianna instructed that he accompany the landing group to the asteroids surface. He agreed. They'd need a field medic. He quickly ran to the lift and moved for his bunk. There he'd find his armor and weapons. Nyos grabbed his swords and a pistol, he'd be with more heavily armed troops, there was no need for more offensive gear from him. He was going to have his hands full with medical stuff anyways.

"Rianna, I'm goin to find a way down to the asteroid. There a about a dozen wounded that I patched up at the collision site. Over."

Nyos needed a way down to the asteroid, he'd need a military escort, being that he'd signed up as a medical officer, not a soldier. He'd need to get into contact with the leader of the forces. [member="Jorus Merrill"] was a good start.

"Captain Merrill, what's a cyborg got to do to get a lift to the asteroid around here?"
Who: [member="Kaiden Rohn"] | [member="Kana Truden"] | [member="Ijaat Akun"] | [member="Kian Karr"]
Location: Engineering
Objective: Repair stuff, keep our heads

Anija regarded Kaiden for a moment. He seemed very much to be a man of few words. Which was alright as far as she was concerned. Anija was a woman of action, she preferred to be hands on and jump in and do things that needed to be done. It was part of why she was an engineer. She smiled slightly and gave Kaiden a nod before he turned his attention to the more pressing matter of the Imperial boarders. This ship had been her home for the last few weeks, and she intended to keep it that way until their voyage was concluded.

With that, she turned her attention to Kianfor a few moments, grinning slightly in spite of the slight headache. "Kian, your numbers check out. Let's get that jammer down so we can find out what's going on." She swore under her breath and then rubbed at her head for a moment, trying to ignore the headache.

Pushing away from Kian's panel, she turned back to Kana. A moment to run her fingers through her hair and to gather her thoughts. "Kana, if you could....I'd like you to check on the comm system. I know that the jamming is interfering, but I'd like to find out if the collision damaged anything there..." She could tell that Kana was distracted by something. From Anija's point of view, she seemed a bit...lost. Anija had more noticed it due to the young woman's body language than anything else. At her admission, Anija smiled and griped her shoulder again. "That's alright, I know it's a lot to take in all at once. Why don't you take a look at the comm system? That, and making sure life support are stable are probably the most important things right now..."

She gripped Kana's shoulder again for a moment before reaching up to rub at her own forehead again. She would have to get that looked at... eventually. Shaking her head slightly at herself, Anija swore softly. As she turned back to her own console, movement caught her eye again. There were still Imperial marines trying to enter the Engineering bay, and Kaiden was doing a good job of keeping them at bay.

As that thought crossed her mind, she spotted Ijaat. She had been rather surprised to find him assigned to the Engineering crew. Though, she knew his skills... and his reputation. And, given the current situation, she was glad for the extra muscle. Sure, she could defend herself if necessary, and she was quite good at it, but the odds were a bit steep. That fact alone was why she was very thankful for the presence of both Ijaat and Kaiden. It meant that she, Kana, and Kian could focus on getting the ship functioning again. And that was what mattered. With that in mind, she turned back to her own console, sending messages to her various engineers as they surveyed the damage and repaired what they could. Internal comms were still down, but intercoms worked - which meant that it was highly possible the boarders could have heard everything as well.

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