Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Deep Black Sea II: By the Pitiless Stars (sign up or ask)

Location: Engineering
Buddies: [member="Anija Ordo"] [member="Ijaat Akun"] [member="Kana Truden"]
Baddies: Imperial Boarders

The kid, Ijaat. The kid was doing fine. While Kaiden was a razor, Ijaat was a cleaver. Kaiden worked in precise manners, his shooting skills matching his natural grace in combat. Ijaat, however, applied his skillset like Kaiden applied prescription pills and liquor. Kaiden picked up a fallen marine's pistol, and tucked one into his shoulder holster, and the other into his palm. He dropped the shotgun, as there was no use for it anymore. He was reminded of the symbolism in that, just like how many of his friends or even people he could consider friends threw him away.

Or up and died.

Kaiden and Ijaat were making short work of the aggressors, dropping them like Kaiden dropped metaphors and one liners in his mind.

Kaiden lined up his sidearm with an unfortunate Imperial Marine's head, and let out a round. It cut through the marine's head, and out the other side. Kaiden swiveled, and eventually was right beside Ijaat, and the two men were tearing through the opposition. The Imperial Marines realized that they weren't going to take Engineering, and started to retreat. Kaiden turned and nodded at Ijaat, but didn't say much else. He walked back to Anija, glancing around.

"Pretty sure my buddy and I just pushed them back, or at least, they're stopping for now. Want us to do anything in the meantime?"Kaiden gestured between himself and Ijaat with his sidearm. The Imperial Marines wouldn't take lightly to having a few squads liquified, especially given the circumstances. He knew they'd be back, with how many and what for, he didn't. He also didn't really care that much.

Kitt Solo

Alen Na'Varro's Ex
Who: @Khaleel Malvern Flint Michigan @Catherine Romanov
What: Fireside chats with Flint while peow peow
Where: Hangar on asteroid

"Yup. Sounds about right." She made a face at Flint as she unbuckled the crash webbing and quickly joined his side, MK-2 bolter in hand. She rarely killed. But when it came to potential sith, she knew better.

"Exactly what a bunch of teenagers would do in the military. I bet that chick won, huh?" She winked. Exiting the ship, she quickly flanked Flint, watching his six. No, not in THAT way.

The bolter barked in her hand as she let off an explosive shell round, answering a set of twin kill bolts headed her way from a squadron of sith soldiers behind some supply crates.
Who: [member="November Sinclair"] [member="Mia Monroe"] [member="Ermac Laith"]
What: Repel Boarders
Where: Main airlock!


"Time to go to work then!"

The anger and rage of the soldier man head fed into Lisas matrix, amplifying her dark energy. As the airlocks began to thump with the sounds of intruders cutting through she braced herself, steeling her nerves. The force began to flow through her now as she bounced the angry emotion around, calling up the memory of the time Kezeroth had electrocuted her near to death.

Oh the rage.

Her eyes began to pulsate dark purple hues and a faint aura of force manifested itself, so powerfully, one could almost swear her armor darkened and her frame became bathed in dark hues or purple, black and the blazing emerald circuits of her armor cut through the dark hallway, illuminating it a bit.

"They're almost here." She whispered in the dark. fully in the thralls of the force she let go, this time not controlling it, but letting her conscious surrender and the force controlled her. Dark electrical currents began to dance and crackled between the tips of her black gloved fingers. She lifted both palms, aiming where she sensed they would breakthrough.


The airlock was shaken by high explosives and the secondary door locked shut, cutting off the decompression. She stood facing a squad of twenty armored troopers. They were blind and suddenly confused and that gave Lisa and her comrades the advantage. She growled, unleashing a torrent of crackling streaking bolts across the hallway.

The purple and black bolts spewed forth, splitting and smashing the first row, entrapping them in an inferno of malice and evil. Lisa laughed maniacally as the pulsating force energies grew stronger within her, flowing through her as a conduit and pouring themselves into the stream of lightning.

"Behold the wrath of the Ticons!"

Burning flesh and melting armor permeated the ozone of the room, forcing it's way into her nostrils. Screeches of terror rang out and the first row fell backwards, pushed hard and burning alive under he onslaught. The second row knelt, aiming their weapons in a counter strike.

Lines of blue particle beams and crimson beams began to fill the hall, painting a violent scene of death, aimed for the group...
Location: Engineering
Friends: [member="Anija Ordo"] | [member="Kaiden Rohn"] | [member="Kana Truden"]
Objective: Finish repelling boarders to Engineering.

Ijaat watched the old soldier turn back and hesitated barely a second. The second was used to pick up a sidearm and begin turning it over in his hands, a critical eye on it as he fell into squad-step with Kaiden almost naturally. Three steps behind and to the right, one handed holding the sidearm of the dead marine, the other resting on his dueling sword at his hip, riding it almost naturally. The step was used by an adjutant trailing a squad commander. Ijaat didn't even notice his stride and pace match the man... Training had taken over as his mind evaluated the gun in his hand.

He let the man speak for a moment as he let the adrenaline rush of combat flee, and his senses return to him. The pistol was definitely the right issue, and type. But it had seen almost too much use. Too many repairs, and hasty and ill planned ones. There was tell tale scraping, gouging, and more. He'd have to strip it apart to fully confirm, but this particular weapon fit what he saw on the other pieces. A non professional repair and cleaning. Either these marines were hideously undertrained, or undersupplied. Either way proper repairs wouldn't be easy to find. And there was little evidence of undertraining in combat, but it was clear they had reached their limit trying to maintain their own guns.

He voiced as much to Anija and Kaiden, clearing his throat as Kaiden stopped speaking.

"If they come back, the fight shouldn't be too hard... Their weapons and armor are in ill repair even for foot troops, there are tell-tale signs of tampering and patch fixes to essential systems and interfaces... Newer made tech and old tech spliced together to try and keep functioning..Either they are low on supplies, or poorly trained. And I don't think it's the latter. So they'll be desperate, with nothing to loose. They will fight harder, but they won't have the oomph in their punch... Look at their arms and equipment... It's all old issue.. Santhe/Sienar Tech... We need comms up, and fast. And someone to relay this to Command without the enemy knowing we know. This could be an advantage, even if a small one."

And there it seemed to click, and Ijaat dropped the sidearm as if stung, shaking his head.. His grip tightened on his blade.

"This is the Sith Empire... The *old* Sith Empire...The one we all thought the Republic crushed.. We've found a working remnant... "

He turned to Kaiden, eyeing the tatted man and nodding.

"We /need/ to let Command know. Quietly... This could be... Bad...Anija, any recommendations?"
Location - ON the move from Med Bay to impact area

Rianna was moving along as best she could she listened before she moved, she looked down corridors before exposing herself. She remembered what happened, and did not wish to have any security suddenly have to come and rescue her..again.

The Chief [member="Ermac Laith"] had been kind and direct in his rescue of her, she had felt odd, she could handle a light saber she just made the decision to choose when to do that. Anyhow she kept moving along until there were sounds of boots on the deck plates she backed up and waited. Who was approaching, friend or enemy.

She at the moment could not acknowledge Nyos, but she was glad he was on the move.
Location: Engineering
Who: [member="Anija Ordo"] - [member="Kana Truden"] - [member="Kaiden Rohn"] - [member="Ijaat Akun"]
Objective: Disrupt/Override Jammers

Kian nodded his head to [member="Anija Ordo"] as she spoke. He liked her. She went right to work and got right on the point. It was something Kian respected. But he turned his head slightly as he saw her continuing to touch her forehead. Kian was about to ask if she was ok, but thought better of it. He had a job to do.

Turning back to the console in front of him, Kian went to work. He wasn't entirely sure where to start. There were a number of ways to beat a jammer, but with their systems down he wasn't sure how they would do it. He started with running though frequencies, in a hope of honing in on the jammers. He was limited in what he could do here, but he was able to run some of the basic diagnostics.

"I'm on it, Chief." Kian said, smiling beneath his mask. He wished that he could simply blow the thing off the asteroid, but he doubted, given the jamming, that they'd be able to target it.

"I'm running diagnostics over the frequencies.....any suggestions on how to override the jam?" Kian asked turning slightly toward both Ordo and [member="Kana Truden"]. Kian's expertise was intelligence gathering....he was a little less skilled in this sort of thing.
Who: [member="Khaleel Malvern"] [member="Kitt Solo"] [member="Catherine Romanov"]
What: Secure Drop Zone
Where: Drop Zone

Down the loading ramp Flint went, ducking his head to evade the fire of Chimera rifles. Other hirelings of the Baobab were charging ahead of them and taking cover here or there, but Flint honestly wasn't watching them too much. Quite simply he didn't know them well enough to have more than a professional interest in them, and it wasn't like he was a squad commander anyways. More qualified men than him gave orders, and the scouts followed rather well. The Sith remnants were decently equipped but had poor execution. It seemed in their absence from galactic politics they hadn't kept up with their drills, and their tactics could be described as rusty at best. They were lucky. Flint followed behind the squad and fired his blaster where he could at a bundle of soldiers, but they were pretty well covered.

Until a duo of high-explosive bolts exploded around them. Flint winced a bit at the sound of their bodies enduring the blow, but looking back up he found another area of the hangerbay cleared. "Nice work there Kitt." He said to the mechanic behind him, the one person he was trying to keep an eye on. "Well, the winner always seemed to be ole Johnny. We'd try lum, whiskey, grog, cognac, but we could never get the guy drunk. Or hell, even buzzed. Drove each of us up a wall" Flint took cover behind one of the older Sith Starfighters. Most of the human soldiers had been cleared out, but a droid reinforcements were starting to come in. Flint pulled out a grenade and chucked it over at one of the groups of droids coming in.

"Until we decided to do a little digging."
"Prepare for counter boarding, Nyos.". Jorus touched the intercom. "This is Captain Merrill. All stations report in."

[member="Flint Michigan"] [member="Kian Karr"] [member="Anija Ordo"] [member="Kitt Solo"] [member="Kana Truden"] [member="Rianna be Ar'klim"][member="Ijaat Akun"][member="Lisa Ticon"][member="Kaiden Rohn"][member="November Sinclair"][member="Mia Monroe"][member="Chloe Blake"] [member="Viktor Romanov"][member="Catherine Romanov"] [member="Jericho"] [member="Nyos Val"] [member="Spencer Jacobs"] [member="Jaani Doosun"] [member="Mrrew"] [member="Khaleel Malvern"]
Location: Science Bay
Objective: FOR SCIENCE

Viktor had heard that the ship was being boarded, but he decided that it was best to ignore it. He went over to the blast door and sealed it with a passcode, and he waited for any sign of the boarding to be over. Until then, Viktor went over his machines again, making sure his instruments were all finely tuned. He went over to the microscope to distract himself by studying random cells, he was beginning to wonder if his compatriots were as caring of science as him. Obviously not.
Crew Quarters

Hazel eyes opened as she finished meditating. Getting a handle on things in the physical world was going to take moment, but with a mental boost she had given to the crew should prepare them enough for what was to happen. Standing the woman slipped on her boots, this wasn't hers or Ashin's ship. So there was no walking barefoot sadly.

Adjusting the thin fabric top, Spencer patted around her waist making sure her saber was concealed in the groove of her back. It was the last thing she would use in a fight but it was a necessity and in a way comforting.

"Heading your way Jorus I'll provide support to the counter boarding team. Anything else you need sir?"

[member="Jorus Merrill"] (mobile can't tag many ppl )
Loc: Engineering
Who: [member="Anija Ordo"] | [member="Kian Karr"]

Kana’s eyebrows perked up in joy. A comm system should be right up her alley. She could always give them a proper analysis and provide what little help she could. She was after all Engineer Truden now and not Knight Truden, perhaps it was time for her to act the part as well.

Placing place two fingers on her forehead she quickly motioned them in [member="Anija Ordo"]’s direction in an unspoken ‘Got it.’ and left. Toolbox in hand she made way for the Life Support system figuring that it not only was the most important part but also the most boring one to mess around with or if not that that, the most nerve-wracking one. So the work order was set. Boring first, fun later, as it should be.

The Life support had her putting on a curious mood as she set out on her adventure to see if the system was broken or not. Having given the machine a a quick look she quickly wanted to say no, but you never could be too sure with these things. With the flick of a button she opened the hatches to expose the machine’s bare skeleton - or motherboard as some would call it - and gleed up inside. To see the processors, the connections, the entire thing being hard at work was an impressive sight to behold and the fact that it was this machine that kept them all alive made it all the more so. After a proper rundown of the components she could see a few potential damages that could stand to be repaired but to waste resources on such things at this stage could prove itself a bad idea in the long run.

“It’s your station, Kian. If you’re uncertain on the numbers then run them again.” Kana called over as she shut the hatch again. “There is little I can do to help unless I take my mind off my own responsibilities. Sorry, you’ll just have to trust yourself and keep going until it feels right.”

She gave Kian a half-apologetic look before pushing herself off the ground to make her way toward the comm systems. “Life support should be fine. A few minor damages but nothing that would cause any major problems or - should we need to - prove hard to fix .”

As reasonably short of a report as any she knelt down by the comm systems, were they offline? She flipped the switches but the console didn’t seem to be in the mood to wake up. Her hand reached up to drag itself through her hair. Now this, this would be a challenge.
November merely nodded and moved out as ordered. She liked this, working away from the main group was better anyways - less damned people to get in her way. She chewed on the side of her cheek as she maneuvered past cargo boxes and further into the darkness. Her sensors would occasionally ping or squelch with static - probably disruption from that damned meteor outside the vessel. No matter, she didn't rely on sensors in this type of situation anyway. She had no real way to battletag each enemy and keep an eye on friendlies in these type of quarters.

A sound caught her attention, shifting her gaze to the right and then the sound moved to the left. Those nasty Imps didn't have any type of infiltrator suits - did they? A slender eyebrow would raise as she brought her weapon down in a sweeping motion, from right to left.

Then it happened...

"-tact, 3 o'clock!" November jerked suddenly as a blaster bolt zoomed directly by her mid-section and impacted the wall beside her in a spray of sparks and heated metal. She cursed under her breath as she tucked, rolled and came behind a stack of crates, bolts of red death impacting the front side of them in rapid succession. "This is Sinclair, I have in the Northern corridor, multiple tangos." She shouted through the comlink knowing full well half her message would come through broken. "Unable to get a positive identification on targets, I repeat unable to identify!"

She quickly pulled a shock grenade from her vest and pulled the pin with her teeth, she reached out from behind the container and chucked it hard with her left hand. She'd be damned if she would die out in some hell hole like this - She wasn't some red shirt fresh guy from the sir.

[member="Jorus Merrill"] | [member="Lisa Ticon"] | [member="Ermac Laith"] | [member="Mia Monroe"]
Location: Engineering
Objective: Clear Jam
Who: [member="Anija Ordo"] - [member="Kana Truden"]

Kian smiled beneath his mask as Kana's words.

"It's not the numbers I'm uncertain of." Kian said, putting humor into his words. "But rest assured, I have an idea." Kian didn't waste his time, the diagnostics he had run were just about done. Before him were a whole mess of frequencies to go off of. The key was finding the one, or ones, he needed.

"Let's try you." Kian said talking to himself and honing in on one broadband frequency and isolating it. Turning to the terminal beside him, Kian attempted to use their communications but got only static. "Ok, not you." He muttered to himself, and he moved on to the next frequency. This was going to take a while.

What felt like an hour later....or what could have been only a few minutes, Kian ran yet another frequency and when he turned to send out the communication he heard open air. Kian had been so use to the static that he turned to check the next frequency before he realized the communication was back up. A smile broadened on Kian's face beneath the mask and he turned back towards the others.

"Communications are back up." Kian said isolating the jammer's frequency. "I can't guarantee they will be back up for long!"

[member="Jorus Merrill"]

Catherine Romanov

Who: [member="Flint Michigan"] [member="Kitt Solo"] [member="Khaleel Malvern"]
Where: Asteroid Drop Zone #2
What: Assist Flint's ass

Catherine was about to head off back to the Baobab when she saw Flint coming in hot. Switching plans in a blink of an eye, she swerved 'round towards his location. She could spot Flint and Kitt amid other soldiers of the Baobab crouched down in cover, fighting ever bravely. Alas, their position was threatening to be swarmed by enemy reinforcements soon. As she began to lower the shuttle into a suitable landing position, she let loose a barrage of laser cannon fire, sending a a hail of canon fire over the friendly troops, mowing down several armed enemy droids reinforcements across the field.

Landing the dropship, she scurried out of the ship, darting from cover to cover, until she was reunited with the pair. Looking at their puzzled faces, she gave them a mock salute as she said "Miss me yet?" One would see a wide grin upon her face, had it not be obscured by her helmet. Leaning over, she fired several more aimed shots, striking one squarely in the head, decapitating it. "Yeah!" she yelled.

Oh yeah, she was definitely enjoying this, if no one could tell.
( I had a long post written, and then I accidenlty hit backspace.... -_- So I apologize if this is short/rushed.)

Most of the imperials, it seemed, were either killed or stopped at the airlocks before they reached the center of the ship, where Mrrew was. But there was still a few. Well there was . The Togorian was throughly enjoying testing out the shotgun Jorus had given him int he last voyage. He never did give it a full use. This wasn't fighting, this was practically hutning banthas. He was sure the imperials were well trained, but they were few in numbers, in groups of two or three, in the center of the ship by then, and a shotgun was much more effective in close quarters then rifles. Mrrew took a few shots, of course, but his Lotek'k jacket ensured that he was fin. In response an imperial went flying into a wall here, one was set on fire there, a cyroban shell from across a long corridor ensured a group of them turned into icycles over there. He was really liking this shotgun. The Togorian was reloading his weapon from the shells he'd stuffed in his gunbelt when he heard the intercom go off. Oh, good, they were retaliating. Mrrew grabbed his comlink and, after checking it was working again, responded. "Mrrew, provisions specialist."
Jaani swore loudly as another bolt lashed across his shield. He hadn’t been in position for it, and the angle meant it slammed into the bulkhead above him. The tall gungan was showered in hot sparks that singed his bare arms. He dropped to one knee and held braced the shield before him with both hands. The security guard behind him used it as cover and returned fire.

When the guard tapped Jaani on the shoulder, he started to advance slowly. Step-by-step the pair advanced down the corridor towards the other end. Blaster bolts passed perilously close over head as the security team behind them provided more cover fire.

They had repeated this process several times now, forcing this isolated pocket of invaders back towards a sealed blast door. They’d be locked into place and forced to surrender shortly.

He freed one of his hand a pulled the comm unit from his belt: “[member="Jorus Merrill"] This is Jaani Doosun, er, Provisions. With a small team of security. We’ve got a small pocket of invaders pinned down. No need to reinforce and we’ll be done soon, but probably have some prisoners,” he said. Some of his words were drawn out, as he very deliberately pronounced them. Whilst under fire it was particularly hard to stray away from the gunganese that came naturally. However, he didn’t want the new boss to think he was a half-wit so he worked on his diction.

The T-junction at the end was hard work. A pair of soldiers were still on either side, returning fire. As Jaani approached, he would not be able to direct his shield in both directions. The guard behind him pointed towards the right, so Jaani angles his shield that way, the guard kept his gun levelled to the left and the pair shuffled together awkwardly.

Both imperial troopers rounded the corner simultaneously. The guard behind Jaani got his shot off first and the enemy on the left went down. The one on the right fired a short directly at the shield, barely missing the reflected bolt. Jaani could see him through the shimmering field, see the realisation that at this distance, he could probably get a bolt under it.

The gungan warrior didn’t give him the chance. He broke forwards into a charge. He swing the shield across at close range, catching the blaster and turning it aside. His right first followed. The heavily muscled, seven foot militgung leader downed the soldier with one strike. Simple, but effective.

“They’ve got nowhere left to run,” one of the guards called from behind. “Hold position and let’s see if they’ll surrender.”

Another turned to Jaani, “Appreciate the help, but we’ll take it from here.”
Location: Engineering

Kaiden heard [member="Jorus Merrill"]'s call to action. Then, he heard [member="Ijaat Akun"] spin a story.

"Keep in mind the thousands upon thousands of Sith troopers and weaponry left without a job after the Empire fell. Whoever these guys are- they could be old Sith, or they could just be mercs with Sith guns. We don't know, but it's not that important right now. Focus on the why's later, we can report to the good Captain about your suspicion later."

Kaiden eyed the piece harder than a fat kid looking at piece of cake. He was worried, that much was obvious. He was also suffering from withdrawals, discoloration and dizziness setting in. He leaned on the wall, shaking his head, refocusing. He needed to focus, needed to concentrate. It was getting harder, but he'd push through. Just like he always did. He didn't have a comm unit, so when [member="Kian Karr"] and [member="Kana Truden"] fixed the comm channels, he had no idea. He just had a tank top, some pants, and a shoulder holster. Not exactly the most tactical.
Location: Engineering
Objective: Checking if anyone need to be moved to medbay before heading to assist counter boarding team.
Who: [member="Anija Ordo"] | [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Kana Truden"]

Before communitcations were taken out he had recieved his orders from commander [member="Rianna be Ar'klim"]. What a obnoxious situation to be in, having to deal with the lack of communications once again, when he press his left ear to activate the comm-link there was nothing but static. He allowed a sigh of annoyance be released from his lips and through his mask. But as part of the medical team he had to big job to cover as Master Manu wasn't around to pick up the slack. Knowing the the communications were currently being jammed he had to be cautious on how he moved and acted, more so than he usually has. As he left his personal quarters, the brisk feel the force covered his being, left foot, right foot and go.

Increasing his own speed he charge through the ship with grace and light footed step so he could not be heard in case of anyone that may have slipped passed the counter boarding team. It did not take him long to make it to his first spot, the engineering room. The moment he stepped into the room, he had heard Kian Karr's words and instantly acted. He pressed on his ear to activated his personal comm-link. "Master [member="Jorus Merrill"]; Commander Rianna, this is Jericho. I am currently in the engineering room." He stated calmly but quickly and looked around to the others for a moment. "Unless I have missed someone, everyone here is in the green status. If my assistance is still needed, I can move to the counter boarding team."

He then looked at Kian Karr and recognized his signature from the battle on Zeltros, Jericho gave a nod to him acknowledging his good work on getting the comms back up. He looked to everyone else once more and hardly recognized them but they all seem competent regardless. Where Jorus found all these people and recruited them, Jericho could hardly guess outside the republic. But glad that he was currently working with them.
Location: Main Airlock
Objective: kill everything that moves
[member="Lisa Ticon"]

Mia fell silent as the battle drew nearer and Ermac split the group, leaving her with the power hungry knight to watch main airlock. Clearly, this one had spent too much time around the sith, Mia could smell it on her. It left a bad taste in her mouth. She might have, had the circumstances been different tried to do something about the little brat, alas as it was, the woman was working for Jorus, which gave her a free pass of life free from pain while she was under his command. Add that to the fact that Mia no longer had energy to care about such things and the whole idea of it was a waste of time.

So she tolerated it, in silence, and let her leap forward first wasting a stupid amount of energy. At least Ticon bottled necked the first wave. Any soldier knew a well placed grenade would clear that little back log in a heartbeat, so Mia didn't expect it to last long. While Lisa charged, Mia hung back, charging herself with tutaminis, in case any stray bolt of lightening of blaster head her way. Then she moved forward, taking one knee and picking off those who slipped past the current of energy, rounds from the ripper tearing through armour flesh and gore to decorate the halls. She kept low, taking out knee caps and head as they dropped to her level, letting Ticon take all the heat.

As fast as they had come they stopped, the few surviving the first wave pulled back and reassed their situation. Mia got slowly to her feet, dropping the ripper she regarded Ticon with a slightly raised eyebrow, words dancing on the tip of her tongue, but [member="Jorus Merrill"]'s announcement snatched them away from her.

She stepped over a body or two to reach the he airlock intercom. "Monroe and Ticon reporting in. First wave of boarders have pulled back, but I doubt that will last."
[member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Jorus Merrill"] | [member="Kana Truden"] | [member="Ijaat Akun"] | [member="Jericho"]
Location: Engineering
Objective: Restore Comms

As Kaiden spoke, Anija looked up at him from her console. Her gaze moved across the decksole - which was now littered with bodies. Bodies of men and woman who had died throwing themselves into battle against the crew. He was right, of course. They would be back. For vengeance if nothing else. She could feel their desperation that still lingered in the air.

It was that thought which drew her gaze to Ijaat as he spoke next. As he did so, she crouched and gathered a sidearm of her own from one of the bodies - looking it over as he spoke. She could see the lack of care that was put into the repairs. They were desperate work, shoddy and quick. Meant to keep the weapon functioning. The thoughts passing through her head caused her eyes to narrow for a moment as she regarded Ijaat and then looked back and forth between him and the bodies. "You're right. Their weapons are old, or heavily modified to keep them working. I can see that here very clearly.." she replied, hefting the pistol in her hand for a moment. "They'll come back seeking vengeance for their comrades.. and any supplies or equipment they can lay their hands on." Her gaze lingered on Kaiden and Ijaat. "Make sure we're secure."

"I just need to know if comms are back up besides the intercom.." she said with a frown, which faded as Kana made her report regarding Life Support. "Excellent news, Kana. One less thing we have to worry about..." Sha gave Kana a reassuring smile... which turned into a grin as she heard Kian's announcement. And not a moment too soon, it seemed. "Kandosii..." she breathed, moving back towards her panel from the center of the room. When she reached it, she punched in a code and opened a direct line to the Bridge. "Captain Merrill, This is Ordo down in Engineering. This is a direct line to you. We found an open channel, but don't know how long it will stay that way. We've made sure life support is stable. The jamming beacon has been located - coordinates are being forwarded to your console as we speak, and to the teams waiting in the shuttles. Bring that thing down."

She paused, and shared a pointed glance with her crew in Engineering. "The most important thing... Captain, Ijaat believes we have been boarded by elements of an Imperial Remnant. They wear the armor and use the weapons of an Older Empire. Images are attached for your review. What you choose to do with that information is up to you. Ordo out."

She trailed off slightly as she noticed Jericho enter, and her composure faltered for a moment. "I am... mostly alright, though I have reason to believe I've got a concussion..." She described her symptoms to him. "Nothing too serious, I hope. But the blurred vision is somewhat... bothersome when trying to work..." she said, chuckling a bit in an effort to lighten the mood some.

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