Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Deep Black Sea (PM or sign up first)

Listening to what Manu had to say thumbing it on "thank, out" [member="Manu Xextos"] Following her own path that took her closer to the main bay wondering how odd looking it would be to have such a creature as Hunter following behind her not like he wasn't of good use. Making quickly with the ones that she had picked up was now on make shift sled. Following her own instinct to the next door to be open. Coming a small smile upon her lips as she looked in to see all will most not with out some of her pots okay most of the pots broken at less chipped up pretty good.

Working quickly to the fact that she wanted to get to help aid [member="Jericho"] as soon as she could knowing he had to be over whelming with so many coming in or what she thought would be over flowing.

"No, no, that one and this one bring, oh that one also.", Shaking her fingers to the other side of the room. As the sacks was gathered up, then taken with them. After all if everything else had been savaged like she seen so far she would expected nothing less from the medical bay. Giving a nod for them to start off again to find herself slowing her pace once again as their was more of problem with those trying to get to the pace she was going. Some wasn't even needing attention all it look was a few cuts and bruises. Knowing that it would be wise to take such a creature like Hunter into the bay or near it. Looking at where they was in a different section lending up to the medical bay. Smooth and doing what she could to make her companion understand to stay and guard.

Lets go bring the wounded.", finding herself carrying what was needed inducing two small bags. that was now tied to her hips. Finding herself moving towards the bay pushing through after they saw who she was or the robes a give away. Running her fingers through her hair finding her own weapon she every carried was still latched into her own hair.

Seeing that their was already guards posted or what looked to be already bandage up for their cuts. Giving them a nod before coming into what look to be one heck of a mess, only in her own feeling going to be getting worse. Spotting even those across the room Jericho hard at work.

Even before she could get a few more feet to him to have him give her a report, was it the he sense her being with each other on those other mission smile. Before words could be exchanged their came her greeting as she did all that she knew could call friend. The kiss on the cheek but it did more then just a kiss it was what was put in to boss his own force with in. Knowing that some where on the ship as she had felt the clearer of her mind for the last few as she traveled to get there. Knowing who it was by name she didn't know but what was important they had a master of battle medication working just as hard if not harder then the rest of them.

"Lets get to work, I brought plants and herbs, I know not what your used to remember those basic I taught you so long ago.", knowing that there was very little of healers out there like she was but still she hadn't been the only she just hope those around could learn. As she had the feeling that those would be what replace most of the drugs that was lost to them.
Robbi opened his mouth to say something back to the human, when all of the sudden the gravity turned back on. Normally, Robbi would have easily caught himself with his wings, and flown carefully to the ground. Not when he'd been suffering from gravity sickness for the past several hours, though. The Vespert flapped his wings several times, trying to slow his fall, and sucessfully simply spun around in mid air... and crashed into [member="Nickolas Imura"]'s chest. Though considering he only weighed less then an ounce, the bounty hunter might not have even noticed... Robbi groaned, still sick to his stomach, but extremely happy the gravity was back on. However, his stomach was quickly settling. It helped when you were the size of a large bug. "Stay or come with me, I don't mind." Robbi looked up at the human, briefly contemplating what to do. It would be more funt o go with him... And it dind't seem lke he was going to throw Robbi out a window... As soon as the human jumped back into the wall he came from, Robbi came racing after him on wing, oblivious to the nearby pirates.
Trying to grab onto anything that would slow my fall, I reached out with my hands to try and grab onto anything. Literally anything. I grabbed for ledges or wires, even poles that ran along the side, it was when I got my left gauntlet stuck in the fork of two poles did I scream out.


Wow did getting your arm taken out of your socket hurt. I cringed so much that it hurt my face as well. With my right arm I tried to pull myself up and use the strength from my right to hold up for now. Blaster fire was still being shot at me to try and hit me, However from my angle, and from the distance in which I had fallen, There was not a high chance that they would hit me. It hurt to have my arm trying to move it so it wouldn't be stuck in the fork. I had used as much strength as I could with just my right hand and my feet to push my shoulder above my hand. I breathed in, trying to calm down.

"Alright Nicky, just calm down."

Speaking to myself, and trying to keep myself sane. Hearing over the com systems a few people trying to talk to me, I went ahead and spoke back to them. [member="Seanna Vel"] I did not know, "Yes, please... Ugh... come quickly." I almost lost my grip in the transmission of the wires in my right hand. I heard [member="Mrrew"]'s voice and I felt so much happier. Someone else who I could count on. He was sponsoring me as a Bounty Hunter. "I can't really move." Breathing in sharply, "Got my arm stuck as I was in the elevator shaft trying to get away, got my arm lodged in the fork of two pipes, Dislocated my shoulder. Taking Fire, and I am not really up to the idea of trying to help someone else when I can barely help myself." Ending the contact I waited for anything on what may help me.

I heard a flapping, small, but I smiled lightly, "Hey, buddy, can you come here and help me for a sec?" Pointing to my arm, "or atleast finding me something so I can pry my arm out witho-" my hand slipped a little and I yelled out in shock, No clearly clinging for dear life. "Without falling to my death?"

Mrrew grimaced as he heard [member="Nickolas Imura"] screaming across the comlink. Stay with the captain, or help the bounty hunter? The captain was more important in the long run. But he'd lose a fethload of credits if he lost the bounty hunter he was sponsoring... Plus, the captain was surrounded by people, even though they were mostly medical staff. That many nurses could probably fend off a few pirates, right? Not likely. But he got the feeling that the little healing tricks the Echani had been doing were force related... If he was right, that meant he could probably take on half the pirates alone. And he was close enough to help the captain if needed... Mrrew spun around, and headed down the corridors. He'd help the bounty hunter. Of course, he had virtually no idea how to get to the dormitories form where he was, but he'd figure it out eventually... "On my way."
Robbi hovered in mid-air for a moment, staring down at [member="Nickolas Imura"], then up to the pirates. Human hurt. Bad guys shooting at him for some reason... Maybe he could go for help? They could shoot him by then! Robbi quickly flew down to Nickolas, buzzing around his pinned arm like a very large fly. "Erm... can you get it free? No, you can't get it free, or you would!" Robbi groaned, landing on all fours, feet and wings, next to where he was pinned- which only made the poles shift just slightly. Not enough to drop him, but enough to freak him out. "Oh, oh! Not good!" Robbi quickly flew up, just as another blaster bolt flew a few inches from the two of them. "Err... Be right back!" Without warning, Robbi quickly flew up into the air, direclty to where the pirates were shooting at Nickolas, and started flying around them, diving between arms, and doing his best to avoid the pirates' attempts to whack him out of the air like a fly. This gave Nickolas a few moments of not being shot at... but it dind't much help him get free.
I bit down on the pain as I heard the words a few seconds after the bat left, of Mrrew being on his way. I shook my head. I didn't care, he was my boss, and he was probably too far away. And with his position over mine twice now, he was probably needed elsewhere. "No you fat feline. Stay where you are. I don't want to people stuck down here now." I didn't want him to come. One, because if he came, that might tarnish my image, two, I needed to do this myself. I needed to prove that I could work on my own like I said I could.

I moved my body over my arm, While the blaster fire came at a lesser rate that it was, I moved up. Clenching my fist I placed my elbow against my side, Grimacing through the pain. I breathed in, "[member="Mrrew"], I said don't come." I ended the contact. making sure no one would hear me over the com. I knew what I had to do, and I didn't like it in the slightest. I then twisted by body slowly. Pushing out with my right arm, I was going to put my arm back in my socket. I cringed, I literally shed tears, "HOLY FFFFFTT" Trying to stop myself from making too much noise, I could hear my arm and the pipes groan.



Screaming out in pain as my arm was put back into my shoulder. The pain hurt, but it was necessary to get it done. I could move my shoulder a little, but it hurt to do so. Moving my body flush with the wall, "Alright one down, two to go."
Meanwhile, Mrrew was lost in a maze of corridors filled with maoning crew members, and elevators that only barely worked. He had heard [member="Nickolas Imura"]'s complaints over teh comlink of course. In reality, helping him was more an excuse then not. He wanted to one, figure out why the feth pirates had attacked them, how many were on board, and how much danger the crew was in of something deadlier then knockout gas, like, say, concussion missiles- And two, beat the hell out of whichever one's idea it was to use coma gas. Of course, he dind't want anything to happen to the bounty hunter. Buit both [member="Seanna Vel"] and @Jaani Doosum were near him. HE was confident he'd be fine. However, 'I want to do the security's job when my job is to sit in a cabin until I need to protect people from extragalatic monsters' was not a good enough reason to head for the pirates. Mrrew turned another corner, finding himself faced with an open balstdoor, and a little navigation sign on the wall with a little 'you are here' dot. ... He was going the wrong way. Feth. Mrrew sighed, and turned around, heading to where the map said the dormitories were.
[member="Jorus Merrill"] | [member="Judah Dashiell"] | [member="Rianna be Ar'klim"]

Anija continued to work away at her panel, keeping an eye on the oxygen levels. They were better now, tho not optimal. She half-listened to the comm chatter over her helmet comm. It had been patched into the shipboard system once main power was back online. As she worked, she heard the conversation between Jorus and Judah. As she did, she sighed, her gaze sliding to Judah as he worked the controls on the console beside her to activate the artificial gravity. "Wait, don't..!" Her warning was too late. The gravity kicked back in, and the force of it slammed her forward into the console. This left her gasping, and hissing curses as it stressed her already broken ribs. When she could see straight, she turned to glare at Judah, though her visor obscured most of it. Her voice was ice. "I was going to tell you not to do that... mainly because we don't know how many wounded we have aboard, or how badly they are hurt. Turning the gravity back on as you just did -without warning- may have hurt them worse..." She hissed another curse. "And now I'll need medical attention as well."
[member="Naast'ika Laaran"]

"Good to hear, Captain. Glad you're operational. We've had quite a few injuries over here, but we can send over medical staff if any of your people need assistance." The headache was subsiding, which might or might not be a good sign. By this point, though he kept watch on [member="Chloe Blake"], he'd accumulated a handful of comlinks, all turned to different crew frequencies -- and one good solid Scanpack to sort out everything and give him sensor coverage of at least this corner of the ship.
Chloe took a second to get a breather, granting the Doc a half of a smile in thanks before he departed. Her mind was elsewhere though, ticking away at where their position was at and just where they could be headed.

"N-2," she'd say, more to herself as her mind would try to make up from down. A small grimace and she'd start her own research. The last heading they had was near N-2.

"We should be near N-2 System if we didn't drift too far off course." knock out gas or not, her mind was already trying to clear out the cobwebs.

"Ofax ets burrin tehn." She'd slowly make her way over to [member="Jorus Merrill"] , pushing the soreness and hurt aside. Ain't nothing she couldn't handle.
Live in Light, Surf Master
"Gravity's back on, dude." Manu said to @Jericho. "And with the way it came back on, expect more wounded to follow." Manu kept a tight handle on [member="Maya Whitelight"] & [member="Rianna be Ar'klim"] as they continued outward with the rest of the staff. Jericho was more than capable of handling the floor, most of the injuries were concussions, abrasions, a bandage and some stitches would take care of most of the non-serious cases. "Anyone who needs a bandage or minor care, give them to the nurses. Once they've been tended they leave to free up space. Ensign Kbai's hip is going to need pins, I can't save the leg. He's my first surgery. There's a Lieutenant waiting with shrapnel wrapped around her spinal column. She's my next but that will be a long one. You have the floor, Master Jericho."

Crew members were reporting into the Med Bay with what appeared to be bruised organs, broken bones, some deeper cuts, low oxygen, and in the odd case with enough damage to their person to require a bed. Scrubbed up, Manu went into the OR and began the arduous duty of severing a ruined, unrepairable limb from a young man's body. Anaesthetic was in short supply, but thankfully the Doctor was himself an anaesthetic to the right patient. The Ensign's whimpering kept him in focus, as the med scans on the holo projector flickered, Manu brought out his scalpels and saw.

The surgery would take Manu an hour, slicing away at the patient before he could stabilize the shattered left hip.
[member="Anija Ordo"]

Judah looked back at the woman. Obviously he would stand by on the decision to turn on gravity. Even if he had given advanced warning, it wasn't like a lot of folks floatin' in mid-air could have braced their legs under themselves any easier. At least they actually had gravity now. One minute folks were complaining about what they didn't have and the next they were complaining about what they did.

"Look, at least we got gravity. Can't exactly chase down pirate trash while floating in air. They are trying to track that female crew member down. Trying to fix this now floating death trap. As for the wounded it would take an extraordinary amount of time, effort, and energy to get to everyone. While the choice to turn on gravity may not have been the wisest of all choices, it has given us a better environment to work more quickly and efficiently."
Hearing the commlink from [member="Mrrew"] only caused her to work even faster if there was a ray of hope that she could save this from the ones from who every turn this ship upside down. Holding herself able to control her own feelings right now. Finding out that she was something more now then been before this all started. The rage inside her that keep her going or could it be her own personality. This wasn't bad to have in business dealing but when it came to this it was a little bit more helpful.

Taking out her sniper rifle from her back her black beauty as she calls her. After all she wasn't ever a doubt about bring her along. Finding herself getting closer to the shaft only when she found didn't look good. "Shit my breeches, this ins't going to be a walk on Naboo.", for sure now that she got closer to look up and down. Only to be stopped as she hear some voice but more that she could feel them in the force. below her and even more as her data was showing where this personal was at. [member="Nickolas Imura"]. Getting on her belly crawling like some kind of creature she tracked down on one of her own hunts. Some kind of new sport to past the time she had pick up taken a liking to. As she look down but not with the gun but with the scope to see the situations.

Forming some kind of plan but waiting for back up to get their with her as she was no lone knight in shinning amour. Sending a text message to the big guy himself Mrrew. He would get the lay out what she could see and the situation but nothing over the commlink for reason.

[member="Nickolas Imura"] [member="Mrrew"]
Lucifer had woken up to the feeling of smashing on the ground, probably because that is exactly what happened. Lucifer remembered being stunned down, but that was as far as his memory went. Rubbing his head he sat up and looked around, trying to find others. Eventually he sat up and decided he should probably head for the bridge or at least find someone who knew more than he did. He tried his communicator, but it had been broken in his fall so he had no way to contact others. So he stood up and dusted himself off, then set off down the halls looking for someone who knew something.
It was like watching the end of your life in slow motion. The blade or whatever it was cutting through her door was taking forever. The shock started to wear off and she stood up where she had fallen when the gravity had returned. Her balance was off, and a few hiccups escaped her lips. There was enough focus in her mind to do what needed to be done. A few wobbly steps later, Spencer stood in front of the door. Parts of it melted enough that she move the metal a bit.

There was one technique she was proud of, above all the others she had learned. It was the reason she was alive in many cases. All her energy and focus went to her hands, the force coating them like gloves as she reached out and dug her fingers into the melting carcass of the door. Absorbing the energy and heat from the melted metal she continued to use the weakened door to her advantage. Pieces fell to the ground or continued to collapse on itself till she was able to push a hand through. Grabbing a piece of clothing, she pulled whoever it was against the door. Screams of pain echoed as whoever or whatever it was made contact with the heated and melted door. Spencer held him there, but with him wanting to pull away she had to give and use the force to strengthen her arm.

Which meant one thing, her arm also started to burn. The struggle continued for only a few more seconds, which felt like a lifetime to them both. He stopped moving and Spencer focused the tutaminis on her hand wholeheartedly again. Pulling her arm back, she saw the heavy burns, but was thankful that at least she was able to keep some focus on the Tutaminis to prevent permanent damage....hopefully. She was a skilled healer, but this would take longer than she had. The Tutaminis energy shifted into a crucitorn, the pain lifted and she focused back on the door. Her mind controlled the Force energy and ripped the door from its already weakened “hinges” leaving her a wide enough hole to pass through.

The hallway flickered with lights that were struggling to stay on, but it gave Spencer enough to see that those on the floor had perished. They were pulled from their rooms like she was going to be, like a sardine in a can. Moving up the hallway she checked for life, but found nothing. Stopping she heard a crackling, there was a comm that was still active. Reaching down she patted the body of one of the younger crewmen. In the man’s pocket, his comm link buzzed and Spencer was able to grasp it. Standing, she radioed in to the bridge.

"Lieutenant Command Jacobs, reporting. What the Feth is going on here? I have no signs of life in the crew quarters and I just had someone try and cut me out of my room. I think he’s dead..."
[member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Lucifer Erebus"] [member="Seanna Vel"] [member="Judah Dashiell"] [member="Manu Xextos"] [member="Chloe Blake"] [member="Anija Ordo"] @Mrrew @Nickolas Imura


Simone hit the ground hard, ankle twisting awkwardly beneath her as she fell, a sharp gasp of pain slipped from her lips. Curses were erupting form the pair of pirates, and she scrambled to get to her feet. Ankle giving way slightly beneath her. She'd limped half a step away before she was tackled back to the ground, she let out a frustrated snarl.

"Where do you think you're going, pinky?"

"That's racist."

"I'm a pirate."

"I swear to you now, I'm going to shove both of you schuttas out the air lock."


He pulled her up, proceeding to drag her down the corridor past the dormitories ahead was another group, trying to get through to one of the doors. A cpuple peeled off to greet them. Simone glanced back down the corridor, recognizing where they were. That was the door to [member="Spencer Jacobs"]' quarters. Too busy chatting to the others, but keeping a tight hold on her cuffs, simone was more or less invisible.

"Captain." she hissed. "Eight raiders. Outside Miss Jacobs quarters."

"Who are you talking to?"

Simone glared at the raider, but said nothing. His hand grasped her jaw, twisting her head to see the com in her ear. "You bloody idiots." he growled yanking it from her ear. "You've just given away our location haven't you?"

"I told you to keep her quiet."

A fist cracked across her jaw sending her crashing into the bulkhead. Stars blurred her vision "Ow." She grumbled as a scream began to pierce the corridor. "What the?" They turned away from her, and Simone was granted a nice view of a holstered stun gun. Pushing her self back to her feet slowly she snatched it, firing to its owners before dealing with the other three. Screams still echoing in her ears, the stun gun flashed three more times, dropping the last three who were desperately trying to save their comrade.

She leaned against the bulkhead as Spencer stepped out. "Lieutenant." she greeted with a nod. "We've been boarded. Supporting systems have only just been brought online. Extent of the damage has yet to be assessed and I'm pretty sure this isn't the only group." She picked her way over to the pirate who'd taken her com, tugging it from his limp hand and returning it to her ear.

"Lieutenant Denning reporting in. Where do you need me Captain?"

[member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Ermac Laith"]
[member="Naast'ika Laaran"] [member="Jorus Merrill"]

A new voice would come over her commlink. Realizing her's was about to die, but that the power was on now, she plugged it into the appropriate port on the helm.

"My sensors are still down," she said, the Chandrilan accent lacing her Basic. "It was high off the starboard bow of this ship, going from bow to stern on my visor."

She kept tracking it for a moment. Size was impossible to tell at this point. Without a discernable shape or a way to physically see the object fully from here, there wasn't really any way to identify it, either.

"Looks like from where you are... Looks like its off the starboard side, just ahead of your beam. Maybe thirty to forty degrees high off your axis. I may be off, I'm only eyeballing it at this point."
Jaani rounded the corner just as [member="Spencer Jacobs"] started speaking into the comm. He heard was she was saying, and was fairly certain he'd seen her around the ship. Fairly certain, he still wasn't great at telling humans apart. At least the genders were obvious.

"Lieutenant Commander, Specialist Jaani Doosun. There are supposed to be more hostiles around?"

/OOC/ Sorry just about to leave for commute home!
The Kitchens
...gravity was a major bummer but no more so than floating weightlessly which is why when the gravity to the starship reactivated Laith would have went from swimming through the air to falling onto his stomach with a grunt. As he fell his arms would extend and help to brace his fall before he picked himself up but it still took the steam out of him for a brief amount of time while he came back to his feet and did a quick survey of the corridors to ensure he was still alone. Truth be told Laith hadn't heard from any of the other security personal and had started to think the worst but Blaster Rifle in hand he would have responded over the comms..."Copy that Mr. Dashiell."...and then he moved to intercept...

...the enemies position had been triangulated as moving through the dormitories towards the kitchens south of them which is why Laith decided to make the obvious beeline to the kitchens themselves in order to cut off the raiders. He'd move through the corridors until he heard Lieutenant Denning come over the comms speaking to the Captain at which point he'd have also responded...
"Captain Merrill it seems like the Lieutenant may have rescued herself. I'm still heading in her direction through the kitchens." always made his job easier when people rescued themselves though the urgency of his pace hadn't ceased as he continued moving ahead...

...upon reaching the kitchens a peculiar sight greeted Laith however when he discovered the doors were held open and a steady stream of voices were coming from inside. Never a good sign. He'd approach the entrance into the kitchen and wait, listening...

"This ships got good food. We should o' hit it sooner."...

"Quiet you and keep a look out!"....

...definitely not crew members which caused a frown to crease the corners of Laith's mouth. He had no idea what there numbers were but he wagered at least a half dozen from the sounds inside the kitchen. Reaching down for his belt Laith would remove a stun grenade, brought from the armory, which he primed before making a silent count to three and lobbing the projectile into the adjacent room which was followed by the sound of...

"What the ---"...

...and then a stunted explosion as the stun grenade detonated cuing Laith as to the opportune time to swing around from cover, Blaster Rifle aimed ahead and sucked into the crevice of his right shoulder, as he pushed into the kitchen. Aiming down the barrel of the Blaster Rifle he'd pick his targets, squeeze the trigger and let fly one or two shots of blaster fire before moving on. Already surprised after the detonation of the stun grenade most of the raiders that Laith lined up were easy targets allowing him to sink his shots into their center mass and drop them. As firefights go this one was over in a matter of seconds and Laith proceeded further into the kitchen while coming over the comms...
"Captain, small group of hostiles located and engaged in the kitchens. Mostly dead."...

...he'd moved into the kitchens when he heard a groan, a raider barely clinging to life and reaching for his sidearm, which caused him to proceed to investigate its source. When he found the man Laith was fairly casual about putting his foot on the mans forearm so that he couldn't lift his weapon while leveling the blaster rifle down, square, at his chest...
"Correction Captain. They're all dead."...comms switched off then and Laith squeezed the trigger of the blaster rifle sending a shot into the prone mans torso which killed him instantly. Brutal but efficient for all intensive purposes. Once his comms reactivated he'd have said..."Lieutenant Denning you're welcome to make your way to the kitchens. An armed escort might not be a bad idea."...
[member="Simone"] [member="Judah Dashiell"] [member="Jorus Merrill"]
Crew Quarters

As she pulled the helmet over her head with one hand, her spare pulled the small emergency oxygen mask over her lips and nose. Tossing the helmet away her hand snaked out toward the woman and pulled her back against her for warmth while she flicked on the collar-mounted light to examine the state of the room. The door was ajar, several large scorch marks littering the corners of it, hinges smashed apart, and while her focus returned to her so did the connection with the force. Just as the blonde was preparing to reach out with the force to feel around her surroundings the life support systems returned, and moments later the gravity did as well - realizing this as her body plummeted to the bed that was anchored beneath her, the collision cushioned by the mattress although she was still winded when the unconscious researcher landed atop her. Shoving the Hapan over, whom had begun to stir but from the bruise on her forehead she was likely out for the remainder of the day, the Sith rolled off the bed and scampered to her feet as she lumbered toward the door that had been left open during the raid on their room. As she moved ripples in the force, much like vibrations through the floor and walls, rushed passed and through her - shaking her. Hands flying to her eyes, Silara experienced another series of impressions through farsight, much like the initial feelings of danger that had abruptly overcame her prior to the raid, and she stumbled down on one knee at the foot of the door as the force overcame her.

Compelled by the very nature of the imagery impressed upon her to reach out with the force, the Vahla closed her eyes and fell to her hands and knees as the light in the room was sucked away from her vision like a vacuum, leaving her envisioning the space both in the room and throughout the ship as a giant lake of darkness, of which were many ripples and reflections of what could or were possibly currently coming to pass. Each ripple was much akin to a seam of light, glaring and intrusive, that contrasted greatly with the great void that she envisioned herself within. Struggles were occurring not too far from her, each vibration in this metaphorical liquid blinding from its closeness in proximity, and all around her she could feel an overwhelming sense of foreboding. Almost as abruptly as this onset of mind-numbing 'visions' had struck her they had left, and she found herself breathing heavily with her eyes wide and staring at the ground. A distant scream from far down the hall could be heard, but what had struck her ears loudest was the sudden scream of her assistant as a bright flash of red illuminated the room. Silara's head slowly turned, her expression shocked, to watch the standing Hapan collapse as her legs give out, eyes staring like the empty lenses of dead fish, with a small hole positioned right under her right breast - she'd been shot, but by whom? Turning her head back slowly, now positioned upward, she found herself staring at the barrel of a blaster rifle pointed directly between her eyes.

[member="Spencer Jacobs"] [member="Simone"] [member="Jorus Merrill"]

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