Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Deep Black Sea (PM or sign up first)


Inactive Character
Pibit grumbled as he was let down, his stomach upset from the lack of gravity. However, his problem was soon solved as the graivyt generators abruptly flicked on, and he dropped a few feet to the ground. Normally he'd probably land on all fours, as most four legged creatures do when falling, but he was already dizzy form the lack of gravity as well as the sudden re-appearance of it, and quickly fell on his face. His fur color took on a red tinge. "No, no, i'm fine..."

(The red tinge is moodfur, a Kushiban thing, btw; not blood. :p [member="Darth Banshee"])
(Sry for short post but at work)

Spencer heard the captains message and she knew how much the man hated his mind messed with. Yet for her to be found and for her to let him know where some of the pirates were she had to do something. In the back of everyone's minds especially Jorus' they would be drawn towards the crew quarters specifically Spencer's room.

The connection would suddenly go silent and Spencer's presence would disappear. Hazel eyes opened as she stared at the door that was being melted in front of her.

"Uh oh"
As Jaani reached the door to his room, he received [member="Mrrew"]'s message. He stopped dead in the corridor. His eyes swivelled back and forth. "Don't go to the dormitories alone? Oh." The Gungan rushed into his room, shutting the door quietly behind him. No time to clean himself up it would seem. "Datsa problem, already here,"

He rushed to the case at the foot of his bed, kicking it open. He clipped his comm to his and carried on sorting through his things. If they'd just got the lights back on, that didn't bode well. He grabbed a couple of the weighted glowballs he'd used when hunting the dragon and pocketed them. "I'm OK. Know anything else about them?" he asked.

His club and electropole were pulled from the case. Most importantly, was his shield The shield was both overpowered and oversized to cover his massive frame. Unfortunately he had no boomas. For some reason they'd been classified as "explosives" and the security team had become very upset when he'd tried to bring them on board. They were locked in the ship's munition store. Finally he grabbed an electic shock trap. It was designed for capturing animals - who didn't tend to recognise a metal mesh on the ground - but it would still block off a corridor.

He was covered in sick, dizzy, but above all else grumpy. Seven foot and three hundred pounds of angry beast hunter stepped back out onto the corridor.
[member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Anija Ordo"] [member="Judah Dashiell"] [member="Ermac Laith"] [member="Marek Starchaser"] [member="Simone"] [member="Jared Ovmar"] [member="Spencer Jacobs"]

As Leon turned back to look over the controls and more or less kill time until someone gave her something more specific to do, a nagging sensation made itself annoyingly aware in the back of her head. It was almost a pulling or tugging feeling in her mind and it was one that she knew had come in handy many times over her lifetime.

She turned to look through the viewport and frowned at the stars there. The sensors were down, otherwise they could help, so she had to rely on the old Mark 1 Eyeball in space, something that was, for the most part, about as useful as a excrement flavored candy stick beyond a certain range. Despite that simple fact, the feeling persisted and she found herself scanning the stars because of it.

And it paid off.

There! A star blinked. Normally, this would be overlooked, but in space the stars didn't blink or wink like they did on a planet. That, and within a moment the next one or two blinked. And the next and so on and so forth. Two and two took less than a second to connect and make the threat assessment of four.

"Off the bow, starboard side high!" she called out, her voice clear and calm. She'd done this one before. "Unknown ship moving before the stars! Two o'clock, moving to three! Only a black mass visible as it moves, no shape or incoming fire!"
Chloe Blake said:
"[member="Naast'ika Laaran"]?" she'd ask about their naval escort.
[member="Chloe Blake"]'s question would go unanswered. Silence came from the small, unusual ship that escorted The Absolution as it drifted in the dark. Those aboard the transport with a view out the starboard windows would likely see its distant shape as it slowly drifted further and further away from The Absolution. For those with particularly keen senses, a faint scarring would be visible upon its hull where black marks marred its Beskar-plated body. Aboard the vessel, Captain and Crew were only just now reawakening. Durasteel and Beskar forged suits alike would slowly return to functionality as their owners manually recycled their systems. Captain Tupu would ask his crew for a similar status update and receive fairly similar responses. Though Naast'ika's heart still beat, his neural activity was at dangerously low levels and the circuitry powering his cybernetic augmentations had been overloaded.

Something had delivered a massive shock to Naast'ika.

The Laminanium wires and circuits slowly repaired themselves as DRD's scurried about the ship to aid in the repairs. Z6 Naval Droids and M1 Astromech droids worked alongside their much smaller counterparts to aid in the repairs and appeared to have been doing so since long before the crew awoke. Gravity had been restored to the ship long ago. Magnetic boots had kept the crew from drifting during their slumber and were now being turned off as the crew began checking Naast'ika's systems and working to aid in the repair process.

On the bridge, a healthy debate took place as to the best method of waking a sleeping warship.

Naast'ika's crew can be contacted now.
Mrrew frowned at the comlink. He was already in the dormitories? Which meant the pirates would probably find him... Mrrew glanced at the two injured command crew, then at the doctor still working on them. Even if the doctor pulled out a lightsaber and started shooting lightning out of his eyes he'd probably be beat by a group of pirates with stun rifles at close quarters in a contained area like this. He'd seen [member="Jaani Doosun"] fight a dragon a thousand times his size with grenades and spears. And as far as Mrrew knew this man was just a doctor, and with @Jorus Merill and [member="Chloe Blake"] to injured to do much, it was dangerous to leave them without an armed guard with hostiles running around. He wasn't sure if any of the others were even carrying weapons. Besides, by the time he got to the dormitories Jaani would've probably already taken out the pirates. Mrrew spoke into the comlink again. "We don't know anything about them, most of the crew is just now waking up. They carry stun rifles, prehaps coma gas canisters. Cover your face with something if you can, there should be breath masks in any emergency supply closets you come across." Mrrew frowned. He was pretty sure he couldn't fit a breath mask over his, err... beak... "On second thought... just hold your breathe if they have those.... Also, they may have a hostage, crew member. Help her out if you can. I'll meet with you once we make sure the captain and..." he glanced at the blonde human. He was pretty sure she was something fairly high ranking in the command... "And this other one is alright. And try not to die." Mrrew knew it was a lot more likely the pirates would die then Jaani would, but in close quarters and confined areas anything could happen... He was considering going ot help Jaani again. Mrrew lowered his comlink, and looked over to [member="Manu Xextos"]. "Can we get these two to somewhere safe? Behind locked doors? Is it safe to move him and all?"
[member="Chloe Blake"] was in the care of [member="Manu Xextos"], alongside Jorus; [member="Mrrew"] was also nearby, and Jorus' comlink sputtered out a thunderstorm of chatter. From it he disentangled some pertinent elements: [member="Ermac Laith"] was on the case, coming to rescue [member="Simone"], and [member="Celeste Leon"] had just spotted something. Something not good.

"Captain Merrill to Captain Tupu. We've got hostiles aboard, though so far it seems like a small force. Give me some status on [member="Naast'ika Laaran"] -- and we're getting naked-eye contact with something else out there, from the helmsman, [member="Celeste Leon"], on the bridge. I'm patching in her number. Can you confirm and coordinate with her?"
(Geezus that was a alot of reading to catch up on haha xD also sorry for the short post been working alot with little sleep.)

He heard the [member="Nickolas Imura"]'s suggestion, gave the man a nod of acknowledgement and moved to see the other that were knockout and began to see if they were still breathing. Luckily all the the others were fine merely knocked by the coma gas, aside from any possibly feeling sick for being elevated for so long they would be fine. Shortly after he felt a hand touch his back and began to heal him, it was a warm comfortable feeling to have, he felt his shoulder heal and as quickly as he healed the master healed him, he left. "Understood. Master [member="Manu Xextos"]." He stated calmly as he moved to grab the floating peoples around take them to the med bay for healing.

After a about 30 minutes of moving patients on his own to the med bay, the light came on as well the the air and heat, but not the gravity quite yet. He had to take precautions to make sure the patients were going to be safe when the gravity came back on. So he moved them promptly moved them strapping them to the tables and the ones that seemed more injured, into the kolto tanks. His main priority was healing other med bay staff to wake up and help him. Alas, more patients began to flood in, Jericho let a soft sigh as began to move faster and take care of those that he could, he worked mostly in silence until a familiar voice rang into his ear.

"Master [member="Maya Whitelight"], I'm glad you are okay." He said pressing on his comlink for a moment until while healing a few more patients. After a moment he was able to awake a couple more medical assistants to help with this. "You know your protocols, once you are feeling up to it; do what you can." He said calmly. After having to tasking his assistants he pressed on his comlink once more. "What is your location, Master Whitelight? I can either task some assistants to your location shortly or handle it personally." He asked.

While he awaited for answer from her, he switch to give a report back to the head medical officer. "Master Manu. A few of the of other staff has gain back consciousness, but patients continue to flood in. Regardless, Master Whitelight is heading here shortly to assist, so the situation here is green. Continue to send whomever needs help and we will do our jobs. Jericho out." He stated as he moved to work on the next patient.
Jaani stepped out onto the corridor, listening to [member="Mrrew"]'s advice. His hand reached for his shield almost immediately, keeping it inactive in his left hand. Stun guns and gas cannisters, great. If he was more technically minded, he might have attempted to engage the "bubble helmet" of his shipsuit. It hadn't automatically activated before, and he hadn't the faintest idea how to switch it on.

There was still no sign of any intruders here. The long corridors gently arced away from him in each direction. In this section of the ship they formed a concentric arcs between the dormitories. At least that ensured no one would see him from a great distance. The massive gungan started to stalk to his right, keeping his footfalls soft and silent. For all his size, he was a seasoned hunter and knew how to keep a low profile.

Then something called in the back of his mind. He turned on the spot, knowing intrinsically that he was being called to a room not far from here. He headed on, knowing he was walking into danger. His trepidation was tempered by fury at the stench of the vomit that still stained his suit. That was someone's fault.
Live in Light, Surf Master
The gravity tugged at his shoulder first as it drifted online, he righted his feet toward the ground in time to catch himself and reached for [member="Chloe Blake"] before she hit the ground. Too late, it seemed. The Force Master knelt by her side and put a hand on her back. "Easy, Commander. Take sips of the air, you hear? Three sips, then exhale slowly until your equilibrium is back. Once we know where the ship stands, I'd like to give you a full exam in Med Bay. Report there the second you can, understood? I don't like your cellular oxygen rates."

His grip tightened momentarily on the hilt of the lightsaber he wore at his side, even now in his medical uniform. A flash of [member="Mrrew"]'s desire to go after the assailants struck Manu too. If he'd had the chance he'd cut them down and drain their blood for the crew's blood bag supply. Hey, they were in deep space and the pirates had taken their supplies. Drastic measures. As Captain [member="Jorus Merrill"] used Manu's commlink, he felt outward for Jericho's words, glad the man he'd known all the way from the Army of Light continued to function in his best capacity. Another of his med staff pulled her mediocre ability in the Force together for one small telepathic message: their surgeon & medic droids were gone.

"Understood, @Jericho. I'm finishing up with the Captain and the First Officer, then I'll be pushing a route through the decks to the Main Medi Bay to help you take stock. . . get Crewman Yates to prep the OR for surgery we require. I'll do it myself with Nurse Ogawa as an assist." Another problem. Force Healing was one thing, a useful skill but Manu was more than a former Jedi healer. He was a medical doctor in his own right, a surgeon with steady hands and although he took his training eight hundred years prior, that might be old school enough that they could make use of him without their missing technology.

"Captain, I'm getting a report from my biomechanical engineer. Our medical droids are gone. Any surgery that needs to be done, I'll have to do by hand and scalpel. It's more time intensive, but it'll have to do. We've got at least. . . " glancing down at his scanner data pad, Manu grimaced. ". . . four crew members who need proper surgery. Mostly shrapnel extraction from the look of it, two amputations. We can stabilize them for an hour, tops. After that I'll have to go in before permanent damage is done. We have a handful of blood bags and plasma left, no bacta. That means needles, scalpels and sutures made of surgical thread."

Surgery at a time like this. Not the best of news to hear.
[member="Manu Xextos"] [member="Chloe Blake"]

"If Commander Blake is stabilized to your satisfaction, Lieutenant, go do what you need to do." Jorus eased himself upright with a grimace. "Much obliged for your help, but go take care of the other three thousand nine hundred ninety-seven."
"I'll be fine," Chloe would say to [member="Manu Xextos"] to reaffirm Jorus's last. Another grimace would see to her getting onto her feet slowly, using the wall for balance as well as the doc.

"Been through worse." a puff of hot air would blow her bangs off her pale face, almost as white as the tikuini suit she wore that saved her life.

Ow. that hurt.

Rubbing my head, I looked up at a squeaking sound. Looking to it, I found a little Vespert that was squeaking at me. Curiously looking at it, I reached out my hand for it, trying to coax it towards me, "Hey, come he-" With the Gravity coming on, I fell flat on my face.

I am really hating whomever decided to turn on the gravity. I smacked on my face and landed on my arm. As much as I didn't really break any bones, it still hurt to fall from about six feet up. I rolled myself over and sat up. Checking that I had everything and nothing was away from me. Shaking my head, I could hear that all the other life systems were back on. Seeing as how the dormitories were just the level below me, I thought about checking it out so I could try and see if there were other's alive. I needed somewhat of a partner, and considering how the domatories may have some of the other gear I needed to go and see if there was any other damage, I could use it.

Going over to the elevator shaft once more, I turned around to the little bat like creature, "Say or come with me, I don't mind." I jumped through the hole.

Using my glistaweb cloak much like a parachute, It slowed my decent just enough for me to use the force and send my towards the opening of the next floor. Lights were dimming as I was hanging from the ledge. Looking around, I knew that this place might not be so good to breath in. With one hand, I shakily placed the gas mask over my face. Reaching up, I pressed on the door release. Opening with a hiss, I heard a whole chorus of weapons being locked and loaded. My eye's opened, I then pressed the button again and let the door close.

Oh feth, oh feth, what have I gotten myself into?

Calling on ALL COM SYSTEMS I spoke,

"This is Lieutenant Nickolas Imura, I am currently hanging in an elevator shaft in front of the Dormatories. There are armed men inside, and likely to get to my position in a few seconds. I am requesting backup NOW!"

The door started to hiss open, and I released my grip on the ledge.

[member="Mrrew"], [member="Jaani Doosun"], [member="Chloe Blake"], [member="Judah Dashiell"], [member="Jorus Merrill"], [member="Celeste Leon"], [member="Ermac Laith"], [member="Simone"], [member="Manu Xextos"], [member="Darth Banshee"], @All others I didn't tag.
Shaking off what could only be a cause some more of her head spending when she hit the ground. As if this wasn't her own problem. Quickly making sure those that she had in tow was okay a safe. Feeling that two of the five that was now waking up. Not meaning to put Jericho off as she went to make sure they making a few recovery.

"We making our way slowly might take a bit finding more wounded those coming awake along the way. [member="Jericho"] as she thumb off her link. Hearing a scream coming from the direction of would take them closer to the crew quarters. Looking at the staff that seem to be able to think now looking at two of them "You and you stay with the wounded and make your way with as many to the bay tell Mr. Jericho that I'll be there shortly.", waving to the other two that they was coming with her.

Making her way slowly but not with out be very careful to peek around each way. Making her way where the screamer was getting louder. Finding herself rounding the coroner to find what was going on. There was a large creature showing its needle teeth not at the woman screaming but at another one that seem to not smell right.

Smirk coming to play across her own lips as she got closer. "If you can understanding me, I wouldn't move." , waving towards the lady to come her way after slipping pass the great creature. Sending her smooth thoughts that nothing to be worried about. Telling them to get her out. Getting on the comm link @ Jorus Merrill "This is Whitelight in the medical level by the crew quaters I think you want to seen a serectiy team here to do a swept, Hunter don't like how some smell here.", , blinking her own eyes back to what her own beast had stop. Talking calming to him as she went on to its side. As if thought could take her as if she look like she was just some helpless medical staff. With out even a blink of an eye, moving towards her with out even working up a swat she first landed a punch in the chest open handed then a chop to the wind pipes. Bring the big brute to his knees. Using what look to be wires that had came loose making sure that they wasn't going any where.

Nodding towards the ones with her doing a high pitch whistle only to see the one that had his razor sharp teeth. As followed on his master heal. Finding herself making her way uptoward the front of the level.
"I don't care if he might be cranky." Captain Tupu said to the other officers on the bridge. "We need him awake. You really think a handful of shock grenades on the lower-aft deck could wake him up?"

"Getting shocked in the crotch would wake me up." said Junior Lieutenant Saris Lassiter.

Before the Captain could do much more than nod his agreement on the practicality of the suggestion, a voice cut through the main speakers .

Jorus Merrill said:
"Captain Merrill to Captain Tupu. We've got hostiles aboard, though so far it seems like a small force. Give me some status on [member="Naast'ika Laaran"] -- and we're getting naked-eye contact with something else out there, from the helmsman, [member="Celeste Leon"], on the bridge. I'm patching in her number. Can you confirm and coordinate with her?"
Captain Tupu and company froze in their discussion and collectively turned heads in the direction of the forward windows. Captain Tupu silently strode to foremost point on the bridge and gazed out into the inky black. "[member="Celeste Leon"], what were those coordinates?" He asked before a subtle gesture with his right hand prompted the Junior Lieutenant Lassiter to mute them from broadcast.

"Commander Kain." Captain Tupu said to his first officer, her head snapping in his direction at the sound of her own name. "I need you on the helm."

"The... No one's been able to get into the Pilot's Den, Captain. I don't think Naast'ika want's anyone in his head." She said, obviously more than a little afraid of the prospect of an awoken and upset alien creature murdering her for violating its private sanctum.

"I don't care what he wants." Captain Tupu said flatly. "I need this ship operational. Whatever got the jump on us before, we can't let it hit us again while the critter's taking a nap. Man the helm Commander, that's an order."

Another gesture of his hand prompted Junior Lieutenant Lassiter to unmute their comms and his voice once again reached out to Captain @Jorrus Merrill. "Systems are rebooting now. We will be operational in a few moments."

While the Captain spoke with their employer on the other ship, Commander Talia Kain reluctantly approached the sealed, imposing doors that blockaded the way to the Pilot's Den. Armored gauntlets forced protected fingers between the two doors and a series of grunts escaped her lips as she attempted to pry the doors apart. Resigned, Commander Kain looked back at her fellow officers in a silent plea for assistance. Without a word,
Lieutenant Commander Nathaniel Taylor and Commander James Duke stepped forward to either side of the smaller woman and grabbed opposite sides of the doors. Together, their efforts bore fruit and the red, metal doors slid apart. Tentatively, Talia stepped through the threshold and into the dimly lit room. Before her, and slightly to the right, rested what served as the helm of this ship. A Cognition Throne.
Live in Light, Surf Master
"I still want to see both of you for full medicals once the crisis is averted. Call me paranoid, but it's Doctor's Orders. Keeping the Command Structure is the first step in keeping the crew." Manu pointed and nodded to the Captain and Commander, his hand still on [member="Chloe Blake"]'s shoulder until he was assured she could stand on her own.

Manu grunted, his gut twisted and he staggered a step back. "Good lord someone just got trapped under something big and metal. Solves where I'm going next. . ." Manu saluted Captain [member="Jorus Merrill"] and Commander [member="Chloe Blake"] then . . . ceased to be among them. Racing off, the natural acrobat hoofed through the gravitationally aligned halls until he found the source of the stabbing pain. By the time he got there, several other crew members were pulling the massive wreckage off the poor ensign, but that did nothing for the wreck of the screaming boy's leg and hip. "Shhhhhh." Manu held out his hand and the boy glared up. Whimpers flexed out of the Ensign's throat at softer and softer decibels, until the pain drifted off with the patient's unconscious state. "I've got him. Thanks guys. Go help the rest of the ship. You're all doing fine, now get going to your posts."

He lifted the Ensign off the ground and floated the patient to the Medical Bay. "[member="Jericho"], I hope that OR is prepped. We're going to have more injuries of people getting caught on the wrong end of the gravity turned back on. Be prepared. How are you, by the way?"

"[member="Maya Whitelight"] I'd love to help you but I can't. Security should be on its' way. Keep trolling the decks. Watch out for crew who have taken falls."

He would hear in from [member="Rianna be Ar'klim"] when there was enough for the woman to report, Manu remained confident in his fellow healers' abilities. The Medical Department, although hit by the raiders seemed to be the first to respond positively to the crisis at hand.

Just the way Manu liked it.

He placed the Ensign on a gurney and walked to his office, taking a slim black ceramic case from under the desktop. He opened it up and revealed the hand tools of a bygone age of surgery and tactile medicine. Scalpels, needles, sutures and tongs. Running them under the sterilizer, Manu prepped himself for surgery and gowned up.

"I'll be in the OR, we've got at least three amputee surgeries coming in, what are the other surgeries waiting for me, [member="Jericho"]?"
Blinking herself away for the second time after which seem to there was a buzzing sound by her own ear. This time her face was smashed into the cold dursteel floor. [member="Darth Banshee"] hearing this voice where her location was where was she the first thing that came to her mind. "Where am I, sweet pea I"m on the floor it seem waking up from a bad hang over."

Picking herself up slowly again as the lights was still very dim in her air. Hearing others in the room now. Closing her own eyes after which time she felt some cold claws like on her arms. Telling her to get on her feet slowly.

"Taking you blasted hands off me, you..", having a bit of a laughter then coming more in focus. A bit uneasy on her feet feeling her being pulled up before she face planted. Really needing a drink right now for sure looking around patting herself down for her flask.

Thumbing her commlink to the big guy [member="Mrrew"] "Hey big guy reporting for duty more or less I think, where am I needed." .

Hearing someone coming threw the commlink about needing help [member="Nickolas Imura"] about needing help Using her own means of tracking "Heck beat it all, Miss Vel, ping me your location", even before she closed down the commlink she had his location as she felt around for her weapons.
Jericho looked over to the Chief Medical Officer and bowed his head, his way saluting the man as he entered the med bay. At this point his main focus was still healing the wounded but he was still listening to the head officer. The moment [member="Manu Xextos"] mentioned the operation room needing to be prepped he looked over to a pair of assistants and told them what to do. "Seeing as most of the staff is comatose still, we are doing everything we can to get everything ready even with zero gravity, Master Xextos." Jericho stated calmly as he was healing another patient.

"With that said, the operation room with be ready within a fifteen or twenty minutes, anyone else available will be sent to you sir." He stated as he moved on to the next patient. "I figured the crew was competent and took the needed measures for when gravity with be turn back on sure for the med bay." Jericho stated pointing to the patients in kolto tanks, strapped in the beds, moved equipment for more room and pointy objects away from the knocked out people.

When asked if he was doing okay, Jericho merely nodded as acknowledgement and thanks for the healing he received from Master Xextos earlier. "Right, I made room them hopefully you make it sa-" He said being cut off by [member="Maya Whitelight"]. Although she cut off her comlink, he has battled with her before and knew she could handle herself fine, there was no need to worry. Then a message was made from [member="Nickolas Imura"], saying that there were arm men in the ship still and he was going to make pursuit. A part of wanted to leave and assist with that but he knew his rank and place for the mission and he was going to stick to it.

Seeming the Chief was already set on operating and already suit it up for surgery. When he asked for a list of surgeries that would be needed Jericho quickly check the dossier of one of the assistants. He quickly scanned the dossier and found two the needed surgery. "Most of the patients coming in are just dazed with minor wounds, bump on the head and etc." He started off. "Two are in moderate condition needing only minor surgery, sir. Priority currently low, but that can change at any moment."
Rianna had not stayed put once the gravity came back on she dispatched several droids to help her go room to room on her deck checking for the injured, word had come that there were intruders on board the ship still, this only heightened the sense of urgency she felt and the need to protect those who might not be able to protect themselves.

Air. Breathable air had filled her lungs taking away that sensation of suffocating she was finally able to relax her control and reach out with life sense to find those around her. The dim lights were not a hinderance to Rianna as she passed a light she waved her hand for a moment the light burned bright showing her the way forward a few feet at a time.

Rianna stopped she thought she heard a noise, she stood silent stepping back into the shadows she was near the corridors that cut away either leading in the direction of the hangar deck, and to engineering. The tone was one of hushed urgency. Rianna slid along the wall, she looked to the cross point of halls. She saw nothing that meant they were in one of the halls.

She would not report until she was sure at the end of the length of hall Rianna peered around the corner that would lead to the hangar deck there she saw two armed men. Now as a Jedi it would be very easy for her to disarm them, but what if they needed further information.

Rianna stepped back and opened her comm, keeping her voice very low, "[member="Manu Xextos"], I'm on the main med bay level at the cross point where the halls break to go to hangar levels, and engineering. I see two armed hostiles"

Rianna was preparing to say more when one of the droids came up and began chirping and beeping. Rianna's head turned quickly she could hear foot steps coming her way. She immediately turned the droid off it landed on the floor, Rianna crouched down into the doorway hiding in the shadows.

Without a word shots were fired down the hall. Rianna crushed herself against the wall. She wanted to be able to follow them, get a better idea of who they were, and what they wanted. But could not reactive the comm until she knew it was safe.

[member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Anija Ordo"] @@Jericho @anyone else
Mrrew frowned at his comlink as [member="Nickolas Imura"] yelled for backup. He wasn't too worried, [member="Jaani Doosun"] was in the area, and would probably help the bounty hunter Nickolas if they met eachother. If they did. The Togorian glanced up to [member="Jorus Merrill"] and [member="Chloe Blake"], just as [member="Manu Xextos"] leaped away like an acrobat. "Are you alright, captain? For all we know, there could be another group of pirates nearby..." Mrrew glanced at his comlink, just as [member="Seanna Vel"]'s message came through. Another voice he reconized. That was two hunters working for the Guild and one bounty hunter sponsored by the Guild, all on the same ship as Mrrew. He really should have read the kriffing staff manifest.... The odds were amazing. Plus, it meant that he knew and trsuted several people on the ship. That could be useful, ecpecially with hunting pirates. "Nickolas, the guy you just heard call for help, are you close enough to help him out?" The Togorian spoke into his comlink, unaware that Seanna was already doing just that. "If you head for the dormitories you might meet a Gungan too, Jaani, another Beast Hunter. He'll probably help you if he can, as well." This was becoming quite the interesting little voyage.

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