Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Deep Black Sea (PM or sign up first)

[SIZE=11.8181819915771px]Location: A few hallways from Deck 9.[/SIZE]
Status: Alive, and angry
Objective: Capture and kill the Pirates.

Feeling she couldn't do anything from above where [member="Nickolas Imura"] was hanging so helpless from. Deciding to take a chance she ran down the other way until she found what she was looking for. After coming back she made quickly her idea. Only to find that when she looked down he was gone so was those shooting at him. Thinking she was to late with her own plan. Still there she went falling as she landed on the Deck 9.

Finding in the force now she knew what she was looking for only she ran smack into someone of a couple of pirates that seem to be double back to get the drop on Imura from behind. Pulling her hold out pistol forgetting that she still had a few stun darts in. Fire her shots as she ducked and rolled from the flying lassers coming at her like red hot beams.

Stop did the firing did, as the both fell down crumble up sleeping like babies. Getting on the commlink to Nickolas.

Later then never at all, sweet pea, I think I found something that belongs to you, I'll drag them to your location.", clinking off the link as she took them both by the back of there shirts using the force start to drag them one in each hand. As if she didn't have the aid of such a little one like herself. Would never have gotten as far as she had right now.

"Heck all you look a bit diffrent then being string up for some bait."
All ready she had gotten herself scrub up. Before that she had grab three of the other medical staff to aid with what task she had to face. Not wanting to do this to what look to be a far to young, woman with golden brown hair. Knowing that if this didn't happen she would lose more then a limb but her own life. Knowing if they was back near a fully equip medical bay then this wouldn't have to happen.

Giving a long sigh as she came to where this would be happening yet. As she cheeked first with the one she had told would be her lend nurse on this matter at hand. Finding that the mixer of herbs had somewhat put her in a comatose state. Taking what look to be one of Maya own blades after doing what she could to make sure it was as clean as she could make it at this moment in time.

Calling on strength in the force but also that of courage of what must be done. Telling herself that let her blade be true, never did she think she be telling herself in a medical traid room. In this reality that what she was doing. There with the quickness of a warrior she came down on the Limb making quick work. To have the nurse put on the greenish/purple pulp that with in a few second it had stop the bleed. Feeling the warmth coming from it as it sealed off all the blood vessels and skin. Doing what she could in the force to feel if there was anything else that would be life threatening.

Feeling that [member="Jericho"] working on his own cases didn't know if they here like the cases she had been given the task. Finding her way back to the commlink [member="Manu Xextos"] . "Im working on Red 2-2 Maya out.", thinking how clever it was for the nurse to come up with a coding system first by color of their wounds.

Code System:

Green: Just a bit dazed and confused
[SIZE=13.63636302948px] [/SIZE]Orange:Minor bruising and cuts nothing life threatening.
Purple: Deeper cuts that needed treatment but nothing a medical staff couldn't handle.
Blue: More difficult cuts and needing more of train personal eyes to look over to see if there was anything internal by vital signs or other means. (force)
Red: Needing attention with out delay, internal bleeding, or needing limb amputated or cuts stitched that was over two inches deep or by a major vessels.
Black: To late to save.
First Number (what room)/ Second number (patient)

She had seen to it before she had went into the first one of many that she had lined up to do. Making sure that Xextos had gotten the Information. Also the Numbering system the first number was which station, or room they was to be sent to. The second number met the number of patent this being done for a few reason. The first because of not having droid that keep track was gone for them. Also that each one could have notes on each one seen. So some where on their body they was marked with their number. Along with their name and rank or department they severed in. This be sent up to the Captain [member="Jorus Merrill"] so know where they would be shifting some of the crew around.

Catherine Romanov

Catherine climbed into the cockpit of her starfighter, muttering "Maxwell taking off", knowing full well that [member="Jared Ovmar"] was listening, and sped off into the black. She started the perimeter sweep of the Absolution from the far end. The cutter-class interceptor rocketed past the right wing of the Absolution, with no bogeys detected. Sensors were clear as well. She reported "Right wing clear. Nothing unusual here." As Catherine made a pass to get to the left wing of the ship, the starfighter's sensors went crazy.

The onboard astromech beeped and chirped which the flight computer gladly translated into "Unidentified hostile bogey" "300 meters and closing" "Hostile aircraft identified as Interceptor-class frigate, recommend immediate evasive maneuvers." Catherine immediately reported into the comms hoping to alert both [member="Jorus Merrill"] and [member="Jared Ovmar"] "Maxwell to Absolution, hostile enemy ship detected. Bandit looks to be a Interceptor-class frigate." She started to head back to the Absolution's hangar, knowing full well, that she was no match for the frigate alone.
[member="Catherine Maxwell"] [member="Jared Ovmar"]

"Interceptor-class," Jorus repeated grimly, making his way to the bridge where [member="Celeste Leon"] waited. "Old ship, but pretty brutal to fight if you're right in front of it. Whole bunch of torpedo tubes. I'm betting they retrofitted'em for the coma gas boarding torpedos, but that leaves the question of how they got our shields down in the first place. Boarding torps against shields are pretty much equivalent to chucking tin cans at'em. Maxwell, we got reports of debris. Take another loop around, if you can do it without getting close to the frigate fight, and see if there's enough to suggest they lost another capship or two. Feth this amnesiac gas. Basically what I'm wondering, Maxwell, is if our stolen supplies got to hyperspace or if they're scattered over the nearest thousand cubic klicks."
Location: In the corridors, nowhere near the pirates
Objective: Find teh fething pirates

...Mrrew was searching for another map, by now. Despite the fact that he lived in a ship, a small ship, he was definitely not at home in this one... It was massive, and he had no idea how to get form point A to point B. In short; The Togorian was lost. Put him in a jungle filled with Rancors? He's right at home., A desert? Perfect. A gundark nest? Couldn't be happier. A ship? He'd rather be in any of the above mentioned places. Mrew turned a corner, and saw a single man in full body armor, carriyng a stun rifle. He fired without hesitation. Mrrew dashed back around the corner, in cover. Probably another pirate that had been sent out to scout... the captian said all the pirates where pushed back into one spot. Maybe this one had been sentt o scout before the crew woke up? Maybe he got lost to? Heh. Maybe he wasn't the only one comepltely out of his element. Mrrew peeked around the corner to see, to his suprise, the pirate gone. Mrrew blinked. He could wander the ship for the next hundred yeras, or he could follow the pirate. ... Follow the pirate it is. Mrrew raised his pistol, and walked briskly down the corridor. And walking briskly for someone eight foot tall is pretty much running for a human pirate. He had no chance to outrun him.

(Sorry I haven't replied in so long, been busy in real life)
Robbi's eyes went wide as [member="Nickolas Imura"] went on a sudden massacre. Nevermind... not a good guy... Not a good guy! The Vespert clung to the ceiling with four sets of tiny claws, nearly getting sick again as he saw the human killing the other people with his laser sword... Yeah they were shooting at him, but they didn't deserve that! No one deserved that! Robbi didn't stick around to get cut into bits himself, instead he dorpped off the eiling, and quickly flew in the oppisite direction from the bounty hunter. Maybe he turned off the gravity....
Jaani braced and held his ground waiting for the pirate to come on. He let his peripheral vision track the knife, and focussed instead on his opponent’s footwork. The next two steps the pirate took provided clues on how the knife – the only real threat – would move. The pirate closed quickly and swung in low. Jaani twisted his body away from the blow. His blow was off though and he ended up grabbing the pirate’s upper arm.

The humming vibroblade angled in towards his ribs, but Janni’s elbow took the force out of the blow. Nevertheless there was another stinging sensation as the tip of the blade ran across his ribs and brought forth another line of bright crimson. The pirate feed himself of the Gungan’s grip and danced away.

Jaani’s left hand instinctively went to the wound and came away sticky with his own blood. The pirate slowly moved the knife back and forth, before swapping to a reverse-hand grip. The Gungan warrior growled and stepped forwards to the challenge. The blade caught the light as it flicked in towards his neck. Jaani saw the feint for what it was, but took the opportunity to act and put the tempo of the fight on his own terms.

He focussed and lunged in. His left hand grabbed the pirate’s wrist with astounding speed. He twisted the arm and blade away with an iron grip. He got in one punch before the pirate grabbed his right forearm. They grappled for a few moments, the Gungan using his strength to push the pirate back towards the bulkhead. Jaani yanked back on his right arm and then quickly reversed the movement. The pirate’s grip slipped up towards Jaani’s wrist, as he had expected. It wasn’t a punch he was going for anyway.

His elbow connected with the side of the pirate’s helmet with a metallic clang. Repeating the movement once, twice more. The vibroknife clattered to the deck and the pirate staggered away. It didn’t matter how good your helmet was – the brain could only take so much shaking.

The pirate fell to the deck, shaky hands searching for a blaster. Jaani had already pulled the gnarled and notched club from his back. It whistled through the air and caught the pirate under the chin. The helmet crumped and the pirate was half-lifted from the deck before coming down hard. They stayed down this time.

Jaani ignored the downed pirates for now, collecting his shield from the ground. It was by far his most useful piece of equipment right now. His commlink buzzed and a broadcast from Merrill came in.

“Jaani Doosun here,” he grunted back, grimacing at the pain that was blossoming where the blade had sliced his flesh. “I’ve been to north east two and south west four. There was more…accommodating fauna on the southern world. It might be better to barter with a local civilisation if anyone has been to any large settlements,” he reported. Jaani had led small armies through the swamps of Naboo during tribal wars. Feeding an army, even one with a large contingent of hunters, off the land was a massive effort. He hoped someone had met a group with the resources to help them, assuming they had something to trade.

He checked his wounds, neither were too serious for the hardy Gungan. His belt pouch held a few pungent salves and he pushed some into the wounds. Old Gungan remedies, good for both binding the wound and stopping the bleeding. The cut to the ribs would need stitching before too long though.

Placing one large foot on the neck of one of the pirate, he reached down and yanked the electropole out of its chest. There was a crack as it was removed from the shattered sternum.

“Got two live ones down here in the dormitories,” he reported.

[member="Jorus Merrill"]
Location: A few hallways from Deck 9.
Status: Alive, and angry
Objective: Capture and kill the Pirates.

Hearing over the com system of Mrs, Vel, a Hunter with the company that I worked with, she said I left some things behind. Must be more pirates that were trying to make their way around me. Either way, I shook my head at the woman as I stopped. Contacting back to her, "I'll be waiting, I have one."

[member="Seanna Vel"]
Location Near med bay 6 cross ways of corridors leading to engineering levels, and hangar levels.

Rianna was doing her best to be quiet her reputation as a healer practically advertised her aversion to violence, it was know among her comrades that while if she were pushed to defend herself she could but it was not her first course of action it was in fact the very very last thing she did.

She could hear a voice calling to her I'm fine she managed to send back to [member="Manu Xextos"] I sent some of the droids out, I also have she looked two with me she shook her head as she slowly rose up from her hiding place the two who had been looking and firing down the corridor so randomly she did not see and her danger sense did not say that they were still there.

Her comm was making noise [member="Ermac Laith"] was asking for an update, keeping her voice low she reached down and reactived the droid giving it a single digit reaction to be quiet as if it would, "I'm moving down the hall, trying to see where they went" Rianna moved again slowly to the end of the corridor looking to her right first she did not see anyone she peered around the corner looking she thought she saw shadows, she slid out, "I'm heading down toward engineering and the hangars, whats your eta?" Rianna looked she could see the two walking away but they had not yet turned to give her the clue she needed to know where they were heading.
Live in Light, Surf Master
Location: Main Medical Bay
ICU Ward 1 Bed 3

The Absolution's Chief Medical Officer held on to the Crewman's bedrail with white knuckles. Somehow Crewman Yancy ended up on the wrong end of a nasty stab wound to the gut. Yancy shook and groaned, his skin turning a shade near as pale as Manu's own. The man's sickly sweat smelled sweet, he hugged his stomach as his teeth chattered. His fingers had begun to deepen to a disastrous blue. Manu took hold of a hand and peered at it, feeling out for the man's blood pressure.

"He's gone into Septic shock. What the Hoth was he stabbed with? This isn't right. . . " Manu eyed the nurse and she shook her head. His buddies had brought him from the crew levels, he'd been sprawled on the deck beside an emergency supply closet, bleeding out. His blood had been tacky to the touch.

Manu put his hands on either side of the man's head, pushing into the crewman's mind until he saw the flashes they all had seen - confusion, disjointedness, a lack of short term memory. All Manu got was the imprint of a savage, jagged pain and the seeping of the crewman's comatose body on the floor. Manu brought his hands off Yancy and shuddered. He started to feel an odd chill creep up from his fingers up to his wrists. "What the. . . SH--"


Doctor Xextos hit the floor twitching, as a thick tint to the vessels and veins running up his arms became visible under his translucent skin.

"Crash Cart! Crash Cart! Code Red, repeat Code Red 1-3! Doctor Xextos is down! B'narl, run! Get Lieutenant [member="Jericho"]!" The nurse hit the internal Medical Bay Comm, as she and another nurse grabbed Manu's scanner and knelt beside him. "Our crash cart is gone! We have no defibrillator!" One of the nurses immediately started chest compressions as the other checked Manu's airway and pulse. "He's not breathing."

"What happened!?" A junior Doctor rushed the scene, his long silver hair flying behind him. He helped the nurses lift Manu's seven foot tall bulk onto a gurney "I don't know! He put his hands on Crewman Yancy's head and when he took them off, the blood vessels in his hands and arms started turning colour. . . oh goddesses. Nobody touch Yancy!"

Doctor Raste glanced from Crewman Yancy's hunched body to Manu's and swore. "Cancel that Code, Nurse."

"But Doctor..."

"Do it! A cart won't do Master Xextos any good."

"I don't see how. . . "

"Manu Xextos is immuno compromised. Master Xextos brought me from the Brynjar to treat him quietly. He was hoping to find a cure in the Reaches. . . his heart won't handle a jump. His immune system never adapted to the mutated pathogens since he woke up in this time. He's been battling organ failure for a year. So far no modern medicine has been able to heal him, but he's kept himself alive through his connection to the Force. Now cancel that code!"

The nurse worked her mouth open and closed, before rushing to the internal comm. "Cancel Code Red. Repeat. Cancel Code Red." She said, as she watched Manu's body still from its' shakes. Doctor Raste pulled a thin chain from around Manu's neck and revealed an Amulet with a Healing Crystal of Fire Fragment cut inside. He placed the amulet on Manu's brow and leaned down to whisper in his ear.

"Manu, your work's not done. Stay with me, my friend. May the Light bring you healing in this place, may the Light bring your body strength and retrieve the might of your faith. Come back to me." He placed his palm atop the amulet on Manu's brow and closed his eyes. A shimmer arose from the amulet itself, as Raste prayed to whatever mercy the Force had left for the displaced father of the Echani Royal House.

Manu quivered and gasped awake, fighting to sit up with his arms over his knees. "Don't touch me! Don't. . . Kavi. . . "

Doctor Kavi Raste cupped his hand to his chest and grinned. "Come now, didn't think I'd release you to [member="Erryn Xextos"]' soul that easily, did you Manu?"

"Crewman Yancy." Manu pushed off the gurney and almost took a nose-dive to the floor. He held firm of the bedrail and took a deep, cleansing breath. The discolouring of his veins had settled in his arms and shoulders, he felt his arms engorge, swell and grow stubborn. As he looked over at Crewman Yancy, Manu heaved a sigh.

"Crewman Bob Yancy, time of death . . . " the nurse recorded the process sombrely, as Manu glared around the room. "Wrap him up and double seal him. Put his body under quarantine. I want anyone and everyone who has had physical contact with Yancy or his bodily fluids quarantined now. Lock this ward down. No one in, no one out."

"But Doctor, what about you?"

"Let me worry about me. Document the time anyone touched him. I need to see how fast this is incubating in an immune healthy patient." Manu made his way to the wall mounted comm unit ([member="Jorus Merrill"] still had his commlink) and punched a Medical-Only channel.

"This is Chief Medical Officer Manu Xextos. Stop what you're doing. A toxin of unknown origins has infected members of the crew. Patient Zero was Crewman Bob Yancy, now deceased. Any and every person, item, supply and location Crewman Yancy had contact with since we left port needs to be quarantined and checked. The infection spreads through bodily contact, we have yet to determine any other form of contact, but we are investigating it. ICU Ward 1 is Quarantined until further notice. Scrub with any disinfectant you have and gear up in what gowns, gloves and masks we have left. Do not make skin-to-skin contact with any patient until we figure this out. Begin checking patients for increased temperatures, paling skin, shortness of breath and discolouration of blood vessels. The toxin did not show up on conventional scans. Doctor Xextos out." [member="Jericho"] [member="Maya Whitelight"] [member="Rianna be Ar'klim"]

He leaned against the wall and took several gasping breaths. "Lock the doors, Nurse."

The nurse moved slowly to the task, her lips tight together. Another of the nurses had burst into tears as she scrubbed her hands with the only towel she could find. It didn't help the dark tint that had slowly begun to crawl up her fingers knuckle by knuckle. Manu flicked the comm channel to Captain Merrill's personal channel.

"Captain, we have a serious problem. One of the crewmen has died of a toxic stab wound. The infection has spread to anyone who has had skin to skin contact with the deceased. His blood was all over the emergency supplies compartment on Deck 9. I've quarantined ICU 1, with myself four nurses, eleven other patients and Doctor Raste inside. . . Sir." Manu fought with the words, his mouth clamming up with the same arid heat as his newly beloved deserts of Sabarene. "I've been infected, Sir. I'm exhausted, stretched myself too thin last few hours. . . I'm going to wait till I have the stamina and try all the healing abilities I have to bear. Pray there's a cure for this. . . "

Over the Comm, Jorus would be able to hear the sudden sound of a body hitting the floor. "Doctor! Nurse Fendian!"

"Don't touch her."

"We all touched you, Manu. Nurse Fendian did CPR on you for Kae's sake! If it spreads that fast we're all dead already." Raste's voice lulled through the comm, "She had a cut on the back of her hand. . . Nurse Lily Fendian. Time of death. . . " Raste's voice whispered to nothing as Manu punched the wall beside the comm with a clang of flesh on metal.

"It likely travels through the bloodstream, if Nurse Fendian's death is any indication, Captain." Manu's voice thinned out to a steady line of strain. "I could use a science officer to help with the samples I take from their autopsies. I recommend a full quarantine of everywhere Crewman Yancy has been. We have no antibiotics, no bacta, no drugs. I'll keep you posted, Sir."

Manu took his hand off the comm and stood back to look at the ICU.

"Doctor? We're out of body bags."

"Strip the beds, wrap them in sheets and make sure their uniforms are zipped and sealed for containment." Manu bent to his knees and began to meditate, searching his compendium of knowledge and instincts of the Force for a solution to this mess.
Corridors leading towards Engineering levels and Hangars
...when the Captain, Jorus Merrill, came over the comms to report that the raiders were retreating to airlocks on levels nine and twenty-seven Laith felt as though a wave of relief had washed over him. Not because these unknown assailants were retreating but rather because this meant that there were likely substantially fewer surprises waiting for him as he made his way towards the vicinity of Med Bay Six. Footsteps came casually as the Mandalorian traversed the landscape of the Absolution knowing full well that someone who didn't know the layout of the ship ran the possibility of becoming lost in the maze of corridors that stretched across and into differing locations...

...when Rianna came over the comms he would have smiled vaguely before responding...
"Not far."...he had a decent idea of where he could find the Jedi Master and Healer as he drew ever closer to her coordinates. After what could be considered a brief pause Rianna would hear his voice on the comms again..."Recommend you keep your head down and stay out of the crossfire."...wise words considering when the Mercenary had a target locked into his sights he was not apt to disengage without a heavy firefight...

....once those fateful words were spoken Rianna would be able to count the breaths she had to take on one hand before footsteps were heard loud enough to draw the attention of the two men and cause them to swing around. Making no attempt to conceal himself Laith would have come around a corner that served as a lane leading to Med Bay Six and away from in towards engineering. The Blaster Rifle he'd been using was already raised, braced snugly into the crevice of his right shoulder with his left arm supporting the neck, he aimed it ahead and before the first of the two raiders could react Laith would squeeze the trigger. Blaster fire would belch from the weapon and strike the target in the chest twice, squarely, dropping him backwards were he lay prone and likely dead while his companion raised his weapon to take aim and return fire...

...Laith would take a knee in response, inhale a breath and choose his next target carefully as the raider fired over his head missing him as stray blaster fire streaked behind him. When Laith had his target he squeezed the trigger a second time and this time he hammer home a single shot of blaster fire into his targets left hip right below the stomach causing him to lurch to the side and fall against the corridor wall before slumping down. At the moment it appeared he was alive though that could change momentarily... sooner had the brief firefight ended than was Laith rising back to his feet, the Blaster Rifle lowering and then looking over towards Rianna...
"Chief Laith at your service."...he patched comms into the Captain then..."Captain I have Rianna be Ar'klim here with me. Safe and sound."...he glanced over towards the raiders he'd fired on in the corridors..."One hostile dead and another down but alive..."...there was that cold silence that preceded..."...for now."...then his comms went silent as he waited for a response while turning his head to regard Rianna again....
[member="Rianna be Ar'klim"] [member="Jorus Merrill"]
Interacting with: [member="Jaani Doosun"] [member="Rianna be Ar'klim"] [member="Ermac Laith"]

Present: [member="Celeste Leon"]


The barrage of comm signals pursued Jorus to the bridge. He felt reasonably sure that, between the abundance of data and his splitting headache, he was missing some of this. "Good work, Specialist Doosun. I'm dispatching a security squad to take custody of your two prisoners."

The bridge door hissed open, and he sagged in something like relief, catching Lieutenant Leon's eye. Into his comm, he said: "Copy that, Chief Laith. Tell Lieutenant be Ar'klim to keep that raider alive if possible. If the situation's secured, your first priority is finding out which system or systems have our supplies. Exercise good judgment, Chief."
"Now the question is if there are any more left?" would come Chloe's murmur, coming in from behind Jorus to the bridge. More updates were coming in by the second, and with it a knowledge that the crew of the Absolution were fighting back and reclaiming what was theirs. While a sense of relief and security would fill the young Warden, she knew that it didn't mean they were out of hot water just yet.

Crossing the bridge and making her way towards a Navigation station, her fingers would start to deftly fly across the controls. With power back on she could confirm their location. Might aid in that dire need of gathering food -- for now.

Her blue eyes would sweep across the holo-graphic display screen. She was right. "N-2," she confirmed again from their earlier conversation.

"Stone Age. Barabel tribes. Grassland, herds of wild nerf..." nerf would mean nerf steaks. More bleeps of her fingers scanning and typing against the keys.

"But our best bet for finding provisions... and perhaps do what manner of repairs we may need with what supplies we have."
Corridors leading to engineer and hangar decks

Rianna was counting to ten listening carefully to what [member="Ermac Laith"] was saying keep her head down well then being in the corridor might not be the brightest move for the Jedi she stepped back again into the corridor the droid next to her was still silent. She could now see Ermac as he walked down the hall. She could not help but smile it was the mandalorian way to face battle with such certainty it reminded her of [member="Ordo"] for those brief moments that her mind touched upon him she felt the swell of emotion and then just as quickly let it go.

"Hello Chief, good to see you" Rianna stepped out of the corridor and then looked toward the wounded she walked down and immediately checked the one he was dead, however the other was still alive and ready to spit obscenities at them. Rianna however put her hand on his forehead and fed him calm he would not be able to be so while she kept him in this state. She looked at the wound, "Its bad" but blasters did cauterize so the bleeding was stopped the damage however that was messy. She looked up at Ermac, "if we are to question him, it must be now there is no guarantee he would make it to med bay"

Rianna looked down, she could compel him to tell the truth while being questioned, "He will tell the truth" Rianna assured him, there would be no lies.

Ezekiel Rainsblend

Berserker of Midvinter
Location: The Corridor to the Dormoratories

Once a raider, always a raider.

Originally, Ezekiel had agreed to do a bit of pirating work in exchange for passage of Midvinter, but now he seemed to be enjoying the job far too much. This recent raid on a ship called the Absolution was wearing that excitement as thin as string; seeing this many casualties was reminding him of his last major raid on the Valkyri, when they had trapped his men and him inside a cave with their sky traveler technology. So many dead mortals. Thankfully, he had the gift of the gods to thank for his survival.

Now, he was stooping over the dead corpse of one of his fallen brethren, his shield and vibrosword out and at the ready. His senses tingling, ready for battle, he turned his head quickly at the sound of footsteps and yelling behind him. Still crouching, he crept into the shadows to watch....

.....A duck man? Ezekiel snarled in the darkness as he saw [member="Jaani Doosun"] killing his raid-mates in the hallway. His rage began to build up inside him...

The Valkyri madman stood up and slowly walked out into the middle of the corridor, a crazed look on his face. Hitting his durasteel shield with the flat edge of his vibrosword to make a mighty clang, he pointed the blade at the Gungan, his mouth baring all his teeth in a lunatic's grin.

"Maybe you want a fair fight, coward."

Catherine Romanov

Catherine was heading towards the hangar, when [member="Jorus Merrill"] came in on her comms, ordering her to make one more loop, and identify the floating debris several klicks away from the Absolution, to which she replied "Roger that." Catherine yawed the plane, turning it sharply to the left, heading towards the unidentified debris marked on the fighter's radar. Fortunately, the biggest cluster of debris was on the opposite

As she approached the debris, she cut the throttle, which reduced the craft to merely drifting, giving her the chance to take a closer look at identifying the unidentified objects. As her fighter drifted among the debris, she recognised out the name of the Absolution marked on the crates. Majority of the crates seemed to be wrecked and/or damaged, spilling their contents into the wide open space.

Remaining among the scattered field of debris, she got on her commlink, and reported back to the Absolution. "Captain, I've identified the debris, they are in fact our supplies from the ship, most of them seem to be damaged badly, their contents floating around in space." She then continuted "Heres' the good news though, I do see some intact boxes and chests, they seem to be in good condition, and the integrity of the supplies look intact. Any further orders?"

[member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Jared Ovmar"]
Location: Medical bay Main Floor
Status: Overwhelmed with on-coming patients
Objective: Organize and heal

Under all the clutter and chaos filling the medical bay, from all the noises and people talking. Screams and groans filled the room made by the patients in pained; one patient was especially vocal from her pain as she thrashed and rolled in her bed while two doctors did what they could to contain her. The giant of a man, walked over to her; his steps silent and other movement subtle, elegant even. He focused on the sounds of his own breathing his placed his hands on the wounds of a patient as she cried from the pain. "Shh...." He whispered to her and he began to heal her. "Breathe." He told her with his usual stern voice but an echo of compassion surged through her person. The patient was overwhelmed with calm feelings and her wounds healed after some time. She calmed downed into a relaxed slumber and before he could even be thanked, he moved on to the next patient until, [member="Maya Whitelight"], surprised him with her presence with a kissed him on the cheek.

He would of returned the gesture she gave him but his mask covered his face from his nose and mouth and his cheeks. So he instead placed his forehead gently one to her as a sign of affection. "Although I would wish to help you on that and work with you more, Master, I have my orders the everything has to be maintain while the lead medical officer [member="Manu Xextos"] performs major surgery." He stated calmly as a officer came and gave him a dossier on inventory so far. He took a moment to quickly scan over and nodded and ordered the man to take three others to continue on inventory. He nodded to Maya as the temporarily separated to do mores tasks, for the medical bay him remaining on the main floor to continue organizing and working on more speedy cases for himself; codes blue to green.

"Sir! Patient is suffering from broken ribs probably due to the gravity turning back on, most likely internal bleeding."

"There's nothing we can do for him here, take him one of the open operation rooms, now. Master Xextos or another doctor will get to him quickly."

"Master Jericho! Patient has minor wounds just bruising and no cuts."

"Give them an ice pack and a moments rest and get them to do what they need to do."

"Several Security operatives is passed, no wounds, sir."

Jericho walked over the 'patients' loomed over him for a second before smacking all of the operatives awake. Each operative quickly woke up with a shake of their heads. "Wha-?" One said getting it together and seeing Jericho. "Get up, Captain [member="Jorus Merrill"] isn't paying you all to sleep. There are still pirates on the ship. Go." He said his voice calm but his tone still maintained that same signature sternness. They all saluted and with a prompt, "YES SIR!", quickly ran out the med bay doors going to retrieve their things. He let out a sigh and shook his head going back to his work then his comm-link buzzed with new information.

~~"This is Chief Medical Officer Manu Xextos. Stop what you're doing. A toxin of unknown origins has infected members of the crew. Patient Zero was Crewman Bob Yancy, now deceased. Any and every person, item, supply and location Crewman Yancy had contact with since we left port needs to be quarantined and checked. The infection spreads through bodily contact, we have yet to determine any other form of contact, but we are investigating it. ICU Ward 1 is Quarantined until further notice. Scrub with any disinfectant you have and gear up in what gowns, gloves and masks we have left. Do not make skin-to-skin contact with any patient until we figure this out. Begin checking patients for increased temperatures, paling skin, shortness of breath and discolouration of blood vessels. The toxin did not show up on conventional scans. Doctor Xextos out."~~

Great.Luckily, most toxins could be countered by herbal remedy and luckily there are two herblists on board; [member="Maya Whitelight"] and Jericho had higher priorities and responsibilities. He pressed on his comm-link to speak with Master [member="Manu Xextos"] for a moment. "Yes sir." He said over the comm-link abnd moved to take off his jedi robes and armor, aside from his breather/filter mask, to put on disinfectant scrubs and the like and went to where Master Xextos was to speak with him face to face. "Master Whitelight and myself will work on something to counter the toxins. But were going to need several blood samples of those infected. I will of course carefully research it in the laboratory away from others. Unless you have other ideas."

(Sorry for taking so long, just got tags and stuff lol)
Live in Light, Surf Master
[member="Jericho"] would get to the entrance of ICU 1 and see the transparisteel doors had been sealed shut. No code he inputed nor push he gave would open the doors. A soft orange light blinked steadily, the sign for contagion impressed in the middle. On one of the bio beds, two bodies wrapped tightly in sheets shared intimate space they had not in life, patients laid in various stages of consciousness, a nurse curled up on the floor, her body taken by a seizure. Doctor Raste knelt by her side, he held her wrist and checked for the pulse, seeing if it was failing.

On the other side of the doors from Jericho, Chief Medical Officer Manu Xextos was kneeling in meditation, his hands on both knees. What skin he had showing was a translucent pale, the blood vessels under them a sickly and unnatural navy blue. The vessels in his face settled like poorly contained ink, and the infection had begun to spread to his eyes, darkening them with the pitch of infection. His shoulders and ribcage sunk and fell, pushed through the motions of breathing by Manu's singular and incorruptible will. He shut his eyes and groaned, a soft flicker of illumination to his skin.

The black in his blood vessels retreated to his hands. Manu opened his eyes and looked up. In a small tray by the air-sealled containment pass-through window were twelve blood samples, each named. Manu's name was on one which was thick, viscous and black. "Blood samples are in the tray to your left. Don't touch the blood. Destroy everything it's touched. The infection moves without restraint and with fervour. I was infected through skin to skin contact. Nurse Fendian through skin to blood. All the nurses and aides who have worked on Crewman Yancy are in this room but one. I don't know who it is, but the odds of that person being infected are high.

In immuno-suppressant patients, the effects of the toxin are immediate. My heart's stopped once already. In those with open wounds it's immediate. Nurse Fendian died within four minutes of the toxin reaching her bloodstream. Doctor Raste hasn't shown signs of symptoms yet, but everyone else in this room is sick. The infection did not show up on sensor scans, nor did it show up to my healing abilities or discernment in the Force. I can tell you what Yancy felt like. He felt it sticky in his wound. The first stage is shivers, sweating, paling skin. The next stage is the discolouration of blood vessels from point of contact heart-wards. Once it reaches the heart, no one survives. My powers to heal have not beaten it. Aside from stalling the effects, my Force Powers are doing little if anything at the moment. This has all happened in the last fifteen minutes.

I have yet to try more drastic measures, but am waiting until I have the strength. You have to find the origin of this toxin, you have to quarantine everyone that looks sick or has an open wound. We cannot let it take the ship. We have no bacta, no antibiotics, antivirals or antifungals left. Most of our UV disinfectant wands are gone. We don't have one in here, either. When I was in surgery we used up the last of the anaesthetic, and had one bottle of disinfectant foam left for the entire ship. Keep me updated on what other supplies we have. I will continue to work from inside the ICU and notify you on my findings. I'll give you tissue samples and run a proper autopsy on all three patients."

"Doctor Xextos."

"Yes, Raste?"

"Gregor is dead." The long haired Echani took his hand off the nurse and pulled the zipper of her uniform as high as it would go. He pressed the space containment function and picked her up, carrying her to the bio bed where the other dead lied. "Doctor Raste is the only one showing no symptoms so far. I have a theory, Jericho. Kavi Raste is a clone. He was a trial run the Atrisian Empire commissioned for me. He's a clone of my best friend, from eight hundred years ago. I don't know if that will help you, but there it is. We have yet to see if he's carrying the infection. I have four patients in here who none of us have touched. Think its worth the experiment?" Manu panted as he struggled to pull oxygen into his lungs. "I need to speak with the Captain [member="Jorus Merrill"]."
The bridge was now fully crewed by alternates, mostly lieutenants and ensigns, and by Jorus, [member="Chloe Blake"] and [member="Celeste Leon"]. For a man so recently concussed, Jorus could admit that he was moving a little too fast, working his way from station to station, ensuring the Absolution was once more operational. At last he took a seat, his own seat.

[member="Anija Ordo"] [member="Judah Dashiell"]
"Bridge to Engineering. We're fully operational up here. Thanks for all your hard work."

[member="Catherine Maxwell"]
"Good work, Lieutenant Maxwell. We've got you and the supplies on sensors now. I'm dispatching a Niathal-class shuttle to take aboard what you've found intact. We're getting reports that two raider boarding craft may be docked with us at airlocks 28-B and 6-J; if so, I need them crippled but not destroyed; they may have hostages. As soon as we've finished picking up the intact supplies, we'll jump to hyperspace along coordinates I'm sending you now. I'll let you know when we're ready to jump."

[member="Naast'ika Laaran"]
"Captain Tupu, we have a course, a nearby planet where we may be able to procure food. As soon as we've finished picking up some stranded supplies, and this raider situation resolves itself, we'll be making for a system designated N-2."

[member="Manu Xextos"] [member="Jericho"] [member="Rianna be Ar'klim"] [member="Silara Vantai"] [member="Maya Whitelight"] [member="Seanna Vel"]

"Bridge to senior medical and xenobiology staff. Doctor Xextos, the areas in question have been locked down, and I'm dispatching xenobiology staff to analyze the samples. Be advised that Lieutenant [member="Catherine Maxwell"] has located a portion of our missing supplies and a shuttle has been dispatched to pick them up. I've instructed the shuttle's crew to prioritize medical supply cases, if any have survived; the hardshell versions are decompression-rated. We may soon have something for you to work with."

He switched channels to speak directly to [member="Rianna be Ar'klim"], [member="Ermac Laith"], [member="Nickolas Imura"], [member="Spencer Jacobs"] [member="Mrrew"] and [member="Jaani Doosun"] -- all people who had prisoners or might be about to get some. "Lieutenant be Ar'klim, Chief Laith, Commander Jacobs, Lieutenant Imura, Specialists Mrrew and Doosun, this is the Captain. We appear to have a biological weapon exposure, with a stab wound as the vector; we've got an entire medcentre locked down. I need intel from your prisoners, and I need them searched for antidotes. Be careful; last thing I need is you infected too."

[member="Chloe Blake"]

With a grunt, he stood and moved over to Chloe. "Xextos left something out," he said quietly, "or I missed it in the comm wash and I'm only half-remembering. Either way, my gut says there's something to find -- something dangerous. I think his quarantine had a hole, and if so, there's someone very contagious and about to die wandering around my ship."

He unlocked a thin compartment on the side of the bridge and procured a long double-barrelled shotgun made of Mandalorian iron, along with a bandolier of shells. "Commander Blake, you have the conn."
[member="Jorus Merrill"]

Engineering, Generator

Gallasin finally awoke, shaking his head. He instinctively raised a hand to his head when he realized it was covered. For most of his life he wore this suit, and still wasn't completely used to it... That's when he realized he was covered in a small pile of debris. He tossed it off of him, getting up and brushing his suit off.

He looked around engineering, shaking his head a little. At least the power was on, he wouldn't have to do much in that department.. he shrugged, looking around for his rifle. Someone had to have messed this ship up, and he was going to make sure he was ready if they were still here. He found his rifle, giving it a quick lookover..

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