Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Deep Black Sea (PM or sign up first)

[member="Chloe Blake"] got a grunt. "Ain't that the truth."

[member="Simone"] [member="Spencer Jacobs"]

"I'll just bet he is. Lieutenant Denning, Commander Jacobs, if your location's locked down, see if you can make sure the rest of that dorm wing is clear. If it's not, do not-"

He hesitated then, because Spencer Jacobs was, pound for pound, probably the most powerful Master of the Force he'd ever met, and almost certainly the strongest Forcer on this expedition. She had her weaknesses, certainly, but he had little doubt that the raider was very very dead.

"Ah, screw it. Engage at will. I think [member="Silara Vantai"] could use a hand. Haven't heard from her direction."

Chief [member="Ermac Laith"] came on the comm then.

"Well done, Chief Laith. See if you can track down the breach point, probably an airlock or we'd be a lot more lightheaded. They may have people stationed there to cover a potential escape. Please make sure that doesn't happen-feth. Chief Laith, belay that, I'm getting a report that [member="Rianna be Ar'klim"] has encountered hostiles near medbay six. Apparently it got stuck somewhere between her and me in the chain of command. She's a Force Master and a strong one, but healing's all she does. Do what you do, Chief, or see if any of your people are in position."
She was getting her bearings with every second, and it was clear by the growing determination on her face she was aiming to misbehave.

And teach whatever droyking pirates that still lingered another taste of their medicine. She'd move to check on her QQ-83N Sidearm, that tried and true Corellian grit and conviction shining through. Another show of the woman she'd now become. A bit more confidant. A bit more pluck. And a heck of a lot of pugnacity.

"Ven Ohna... " she checked her powercell, satisfied with the levels," se ili Volgoth Al enmicsili de Domina, " she slammed it home, turning to meet [member="Jorus Merrill"]'s eyes. " Li ai nia dev Al helpi ili kun."
Before Spencer noticed [member="Simone"] , she scrunched her nose a few times as she felt mucus starting to build up. A petite yet loud sneeze echoed the hallway and a hand went up to wipe away whatever clung to the tip of her nose. Turning around, she heard her title and her name - coming face to face with the Zeltron and the 3 stunned raiders along with five that seemed to occupied with the woman. Blinking a few times she walked over touching each raider at their forehead. Draining a non force user wasn’t always ideal, but she would gain a boost in power. Each man twitched as their eyes soon glossed over, death came quickly as the life force as pulled from them. She ignored Simone for a moment as she completed her task.

“These the only ones you’ve seen so far? I had one trying to cut-” She stopped as her nose once again started to twitch and another sneeze spurted out. A booger hung from her small nostril and she looked around for something to wipe it with. Kneeling down awkwardly, she kept her head tilted backwards enough to keep the booger from falling on her … humble chest. A hand patted one of the dead raiders and she found a handkerchief and blew into it. Finally realizing what Simone was she laughed. “Now I know why I never got to Zeltros. You heard Jorus? There’s someone else down here.”

Quickly using the force in the small vicinity she pinpointed this [member="Silara Vantai"]. “Just down the hall” Heading down that way, she wiped her nose a few time and stifled a few sneezes. The last thing she needed was to be found out because of her allergy to the woman who was hopefully following her. Seeing the raiders that were around the woman, Spencer whistled softly and walked up. The one with the blaster looked over his shoulder and Spencer waved casually towards them. “She’s my friend and its a bad idea to point blasters in people’s faces. You should probably put that away.” As she spoke, she pushed forward her influence focusing on the men around Silara. They were weak minded, simple and stupid. It was easy to imbed her mind into theirs taking direct control of them. It was sudden as each of the men turned to face Spencer, they saluted the woman and she nodded as she continued to walk closer. The moment reminded her of the first time Ashin had ordered her to kill.

The Raiders removed their pistols from their holsters if they hadn’t already and held them at their sides. “Blasters should be pointed at people who are going to hurt you. You have to protect yourself right?” The men nodded at once and then quickly pointed the blasters at each other in a circle around Silara. “But to kill each other is just a waste.” The blasters moved towards the chins of each of the men, they whimpered as they knew what was coming next. “You shouldn’t have boarded this ship. Time to say goodbye.” The men waved their free hands and then at once the blasters went off and the men fell to the ground dead. Spencer walked up to Silara as she wiped her nose. Shoving the handkerchief into her pocket of the loose spacer pants, she wiped off her hand on her tan jacket. Offering it, she smiled. “Spencer, I’m assuming you’re Silara? You hurt?”
Live in Light, Surf Master
Captain [member="Jorus Merrill"] had Manu's comm.

So it was that while Manu was in surgery handling a crew member's shrapnel-sliced spinal column, [member="Rianna be Ar'klim"] 's call in reached deaf ears. "Compress." The Echani Master reached his forceps to pull apart the tissue of the engineer's back and blew at the wound. A fragrant and gentle gust of wind pushed the pooling blood away from the metal, and Manu saw where it had snagged into the spinal strands like a rigid thorn. He removed the gouge of metal and swept his hand over the damaged tissue, healing it back to strength in order to give the engineer a life without paralysis. As he closed the greater surgical wound and sewed the patient up, a Nurse pulled by the OR and pressed the theatre's local intercom.

"Doctor Xextos, we're getting reports of invaders by Lieutenant be Ar'klim near Med Bay Six. Security is otherwise engaged."

In response, Manu continued to suture up the massive surgical slice in his patient. The layer of internal sutures would have to be done with what little caprolactone thread he had in stock, which would given time and the survival of his patient absorb into her body. Manu threaded his 5/8 circle needle for each of the individual sutures. He called for the Nurse to wipe his forehead and bent over the work at hand.

The man was exhausted. He'd Force Healed serious injuries in the Command Staff of the ship, spread an aura of peace to prevent panic and bring the crew together and at the point he was at two surgeries in one of the only things keeping the relative space geriatric together was his sense of in-exhaustive duty to his patients and staff, and [member="Spencer Jacobs"] ' Battle Meditation. He pushed the thread on the needle and held it in place with the needle holder, using his long fingers to pinch the tissues surrounding the deep wound of the spinal column together before threading the needle through the tissue and tying off the loop. He continued using the precious absorbable thread down the line of the slice-marks until he was satisfied the patient wouldn't bleed out. Putting his needle holder in a k pan, he looked up to the nurse.

"Security's on it, right? I've got another twenty three stitches internally before I can close this patient up. There're two more surgeries and more patients coming through the Med Bay every minute, if I'm going to be active for the next twelve hours, I can't help her. Where's [member="Jericho"]? Is he closer and not elbow deep in someone's spinal column? What about [member="Maya Whitelight"]? Has she scrubbed up yet? She could help Rianna."

Manu leaned back on his stool and shut his eyes. He searched the ship till he found the Mandalorian-married-Organa and linked himself telepathically with her. 'I see you're in a tough spot, [member="Rianna be Ar'klim"]. Sorry I couldn't get to you sooner, we've lost most of our medical droids, all our surgeon droids, our staff is still waking up and the Medical Bays are swamping. With our bacta and supplies gone, I've had to go in to manual surgery in some cases to preserve my abilities for the next few hours. I've rescued the Captain and XO, now I'm finishing up in the OR. If you feel you need me to come, I will. What's your status? Are you in physical danger? Security's coming for you.'

Manu switched threads to a thin removable polymer and put his valuable supply of caprolactone in its' case. Not knowing how many more stitches he'd have to do while they figured out where the ship was supply and power-wise, the Force Healer was wary of expanding his abilities too far.

There was always catgut, not that he'd mention that to [member="Mrrew"] . As he sutured the final wound-close up, he let the nurse do the final wipe down and coat the area in an antiseptic fast-drying gel. "How much more of that do we have?"

"This is the last bottle I could find, Doctor."

Manu shut his eyes and yanked off his gloves. "Once she's in recovery, talk to Whitelight. She'll have herbs we can use instead. I cannot afford our crew to fall prey to something as pedantic as infection. No one knows where those pirates have been. How much sedative do we have left?"

"None. That was the last of it."

"Good to know. Keep the patient comfortable, when she wakes up find a crew member who isn't cleared to leave the medical bay to talk to her. Brush her hair, give her hand massages, anything to keep her distracted until I can finish what I started."

The Absolution's Chief Medical Officer scrubbed down and put his uniform back on. Armed with his scanner droid and his wits, Manu began to make rounds on the minor and medium injuries presenting in the Med-Bay. He started with the Medical Staff, sending them out in teams to bring in more wounded or handle minor triage out in the decks. It was worth the effort, but his mind still rested on Rianna. As Manu worked through setting a broken wrist, he felt the familiar weight of his lightsaber clank against his hip.

'Status report, Rianna.' He patched himself through the local comms, to reach his own people and the medical bays.

"This is Chief Medical Officer Xextos to all my Staff. Report in to the nearest Medical Bay for assignment. Those unable to treat wounded, search the ship for Medical Stores and take stock. Coordinate with Nurse Fridley. Those able to treat the wounded, come to the Main Medical Bay to be assigned to a Triage Unit. Each Triage Unit will be armed. There are hostiles aboard and Security is working on putting them down, but we cannot let pirates put our patients' lives in danger. I know you're confused, trust me when I say it will be okay. Your task now is to get to the Med Bays, orient to your task and complete it. Let everything else go. Xextos out."
Crew Quarters

With a blaster rifle pointed directly at her face the blonde let out a sigh, it wasn't that she was afraid - moreso shocked to have found herself in such a precarious situation, this being the second time in one day and she doubted at this point that it would be the last. Just as she had planned to engineer her escape, and likely the death of at least one of these poor fellows, a whistling echoed across the hall and both her and her captor looked over towards a newly arriving blonde, someone she recognized as a member of command. The events that followed thereafter were nothing if evidence that there was a vast difference between herself and those whom had mastery over the force, regardless of titles and training she had received in the past with the One Sith. Her eyes even went wide at the sight of each of the raiders acting as if they had been reading a script, knowing that this was likely a mind trick through the force. As each of the men lifted their weapons and pointed them at each other, and subsequently themselves, Silara couldn't help but make an "o" with her lips. Flinching as the sound of each blaster went off in sequence, she moved to get to her feet, tired of constantly being on her knees*.

Staring at the woman whom had offered her a hand, she looked from her hand to her face and smiled pleasantly and forced herself to accept the hand. She had a thing about touching other people, something that perhaps went unnoticed by others, but she figured it would not do her any good by accidentally insulting the woman. "Yes, I'm Silara." She answered, shaking her head as she looked down at herself after she'd regained her footing. "I believe I'm fine... But one of the other researchers who was reviewing our things prior to the raid has been killed." Silara added, looking over her shoulder to the dead Hapan. It was most certainly a pity, she'd have to work at least twice as hard to make up for the loss in the Biosciences department, though she was sure she could handle it. "Is the rest of the crew alright, do you know?" The blonde asked after a short pause.

[member="Spencer Jacobs"] [member="Simone"] [member="Jorus Merrill"]


"Cute." Simone said darkly. "You're allergic to me. My day just keeps getting better." She patted down the raiders one by one hunting for the keys to her cuffs. " I didn't ask to be me. Pinky, pink demon and the poor unfortunate soul that makes [member="Spencer Jacobs"] sneeze without even secreting pheramones." She muttered to herself as she unlocked the cuffs.

She turned to glance over her shoulder as Spencer moved down the hall, pulling a pirate comm and a datapad from one of their pockets she snatched the stun gun up and followed suit. She wished she hadn't. She really wished she was still drifting somewhere unconscious and oblivious to what was going on. There was something incredibly terrifying about watching your ally manipulate people into killing themselves.

Simone blinked, staring down at thier corpses. She needed to dk something a little more productive tha watching these people die. Not that she was against it, but she was sensitive to it. "" she blinked again looking towards [member="Silara Vantai"]. "There's a lot of injured. Death count unknown. Damage unknown. Full extent of the raid generally unknown. Basically we don't know yet."

She looked down at the datapad and the comm. " Yet." She repeated. She opened a channel to [member="Judah Dashiell"]. "Hey sunshine, how long till you can get internal sensors back online? I might have a way to track these raiders down."
Enroute to Med Bay Six
...he stood in the kitchen listening to the chatter over the comms, Lieutenant Denning seemed to have her own party to attend rather than make her way here but it wasn't long until Captain Merrill came over the comms again to address him. Initially it sounded like he was being sent on a search and destroy mission however Captain Merrill cut off and redacted his command in place of another which caused Laith to respond..."Copy that Captain. Rescue mission. Med Bay Six."...and without any further adieu he would have exited the kitchens after grabbing a hunk of bread to chew on while he went. Never a good idea to work on an empty stomach after all...

...Laith moved out into the corridors of the ship and headed in the direction of Med Bay Six, he knew the layout of the Absolution fairly well including all the short cuts so travel time would be minimal however he made use of it but preforming an ammunition check on his Blaster Rifle and then coming over the comms...
"Mr. Dashiell I'm going to need your help."...there was a brief pause..."I've been unable to make contact with any of my security team. Potentially they may still be unconscious or dead however if you could contact any of them that would be exceptionally helpful."...another pause while Laith took a breath..."Try [member="Lucifer Erebus"] and [member="Lord Daemos"] to begin with." was a start anyways...

...the corridors stretched onwards causing Laith to take turns down different junctions until he finally switched his comms to a different channel and...
"Lieutenant Ar'klim do you copy? If you read it would help me a lot if you can tell me their numbers. I'm enroute to your position and have an estimated time of arrival of a minute or two."...he knew Med Bay Six was close to engineering and the hangars which meant that there might be a few surprises in store for either himself or the Raiders that he encountered. If Laith had time he'd consider returning to his quarters to retrieve his Beskar'gam and personal weapons but time was of the essence at the moment and he didn't have large quantities of it...
[member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Judah Dashiell"] [member="Rianna be Ar'klim"]
Jaani heard a commotion ahead. He hunkered down into a mid-crouch and stalked forwards. There was shouting, then the high-pitched screech of a stun blast – which was accompanied by a blue flash on the corridor walls. The Gungan was close to whatever was happening. His senses kicked into overdrive. He heard the dull thud of someone collapsing to the deck.

The hunter rounded the corner to find a group of three humanoids standing over a collapsed crew member. Their faces were covered by masks and he could not identify their species. He shook his left fist and his shield clicked into place. The shimmering iridescent field filling the space within the emitting oval. He raised it ahead of him, watching the blue-tinted view of the three invaders turning to face him.

His face contorted into the Gungan version of a grimace; the embarrassing fall and soaking was still fresh in his mind. He screamed as he charged down the corridor, electropole in his right hand. A blue ripple of a stun gun shot out to meet him. His shield crackled as the blast was reflected back down the corridor. A second blast followed almost immediately, this time hitting one of the pirates square on. That pirate dropped like a stone and the others ceased firing. Down the long, narrow corridor there was no scope to try and surround the Gungan and bypass his shield.

One of them reached for what appeared to be a grenade on his belt. Jaani decided not to find out whether it was explosive or gas. He landed hard on his left leg, pivoting on the ball of his foot and bringing the pole over his shield. His momentum was transferred into the pole which shot down the corridor with a hiss. There was no need for the electric charge, which had been set to stun - the pole skewered one of the pirates just below the sternum.

Jaani kept his body tight behind his shield and carried on his advance, this tight keeping his steps small and controlled. The final pirate rushed him, and tried to thrust his blaster around the shield. Jaani grabbed the weapon with his free right hand and angled the barrel away. He dropped his shield as stun blasts crackled against the bulkhead. The pirate pulled a vibro-knife and abandoned the blaster, as Jaani sent him stumbling with a crisp left hook. The pirate barely even grunted. The still unrevealed creature assumed a fighting stance and flashed the blade, which hummed dangerously. The seasoned Gungan warrior could respect that. No nonsense, just on with business. He already knew that the ship couldn't have been breached by amateurs, but still he was still taken aback by the professionalism of the raiders.

The pair circled each other for a moment, before the smaller pirate danced in close and slashed with the blade. Jaani was a moment too slow, and a bright line of blood welled up on his forearm where the tip of the blade caught him. He carried on circling his opponent, looking for an opportunity to get past the blade and use his strength to grapple his enemy.
Lucifer was stumbling through the halls still trying to look for other people, as he was about to turn the hall Lucifer noticed three men, probably the ones who had attacked the ship, and he drew his lightsaber. "Well I suppose I should do my job." He jeered at the pirates to draw their attention as he dashed towards them swiftly. They opened fire on him, but most of the shots missed their target with a few grazes here and their, but for the most part they were deflected. One of the raiders pulled out a vibroblade and swung at Lucifer's neck as he got closer, but with a quick duck this was avoided. Lucifer brought his saber up and shoved it into the jaw of the man who attacked him, then he turned his attention to the man to the left using the force to knock him to the wall. The third raider shot at Lucifer through panic, but the shot were blocked by Lucifer, who then grabbed the mans blaster and crushed it in his hand. He then backhanded the raided and refocused his attention to the one laying against the wall, dispatching him with a quick flick of his sword. The final raider drew a knife and tried to rush Lucifer, but the vampire stopped the blade by grabbing it with his hand. He was about to drink the blood of the man when he remembered that it was best not to let the others onto the fact that he was a vampire, so he quickly grabbed the knife from the man and inserted it into his abdomen and the Lucifer continued his way down the wall, opting to head for the bridge as that was the most logical place to meet up in his mind.
Spencer nodded as Silara spoke, she glanced towards the dead woman behind her and frowned. If only she had been quicker, but there was no time to think about the past and the what ifs. Leaning against the wall, she looked towards Simone and shrugged. "Its really nothing personal. I had some stuff happen in the past and my wife fixed it. This is just a side effect of the process. I just ask that you don't get all hot and bothered on this trip." Digging through her pockets she searched for something. Frowning, she moved quicker as she hoped they didn't get crushed. Finding the small bag of colored chocolates a small smile spread across her face.

Killing someone wasn't something she enjoyed, she did her best to keep her mind from remembering that these were people, they had or have a family somewhere in the galaxy. Finger-less gloved hands dug around the bag as she found her favorite color and shoved the candy into her mouth. She was an emotional eater and at the moment emotions were running high. Offering the bag to the other women she did her best to smile softly. "We need to head to the bridge, you two can go up and see what is needed. I can stay down here and see if we have any more threats." Pulling the bag back after they had gotten a piece or two if they wanted, Spencer flicked another one into her mouth then shoved the back into her back pocket.

"If you go to the bridge, make sure Jorus knows where I am. If I don't check in within the hour don't worry about sending help." Pulling her hair back into a ponytail, Spencer shrugged. "I'm probably just busy"

[member="Simone"] [member="Silara Vantai"]

"Now hear this, now hear this. This is Captain Merrill to all hands. We've isolated the last of our attackers on Decks Nine and Twenty-Seven, near the airlocks. We believe they're attempting to withdraw. Capture them as humanely as you can, but we need to know where our food has gone.

"Any starfighter-qualified and uninjured personnel are to get in our small craft and take a look around the ship. We have reports that a raider frigate may still be lurking out there. If it is, scare it off and see if you can trace its escape vector.

"If we get through the next half hour, anyone with firsthand experience of Companion Esk and the Worlds of the Tusk is invited to send me a message detailing what worlds they're familiar with and what the prospects might be for food."

Captain: Jorus Merrill
First Officer/Navigator: Commander [member="Chloe Blake"]
Diplomatic Officer: Lieutenant Commander [member="Spencer Jacobs"]
Chief Medical Officer: Lieutenant [member="Manu Xextos"]
Medical Officer: Lieutenant [member="Rianna be Ar'klim"]
Medical Officer: Lieutenant [member="Jericho"]
Quartermaster: Lieutenant [member="Marek Starchaser"]
Communications Officer: Lieutenant [member="Simone"]
Helm Officer: Lieutenant [member="Celeste Leon"]

Security Chief: Chief [member="Ermac Laith"]
Shipboard/Away Team Security Personnel: [member="Gabriel Itera"], [member="Countess Xyhn"], [member="Lucifer Erebus"], [member="Lord Daemos"], @Darth Banshee (as 'Sedetta') (individual assignments provided by Chief Laith, case by case)

Small Craft Coordination Officer: Lieutenant Commander [member="Jared Ovmar"]
Small Craft Pilots: Lieutenant [member="Nickolas Imura"]

Naval Escort: [member="Naast'ika Laaran"]

Chief Engineer: Commander [member="Judah Dashiell"]
Engineering Officer: Lieutenant [member="Anija Ordo"]
Archaeological/Sociological Specialist: [member="Pibit"]
Xenofauna/Provisions Specialist: [member="Mrrew"]
Xenofauna/Provisions Specialist: [member="Jaani Doosun"]
Xenoflora/Provisions Specialist: [member="Seanna Vel"]
Biosciences Specialist: [member="Silara Vantai"]
Location: A few hallways from Deck 9.
Status: Alive, and angry
Objective: Capture and kill the Pirates.

It was soon that from the lack of blaster fire, I could hear a few men yelling above me to leave. Still somewhat stuck, I decided I was going to get out and nab them before they run towards.... the hangar bays. They were trying to escape! No they were not leaving. Oh was I going to be pissed if they did. Just the thought made me angry. I pushed myself up, and focused on the metal. Using telekinesis to bend the tubes away from my arm, I was free. Before I had even left my saber was in my hand. The black blade igniting and sending the Dark side of the force through my veins as I lept up. One man was still there, trying to gun me down, with a simple slash across his chest, he was cut into two pieces.

Rushing forward, I tried to catch up to the others that were there. Not even using my saber now, I flung my fist at the first man I saw. powering through his body and sending him tumbling forward end over end after breaking many bones with the gauntlet I wore. I rushed forward once more to the next man to stab through his chest and into the wall which I pinned him to. Finally they turned around as the man had yelled in pain. Lashing forward, I past one man, leaving my saber behind, to punch him in the face. breaking almost every bone in his head as he contacted with the wall behind him. I called on my saber with the force and hearing a cut as it flew past me into the next man as I ran forward.

I needed to catch up. And then make my way back to the hangar.

Running past the man, I gripped the glowing saber by the hilt and pulled it from his body. Rushing up to a woman and pining her to the wall with my hand on her throat, A man was off to the side of me, but with a flick of a wrist, the blaster shot he fired at me was redirected back to him, slamming into his chest. Leaving a smoking hole where his heart once was. and then thrown to impale the last man. I turned my head to the woman as the saber flew to my hand and shut off with a pop.

"Why did you attack us?" I didn't wait for an answer before I pushed her body up against the wall. Leaving her feet dangling in the air, and banging up against the wall, I crushed down on her neck..... and then stopped.

I released and sat her feet back down. From the sudden trauma she fell to her knees next to me, almost throwing up. I put my lightsaber away on my belt and grabbed her spacer jacket. Yanking her off of her feet. "You will soon be speaking to our captain." I then pushed her down the hall to start moving. "Move fast or more of your friends will die."

She began to run, and I run after her.
[member="Jorus Merrill"]

Captain Tupu looked into the depths of space, but saw nothing. Then again, that was hardly suprising. Naast'ika Laaran was far from a steady and peaceful course. The ship was rotating on three axis's as it drifted steadily away from The Absolution. Currently, the quadrant of space indicated by Helmsman [member="Celeste Leon"] was somewhere outside Captain Tupu's field of view from Naast'ika's bridge.

In the Pilot's Den, Commander Talia Kain stepped next to the Cognition Throne. Behind her, the doors to the chamber sealed shut behind her and she was left alone in the dimly lit room. Almost alone. Before he rested the imposing figure of the strange organic construct. She would need to remove her armor first. That alone was a subject of frustration for Talia. It had taken her years to grow accustomed to wearing the impressive Mandalorian armor. She had grown so accustomed to it that it felt like an extension of herself. Without it, she felt naked.

Her orders clear, however. Reluctantly, Talia removed her helmet and placed it upon the ground. Bit by bit, she removed her second skin until nothing but simple and loose fitting clothes remained. Tentative hands gripped the side of the throne and Talia's bare flesh felt the organic construct unobstructed by Beskar gauntlets. She had expected it to be slimy. But it was as smooth and metallic as the rest of Naast'ika's internal areas.

Talia pulled herself over the side of the throne. Bare feet touched against the soft, squishy inner surface of the Throne. It was an odd sensation, but the lack of slime was a godsend to the Mandalorian woman. She set herself down, legs extending deep into the inner compartments of the throne. With a final sigh, Talia Kain took hold of the cognition hood that rested above her head and pulled it onto her head. As the hood made contact with her bare flesh, worm-like Neural Cusps extended from within the hood and sought out specific areas of her head. As the worm-like and disturbing creatures wriggled against her skin, Talia was forced to suppress a gag and a shudder. The throne itself might not be slimy, but the Neural Cusps sure as feth were.

The worm-like creatures found their places against Talia's skin and connected to the woman's own nervous system. More worms reached out from all throughout the throne and each sought out specific points along her body where they could connect themselves to her nervous system. The sensation... was disturbing beyond compare. But as each worm found its designated place along her body, her awareness extended beyond herself and into that of Naast'ika Laaran.

Her senses extended throughout the creature. From internal decks and hallways to the organs and systems that ran alongside them. From hanger to bridge, she was aware of every inch of Naast'ika. She could feel his body as if it were her own. From tail and nacelle to the armored and reinforced prow, she felt every inch. Her own body seemed to melt away, the last sensation to reach her awareness was that of her arms being pulled into hollow spaces to her left and right.

It was strange beyond compare. Yet oddly empowering. She felt massive and strong. She could feel Naast'ika's subconscious watching her and she could feel where the creature's consciousness should have been. She could feel the creature's mind as it slept off the turmoil that had rendered the ship and crew unconscious not too long ago. As her awareness reached Naast'ika's external weaponry, Talia felt untouchable and opposable. “I have control.” Talia said, her voice echoing through the bridge.

“Do you have control of external sensors?” Captain Tupu asked simply, ignoring his own curiosity as to the specifics of her current ordeal.

“Yes Captain.” Talia said, her voice echoing through the external speakers on the bridge. The sensation of seeing the galaxy through Naast'ika's eyes was the strangest part. For one, Naast'ika had no eyes. Talia was aware of all space surrounding Naast'ika's body. She was aware of the massive ship to their port. She was aware of its external appearance from all sides, as well as its internal activities. She could identify individual humanoids moving through the hull of the other ship. She could sense the electrical, electronic, sonic, and radiation emissions of various components within the ship. She could identify power conduits, weapons, sensors, life support, bridge, reactor, hanger, engines, maneuvering thrusters, external communications dishes... Talia could see the ship in multiple dimensions and layers at once without losing her awareness of the entirety of space that surrounded Naast'ika. It was like falling into space while high on spice and stim.

“Contact at range, two-o'clock.” Captain Tupu said from the bridge. It felt like an echo in her ear. “Maybe... thirty degrees under our bow right now. Do you see it?”

Talia tried to focus her attention on the area of space indicated. She saw stars. To be more accurate, she saw the exact frequency on which thousands of stars resonated, she knew the exact visible spectrum on which each star shone, and she knew the exact bands of radiation each star managed to bombard this area of space with. She saw the flow of cosmic radiation through this particular pocket of space. A thousand different songs filled her ears as every star and nebula in the distance cried out to be heard.

It was.



But somewhere in the storm of chaos that was all of space and time, as visible from her specific point in the galaxy... A point of abnormality existed. A song unlike the others reached her ears. Her... senses. It clunked and rattled and screeched on synthetic frequencies. Somewhere in the depths of her awareness, Naast'ika's subconscious told her that she was sensing a ship.

“I have them.” Talia's voice nearly growled through the comms of the bridge. The primal desires of Naast'ika's subconscious bleeding through and mingling with her own instincts and training. Before she was aware of it, she was racing forward to meet the threat. A ball of gravity formed immediately before her. She could see four distinct points in space and time. Concentric rings of steadily strengthening gravity pulsed the flowed through space and time, slowly moving forward at the same speed as her body accelerated. At the center of these rings, four points of finite density shone like jewels in the night.

“What do you see?” Captain Tupu desperately asked Commander Kain, realizing that she was losing track of herself. His first officer was losing her mind within that of the ship. An event that could end up costing hundreds of people their lives. "Commander Talia Kain, what do you see?” Captain Tupu shouted desperately as he tried to pull his Commander back to the brink of sanity.
[member="Ermac Laith"] | [member="Anija Ordo"] | [member="Jorus Merrill"]
Location : Engineering Bays

"Mr. Laith, we read you loud and clear. Handle your business, we will try hailing your crew."

Chatter filled the comm feed as Judah set about to his task. Security was too busy trying to handle finding the pirates, let alone trying to track down lost crew members. It was a high possibility that during the zero-g the two had been separated from their comms. Walking stiffly away from the current comm console, Judah went the short distance to communications.

"Hailing [member="Lucifer Erebus"] and [member="Lord Daemos"] . This is the Engineering Sector. Do you copy? Does anyone read? What is your location and status?"
Location: 7th floor halls

[member="Judah Dashiell"]

"Reporting in, I'm on the seventh floor. I just killed three unknown assailants, and am currently roaming the halls, what is it?" Lucifer assumed the cameras were offline during this time, so he decided he was probably able to have a quick bit before someone turned them on. He grabbed one of the fresh corpses and drained it of it's blood, completely revitalizing him. He sat back as he wiped the blood from his mouth with his cuff, and started looking for any identification on the attackers. One had ten credits and a pazaak deck, those were Lucifer's now. Aside from that he got nothing, all he had to do know was wait.
Location: Crew Quarters, Stairs

As Silara parted ways with [member="Spencer Jacobs"] and Co., she made her way towards the nearest flight of stairs that would lead her to the next floor, planning to try and meet up with those whom were likely less capable than the blonde master, and received a loud bleep from her comlink to notify of an incoming transmission. Although she had planned to check in with [member="Jorus Merrill"] eventually, the blonde opted to do so immediately after listening to what he had to say. "This is Silara Vantai of research reporting in from the crew quarters. I have just parted ways with Spencer Jacobs and her group and will be heading up to the next floor, I'll round up any straggling raiders I come across and will help in any way I can." She said, her finger held to the comlink. She wasn't too sure about operating a space craft, it wasn't within her skill set to pilot or maintain a ship of any kind - though she was certain given the time and tools she could learn. Silara had opted to allow others to go with what their captain had requested and round up the remaining stragglers herself, well aware that there were more capable pilots and engineers than herself, but also felt a bit uneasy about not going straight to the small craft and helping immediately. Deciding, finally, after climbing up a few steps, that she'd instead go toward the small craft and deal with any pirates she may see or sense along the way eased her conscious a bit. "Odd. I'm developing a conscious." She thought with a frown.
[member="Silara Vantai"]

"Negative, Science Officer Vantai, I say again negative. Please don't try to engage solo if you can avoid it. We're going to need to take on a lot of provisions over the next few days, and that means the xenobiology lab needs to be operational so we can figure out what to eat without poisoning ourselves. It's your work that's gonna keep us alive. Proceed to the lab if it's safe, make sure the raiders left it intact."

There was no guarantee, of course, that she wouldn't find something to kill in the xenolab. A full-fledged Sith Battlelord as a science officer didn't come along every day, and frankly, he wasn't quite sure how to manage Vantai. He wished, keenly, that his sister was here; she would have been able to speak Vantai's language.

Then again, with ten million credits on her head, Rave would have made this expedition even more of a target.

Catherine Romanov

Location: Crew Quarters, Stairs
Objective: Get into the small crafts, and carry out a perimeter sweep

Catherine woke up with a start. She couldn't remember what she was doing at the bottom of the stairs. It was then she felt the aches in her body. She must have fallen down the stairs, and had a slight concussion. The last thing she remembered was that she was heading towards her quarters. A constant beeping sound broke her out of her daze. It was the incoming indicator on her comms. She listened to the various crew members communicating, before she heard the announcement by her captain, [member="Jorus Merrill"], for all starfighter pilots to get in their ships and carry out a perimeter sweep.

Catherine quickly got onto her feet, acknowledged the message "This is Starfighter Pilot Catherine Maxwell reporting, Roger that. I'm heading to the hangar now" and hurried towards the hangar, where the Absolution's starfighters were parked.
[member="Catherine Maxwell"] was, as it happened, the first pilot to check in with any intent of going into the black. To say Jorus was relieved would be an understatement.

"Good to hear, Maxwell. We've got a confirmed visual on some kind of raider frigate; [member="Naast'ika Laaran"] is engaging-" That was the Absolution's bioship escort, a very young and impulsive creature. "-but I need more than a visual. Scan our bogey, tell me what we're dealing with, and let me know if there are still any landing craft linked to our airlocks. If there are, don't waste them, they may have hostages aboard. Flight Coordinator [member="Jared Ovmar"] will be feeding you intel and support. You're our eyes in the sky, Maxwell. Good luck."

OOC/ Feel free to make up whatever, and I'll roll with it.
The Admiralty
[member="Jorus Merrill"]

There were men who enjoyed the thrill of waltzing through abandoned, low-grav hallways in an attempt to fight off the boarders that apparently had been still on the Ship. Ovmar wasn’t one of those men, oh sure- he probably could have mentally warped them all into submission, followed by draining all the knowledge from them.

But that wasn’t his job, his job was coordination. To be more specific it was the Sith Lord’s job to make sure that others were feeling great, dandy and their morals were high when doing their job. So that’s what he did.

Ovmar declined to comment on the fact that his head was a little shaken-up and he doubted he would have been able to actually do anything against the pirates, outlaws or hooligans. The pink flying unicorn that was harassing him right about now wasn’t doing him any wonders.

About then Merrill pitched in, making Ovmar open his eyes and leave the immersion of the Force, to nobody in particular he nodded, before remembering he was actually still alone in his cabin, so he grunted an affirmative.

Again he closed his eyes, focusing on the, for now, lone soul that was put under his care, Ovmar attempted to invigorate the girl, giving her legs more energy to work with, clearing her mind of everything that wasn’t the job and then spoke gently in the same cleared mind.

Maxwell, I am to be your coordinator for today. Simply speak in your mind and I will hear you.’

[member="Catherine Maxwell"]

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