Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Destruction on Fondor [Protectorate vs. One Sith]

@[member="Jorus Merrill"], @[member="Darth Vornskr"]

Siobhan heard the boom of the dark lord's voice, indeed many probably heard it, projected as it was through his prowess in the force. She heard the usual join us and uncover your true potential, embrace freedom speech. It effect on her at all. To put it plainly Dun Moch did not work on her. Not because she was too pure in the light side or too righteous to fall - she was the exact opposite of righteous!

Thing was she despised Sith, so much that even the hint that someone she liked was involved with them would send her into a murderous rage. She was also quite aware of what she was. The Butcher Roche. So she did not even attempt to respond to the words, for there was no reason to talk. Instead she advanced, eyes cold, bolter flying into her hand and she raised the gun, aiming to fire upon the Sith, when suddenly before she could pull the trigger her mind was seized as the mental prowess of the Dark Master struck her, pure fear and paralysis gaining purchase over it. Upon reflex she fired, letting out two explosive bolts that exploded on impact.

There was one thing, one entity, Siobhan was genuinely afraid of.

Darth Shadow. Ancient Sith Lord from a long bygone age, who had possessed and corrupted her, turned her into his pathetic meat puppet back when she was a Jedi. As her mind was grabbed and paralysis enveloped her entire being, making her stop dead in her track, unable to move, it was him she saw, his mocking words she heard as controlled, pulling her like a puppet on a string. Her greatest fear? Losing Tegaea, especially by her own hand. Thus it happened in her mind. A nightmare of pure terror she could not escape as she was locked inside it.

For a few moments. Then Siobhan, to put it bluntly, exploded. One could liken it to a volcano erupting as her fear amplified her rage and it found an oulet - in the total obliteration of anything. She was not that girl anymore, she would wipe out and exterminate anything in her path. The first sign lay in tremors as the ground, the walls and the ceiling in the hallway shook, also in the corridor where Kaine had sought refuge as her cold, merciless eyes gazed upon him, the Butcher returning. As the blast of pure force energy and rage erupted, the ceiling was struck as if by an explosion and was torn asunder with a loud boom, Roche, Bespin and Gehenna repeating themselves as it came tumbling down upon them. Even before that the broken droids and dead bodies of the previously mind-warped Omegan soldiers were sent flying, in parts the walls around them caved in and collapsed to the ground with loud thuds. She willed that there be devastation and so there was devastation, of the area of effect variety that ripped the corridor she was standing in and those adjacent apart. In this instance she was like a cornered predator, finding itself besieged and as a consequence lashing out in the only way it knew, even if it meant the walls were imploding on her as well, for she had only to destroy and to exterminate.
@[member="Jorus Merrill"] @[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] @Darth Vornskr
It didn't take much to realize just who was beyond the reinforced door, not to mention Chloe wasn't as skilled as her master to keep the illusion of immersion when distracted by the telltale voice of Warden beyond the gate.

The current fell from Warden, and she reappeared with a ripplelike effect of water. She gave a gasp, taking a step forward towards the door, the sparks from the lightsaber temporarily halted due to his arrival. Her shoulders rose as she took a deep breath, alarm rising in her with concern.

"Bring the surveillance holo cameras up," came her quick command, sure steps taking her forward towards the holoscreen. There her eyes widened in surprise, lips parting in a quick draw of breath. Jorus was hurt, and the Ex Exarch Siobhan doing her battering ram best to hold her opponent at bay.

Data purge 50%...

Here came the choice. To stay within the safety of the reinforced walls... or risk venturing out to provide aide.

Well, her granddaddy did say you only lived once.

"Stay here," her words were soft, but determined. She was, after all a Corellian through and through. And a Corellian never turned their back on someone in need. Her eyes went up, towards the vents. If she recalled correctly, there would be a way for her to get to Jorus and provide aide. It will just require a bit of wiggling. And here's hoping that no one else was thinking the same thing.

There was a flutter of her red cloak, a quick untying of the ties that held it bound at her throat. It fell into a scarlet heap at her feet. Taking the sonic servodriver Jorus had given her, she went to work. In short order, she had popped the screen off and then found herself within the small crawl space.

Now all she had to do was get to Jorus... that is, if no one else was there to stop her. With a small grunt, she proceeded to wiggle her way through the vents as fast, but as quietly as she could.

At least, until the telekinetic explosion that Siobhan Kerrigan thoroughly shook and almost collapsed the vent she was crawling in, causing it to morph and burst open. One part of the vent had come up to smash against her rib-cage, bringing a groan to her lips, and stars at the back of her eyes as her head hit against the hard durasteel before she fell.

There was a reason why one didn't Dun Moch Kerrigan. The Void would not have the fury to match.

The wind knocked out of her, and a bit in a daze, Chloe stared up at the hallway at the crunched metal for what seemed long running seconds. Ahh Chloe... you're not much of a help today are you? She mused internally, trying to gather her senses.

At the very least, the explosion completely cut off any manner of using the vents to get into the databanks. There was no way to use the collapsed vents now to backtrack there.
Kaine fled further down the hall as the explosive shells wrecked havoc across the entrance to that particular corridor, and then came the destructive fury of Siobhan herself. The walls and floors shook with a tremendous force, causing Kaine to stumble as the structure around him became more and more unstable by the second. However; he remained adamant in his resolve as he continued to bombard Siobhan with terror and nightmare, but as the ceiling crumbled around him, he realized he would have to change strategies again. Kaine lessened his assault of Kerrigan's mind, and instead shifted his focus to the crumbling structure surrounding the raging Siobhan. With the force as his tool, he affected against the ceiling and walls surrounding her, and worked to cause them to crumble and collapse. Kaine wanted to bury Siobhan underneath the rubble of her own rage and fury, a tad too poetic for Kaine's taste, but it was fitting enough.

In one motion, Kaine cut all mental assault on Siobhan, and attempted to bring the hallway come crashing down on Siobhan's head. Perhaps burying her alive and buying enough time for Kaine to propose a new strategy to continue his assault, or taking her out of the battle. However; there was always that chance that she could avoid Kaine's dastardly intentions, and continue the good fight against him. So many possibilities...

@[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
Meanwhile, far away on Kaeshana, Tegaea Alcori, wife of @[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], was just returning from an overnight business trip.
Meetings were the order of the day it seemed. As she returned home she was surprised that Siobhan had not called her today, or been seen attending ‘literacy classes’ with the Queen.

“Have you seen Lady Kerrigan?” she asked a servant.
“She left last night, Lady Alcori. She left a note on the table.”
Suspicion filled Tegaea. She knew exactly what the message would say, and why Siobhan had not called her. She would have stopped her, they both knew it, but now she was gone.

Opening the note, Tegaea turned it this way and that to make sure she could read the scribble within.
Gone to fight Sith. Will be home soon.
Love you, Sio

Tegaea sighed and laid aside the note. “Poor Sith,” she said aloud, then laughed. Someone was going to get their roof pulled down very, very soon.
@[member="Darth Vornskr"]

Siobhan had already been in the process of tearing the area down, engulfing the halls that faced her. She still reeled under the effect of the mental onslaught, her mind was still warring, but now that she was in what could be called her rage mode, her Butcher mind set of pure fury, it had no purchase upon her anymore. Indeed, attempts to seize her mind just made her angrier. If afraid, she returned to what was her common state, lashing out against anything that got got in her way. As for the walls coming crashing down, Siobhan had torn down a roof above her head three times while still under it.

The blood of countless Republic and Pyre soldiers at Roche was on her hands because of that, she had butchered thousands on Gehenna this way. So instead she advanced, the Force giving strength to her muscles, even as debris came flying towards her, though she stumbled as a piece of wall slammed into her leg and she cried out in pain, it feeling dead to her as she limped. Everywhere chaos reigned, another piece struck her arm but her grip around her bolter remained tight. Rather than try and resist as the halls were ripped apart she continued her brutal onslaught, implacable, seemingly unstoppable. A powerful force wave gathered debris falling upon her and violently thrust it in all directions. She had force repulsed tanks and a dropship being tossed her way by a Fringe telekinesis master at Atrisia, while flying, she could survive this as well. A basic telekinetic shield wrapped around her, basic since so much of her energy was focused on pure offence, but it should suffice for her purposes at least as she grabbed the debris and rubble being thrust her way and violently threw it in his direction with a powerful blast with force behind it, the wall in the hallway above her opponent being gripped tight and falling as it came undone and fell.
Kaine knew he had made a mistake, and now he was about to pay for it. However; he would not be defeated so easily, and thus erected a shield of energy around himself as the blast and debris came crashing down upon him. The shield faltered for a moment, allowing bits of debris and dust to get through, but overall the shield was holding up for what it's worth. Kaine knew he needed to move fast, and while he split his concentration to maintaining the barrier he activated his lightsaber and cut a hole through the floor beneath him. It revealed another corridor, and Kaine leaped through the hole to let the shield crumble and apparently crush him from Sio's point of view. With himself purely out of Siobhan's line of sight, Kaine formulated on his next course of action. Either continue to fight a battle against her, or continue on to a new objective. The latter sounded like a better option, but if he allowed Sio to continue to operate, he could risk the other Sith on the shipyards.

Kaine knew he had to incapacitate her somehow, and thus he reached out to her mind again. However; this time he did not attack her mind with force insanity, but instead with a more obscure method of mental anguish. Kaine reached into Sio's mind, and began to try and force her to relive her most horrible memories over and over again, even tinkering the memories to make them seem even more horrible than they already were! Would this ploy work? Maybe... Just maybe...

@[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
A figure stood in the side corridor down which @[member="Jorus Merrill"] was hobbling. A sword was belted to his side in a plain black sheath. He wore what appeared to be armorweave robes. But most striking of all, half-hidden beneath long-matted blond hair, were his eyes. Electric blue, like twin bolts of lightning. He smiled pleasantly.


In a lightning movement he drew his sword. The blade glinted, an alluring gold hue. The Dark Side swirled in a small, but concentrated nexus about the spatha. Tendrils of blue danced up from his fingers and along the blade's length. He pointed the sword at Jorus.

"I'm here to kill you."

A crackling bolt of Force summoned electricity arced from the blade straight for the man's heart.
After the fight between the Sith and the Protectorate had gone on for so long, Darth Apparatus managed to reach @[member="Darth Vornskr"] as he fought against @[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]. The Darth looked up at the hole that Vornskr carved and fell through.

As Darth Vornskr attempted to play mind games, the scorch mark ridden Darth Apparatus told him, “Go. Complete the mission. I’ll finish her off.
@[member="Tycho Shorn"]

Apprentice-level lighting more or less equated to gettin' friendly with the wrong bits of metal in the process of rewirin' a hyperdrive. He grayed out for a sec, leaning on the long beskar shotgun where its barrel touched the floor. Truth be told, the handgrip was probably his contact point -- it certainly seemed to get hot enough for a heartbeat or two, until that bolt passed.

His head raised, and his eyes danced with hyperspace light.

"Kid, I just nutshotted a Sith Emperor. He mighta worked me over, but I got more than enough-" He coughed viciously, spat blood. A tooth clattered off the deck. Far behind him, metal tore as Sio went head to head with the Sith Lords. "Kid, this ain't the time. Take your best shot if you gotta, but I guarantee you won't get a second one. Unless that was your best shot, in which case...feth off."
@[member="Darth Apparatus"], @[member="Darth Vornskr"]

Siobhan, pursuing the Sith as he seemed to vanish under the bombardment of rubble and debris, leaving her unable to assess whether he had been buried or not as he was out of her line of sight, was assailed by the assault on her mind. Was was the worst memory she had ever lived through? Tegaea getting captured and tortured almost to death by Kaelin. A torment Siobhan had been responsible for! So much blood everywhere, Tegaea badly mutilated and bleeding as Kaelin tormented her. Excruciating pain and anguish shot through her as she found herself trapped in the memory once more, amplified when Kaelin struck her lightsabre through Tegaea just as Siobhan came to the rescue, blowing up a wall. Over and over again the same memory played in her mind, all the while she raged, wrecking havoc across the already devastated hallway, clouds of smoke and dust rising up. She was paralysed and locked in the memory, losing control over the rubble she had thrown. Cracks were blown into the wall and the floor beneath her.

Tegaea was...No, it had not happened that way. Siobhan had saved her and crushed the Sith. She had made her pay. Just as she would make this Sith pay. Fear did not stop Siobhan, rather it super charged her. Rage coursed through her being and she welcomed it like an old friend. This was, undoubtedly, not the Jedi way, though what was light side these days given recent events was another question. Siobhan had never been a real Jedi. Upon instinct she struck and her powers into the floor beneath her, blowing a large hole into it as a portion of the floor was first struck by cracks and then torn asunder. Siobhan fell through the hole, her combat boots hitting the ground beneath her.

She took a breath as she controlled herself, dust had assaulted her organic eye, impairing her vision somewhat, her armour was battered, dented and covered in dust, she had probably broken a rib or two from getting hit by debris. The Force shooting through her, giving strength to muscles that had taken a beating and might have slowed otherwise, she continued down the corridor, Force Signature ablaze with fury and a cold will to kill and exterminate. Subtlety had never been her thing and in any case the time for it would not have been now. Above her the hallway had been thoroughly wrecked, a large portion of the ceiling had been ripped apart, the rubble being tossed into a multiple directions, walls had caved in, dead bodies had been twisted and mangled. Suffice to say it would be a hell of a job for the eventual clean-up crew.

One mark one boltgun was already gripped tight in her hand and at a mental command a second flew into her free one. The bolter was a bulky and rather heavy weapon, but with the power of the Force flowing through she could wield them and she had plenty of experience; loaded with explosive bolts they were ideal are of effect weapons. Picking up on the force signatures, following the taint of the dark side - whether she might be Not So Different was another question - she followed it down the corridor, eyes cold as she encountered the Sith Lords...her previous opponent and another one, who unbeknownst to her was Darth Apparatus.

Not that the identity mattered. Exerting her telekinetic will, a force blast was unleashed and hurled towards, fuelled by the rage of the battering ram, as it aimed to slam at least one of them into the walls with. Before she had felt fear, anguish and torment, had been locked inside her mind by it, now it had been harnessed and found an outlet in her anger as she unleashed it back on the Sith. Then she squeezed the triggers on both her bolters, spewing out a hail of rounds. One boltgun, since it had been used earlier, still had eight rounds chambered, the other ten, and now she was pumping every single one of those towards her opponents, explosive death being unleashed as grenades were thunked out. As this happened her mind was concentrating as suddenly grenades and thermal detonators were pulled into the air and activated. The air currents twisted as the swirling force created a force whirlwind, a maelstorm of power that gathered up every single grenade her mind had thrown and it carried it towards the Sith. Six frag, three thermals, three incendiary, propelled by the whirlwind as it tore through the air, seeking to seize and throw anything that came in its path. There was no such thing as overkill, only open fire and reload.
"All the more glory for me," Tycho grunted through half-gritted teeth as he drank in energy through the Force, Murmegil - his sword - helping to focus it into Force Speed.

Channeling that power, Shorn moved toward Jorus with incredible quickness. To be sure, an apprentice could only employ the power to become as swift as a professional sprinter. But an apprentice bolstered by a Sith Sword? Different story entirely.

Tycho swerved suddenly about five paces away from Jorus and jumped, reaching out with a foot and kicking off the wall to come at Jorus from an angle. As he kicked off the wall and came down on @[member="Jorus Merrill"] he thrust at the soft flesh between the neck and the shoulder.
@[member="Tycho Shorn"]

He'd already taken a serious, bruising hit to the left arm, and the pain continued to limit his options-

But he still had enough in him to bring up his Czerka HeadBanger at Shorn's gut and pull the trigger. That was the trouble with Force speed and melee attacks on a dude packing wide-angle ranged and Force-enhanced aim. Shorn had just charged a shockwave. Gutsy move, sure. No question about that. A more alert and capable Jorus would have done something nasty with the Mandalorian shell gun right about now. All this particular Jorus could do was slump. The sword sheared through his tattered space suit and drew a line of fire down the back of his left shoulder.
@[member="Jorus Merrill"] @[member="Tycho Shorn"]

There were few things Chloe Blake, Warden of the Sky, was good at. Most of them dealt with odd bits learned here and there in her travels, but the large extent of her training is the traditional hand to hand combat of the Wardens. Now, on a normal day, when taking care of pirates wanting to regulate her hyperspace route, she had no qualms quietly and quite purposely, knocking a few heads together to make her point. Through all of this, Chloe Blake maintained her emotional balance, her faith keeping her focused regardless of the situation.

But when you tie in the fact to see the man she loves take a sword to the left shoulder and then slump down without his normal stubborn roar.. well, then, Chloe Blake apparently turns into the Corellian form of an avenging angel. It's not quite as much as anger... as it is a sheer clear focus on her objective and retribution.

Now, she wasn't one much for telekinetics, nor was she one for fancy use of the Force, but the woman, petite as she was, held some strength in her body that thrummed with increasing energy, as she came shooting forward, gossamer blonde hair flying, a bloody lip, and a stern blue gaze in her own electric blue eyes. The Sith better pray to the very Gods above that the shock wave would knock him out. Otherwise, the avenging angel that was Chloe Blake was about to unleash the entirety of her Warden training to pummel the Sith to the very ground, starting with disarming him of the sword.

If the man wanted to dance, oh, Chloe would dance.

Back at the databanks, however, things were still going as progressed. 75% data purge complete...
@[member="Jorus Merrill"] @[member="Chloe Blake"]

A tingling ran down his spine as he thrust. Precognition. Tycho's forte. Every Force User had it to some degree. It was about understanding the flow of the Force. Listen, or feel closely enough and the future opened up. Not a lot. Just enough... most of the time. Tycho could feel the ebb and tide of the Force's currents.

Everything happened in milliseconds.

Jorus' figure split into two, one clear and crisp, the other hazy - a projection of the future. The projection raised his arm at the elbow and blasted another hazy distortion of Tycho in the gut.

Real-Tycho moved with preternatural speed, twisting his torso in midair in an attempt to dodge the Headbanger's blast. It was not enough. Even as he felt his sword cut along Jorus' trapezius a conic packet of blue grazed his abdomen. Incredible pain zipped through Tycho. If it had been a normal stun gun, or a blaster weapon, or a simple slug thrower ... - if it had been anything else he would have escaped the worst of it.

But it wasn't.

What it was was a Czerka Arms riot gun. A Headbanger. Made to incapacitate beings as large as Wookiees, such a weapon didn't give Tycho a chance. It knocked him into an oblivion of unconsciousness. Immediately, his whole form went limp and he crashed to the ground. He never saw an enraged Chloe Blake charging toward him.

The question now was, what to do with an incapacitated Sith? Would the Wardens of the Sky prove as ruthless as they were in the destruction of the Bando Gora? Or would they follow their brethren Jedi and attempt to 'redeem' the lost?
Kaine looked at @[member="Darth Apparatus"], and nodded before running off down the corridor to leave the Sith Lord and Siobhan all alone to continue his fight. Turning a corner he emerged into a large hanger bay, where a gunship full of Protectorate soldiers was touching down to fight against the Sith intruders. Kaine smiled and, like before with the squad that fought against Siobhan, he reached out to touch the minds of the soldiers as they filed out of the gunship. How easy it was to twist the minds of lesser beings, and how joyously Kaine partook in his devilish manipulation. Truly it was ecstasy, bending wills, unearthing long hidden nightmares, and turning brother against brother. It was one of the only things that truly pleased Kaine anymore, and he would never pass up such an opportunity ever. The soldiers filed before him and saluted, "Follow me men, I'm on my way to the databanks to secure them from enemy forces." The men nodded and formed up around Kaine as he continued on his trek to the databanks.

Along the way they encountered @[member="Darth Naefas"] engaging a Hunter-Killer droid in what appeared to be pitched combat, and Kaine scoffed at Naefas. Was this all that was holding him back? A simple droid? How foolish... To the soldiers accompanying Kaine, @[member="HK-36"] appeared as a horrible Fringe Warlord, and that Naefas appeared to be a Protectorate commander in need of dire assistance. "Form ranks men, and open fire on the enemy." The men complied with his orders and formed up while leveling their rifles at HK-36, and began to open fire. Kaine left them to their fight, and continued on towards the databanks. However; his way was plagued by high levels of security and droid automatons, but Kaine did not care. His eyes burned with the fury of his mission, and he could continue on no matter the peril.

Whenever he came across an organic guard, he simply twisted them to his will or sending them screaming into a catatonic state of sheer terror, and just moved on without a second thought. To those droids he encountered, he activated his lightsaber with a snap-hiss and engaged them briefly, quickly looking to end the encounter without a moment's delay. Time was of the essence after all, and Kaine was nothing if not swift. Kaine finally reached the blast doors that shielded the databanks, and knew that if he tried to cut through it he would lose precious time in claiming the data within the databanks, and thus opted for another, perhaps quicker option. He extended his mind past the blast doors, and into the databanks to touch the minds of all who were there. He whispered sweet nothings into their ear, attempting to twist their minds... "O͜p҉̲̲e̹̣͖͓n͉͈̗͔̫̺͔ ̖͓͍t̲̩̤h̖̜̗̤͎͍̻e̷̼͉̞̞͍̗ ̹̦͕̝̪̪̺͟b̷̻̹͚̻̼̺ͅl̘̟̱̗̙̫̣a̺̞͈sͅt̳͔̮̻̫̦̣ ̺̼͙͢d͓͜o̶̥͈̣͖o̥̰̰r̹̣̥͈͓ś͎̱̮̱ ̰͍͈ạ̢͚n͎͞d̴̖̱ͅ ̻͈̤͝c̡̦̤̻ą̺̼n̵̝̼̤̫͈c̥͙͇̳̤̲e̳̼̟͖͉͈͓l͓̞̖͠ ̧̙̻̟̱ͅa̗͎͉̱̠̭n̛̪̹̺y̬ͅ ̦̭p̻͡u̢̱̟͓ŗ͚̘͉͙̬g̖̼̞͓̲̟e ͔̤̹͎͖̹̰͘o̪̥̜͎̻̼f̬̫̟͇̲͉͉͟ ͏t̮̫̫̮̯h̼̖͈̜͙̩e̜̳͓͜ ͍͈̜̭͝d̦̥̦a̠͖̯͈̜͜t̛̤͓̠̣̦̞̲a̘b̴̺̦̜̩a̧n̷̪̝͙̥̤͕͉k͚͍̻s͔̠,͕̺̳̬̱ ̯̯̻̪̦̀a̳͓n͍͓̯͕̼d̰̞̘͖̳̀ ͍͔̤͖y͉̯̱͞o͏̘u͕̹̣̖̘̺ͅ ̪̠͎͓w̴i̳̠̦̫̤̮͜l̤͕̦̠͚̼l͇͎͖͙̹̘͔ ̟r̻̗̣̀ͅe̲̼̟̩̭c̼̲e͇̼̻ͅḭ̷̬̥v̙̖̺̪e̖ ̢͚͚ṳ̵n͏͕̟͍̱̖t͙͖̠̗͍o̺ld͎͙̣̤͉͎ͅ ̪͈glo̝̭͍͚̱̮ry̩͎̙ͅ.̟̖͉̠̝̬̮͢"

@[member="Chloe Blake"] (Kinda forgot to tag you :p)

The heat scanner within his helmet activated with a whisper that he spoke. He saw the smoke start to issue from the back of the droid and begin to fill up the hallway, he saw the droid's lightsaber as it went around it's back and then back to the front. He didn't see the droid itself, but he saw it's weapon, and that's what mattered at the moment, though it's second weapon was going to be a bit of a problem.

The droid had him on the defensive and he continued to back up away from the droid, taking large lunges backwards almost expertly, and with a free hand he released a minor force push to wave the smoke out from the hallway behind the droid. ((And push any grenades that he had thrown ?))

He waited until he was far enough away to raise a force shield in front of him, a force shield that was powerful enough to halt the droid in it's progress, a wall of the power of the Force, and if it did not stop the advancing droid it would slow it down significantly. Darth Naefas was ready, he had after all, when he was in fact an apprentice experienced an attack upon himself. He doubted the droid would even realize what was happening.

On-board the Starfall
Secure orbit around Orbital Station 1138

@[member="Chloe Blake"] @[member="Jorus Merrill"] @[member="Basaba Willamina"] @[member="Noah Corek"] @[member="Miles Varden"] @[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] @[member="HK-36"] @[member="Nyos Val"]
@[member="Darth Apparatus"] @[member="Darth Naefas"] @[member="Darth Vornskr"] @[member="Darth Avara"] @[member="Darth Nazari"] @[member="Darth Vindica"] @[member="Aros Varr"] @[member="Vinyata Nicashii"] @[member="Tycho Shorn"]

Ayden stood on the bridge of his ship and glared balefully out the bridge screens at the larger frame of the orbital station. Ninety-one percent of the station's crew had been evacuated, according to preliminary reports. Head counting was still going on, and would likely go on for several hours more. However, they had a tentative grasp on the situation. He wasn't sure how the unauthorized ships had gained clearance to approach the station, but that was a security matter that he would get cleared up immediately. This whole event made him think of Sarge. As paranoid and hard-headed as the man could be, there was little denying that Sarge was very good at being the head of security.

Nostalgia drifted away and was replaced by a decidedly less positive emotion. Whoever was responsible for the attack, Ayden didn't really care who, would be lucky to scrub radioactive garbage scows without protective suits if he got ahold of them for this. After attacks by arrogant emperors and raids on worlds under their control, Ayden was rapidly losing his patient and relaxed demeanor. Word was already spreading, though it had not yet been verified, that the Atrisians had handed over their little empire to the Fringe. Tensions were rapidly growing as a result. Before, the Fringe and Protectorate were of roughly the same size, and give the outcome of Kayri, were fairly evenly matched for military strength. Now that balance was shattered and the scales were decidedly tilting in the Fringe's favor.

Were they behind this attack? Ayden considered that idea; soften up a target before invading. However, he quickly found numerous inconsistencies with what he knew of the Fringe and the attack. For the sometimes brutal tactics she employed, Ashin was a remarkably honorable woman. She knew where the Fringe stood compared to the Protectorate, and Ayden knew as well. If she had wanted to assault Fondor, she would have done so brazenly and with the full might of the Fringe at her back. Spencer, the Yun-Harla, would not have condoned such a cowardly action either. But this still left the annoying question of exactly who was behind the attack.

Retreating to the Starfall's meditation chamber, Ayden knelt in the center of the room and began to stretch his mind out to the shipyard. Too many unknowns prevented him from personally appearing on the station, but he could assist in other ways. Recent events had led him to once more begin efforts at honing his skill with battle meditation. Even as a Jedi Knight, Spencer Jacobs had had a power and natural talent for it that the Corellian himself never did. He doubted that he'd ever be able to match her prowess, so great was her experience and power now. However, it was still a skill that he had invested time in studying and it was still a skill that could potentially save lives. And so it was for those reasons that Ayden let his mind wander over the shipyard, searching for friend and foe alike.

Maybe he'd help some of the Protectorate forces on the station, maybe he wouldn't. Perhaps he wouldn't even be able to affect any of the assailants. But as the unmistakable sickness of the Dark Side that seeped from the unknown attackers touched at the edges of his mind, he resolved to learn everything he could. He took heart knowing that he could at least fortify the resolve of those fighting for the Protectorate.
Nyos and four squads docked in Hangar Bay 7. As he was the highest ranking soldier/medic, Lt. Nyos Val was the first to step off the shuttle followed closely by his heavily armored escorts.

Fan out. Secure the area. Lock down the entrances.

Nyos moved to a hallway with a pair of troopers in tow. He listened with his augmented ear for signs of fighting.

Anybody got eyes on the enemy? I feel like a warm up is in order.

@[member="Chloe Blake"] @[member="Jorus Merrill"] @[member="Basaba Willamina"] @[member="Noah Corek"] @[member="Miles Varden"] @[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] @[member="HK-36"] @[member="Darth Apparatus"] @[member="Darth Naefas"] @[member="Darth Vornskr"] @[member="Darth Avara"] @[member="Darth Nazari"] @[member="Darth Vindica"] @[member="Aros Varr"] @[member="Vinyata Nicashii"] @[member="Tycho Shorn"] @[member="Ayden Cater"]
tl;dr: Big explosion. Shipyard at risk.

As soon as @[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] appeared, Darth Apparatus turned to his opponent. He took one step forward before behind bombarded by a telekinetic push. Darth Apparatus stumbled back. The tip of his black robe whipped back and forth from the attack.

Then as Siobhan began to fire the boltgun at Darth Apparatus, the Sith Lord rolled to the side for the first volley. @[member="Darth Vornskr"] had already turned the corner. Darth Apparatus continued to do so for each grenade the boltgun fired - the distance between the two growing. As the boltgun’s projectiles exploded, it exposed sensitive utility pipes and wires and gaslines. Sparks from the floor flew up. The klaxons grew louder.

When a large number of hand-thrown-grenades began to float in the air after being armed, Darth Apparatus uttered a simple, “Heh,” during a short pause between boltshots.

The grenades reached about halfway between Darth Apparatus and Siobhan - a hefty distance - before the Sith Lord stood up and stretched out his left hand with the palm facing forward.

In that instant, Siobhan’s grenades exploded.

A flash of light obscured normal vision from Siobhan to Darth Apparatus. The multitude and severity of the grenades that exploded tore apart the area around the corridor.

Just a half second after, a two secondary explosions occurred as flammable gas in tanks ignited.

The hull of the shipyard was breached. The extreme difference in pressure between the inside of the shipyard and the vacuum of space magnified the explosion. From the perspective of those in space, they would see a violent blast roar out from one end of the shipyard and spewed out black smoke and debris.

The shockwave of the explosion shook the shipyard. Everyone would have been able to feel it. The closest people to Darth Apparatus and Siobhan might have been endangered by it. The shipyard’s safety features went into action the moment a blast was detected by the facility’s control systems. Blast doors near the site of the blast slammed shut to prevent the entire shipyard’s air supply from being spaced.
Depending on Siobhan’s actions and her health after the explosion, she might have had time to escape before the blast doors sealed.

The shipyard drifted from its target orbit - deviating to a dangerous amount. It would need to be corrected soon to avoid it either crashing into other shipyards or plummeting to Fondor’s surface.

As the smoke began to clear, Darth Apparatus could be seen on the far end of where Siobhan had stood - exposed to outer space. He clung to an outstretched piece of metal on the shipyard with his left arm. His robes were missing and his crimson mask had been blackened. The Darth’s black-hilted lightsaber floated meters away from him.

Stretching out his hand, Darth Apparatus pulled his lightsaber to him with the Force and immediately clipped it to his waist. He panned his head around - focusing on emergency markers when he found some. Using his hands to keep his grip on the shipyard and not float away, Darth Apparatus followed the red trail.

@[member="Darth Naefas"] @[member="Darth Vornskr"] @[member="Noah Corek"] @[member="Basaba Willamina"] @[member="Jorus Merrill"] @[member="Chloe Blake"] @[member="Aros Varr"] @[member="Darth Vindica"] @[member="Darth Nazari"] @[member="Darth Avara"] @[member="Ayden Cater"] @[member="Miles Varden"] @[member="HK-36"] @[member="Nyos Val"] @[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] @[member="Vinyata Nicashii"] @[member="Tycho Shorn"] @[member="Tegaea Alcori"]


While Nazari was no where near Apparatus and his friends he felt the rocking of the station as the wall was blown away. He felt it even before the alarms began to blare throughout the station and reverberate through the vents...loudly. He winced slightly as the noise increased and increased, running through the air vents and being made louder by their shape. Finally he could no longer take it, and with a quick wrenching he blew apart the vents.

With a sudden BOOM and a drop Nazari found himself standing in the middle of the hallway, not too far from the databanks.

A dozen Soldiers stood behind him, gaping at him in shock and awe. The Togruta stared at them for a single second, then drew his long hilted lightsaber. The Long Red blade snapped to life with a loud hiss, and then began to dig into the Omega Protectorates most loyal. It was quick, efficient, and disgusting work.

Nazari sliced the bodies into pieces, making them unrecognizable as Humans

As soon as the soldiers were dead his lightsaber was shut off and found its place on the small of his back again. Then with a cool saunter the Sith Lord began to walk towards the databnks, a slight hint of burning flesh following him.

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