Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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disney aka the death of star wars

If you grew up on the EU - then still believe in it. Who cares what someone else tells you, honestly. Has it really stopped anyone in this place before? Or anywhere else for that matter?

Just because they own it and it's branded "official" doesn't mean we have to live by it. I still recognize the EU as it is, the new content for me is an alternate timeline of sorts - just like I mentioned earlier.

I think it's being blown up and has been since this whole "Legends" brand and other things. To be honest - who cares? If you read it, loved it, lived it and whatever growing up - then well, that is all that matters.

Disney, LucasFilm, or Sony - doesn't matter who owns it. The fans are what makes the difference and what makes it something special, places like these - fansites. Cheesy as it sounds, but truth be told.
Camellia Swift said:
Its like someone going and buying the Harry Potter License and rewriting all the books and remaking the movies. No one would be happy about that so why is it ok now.

Actually it is nothing like that at all. It would be like if there were a bunch of spinoff books not written by JK Rowling were being ignored for the sake of new things. The core of Star Wars (the movies) is preserved.

Camellia Swift said:
No they made an alternate Timeline. Disney? They karking ruin everything they karking touch.
You clearly have no grasp on all the titles that Disney put out that are consistently top tier and massive money makers. Yes they have duds, but they are significantly fewer than their successes.

Camellia Swift said:
Am I saying the new movies will be bad btw though? No, but I am saying Disney is the pinnacle of iconic money grubby karkery that makes a bad company, and the only reason they get away with it is because they made money back when they were actually a tad wholesome.

Do you know how they make their money? They purchase successful brands, give them more funding, and let those brands explode. Lucas Films is essentially operating as they always have. Everyone Lucas himself put in charge is still in charge. Kathleen Kennedy (handpicked by Lucas to run the company) is still the big wig pulling the shots. She just happens to be getting more money from Disney who are investing in Lucas Films in order to get a return. It is called business. And Disney knows how to do it well. They would not be so successful if they did not know how to play the game so damn well.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
Valiens Nantaris said:
Over reaction, much?
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Personally i don't see it as an over reaction, I'm sorry but some of us literally grew up in this. Disney is sc***ing us over end of, they have no right to touch that it didn't conflict with there plans they did it because if power and all about "because we can."

Personally tor was far better than anything star wars up to yet and Disney can not live up to it period.

Personally i don't see it as an over reaction, I'm sorry but some of us literally grew up in this, it's and escape we loved and the only one we probably had growing up. Disney is sc***ing us over end of, they have no right to touch that it didn't conflict with there plans they did it because if power and all about "because we can."

Personally tor was far better than anything star wars up to yet and Disney can not live up to it period. As far as I'm concerned they can kark off because what they say about the eu still stands regardless.

(This question is for everyone)
Come one, If you had created something like star wars with the whole fan base the eu, everything and the later on after years and years of hard work; would you appreciate someone using it as toilet paper, would you enjoy watching something that people invested so much of there time in? Because I for one feel like the **** on that paper, and I can tell you it doesn't feel nice.

Sorry for having a strong opinion about something I love and grew up on, but Disney have no support from me. Ill watch the films as a fan but if the mess up then I'll only have more reason to hate them.
This is getting really really... strange, I don't get the "EU is gone" it is still there I can look on my shelf and still see all my star wars books. They weren't taken away when Lucas said the EU was a different universe then the movies. (see below link and quote). Several author like George Martin when asked "do you think they'll ruin your story?" pointed to their shelves and said "Its right there" So why are we acting like it is the end of the world. This is a game enjoy it, rp the eu, don't rp the eu... this site really doesn't follow canon except in the most vague sense. It is literally a guideline instead of an actual rule. Before it is said no I am not taking sides, I am not attacking or defending I am simply stating that no one can take the EU away and now after all those years of getting built up it is time for the main star wars universe the one Lucas built to be getting expanded.

George Lucas and Star Wars Canon
In the introduction to the 1994 printing of Splinter of the Mind's Eye, Lucas offered his view on the evolution of the Star Wars saga:

"After Star Wars was released, it became apparent that my story—however many films it took to tell—was only one of thousands that could be told about the characters who inhabit its galaxy. But these were not stories I was destined to tell. Instead they would spring from the imagination of other writers, inspired by the glimpse of a galaxy that Star Wars provided. Today it is an amazing, if unexpected, legacy of Star Wars that so many gifted writers are contributing new stories to the Saga."
This quote from an interview in the August/September 1999 issue of Star Wars Insider is also notable:

"Part of the job of the director is to sort of keep everything in line, and I can do that in the movies—but I can't do it on the whole Star Wars universe."
In July 2001, Lucas gave his opinion on the matter of what is canon in Star Wars during an interview with Cinescape magazine:

"There are two worlds here," explained Lucas. "There's my world, which is the movies, and there's this other world that has been created, which I say is the parallel universe—the licensing world of the books, games and comic books. They don't intrude on my world, which is a select period of time, [but] they do intrude in between the movies. I don't get too involved in the parallel universe."
Further, in an August 2005 interview in Starlog magazine:

STARLOG: "The Star Wars Universe is so large and diverse. Do you ever find yourself confused by the subsidiary material that's in the novels, comics, and other offshoots?"

LUCAS: "I don't read that stuff. I haven't read any of the novels. I don't know anything about that world. That's a different world than my world. But I do try to keep it consistent. The way I do it now is they have a Star Wars Encyclopedia. So if I come up with a name or something else, I look it up and see if it has already been used. When I said [other people] could make their own Star Wars stories, we decided that, like Star Trek, we would have two universes: My universe and then this other one. They try to make their universe as consistent with mine as possible, but obviously they get enthusiastic and want to go off in other directions."
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"]

Well, good luck with that.

The EU had become a bloated mess with more contradictions, rewrites and absurdities than any religious text of your choice. Trying to parse through it would have offended someone and pleased nobody.
Consider if they had decided to make stories based on the Thrawn Trilogy, a series I still think is the best the post-ROTJ ever produced. Things had moved on since that point so changes would have been necessary. Imagine the fan outrage if this or that character had been edited or this or that plot had been removed.

As it is, the EU has only ever been secondary to the movies. When the Prequels came out it overturned everything that had been written about the pre-ANH galaxy. When the Clone Wars series came out it removed much of the existing Clone Wars continuity as well.
This is not a new process.

And no one is 'taking away' your stories. There's no jackbooted brigade of people stealing your Vong novels and burning them. You just won't get any more in that reality.

Here at SWRP we aren't going to ban concepts from the EU ever...or else 75% of the site would vanish. :p
In the Darkness there is Truth
* reads discussion *

Well, things have turned dramatic! I'm pretty indifferent, truth be told. Whether this or that is 'canon' won't affect the way I write things here. Likewise them no longer being 'canon' won't diminish my enjoyment of those few EU books I actually like (admittedly I have not read many). If the new canon is good, I'll incorporate stuff. If not, I'll ignore and dismiss it. :D

Valiens Nantaris said:
And no one is 'taking away' your stories. There's no jackbooted brigade of people stealing your Vong novels and burning them. You just won't get any more in that reality.

That made me laugh. Disney Stormtrooper Squad...coming your way to burn books and erase your heretical memories of the so-called EU!

[member="Valiens Nantaris"]
You know what I'm really confused about? (Well beside you know, why Disney won't make a Yuuzhan Vong War or Thrawn Movie)

That in nearly all the movies weather edited in or Acturally in the script, that some mention of EU timeline was said. So does that mean they will be editing all that "Rule of Two", "Old Republic" stuff out of the current movies? Or are they just state that's those few things are the only parts they will keep?

And back to the whole KOTOR and TOR timeline stuff...... Really!!!! I mean they just released a whole new exspantion to the game literally 3 years after they purchased the company. They are creating the game, making it better, and yet saying, "Nope, not mine." This whole Disney thing gives me a headache, mainly because they will be hitting a few contradictions as they continue its development of the movies.

Plus even if it's a mention in the movies as they are kinda you know, 30 years Post-ROTJ. I mean as far as I know, all of Thrawn was over and the Vong war literally just ended. My biggest question, that I hope they will address, is what happened in that gap they will be opening up. I mean all that history that they could have rearranged is now literally a black hole that I'm interested in.

Also, if they don't bring back the Vong, their better be a more awesome substitute or I'm...... Well idk yet....
Jaster of Clan Awaud said:
That in nearly all the movies weather edited in or Acturally in the script, that some mention of EU timeline was said. So does that mean they will be editing all that "Rule of Two", "Old Republic" stuff out of the current movies? Or are they just state that's those few things are the only parts they will keep?

So here is the reality. Anything in the movies is canon. They are not going to edit out concepts from the movies just because they have their origins in EU. Now what that does not mean is that their inclusion in the movies means everything about them is canon. For instance, the Rule of Two does not get everything with it made canon. The whole Brotherhood of Darkness destroying itself and Darth Bane doing it? Nope. Now, Darth Bane might be the origin of it (I can't recall if that was mentioned in his appearance in the Clone Wars) but the details we know nothing about. The Old Republic as an idea only exists if their is a New Republic following the fall of the Republic.

Jaster of Clan Awaud said:
And back to the whole KOTOR and TOR timeline stuff...... Really!!!! I mean they just released a whole new exspantion to the game literally 3 years after they purchased the company. They are creating the game, making it better, and yet saying, "Nope, not mine." This whole Disney thing gives me a headache, mainly because they will be hitting a few contradictions as they continue its development of the movies.
Disney is merely honoring a deal that existed before. Bioware had already had the license is place and Disney is just saying yes you can still make games. If anything they have giving Bioware more freedom because they do not have to worry about being canon. What contradiction are they hitting though? They've said essentially anything released after a certain day with the exception of the The Clone Wars and a Darth Maul Comic Series released before that date are canon. The only exception for things after that date is TOR. It is incredibly simple and has been a stance since the old canon was made into Legends.

Jaster of Clan Awaud said:
Plus even if it's a mention in the movies as they are kinda you know, pretty far in the future of Post-ROTJ. I mean as far as I know, all of Thrawn and all that stuff if it were to stay already happened. My biggest question, that I hope they will address, is what happened in that gap they will be opening up. I mean all that history that they could have rearranged is now literally a black hole that I'm interested in.
They are free to pull from pre-existing storylines all they want. It is entirely up to them. I honestly doubt we will see some of the big EU characters made canon once more (with some exceptions). My belief for this is distance. If you decide to write a new canon book with Thrawn in it, everyone will simply draw comparisons to him constantly. It will hurt the over all project. Like you, I am fascinated by what is going to fill that gap. We already know that there are a few books and a couple comics that will be about this period of time. Most of which are due out I believe in September.

Jaster of Clan Awaud said:
Also, if they don't bring back the Vong, their better be a more awesome substitute or I'm...... Well idk yet....

Hard to complain about Vong when the result of losing them is new movies. Beside that the new Story Group is focused on cohesion. The stories are all meant to fit with one another nicely. It is not the same bloated beast that grew in a fairly unchecked way where people just kind of added whatever. The comic series that they have been dropping have been pretty darn good. They are playing up the tension between Palpatine and Vader so freakin well it is amazing. Lords of the Sith is supposed to be a book that focuses heavily on this, and then you've got the comic series which is just filled with all sorts of amazing content (which honestly would make for great RP source material). Outside of one book (which I simply cannot read due to being in first person), all the new content has been pretty solid.

I find it easy to enjoy.
[member="Darth Ravik"] Its a logical choice to strip the EU, considering if they didn't every new movie they made would be ripped apart and bitched about because it didn't follow obscure comic XYZs canon or book 1241512362472347 rendition of Luke Skywalker as the living incarnation of Jesus.
This gives them the ability to come in fresh and actually make movies worth watching ( Considering a lot of the EU why entertaining is crap, Unstoppable Luke, jedi force lightning, Mara Jade, the Vong, Reincarnating Palpy etc, i mean there are a lot of crap, even in the good stuff like Thrawn and Bane, like the Female Admiral who was inept and literally slept her way to the top can't remember her name. A chance to make a good female and they went with a cliche.)

Not to mention that Disney just throws money at what they buy and says have at it. Yes Marvel made awesome movies before disney bought them, but good god Disney tossed them more money then they could burn on making the movies and stayed the F out of the way and we got awesomeness

Pixar,,,, Awesomeness

Lucasfilms FFS JJ Abrams, a proven director that they basically did the marvel thing and said heres money GO.

Give them a chance before you start cursing them out, have faith and it shall be delivered. If you go into it already hating it , no matter what you will find fault. If you go in with an open mind you will probably have a good experience. It looks freaking awesome already.
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"]

Actaully they have every right to what they want, they own it. I mean that literally is all that matters, not your opinion of it. There is to much junk, contradiction and just general lameness to make a new movie and be in line with the EU. There are like 10,000,000 sources of EU Canon that is just impossible to go through and be acurate. No matter what they would have did they couldn't have so they went the best way and put the old stuff off in to its own little corner. ITs not deleted it just isn't the main universe anymore, it gives them a way to actually make a movie without worrying about well The Force Slimed comic book established this but that contradicts Darth Nuetered Legacy, which Contradicts Episode 6 The Expanded Movie Novel from the perspective of Bib Fortona.

And lets face it the Prequels sucked balls compared to the OT, there is no denying that and they tried to be more EU friendly and was done by Lucas so yeah. Things working in Disneys favor already no Jar Jar, so far no ultra whiney emo teen who ruins the coolest villain ever ( I can't watch the Ot anymore without having shame in Vader and his EMoness). And Despite what you seem to think about Disney the trillion dollars they have made off of the Properties they have bought and made into mega blockbusters says they are going to do good.

So to put it not so nicely, Disney 212912634912459126591251571982-518025710275015701257128561258612508510812508 .. You 0

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Arumi Zy"]

Seriously you can't say anything about emoness (little off topic here) by the looks of your avatar it leads me to believe your a Batman fan. Also I'm not claiming I've won anything so unless that figure of numbers of how many fans dislike Disney the well I guess I'm going better. Fyi I'm entitled to an opinion and I still believe that years upon years of work shouldn't have been dismissed so easily. Yes there is cannon that simply sucks, but they removed stuff that didn't effect the time line but instead added to it in the best possible ways.

No one tag me again in this thread as I do not care about the Disney fanboys/girls that backs them up.


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