Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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disney aka the death of star wars


Disney's Princess
I was super hoping the OP would jump back in here and give us more spaghetti to throw around like a grade school food-fight. But noooo. We have to pretend like this is a real conversation. Dag'nabit.

Now I am disappointeder and still bored'ed. :( :( :( :(


Also. Nobody tag me in this thread or quote me going forward. <--- *[common sense template]* - Hello friends. Let's review something really quickly, shall we? This is a bait comment. If you say things like this on the Internet, other forum members will probably continue to do it repeatedly just to lulz you. *[insert standardized facepalm GIF here]* Requesting respect does not = respect. This has been another edition of: creating common sense on the Internet 101. Enjoy. - *[/common sense template]*


Disney's Princess
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Why u tag me? I specifically requested that nobody...


Bah. That wasn't as much fun as I thought it was going to be. Nvmd. >.<'' :( :p


Disney's Princess
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

That was way too entertaining for you. :p

It must be a slow week in Admin land. *le sigh* ...Guess I'll go off and think of way's to annoy Sarge now. Hm. What to resbian, what to resbian...
[member="Valiens Nantaris"] When you likes mah comments you need to post awesome pictures like


Also no one is flamming but this is a passionate subject for a lot of people. Guys like me who love the OT but liked the NT but hated the contradiction and retcon that happened are sometimes a grumpy sort. To much of the EU interfered, rewrote the movies, condradicted the movies and so forth to dig through it all. anything after episode 6 condradicts seven, considering 7 is going with a unique story, new Emporer ( Not Palp clone X) and so forth.

Side note. Since it is non canon, TOR and KOTOR, the amount of caring for SW has dramatically dropped (again). First time was that all of EU was non canon and now this. And that shitty ass, 2 bit, POS Rebels show is Canon. WTF?

So with that in mind. I'm so not caring about SW any more. I'll post on this site for fun but I'm done with SW. I probably see the new movies. I'm serious too. Because what motivation do I have when it will essentially be a new sci-fi movie and I can watch whatever on netflicks and save money and time.
The Rebels show is actually pretty decent and the second season looks to reach Clone Wars levels of good.

Maybe, you should consider picking up the dope comics like Darth Vader or the Lando series (seriously, Lando series is great right now and about to delve into some new Sith lore), and consider looking into some other of the new canon material before you get too whiney about the old stuff being gone. [member="Lao Tzu"]
[member="Selena Halcyon"]

The old stuff is what got me into Star Wars. Not only the movies but the games, and books and EU. It was all of it. It was the feel of it all. But now that is basically everything but the movies and two shitty series that are in 3d is SW. I'll pass on it. It's soul has been removed.

And SW is now just a fun thing and not my cup of tea.

Would this area even be considered a nerd area?
The soul has been removed? It has been jump started. Contradictions removed. A new focused story group. Content that has been at a high quality. Higher than EU had been for awhile at that. I mean, if you claim to be a fan should you not give it a shot?

How could it not be a nerd area?
The amount of content of the EU, with its contradictions, has been cut. And replaced with a game (Battlefront not KOTOR), a different director, and Disney.

I don't see where the jump start is? A new movie by Disney? I'd love to see the story of Revan on the Big screen. I'd love to see Darth Bane on the big screen or maybe even Cade Skywalker. But that will never happen. It's going in a direction where it very well could be good just based on what has been seen.....less than 12 minutes. Which what was scene of Phantom Menace before it was released.
Just remember the Midoclorians is canon. Even though JJ might not mention it. And that Anny is the strongest force user ever. Found on Tattooine by a Master and a Knight that the Council orignially didn't want to train.
New movie by Lucasfilms. Not Disney. Disney just provides extra capital.

Why would you want to see a movie of something that already existed in book form just to be disappointed because it was not the book/comic perfectly? Like I love the Legacy comic line and if I had to pick a series to be made into a movie it would be that one, but I would literally have to be forced into making that decision because I like new content over something that I already can enjoy. And yes, I still can enjoy it even though it is not canon. The story is fun and it is quite frankly the most star warsy thing I have read that EU had to offer in a long time.

It has been replaced by new future content. There are five books I believe maybe six, two completed comic lines, three lengthy ongoing ones, and another that is absolutely incredible. The future content looks bright. So basically what I am saying is that RIGHT NOW the current content that is canon has been basically all good to very good.

Well I would hope the movie looks good before it comes out because it should. Everything about the movie looks to be great. Given your attitude you'll probably hate it by default though. Everything


Disney's Princess
[member="Lao Tzu"]

The new stuff is actually good dude. Not only, but the Council for Canon dictated by Kat Kennedy is actually doing a really good job too. Admittedly, there is no accounting for taste. However, that said, I predict you'll watch the new movies and be so blown away that your rage/quit will vanish into a blackhole of awesomeness.

But seriously, canon never meant much. The glory of Star Wars was in it's imagination. Something you've still got, if you ever want to use it again. Lulz. :D :p

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