Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Populate Distance Makes the Heart Grow Fondor — GA populate of Stobar


Location: Training Room
Objective: Beat up the Kitty
Tags: Nir Si Nir Si

Katarine charged forward but where she expected to meet a block she instead found open space. She stumbled slightly, but turned on her heal just in time to catch his lightsaber before it pierced her chest.

"Oh, so it's gonna be like that is it?"

She smirked and pushed his blade away, then twirled her own. The next moment she dropped down and aimed a swift sweeping kick at his legs.

Amani nodded in perfect understanding, "Busy, but managing," She repeated with a dry smirk, before turning her gaze back to the trainees, "The Vonnuvi Enclave wasn't equipped for this kind of mass migration. But we're making it work. Won't please everybody, then again most things won't in times like these." Normalcy and comfort weren't really the name of the game in an emergency. Everyone was having to make sacrifices for the greater good, even if it was something as small as having to bunk up with a new classmate from abroad. Amani's own padawan, Eloise Dinn Eloise Dinn , was quite clear about her own lack of satisfaction with current arrangements.

"Between Alderaan, the herdship, and the Order, there's always something new for me to worry about. Reminds me of old times," Another self-deprecating smirk, "Can't say I missed them all that much, looking back at it." She glanced at Valery, "Enough about me though. Sounds like I've got some catching up to do. So what's up?"
With a flourish of her lightsaber Ran switched her stance and tactics. Form three was where she settled and where she stayed. "Come, Acaadi! I'd like to see what those blades of yours can do." She challenged him with some excitement. She would take the defensive. "Give me all you've got." She confirmed. "The Dark Empire's minions will not spare us an iota."

Acaadi smiled. He was definitely out of practise when it came to sparring. If Ran had remained on the offensive he might have been able to time a counter. Now he had to devise an approach.

He wasn't planning on fighting the minions of the dark empire on his feet, but he could at least provide Ran with a proper workout.

"Very well..."

Acaadi took three quick steps. Each stride short and balanced so that ge couldn't be caught on the counter.

With the long blade he executed a fairly typical routine to try and test Ryan's defence. He kept low to try and get under her reach and guard.

Then he changed pace. And he changed something else too.

Acaadi had kept his short blade out of reach, but as their sabers clashed he thumbed a button on each hilt and stepped in closer.

They were dual-phase sabers. The long saber switched to a shoto blade, the shirt left to long. Acaadi swiped the left blade for her shin.
Good Men Don't Need Rules

The Cathar is fast. Let me tell you, the side-step was half expected. Either deflecting it to counter, or just to side step and get me off balance. However, there is always this feeling of being attacked. Ever since my last serious combat, I had trained to better combat enemies when within super close quarters combat. Even if my saber was being braced against the ground, There is always a way out.

The blue blade shut off. Using Trakata in order to release the hold of the downed weapon. As I wore no armor, it was much easier for me to move about. Art of Movement, Leaning backwards as the prehensile tail came at me with what looked to be a nearly invisible blade. Yet every tingle in my head told me it was on. Even if it was off, there was still a chance it could be used as a weapon. It sung past my face. The tail extending to be so close, I could smell the perfume on the woman.

She was not playing today. She wanted to train. Not easy train, but much more legitimately train closer to a real combat scenario. Of all the knights to do this, I expected it from her. Good to see that she was fighting strong and hard. All the more of a challenge to overcome.

A quick click noise came from the saber. Splitting in half to have the other saber in my hand. Its second blade glowing blue between us, back handed slash towards her mid section. Well within the reach of her tail, while the other saber that had once been held down to the ground, also came back to life with a ferocity. Lunging forward into her center mass.

If she wanted to go serious, and use multiple sabers, then I may as well go just as hard.
"Very well." She agreed, pacing away from him before turning sharply on her heel. "But just so you know - Filet of Coslen Dantoinal takes days to prepare properly."

Her saber hissed to life, and she surged forward with a wide-arced slash to his midsection to test his reflexes.

"Two da-"

His saber swept about and met her strike head on. Sabers hissed and sparks flew before he stepped back and disengaged.

Makko had been feeling very pleased with himself for putting Cora off her game. He'd hoped the distraction would give him the first opening.

Instead she'd let the fluster settled and come back at him just as he was trying to gauge if she was exaggerating.

Her strike had come quickly and with a little sting to it. It hadn't been a warning swing.

But Makko didn't look annoyed. He didn't look frustrated. He was grinning from ear to ear.

"Well I'm sure that will taste amazing..."

Makko swept his left foot back, braced and shoved back against her blade. He didn't retreat any further, instead reversing his momentum and striking straight down the centre line towards her chest.

"...when you pay for it as a restaurant."

A failed thrust with Claire forced her to leap back, just nearly dodging the thrust from his second blade. Alright, now we had a duel on. She looked to Kale with a feisty glance, taking one hand off of Lucy and switching it so that her ghostfire saber was now in her hand. With a silent touch of a button, she shortened the blade with the duel phase function, hoping to throw him off guard. Once more, she charged forward, batting at one saber that had thrust forward with her ruby blade, before using the bat as a feint, before pushing forward and slashing at Kaleleon Kaleleon 's chest with her ghostfire blade. It wouldn't connect, but she didn't intend to. She wanted to lock up with him, find him off guard.


Aris's eyes moved.

And for once, he couldn't fully follow. Not as keenly as he normally could. His eyes were unerringly good, far too good, at following even the fastest movements. Or at least what he thought was the fastest. Despite himself, he grinned as he did see where Braze finally ended up. He lifted his blade, carefully lowered his stance. He didn't follow up his strike, didn't give immediate chase. Braze was different this time, and that meant it was time to restudy Braze and relearn.

Braze Braze


Objective II — Wartime training

TAGS: Aris Noble Aris Noble
Mindshatter + Requiem

Braze, maintaining his composure, slowly circled Aris, his black lightfoil humming softly in his hand. The dark blade absorbed the light around it, creating an almost eerie contrast against his bright white skin. As he moved, the blade briefly flickered through a spectrum of colors, each hue reflecting his emotions. The pastel rainbow shimmered with hints of indigo, silver, and gold , before settling back into its deep, rich black tone. He didn't rush to attack, knowing that patience would be his greatest ally in this duel. His heart pounded in his chest, but his mind remained focused, calculating his next move.

The Makashi stance he adopted was graceful and precise, a fencing style that prioritized finesse and economy of motion. His feet moved lightly, barely touching the ground as he circled, watching Aris's every movement.

With a swift step forward, Braze initiated the next sequence. He lunged, his blade flickering in a precise arc aimed at Aris's midsection.



Wartime Training

The pair of Mirialan Jedi clashed sabers again and again. Blades locked as the combatants pushed against each other. Light hissed and then Acaadi's blades changed lengths. The look on Ran's face was one of utter shock. 'Dual Phase Sabers. Clever man.' Her thoughts caught up almost as instantly as Acaadi's blades had changed lengths.

Ran thought Acaadi a shrewd one, much shrewder than her, but she decided it would be the only advantage she gave him. No stranger to a precarious place, Ran kept a cool head. Her instincts guided her and guided her well as her body moved purposefully. Technique was where the manifestation of purpose landed and Ran was a technician highly skilled in the fundamentals of the blade. Without thinking too hard, she pivoted off her front foot, twisting around the bladelocked sabers and onto Acaadi's right side. The movement was tight, efficient, and subtle.

Ran had maneuvered her way into a better position but Acaadi was going low and still had a chance to catch her. But she jockeyed for the position for a reason. She had leverage and used it, blade to blade she pushed Acaadi's right lightsaber down and into the path of his left effectively tying up both blades. She readied for the impact of the second blade and reached out to the force. Instead of steeling herself against the physical power of the lightsabers clashing, she rode the kinetic energy they generated like a wave and slid back a couple meters all the while keeping her stance. It was like a scene from an old echani martial arts holofilm. She debated quoting a line from one of her favorites, but decided against it.

"You are quite the duelist, Acaadi." She voiced her observation and flourished her lightsaber while she spoke. "Will you be on the ground at Coruscant?" She asked curiously before lunging at the man.

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Aurelio La Valette Aurelio La Valette

Form V? Interesting. The question remained, was that actually Aurelio's preferred default, or was he using it simply because he'd observed his opponent utilizing Form II and bought into the notion that Djem So was the natural hard counter to Makashi? That certainly COULD be the case, but in Jaidan's experience, a number of other factors had to line up just so. The strength of Form V was STRENGTH, and the relentless application of it, something which certainly suited Jaidan's opponent. Powering through Aurelio's guard certainly wasn't an option, nor were direct blocks, but no competent fencer should be trying that in the first place. Speed and economy of motion were the key to this contest.

So, Jaidan figured he had a couple of options he could try. His blade was batted aside easily enough, and there was no point trying to resist that, even if he was fighting a swordsman of only average brawn. But he required only a quick twist of his wrist to bring it around into attack position again, and that was always a quicker movement than committing to a full swing, so he believed he could threaten quickly with an overhand swipe at that massive sword arm before a followup attack came.

But there would be no immediate attack. Aurelio was moving wrong. His footwork showed a simple forward advance, and his frame was not coiled as an impending strike would require. He was simply finding his ideal range in the opening moves. That meant Jaidan had a brief moment to try something else, so he would try to complicate Aurelio's calculations with a maneuver he seldom viewed as prudent, and thereby try to keep his opponent guessing as to his preferred style.

Moving with the momentum of the larger man's parry, Jaidan allowed his blade to fall toward the floor...and executed a quick spin. He rarely pulled a stunt like that for the obvious reason that it required showing his back to an enemy, but on occasion, it COULD serve as an effective way of building some momentum, as well as threatening a potentially unforeseen angle. So he chanced it now, and when Jaidan's blade re-appeared a fraction of a second later, it was held in BOTH hands, striking at Aurelio's hip with a force far greater than he'd employed a moment earlier. Still nothing overpowering; that was not a tool Jaidan had in his chest here. But the whole idea here was to present more than he'd given reason to expect, and if the defense proved in any way awkward, MAYBE he'd have an opportunity for a followup. Pulling back his blade and trying for a strike to the head, perhaps?

No matter. For the moment, he'd advanced the game a step, and that was enough.
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Tulan paced back a little, realizing that he upset Thirdas. He didn't mean to- he rubbed his face, fighting the urge to scream into the void. Thirdas was supposed to be better, supposed to be different. Thirdas was not supposed to be here. Thirdas was not supposed to be like Tulan.

"Don't be like me. This is my last fight, Thirdas. Make it yours too."

It sounded more like something he'd say to someone he knew on an equal level, rather than the mentor status he had taken with Thirdas over the years. Tulan pulled a hand over his face, dragging it down to think for a spell.

"The rats fled the sinking ship to Fondor. Left these people here to die."

He walked to the edge of the platform he and Thirdas were standing on, motioning for him to follow. He stood, watching the millions of speeders, the acres upon acres of a megacity. He took a deep breath, before sitting on the edge of the loading platform, his feet dangling over the endless abyss of Coruscant. He spoke abruptly, not giving Thirdas the opportunity to speak first.

"It's my birthday next week. I'll be 59. Fifty-nine, Thirdas." He sounded very somber, very quiet. More than he had ever been with Thirdas. "I remember this place under three different Empires. None of it's really changed. Most people may not even hear the battle that's coming. The day after, someone will sell sandwiches, someone will pump the water, and someone will till the fields in the farmhouses here." He looked down, then back up towards the sky.

"Your people, you, don't need to die here, Thirdas. This will be the biggest fight you've ever seen in your life. This will be more violent than Tython, more violent than anything you can think of. I need you to tell me that you're willing to give up your life, Nida's love, and everything on your homeworld to fight for the Alliance here and now."

His eyes flicked back to Thirdas.

"If we die here, there will be no graves. No funerals. The Sith will collect our corpses and toss them thousands of levels below to be eaten by the rats. There will be no songs, no glory. No medals. The politicians ran, leaving us to defend the heart of the Alliance by ourselves. They're afraid, Thirdas. They're afraid we'll lose and the SIth will raze this planet to the ground."

Tulan touched the scar on his face, courtesy of the man's wife-to-be. Tulan lost the ability to smile or make many facial expressions thanks to it. A man without laughter, without a smile.

"And I am too. And before you answer, I want you to look back at your men, and tell me you're ready to kill them by staying here. Because if you choose to stay here and now, you are killing some of your men. And maybe even yourself."

He was finished speaking, and Thirdas was always good at letting him talk. Tulan wasn't much of a talker, but something about Thirdas' strength and kind-heartedness brought it out of him.

Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield




Out of the many supply depots on Coruscant, the one he was overseeing the offloading of supplies and a few refueling stations for his fighters, happened to be the one that none other than Amelia von Sorenn Amelia von Sorenn walked into.

Captain Draav, could not help but approach, salute, and look around the area with her. He was in just as much disbelief, maybe fear, maybe anxiety. Maybe all of it- about the upcoming fight. They were coming, sooner rather than later.

He stood silent, a clipboard in one hand, the passing of people, and the movement of the black Revenant squadron X-wings happening beyond him a little. His X-Wing, jet black and a darker shade of orange, was being moved to a flight deck for a launch for later today. Wedge bit his lip, looking down. He wanted to say something- maybe even just to be able to say he said something to the Supreme Commander.

"We'll be ready, you know. As ready as we can be. We're still here, ma'am."

"We're still here, ma'am".

A Captain in the Galactic Alliance Navy showing a not-so subtle contempt for the politicians that asked him to fight, then fled the planet. He looked out to the skyline of Coruscant as massive doors opened, letting in more cargo and troop carriers. He took a deep breath, watching his X-wing get prepped to move. His sunglasses helped with looking more stoic than he actually was.

"We have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night."

He wasn't sure where he heard the quote first, but he loved to say it. The skies and the stars above Coruscant would not fall to the endless black tide of the Sith onslaught. Not while he was alive, at least.




Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsaber

"You're doing great work here," Valery said with an encouraging smile, "I know we're asking a lot of you and the people who work here, but it makes a huge difference." For that reason, it saddened her that she visited with the message that they were still going to have problems. Still a threat out there to the safety of the younger Jedi.

If people were already not pleased now, she knew it was about to get worse.

"During the meeting with Thalia, we were given some intel that makes me doubt the safety of the Jedi we've got on the Prosperity. She learned that the Empire was searching for a Wayfinder to the Prosperity, built by someone who was involved in the construction of the ship. They didn't get their hands on it, but it's likely only one part of a map used to find the ship."

"The other pieces are still out there and she told us that the Sith she encountered probed her mind as well." Valery sighed and ran a hand up through her hair.

"Assuming the worst, the Empire isn't just searching for the Prosperity, but they'll know the location of every Temple Thalia has ever visited. That means only the Vonnuvi Enclave and perhaps New Cov are not in their sights."


Ironside's Irregulars [X]
Members [
Italic means helmet is worn.

Preparing for battle
Tulan Kor Tulan Kor

Thirdas shot a glance over at Creed, who showed his understanding with a gentle nod. The XO pulled the team aside to resume preparations, leaving their Chief in the company of the wizened warrior.

He sat down beside Tulan, placing his helmet down on the ground and leaning his rifle against it, and just like his old mentor he allowed his feet to dangle over the endless depths of Coruscant.

For one fleeting moment, as he sat looking over at Tulan pouring his heart out, Thirdas felt like the young recruit again. Like the past decade hadn't happened, and that Task Force Raider was gearing up for another mission. No burden of command thrust upon him, no responsibilities other than to stay alive and follow orders. He'd not felt that soldier's simplicity in a long time.

He considered long before he spoke, as Tulan had wished.

"I'm just a soldier, Gunny. So's the rest of them. Our duty is to fight and, if need be, die for the slightest chance of a better tomorrow. We all knew what we signed up for — leaving the Rangers, coming here... We took a solemn oath to be where the fight is, and this is it. I spit on the politicians who allowed for things to come this far, but if they won't protect these people then it's up to common folk like you and I."

Thirdas gave the old man a nudge of his elbow. "See, you taught me too well."

He sat there, dangling his legs over the abyss as if without a care in the world. His eyes closed as he inhaled.

"I should have died so many times," he confessed. "The Bryn were beating us at every turn. Sev Tok was just a fluke, and they made me a gods-damned colonel over it. All of a sudden, I was the one throwing more men into the meat grinder. Sure, I did my part to prevent casualties, but there was no honour or glory to be had in that terrible, awful war. A bullet would've been a mercy compared to live through all that carnage."

Thirdas absent-mindedly fidgeted with his betrothal ring, thinking of Nida as he often would. He took comfort in knowing she wasn't going to witness what was to unfold. He looked over at Tulan, absorbing every detail of that face he knew from young adulthood.

"You're my big brother, Tulan. My best friend. There's no one I would rather have beside me, come what may. You watch my six, I'll watch yours, and we'll scrape by. Just like the LT would have wanted."

He gave the old man a light bump on the shoulder using his metal fist, smirking as he would have in brighter days.
Noticing that his parry had landed with surprising ease, Aurelio couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. Given the impressive feat he had already witnessed Jaidan perform, gaining ground on what he assumed to be a more seasoned member of the order felt suspiciously simple.

Nonetheless, Aurelio continued his advance, his suspicions confirmed as Jaidan employed a rotational spin maneuver that Aurelio recognized as the precursor to another attack. 'Cunning,' Aurelio thought, adjusting his stance. He angled his cyan blade downward to intercept Jaidan's strike just as it reached the apex of the rotation.

If his block was successful, a loud clash of energy would spark between the sabers. Aurelio utilized his strength to drive the momentum of Jaidan's attack toward the ground, giving himself room to launch an attack of his own. Breaking the lock between the blades, Aurelio initiated a diagonal slash aimed at Jaidan's side. However, just before the attack reached its apex, he shifted his footwork and form, transforming the diagonal slash into an arcing strike which he leaned into with precision and power.

Jaidan Shatani Jaidan Shatani


Vonnuvi Enclave

Tag: Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti Mahsa Mahsa Jacob Solay Jacob Solay

Vera grinned.

There was no fun in teaming up against a Padawan, so they needed a fourth and Jacob was available! With the way he had been staring, Vera had assumed he was more experienced, but it seemed he was newer, too. Vera hummed in thought but decided against changing sparring partners. Mahsa's reaction was far too funny to do that now.

She'd totally be fine.

"Alright, Jacob. Be nice to Mahsa and I hope you two learn something new!" Vera turned to Zaiya, clearly eager to stop talking and get started with training. She took the girl's wrist, gently, and pulled her along to separate a little from the others. They'd all be close to each other, within earshot, but she didn't want to accidentally stumble into them.

Mahsa was blushing enough as it was.

"Get your blade ready, move into your stance, and let's start." Vera did the same and ignited the green blade of her lightsaber. It was turned down in power, so it would cause no harm, but it was very much a real lightsaber. She positioned it in front of her, angled up and forward while her feet were placed just a bit further apart. A strong stance was important.

"Come on, I'll give you the first move!"


Objective II : Wartime Training
Tag: Vera Noble Vera Noble & Mahsa Mahsa | Open


"Nice to meet you Jacob!" Zaiya exclaimed with a wide grin and another friendly wave. He seemed to be a little dazed but managed to shake it off. Perhaps he was a bit intimidated by Vera Noble Vera Noble ?

Nah, Vera was so sweet!
She was just super energetic and ambitious! It made sense. She was after all, Aris Noble Aris Noble 's sister. It was evident Zaiya had rose-tinted lenses when it came to the Noble youngling, thinking nothing but the best of Vera.

As it was, Jacob Solay Jacob Solay and Mahsa Mahsa were paired off to spar together, leaving Vera to now be set with the Lovalla teen. She mouth a, "Good luck" and a thumbs up to Mahsa, before returning her attention to Vera. With a grin, she watched the Half-Epicanthix padawan ignite her saber. Wait... was she using a real one?

Concern lit across her skin in tones of gray and yellow, edged lightly in a silver glow. "You're not using a training saber?" she asked, then suddenly exclaimed in curiosity, "Oh! Is your crystal also a sleeping crystal?"

Zaiya recalled when she first met Aris, he explained that one of the crystal was special that it would knock people unconscious. The girl wasn't aware that one could tone down the power settings of a lightsaber. Again, she didn't know much of anything compared to other Padawans.

Getting into position -- if one could even call it that -- she tried to mimic what she often saw Braze first settle into. Well, she was not much of a mimic; she looked as if she was trying to keep her body light and easy to move. Both of her hands curled around the hilt, but it was in the wrong place.

"First move? Hmm..." what to do? With a shrug and a hope that maybe it would work, the girl moved forward and swung an awkward totally visible and easy to deflect diagonal swing from right shoulder to left, attempting to slash at Vera.




Outfit: XoXo | Equipment: Lightsaber, Echo Stone | Tag: Aiden Rennek Aiden Rennek , Sara Roche Sara Roche
Perhaps, Briana thought, she should have been at the Vonuuvi Enclave with the other Masters and Knights helping make ready the next generation of Jedi for the conflict ahead.

Yet, Briana reminded herself, it was exactly because there were already so many capable Jedi overseeing that progress, that she figured her time and contributions might be better spent elsewhere.

Instead, she’d remained behind on Coruscant.

There were far fewer Jedi around than before, especially in the place where she’d ended up, finding herself amongst those who would be forming the first line of defense for the ecumenopolis. The ones who didn’t have the Force to defend themselves. The ones who relied on not just the real, tangible warfare tools and weapons when having to push back against the dark, otherworldly abilities of the Sith, but also in the strength and tenacity of the men and women lined up on either side of them: the soldiers of the alliance.

Briana watched and listened as she moved through the camp being built up around her. Many of the soldiers were focused on their tasks, the contours of their faces pulled taught, while in the background Briana picked up on bits of pointless chatter and the odd, muffled sound of laughter.

But for one attuned to the ebbs and flows of the Force, each note of levity rang hollow against the deeper, somber bassline that pulsed like a heartbeat beneath the facade of normalcy.

Many of these brave men and women could lose their lives, many of them would.

And before the chit hit the fan, there was one soldier in particular that Briana had to see.

Blue eyes panned across the cathedral of buildings that loomed around them from all sides, before cutting sharply over when the familiar timbre of a deep voice caught her ear.

A kaleidoscope of emotion twisted and turned beneath her otherwise impassive expression. Longing, adoration, love and the rare sensation of fear, stealthily threaded itself around her heart as her eyes settled on Aiden. It was not the first time she'd been confronted with the reality of life's tenuous existence, but this time it felt...different. They'd been to war before, fought side by side and apart, but unlike those previous times, they now had the promise of a future together to look forward to, one that seemed dangerously fragile in the face of the upcoming strife.

For a moment, Briana stood still and simply watched him, brows knitting together to keep her brimming sentiments at bay as she committed his profile to memory. The deep emerald of his eyes, the golden brilliance of his hair, the square contour of his jawline, the rhythmic heave of his large shoulders and chest, and that bright, burning sensation in the Force that only his presence filled — all of it a familiar and beloved landscape that, were the fates unkind, she may never see or touch again.

A thought she tried to push as far as she could into the back of her mind as she approached him and the woman he was talking with, catching the tail end of their conversation.

“Commander Roche, Lieutenant Rennek.” Briana greeted, inclining her head respectfully towards Sara before turning towards Aiden and offering him a small, wry smile. “I came to offer my help and lend a hand with the reinforcements, though I almost feel like I’ve arrived too late after seeing all of the progress that’s been made. Still, perhaps I could assist the Lieutenant here with the recon on those towers for you, provide a Jedi's insight."


It had been a long time since they'd properly dueled one another – part of Cora had been worried that she'd either hold back or push things too hard, especially with his spinal injury. But, Makko Vyres Makko Vyres met her easily. With that irritating smile, too.

He pushed back against the joining of their blades and disengaged, coming down with an overhanded swing and a snarky comment.

Cora spun on her heels, narrowly sidestepping the strike. A lock of blonde hair wasn't so fortunate as she dodged, sheared by his lightsaber and floating pitifully to the ground.

The glare she fixed him with was no longer playful, and Cora growled from deep in her throat.

"You will be paying for my salon appointment."

Win or lose, of course. It wasn't an attempt at a mind trick, but rather a statement of what was to happen.

Pushing off from the balls of her heels, Cora surged forward in a flurry of strikes no longer meant to test, but to overwhelm his guard.
Hope infused | Revenant Six

Coruscant | GADF Hangar Bay
Revenant Squadron


"Okay try it now, Gizmo. That tweak should do it," the brunette shouted over the busy hangar noise to her astromech droid who was docked in his socket on the top of the fuselage located directly behind the X-wing's cockpit.

Addison raised her forearm and used the sleeve of her flight suit to wipe off some perspiration that had formed on her brow as she awaited a thumbs up or down regarding the last adjustments made to her snubfighter. The countdown to "D-day" or the Defense of Coruscant had commenced on a practical level though the official start of the conflict was yet to be determined. It would be sooner than later with how the Jedi Knight could feel the cold oiliness starting to creep into the fringes of the Force ever so when she meditated - that was if the young Porte could quiet her mind long enough to do so and find her center in the Light.

The Jedi pilot like most others who served the Alliance in some capacity had mixed emotions on the subject of the moving of the Galactic Alliance government to Fondor as well as the New Jedi Order relocating their younger knights, padawans, and younglings to mobile or hidden enclaves.. Addison could see the how and why of it from a pragmatic stance, but it did feel a little like the Senate and Jedi Order as a whole were running away in pure fear instead of standing up in a united front to face the Dark Empire head-on.

It teared the Taanabian up inside to know that the innocent citizens and less fortunate beings of Coruscant would be left to basically fend for themselves... Though there would be the few, the brave, who would stay and defend those who could not from the evils of the Sith and Imperials alike. Already the propaganda and indoctrination campaign started as to how it would be for those so lucky to be under the new Galactic Empire banner. The Jedi just scoffed at that thought... Lucky was not the word she would use.

Addy's blue and silver R9 unit beeped bringing the pilot out of her musings. "Astral! But do me a favor, Gizzy... perform one more complete diagnostic just to be sure. While you're doing that, I'm going to check in with you-know-who and see what today's sitrep is."

Another series of beeps came from her domed companion as Addy jumped down from the closed wing of her T-95h 'Howling' in an eased manner. "The Force is always with me, buddy, but thanks," she replied flashing a lopsided grin before slipping the hangar tech's borrowed hydrospanner back onto his tool cart on her way to find the squadron's commanding officer with the other squad mates finishing up their preparations as she walked away.

It was a known fact that Flyboy didn't care for Force users, but it was what it was... Tinks could fly and fly well she did so he'd just have to deal with it or at least accept to a matter of degree that they could work together effectively. Well, from her point of view anyway. She had always been willing to try and meet him halfway. The ball was in his court so to speak or had been since meeting the Coruscanti during survival training when Revenant Squadron was reformed.

Hazel brown eyes spotted Wedge Draav Wedge Draav with a clipboard in hand speaking to Amelia von Sorenn Amelia von Sorenn . The seasoned flight lieutenant had never formally met the Supreme Commander but had heard good things about the female leader of the Alliance forces. Addison stopped her booted approach and threw up a crisp salute dressed in the iconic elite squadron's blue flight suit; a holstered blaster pistol secured on her shapely right hip and a lightsaber attached to the utility belt on the left.

"Ma'am, Captain," Addy acknowledged respectfully with a cant of her dark head to each, then continued. "Revenant Squadron is ready when you are, sir."

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