Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[ENDGAME] - Shadow's Fall

S u p e r i o r
Vorn Salis

Coruscant, Jedi Temple - Sulking around
Liberate dangerous criminals and force users

Coruscant, how Vorn had always wanted to visit the jewel of the Core, and now he had the chance to. Having stowed away on one of the Sith vessels following their taking over the Rimcee Station, Vorn was now without a ship and without a crew, sticking to the shadows of one of the vessels that had jumped to Coruscant after the start of their invasion and raid of the planet had commenced. The pirate disliked Jedi, but he hated the Sith just a little more for killing off his entire crew. He would need to find fresh blood to take over and regain his reputation as a cutthroat of space. As the Sith armada entered Coruscant's system, the ship and crew were put on high alert for preparing to make landfall, of which Vorn had made full use of after having killed a soldier and disguised himself as one.

Troopers gathered into transports and began deploying to the surface below. Vorn who had remained hidden amongst their ranks simply bided his time as the vessel was making their way to the surface as the sergeant in charge was giving a detailed plan on their insertion whilst the other soldiers were checking their equipment. "We'll be landing here at the residential block and sweep the area to secure this sector. Onc-" The sergeant would be abruptly interrupted by Vorn, whose voice was heard, "I have a different idea." As he leveled the blaster rifle in hand and sent carefully placed shots into the chests of the soldiers who were in a tightly packed space. Smoking bodies hit the floor as the intercom blared to life, "What the hell happened back there?" "There seems to have been a slight weapons malfunction. The sergeant has redirected our drop point to one of the temple's hangars instead."

The unsuspecting pilot would remain silent for a moment before clicking the comms again, "Affirmative, rerouting drop point." Whilst the transport moved Vorn would slip out of the soldier's gear, finding it much too cumbersome for his liking as he strung together a bunch of thermal detonators as he strapped them to the door that led to the cockpit. The transport would arrive as he primed the detonators and hopped off, scrambling for a pile of crates as the transport took off, only to explode into a fiery ball of flame and twisted metal shortly after. The pirate would get up as he dusted himself off, making his way through the temple with a singular goal in mind and only a trail of bodies would follow after him, of both Sith and Jedi who crossed his path.
The Clone soared through the air of the Jedi Temple. It's wider and spacious area, both in height and width, allowed for more than enough space to utilise. He strayed away from occupied ledges, preferring to be out in the open. Whilst he was more exposed in such a position, it allowed more time to react, and most of those here weren't exactly wielding Blasters now where they? Fett had a long way to go before reaching the Central Security Station, but this was a one-and-done. If he was able to grab what he came for, then this job was over. Even if he might of found some comfort in slaughtering some Jedi as the dogs they are.

When it came to Jedi? It might of been that little bit personal.

There wasn't a way for the Bounty Hunter to witness everything with his eyes, and promptly turned to his ears. His scanners persisted, though, ready to ping at any anomaly. His audio receptors were on full alert, allowing for a technologically aided sense of super-hearing. A slight 'put' rung out from the silenced Slugthrower Carbine, and the Mandalorian snapped his head in the direction of it, yet he saw nothing. With his head, his body turned- but only slightly. The slug sliced through a portion of his Jetpack, and there wasn't a chance he was to risk catastrophic damage. He had to go to ground.

It was as Fett shifted to a ledge within the Temple that Traske was revealed, taking on a Sith. "Hmph." He grunted to himself beneath that helmet of his, the microphone within his helmet muted. The left wrist of Koda was raised in a rapid fashion, his right arm shuffled over to press upon a singular button. An Alyosha missile launching itself in the direction his opponent. If the Sith was to be killed, also? He would bother to prove it was Fett.

Allies: The Sith Empire

Adversaries: [member="Varik Ice"]
​Locale: Jedi Archives South Entrance
​Allies: N/A
​Enemies: Current - [member="Allyson Locke"] | [member="Jyoti Nooran"] | [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] | [member="Alexandra Feanor"]
​Potential Enemies - [member="Xevek Rakama"] | [member="Vanessa Vantai"] | [member="Tsisaar Taral"] | [member="Darth Imperia"] | [member="Vili Ozouf"] | [member="Darth Sabezt"] | [member="Adrian Vandiir"] | [member="Quvox"] | @Jace Kel | [member="Romi Jade"]

​The Southern hangar was a pool of fire now, almost every ship had been destroyed or damaged in the fighting. A few coruscanti officers and Jedi had managed to escape. However, the Temple was a massive building. It was highly unlikely the escaping Jedi were heading to the archive.

​Tathra and his Promethean Guard weren't far behind, following the sounds of marching boots as no doubt the Jedi had been alerted to his presence. Tathra stopped, admiring the furnish of the building as they slowed around a corner; just to think that such a place was the site of a war. Both of course, were forms of art. It was the perfect place to die for those born of its work.

​The Jedi had such history, such grandeur. How could they so easily, lose things like that? How could they have their culture, their homes torn from their grasp like some cur. He wished he had that, a purpose. A home to protect. Those who ran were beneath his contempt, cowards.

​Tathra and his Promethean Guard arrived on the edge of the arched doorway, blue shelves of information.

​"Spread out Prometheans, I'll draw the attention of the Jedi."

​Tathra broke into a short sprint forward, thrashing his fist into a large table and flipping it across the archives lower level. Tathra stopped, eyes flashing to his left and right as he beat his chest, roaring a shuddering growl; thundering through the entirety of the archives. He was ready for combat.
Location: Jedi Temple
Allies: Sith
Enemies:Marcus Faust Vulpesen

Such a crass attack did not even phase Morgoth, letting go of his sabers he felt the resistance of the force on it he heard it clatter to the floor with a sizzle the blade having cut through a piece of the temple floor, as he lept over the head of the one who had drawn his lightsaber on him and as he saw the concussive force of the attack the rouge master had used slamming into the wall above them he spun around. He was now situated so that Vulpesen Marcus and the children were all in a straight line. Seeing his perfect opportunity he fell back outstretching his now empty hand and said " You know, you should be proud it took me ten years to master this technique enough to use it in combat and you will be its first true victim." As he said this the air around his hand began to crackle lighting apperating in and out of view his rage pouring forth as he melded with the air around them allowing it to take on his aura in the force as he became as close to a perfect union as he could achieve with the Dark Current. The Crackling and hissing turned to snapping and popping as the bolts formed stronger and stronger his eyes turning an icey blue. The air grew hot as it crackled and popped the blue reflecting in his eyes, an instant later it was all gone. Only a few of the most well trained force users in the galaxy would be able to sense the small atoms thick condensation of the Singularity. All of his lightning was condensed into something smaller than a molecule. As he released the attack allowing it to dart towards the three a small beam of blue light could be seen flying towards them at sonic speeds, if they dodged the children would die if they didn't their was a good chance that even with a shield it would injure one of them as it exploded with contained force of a small bomb of lighting.

To add insult to injury Morgoth opened his hand and the lightsaber that was on the ground would fly towards him threatening to cut Vulpesen in half from behind,
Location: Jedi Temple, en route to the Jedi Archives
Allies: Sneering Imperialists & [member="Darth Sabezt"]
Enemies: Jedi Book-Burners: [member="Alexandra Feanor"], et al.
Equipment: Lightsaber, [2] Potion of Invisibility, [2] Blackroot Potion

Death. It was palpable. It shuddered through the Force. Ripple upon ripple, throwing everything into chaos.

As the two guardsmen fell to the ground, bodies mangled by his Master, he found that he didn't care. They had chosen to give their loyalty to the Jedi, and they had chosen poorly. Still, one had to admire their dedication, even if it was misplaced; perhaps, in their folly, they thought they could actually stop a pair of Sith on their own, or perhaps they merely wished to die well. No matter. The knowledge contained within the vast archives of the Jedi would be his, even if he had to cut a bloody path through the Temple to get it.

As the gate was ripped off its hinges and blasted inwards, it seemed to him that his master was even more unbalanced than usual. Perhaps it was the dark side energy coursing through the area, the untold thousands dying in terror and pain. Or perhaps it was an elaborate ruse, a clever attempt at making others underestimate him. Whatever the case, Adrian would have to act quickly if he was going to have anyone left to work with.

The shattering of the doors had bathed the group of guardsmen gathering inside with shrapnel and now only one was left standing, even she not uninjured. Knocking the weapon from her hands before his master could overreact, he quickly closed the distance. As she scrambled backwards in an attempt to reach the weapon of a fallen comrade, he calmly waved his hand before her, speaking in a strangely soothing tone.

"The Sith have breached landing platform Dorn. They are heading towards the dormitories. They are coming for the younglings. You need to warn the others."

As she relayed the false information to her allies in a panicked tone, he turned towards his master, smiling cheerfully. "Lead the way, my Lord."

Potential Distractions/Allies:
  • [member="Xevek Rakama"], [member="Tsisaar Taral"], [member="Darth Imperia"], [member="Vili Ozouf"], et al.
Potential Obstacles/Enemies:
  • [member="Jyoti Nooran"], [member="Tathra Khaeus"], [member="Allyson Locke"], [member="Asaraa Vaashe"], [member="Yuroic Xeraic"], [member="Jairdain"], [member="Tanaski Yumi"], [member="Romi Jade"], [member="Quvox"], [member="Jace Khel"], et al.
Minorous Traske

Location: Jedi Temple
Engaging: [member="Koda Fett"]
Before the Sith had even fallen, Traske was once again focused on Fett, knowing that a couple of shots wasn't going to do that much to a man in Beskar. Well, he had something that could, but he wasn't able to use it quite yet. He had his weapon raised and was about to fire on Fett until he saw his raised wrist, and knew what that meant. Most Mandalorians nowadays used wrist-mounted rockets, and he wasn't about to risk whatever type it might be. He'd seen concussive, explosive, all sorts of rockets used and some of them were far more lethal than others.

It was in that moment that Traske had an idea; some of Fett's greatest assets were his weapons, his explosives, and the armour that protected him. He should make use of his own, particularly the attachment on the underbarrel of his weapon. As Fett's wrist recoiled back from the missile being launched, Minorous activated the Tensor Cannon, aiming at not only the missile but Fett's arm, hoping to lock him in place for just the couple seconds it would take for some of the missile's outer shell to get broken down, and for it to blow up in his face as a result.

Minorous was more than prepared to deal with a Mandalorian, and he didn't see Fett as any exception. He was a good Hunter, very good if rumours were to be believed, but in the end, he was still as much a man and as killable as anyone else. Traske had spent so long fighting opponents who were well-armed and armoured, his instincts honed to prepare him for whatever was thrown at him. He'd hunted enough predators in his life to know what he was doing by now.
Location: Beyers Hospital
Allies: [member="Anais Auraeli"]
Enemies: The Adams Family a.k.a [member="Jairus Starvald"] & eventually [member="Irajah Ven"]

"Yeah, that's not an issue. Ugh." The Jedi replied through gritted teeth as the stretchers repulsor failed and they almost dropped the injured Houk on the floor. Thankfully they also had a Herglic as one of the volunteers to lend his strength overtaking Ember. "I can do that, tr-"

Reality abruptly disappeared in a twisted distortion and Ember was lobbed into a scene of fire and blood. Wicked and completely dark silhouettes with burning red eyes of the same shape and color stormed the hospital. The hunger clear in their eyes and mouthless faces. Ember's heart paced and almost left his body looking to escape. He was frozen and helpless to these monsters' cannibalistic rush seeking ruin and anguish.

All of the figures, he noticed, had a thread emerge from the back of their necks. The Jedi followed it with his eyes and his vision once more distorted following the threads to its source-

Ember felt his heart stop throbbing as the threads ended at the fingertips of a dark man with a cunning smile appearing on a previously mouthless face and the same sulfuric eyes as the thralls storming the hospital a moment earlier. The master of puppets with eyes pierced the Jedi's soul and intentions burning the hospital to ash behind him. Among the dying screams he made out-


Everything broke into thousands shards of glass bringing him back to where he was. He still stood frozen registering the sensory overload he witnessed with the vision.

Ember found Anais as worry surged through her and the same trouble quickly surged him as the vision slowly began to materialize ahead of him at the entrance of the hospital.

"Anais!" He called at her as she vigilantly moved towards the entrance of the hospital.

A blast of light and fire buried the way ahead of him in the flash of a moment as his Force-enhanced instincts kicked in with a strong barrier of the ethereal protecting him as the explosion ended. Screams, panic and chaos unfolded in less than a blink of an eye as the bloodthirsty invaders charged into the hospital. Blue blade materialized into the wide corridor leading to the entrance and with mixed emotions of reluctance to kill but duty to protect Ember downed as cleanly as possible those seeking to inflict pain, and murder.

What he did not expect was when a few of the white dressed medical staff and volunteers...turned onto their own. Nails digging into wrists and teeth digging into throats was a horror Ember did not seem prepared to witness. A bruise at the back of his head pinged at him but as soon as he turned to address the danger, a telekinetic blast flung him hard deeper into the corridor where invaders faced defenders.

Makeshift weapons and a survival of the fittest.

The most gruesome reality of nature.

Ember's landing would've hurt a lot more had his instincts not worked for him once more issuing a barrier enough to save him from a broken spine death. He looked up from the rubble as calmly the dark figure, with the same presence and aura he had seen in the vision, moved deeper into the hospital.

He, sadly, did not have much time to think. The Jedi wanted to save as many lives as possible, not fight a strong, dark-sided presence instead. But sometimes the two came together in an awful package served by fate. To save the lives he overcome the obstacle - this man - who seemed hellbent on taking the lives the two Jedi wanted to save.

From the rising smoke and dust of the battle, Ember couldn't make out Anais and a brief sorrow burst through him. Had he lost her? Was his belief foolish? To learn in action?

The answers wouldn't come as the questions were hurled away by the grip of reality and the incoming danger. Ember called on the Force and directed his palm at the man aiming to send him in a state of stasis. There was no follow up planned, his mind still burdened by the thoughts of Anais leading his concentration astray.
He was hearing Mishel, but it wasn’t going to slow him down. He knew, in his head, that the Jedi would survive the day. Not all Jedi were going to be lost, the New Jedi Order had vast numbers, and somewhere out there, there were his compatriots defending, and winning the day. But here? No, here he was facing the Lady of Shadows, and the Emperor of the Sith. The team he had, the ones that were on this world, were arriving, but he and his student were already here. They could end the architect of the coup, and from there?

He wasn’t thinking about that. All he was thinking about now was removing this stain from the galaxy. Cotan and Mishel were here, they were much more focused. He could feel that, but it didn’t matter. The Jedi tactics of old were not working here. The tunnel vision Coren was experiencing threw the others to the side, Raaf was his target. The focus of his budding rage. His lightsaber caught onto Taeli’s and he continued to press on.

Not the strongest lightsaber duelist, not by a long shot, he was pushing his body and abilities to their limits, he knew he would be. The Force crawled away from Taeli in a blast. He stepped back when Taeli disengaged, and called the Force to form a barrier in front of him, between his student and the Lady of Shadows. And as he could feel the energy of raw determination, he slammed it towards his adversary.

[member="Taeli Raaf"]
[member="Mishel Noren"]
[member="Darth Carnifex"]
[member="Darth Prazutis"]
@Cotan Sar’andor
Agent: Valde Vulpesen Torrevaso
Location: Jedi Temple
Allies: [member="Marcus Faust"] and GA forces
Enemies: [member="Darth Morgoth"]
Objective: Strike and interrupt if not kill
Vulpesen didn't even attempt to listen to Morgoth's words. They idly went into one ear and out the other as he simple recognized the power being drawn from the force. But power like that took time. And time was something Vulpesen' wasn't willing to give. Rather than sit idly by while a singularity formed to erase him from existence Vulpesen darted forward, separating his saberstaff and igniting its other side. "HELL NO!" The declaration pierced the air, interrupting Morgoth before he could even get through five words. Of course, that wasn't the only interruption as his words would be accompanied by veritable lightshow of slashes towards the sith. Even should Morgoth continue his assault with the lightsaber, Vulpesen would merely turn as he allowed the blade to strike him, causing it to bounce off his phrik dusted coat with barely enough force to bruise him. Long ago he had accepted that his role was to destroy men like this. As such, he had armed and trained himself to the task, and his training taught him better than to allow an attack like that to be prepared and launched.
Aryn Teth

Coruscant Streets, Corusca Sector, Core Worlds
Allies: The Galactic Alliance
Enemies: The Sith Empire
Aryn couldn't think of a time before when he had seen empty streets on Coruscant. It was a world that was forever living, forever vibrant. The clamour and footsteps through the streets, the bright lights and the voices of a million beings echoed from the lowest sublevels to the highest skyscrapers as though it was the breath of the world, its beating heart. With the major attention of the Empire on big targets like the Jedi Temple, the streets were empty, littered with only rubble and bodies, the sounds of city life replaced with the faint rumble of distant battle.

As his bike flew through the streets, a flash echoed in Aryn's mind, a feeling. He hit the brakes hard, turning the bike as its engines screeched to a halt. The distant rattle of blaster fire lingered, the clatter and boom of explosions on the ground and above, but as silence otherwise reigned in the empty streets, Aryn focused, listening past all of the distractions as his eyes searched the streets and the buildings just off them. The voices he heard were barely audible, inside and off the street a ways, but he could tell it was shouting, there was a scream, crying.

It hardly took any time at all for Aryn to climb off the speeder and make his way into the buildings. It was a shopping mall, on average vibrant and full of warm faces, families, now abandoned, a hollow shell of the peace that had once existed. When he found the source of the voices he'd heard it was in a courtyard, a few bodies lay scattered, and the shouting was clear now. As Aryn peered over the group, he saw Sith soldiers, a sith lord among them, and a series of Alliance civilians, all aliens, huddled into a burnt-out store front, trapped by the soldiers, arguing about what was to be done with the prisoners.

Not content to lose his initiative, Aryn moved quickly. Leaping into the fray, Aryn called to the force, using it to augment his speed as he crossed the distance between himself and the Imperials in seconds. Activating his saber, he cut across one, then another, and a third after that, leaving deep orange gashes in the armour, watching as the bodies fell to the floor as the others began to react. The four other soldiers began to open fire, as he shifted the saber in his grip, he sent two bolts flying back to their senders, more bodies falling as he reached out with the force to the last two, a blast of energy sending them flying hard into a wall a few meters back, a resounding smack leaving the last two troopers in a heap on the ground, unmoving.

When he turned to the Sith Lord, Aryn saw the man had still taken to action, but not in the way that he had expected. The dark-sider had one of the prisoners in front of them, red saber held out and in front of the figure, a blade to their throat. "Drop the saber, Jedi." The satisfaction, the malice which oozed from every syllable of the man's words was palpable. "Your Alliance is done, but it need not be your end... I can feel the dark in you, the anger... You want to kill me, g-" The blaster shot which rang out caught Aryn off guard, but it seemed that it caught the Sith even more-so, the black mark on the side of his head beginning to smoke as the red saber deactivated, the body of the man dropping as Aryn turned his gaze towards the Ithorian prisoner who had taken up one of the trooper's firearms and killed his captor. "Well, that's one way to do it."

Deactivating his saber, Aryn hooked it back on his belt, reaching down to take up one of the rifles the troopers had dropped as well as he looked over the prisoners. "Come on, let's get you all off-world while we still can."
Location: Beyer's Hospital
Allies: [member="Ember Farseer"]
Enemies: Sith Cultists & Co | [member="Jairus Starvald"] & [member="Irajah Ven"]
Objective: Protect the civilians. Follow the code. Try not to have a nervous breakdown. Jedi stuff.

For every life she saved with her telekinetic shield, it seemed two were lost in the process. Each death a heavy blow on the Padawan as she felt their lives wink out of existence within the force itself. Simply there one moment, gone the next. Snuffed out like candles, their light replaced by darkness.

The padawan sagged slightly as the barrier wavered and fell, dropping the debris it had captured in its orbit to the floor with a clamour. There was no time to recover, however. Before she could even process what had just happened, those she saved, those scant few, twisted and warped before her eyes. Turning from sentient humans into something more wild and untamed, their eyes shining with reckless and misguided hate. Fingers clawing at themselves as they became lost in a sea of bloodlust.

Had they lost their minds?

As much as it would come to shame her later, she reacted purely on instinct as the first of the changed turned on her. The pommel of her lightsaber colliding heavily with the diminutive man’s nose even as he snarled a death curse in her direction, dropping him with a snap-crackle of broken bone and cartilage. The second got off much lighter in comparison, finding themselves shoved backwards with a small burst of telekinetic energy. Stumbling back into his now raving compatriots, taking them down in a jumble of limbs and angry confusion.

Unfortunately, where they fell, cultists were all too willing and able to fill the gap, forcing her to step back to avoid getting bisected by a clumsy, yet vicious sweep of a vibroblade.

Ember!” Her lightsaber snapped-hissed into existence, the electric blue blade coming up into her preferred Form I guard in time to intercept the next attack. Not that she had much choice in the matter; it was the only form she had received any degree of training in before Deneba had fallen. Still it seemed she had enough experience in it to hold her own against a pack of crazed, half-insane cultists. That was something, right? “We need to evacuate the civilians before this spreads!

Two Jedi against a pack of cultists was one thing, two Jedi against a pack of cultists and whatever was seemingly spreading through the ranks of the civilians they were trying to protect was something else entirely.

The fact that there was a Sith in their midst, well…

That was a surprise she was blissfully ignorant at that particular second, her focus solely on keeping her current set of attackers back with parries and ripostes, defensively fighting and letting them push her back towards where the corridor narrowed and where they would be easier to control.

We can’t hold them here for long!
Location: High Council Chambers
Allies: [member="Taeli Raaf"], [member="Darth Prazutis"], [member="Alvarex Zambrano"]
Enemies: [member="Coren Starchaser"], [member="Mishel Noren"], [member="Cotan Sar'andor"]

"I thought I recognized you."

The Dark Lord's voice carried above the howling wind that swept across the platform, jostling the high councilor's chairs with every directional change. His voice was one that demanded submission, authoritarian and booming to the point that each syllable rattled along the spines of any who were unfortunate enough to be within earshot.

"The insignificant gnat from Utapau, how brave of you to stand before me now. I wonder what drives you... and what will break first!"

With a speed that couldn't have come naturally to the gargantuan Sith Lord, Carnifex took two steps forward and swung his lightsaber up in an arc that carved a canyon of melted metal, vitrified marble, and burning carpet between the Emperor and Cotan. The blade would continue up towards Cotan's body as both of them closed the gap, but with a great will of effort, the Emperor was then able to redirect the trajectory of his blade back down to jab out like a spear towards Cotan again.

The Emperor of the Sith was a fierce combatant, a veteran of nearly half a dozen wars, and a scourge upon the battlefields of over a hundred worlds. His skills were honed in such a fashion as to assure dominance in any confrontation, and his mind worked furiously to analyze every move his opponent made and how to exploit them.
The Mandalorian continued to descend downwards via the use of his jetpack. The flames persisted in their violent spitting, creating a low roar that was cancelled out by the cacophony of violence that the Jedi Temple had fallen underneath. There were plenty of places he could be right now, but his mind cycled away from the Central Security Station; saving it for a later time when the figure in front of him was dealt with. Fett planned to be mobile, though. Militant Jedi and a man such as himself never boded too well, be sure of that. He was to be lying if he claimed that he never once thought of the current whereabouts of the Supreme Commander, but that was then, and this is now. Only pure concentration on what was ahead.

A Mandalorian and his Armour were inseparable, and that was clearly common by the fact nobody had seen Fett without it. If not the majority of the set. Some had plenty, yet he only had the one- a canvas of past experiences, for they often involved lethal combat. The HUD of his Helmet was always in effect, nothing got by him, and certainly not today. Traske certainly had his fair share of tricks, but be aware that Koda was in possession of them all. To an inexperienced individual, all that was present across his face might of proven overwhelming, but to Fett it was a neatly calculated array of information that gave not only images but statistics too. A singular, zoomed image of his adversaries finger touching down on the trigger.

Fett's eyes moved in one direction, his jetpack accepting the command from within the HUD. An intricate piece of hardware all connected one way or another. The jetpack emitted a burst of flames that rapidly propelled him to the left, causing the shot from his opponent to whiz beyond him. Due to the advanced technology of the HUD, Fett knew exactly where to keep his arm in order to pull such a manoeuvre off whilst remaining accurate. The Alyosha pierced the air, soaring in the direction of Traske. Time to run, or time get fried.

Allies: The Sith Empire

Adversaries: [member="Varik Ice"]

Cassus Stoma



Jace had grown since their last encounter, exponentially so. A Holocron was one hell of a thing, and it opened up many avenues that appeared to of been otherwise concealed, blocked off, or with a seemingly arduous route. Whilst, yes, he may be inexperienced in terms of any field lesson, he was hopeful that his lessons were to bring him up to speed. It was helpful that such a thing had come to him naturally, too. Suppose the events to unfold were the only thing that was to tell.

A snarl formed across his face. Yet it faded within mere moments, he couldn't let any piece of anger take hold. Even if it could only be perceived as such, and not be real. The Padawan didn't know what he felt, but he knew what he was to do. It was to approach his opponent, remain cautious, and to keep an open yet protected mind. His feet shuffled forwards with each step, the blue blade ignited and poised to strike. Maybe he wasn't excused to attack at the ready, but that was a lesson for a different time. Now? Survive.

Jace lunged forwards with his Lightsaber, intending on slashing from right to left across Tsisaar's chest. Yet that surely wasn't to happen, and the pale blade of the Sith Acolyte was more than likely to run interference. The Padawan offered no words to the man who only sought to provoke him, he couldn't feed him in that remark.

Allies: [member="Romi Jade"] - [member="Quvox"]

Enemies: [member="Tsisaar Taral"] - [member="Darth Imperia"] - [member="Vili Ozouf"]
Minorous Traske

Location: Jedi Temple
Engaging: [member="Koda Fett"]
Not bad.

Minorous knew that Fett had his own bag of tricks, and he knew the ego that came with not only Mandalorians, but Fetts in particular; even ignoring the ones who had fought in the Clone Wars of centuries ago, even now they were known for their high belief in their own abilities. He was watching carefully as Fett moved and avoided the tensor cannon, the missile still coming in Traske's direction as he simply used what seconds he had left in this initial burst to catch the now re-adjusted ordinance, catching it in the air as white phosphorous exploded a decent distance from him. Traske dropped his rifle as it hung from a sling, his cloak turning back on as he rounded a corner, one of his pistols now drawn and held in both hands.

It wasn't a smuggler's grip, or something fancy, aiming for trickshots that relied on luck. It was a trained stance that belied a prepared and caclulated killer, who wasn't about to let anyone, let alone a man in such heavy armour try and make distance so easily. Both hands braced his shots as he let loose a burst of Ion fire directed towards Fett's Jetpack and slightly readjusted where he stood, firing from a different place as he aimed towards Fett's helmet and armour. The bolts had kinetic force, and would likely sting on contact, but lethality wasn't the aim here. He was trying to deal with Koda's mobility, his heads-up display, the technology he was relying on.

Traske repositioned again, manouvering around cover to compensate for oscillation as he kept trying to close in on Fett, keeping low and being careful with his steps. He thought back to when he had first fired on him, how Fett had turned before he'd actually been hit. He had heard the silenced shot, meaning his senses were being enhanced or his scanners were picking up sounds he wouldn't. He waited as he closed in, taking out a small spare cell and tossing it off to the side of where he was, waiting until after it landed before he fired another Ion burst in the direction of Koda's face. He was poking and prodding at the Mandalorian's defenses, wanting to see how his soldier's instincts would serve him, for now. When the time came for it, he would be fast and thorough. As always.

Mishel Kryze



And so the scene was set.

[member="Cotan Sar'andor"] had drawn the Emperor away, leaving the Deceiver to Mishel and her Jedi Master [member="Coren Starchaser"].

The Jedi Temple was fraught with violence and deceit. [member="Darth Carnifex"]'s dramatic entrance served only to punctuate an ever desperate scene. Sithspawn now stormed the streets of Coruscant in addition to the ample soldiers and naval forces wrought on by the Sith Empire. The Council Chambers would serve as the backdrop for the battle, as Coren lunged for the Lady of Secrets, former Grand Marshal of the New Jedi Order - [member="Taeli Raaf"]. Mishel had only but sent the shards of marble at the Sith Lady to find her efforts had been in vain. With but a flick of a wrist lighting sprung free from the woman pulverizing the marble into dust before it could reach her. The hiss-snap of a the red lightsaber drew Mishel's attention away from the Jedi Knight who dared taunt the Emperor himself.

Coren had lunged for Taeli, he was losing himself - his mind clouded by the betrayal.

"This is what she wants to you do!" Mishel shouted but she felt as if her words fell on deaf ears, the former Ren knew much of these power plays. Seiger often was a mastermind behind many of them, goading his 'children' into obedience and submission. The padawan had to find a way into this fight, she moved to rush for the Deceiver herself but just as the clash of blades crossed a ball of force lightning came forward for her. Mishel found herself gripped in its energy, pain surged through her body but she had been used to this. Seiger often used electricity to discipline his unruly children, one such event came to mind. The Tygaran had the urge to taunt the woman, but thought better than to press her luck. The padawan had landed just behind Coren himself, shaking off the lightning hit - trickles of it dissipated from her body.

Coren's attack pressed on, he was falling into his rage.

Wordlessly, she looked to her master and rushed to flank the Deceiver with force speed. The cut of yellow flickered from her lightsaber as she moved to strike at the woman's stance. Hues of yellow stood bright against the shadows of the Emperor, just as the Emperor's massive lightsaber cut through the floor. Melted metal, vitrified marble and burning carpets in the process. Fire. Mishel turned toward the flames and drew it toward her with her mind. Fire had been a discovery early on in her rather forgettable career as a Ren. Rage had been her master then but now she called to it and watched as it eased its way toward them.

Beneath the Council Chambers through the Halls of Healing and the Archives, the scores of battles would make its mark. Trickles of Mandalorian Bounty Hunters began to make their presence known as one by one they arrived to finish off either the Jedi or the Sith. The arrival of the Silver Jedi Order spoke to the magnitude of the day's betrayal as across each sector and system, the Galaxy burned. The Jedi would fight for their very lives.... their very existence... as the fate of the entire galaxy now rested in their hands.

[member="Darth Prazutis"] | [member="Veino Garn"]
Location: High Council Chamber
Allies: [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Mishel Noren"]
Enemies: [member="Taeli Raaf"] [member="Darth Prazutis"] [member="Alvarex Zambrano"] [member="Darth Carnifex"]
Gear (Because I totally forgot to mention it earlier whoops, links in bio): Lightsaber, training lightsaber backup, K-22 Bryar Pistol

The Dark Lord's initial prodding was almost entirely lost on Cotan. He was a bit of a proud man, sure—but he'd been called something along the lines of "insignificant gnat" often enough that it didn't bother him much anymore. Certainly not enough to throw him off his game this early in a fight. So, when Carnifex launched the attack, Cotan was ready to respond, rather than blustering indignantly over the insult.

He turned and stepped to the side of the initial attack, letting the tip of Carnifex's blade come up into the air next to him, before bringing his blade over to redirect the stab. "You know, your highness, I have been practicing," he said almost chidingly, withdrawing back into the simple Makashi en garde position. Carnifex might have been a great warrior, but Cotan himself was an experienced duellist. The same analysis that the Dark Lord was conducting was running through Cotan's mind at the same time, especially in the opening, testing blows between the two.

For now, however, Cotan didn't press any attack; he was too busy formulating his strategy to deal with the Emperor's oversized blade. "Care to try again?" he asked, almost tauntingly.
Location: Jedi Temple
Allies: Jedi, [member="Vulpesen"]
Enemies: Sith, [member="Darth Morgoth"]
Objective: He Protecc

I am one with the force, and the force is with me, I am one with the force, and the force is with me.

The mantra echoed in the battered man's mind as the force warned him of an oncoming strike of incredible power. Whoever this Darth was, Faust had no recollection of him, a decade ago he had not seen this Lord among the ranks of the One Sith, but while the Sith had been off honing many of his flashy abilities and techniques, the former Hand of the Dark Lord had grown in strength through experience.

Then, he'd lost it all, renounced everything in the name of the force, to perhaps do some good in the galaxy in the wake of all the evil. Through that, he had become more powerful than he could have ever imagined.

His newfound saber returned to his belt, and the force flowed through him, guiding him as he once again raised a barrier around the young. Marcus wanted to feel angry, to feel disgust and the Sith's cowardice, his insistence on targeting children rather than simply face his former foe in combat. Instead he felt sympathy, how truly tragic it was that a soul could be so warped. He had been there, he knew that anger, he knew that pain.

But now was not the time for mercy so it seemed, now the force called for action. Faust's goal was clear, once the Vixen touched down, and the children were safely aboard, he would kill this Sith Lord. Or another, it did not matter.
Location: Near archives
Enemies: [member="Romi Jade"] [member="Quvox"] [member="Jace Khel"]
Allies: [member="Vili Ozouf"] [member="Darth Imperia"]

Tsisaar's lightsaber did indeed catch Jace's, the ghostly red blade batting aside the Jedi's bright blue. Where Jace had been studying with a holocron, Tsisaar had been continuing his studies as well, when he wasn't off tomb raiding or fighting in battles for the Sith. More importantly, Coruscant was being suffused with the Dark Side all around them. "Surely you can feel it," Tsisaar started to speak to the now-quiet Jedi. He held his lightsaber low, almost inviting Jace to try and strike at him again.

"All the death. The fear, the anger, all of it." As if to punctuate his words, another artillery blast echoed from outside the temple. "This world's power is growing, boy, and it will reject you." He stepped carefully toward Jace, making sure not to trip on any of the rubble on the floor. But where it looked like he was about to speak again, he instead lunged forwards himself, his arm whipping up in a low cut for Jace's left hip.

Lord Combattere

Location: Outside the Jedi Temple
Allies: [member="Darth Morgoth"]
Enemies: N/A
Objective: Kill everything

Having now with the help of the beasts killed all troops outside and any younglings that tried to flee in the chaos with his two blue blades one in each hand he made his way up the steps and into the Temple it was truly a horrifying site the Order he once looked up to had fallen but this game was not over he had to finish any who were injured or low-level Jedi, Jimmy was not powerful enough to take on Masters but padawans and knights would do his power ever growing as he left the light side falling further into the grasp of the dark with each moment.

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