Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[ENDGAME] - Shadow's Fall

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Location - Jedi Temple > Main Hall > Archive Entrance

Allegiance - Help the GA people. [member="Allyson Locke"] [member="Jyoti Nooran"] [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] [member="Jairdain"] [member="Mereel Vaun"] [member="Vulpesen"] @ [member="Quvox"]

Enemies - [member="Tathra Khaeus"] [member="Xevek Rakama"] [member="Vanessa Vantai"] [member="Tsisaar Taral"] [member="Darth Imperia"] [member="Vili Ozouf"] [member="Darth Sabezt"] [member="Adrian Vandiir"] (And others heading for the Archives)

Objective - Stop all Entry into the Archives... Too many people :D

Alexandra... wished she could reason all the events that decided to happen all at once and trigger every one of her senses, sending her on high alert. It started off rather simple with her feeling the presences of [member="Tathra Khaeus"] and [member="Xevek Rakama"] coming towards herself and [member="Jairdain"], nothing grand or major, rather simple. It was after Jairdain's quick question that Alexandra found herself spiraling into confusing as she tried to maintain her grip on the force and its flow as it was twisted and turned into loops by the significant use of multiple individuals in addition to the actions of others. There was first the hostile conflict and general heightened feelings that came quickly and closer. She took the moment to speak and answer Jairdain while waiting for [member="Mereel Vaun"] to appear.

"The force is in Chaos, more than just your old friend is coming to say hi... A fact im not certain if we are prepared for or not, so make sure you are ready for what ever comes down this hall and up these stairs." She breathed in as she looked at Mereel who had arrived.

The man was certainly out of breath, and probably not expecting what had happened. He wanted to know the plan and to tell the truth, Alexandra didn't have one. The Archives were nestled away from the other areas so that past mistakes could not be replicated but that also meant that escaping from their little box was unlikely. She could destroy the archives but with the force as Chaotic as it is, there is no way to tell if the action would be justified or not. There was also the chance of getting her student and the woman that had accompanied her here as a companion might become harmed, killed or captured, something Alexandra would not see happen. She had seen what capture by the sith meant and would not let them die or suffer like that.

She thought and turned her eyes down the hall again before breathing in and laying out her items in her mind. She had come not expecting a war, which meant she had what she normally would wear. Her robes and a cloak covered her body and restricted her, with a grey tunic and trousers under in case of minor problems. Her weapons were also light, only her sabers and the collapsible warstaff that she had carried for decades at this point. None of that was exactly intimidating or could be used to clear out multiple enemies at a single time, which left her with the force.

Being in the temple would normally make the use of the force a bit more natural, as it normally did in the other temples she was used to, but this was different. The force was muddled and it was hard enough keeping its flow stable enough for her to understand what was happening throughout the temple, much less be used for significant effect against her enemies. She could sacrifice her mind to Hel, let the dark side spirit assume command of her body, but would it relinquish command back when Alexandra wanted it back, or lock her out as it had done in the past.

She owed Mereel an answer though, and an honest one at that.

"Our objective is to defend these Archives from anyone who would seek to take them, even if it requires their destruction in the end." She thought on her words and glanced behind herself at them for a moment and touched the side of her leg, a small Ashlan Wolf emerging from her cloak and taking with it a device that she had been carrying. The Ashlan would know what to do with it if she gave the order, but for now she would give some faith to their ability to repel anyone who might show their face in this hall.

The events would only then grow faster as she sensed two new minds, both that had arrived in her head for a quick moment and vanished, presences that unsettled her and confused her before a blast behind her created a hole. For a moment she saw someone who she recognized, someone she had not seen in several years. Her eyes rested on the man and she smiled softly, feeling her body at ease before she turned her eyes down in shame at the happier feeling. She gripped her hands tight and the illusion she normally wore melted away for once, her silver hair turning ebony black, eyes violet and the tail she had gained from her new body hanging there. Her eyes turned up to the hole for a moment, just enough to see the man vanish from the archives and leave a collection of five soldiers securing the area.

She would look them over, and clear her throat, speaking to them in the language that [member="Vulpesen"] 's men would most likely speak. Zorren words left her lips, guessing their purpose but making certain she was not wrong. All the while dreadfully aware of [member="Vanessa Vantai"]'s presence as well, high above them.

"Soldiers, you are the Valde's men?" She had to dig for that term, barely remembering it or able to pronounce it right. "I assume you are here because of his commands, and will tell you now. If his commands were anything relating to the stealing or destruction of records, other than one in particular, you will not find me welcoming." She could guess Vulpesen's purpose for being in a place like this, knowing that she had heard little of him in the last months around the Jedi and assuming the man had left it after finding his home.

She would not wait long for a reply, or entertain any questions, only get their answer and confirm her suspicion. There was little she she could do to prepare but would need every second of it if she was to gather force energy appropriately and avoid using Hel unless necessary. The Sith coming closer to the Archive would find a Jedi Master waiting for them, not one that was a member of this or any elder order, but one that was more than devoted to the lightside and ready to defend the knowledge held in the archives, to stop anyone from attempting to take the knowledge and power in there.

The closest individuals would feel her first, likely [member="Darth Sabezt"] and [member="Adrian Vandiir"] from what she could gather about the area around her. Her hands gripped at the air, tugging on the strings of the force and drawing its flow into her as she closed her eyes again, standing now and once more her breath slowed till she stopped. Her breathing had ended, her heart beat was gone, her eyes and body simply stood there while she waited and only a few seconds would pass before she would open her eyes again and her body would resume its processes.

She was smiling finally, the old Alexandra Feanor started to shine through that mask that she had been wearing for a long time. The Alexandra that yearned for combat and for battle, the one that enjoyed the fight and sought it out to see just how strong those around her could be and how strong she was. It had been a long time since she had felt this way, before her two years of living in that forest, the three years she had spent caring for her kids, the years with the vitae, the years with the Order of the Grey. It felt like when she was with the Sith so very long ago. Decades ago but this time it was different.

This lust for battle and conflict was calm and controlled, held in her hands and not being drawn into the old frenzy that her more emotional days had been. She was still emotional, far from a stable person as far as her soul was concerned, but this was a different kind of emotional. She had allies she could trust, that she had to protect and that was a conviction that built within her. There was the man who she had loved here, who fought on the same side as her again and that she could feel not too far from her, someone she could draw on and know was there, even if he didn't seem to have noticed or wanted to notice her.

And, she had a reason to make sure that these Archives did not fall, atleast not without her ensuring they would be useless to those who got through her.

The thought made her smile one last time at [member="Jairdain"] and [member="Mereel Vaun"], hoping they would get reinforcements before the chaotic forces that moved closer could reach the archives. If not, this was going to be a long battle for the three of them. Her hand moved to remove one her sabers, carefully handing it to Mereel and making certain the men held took it.

"Jairdain, Padawan Vaun, Try not to die. I would hate to write any letters to families or loved ones." The comment was made light heartedly, Alexandra's humor showing for once to the two.
She Left Behind A Legacy
Exiting Hangar into Main Hall, Jedi Temple
WITH: [member="Jace Khel"] & [member="Quvox"]

OBJECTIVE: Get to the Archives
ENEMIES: [member="Tsisaar Taral"] & [member="Vili Ozouf"] & [member="Darth Imperia"]

Romi's face screwed up in slight incredulity, she removed herself from the panel and proceeded towards the door. A subtle nod was enough, "Circuits are jammed...we're gonna have to pry our way in." She pressed the palm of her hand against the durasteel and then proceeded to knock against it in different sections. "Alright, Quvox watch our backs. Jace help me cut an opening. Start on that end," she motioned with her finger, just opposite of where she was standing.

"We'll meet at the center, alright?" With a flick of her wrist she cradled her hilt against the surface of her own hand. A quick jab of her thumb saw the weapon produce a solid plasma blade; scarlet. "I don't think the security features kicked in yet...probably been disabled if anything. It should be fairly easy to cut now." She subtly manipulated her wrist to the point where she was able to trace the outline she needed. They'd have to spare a few minutes but "Get ready..." when she met Jace at the top she promptly planted her against its center and kicked with a force strong enough to propel it forward.

------- Minutes later

A moderately paced jog was enough to carry the group down a corridor, fighting was a subtle harmony in the background; a beat she was use to. Her jog slowed to a slow pace, and before she knew it she was hovering over two fresh kills. Her eyes twitched, she lowered herself to a crouch; they were Jedi. "This is insane..." she spoke with words that were so soft, they were barely audible. Her head suddenly shot up, she'd caught the chill that crawled down her spine and knew exactly what it could be.

Her speed picked up again as she passed through the opening which led into the Main Hall; she'd exited onto a balcony with spiraling staircases on both sides. The irises in her eyes shrunk, "Wha..." She couldn't believe it.

She cradled her saber hilt in her hand, "Stay close..." she'd mentioned to Jace and Quvox. Monotone.

It'd turned into a warzone, and their destination was on the other side....
The Sith had knocked on the front door and invited themselves in, but it wasn't like any other rude gesture a home owner had seen before. They brought their red glowsticks, their droid armies and unmatched naval fleets. It seemed as if this truly was the end of the Jedi, but unfortunately it wasn't. Members of this New Jedi Order were going to survive, and they were going to create their own pocket of Jedi. It's how it always was, especially now with the Jedi Praxeum coming to play. Even then, there was the Silver Jedi Order. Much in the way of a roach, they couldn't be exterminated for long. Reminded Fett of himself, even. Against all the odds he'd faced down in his life time he just didn't seem to take the hint and die. It was admirable, he will give them that.

Fett's head pivoted in the direction that a thud came from, and then the voice. It addressed him by name and gave him all the verbal power. It was true, it didn't bode well for this child nor anyone else but only time would tell to see the damage a man such as Fett was to inflict. He promptly raised his arm in a rapid fashion, launching a baradium core wrist missile at the young woman before igniting his jetpack. Flames spat out and he hoisted himself into the air, soaring off into another part of the temple. He didn't have time for any of these games, he had something else on his mind.

It might of been strange to see a Mandalorian within the temple, but it wasn't the worst thing to happen today. Chaos was all around him in the form of an array of red, blue and green lightsabers. His Carbine sent forth an array of crimson bolts at the Jedi who directed their attention towards him, silencing them before they're able to compete. In a way, Fett was created with the intention on killing Jedi, after all.

Allies: The Sith Empire

Adversaries: [member="Sky'ito Yumi"]
Agent: Valde Vulpesen Torrevaso
Location: Jedi Temple
Allies: [member="Marcus Faust"] and GA forces
Enemies: [member="Darth Morgoth"]

Grinning behind his mask, Vulpesen walked over to the group, his saber flying into his hand. "See? There's always hope." His ear flicked as a voice commanded his attention, and turning, Vulpesen found himself faced with the crimson face of Darth Morgoth. In truth, the sith was wholly unfamiliar to Vulpesen, but judging by his words and the way darkness seemed to radiate from him, Vulpesen figured he wasn't quite as redeemed as Faust. "For murder and possible Genocide, you are under arrest." A snap-hiss sounded as a black and gold blade extended from his saber. How many years ago had Faust stolen that color away from him... lost until a single friend recovered it for him. Funny how times change. "I seem to remember you telling me to join you all those years ago. Seems you got your wish." Clicking into his comlink, Vulpesen spoke to his crew aboard the Vixen. "Bring her in boys. We've got precious cargo and time is of the essence!"

Team: Squad 3
Compilation: 1 Wild-Dog Grenadier, 1 Rifleman, 1 Coyote Sniper, 1 werewolf gunner, 1 Slicer
Location: Jedi Archives
Allies: [member="Alexandra Feanor"]

Alexandra's voice caught the men by surprise, or rather, it was the contents of her voice. After Veradune's creation, many zorrens had gone home, but still one was here, dressed as a jedi. Of course, the white robes and hair did send a few alarms off in their minds, but nothing that they had time to make sense of. Among them, it was the gunner who spoke first. "Corporal Harlow of the VSF, miss. Valde's orders are to erase Veran intel and help anyone we can. i'm sure we're on the same side here!" As he spoke, the others were already taking up position, with the grenadier and rifleman aiming down the hall. The sniper went to hold down the hole caused by Vulpesen's personal blast, and of course the slicer immediately went to the computers before speaking. "And if you have passcodes, that would be much appreciated!"
Location: En route to Coreuscant / StarGazer Hanger Bay​
Objective: X-Wing Air Support / Save the children​
Allies: SJO & Friends [member="Aubrey King"] [member="Charlie"] [member="Josh DragonsFlame"] @Valkern Calderon [member="Jyoti Nooran"]​
Opposition: Sith / TBA​

Alyisa was right down where she was supposed to be. Moving around her X-Wing the blond Corellian went over flight checks. It was not her first deployment nor did she wish it to be her last. This run was going to be slightly different. Alyisa was getting set to fly escort with Aubrey King. The mission parameters in concept were simple. Escort dropship or ships down to evacuate children out of a hot LZ.

In theory it was simple. In practice in was never easy. Battle was chaotic at best. To protect a ship dropping could prove difficult for a number of reasons. The mission would fail if anything would happen to the shuttles. To make this a larger risk The Grand Master was to drop with the rescue party. So Alyisa could not afford for there to even one system acting wonky or to forget some sort of minor detail. Small details could prove to be fatal.

Hangar, Jedi Temple
With: [member="Jace Khel"] and [member="Romi Jade"]
Objective: Get to the Archives
Enemies: [member="Tsisaar Taral"] | [member="Vili Ozouf"] | [member="Darth Imperia"]
Nothing was ever easy. Of course the circuits were jammed, and there had to be some kind of lightsaber lockpicking, if you could even call it that. Probably better off that he was the one just standing guard, too. He wasn't as articulate with a lightsaber as his two companions were going to be, and it was very obvious to him. He was honestly a lot more unfamiliar with pretty much everything when he compared himself to them, but he probably had a few things going for him. He liked to think he was good at making something out of a bad situation. This situation was about as bad as you can get it.

For Quvox, those minutes felt like hours. He stood with his saber raised and ready for a platoon of Sith Imperial Troopers to just appear from behind a corner or climb out of a transport like a corner and riddle him with blaster bolts. It might've sounded a bit morbid, but he'd accepted the reality of death and how it'd feel a long time ago now. There wasn't any amount of Jedi training that did that for you; it was growing up in an irradiated hellhole, surrounded by hateful people who wanted nothing more than someone to kill for a misdeed that did it, at least for him. In some ways, Coruscant made him imagine what his home must have looked like, so many years ago.

He stuck close, but also to the assignment he'd been given. He continued to watch the back, keeping in mind all the angles, possible exit and entry points. It was a trained sequence, something he'd learned for himself on scavenging runs, making sure his brothers weren't shot in the back or mauled to death by a stalking predator. Quvox had been hunted enough times in his life now that it almost didn't feel like pressure, and he managed to hold back from flinching when he could tell there were dead in front of his master. Maybe it was wrong, maybe it meant that there was something about him that needed fixing, but there was a part of his brain, this black spot that just disconnected that he went to in these situations. Where he switched off from the anguish of a situation, closed it away.

They were close, now. He didn't know 'who', exactly, but he knew what. He knew predators and the presence they created. There were at least a few around here, and he wasn't about to come to Coruscant to be quarry when he'd avoided it for so long on Uba IV. He didn't know the temple, so maybe he didn't have the love or care for it that his master may have, but he knew that this was dire, a situation anyone could describe as dreadful. He just had to do what father always said. Time to be a little soldier.

Lord Combattere

Location: Jedi Temple
Allies: [member="Darth Morgoth"]
Enemies: None
Objective: Kill everything

Walking with the rancors he continued he wanted to cut past and go in to help with killing Jedi it would hardly be against orders as he was told to kill either way as they walked about the Chiss walking over the mass grave as he had slaughtered all innocents and any younglings fleeing the Temple he was satisfied with what was going down revenge for what the order did to him in banishing him the vengeance was born and it was time that they paid.

He continued walking finishing off any that survived but were weak he stabbed them in the chest with his lightsabers or cut off their heads with every kill pushing him further into his dark path the light slowly left him with every push.

Vili Ozouf

Location: Main Hall
Objective: Tango with [member="Romi Jade"]
Allies: [member="Darth Imperia"] [member="Tsisaar Taral"]

Enemies: [member="Jace Khel"] [member="Quvox"] [member="Romi Jade"]

“GAAAHHH!” Came the cry of yet another that had stood in Vili’s path, the man wished for them to simply step aside if they couldn’t offer a true challenge. Currently, an Alliance trooper had the head of Mani embedded in his body, cleaving into the muscle between the neck and shoulder Vili had driven the blade of the weapon so deeply into the Alliance soldier that there was a visible gash from the victim’s shoulder to chest. Pulling the ax back with a grunt of exertion Vili simply pushed against the trooper and watched him fall to the ground dead. Looking down to the corpse Vili looked up as Morgoth passed him telling him to join. “I have enemies here to face, you go on ahead if I finish up here I’ll be sure to join you.” Vili could feel a presence coming near, it was like a beacon of light cutting through the malevolent energy of the Darkside. Along with it two smaller lights, those were of no concern to Vili though they could possibly make a good appetizer.

Moving in their direction Vili drew Sol in his left hand, both axes now held out at his side Vili welcomed those who would come. He had been seeking this challenge for so long as he entered the spiral staircase he made his way up, with each step the sound of his footsteps was made apparent as he circled around the staircase. Mani held out on his right drug against the marble walls of the staircase as he rose a mind-numbing screech announcing his presence to those delectable beacons of light that were coming from above. The close Vili drew to them the faster his heart hammered, excitement and adrenaline filled his system, it was better than any high the Valkyri had ever experienced. This was the thrill of combat. Circling around and coming to the top of the stairs Vili came face to face with three individuals that seemed to be in combat stances. “Enjoying the show?” Vili asked with a swing of his right hand to increase the screeching sound one last time leaving a furrow in the wall. “Quite the sight isn’t it? Its… Beautiful.” As he said this Vili's eyes stared past the Jedi to the floor below where all the chaos was taking place, the humming of sabers, the blaster bolts that darted to and fro between Sith and Alliance forces. It nearly brought a tear to the Valkyri's eye.

Blue eyes moving and locking with each one of the individuals Vili smiled, all three were a fair bit shorter than him but each seemed to carry a strength of their own. Especially the short blonde-haired women as he stood in her presence Vili could feel that beacon of light right before him. Head tilting slightly Vili bit at the inside of his cheek trying to hide his eagerness. “May I have this dance?” The question was directly aimed at the woman who stood between the two padawans, her power was greater than Vili’s own, possibly magnitudes more but that’s what would make it so much better. Though he couldn’t engage her while she was flanked by the two others. In for a
decicred Vili thought as he charged the woman intending to use his hulking mass to his advantage, axes raised on either side of him Vili lowered his shoulder where he would tackle the woman his legs flexing and kicking off the ground to carry them both down the spiral staircase opposite the one he’d just come up. This one was his! He’d use his forward momentum as they fell beginning to descend the stairs to enter a roll where he’d come to a knee separating him and the Jedi.

Cassus Stoma



Everyone was different, and it was clearly apparent. Jace's life was uneventful, far from dangerous, and definitely sheltered. He'd faced no real dangers until Gala, and it was there he became aware of his first Sith presence. One that he felt itching away at the back of his mind now whilst slicing through a door with his long, blue glowstick. A sense of uneasiness, as it had been before, washed over him. It was palpable, but he tried to hide it for his sake and his Master's. Quvox's too, but Jace felt the compulsion for gratification. He had to prove himself, at least to himself.

The presence was mainly ignored, shut out of his mind as it wasn't really there when it was still rather probable to of been present. The Lightsaber remained in his grip humming all the way, standing amidst a room with corpses. The uneasiness was all too apparent now, this wasn't a place for a person like him despite the training he received. Time would pass, and with it his ability. He may even find comfort in a place like this. A sickening thought.

​"Wait." He mentioned, pausing. He was here. He just knew it. Jace's blue eyes shifted about, trying to spot him.

Allies: [member="Romi Jade"] - [member="Quvox"]

Enemies: [member="Tsisaar Taral"] - [member="Vili Ozouf"] - [member="Darth Imperia"]
Location: Jedi Temple
Allies: Sith
Enemies: [member="Marcus Faust"] [member="Vulpesen"]

As the two turned to face him Morgoth looked at them coldly, his icey eyes boiling beneath the surface of his crimson skin. " Under arrest?" He raised an eyebrow almost as if in disbelief that they would even utter such a thing to him. His face then turned grim almost subservient, as he turned off his sabers letting them die with a satisfying sizzle as he placed his hands on the ground. As soon as his fingers touched the floors of the temple all hell would break lose as sparks would leap forward, ripping through the ground as he twisted the current using a combination of telekinesis and lighting to make the energy more destructive, if the force wielders did not interfere they would pass by them and rip through the younglings behind them.

As the attack went forward Morgoth would stand his black lightsabers coming back to life with a crackle, " Force Reap, That is the power you just witnessed. Now tell me.... Do you think I am going to be put under arrest?" As the words left his mouth The Sith Lord leapt forward going directly at the rouge master. As his body glided across the ground his feet barely seeming to touch the rubble he span off to the left putting Vulpesen between himself and Marcus, his right hand spinning around with a blade to sever the hand that held the gold and black blade and the other throwing a blast of energy to throw Vulpesen back into his comrade.
Minorous Traske

Location: Jedi Temple
Engaging: [member="Koda Fett"]
Things just had a way of working themselves out.

He'd never been to this Temple before in his life, but if you'd been to one temple of force users, you'd been to them all. Whether it was Imperial Headquarters or religious sanctuaries, they all tended to have a similiar design philosophy. It made sense; it worked for their purpose and was more than efficient enough, with how many different organisations it had carried throughout the thousands of years such a template had been being used. It had variations here and there, different things changed and edited as you went, but in the end there were always distinct characteristics, just those few that stood out.

One thing they didn't tend to keep around was Mandalorians. Certainly, it wasn't the one he saw, and recognized. Of course Koda Fett was here. Most mercenaries worth their salt would be involved in this conflict in one way or another, and Minorous kept himself informed of who notable contractors on one end or the other were. He wasn't exactly surprised that Fett was more often seen working for an Imperial presence than not; they probably paid better, and had more work. Perhaps it was just a bit unlucky that Traske had been given his GADF contract just before the Sith had decided to drop in. Not that it mattered - next war, mercenaries would change sides all over again and it'd continue until they were dead or the galaxy's fabric finally gave in.

His cloak still maintained and the materials of his armour making him invisible to most scanners and heads-up displays, Traske aimed down the sights attached to his Carbine as he watched Koda go past his cover, flying on the Jetpack he'd become known for. Minorous knew he should prioritize him as a threat; he was an enemy with a similar goal and skillset, so the kind of man most likely to try and kill him. He aimed, steadying the carbine before firing two precise shots; the first was aimed towards his Jetpack and where the fuel itself would transfer through, hoping to set the thing off and force Fett to remove it or at least remove it for now; his mobility was a big advantage, and Traske didn't need any enemy having an advantage over him.

The second shot, fired almost an instant after the first as Minorous snapped onto his second target, was aimed towards Koda's underarm. He was a Fett clone, and most likely ambidextrous, but if he could make one arm harder to aim with, harder to use and heavier to lift, it could save his life in a combat situation. As the second shot went off, Traske's cloak faded and he became visible behind Koda, quickly pivoting to ventilate the head of a Sith who turned and only saw him at the last minute, his final thoughts being shock and having not detected him. All that meditation, all that Teras Kasi instruction wasn't for nothing after all.
Location: Near the archives or something
Allies: [member="Vili Ozouf"] [member="Darth Imperia"]
Enemies: [member="Romi Jade"] [member="Quvox"] [member="Jace Khel"]

"Come again so soon?"

Tsisaar stepped into the path of Jace, while Vili challenged one of the other Jedi, and he knew that Sera wouldn't be far behind. "I must admit, boy, our last meeting wasn't nearly as long as I would've liked." Tsisaar's lightsaber trailed relaxedly behind him while he spoke, the pale blade barely emitting the light that most other beings would expect. His eyes quickly glanced at the other beings nearby, noticing that the woman Vili had just attacked seemed to have a bit of an edge, age-wise, over Jace. Most likely his master, if Tsisaar had to guess.

Even better. She could watch her student fail.

"Now, however, I imagine we'll be able to have some proper fun." He walked towards Jace, his lightsaber still trailing behind him. "Go ahead, Jedi. Attack me; this is a warzone, you won't have to feel bad about it." The Force was beginning to swirl around Tsisaar, as he gathered up his will and energy to be ready to attack on his own. "And believe me, boy, you don't want me to be the one to start it off." Tsisaar seemed to be experiencing some of the same effects as "Sera" was, going giddy with the amount of Dark Side energy flowing about on the planet. Not that it would matter much—for all that it might affect his wits, it would also empower him. All he was bothered with was determining how to go about destroying the Padawan he'd picked for a target.

Would he first attack the flesh, or the mind?
Location: Jedi Temple
Allies: Jedi, [member="Vulpesen"]
Enemies: Sith, [member="Darth Morgoth"]
Objective: Protecc

They always were so arrogant weren't they? He'd been that way, maybe not to the same extent, but he'd always thought himself above those he'd faced, had the knack for lightning too. He called on the force, concentrating all his energy into creating a protective barrier around himself and the children, the Sith Lord's attack of earth and lightning striking violently against it.

When it subsided, Marcus found himself hoping whoever his newfound ally had called would be there shortly, the sooner the children were safe, the sooner he could enter the fight proper. For now, he'd relegated himself to more or less a support role, the children's safety being the Guardian's upmost priority. "We're well past arresting." He shot to his comrade.

When the Sith Lord made his move, so too did he, lifting up a hand he reached out in the force. Wrapping the fingers of his telekinetic grip around Morgoth's blade arm, he yanked it away from his ally, hard. Granted creating the shield to protect the children had taken a good deal of energy, which left the attack somewhat weakened, it still would carry more than enough power to slow the Sith's swing, giving Vulpesen ample to remove his hand from the chopping block.

Perhaps get in a counter too while he was at it.
LOCATION: Coruscant Thermisphere
OBJECTIVE: Going on the Offensive
Currently Flying TIE-S "Subjugator" Class
Enemies Noticed but not Fully Recognized: [member="Alyisa Mithel"]

Edwin shot down another opposing starfighter as the last transport shuttle made its way off of their star destroyers. Edwin smiled to himself. They had successfully secured all estimated units onto the ground. Getting out would be the difficult part however for any others. Edwin checked around via his cockpit's window.

"This is Lieutenant Setyl, all remaining active Ground Troops have been deployed. If backup is needed, we can begin entering further into the atmosphere," Edwin reported.

"My Lord, we seem to have a problem," That was one of [member="Darth Morgoth"]'s men.

"Report away Lieutenant," Edwin answered.

"An X-Wing has began to make maneuvers towards the planet,"

Edwin frowned, "Has the vessel's allegence been identified,"

"No, My Lord, but it certainly isn't on our side,"

Edwin paused for a moment, "Follow the vessel, discover what its up to. Capture if possible; worst case scenario, destroy the vessel," He order, the men complied to his orders in turn. Four of them were commanded to head off towards the X-Wing while the rest were now to take down remaining enemy vessels. Edwin himself had his own plans. He landed back on a Star Destroyer to refuel. Requesting for ion charges to be equipped into his ship before going out, replacing his torpedo launchers. Ships will be fleeing, and the best case for Edwin was to capture said fleeing ships. The more captives means the more power the Empire had at negotiations with the Alliance. Edwin took off again, reporting to one of the Admirals of his plan. Hopefully they'll see the potential to it.
Agent: Valde Vulpesen Torrevaso
Location: Jedi Temple
Allies: [member="Marcus Faust"] and GA forces
Enemies: Morgoth
The force. He had dedicated his life to it. Long ago, he had accepted that he was not the one in charge and in doing so, had allowed its currents to flow through him, guiding his actions. He'd learned to watch its currents move through every being, seeing how the dark twisted it and how the light brightened it. It would take more than a half hearted feign of surrender to catch him off guard. As power surged from Morgoth, Vulpesen's hand was already raising to his defense, and that of the younglings. With an inhale, he gathered power within him. And with a short exhale, he sent it out. All that these children would receive was a dazzling light show as the waves of energy and concussive force arced up an invisible barrier set before the Valde. As he watched the power dissipate, something about it felt a bit easier and it took him a moment to realize that it was Faust's aid at work.

With his hand closing, Vulpesen watched Morgoth take to the air in an attempt at surprise only to land between himself and Faust. In truth, he would have done the same. And as Faust did his best to slow the saber aimed at his wrist, Vulpesen hardly moved, only lowering his wielding hand by a few inches. He did after all, have a few tricks up his sleeve. When the crimson blade collided with his forearm, there would be a distinct lack of sizzling flesh as the blade bounced off the songsteel of Vulpesen's bracers. Then, having gotten a moment to rest, Vulpesen made his own play. Theatrical attacks with fancy names like 'Force Reap' were always nice, but they were just for show. He prefered simpler more surgical attacks, like the focused force push he was aiming point blank at [member="Darth Morgoth"]'s side with his free hand. Though, perhaps push wasn't the right description. With the way he had powered and shaped the attack, it was more like Vulpesen was launching a javelin out from his palm. Of course, he was smart enough to aim the attack more upwards so that his allies would be too low to become collateral damage.

Current Loadout
Equipment: Twilight Fox Armor, a Dragoon Blaster Pistol. Three Rhak Skuri Gas canisters, Kits Yelp Bracers(With ten extra belts), his personal lightsaber, three EMP grenades, two frag grenades, 5 extra lightsabers, Three totems of Familiars(kath hound, Kreehawk, Acklay), Shadow Fox Amulet
Allies: [member="Darth Carnifex"] [member="Darth Prazutis"]
Enemies: [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Mishel Noren"] [member="Cotan Sar'andor"]

Equipment: Armor in signature, lightsaber

Yes, oh how she had missed this. The Emperor's display of power, tearing away the walls and ceiling of the chamber, ah she had truly missed this. With an almighty thud, Carnifex himself landed on the, well now it was a Council platform than a room, and she could not help secretly reveling in the fact everything had gone off without a hitch. She could sense the Lord of Lies still in the ship, but before he was able to join them, another Jedi arrived and Coren and his apprentice made their move.

"Starchaser and his apprentice are mine, my Lord," she muttered.

Shards of masonry flew at her as Coren lunged, orange saber pointed to strike the traitor down. The apprentice was the cause of the marble heading for, and getting a proper look at her, she truly was an offspring of Kerrigan. Perhaps a clone as she seemed too much like Siobhan? Ah well, she would find out soon enough. Lightning sparked from her free hand, reducing the incoming marble to dust from the intensity even as Coren neared.

Red lightsaber snapped up to deflect Coren's lunge away to the side, her amber eyes illuminated in the clash of blades for the briefest moment. Disengaging, she stepped to her right, lightsaber swinging up to lock with Coren's while a ball of lightning once again formed in her free hand. With a flick of her wrist, she sent the ball of concentrated Force Lightning at his apprentice. Once it neared her, it would explode in a small storm of electricity.
Location: Coruscant-Jedi Temple-->Record Halls
Allies: SJO & GA, Nearby With: [member="Jace Khel"], [member="Romi Jade"]
Enemies: FO, TSE, Nearby [member="Tsisaar Taral"] [member="Darth Imperia"]

Running through the temple it was surprising to see how far the Sith had gotten into the defenses, almost if they had been here all along... unless they where. Tana was not fool to the long game, the patient wait before the final attack, it was just so surreal how deep it had gotten, that non of the major Jedi masters found about this until now... that was unless the master in question where not actually. "Focus Tana, get elder sister and get out, no nee to start forming conspiracy theories in your head".

That would not mean he'd leave other hanging, while dashing though the temple the young Jin doing his own to help others, weather it be a quick close to a expecting Sith acolytes legs, blocking a saber with his Corsotis blade or sending a force push here and there. Still over all the young boys main objective was to reach the archives, though it seemed he was not the only one with such a goal. Just ahead some Jedi wearing what seemed to be Ubese armor along with two blonde humans running down the hallways towards the

Was he looking for friends? or did they have orders to secure the archives? either way it was best to team up with someone rather then go solo, that never ended well for him. "Hey are you guys heading to the archives? mind if I tag along? I suspect me older sister is located there", he replied, easily speed up besides the trio. With Each passing second the feeling of darkness getting larger and larger, with a sudden quid looking alien suddenly appearing around the corner, "Well kark".
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
[member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Jairdain"]

The illusion of a somewhat unfamiliar form would showcase itself before the duo guarding the archives. Wispy, shimmering, but still very clear and distinct in its form - that of Vanessa Vantai herself. No longer did she use an illusion associated more with her past life - that was meaningless given the circumstances. But she was certain Alexandra would recognize her - if not by image, then by voice or attitude.

"How adorable. How truly, utterly precious." Vanessa said. "There are dozens of Sith even now converging here on the Archives, ready to once more violate the sanctity of the knowledge within and twist it to our own arcane ideals. Your fleets have turned upon each other - already dozens if not hundreds of ships have been taken by our infiltrators. Your planets across the galaxy writhe with discord. Yet you still expect to be able to save some pitiful scrap of information from our clutches. The battle is lost, Alexandra. When the Sith come - when ​I​ come - surrender to us like a good little Jedi and I will do my best to have you placed under my... personal protection. The same goes to you, my dear Jairdain - already you have been touched by the darkness. Soon you will be again - accepting of the Sith ways." The illusion smiled.

"Now please - make this easy for yourselves." Vanessa asked, sighing.
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
Location: Coruscant-Jedi Temple-->Record Halls
Allies: SJO & GA, who ever
Enemies: TSE Anyone really

The Mando did not respond, but then way would he, out of all the engagements the man had with her family at no point had he talked, just killed or captured. When the rocket was fire at her Sukai was more then ready, quickly raiding her hand to block the incoming projectile, forming bubble around her, but also projected one behind the rocket before it's impact, her mules tensing for the incoming fire storm of the tiny but deadly weapons.

The resonating explosion smashed against her force shield, causing her body to strain under the pressure, more so with two shield active at the same time, keeping the blast from effecting others. Suddenly her first shield broke, the flames and blast impacting her full on, the heating tendrils of pain running along her right arms which was currently outstretched, Sukai's protective clothing shielding her from most of the flame. Still the young Jedi's arms felt the fires full force, burning with a searing pain,before Sukai finally dropped the shield, being thrown back by the reaming kinetic force.

Impacting against the wall her mind was spinning, a ringing sound engulfing her ears, eyes glancing down t see the scorched red and black had left behind from the explosion. "Arrgh, that fucking hurt... how does mother ignore these type of wounds everyday"? Grunting through the pain she rose to her feet, watching as the burn arm slowly began to regenerate, now free of any immediate enemy, for now anyways.

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