Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Episode 7 Teaser Trailer Is Here

Connor Harrison

They didn't even show much of the main cast and it already looks super.

And real Stormtroopers? No CGI tat? YES! They look really menacing just from those snippets.

Did the opening monologue sound like Benedict Cumberbatch to anyone else? In his 'Star Trek Into Darkness' Khan voice...or is it just me?
Don't worry, [member="Kana Truden"].

I'm sure this was just to wet our whistle and showcase some of the effects and what not.

I'm positive that they'll release a legit trailer that will give hints/visuals to the plot of the movie in the future.

Connor Harrison

It teased...and it teased perfectly IMO. I remember 'The Phantom Menace' teaser being over 2 mins - that was just a trailer.

Connor Harrison

December 2015 suddenly feels so long away. TOO long. :(

When's the next trailer out then?! Come on!!
Connor Harrison said:
December 2015 suddenly feels so long away. TOO long. :(

When's the next trailer out then?! Come on!!

That's cause it is.... *weeps*

This teaser looks fab, and I can't wait to just get myself a bucket of popcorn a large coke and sit back and enjoy the ride. ;)

*leaves everyone else to analyse it* :p

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