Location: Blood Wastes
Companions: None
Of all the things that could possibly happen. After being found out for possessing the power to manipulate the Force and summarily booted from the Grav-Ball league, which in turn lost her every sports scholarship she had been offered and was considering, she had been angry. Very angry and directionless. She had decided to leave home, try her luck out in the stars for a while. She had been all packed up and ready to leave - hell, she'd been at the spaceport and... poof! Next thing she knew, she was waking up feeling not unlike the morning after too much drink. Eyes had been rubbed, then the scent of fresh grass and clean water came to assault her nostrils, and hands stopped their eye-clearing motions to let herself look upon the landscape she now found herself in.
She laughed.
Oh, did she ever. She laughed, and laughed, and laughed some more. She laughed the laugh of someone who'd quite possibly cracked. The laugh of one far beyond utter disbelief. At some point, the laughter turned over to tears, and eventually she calmed and started to really assess what was going on. It was then that she had noticed that all her luggage was with her, too, and both hands had went to rub over her face. As nice as the oasis was, she was never really someone to lay about and be idle. So she'd picked up one duffel and hoisted it onto her back, and grabbed the other duffel and simply carried it by hand.
That was a few days ago. She'd been wandering in this place of blood and death for a couple of days, and had been becoming more and more assured of her insanity. Maybe everything had been too much. Maybe she couldn't hack it. At least all the people around here - boy there was a lot of them - meant she wasn't the only one that was crazy, and despite the fact that it was probably unrealistic, she was and had been looking for some way out because, well, there just had to be an exit.
She couldn't be dead. No way.