Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Everything needs a Hostile force OOC

[member="Valiens Nantaris"]
*looks over the fleet*
Excuse me. Must change clothing. Will return to explain how scared I am. Rofl

[member="Ajira Cardei"]
Ay, hope it doesnt come off as...I don't know, pushy, that I am forcing Zaiden down Rave's AND Ashin's throats. The latter was a friend, so eventually he would go find her, and the prior is doing some powerful crafting, and with his changes, he wants to know that it isn't the darkside driving her anymore.
Valiens better not say one word now about the mothership since the SSC decided to send half their invasion fleet at us. 3200m?

Pop goes the weasel. Nice roleplaying with you guys, my fellow alien buddies. But no one wants a rebuilt Dromund Kaas

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Osynth Obek"]

Considering I made that sucker out of a precise combination of half a dozen precedents, I'm pretty pleased with it lol. As for how long it takes, it's now got 2-4 masters and a massive Force Nexus behind it, so I'd say however long its users choose. That doesn't include me - Rave made it but has now been called away. What Seydon, Sio, and Rosa do with it is up to them.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Columi can see and hear communication transmitions. If the SSC is getting involved, this is too much. The SSC has flagships. That can pop the Mothership. The mothership only enters an area when it is absolutely safe. The threat of SSC is enough for it to be endanger.

Aside from that fact, you're basically having half an invasion fleet against all of this... Which I've learned that questioning logistics is like having a black cat cross my path, so my alien lips are sealed
I have no say over Xrawylz personal fleet, so I don't know. I had a total of 20 Corona-class Armed Frigates, which you obviously proved my point that they could never stand a chance by popping them all as they branched off. 2 are left defending the mothership being beaten by your ships flurry of weapons

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