Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Exodus Crash | CIS Invasion of UCM's Eshan Hex

Location: Dropping out of Hyperspace with Unity Fleet
Allies: CIS and Allies |
Assisting: [member="Amelia von Sorenn"]
Enemies: Mandalorians and Enemies
Engaging: [member="Adenn Kyramud"] | [member="Tathra Khaeus"] | [member="Kaine Australis"]
Objective: Clear Space of Mandalorian Assets and help secure freedom for Eshan
Unity Fleet:
Mace Windu | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%
Hermes | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%
Piranha | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%
Alabaster | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%
Hawk | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%
Khong | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%
Galileo | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%
Socrates | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%
Liminal | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%
Icarus | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%
Prometheus | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%


17 Squadrons Fangs
13 Squadrons Bit Interceptors
10 Suadrons Mantis Strategic Bombers

"The Fortressa has arrived to join the party, brought a few plus ones, hope you don't mind."

"Comms, please contact the Fortressa and acknowledge their command and set up a feed from our sensors to their CIC." Establishing a network of sensors, an expanded map of the battlefield always gave the commander more information, the currency of command, and the least that he could to price John could pay to support his commander. Besides, he had more than enough to worry about just handling his little fleet without worrying about managing the entire battlefield, for example. "Contact the Hawk, let them know they're starting to lag behind and need to tighten up in the formation." The Mace Windu held the point of the formation flanked on either side by the Star Destroyers. In the safe spot formed by the larger ships the Alabaster and Hawk, forming a smaller triangle of their own with the Liminal. Bringing up the rear were the three Munificent Cruisers, the Khong, Galileo and Socrates. The fleet was as secure as he could make it, and that was hardly a bad thing because...well they'd come under attack already. The Mandalorian defences were incredible, Unity fleet had barely arrived in the battlefield and there were already coming under attack. "Someone reroute a squadron of Fangs to support the Hermes and pick off those Mandalorian fighters. Sensors, lock down their carrier, I want to know who we need to return the favour to."

It was the standard response to any fighter attack, motes of bring energy spat out by the point defences attempting to swamp the incoming Hel Fighters, the turrets tracking around as the nimble craft span and danced. It took the crews manning the guns a moment to realise that the small craft weren't Mandalorian fighters, but something else. The Mandalorian's had a huge range of fighters and ships available to them so the self-defence crew could be forgiven for not twigging onto that sooner, but if they had then who knows how different things could have been if they'd realised sooner. It was only when a hapless ensign caught sight of something that he thought things were wrong, a minute more till he worked up the courage to speak to his commander. That commander wanted to see it for himself before be passed it up the chain of command. All the way up to the captain of the Hermes before he passed it over to the Mace Windu.

"Admiral..." John tore his attention away from the viewscreen to stare at the ensign standing next to him, a datapad held in her hands as she bit her lip nervously. No officer, from the lowliest ensign to a rear admiral ever wanted to be the one to interrupt a fleet commander in thought. "The Hermes is reporting that there's something different about the fighters assailing it." "They said what?" It was times like this John wished he could do three or four things all at once, his hands reaching for the datapad as a movement on the screen caught his attention. Infernal Fleet had moved up, starting to engage the Mandalorian forces, and like that the battle was joined, the datapad settling in his lap as he turned to his overworked communications officer. "Contact Fleet Marshal Von Sorenn, let her know Unity fleet will be moving in to support her, and inform the Fortressa that we will be moving up on its flank to provide aid." The command propagated through the fleet, the tons of ships sliding forward in space, gliding along the flank of the Fortressa as light lit up on John's screen. "Have the Hermes and the Piranha use their long-range weapons to assist Infernal Fleet's attack on the Mandalorian Escort Carrier. Artillery Cruisers target one of their Mandalorian Star Destroyers. The Mace Windu and the Liminal will engage their other Star Destroyer. Inform the Fleet Admiral that our Bomber Wing is at her disposal."

He knew it was in his head, but John imagined the ship seemed to shudder as the weapons emplaced across his ship came to life, tracking onto their targets as the ships moved into long range. "Remember everyone, we're engaging with long-range weapons, so make your you take your time and make sure you have your shots locked in before firing. We're here to liberate Eshan, we're not here to repeat the Mandalorian's attack and hit the surface of the planet. Be very careful, and if you don't have a sure shot don't take it." It was better to take their time chewing up the Mandalorians than risk a single rail shot, a single turbolaser breaching the planet's surface. "All ships...engage." That was it, the one word that unleashed a hail of fire as the long-range weapons of the fleet came to life, a storm of fire reaching out towards the Mandalorian ships. Turblolasers, Railguns and Ion Cannons, a cacophony of weaponry with just one goal, leaving the Mandalorian ships shattered and broken, leaving them as no threat to the other assets of the Confederacy fleet, or to the civilians and troops on the ground.

Yet even as the fleet engaged, tracking fire across the Mandalorian fleet in front of them a piercing alarm tore through the air, John span in his seat, the datapad lying forgotten in his lap as he stared at the screen, the blood draining from his face as he saw a new Mandalorian fleet jumping in, opening fire on the Fortressa. "All ships, redirect all untasked weapons to engage the Mandalorian fleet. Hit them with everything we have." A second wave of fire lifted away from the fleet, stretching out towards the Preserver as Unity Fleet desperately opened fire to defend their theatre commander.


Fleet moved up to engage Mandalorian ships under the command of [member="Adenn Kyramud"] at Long Range
Mace Windu and Liminal engaging one Mandalorian Destroyer
Alabaster and Hawk engaging the second Mandalorian Destroyer
Hermes and Piranha engaging the Escort Carrier
All other weapons engaging the Preserver
Objective: Attack and destroy or drive off the CIS fleet
Allies: Mandalorians, [member="Quoron Cadera"] , [member="Premier William Harris I"]
Enemies: CIS, and allies
Opponent: CIS, @Amelia von Sorren , [member="John Locke"] , and other fleeters
Location: Aboard the Aegis Eternum, system of Eshan
Fleet: Mors Classemque (Death Fleet)
As Adenn stood aboard the bridge of the Aegis Eternum, he had a feral grin on under his helmet. He had made the first move, and now his enemy had finally responded. Damage to them was negligible, but it mattered little to Adenn. He had their attention, which meant they wouldn't be able to focus on other things. While Adenn was looking out across his little fleet, he noticed that a large part of their fire went towards the escort carrier. That was a shame, they should've focused on bigger prey, not a simple escort carrier. After all, it may take a few hours, but by the end of this fight, his star fighters would be able to fix themselves up on Eshan.

It was a shame though, his fighters and some of his bombers would be severely depleted. Already, torpedos and missiles were exploding amongst them. Mainly it was the fighters, since the bombers were a bit back and separated, but they were both still hit. Already 1/5th of his fighters had been damaged, and many within that 1/5th were destroyed. Adenn snarled at the thought, he didn't know all of them personally, but they were his men, and they would be avenged. Many bombers made it through thanks to sheer luck, but were immediately in the fire of the corvettes. They managed to avoid those shots better, simply because of the distance; though several were still hit and/or destroyed.

At the same time, Adenn ordered the escort carrier to flip and dive(like a dive bomber). After receiving confused questions from the Captain of the ship, it did as ordered. During the dive, it took several hits to the lower part of the ship, and its shields were overloaded and several shots hit the underside before it managed to pull out of the line of fire. The captain of the ship was noticeably angry, but continued in his duty; deploying even more fighters and bombers. Adenn turned to his destroyers next.
Return fire in kind. Three Mandalorian Destroyers(MD), focus fire on that ship(1 of the Melabranches). Hammerheads and the other MD, fire on that ship(closest Ascensorial SD). Concentrate fire together, shoot missiles as well. Adenn then turned to his Kanjiklub Deceivers. I want you 3 to drop all pretenses. Let them see the full might of our fleet. I want the Deceivers to fire on the last two ships(Hermes and Piranha). Also, get those fighters up!

With his ships in position, Adenn suddenly received a flurry of calls from the shuttles. They were under attack, and several of the medical ships had been shot down along with normal ships. Adenn smiled grimly, let the galaxy see the CIS for what it really was. He then opened an open call to the CIS.

Look at the damage you've done you fools. This city will be rubble thanks to you, and many of my medical transports have been damaged. Yet you still claim to fight for peace, and the liberation of an already free people. Look at the city you are destroying! There was almost nothing damaged before, and now I see rubble where CIS troops march. You are fools, all of you. You say you know war, yet you face only a small part of our might. We shall destroy you, you and your pitiful fleet.

Fleet Actions
  • 3 MDs opened fire on the Melabranche
  • All Hammerheads and one MDopened fire on closest Ascensorial
  • Kanjiklub Deceivers dropped fields to show the full might of the fleet

Damage Taken
  • 1/5th fighters and bombers destroyed
  • Escort Carrier damaged, Medium
  • All destroyers ,shields held
  • medical craft damaged
Objective: Revenge
Allies: ME
Enemy: [member="Darth Tacitus"]
Equipment: LightSaber, Armour, Healing Amulet, Echani Shield
Ship: H.M.S. Carrnia
10x Noctule
2x Pipistrelle with FCBC
10x Pipistrelle with proton bombs
1x company of palace guard
2316x Droids on first wave
2 further waves of 2460 in each wave

She came out hyperspace, in space above Eshan she was here officially to help honour the alliance between the ME and The Empire. Though she really wanted to do it for revenge, as the CIS or more precisely [member="Adron Malvern"] who rejected her offer, and insulted her to boot. As she came out of hyperspace she was cloaked, and she was in the hanger bay, she was aware that his brother fought in and was in charge of The Eternal Empire. She knew where they had landed, and today he was her target. Her droids began getting on drop ships, and as each of drop ship door closed they clocked as well. She also boarded a drop ship with her Palace guard, and then ship began to float as The Rock Ivory hanger bay powered up, and catapulted them out. This system was designed to stop carrier being spotted, while deploying it's ships. The next wave was the fighters that was with them, they would act as there artillery.

They began the journey to the planet, and the battlefield. They entered the planets atmosphere slowly, so not to leave a blazing trail behind them. She never been to Eshan, though has brought many wines from here. She looked through view screen in the cockpit, the planet looked pristine, and quite a sight to behold.The drop ship was moving smoothly, she went to back and started to do her warm ups exercises, as the last thing she wanted was to cramp up during the battle. Then ten minutes later, the pilot the gave them heads up, All Passengers we about to make our landing, get ready. She stood up and got to dropship frontal doors, and dot ready to charge out, also put some ear plugs in. They where going to get them as they where still setting up, though numbers where in her opponents favour. She had surprise on hers, and hopefully it was enough.

Then it happened the doors opened, the dropships blasters began firing, as charged out. Then fighters dropped there stealth and began bombing runs as we as strafing the Eternal Empire. Soon as red mist of force breaker gas, began covering the area. She then used breath control, so not to rely on rebreather. Then ran towards the enemy in full tilt. As droids began open fire, the noise would be deafening if it was not for her ear plugs. She saw lines droids quickly forming up, but they where also forming up. They get ready for a counter attack.


​Enemies: All | [member="John Locke"] - The Hermes
​Allies: The Bryn'adûl | The Extant
​Locale: Space

​The Fleet battles above served to the betterment of the Bryn'adûls attempt to take the Hermes. Even as it appeared the Unity Fleet's forces were mobilising to strike back and defend the Destroyers, the Mandalorians brought a Super Star Destroyer to the battle. The Mandalorians had indirectly appeared to give the Bryn'adûl some extra time.

​"[Draelvasier]: The Mandalorian's have distracted the Fleet!" ​Tathra barked down the coms as his ship glided through the rain of fire that surmounted in the loss of one of the Phaedra's engines, his craft spun out of control - the heat swelling as the ship suffered. However as quickly as he was overwhelmed he was relinquished of his pursuers, the few of his Hel Fighters that remained returning to his side as they quickly dispatched the stragglers that had not moved to confront the Mandalorian attack.

​"[Draelvasier]: Cover my approach. Focus fire on this part of the shielding." ​Using the battlenet HUD link, Tathra assigned a specific target. The Bryn'adûl fighters to unleash a foray of fire as Tathra's suicide Draeyde thrust themselves forward in tandem to temporarily disrupt the shields of the Destroyer, giving Tathra enough time to punch through.

"[Draelvasier]: Re-direct flight paths to the ground forces, I will join you shortly. Fighter units two and three, deploy to assist Grosck and our ground forces!" ​The Phaedra lurched over the Hermes, its three remaining engines powering itself for a final thunderous burst - the Phaedra shot downward, rocketing toward the midsection of the Star Destroyer as its outer ridged panels began to circle at an increasing rate, cutting down into the ship as the Phaedra pushed through the fire - its speed causing it to pass through the weakened shields as they refracted almost instantly as he passed through, ripping away some of the supplementary armour of his craft.

​The Phaedra's sharpened exterior dug into the Hermes, its drill like movements digging deep enough to rupture the Hull of the ship. The Chieftain's insurgency had been successful. The drilling came to a halt as Tathra's ship stopped within a sizeable corridor. The Chieftain undid the straps that held him in place, the artificial gravity taking hold as he dropped a few inches, taking his weaponry from their magnetised slots.

​Already Tathra could hear the sounds of commotion outside his craft, his titian eyes shifting to a level. One quick motion and he would be on board the Hermes. The hull of the Phaedra cracked open like an egg, its parts shifting as it gave way to Tathra's immense stature. His form dropping down from the Phaedra as the troopers within gave pause.

​One of them grabbed for his com-unit to alert the bridge. "He, it- its not Mandalorian! Repeat its no-" Titian eyes observed a total of twelve men in the corridor, his primal eyes saw them as little more than flesh. He could see their hearts thumping fearfully in their chest. Snarling, the Chieftain growled at them with a dense guttural hatred travelling from deep within his stomach. Tathra's Mace ignited - red noxious fumes rising from the individual spiked ridges that made up the décor of his Mace. Tathra jolted forward, Mace held in one hand swinging wide as a single strike of his Mace dealt with three.

​The first killed on impact, the other two knocked aside. Another ahead, too late to pin him down with overlapping fire. Tathra brought is Mace upward, crushing another against the ceiling as he moved forward, turning his armoured back to them as he ripped the Mace from the ceiling, taking both chunks of electronic and man with it. The Mace came down in a curve, kinetic energy exploded from its impact on the floor as several troopers collided with the walls, bones breaking - blood spilling. Tathra's free right fist shot out, thumping another several metres backward into his brethren, killing him with a single strike.

​Pushing forward Tathra continued to soak up the fire from their feeble weaponry, another two savage swings carving through and killing all that remained in the corridor. Tathra's eyes shot up, seeing the door at the end of the corridor open as troops ran; firing back as they did.

​The Chieftain forcefully ripped the head of the Mace from the back of one of the fallen. This Destroyer would be his vessel for destruction.

​| [member="Darth Metus"] | [member="Kaine Australis"] | [member="Skorvek"] | [member="Grosck Bah'azet"] | [member="Rick Kaloo"] | [member="Mother"] |​
In Umbris Potestas Est
Location: In orbit, moving to engage Amelia's fleet flagship
Objective: Achieve space superiority
Enemies: [member="Caesar Kenway"] | [member="Alden Akaran"] | [member="John Locke"] | [member="Voph"] | [member="Amelia von Sorenn"] | CIS & Allies
Allies: [member="Adenn Kyramud"] | [member="Premier William Harris I"] | Mandalorian Empire & Allies
Fleet: Sovereign-class Battlecruiser Heresiarch, other ships in reserve

In orbit, the Heresiarch moved towards the Nessius. Vanessa herself had chosen to move to the hangar, ready to launch on a shuttle when the Sith kitten known as [member="Micah"] appeared on the battlefield. When within range, it would fire upon the flagship of Amelia's fleet with its UBeam, the most powerful weapon within the entire ship's design. Given the UBeam was designed to harm dreadnaughts, Vanessa hoped it would cause severe issues to a Star Destroyer-scale ship, though she was unsure as to how much. Fighter squadrons were being readied even though the ship was out of harm's way for the time being. Once she got in range, she could better engage the enemy with full broadsides from the vessel's LBeams while the UBeam engaged another enemy at long range.

It was going to be a matter of attacking with all the firepower at her disposal.

tl;dr: Heresiarch shoots its UBeam at the Nessius
Damage: nothing.
[SIZE=12pt]Location: [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]Eastern Eshan City (suburbs), Eshan[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=12pt]Objective: [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]Eshan Rally[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=12pt]Attire: [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]Phrik Cuirass, Bracers, Pauldrons[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=12pt]Armament: [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]Echani Vibrosword (x2) [/SIZE]LINK
[SIZE=12pt]Allies: [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]CIS & Allies[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=12pt]Enemies: [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]ME & Friends[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=12pt]Tags: [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt][member="Alkor Centaris"] | [member="Kyle Whir"] | [member="Rhaegar Nemesis Dib"][/SIZE]​
[SIZE=12pt]Post: [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]2[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=12pt]Ryndrae, eyes still aflame in a burning hatred over how these so-called Mandalorians had desecrated his home mere weeks before, reached into a pocket and retrieved a single, small comm device. It wouldn’t be able to do much, but it would allow him to connect to a small area of the city here and hopefully enable his words to fall on the ears of many locals. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Ryndrae once lived here. He had called this place home. These people had been his family. His friends. And all of that had been ripped apart at the behest of these monsters. Through unfathomable means, these things had ripped through the city. They had even stooped so low as to strike his home with heavy artillery fired from orbit. And for what? To punish thousands and thousands for the acts of a few. And at that a few that held no merit within the city as the actions they’d taken when completely and unequivocally against everything the people of Eshan stood for. Whereas the Mandalorians came bearing tidings of peace, justice and aid, the only manner they had acted in was savagery. Murder and genocide had come in their wake as they stripped away life and hope. They may have thought themselves as heroes, but no…they were far from that. The disdain that they wrought forth from his kin in some instances ran completely mad. There would be no peace nor alliance in good nature with the monsters that had only brought about fear and calamity. Not if Ryndrae had anything to say about it.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]He interfaced the small device to the local network, on one of the emergency frequency bands, using his deceased wife’s authorization codes to access it, for his wife had held a position of some significance here before her life had been so cruelly stripped away from her. Alas he spoke, though his words would only be able to reach a small distance of around three city blocks. “My brothers and sisters of Eshan, the time has come for us to fight. To push back the very fibers of a force that came here bidding glad tidings only to deliver to us pain and sorrow. I have seen it first-hand, how the tyranny they embrace allowed for nothing but ire to fester until they convinced themselves that to kill and maim thousands of us for the acts of but a few was the only way. For each and everyone of us to pay the penalty for the actions of one who was even a slight against our own values. Now I plead with you that you join with the Confederacy to drive away this menace. That you stand up and take back your home from the occupiers that once tried to ordain themselves as heroes of our world.” Ryndrae paused a moment, his mind flashing through the utter destruction the Mandalorians had brought to his world that had forced him to flee it. Forced him to seek out his family that held esteem with the Confederacy. “I plead with you to fight back against these conquerors that have taken our home and reclaim that which is yours. Do not allow these tyrants to revel in their misdeeds. Fight for you family! Fight for your friends! Fight for your loved ones! Fight for yourselves! Let us reclaim what is rightfully ours!” He closed the device down, praying that his words had fallen on the ears of his Echani brothers and sisters. And on the ears of their Thyrsian cousins as well. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]As he stepped forward he could see the silhouette of a man [[member="Alkor Centaris"]] in the distance, though through the dust and the smoke, he could not make them out completely.[/SIZE]
Objective: Scourge (Butcher Mandalorians)

Post: 4

The Mandalorian survivor stumbled through the canyon in the dark, starfighters streaking overhead firing at his comrades in the city. He had already stumbled across what Vera had done to the perimeter guard. She hadn't even done anything creative with the skin she had ripped off, just left it in piles next to her Mandalorian victims, left sprawled across the canyon. His arms and fingers were slightly less stiff, allowing him to grab a pistol. It was a heavy model, and fully loaded.

He didn't kid himself. He knew in his current state he stood no chance against the android in his current state, and he had given it the old college try once already.

The Survivor desperately limped into a stream of water, trying to drink and get some strength in him. He stuck to the stream in case she tried to take him by stealth...that was what had aided in her initial slaughter after all.

It all started to hurt again, the drugs in his system starting to wear off, the the terror of dying as the men and women around him had, tortured or ripped apart by that thing did more than keep him kept him walking when nearly anyone else would have dropped from exhaustion. He had to find an extraction point.

He remembered he had his comlink still, and beamed an encrypted transmission to Mandalorian Med-Evac shuttles.

"This is...Gerul Megalo, of Clan Megalo...requesting immediate evac from Site 40...all personnel" Gerul coughed...

No response...the injured, burnt man, shaking from adrenaline, fear, and pain adjusted and tuned the comlink. The walls of the canyon were interfering with the comlink frequency, but eventually he got a signal.

"Roger Gerul, This is Racer 1. What took out Site 40?" asked the pilot of the Mandalorian Med-Evac shuttle.

"Some kinda fething android got into the camp and fethin' butchered everybody! It's chasing me!" Gerul snapped, trying to control his fear as his eyes darted around him, looking for any sign of red eyes and a white dress in the darkness, or even the blur of a camouflage field.


"Some kinda fething Vong stuff, I dunno!" he hissed. "I need extraction! Now!"

"Calm down son...I can get to you but the area I'm picking up your transmission in is too hot...too much star-fighter patrol from CIS. They're not fething around today. You need to get a bit farther from the city. About another two kilometers..."

"I'm not gonna last another fethin' half kilometer!" he hissed, the fear entering his voice. " skinned them alive!"

"This is war. Survival is your responsibility." Racer 1 replied harshly..."But...tell you what...make it another kilometer south and I'll risk it. Best I can fighter coverage is simply too heavy otherwise where you are...can you make it?"

"Like I got a choice..." Gerul said angrily, cutting the link. He then heard the plunk plunks of someone traveling through the stream behind him and felt mortal panic as he hid behind the closest rock he could find.

Vera could be heard walking by him through the waters of the ankle deep stream. He clutched his pistol harder, didn't dare breath, even as his torso burned and his vision got blurry.

The Biot, soaked in blood, closed her eyes, switching to X-Ray, and grinned a sadistic grin as she spotted him behind a boulder. She opened fire with a heavy blaster pistol she had stolen off a Mandalorian she had eviscerated. The rock started to get blasted apart and Adrenaline made him run out of cover and blind fire against the biot's excellent targeting protocols. He wasted shots, but succeeded in making the Biot move, though she managed to blast him in the leg regardless, sent him tumbling to the water in agony.

But once again, Vera's sociopathy interfered with her judgement. It really was a glaring weakness if one thought about it. The smart play would have been to just shoot him in the head and be done with it. Trouble was that Vera, for all the skills she possessed at actually shooting things she preferred much slower methods of dispatching people, and besides, she wanted revenge for having her heart destroyed.

"I'll cut off an inch at a time..." she said, approaching him with her vibroknife, turning him around so he could see his doom...

...and got brained directly in the temple for her trouble.

Her flesh rippled, stretched as she malfunctioned, the shapeshifter circuit implanted in her brain malfunctioning due to the heavy blow it had received. Sparks emitted from the damaged side of her skull, leaking white blood. Her knife hand went wild, slicing open the arm holding the rock badly as she squealed that pig-like squeal, vomiting blood all over him, shaking from head to toe. Gerul screamed in pure horror, desperately searching for the blaster he had dropped in the stream as the Biot staggered to him, undone by her own bloodthirsty nature once more.

"I-I-I-I I am-am-am gooooiiing to k-k-kill you" the biot stuttered as it malfunctioned, its flesh starting to slough on one side as the masquer lost control, a flickering electric glow in the back of its throat, as well as the hissing of burnt circuitry. It raised its knife as Gerul desperately crawled backward, bleeding and near delerious from agony, when his shaking almost numb fingers grasped salvation.

Gerul lifted the heavy blaster as it tried to charge, sincerely aiming for her head, but the pain in his arm and the shaking conspired against him and his arm-dipped...

And he shot her square in the heart again sending her flying backward from the heavy bolt, her back blasting open from the shot. She landed on the bank of the stream, eyes open, dead...for the moment as the burnt hole in the middle of her chest smoked.

He tried to fire again...and the blaster clicked empty...

"No no no!" he screamed, nearly coming apart from panic in that moment, knowing he had only bought himself a short amount of time as he frantically crawled away from the temporary corpse, not sure how long he had before it was on him again, one of his legs completely useless now. He looked for the knife in the water, at first but he simply had no way of knowing how long he had. So he continued crawling away, ignoring the pain that screamed for him to stop, anything to put as much distance between him and the android before it woke up again. He headed south once more, slowly weakening...

Twenty minutes later.

Regenerating soft tissue was nothing to the underlay she wore, in a span of five minutes the heart had been regrown and was intact enough to beat without coming apart from the stress, but not much more than that. The softest tissues of the spine had been regrown first before starting on the hard stuff.

But the underlay had been damaged heavily by this unexpected altercation between her and this fly that would not be swatted, so it took it far longer than normal before she was able to stand, and more importantly fight. Her own sloppiness had given her victim nearly half an hour lead time as the blood soaked biot got up with a smirk.

But she had heard him talking well before she had come across him initially due to her enhanced hearing...he was heading South.

Logic suggested that this little one was not worth her trouble. Vera didn't care. Her pride and vanity was at stake as she took off. It was bad enough Howard The Pirate had escaped her. She would not let some unimportant meat sack marked for death by her government do the same.

Vera sprinted down the stream, hungry for blood...
I am a son of the Mountain.

Location: Eshan City {Main Streets}
Objective: Strike back
Tags: [member="Srina Talon"] [member="Tellu Talon"] [member="Spencer Jacobs"]
Equipment: Echani Armor {Concept}

Seek Shelter, wait out the storm, now is the time for warriors.

This message was spread from one Echani to another, via holocomm and private channels. The Echani people were militant, diligent in their efforts to preserve their people, their children, their very way of life. As Elessar took to the streets with his men he could see the sea of white and silver begin to spread and thin itself. Those who were not warriors would take to their homes, find shelter where they knew it best. Those who remained on the streets were warriors, soldiers bred to live and die by the sword. This day their sword was aimed at the vipers who dared harm their city.

Ten men filed behind Elessar as he marched down the street, his stride could be seen as confident or maybe even superior. Silver eyes gazed over the emptying streets with a silent contemplation. The Mandalorians had dissolved from the planet and now only a small contingent remained.

"General." A voice called over his shoulder. His adjutant, a younger man whose snow-like hair was hemmed closely to the crown of his neck, stepped forward with a blaster pistol resting in his hands. "The Confederacy has made contact with our signal corp." Elessar's eyes never left the streets, he watched them like a hawk, silent and intense. "And?"

"Sir. The Confederacy have come....with their Exarch's." Elessar paused, glancing over his shoulder to gaze at the man, taking the words he spoke as if they carried a greater weight.

"Srina." The words floated from his tongue like a feather caught in the wind, however his expression was unwavering. "Then we will meet her." He turned back to the street before him, moving with a slightly quickened pace. Those soldiers behind him remained silent and uniform as they marched through the streets. Their bearing was equal to a statue and each man and woman seemed focused on the task at hand. There was no mistaking the grudge that had been taken up on account of this Mandalorian invasion. This was their city, their world, and it would remain so.

The barracks where Elessar and his men had hosted was not far from the city limits, as such it took them little time to make it to the Confederate staging area. His ice blue boots slammed into the ground, but were halted as the man glanced up to the skies. "Sir." He raised a hand to silence his adjutant. The skies had turned red as blood as some mist or fog set over them. Elessar stared at this crimson fog for a moment before his hand rose, his fingers spreading wide as if welcoming the mist. "Enough." Silence fell as a single pulse exploded from the man's hand. The mist that had fallen above him was smashed into by an inescapable field. The Force was strong with the Echani and he knew better than to allow such weapons to get close to him or his men.

"Move." He ordered, drawing himself closer to the Confederate staging grounds.

He sensed her far before he saw her, yet when the Echani General's eyes befell the form of [member="Srina Talon"] he paused. She had grown taller, more like her mother every day. Elessar said nothing as his men grew closer to the Confederacy. They had broguht their armored legions and soulless droids. Even now Elessar should have rejoiced for the aid, yet his frosted eyes merely lingered on his niece before he would drop to a knee before her. "You've returned." He bowed his head respectfully, as was his station. Elessar had been born to a world where men were cherished and women were honored, and this young woman before him carried a weight and burden he never could.

"That's appropriate." He said, before finally rising and gesturing to his men. "We're at your command. My men can guide your soldiers through the city if need be. The streets should be clear soon and we can move freely."
Location: Breaching Eshan Airspace, several clicks outside of the Capital
Enroute to: A base controlled by ME allied Echani
Enemies: ME and allies - Open to Encounter
Allies: CIS [member="Ronan Vizsla"] [member="Rohak Vizsla"] [member="Koda Fett"]
Thread Theme: Battle Cry

Time slowed down to a screeching halt, adrenaline rushing through his veins and Vizsla broke every instinct he had. In this moment he could have killed Yasha, she didn't know what would come roaring in a second, he did. He could use it and rip her head off, while she was off balance. But... that other heartbeat roared in his ears, unarmored, unprotected, stupid and his.

Vizsla shifted his body, turning around his axis and the explosion ripped through the room. Acidic fire erupting from Rach's chest and everyone caught in its immediate wake was incinerated immediately, the shockwave followed next and Ronan leaped. Instincts born from a thousand battles were ignored as the Mandalorian wrapped Tamara in an armored embrace and together they were sent flying as the fire roared across the back of his plate.


The roar continued, in his ears, against his armor, holding her and protecting as best as he could. "My little runi, I set you free... you didn't have come here." But she did, didn't she?

Her father's daughter.

All around the explosion had its effect. People ripped to shreds, thrown around like ragdolls, the fire raging, pain, suffering. It felt like hours, but it couldn't have been more than a few seconds. The fire was raging, but the sounds were coming back into focus. He looked down on his daughter and slowly he rose, helping her back up. Beat up, but alive.

Her father's voice lifted her out of the reverie. Since [member="Julian Imani"] had returned the piece of her soul that had been left behind in the Nether when [member="Darth Carnifex"] had brought her back, the memories that she had lost were slowly coming back. Piece by piece, she was finding them again as the shard slowly integrated again. Like oil seeping into a jar of sand, the corrupted piece sought out all of the tiny empty spaces left after her death and resurrection and filled them again.

But not as they had been before.

Buckled into her seat, Tamara had never felt so alive.

The last months had been nothing but a grey haze, punctuated with moments of faded colour. Now everything was brilliant, super saturated. Every light and every shadow enhanced, every colour brighter, every sound clearer. Every taste bolder. She held a confidence and boldness that even in her childhood on Wayland she had never commanded.

Dark eyes closed as the fortress made its final descent.

They weren't here for the Echani. None of them held that illusion. They were here to strike against the Mandalorians. The ones who had taken so much from them. They would ally where they must, and Eshan now was no exception.

The ship shuddered, rocking and quaking. Teeth clattering with the vibrations until finally. A jarring, knocking her head back against the seat. Armored, it did nothing more than jostle her, and by the time the last rumbles had ebbed, Tamara was already unbuckling and pushing out of the seat.

Barely restrained energy could be seen in every motion, every movement. Unhooking her gear from the back of the seat, she did a final check.

Location: Valley near Eshan's Capital.
Allies nearby: None
Enemies nearby: none known about.
Enemies in path: [member="Srina Talon"] [member="Spencer Jacobs"] [member="Tellu Talon"] [member="Elessar Talon"]
Objective: Bring fear.
Theme: To Hell and Back (Video from the Hobbit.)
Equipment: Scythe of Bikadinir'Chaabar, Ring of Deimos-Chaabar, Beskar'gam

Aedan sighed as he both heard and saw the pods entering the atmosphere shaking his head tiredly as he turned on his foot walking towards the center of his encampment. He would not have his under prepared and tired men fighting today they would remain here and protect the families of those Echani who had volunteered to join his forces. They had only been training for a short time and he would do his best to make sure nothing happened to them as he approached the center he became aware of his men gathering around him and the stage he was now making his way up onto turning his mismatched gaze over them before he started to speak his voice not above normal tones but carried by the force to all those present. "The day we all feared has arrived. I know you are worried about your home planet those who have joined us here and I swear to you now on my name that I will do my upmost to defend it. BUT I am going to have to request that you all remain here and defend the camp." He let his speech trail off as the expected yells of denial and fear rose up from those who had served him for a time turning his attention to them all before speaking once more. ​"You all know my philosophy who have been here for a time you know that I will not make you fight unless I am willing to fight. Those who have joined us don't yet know this. As such I can not rightly ask them to fight for me today without proving it. So today I want you all to do your best to defend this camp until you can be evacuated. I will rejoin you either here or on Wayland. Be safe my brothers and sisters." He bows to those present before he spins on his heel making his way back to his tent to gather what he would need. His attention drawn to another companion of his that was resting near his tent a savage grin crossing his lips as he gestured for two of its caretakers to get its barding and saddle ready. As he strode into his tent he started to shed the lighter armor he was wearing turning his attention to his old set of Beskar'gam a grin crossing his lips with savage anticipation.

Almost ten minutes later he strode from the tent adorned in his beskar'gam one of the gloves was not on yet but was tucked into the belt of his armor on his back and waist rested the two pieces of his newest weapon today would be the first time it was used in combat. Walking to the side of his tent he grinned not this time savagely but fondly as he beheld one of his longest companions Dha Kyr'am wearing its standard barding and saddle that had been made for it by a long time friend of Aedan's. Patting its head just below its eye gently Aedan nodded to it before he easily leapt up onto the saddle taking his helmet off and fitting it to the side of the saddle securely before he whistled sharply once and the Krayt dragon took off from the camp swiftly. Head straight towards the palace where Aedan felt the fierciest fighting would take place as the palace was a symbol. One steeped in tradition and custom but an outdated one the last Queen of Eshan had not been seen in some time and Aedan found this fact disappointing as a leader of planets he didn't know how one could just abandon their people even with his other duties he made time for the planets he ruled often showing up even just to walk the streets of the cities and see his people thriving. With a snarl of anger Aedan allowed his mount to make its own way forward reaching up to easily pull a chain off of his neck undoing it he pulled a ring off of it looking at it calmly before he easily slid it onto his finger his eyes closing as he felt the power of the ring and himself surge together opening his mismatched eyes with a predatory gleam as he smirked. Those who dared attack this planet as it was rebuilding would find themselves facing the Reaper of Wayland soon they would regret their actions until their last moment and fear would be what they felt. He reached back pulling a staff like object from his back easily holding it with one hand s the other moved to his waist drawing what some would assume to be an odd sword with a wide curved blade but in truth it was the blade of his scythe fitting it to the head of the haft he activated the locking mechanism's looking at the weapon with a grin before letting it rest against his shoulder pulling the glove over his hand once more. Finally he reached down lifting his helmet from its resting place placing it over his head and locking it into place as he took a few deep breaths knowing that anyone he passed on his way towards the palace as he entered the city would feel fear and dread well up as if out of nowhere.
Boots ain't made for walking

Location: Southern Eshan City. Dark. Dark. Dark.
Objective: Dive Dive Dive | Heading straight at you | Clan Honor
Post: #2
Direct Enemies: [member="Talimet Garon"]
Allies: CIS
Enemies: ME
Muse Music

Asphalt, metal and other debris would push up as blaster fire hit the walls around them, another man fell. Nobody flinched. Timed shot after shot wrung back out from the rooftops towards those below, echoing like bolts from God, each another Varad boot firmly on the face of their enemies. No big targets yet, in this area, nobody she could see that was out of the way or trying to stay hidden. It didn't help with the sky going darker. They had less light to use to find anyone, having to rely on their helmet's onboard Acumen HUD to track anything.

As her rifle zoomed in on one unsuspecting Mandalorian below [member="Talimet Garon"], Khia’s battlesister Seka checked the range, making note of the wind and calling the alterations to Khia. Trying to at least through the dim light. Silence as she watched, finger on the trigger over Talimet. She pulled up. Something stopped the wall-woman from taking the shot. The way the target was walking gave the crusader pause. Like this might be her first battle? She wasn't sure. Seka looked at Khia and nodded, she knew what the pause meant. They deserved better, to see her enemy face to face before she died.

“Born to die.” Khia punched Seka’s shoulder.

“Live to be remembered.” Seka punched her back.

Knowing well neither may see the other again. Khia switched on her jetpack and jumped from the roof overhead. Her red Beskargam clearly showing Varad’s markings on the chest and arm. The fire from the city still flowed high into the air around her, narrowly missing the wall-woman. Crusaders didn’t pause, more reckless you might say than a regular Mandalorian, and Khia was no different. Making sure her target saw her with a flight directly at her. Only then did Khia’s MRS-1 rifle thundered out, shot and shot after shot. At this range, it wasn’t that accurate, set to assault rifle size. Those standard 10mm slugs coming down at [member="Talimet Garon"] were loud and proud. Three shots at a time, again and again, and again. Diving straight for her from forward and above.

Personal Gear:
Armor: Cabur Beskargam, Weapons: 1x MRS-1, 1x Icebreaker , 2x Jackknifes, Melee: 1 x Vibrolasso, 1 x Force Pike, Grenade Belt: x5 Mixed Grenades, Gear: Targeting Visor, Lifeform Detector,

Personal NPCs, Background Only - Snipers
10/12 Supercommandos from Clan Varad, will fade into background later for [member="Talimet Garon"]
3x12 Standard Durasteel armored Clan Varad Mandalorians around the city, background forces.
Location: Eshan [Outside of Eshan City – Exiting Ship]
Allies: CIS + Eshan
Accompanying: [member="Darth Metus"] , [member="Adron Malvern"] [member="Srina Talon"], [member="The Avenger"], [member="Tellu Talon"]

Moments that her feet weren’t on Eshan soil was rare. Something drew her towards the Confederacy, Spencer wondered if it was the force telling her to somehow survive or maybe it was the draw of a young Echani woman who she had become friends with. Spencer was intrigued by those that were off world, away from the homeland. Part of her wished that others would do the same, explore the galaxy around them, but it was dangerous. Home was safe, until the Mandalorians set their conquering eyes upon it. Spencer cursed under her breath as she relived the moment she let that wolf – no, that snake of a woman onto her planet. She had welcomed her, showed her the beauty that was Eshan.

She sensed it, the snake coveted what she didn’t have – she assumed like Roche, that she deserved to own it. Her nanny or whatever that woman was that she spoke of – was Echani, did the snake of Mandalore assume she had a birthright to the planet?

Spencer kept to herself as she did in most situations before a fight. Her heart longed for another at this moment but knew this was her war and her fight to fight. If her other half showed – Eshan may not last the night. The monarch, exhaled deeply as she pressed the armor against her flesh. A death suit if others wore it, but to her it was protection. Spencer closed her eyes as she sighed softly. She had only been away for a couple of week’s time – she had ventured forward to create peace and search for allies as the Echani worked towards peace with her brothers and sisters. It was a perfectly timed invasion and attack by the Mandalorians, which meant they were watching closer than she had expected.

Even then, the talk that she had with Yasha on Eshan…she had thought they were in a better place. Though, all this proved was Spencer’s underlying suspicions that the woman was nothing but a fit of lies. She wanted to hit something, knowing that this was brought upon the people of Eshan because she ventured for the first time in a while to seek alliances. Eshan was on her way to working on peace and now they lay in ruins, it seemed that’s all the Mandalorians knew – destruction.
“This is why we cannot have nice things. There’s always someone that wants to destroy it.” Fingers laced through her blonde hair, braiding it and tossing it over her shoulder. At this moment she left the shuttle and followed the other Echani, the Exarch of the Confederacy. She watched the exchange between master and apprentice and she was reminded of her own Master and times that had come with their partnership.

Once more she had a fleeting moment, wishing that the woman was here. That moment was interrupted by the voice of the Exarch.

“The Mandalorians are lying.” She was confident with this, if their leader could stand before her and admire and talk of peace – then orbital bombard the planet she admired so much, it was all lies. “No, we would never befriend a nation that decided to attack from the skies without being prompted to. We did nothing to the Mandalorians, we invited them to our table, yet this is how their leader repays my kindness.”

Spencer rolled her armored shoulders back, “Her caretaker was from here, I’d can only imagine the emotions that the dead felt when the order was given to slaughter so many innocent lives.” An eyebrow rose as Spencer addressed the slave collars, “We are not the Sith and we’re not the Empire. Slaves? I ended that we were even in talks with the Silver Jedi to mediate a peace treaty with the Thyrsians – they were to be brother in arms, but it seemed my journey for peace took too long.” A single strand of blonde hair fell out of place and she brushed it back.

“Everything that has happened, the stories that are being spun, the traitor that sits upon the throne of Eshan, they’re instruments of deceit, played by the serpent that leads the Mandalorians to their doom. May Chaos welcome her soul along with her monsters.”

Others arrived to greet the Exarch, Spencer reserved herself and remained silent after her words to the woman. She needed to get to the city, she needed to lead her people away from these honorless monsters. A laugh escaped the matriarch, “It’s funny, the Mandalorian people base their lives on honor – yet here they are following an honorless cowards. It’s a pity, for generations the Echani had respected the Mandalorians as fellows in battle – but now I see where their path has taken them. How far the Mandalorans have fallen.”

As the woman finished speaking, the force crackled through her mind, alerting her of oncoming danger. The Master of the Force constantly was searching and feeling the ebb and flow of the Force. Something disturbed it and it was in that instant she knew exactly what her gut was telling her. Reaching forward she grabbed the Exarch Srina Talon and dragged her behind her armored frame. Using the Force, she anchored herself into place and felt the protecting coating of her armor, using tutaminis she quickly felt the blast of the auto-cannon, the energy absorbed spreading along the armor to dissipate the energy and the blast along her entire frame.

"Get. Back." She shoved the Echani woman, as in her hands two large energy constructs formed. The absorbed energy needed to go somewhere, so weaponizing it was the perfect outlet. Both constructs being of the force power Spears of Midnight black, they were invisible to the eye and Spencer quickly launched them towards the attacker [member="Kaine Australis"]' ship, Redscythe.

Darth Novus

Location: Eshan City
Objective: Mind one's own business
Allies: [member="Adron Malvern"] | [member="Darth Metus"] | CIS
Enemies: Angry Red Mist Stuff

Equipment: Lightsaber | Wits | Cocky Sense of Humour

He looked up.

People were screaming around him. They were either screaming or looking on as the cloud of red mist grew in the distance, growing second by second. Children looked up as parents dragged them away, worried the storm of red may harm them. Some small children stopped playing, looking towards the redness expanding. Colt wasn't sure if it was a chemical weapon or natural disaster, he wasn't sure if it was dangerous or just dust.

Bombers flew overhead, their engines loud. That mostly ruled out natural disaster.

The fighting had begun.

Colt studied the expanding cloud. He almost wanted a sample, if it was a chemical weapon it could be repurposed into a handheld weapon. That handheld weapon would be a weapon of death. He gave a sick grin as a small family shoved past him, desperate to flee the cloud that may or may not have been rushing towards them. He couldn't tell, he just knew he wanted to get his hands on a sample of it, on a sample of the weapon.

He walked into the crowd. He was small, it was a simple case of two steps forward and three steps back. He was fighting a sea of Echani civilians, those who weren't interested in a fight following the Mandalorian Empire's conquest. He was fighting to walk through a sea of Echani civilians who had seen enough fighting for one lifetime, those who wouldn't serve as soldiers in a battle. He was walking against those who wanted peace.

There were those that wouldn't want peace however.

The cloud of red looked to be originating from the edge of the city, not a far walk normally. He moved in that general direction, accepting that the walk would take longer due to the crowds of people fleeing the gas. He was almost worried that the gas would be toxic and would kill him, however he also accepted that it wouldn't be the first time he had wound up dead. His mind flashed back to Utapu and he sighed.

It took him a good few minutes to reach the cities edge.

He stopped a fair distance away from the red mist. It was airborne, it would remain for a while unless it was cleared. Novus closed his eyes, he was alone. He could think, use the force to try and study the mist from a relatively safe distance. What he felt was different though, a darkside presence not unlike his own. He blinked, instantly returning to the state of previous, instantly back to hiding his force signature.

Then he ran.
Objective: Scourge
Location: City Outskirts
Wearing: Mandragoran Armor, Light Shield Bracelet, Lightsaber, Two knives
Allies: CIS, Mandragora, Rhaellor, Asher Mossa, Veronika Fleischer, Eshan Peoples
Enemies: Grosck Bah'azet

Her chants mixed with the power Fawn was already unleashing. Kasca was a little unnerved by the bodies she brought with her, animate and decaying. Yet, that was something she needed to focus on. The magic being wrought between them and any other Mandragora nearby was her focus. To her side came Veronika. There was a strange and warm comfort in seeing the socialite once more. As a fellow follower of the Path of Jart, there was a camaraderie between them. They connected perhaps more easily than she had with Fawn for the purposes of their work.

With the power raised between them, Veronika opened the eyes of many Echani who had fallen under confusion and perhaps even the propaganda of the Mandalorian Empire. The would blink and see the reason why the Confederacy was fighting for them. The Confederacy wasn't her to kill, but to avenge the kill and to free the people of this planet from the rule of the Mandalorians who's greed overstepped. Now they were crying "WOOPS, my bad" and doubling down on their presence here because they couldn't bring themselves to do right by the people they had bombarded. They were prideful and felt the need to save face like the rest of the galaxy didn't know their massive screw up in attacking Eshan in the first place.

The spell was near the end. Fawn was leading the way so it was Kasca who felt the presence outside of their building. It was animalistic and felt... sticky. She frowned and opened herself to her fellow Mandragora. Her voice projecting to them even as she whispered, "We are not alone." There were 11, the leader and ten others and from what she could sense, they were huge, especially compared to her tiny frame. "Keep working on the ritual. They can't stop it if they can't get to us." Her inner chant changed. With every breath, she built up the Force within her and when she was ready she lifted her hands and braced herself on the concrete floor of the collapsed building. The Force Barrier sprang from her, shining and thick, surrounding the Mandragora present and protecting the continuation of the ritual.

Valencia Hadley | Adron Malvern | Alden Akaran | Kaden Farr | Elessar Talon | Khonsu Amon | Ryndrae Talon | Scherezade deWinter | Helly Reyne | Vera Mina | Rhaegar Nemesis Dib | The Avenger | Cardinal Vi'dreya | Muad Dib | Vilaz Munin |

Kyle Weir
Eshan Surface, Eshan City, Outskirt Suburbs
Nearby: [member="Alkor Centaris"], [member="Ryndrae Talon"]

Scarlet fires dance across Eshan's surface faint embers twist and twain through the air intermittently "Sarge." A disembodied voice intones nervously. "might I ask what you are doing out there?" Vlasni interrupts Kyle's focus, observing through their visor and rifle's optictly. the Confederate troops and Mandalorian allies assault the Provisional Government's bastion in the valley far below. Kyle snorts softly their focus prompts the aurebesh glyph for comlink upon helmet-mounted display. "Tracking a suspect, Computer believes there's a wanted man amongst the Confederate Troopers I'm observing." The mirthless explanation comes with an icy chill, Sergeant Weir was certainly not warm or gentle with their subordinates, Vlasni couldn't help but feel as if his intrusion is unwelcome. Vlasni is right, Sergeant Weir's nose wrinkles in slight irritation through they do not snap at the young Officer as Weir might have done with an equally young inexperienced general duties Officer. "Stop checking up on me Corporal. That's an Order." Kyle did not appreciate being coddled and least of all by a subordinate, more than once had they looked into the Sergeant's kind eyes and found buried just beneath the surface the weariness and pre-mature aging only war could have possibly wrought. Corporal Vlasni gossiped with the rest of Weir's team that their Squad Leader remains not just to serve a high-risk warrant, but because part of Kyle's consciousness yearns for warfare.

Such gossip is not far from the truth, Kyle had walked the warrior's path since childhood and been forged for the purpose of warfare exclusively and thus the familiarity of a warzone was disturbingly comfortable. Although, the Embers on the air were not and Kyle's body is possessed of an acute unrelenting shiver to have the smoldering ashes float so close through the air in proximity to their body. It made examining the potential suspect through the crosshair'd scope difficult and Kyle's hands curl tighter, not because the former Death Trooper wants them to but because Weir is disgusted by their own weakness and fear such things were supposed to be beneath them even after all this time Kyle believed they were nothing more or fit for anything else other than to be wielded as a weapon, once for the First Order and now for Justice. Heart beats with a ponderous artificially modified heavy thus, under forty-beats per minute and despite the painfully steady pace feels neither weary or light-headed the oxygen supplied through biologically modified organ sufficient to adequately fuel their muscles. Unwanted thoughts stab into Kyle's brain like a knife, a voice echoes quiet macabre tales of past defeats and ignominies and this chronic malignant demented presence prompts a hushed response in a glowering voice. "I will do this alone." Though their snarl could not be seen the presence of it on Kyle's face could not possibly have mistaken if there were anybody to hear it, yet the Sergeant remains alone sheathed in thick white blanket of snow in a cove just large enough to conceal armoured body.

Like some patient predator Hazel spheres watch in continuing silence across several minute as the Confederates battle with valour against the bold Mandalorian defenders who launched into a counter-attack, fierce combat dominates the view below in vale two sides fighting in bloody clash. One Armoured individual pulls their helmet over head, unknown to that confederate warrior their stubble-covered handsome face falls straight in the centre of Kyle's crosshair. It threatened to fall like a spear poised to strike although no round from rifle's barrel is forthcoming, no. "Alert: Suspect Identified, Warmaster Centaris." The hollow metal voice of their onboard computer rings out within the conical confines of the hermetically sealed helmet. Clear Hazel eyes studies the man's strapping chiseled features against a square picture taken from database plastered across helmet-mounted display dismissing it with a blink satisfied this was indeed the same stout man. Nostrils quietly pulls up deep of burning albeit pleasant frosty evening air as darkness steadily falls over planet. "Colonel..." It took only a moment for the reply to come from Wilso. "Speak." With stern voice on an icy cold tone Kyle continues, Colonel Wilso had been ever concerned about the Sergeant's outward lack of emotion or empathy while they doubted Kyle did not experience these feelings at all their ability to conceal it even in their voice is nothing but disturbing. "I've got positive eye-ball identification on Warmaster Centaris. My intention is to detain and arrest the suspect."

Wilso is given pause by this and they do not hear the surprise on their own voice. "Understood, Sergeant. Utilize extreme caution." The Colonel's glove slides of his bare porcelain covered head before he scratches thoughtfully as the strands of hair grown from chin. Wordlessly Kyle acknowledges the caution and continues watching for several seconds contemplating how they were going to get face-to-face with this no doubt dangerous man and make an arrest, assuming based on their prior experience with Mandalorians that they are more than likely to resist. Kyle successfully resists the urge to groan at the notion, even though they were tactical operations unit if they decided to employ force professional standards were going to examine their actions, it almost made the weary warrior miss the simplicity of First Imperial Life where the only obligation was to point and shoot as ordered. It isn't to say Kyle did not appreciate the ethical oversight but the bureaucracy they thought of as excessive and beyond what was necessary, akin to repeatedly scrubbing one's hands with antiseptic despite bacterium being purged all it did was damage the individual's skin or in this case Kyle believed; morale. "Could be worse I suppose, atleast I won't get subject to decimation by Graush like the Gundark Gunners on Skor if I make a mistake" Grim and dour thought settles uncomfortably for a moment prior to being angrily swatted away, recalling the unpleasant tale for but a fleeting moment.

Though he might not have intended it Alkor's ripple in the force abruptly collides with a twisted parody of life not at too great a distance given its' overbearing cold presence, darkness swirls around this cosmic predator with violence akin to a great maelstrom. It coils and uncoils around this shadow like some towering obelisk, this perverted entity does not recede or react at all to Alkor's touch across the incorporeal skein that bonds all life, entirely indifferent like sound to a blind man this abhorrent golem raised in defiance of nature and life is disgustingly oblivious. It is quite possibly among the ugliest and most offensive presence most force sensitives would ever encounter with the exception of the most grotesque Sithspawn and that isn't just because it stood as a laughing mockery of natural life and evolution. This odious and foreboding presence belongs to none other than the former Death Trooper who lurked a scant four-hundred meters away sequestered within a rough stone cove filled with pure white snow. Kyle's mind radiates a subtle anger, a psychotic fury caged and leashed to a steady supply of counter-mutagen stimulants released into bloodstream by a sub-dermal device. Clear dark, kind almond-shaped orbs shift gaze slightly with brass-coloured helmet lenses piercing through some nearby canopy to a tall radio-caster that rises from impressive spear-shaped hill crest, broadcasting a proud patriotic message to all those who might hear it, imploring the listeners resist Mandalorian Occupation and support the Confederacy.

Kyle's thoughts shifted to the politics of their current situation. "Nothing is more dangerous than fanatical self-righteousness." The Sergeant reflects sadly for a moment thinking on their nature, it was obvious to the Sergeant's subordinates that there is a savage evil demon that resides within their mind a fact keenly known to Weir. Was it not more noble to acknowledge one's own evil and overcome it with great discipline? That was the path Kyle has chosen for themselves in the hope they might find redemption for service misplaced and long abused by a Fascist Government. "Enough stalling, time to go." skinsuit covered palm presses firmly against the cool soil and Kyle violently explodes out from their snow-filled cove and begins leaping down the small mountain's steep incline with a deft spring of thighs and precise placement of metal-encased feet, their dexterity extreme, bones nigh unbreakable made not a grunt or gasp for air as each leap brings them closer to ground-level. Kyle's pursed full lip smile softly under a partition of Duraplast and Durasteel, they move with a wordless silent grace exceeding that of the finest gymnasts and acrobats down what would usually be a bone-snapping incline fondly reminds Sergeant Weir of warm fulfilling memories. Bedecked in a coat of white snow, Kyle's feet plant at ground level in a loud breaking of twigs and dry leaves under the weight. A fist clenches around diamond-shaped crystal hanging on a string concealed behind ballistic duraplast gorget raising it towards Kyle's 'chin' the Sergeant presses their 'mouth' against it in a kiss muttering a quiet reverent prayer humbly beseeching the force for deliverance and protection. Plodding quietly between ice-covered trees with bent knees Kyle keeps their ominous matte black rifle pressed against right shoulder, their advance heading to the edge of treeline in what once was a beautiful suburb that existed in a harmonious synergy with nature.
I am a son of the Mountain.

Location: Drop pod {Eshan}
Objective: Destroy the Mandalorians
Tags: [member="Scherezade deWinter"] [member="Voph"] [member="Allya Vi'Dreya"] [member="Cay-Yo"]
Theme: Link
Post: II
Cardinal had been prepared to move out when his eyes came across the small form of [member="Cay-Yo"]. The creature seemed to come nearly out of nowhere, atop a peculiar little lizard like mount. Cardinal bent down and arched a brow at the warrior, before offering a wide smile. "Ah, I didn't know we'd have company in this attack. My name is Cardinal, Dominus Prime of the Knight's Obsidian. We'd be happy to have you with us." The man stood to his full height, towering above most and certainly a skyscraper to the alien before him. Cardinal tapped a button on his wrist, causing the helmet to his armor to form around his face. The crimson hexagonal pattern of his wargear began to faintly shimmer as they moved through the street.

"It doesn't look like the Mandalorians left a garrison. They were probably not expecting the Echani to rise against them...But that doesn't make sense." He said, finally before pausing in his advance. The streets had been mostly clear, save for the occasional Eshani citizen moving from one building to another, generally in some rush. The Dominus Prime continued to move down the street, listening to Madalena carefully.

"No it doesn't, keep your eyes peeled." The next block was more rubble than actual city. It seemed that a few blocks of the city had come to some form of catastrophe that left the entire area leveled. Cardinal bent down, grabbing one of the stones that had fallen from a nearby building. He gazed at the stone for the briefest of moments before tossing it back against the hard concrete beneath them. Cardinal's was about to continue their advance when he heard a loud pop echo through the skies. The explosion caused one of the indicators on Cardinal's screen to flash, with a yellow hue. "Unknown substance detected." His suit's automated voice called out, causing Cardinal to raise both of his hands to the air. "What is..." Cardinal drew from the Force, the air around his feet would shift as dust was pushed away from the man.

There would be a soft push, almost a subtle breeze that would wrap itself around him, causing his cloak to rear up for a moment. In the next moment Cardinal reached out with the Force. The winds surrounding him were pulled to his command as they rose, flying up towards the crimson sky. The red mist was caught in these winds, violently ripped and pulled from the air above them until it was dispersed high above them, for only the furthest of clouds to bear witness to.

A bead of sweat bled from Cardinal's brow as he felt the force of his exertion. He had stopped this mist from falling on them, but it had taken some effort to conjure the winds. "Let's keep going...I don't want to find out what comes next before we get to the palace."
Location: Quarantine Chamber
Objective: Consume

Allies: Mandalorians, in theory
Enemies: The Confederacy

It was the standard of war, these days, to pander to the common man - to bribe favors and prosperity for their aid in the removal of the hostile element. Doubtless the Confederacy would be painting the Mandalorians as dimwitted criminals and vagabonds, and the Mandalorians depicting the Confederates as vile or malicious. Both were simultaneously true and false, of course - a infinitesimal minority of either group were guilty as charged, but the reality didn't matter, only that propaganda spread. There were traditionalists, of course, the old men and women that yearned for the pained yelps of falling soldiers as their blaster rounds and ammunition cut through them like butter. A few more were ideologues that actually believed the drivel they preached, who unironically viewed their foes as the embodiment of evil.

That was why the hive was here, was it not? To show each party why the label should be tossed about with less abandon, and reserved for more worthy villains.

The hive mother sat in the quarantine chamber of the ship as it made its approach for land, piloted by the one that [member="Tathra Khaeus"] called Grosck. They remained patient, kept away from the rest of the crew for fear that the Mother would do to them as the hive had done to Eadu - a concern the Mother had dismissed, but placated nonetheless by being willfully locked away until they arrived. The hive - the Mother, indeed - would give the Confederacy its real symbol of evil, forgoing all pretenses of compassion. Every man, woman, and child that found themselves siding with the confederates would see themselves joined to a higher calling, assimilated with the hive.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko


Location: Hyperspace to Eshan
Objective: Defend Eshan from the CIS Invasion in the valleys.
Equipment: Units:
Allies: M.E., [member="Mig Gred"]
Opponents: CIS, [member="Celiana"] , [member="Kat Decoria"]

The ships touched down on a large dirt patch kicking up a dust cloud of brown. The vehicles dropped and soldiers dis-embarked in a disciplined manner. Sanya, Asuna and her guards was the last to leave the ship they was on watching the orderly procedures of tasks been taken. Already the scouts moved off, the infantry erecting barriers for cover and even the walkers now going through systems check. The Queen looked over to Mig with a nod approaching him. "Pleasure is all mine vod, and yes the circumstances are not the most desirable however the situation is what we make of it." She said fitting the saber shield onto her arm. "Once i've fortified here. Me and my guards will push up towards the city to establish a forward camp." Asuna came running up after speaking to the ranking officers updating them on the information she had given Sanya in the shuttle. "Milady, the troops have been updated on the situation in the city. I've managed to also get more reports that the CIS armies are pushing for the palace, there are CIS medical camps set up and here, I will send you the rest."

"Look Asuna I know you want to help, but this is a war like no other you've faced. You're not trained for combat and you put yourself and others at risk. I need you back on the ship keeping intel." "With all due respect I am choosing to be here I will stay and do what I can to help." There was furstration in Sanya's eyes. Asuna was over stepping her bounds more and more as of late. It was tiring been in her watchful eye all the time. "Look do as you please, but I can't protect you in the heat of battle. If you die thats on you got it." "Geez yeah I got it, but that wont happen." "Anyway, go help the infantry set up if you want to help so much." "Okay." Asuna said with a snarky tone of voice, Sanya once more turned to Mig again. "Sorry about that. She's becoming more and more insubordinate as of late. Still planning what to do with her. I no longer need an advisory but hell she's been around since the start of my rule."


Location: Eshan, Eshan Capital, Road to the Palace
Objective: Secure the Palace Bridge, Crush the Valdus' Defense
Allies: Confederacy of Independent Systems
Enemies: Mandalorian Empire, Mandalorian Loyalists, Valdus Bral
Unit: Droid Battalion 330 "DB-330"
AAT (OOM-330 | B1 Battle Droid) Command
AAT (B1 AAT Droid | B1 Battle Droid) Armor
AAT (B1 AAT Droid | B1 Battle Droid) Armor
AAT (B1 AAT Droid | B1 Battle Droid) Armor

MTT ( OOM Pilot Droid | B1 Battle Droid 112/112) Mechanized Infantry DEPLOYED
MTT ( OOM Pilot Droid | B1 Battle Droid 112/112) Mechanized Infantry DEPLOYED
MTT ( OOM Pilot Droid | B1 Battle Droid 112/112) Mechanized Infantry DEPLOYED
MTT ( OOM Pilot Droid | B1 Battle Droid 112/112) Mechanized Infantry DEPLOYED

As the AATs continued to fire upon their ambusher's last known location the command droid popped out of the top of his command AAT, pushed the macrobinocular's to his photoreceptors, and soon realized that there was no sign of enemy troops "Hold fire." OOM-330 ordered. At his command both tanks halted their attack while the MTTs finished rallying with them "Seems they've run away!" it was then that a volley of blaster cannon bolts shot around the MTTs and nearly hit OOM-330 and his tank "Ah!" he exclaimed hunkering down into the turret's seat. The transports were gone as fast as they arrived "Uhhh I think that's it." the B1 AAT Droid from the only other surviving tank then showed himself "Commander, what do we do now? We've lost two of our tanks." OOM-330 looked over to the droid and shrugged "We keep going, those are our orders."

Reforming the column OOM-330 pushed his mostly intact battalion forward towards their designated location. Reaching the mouth of the bridge the MTTS flared out so that all four were side by side, still behind the two AATs. OOM-330 put his macrobinoculars up once more and observed the defenses across the bridge "Hah! That's it? That's all they've got? Deploy the troops!" the MTTs racks pushed forward and began to spread out in large rectangles, B1 after B1 in its collapsed mode was now visible on the rack's hangers "Open fire." the command droid directed and both AAT's began to shoot with their main gun and auxiliary blasters at the assembled defenses at the Palace. It was not meant to incur causalities, only to cover the deployment of the MTTs.

Finally all the MTTs had deployed their stored B1 Battle Droids. In unison the droids unclasped their grips, arms moving out from the shoulder, torsos being lifted from knees, legs stretching out to full height. Droids right and left facing took a single rotational step to face forward, right arms reaching behind them and withdrawing E-5 blasters from their backs to hold in both hands "Win or be deactivated!" OOM-330 declared while pulling up a vibroblade from within the tank, thrusting it forward. The B1s marched wordlessly in unitary blocks leaving five yards between them, as the battalion's troopers made their way across the bridge. The now free to fire MTTs began to throw volley after volley of quad blaster cannon fire across the bridge to suppress the enemy from range.
Allies: CIS
Enemies: ME and Allies
Location: Outside Eshan System
Objectives: Attack Enemy Ship

Eternal Glory | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%
Path Maker | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%
Et Ata | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%
Angelic Fury | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%
Dominion | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%
Veralis | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%
Verdun | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%
Voracious | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%
Avarice | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%
Defiant | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%
The Boom | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%

(5) Sigma-class Heavy Assault Dropship


14 Squads: RBZ-12 Heavy Fighter (Bomber)
18 Squads: I-3A Lance Fighter
18 Squads: TIE/SS

The Angelic Fury used its powerful transmitters and sensors to transmit battle data to the Eternal Empire fleet that waited for the opportune time to jump in. It was no micro-jump, but a short one none the less, as they were a few minutes through hyperspace outside the system. A sephi, in pure white garb paced the command deck, looking over every monitor, and checking every report. Through the reports, it was clear, there was a single target that possessed the most danger to the plans on Eshan, that was a graver threat than the other Marshals were willing to see. However, Anton was not a normal creature. “There. That ship.” He pointed to a battlecruiser that had just jumped in. "That will be our target. Collect the data from the Angelic Fury, as much of it as we can, we jump in two minutes! Make sure we are on target! Bring the beam laser to minimum charge, and stand by. Have the Boom arm its Hyper Velocity Cannon. All fighter pilots to their station, arm all weapons. Shields up. Once in battle, I want the engineers to manually begin adjusting the frequency of the deflector shields on a five second rotation. It will lower our over all defenses, but I believe will buy us some time. I want us to be able to launch all fighters and bombers immediately and begin to bombard the ship once we are in. Tell the Defiant to warm up its Gravity Wells.” The fleet moved to the appropriate positions, and began to make its preparations.

“Fleet Marshal, give us a small amount of time, the calculations are...tricky at best.” His navigator spoke loudly. Anton stopped and smiled at the man. “Of course. Work hard, make it the best you can. Everyone else, I want my orders carried out!” Anton clapped his hands. His flag ship, the Eternal Glory, began to charge the energy needed to fire it's main, powerful weapon. This was a much smaller, scaled down version of the same technology that allowed a battle station to destroy a planet so long ago. The Boom was warming up it's primary weapon as well. They would have a single shot, and would have to do as much damage as possible.

In the middle of the battle around Eshan, mixed in with the fleets, a singular ship received the all clear. It moved closer to the Angelic Fury, and little by little, it warmed up its enormous gravity wells. The Defiant was careful to not draw attention to itself. The rest would be to busy battling to notice the fact the gravity well of the planet Eshan was expanding outwards, to begin blocking ships from entering hyperspace. It wasn't fully powered yet, but by the time it was ready, the other fleet would be here.

[member="Darth Tacitus"]

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