Tricia said:
You know I was content not to say anything but frak it. This needs to be said cause [member="Aurelia Saelari"] is right and since this thread came up we have been ranting and laughing about it. Because this is absurd, you leave out the choice most would pick hopefully in favor of rolling over because your decisions and actions led to driving your members away to other factions. you are choosing the path of least effort after all that work of people picking you for faction leader because you were going to offer a new direction for the faction.
What they believed was going to be good stories about fighting the evils has simply become a way out of actually formulating a plan or trying to motivate your members. I said it several times, I will always say it we can stand and fight. Yes we got hit and we have been hit hard we have had leadership running members off whose opinions are different, argumentative leadership who run and make others leave. We have lost invasions... and? We have lost them before we are going to lose them in the future also.
The Republic is the largest faction on the map and you want to get rid of it because what? Because it worked out so well for the Sith... It only worked out well because its leaders took what they used in the Republic (an open faction with ideas and member support) and practiced to get better. They helped make the Republic siccessful by caring about their people instead of folding at the first sign they might have to give some effort. Yes you have done a great job organizing the faction boards, there are some great members, there are some interesting stories.
Our stories mean little when all it takes to lose is the Sith taking two Planets, Coruscant and Alderaan are famous but they are not end of the world. Them taking Anaxas is not end of the world. You move the capital, you work to try and retake what was lost and actually make friends instead of expecting everyone to fall in line with you. You expected what? Everyone would follow your script and jump at the chance to invade the One Sith?
No they wouldn't because the same reasons why the One Sith are so popular is the same reason why some potential allies don't even think about helping. OOC attitude. Merging with the OP is going to actually damage them as a faction, more then likely because a number of their members left the republic, were run off the republic. Now you want to force them to have to follow you again? They'd leave that faction and you'd gain maybe a small handful of the few who don't mind.
So option one actually hurts two factions, the few who don't want a merger and leave or just stop posting. While option two of just folding and becoming a rebellion makes little to no sense. We have to much territory and losing one world if it took that to destroy the Republic then shame. Even the Empire held out for awhile after Palpatine died. We need the third option of actually choosing to write our stories, actually choosing to stand and make something of a stand that can show the Republic has some pride.
[member="Memorial"] has soem good ideas, [member="Aurelia Saelari"] is on the money for this. If you can't do that and have already thrown in the towel then I suggest new leadership and someone who actually cares about the faction. Yes I am sure you care deep down but that only goes to when it is doing good, when it gets tough you'd rather we fold and give up. Yeah I said I wanted the sith to win, yeah I admit it freely and why because the more they won hopefully the quicker we would get to having a new leadership that could try something new.
Because the new direction was failing hard. I can admit it, I can be proud of it because in all of this you tagged me for this thread and I have dedicated nearly a year to this faction. Seeing it go away would be sad after all the work that went into trying to save it. Another thing I have said many times and will say still. Trent/[member="Selena Halcyon"] might have been an A-hole but he saved this faction, be brought it back from the brink and suggested a merger like this when the Republic was at its height. Joshua Dragonsflame tried to keep that vision and failed.
Now it has come here and the Republic is about to fall again after nearly a year of surviving. Trent might not have been the most popular leader but he was the most effective, he worked to make sure the Republic was a place people wanted to be. You and Popo sure were the more popular leaders but you drove the republic into the ground and have brought it to the brink where there is now a choice between either possibly killing two factions or killing the largest because you don't want to try and save it.
And I voted for 2 in absence of a third option, the Republic if it is going to fall should not endanger the Protectorate by forcing itself on them and possibly driving some of its members off who dislike the Republic. Like I said you tagged me in this thread and here i am going into rant mode because I saw the Sith Empire do this the major difference was they actually had a plan beyond "wouldn't it be a cool story" by building the One Sith and preparing them to come back.
I'm going to stop you right there.
Your own actions drove you to another Faction, hands down.
No one else, stop blaming others, hold yourself accountable. I grow tired of watching you sit there and blame everyone else except yourself in cases such as this.
And please stop bringing up Trent. Remind me of an old person that is reliving the days of glory that have been long since gone.
So, this is one reason why I have not wrote on the forums, this dramatic bullpoodoo involving the Republic. Started out when I was Faction Administrator, I did everything I could and all I got from 95% was a bunch of whining and complaining about how I "ruled with an Iron Fist!" Give me a break, you people leave no other options on the table, you complain about the situation but present no other solution.
What would you have the Republic do?
Let me present fact:
Republic has an invasion: You write Silver Jedi Alts, One Sith Alts or other alternates besides Republic. Why? You claim variety.
Republic has to defend: See above.
Republic needs stories and assistance in motivation: You expect the leaders to do it for you. Be it Kiskla, Popo, myself or someone else within the higher echelons. There are a handful of exceptions where I have seen newer and more motivated members take the initiative outside of the Republic forums. Why? Cause you're scared of the One Sith dropping in and killing you? Attacking? Ect? I don't know, someone might need to explain that one to me.
All I have heard is all this complaining, whining, entitlement and cater to me! How about some selfless service? How about less pandering and more production to the Faction and what can we do to make it better?
Be honest, Jamie/Syn/Saki/Knight/Ikea or whatever it's called/and a thousand other alternates - Look in the mirror. You drove yourself out.
Be honest, Valeria/Aurelia/ - Has anyone beyond the motivated newer members shown initiative to fight? How many have gone "Lemme roll the dice..." Or "Lemme just write my alternates cause the Republic leadership made me childishly angry today..." I mean come on, really? Who beyond the newer members has been committed?
I'm sure this will come with it's own flames of hate and "I've been an ally!" Ok, this isn't about Alliances or friends, this is about the members who make claims as Syn has. So we're going to keep moving forward.
You guys wanna keep fighting? Then actually stand up and fight, don't make a vote on this and just say "I choose neither option!" I don't see anywhere where [member="Kiskla Grayson"] has put a GUN TO YOUR HEAD and said "HEY VOTE OR YOU'RE OUT!"
You wanna fight? Put up or shut up, stop writing your damn alternates in Invasions when the Pubs need you most.
You wanna fight? Start producing stories beyond falling to the dark side and boosting the ego of the One Sith and their members about how many Jedi have fallen. Start following the rules of the Jedi Order regarding engagements and such.
You wanna fight? Actually do something to make NFUs feel welcome, biggest problem, NFUs don't feel welcome.
You wanna fight? I have seen no Invasion, Dominion, Intelligence gathering, nothing from any Republic member. I never said I was innocent either.