Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Direction

Torill Holgor

Actually there has been no discussion in the Omega Protectorate forums and none in there Skype chat based on other OP Members.

The majority left the Republic to go to Omega because of the simple fact that OP isn't the Republic .

A clear vote and discussion in their forums would make their thoughts and concerns clear I'm sure, to avoid assumptions.
Fair enough I retract my statement.
Persephone Callas said:
Actually there has been no discussion in the Omega Protectorate forums and none in their Skype chat based on other OP Members.

The majority left the Republic to go to Omega because of the simple fact that OP isn't the Republic .

A clear vote and discussion in their forums would make their thoughts and concerns clear I'm sure, to avoid assumptions.
Let's be clear, they aren't you.

People left the Republic for a variety of reasons...I think you're assuming in your own right.
Aaralyn Rekali said:
Let's be clear, they aren't you.

He also isn't assuming, how do you know he hasn't spoken with some? I think you're assuming in your own right.


Assumptions again.

Reign in that temper Aaralyn, discussion and discourse works better when one doesn't come off as temperamental and defensive.

I state my comments simply as the OP Faction Founder, former OP Faction Owner, Former OP Faction Admin, and IC leader of the OP since it's conception up to about a month ago, and I talk plainly with them on the reasons they joined.

I am very open and still talk with members of the OP, they value my input regardless that I am no longer their Faction Owner, Admin or IC leader. As I am still a member of the OP itself with Aeron.

As I said before, a simple thread in OP's forums will make clear what they desire, be it a merger or not -- and that was said to avoid assumptions in either category.
[member="Persephone Callas"]

I'm afraid to disappoint you again, there is no temper here. If you can tell my emotions behind a wall of text, you really need to look into that talent because that is amazing! :D

I'm glad that you're all those fancy things and that is great, but that is the past and doesn't apply to now. Being the founding individual may have weight to some but to the individual that writes within the Faction now, do you think they're going to consider their own opinion or yours? Just saying.

Either way, I don't care to engage in a discussion or argument with you about it. It's moot. I write for OP just like you.
So I wanted to say some things to some people, a lot of things, and some of it wouldn't have been too nice I'll admit. I'd be lying if I said I didn't get angry reading some of these messages. The disrespect, the mistrust, the veiled hostility; It's pretty disheartening to put a lot of time and effort into something you think is a legitimately good thing, to want to make something new and exciting for the board, and then be told "You're just looking to take all our stuff" or "You're weak. You're a burden."

What happened to trust? What happened to the community of writers who wanted to come together and make new things, who wanted to explore new options together and take risks?

For those of you who decry the inclusion of the Jedi Grandmaster (despite the keynote of them not having any military or civilian power) amongst the leadership, I encourage you to go look at the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances. The Jedi Grandmaster was on that Triumvirate, and was the basis for the inclusion of the Grandmaster here. The inclusion was not some attempt at making the Jedi conquerers again, or even making them leaders. I was including the Jedi to be what they always have been; peacekeepers and mediators. To keep one half in balance with the other.

I want to make this board better. I think it deserves more that we've given it. Right now all I hear is the negative, the why-nots, the fear, and the hate. Why not talk about the positive? Why not talk about the potential stories this could shape? Is it so hard to believe that I met with Kiskla about this because I legitimately believed that together we could make a single faction stronger than the two individually?
I really do not know what way to vote yet. I have so many thoughts right now I do not even know what to say. I am going to give a full disclosure of my characters what these three votes will effect.

Theosdosius Organa
Aleister Grey
Brad Solo
Garith Darkhold JR
Garith Darkhold SR/ Togashi Yokuni
Dar’yium Balor (have not got him active here on Chaos at all with an exception of OOC banter with friends )
Bud Balor(have not got active here on Chaos at all but has been mentioned in IC posts and OOC posts. Is Faith Organa and Dar’s son)

After I collect more of my thoughts and what I would like to say...I will give them and hopefully come to a idea of how I would like to vote.

Torill Holgor

Ayden Cater said:
So I wanted to say some things to some people, a lot of things, and some of it wouldn't have been too nice I'll admit. I'd be lying if I said I didn't get angry reading some of these messages. The disrespect, the mistrust, the veiled hostility; It's pretty disheartening to put a lot of time and effort into something you think is a legitimately good thing, to want to make something new and exciting for the board, and then be told "You're just looking to take all our stuff" or "You're weak. You're a burden."

What happened to trust? What happened to the community of writers who wanted to come together and make new things, who wanted to explore new options together and take risks?

For those of you who decry the inclusion of the Jedi Grandmaster (despite the keynote of them not having any military or civilian power) amongst the leadership, I encourage you to go look at the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances. The Jedi Grandmaster was on that Triumvirate, and was the basis for the inclusion of the Grandmaster here. The inclusion was not some attempt at making the Jedi conquerers again, or even making them leaders. I was including the Jedi to be what they always have been; peacekeepers and mediators. To keep one half in balance with the other.

I want to make this board better. I think it deserves more that we've given it. Right now all I hear is the negative, the why-nots, the fear, and the hate. Why not talk about the positive? Why not talk about the potential stories this could shape? Is it so hard to believe that I met with Kiskla about this because I legitimately believed that together we could make a single faction stronger than the two individually?
The short version is the trust died when Kiskla betrayed every new player killing themselves to fix what the Republic has lost with no attempt to support those efforts.

I here all of this stand up and fight nonsense from the architects of this decision instead of whining and blah blah.

Well I ask you all not just Ayden this question. Where were you when every thread I created was left without response. where were you when I was firing off a half dozen messages a day begging for help with concepts or for people to join those ignored scenes.

I got nothing but silence, not a your concept is flawed try this, not a maybe this would work better, and not even a sorry about that let me jump in there. All I got was a few your own your own's and a do what I tell you and not what you are trying to build.

You want trust again I ask this time in a nicer way. Where is the trust in us when the first act, the first post as a new Faction Leader is to say hey choose how the faction dies instead of what can we do to make the story better, or more enticing so that you want to write here instead of over in the One Sith, the OP, LS, or any of the other factions on the board.

Or how about hey Torill, Gir, Aleister, Camellia and so on we are glad you are trying to bring back an aspect of the faction that has fallen to the way side how can we help.

To receive trust you have to give trust.

As far as the Jedi go they already run the Republic as it is with the so far failure to support NFU RP. You will have to forgive me if I am hesitant to give them the only surviving voice the republic has in this merger as NFU leadership automatically goes to the OP FL leader in this merger.
The Admiralty
Torill Holgor said:
The short version is the trust died when Kiskla betrayed every new player killing themselves to fix what the Republic has lost with no attempt to support those efforts.
Kiskla has done more for this faction than you have, so I'd pick your words more carefully next time.

She got voted in by the community to lead this faction and make decisions, now that's she is considering a path you don't entirely dig you are talking smack, if you want to earn respect give respect - this ain't the way you handle things.
[member="Ayden Cater"], thank you for being a dedicated leader for OP and for taking a positive initiative. I really do not have any misgivings with you or the OP. I just need to think a little over, and how this would effect my characters, what story angles sound fun, and also talk to Rianna.

Torill Holgor

Michael Sardun said:
Kiskla has done more for this faction than you have, so I'd pick your words more carefully next time.

She got voted in by the community to lead this faction and make decisions, now that's she is considering a path you don't entirely dig you are talking smack, if you want to earn respect give respect - this ain't the way you handle things.
Ummm no she was appointed by default because her only challenger withdrew before an actual vote could be completed unless you want to say that there are only 7 unique writers in all of the Republic Faction.

Furthermore considering Kiskla has been here what 5 times longer than me I would hope so.

This is a discussion is it not or did that suddenly change when the discussion did not go the way some wanted it to.

If Kiskla believes I have disrespected her in anyway then my sincerest apologies to her as a writer. However that does not change my position on decisions made since her appointment to her current post and the quote Kiskla does not give two poodoos, I believe is how it was worded, about NFUs which alienates not only me but at least a few other writers here.
The Admiralty
[member="Torill Holgor"]

Actually there was a nomination thread, before there was even an election thread. In that nomination thread a majority of writers wanted her as the Faction Leader.

Yes, you are entirely right. It's a discussion, not a page where you can talk smack about respected writers who have done everything they can to make this faction succeed.

She hasn't made a decision, she is asking your opinion as a member about this situation, if she had just done what she had wanted we would have been a Rebellion already - or already merged with the Protectorate.
[member="Michael Sardun"]

THat is not the only point Sardun, you guys may not care but i am someone who has put a year into this, had Yusan fight for the republic and serve on the senate repeatably. And even after being called a traitor, falsely mind you, twice and dealing with the OOC bullshit that followed from Mouse and others in the skype chat, i left for a small time then returned.

There people like Syn that has been here for longer than most, that have given their support and pushed to make this faction great and create something that we can all be proud to call home. When i first joined, it was the alt of the Jedi Master Dragonsflame (Who also because of the recent change in leadership to the Popo/Kiskla/Mouse Triumvirate) and it was tthe reason that i am still here today. His and Harkness as chars were a single greatest thing when i started out here and they made me want to uphold this place as it has been since coming here.

I have nothing against you Popo or Kiskla, but you are not the leaders that Trent, Josh, or Syn have been in the past. You divided the faction numerous times, you caused many people to leave and join the Sith or OP in me and @Zarro's case, and if i had not had a level head i would still be gone, and probably laughed at you two for this whole situation before going to remake the republic on my own anyways because it deserves its chance to succeed when we only lost a campaign of three battles.

Its also not about just holding on to this, as Michael put it, Fictional swat that is useless. That Fictional Swat is the single most obvious showing of our hard work as a faction it is the visage of our sweat and tears (figuratively) in creating the best damn faction on the board.

So i am saying this now, If you disband or merge us Popo and Kiskla, I Will leave for good, and create the New Republic, and do was you should have done because you are not going to destroy the very thing that Yusan has been Devoted too. And i am sure there are others that would agree.
Any merger/disbanding or, hell, staying the same will involve members going their own ways. Such is the way of things.

But that's not why I'm here.

I'm here to remind all of you to be calm, polite and respectful. No passive aggressive veiled insults, no snide remarks, just members discussing the future of a faction. Choose words carefully. Don't be sensationalist.

I'd like to see us act like adults.

Torill Holgor

Michael Sardun said:
[member="Torill Holgor"]

Actually there was a nomination thread, before there was even an election thread. In that nomination thread a majority of writers wanted her as the Faction Leader.

Yes, you are entirely right. It's a discussion, not a page where you can talk smack about respected writers who have done everything they can to make this faction succeed.

She hasn't made a decision, she is asking your opinion as a member about this situation, if she had just done what she had wanted we would have been a Rebellion already - or already merged with the Protectorate.
I am well aware of the nomination thread I posted in it. Furthermore talking smack and giving the thoughts I was asked for are two entirely different things.

Sure all of you veterans, old timers, whatever name you wish to call yourselves look at me and you dismiss concerns, thoughts, and opinions as smack talking or beneath your consideration because I am new, I haven't earned the right to have an opinion, or you just don't care about anything outside your circle of friends that you have been writing with for however long.

You want to brand me the smack talking trouble maker then to you I say aye a smack talking trouble maker I am then. Does it make you feel better to focus on people than ideas.

I want to fight to keep the Republic as the Republic you want to focus on whether or not I have pleasant things to say about decisions that have been made.

Well let me enlighten you good sir. I was less than pleased with the things Popo did as Faction Leader and not a big fan of the things that Aaralyn has said or done either. That does not remove the fact that despite that I did try to work with both of them in the past just as I would be glad to do with Kiskla should she decide to fight for the Republic as the Republic.
I'd like to see this thread take progression towards a decision, and less as a condemnation to individuals.

Your opinions have been stated, and weighted.

Thank you.

Side note, a lot of you are corralling me into a few situations I was never involved in. Be wary of your accusations.
Ok I have talked to Rianna. I asked her opinion. She has been thinking about this too and she will cast her own vote with her active Republic character later. Talking with her helped me form my opinion of how I wanted to vote and what I would say here in the discussion.

Option three should have been given to start with. Just remember we are all human and we will make mistakes. That fact is mute and to show unity as a faction we should just move on from that. Moving on...

What I see here reading peoples thoughts. I have formed an opinion. People feel forced into a story line their characters may not be ready for. Or not even close to be ready. Or the third option that the story line would not be fitting for their character. To top it off there was no discussion pre-hand and it just rolled into a vote. This is a collaboration process we do when writing together. Communication is very important.

Option one is less rushed. Why, because there is some story line built behind it. Problem is it is only in the beginning stages and the vast majority of characters do not know about it IC. This creates a rushed story line.

Option two. It is rushed all together. IC strength wise the Republic is no where near falling that far. It takes a lot to push a military force that far to make it collapse. It just gives the impression people just threw their hands up in the air and gave up.

Option three is just more of the same. It is no coarse, no concept to move The Republic forward. It just leaves us stagnated. The Republic needs something. More ideas and one thing that is so important.... UNITY....

That is why I’m leaning to vote for option ONE...

It is still the Republic. It brings in more writers. It is a direction story wise. It straightens The Republic Navy and Military... and more. More is good right? It could show others The Republic are doing something constructive and vying for a positive story line. So that is my opinion and where I’m leaning with my vote.

Last and final thought...
Just like our character creation rules factions should not be god like either. They should have strengths and weakness. Option one has it strengths and weakness. You could point out some flaws with option one. Think as it as creative avenues to give The New Republic flavor when writing. Just like Aleister has a crippled leg from a past battle. Or if your character is night blind. We could have fun with this option.

Also you can laugh at me all you want that I go to talk to Rianna like she is my wife. For the record we are not married in RL. We have just been friends for a long time. We have a strong writing relationship. Lol

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