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Factory Q&A

Ri'ven Gevrok

A cigarette and a gun's all you need.
When making a ship could I use Laminanium for the hull without having to do the thread requirement for it now? Given the new rules for restricted material?

I'm thinking of a corvette freighter
Sirius Nova said:
What template would one use for runes that have various Force Effects?
Use the artifact template.

Derriphan Itsu said:
When making a ship could I use Laminanium for the hull without having to do the thread requirement for it now? Given the new rules for restricted material?

I'm thinking of a corvette freighter
No. The removal of requirements are for tech only, and only certain materials.

Cira said:
Technology that has a restricted material (Beskar, Phrik, Cortosis, Songsteel, Echani Graphite, Ionite, & Pyronium), will no longer require a completed ‘restricted material’ objective thread as long as the item that is being submitted is labeled as Unique.
Sirius Nova said:
In addition, would a weapon that uses Force Runes/Force Properties fall under "Artifact" or melee or ranged weapon, if it shares properties of all three? I need to know, before I begin work on such.
If it encompasses properties that can be deemed as weapons of both melee and ranged, add the relevant fields of those templates to the submission.
What Lightsaber Crystals are allowed, for use by individuals? Secondly, which ones are the best to be used as a "Force Battery" and thirdly, would a Force Relic that can cast spells/control the weather be allowed?
[member="Sirius Nova"]

Any canon crystals may be used, provided they are not unique in canon (for instance if only one of that crystal existed.) Also, the majority of the effects found on lightsabers within the Star Wars games are not explicitly inclusive on SWRP. On the other hand you are welcome to submit your own crystals in the factory if you desire.

A helpful guide can be found here as well.

To answer your Force Relic question, yes, you may submit one, but like all other submissions must be balanced in nature.

As for the Force Battery question, could please elaborate as to what you're looking to do exactly?
Darth Mara said:
Can a single character own more than one company?
Yes, but a writer may only directly own one canon company.

Darth Mara said:
If so, can it be of any tier,
They need to follow the same tier progression rules as any other company, starting at a maximum of 2, or tier 3 if its parent company is tier 5 or greater (but only with development). Workshops may only be tier 2 or below to start out.

Darth Mara said:
and can they be a subsidiary of another?
Yes, but only tier 3 or greater companies may own tiers.

You can find more answers to questions regarding companies in the company creation & workshop templates page.
[member="Sirius Nova"]

There are plenty of Force artifacts on the board that do just that. If you are looking for a crystal that specifically stores Force energy, in theory they all do, but more geared towards what you are asking? The closest that I can think of are Marilite or Dantari crystals, but you could also submit a new crystal to the Factory as well, if you wished, or just use an artifact of some sort. It's really up to you.


Well-Known Member
I have been trying to catch up on new rules, what has happened to dev thread, for making ships?
Also do I need them to make space stations.

Development threads for starships (Not flagships) and space stations do not exist anymore. You are simply required to ensure that the ship is balanced. If it utilizes restricted materials however, it will require a development thread still.
So just two quick questions here. For restricted materials, could I perform the mission required for that in a dominion thread? And secondly, if it's a large enough quantity of said restricted material, could I then use it for multiple unique submissions.

So for example, if I came across a ship with a cargo hold full of phrik in a thread, and wanted to build say, several unique sets of armour using that Phrik, could that be done? Or do all sets of armour require their own thread?
Rexus Wenck said:
So just two quick questions here. For restricted materials, could I perform the mission required for that in a dominion thread? And secondly, if it's a large enough quantity of said restricted material, could I then use it for multiple unique submissions. So for example, if I came across a ship with a cargo hold full of phrik in a thread, and wanted to build say, several unique sets of armour using that Phrik, could that be done? Or do all sets of armour require their own thread?
As long as you are able to complete the mission objective in a complete story, you may do so in a dominion thread.

Also, no, there is a limit to how many submissions you may utilize the RM objective for.

Also, there is no RM objective for unique items with Phrik in the Technology forum. Semi unique and above require it.

  • Technology that has a restricted material (Beskar, Phrik, Cortosis, Songsteel, Echani Graphite, Ionite, & Pyronium), will no longer require a completed ‘restricted material’ objective thread as long as the item that is being submitted is labeled as UNIQUE. This can only be utilized in the Technology Sub-Forum.


How much of a Dev Thread would be required for an item that could allow an individual to teleport, that used the Force in order to do so?

Dev threads are not required for non-canon items in the technology section. The submission must be balanced and within the scope of the Star Wars universe.

The closest Force power that performs something relative to teleportation would be Fold Space. You are welcome to submit an amulet or something which does this, however it must be balanced in its uses and practicality. Fold Space is an incredibly powerful Force power, and a submission utilizing this will likely face quite a bit of scrutiny.
ok hoe can i own a decent ammount of an item if there are no shops fo he items creators?
sat Ssi- ruu droid fighters when there are no Ssi-ruu factions or stores.

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