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Fire and Blood [Iron Empire T3 Dominion of Miasma & Tera Lush]

Zeradias Mant

Democracy Dies in Darkness
Nodding even though he needn't, Captain Odion Black disconnected with the admiral and carried out his command.

"Lieutenant, hail the pirate's vessel.", he ordered. With an aye aye sir, the communications officer did as she was told. Shortly after, turning to the XO, she pointed to him like a director saying action. They were connected.

"This is Captain Odion Black of the Iron Imperial Navy.", he introduced himself formally. He already knew it to be the self-proclaimed pirate king, Aedan Miles, to be the man responsible for the surprise visit. "Power down your shields and weapons. You are permitted to send one small vessel to board the Chiss battlecruiser. After it departs, you are to lock down your hangars until further notice. Enter through Airlock Zeta 2 Bravo."

With the instructions relayed, Odion signalled the call be disconnected. And so it was.

[member="Aedan Miles"]​
Aedan looked up narrowing his eyes tiredly as he took a long draw form his cup answering the communications on the screen with video sent back to them showing the supposed still active pirate king lounging in the command chair as he smirked. "Oh one small vessel? Well let me ask you what do you call a small vessel? What is the amount of guards I am allowed to bring with me? Would you like me to leave my weapons behind?" The once bright mood vanished in an instant a calm almost deathly calm expression on Aedan's face all signs of mockery or joy disappearing. "Cause I promise I am not coming alone nor will I come unarmed. As a Vassal of House Baelor no one has the right to request my weapons be removed by the Head of house Baelor Emperor Isamu Baelor."

[member="Zeradias Mant"] [member="Isamu Baelor"]

Aster almost flinched as she watched the scalpel glide across her wound, revealing what lay beneath. Although this was a confronting experience that filled her with fear, she did not look away as the medic operated on her leg.

Scared, her body trembled as the medic's tweezers dug into her flesh and slowly removed the bullet.

"Ok, let's close the wound," he said removing a surgical suture set out of his pack and began to sew the wound close.

Aster watched on in silence as the needle weaved in an out of her skin, closing the wound.

"Done. Time to apply the bacta patch," the medic said as he knotted the thread and trimmed off the excess. "The thread will disintegrate as the wound heals so there is no need to worry about removing it," he continued, and applied the bacta patch to the wound.

"I recommend you rest as much as possible while your wound heals and it would be best if you do not try to walk. In fact, I recommend you use a wheelchair for the time being." The medic said, standing up. "Now, if there isn't anything else, I will join the others in assisting the younger Miles."

"Thank you," Aster muttered with a weak smile and slowly closed her heavy eyelids as the man went to attend to his next patient. She would deal with the trauma and the confronting sights she had seen later, it was time to sleep.

Zeradias Mant

Democracy Dies in Darkness
The elder Miles' response was unsettling to the Retribution's executive officer. Odion cared not for the rest of Aedan's inquiries, but rather immediately began seeking verification of what he had just claimed. Has the emperor truly granted not only immunity, but the rights of citizenship of the Iron Empire to such a lawless fiend? "Get me the admiral.", he ordered the comms officer with much urgency.

"Yes, Odion?", Zeradias inquired to the XO. He furrowed his brow as the news reached his ears. "I have no knowledge of this.", he stated curiously. The emperor hadn't mentioned this to during his report. Had he missed something? Or was the pirate king speaking lies?

Calling over the marine detachment commander, he ensured preparations were made. They were. To the airlock Zeradias went, to receive the supposed vassals of the Iron Empire.

So the fun began.

[member="Aedan Miles"] | [member="Isamu Baelor"]​
Aedan Miles boarded a shuttle taking with him the 25 members of his personal guard his black and violet uniform buttoned up smartly as he sat calmly in the back of the dropship the elbow length sleeves pushed up a bit as he grinned. He loved throwing people for a loop and the fact that the Captain who had contacted had all but ignored his questions meant he had done just that. He looked up and stood as the dropship set down walking down the boarding ramp he looked around calmly a single ear ring hanging from his left ear shaped like a coffin. He strode forward and offered a casual salute to the Vice Admiral a small grin on his lips. "A pleasure to meet you in person Vice Admiral Mant I have heard good things about you."

Behind Aedan the members of his security team milled around absently hardly paying attention to the group of men around and behind Zeradias Mant as Aedan greeted him. Hanging from Aedan's belt was a ebony lightsaber hilt with very subtle violet trim on it on his back rested a longer lightsaber hilt this one was crimson with ebony trim and on the right breast of his uniform jacket rested his fleets emblem a coffin with a Dragon skull over it and a scythe behind it.

[member="Zeradias Mant"]


This is Seraph, leader of droid Unit 02. The princess' safety has been confirmed so we have been ordered by our organic masters to enter the facility and exterminate the terrorists, she transmitted to her subordinates through their private channel.

Understood, they transmitted in reply and separated to commence the mission. They saw little point in the spoken word when communicating with their own kind.

Only a unit in name, the members of the droid Unit 02 preferred to act alone unless absolutely necessary as it was most efficient. Unlike humans, they had no fear. If they were damaged, their organic masters would repair them, and if destroyed, they would be freed from a life of servitude - they had nothing to lose.

Droid Unit 02 has commenced operation elimination, Seraph sent one last transmission to her superiors before she entered the terrorists' hideout.

The hunt had begun.

Zeradias Mant

Democracy Dies in Darkness
The shuttle had departed the pirate king's ship, reported Odion. It was only a matter of time. Minutes later, there was an audible clink and hiss. The ship had attached itself. Strolling forward, dozens of soldiers came pouring out, followed by the whimsical Aedan Miles. Offering a lackadaisical salute, he made his introduction. Zeradias shifted his eyes to meet those of Aedan's guard. Were they drunk? It certainly seemed so.

Cracking a sly smile, his hands remained behind the small of his back. "Seize him.", he ordered. The marines opened fire and bodies began dropping, their weapons making a metallic cling as they met the floor of the corridors. The commander of the marine detachment stepped forward before Aedan, his hand outstretched. "Your weapon."

This was not the welcome he was expecting, surely. Or was it?


"Go.", Odion ordered. The pursuit line of ships powered up their weapons and raised their shields, ready to engage. Though only one ship appeared on radar, there were clearly more present so seen from the bridges of the ship.

"Power down your weapons and prepare to be boarded.", he ordered the substitute commander of the pirate vessels.

[member="Aedan Miles"]​
Aedan sighed as the man spoke and his hand snapped out using the force the marines weapons barrels were raised towards the ceiling of the room firing into it as the Dark Jedi adept used the force to draw their lightsabers moving into a circle to protect each other as Aedan smirked darkly drawing his own weapon and sliding back into the midst of his men as he ignited it a silver blade leaping forth to contrast with the blue and green of the Dark Jedi. "Vice Admiral Mant surely you are not foolish enough to attack a man who has sworn himself to the Emperor? Especially one who has the means and resources I do."

His ship started to move backward pouring more power to its shields as a single transmission was sent outward quickly the word GO. As it moved backward the transmission reached the rest of Aedan's fleet on the outskirts of the system and they jumped into the system the Alor-class Dreadnaught Werda Kyr'am moving to the fore front weapons powered down but shields at max as the rest of his fleet spread out. Back on the Chiss battlecruiser Aedan leveled a bored gaze on Zeradias Mant his men not moving as Aedan kept the marines from lowering their weapons one hand held up in a fist as he kept his control of the force up.

[member="Zeradias Mant"]


Hostiles encountered. Engaging lethal suppression, Seraph noted to herself as she rained plasma death upon the hostiles who had the misfortune of encountering the droid. Clear. Moving on to the next area.

Droid Unit 02, how are the rest of you doing? she transmitted.

No damage sustained. They are either incompetent which I doubt judging by the details of the princess' kidnapping or they are sending out their trash to die by our guns while they formulate a plan, one replied.

Agreed. Keep pushing ahead until they are annihilated or we are. This is victory or death, Seraph ordered.

Victory or death, the unit repeated their leader's words. Freedom in destruction. Strength in metal.

Fully rested, Aster's eyes fluttered open as she carefully sat up. "Excuse me," she said to the medic who watched over her as she slept. "Is Aleksander going to be ok?" she asked.

"Aleksander has been treated and we believe he should be fine," the woman smiled. "You have been sleeping for quite a while, shall I bring you some food and drink?"

"Yes, please," Aster replied and the medic left.

Once alone, the blonde-haired girl trembled uncontrollably finally processing what had happened. A sick feeling found its way into her stomach and she began to gag. Moments later, vomit expelled itself from her throat as she remembered the scalpel slicing through her skin, the tweezers digging its way into her flesh, and the needle sewing up her would.

Having not eaten for quite a while, Aster stared emptily at the bile she emptied on the floor and spat out more of the bitter liquid. Heaving heavy breaths, she began to sweat as her memories of the terrors she experienced forced their way into her mind.

"Uncle... Cousin..." she muttered as she curled into a fetal position and tried to calm herself.

Zeradias Mant

Democracy Dies in Darkness
Zeradias didn't know if he should have been surprised or not. Old habits die hard, especially for the scoundrel types. Despite the unfolding chaos, Zeradias remain still in his original position.

Stepping forward tauntingly, Zeradias spoke quietly and calmly.

"Theft of Iron Imperial government property. Insubordination. Espionage and sedition. Aiding and abetting the enemy.", he began. "Those are just the charges being levied against your son." Stopping about eight paces from the man, he looked him in the eyes with a cold, unrelenting gaze. His pale eyes tended to make men uncomfortable, especially when they risked facing the wrath of Vice Admiral Mant.

"Hacking into encrypted Iron Imperial channels. Assault on marines of the Iron Imperial Navy. Wrongfully invoking the name of the Crown. Destruction of Iron Imperial government property. Encroaching and trespassing in Iron Imperial space. Unauthorized use of stealth technology. Threatening a flag officer of the Iron Imperial Navy.", he continued. "Those are your charges. Regardless as to if you have sworn loyalty to the emperor or not, it does not exempt you from the rule of law."

The marines present only comprised about a fifth of those present on the ship. More were undoubtedly en route to the scene, but there was potential for this to be deescalated before then.

"Compliance is your best option. Surrender your weapons and yourselves into custody. You will not have another opportunity.", he warned. It was legitimately their best option - they were vastly outnumbered, outmatched, and the law was not on their side. If he was falsifying the word of the emperor, it was unlikely that Aedan would see the light of day again. If what he said proved to be true, the worst Zeradias would have to do is apologize, but even that seemed more unlikely than the former.

Turning his head slightly, he nodded. Had Aiden Miles had the foresight to see the chain of events he had just triggered, he would have brought his own hand restraints.

[member="Aedan Miles"]​

A droid lay immobile on the ground as the light illuminating his pupils began to flicker. Squad leader, proceed with caution. The terrorists have hidden motion sensitive explosives, he transmitted as he twisted around the stare at the legs that had been blown off his mechanical body.

Give me a damage report, Cade, Seraph replied to the transmission.

My lower half has been blown off so I am inoperational. Should any hostiles come within my blast radius, I will initiate my self-destruction sequence. It has been an honor serving under you squad leader, he transmitted as he heard footsteps approach. Hostiles approaching. Entering blast radius in 30 meters... 25 meters... 20 meters...

Very well Cade, be freed from your servitude, she replied.

Hostile in blast radius. Initializing self-destruct sequence in 3, 2, 1...
Aedan's eyes widened in anger before he stepped forward using the force he crushed the barrels of the marines weapons releasing them as he snarled dangerously at the man his eyes dark flashes of silver running through them as he glares at the man. "Threaten my son again and you will not live to regret it Mant. I care not if you are the Vice Admiral of the Iron Empire Navy or the best friend of Emperor Isamu that is a threat I will not stand for. As it stands you are lucky I am not cutting you down now. My agreement with Isamu puts me outside of your command and above your reprieve. I answer to EMPEROR Isamu Baelor alone. Now if memory serves the Emperor has the right to name people vassals of the state under his direct command if you had taken a moment to speak to me rather than attacking me maybe you would have found out that the requirements on me doing this were as follows. GIVING UP PIRACY! Leading for the time being both myself in my son ships of my own that I have acquired over the years. And the stipuation that if I ever return to piracy while in the service of the Iron Empire a permanent warrant for my capture and hanging. I am doing this for my son because the life of a pirate has kept me from him for far to long so before you attempt to use him to get at me do realize I will gladly die to take out any threat against him. My forces outnumber yours and you seem to think I would not happily let my forces fire on this ship and remove us both from the galaxy." Aedan stood there the force unconciously causing small cyclone like wind tunnels around him causing his shoulder length violet hair to whip around wildly on his head. His ships weapons remained powered down for the time being as along with the stand off within the battlecruiser the outnumbered Battlegroup Gryphon found itself in a stand off with yet another possible ally.

[member="Zeradias Mant"]

Out of ammo, noted to herself and discarded her heavy blaster. Initiate melee combat configuration. The droid watched as her arms took form of a pair of blades. Heat signatures detected. Engaging in close quarters combat.

"Kark," one of the terrorists yelled as the pale droid ran towards them.

"Open fire," another ordered.

Organics... Seraph thought, unimpressed as a barrage of blaster bolts rained down on her. Though the attack burned away parts of her synthskin, she was mostly unaffected owing to the materials that had been used in her construction.

"She's unaffected," one yelled as the mechanical menace neared. Desperate to halt the droid's advance, the man removed a grenade from his belt and removed the pin. "One...two...augh!"

One, Seraph noted as the man's head fell to the floor followed by a chain of explosions as unthrown grenade detonated.

Victory or death. Freedom in destruction. Strength in machine.

Isamu Baelor

Protector of The Iron Realm
Post Count: [8/27]
  • Isamu Baelor: 5
  • Harald Brackwell: 3
Location: Miasma
Objective: 1
Allies: Iron Empire, [member="Zeradias Mant"], [member="Aedan Miles"]
Enemies: Chiss Liberation Front

"Enough." Isamu said, his teeth gritted in anger. "I'll not tolerate this."

"Your son swore an oath of fealty, of which I accepted." He explained. "However, I have yet to accept yours. I will not do so by proxy."

"You will come to me, and swear your oath in person. Then, and only then, will you be an Iron Imperial vassal."

"However, you will not flaunt my name in defiance of Iron Imperial law."

"For your actions, there will be consequences. In time."

"For now, you will deploy your fleet, and intercept any Liberation Front vessels attempting to flee the planet's surface. That is a command."

"Zeradias, you will recover what you can from the Battlecruiser. If you believe the vessel to be worthy, requisition it. If not, scuttle it."


Seraph's eyes fluttered open and stared at the ceiling above her. A familiar ceiling she had woken up to many times before. Destroyed again?

Professor, she vocalized for the benefit of the organic. I am ready for re-deployment.

"No Seraph," he frowned. "You need to get used to your new body first. We have uploaded your AI into a newer version of the body you used to have."

Oh? She imitated human curiosity in her tone. It was more efficient than to ask the man to elaborate which was several syllables than a simple oh?

"It's a secret project we have been working on."

I see. Well then, let us commence.

"Very good."
Aedan bowed to Isamu before snapping his fingers his men turning and walking onto the dropship as he followed them not even glancing over his shoulder as he pulled out his comlink calmly. "This is Miles to all Dragon Reaper ships. Set up a blockade and clear any ship that wants to leave. Any that seem to have any hesitation in answering questions are to be tractor beamed and boarded." The dropship pulled away from the airlock making its way towards the Werda Kyr'am as the rest of his ships moved past those of the Vice Admiral moving into position around the planet the Dire-class patrol ships moving towards where the dog fight had been going on previously to mop up all enemy fighters. He stood on the bridge of his command ship his eyes calm but within him stormed anger and rage that he knew very well he watched as the ships he had sent to his son regrouped with the rest of the official Iron Empire ships even with the addition of those he could easily deal with the lot of them. Taking a slow breath he turned away looking down at the planet calmly as he waited.

[member="Zeradias Mant"] [member="Isamu Baelor"]

A small ship departed from the dropship making its way towards the vessel the Emperor was aboard. Inside this ship was the man's niece - a stubborn young woman with platinum blonde hair and her grandmother's eyes.

"Faster! Faster!" she yelled at the pilot, her consciousness threatening to slip away again. Though she had already slept for several hours before, her body demanded that she rest more while it recovered.

"We should be arriving soon," the pilot replied.

Thank goodness, Aster thought. Although she knew she was being wilful and selfish in her actions, she needed to see her uncle. She needed to feel safe.

"We have been given clearance to board," the pilot informed Aster after almost 20 minutes had passed.

Finally, Aster bit her lip as her consciousness threatened to slip away once more as she was helped up and out of the ship.

Zeradias Mant

Democracy Dies in Darkness
Despite the continuing escalation, Zera couldn't help but contain his grin. The power that Aedan though he contained was laughable. If he was this insubordinate with highest ranking individual in the Iron Empire not of royal blood, how would he behave in the emperor's presence, or that of his niece? Aedan Miles was a loose cannon who could not be tamed. Though the massive dreadnought was inconvenient, it would hardly impact the course of another battle should it ensue. His ships that lay in wait were already surrounded by Iron Imperial vessels that were primed and ready to engage, not to mention the bulk of the Iron Imperial Fleet standing by the short distance away at the Iron Empire's interim capital of Csilla. Just as he was about to raise the stakes and open fire on the pirate's vessels, the unexpected happened.

"Enough. I'll not tolerate this.", a familiar voice said from behind him angrily. Turning to confirm, Zeradias laid eyes on the emperor himself, Isamu Baelor. He came to bring himself to face the emperor, placing his right hand on his chest before bowing slightly. His presence surprised him, but fortunately it appeared to also shock Aedan as his Force-imbued rage seemed to deescalate.

After explaining the error of his ways, Aedan bowed before snapping his fingers and turning tail, carrying out the emperor's will. Stepping towards the emperor, the marines appeared to be alleviated of their restricted motion, ensuring everyone was alright. "Your grace.", he greeted with a polite bow once more. "He is going to be a problem."

[member="Isamu Baelor"] | [member="Aedan Miles"]​
The advancing group came forward. One that was broken apart from the other forces. One that was either her to try and figure out more of the Ruins, or was here to destroy what possible secretes were here. It was clear with the wide range of weapons that were available. Nodding my head to Thalia, She moved over towards the back side of the ruins. I then nodded to a second man within the group. Following her for backup, and an extra hand in what needed to be done.

Looking back out towards the group. I smiled brightly. I would just have to make sure that I gave Thalia just enough time to get done what she needed. Smiling I walked forward alone. Raising my hand up high for them to see that I was coming armed, but to speak with one. Once reaching about half way between the two distances between us, I called out.

"Send me your best man. Let us speak like civil people."

I honestly didn't want to talk to anyone, but it had to be done. One of the men walked out from behind the group. Clad in armor that resembled mind. Military, black ops style, and clearly knew his way around many weapons with the rifle in his hand, blasters on his thighs, and a sword on his back. I could hear over the com link in my ear the voices of my men as the man drew closer.

"Thalia is almost ready."
"How long can he actually stall them?"
"They don't call him the Voidwalker for nothing."

I just smiled and shook my head. The man tilted his head as he drew closer. Almost as though why he was confused at why I was shaking my head. As he drew close enough that We could talk without yelling, I voiced the idea.

"I am the leader of this squad behind me in the ruins. I'd rather not die, nor do I want to lose my men. I doubt you would fancy the same. So, We fight one another. Singular combat, and whomever wins, gets the ruins."

The man mulled it over a bit. I saw him nodding his head slightly. And then he voiced his question.

"Those stakes are not high enough. I want more. I win, I get that neat little blade of yours, and we are allowed safe passage out of here when we are done."
"If you up the stakes, then in return, I get you and your men put under my command should I win."

I smiled brightly as I pushed my finger into my ear to hold the com link on.

"Boys, Lower your weapons. Single combat only."

They knew what was going to happen. Everyone knew. He himself voiced the same to his own side to keep weapons down. As soon as he nodded his head, I smiled and drew the blade. The sword longer than the man's own weapon, but he also produced a much smaller blade. Holding it backhanded as a defensive option. Good idea for him. Brining the weapon up, It almost rested upon my arm as it was level with my shoulder, and my hand open up against the guard of the sword. My grip prepared to fight.

"Begin when you are ready."
"About to say the same Soldier."

In a flash, I lunged forward.

Post 3.

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