Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Floyd Mayferria vs. OS (OS Dominion of Mayferria)

Animus was exited. [member="Sage Bane"] himself asked for him by name, what an Honor.
Animus waited on the insides of his Master's Ship, a Corvette, too big for Animus' liking but for the purpose of the Assignment, it was Gold.
Animus knew the Mission, and knew what he was expected to do, Subjugate, Exterminate Obliterate and extract the precious substance ... Easy enough.
This was not however, what Animus was most delighted for, He was to show his skills to the Powerful Sage, and Learn from his skills that will make him a better Sith Warrior.... he was not about to pull any punches, not today
Animus Sat in the Insides of the Ship, wiping his Sith Relic Blade with Scrubbing Oil as he always did before a battle.
Animu had bought a lightsaber, and now it was in his belt, but he challenged himself not to use it just yet unless absolutely necessary. His relic blade was no laughing matter, although nothing more than an Ornament, the last months Animus had perfected the use of it, gotten used to it's weight.

In the RIde Animus Sad eyes closed, Meditating while he shined the sword... he focused on his eyes, his closed eyes as the thought of T'zanith Zebron's lesson sank in... "The eyes of the Soul" Animus Whispered...
Then like a switch, even with his closed eyes he could see... he loved to activate Force Sight. He would do it whenever he could, and so far had gotten really used to it, and now did not have to focus as much to activate it.
With his eyes closed, but seeing he kept shining his sword and pondered imploringly to the Sage.
"Master Bane, have we arrived yet?" Animus Asked Curiously. Animus cared little if they had, he just wanted more time with the Mighty Sage, every second he could be with him, was a second he could become even more powerful.
Location: Small Village
Objective: Find the Iron Strategist
Allies: [member="Darth Ophidia"]
Enemies: Those in his way.

Golden eyes watched for his apprentice, but much to his joy he couldn't find the girl. Now he himself began to move out, separating from Saiah in an effort to cover more ground. His first target, the watch tower just to his side. Hastily he would enter, just behind another guard like a wisp. Stealth was his ally, and silence his weapon. Upon entry he found the main room empty, but he knew it wouldn't last long. Quickly his eyes gazed about, searching for something, anything, on the Strategist. Anything more than just simple writing that was. 'Praise the Iron Strategist' seemed to be the most common as he looked through the bookcase, a frown now on his lips.

His mind traveled to Saiah, wondering if she had better luck.
Location: On a plain.
Objective: Find the Iron Strategist.
Allies: [member="Darth Ferus"]
Enemies: TBA.

As Ferus moved off on his own, Saiah glided along the wall of the building. Her hand trailed the wooden exterior as she watched, felt, listened to everything that was around her. The rough texture of the painted wood, reverberating ever so slightly to the activities inside; voices talking, laughter and mirth; shadow all around her, and the silhouette of a lone watchman on the town-wall. He was too busy looking out to see the danger slipping right behind him. Should she take him out? Perhaps, if he became aware of her presence. For now, she was naught but a shade.

Half closing her eyes, the Rattataki brushed away the side of her hood and put her ear to the wall, listening intently. The muffled voices, -previously not registered as more than a vibration in the wooden surface- became clearer. First, she could distinguish voices, a man and a woman. Husband and wife perhaps? Muffled voices became steadily clearer as she moved closer to the source. Saiah’s ear scraped against the rough surface uncomfortably, but she did not pay it much mind as the information was becoming steadily more interesting. There was a phrase; a very strange familiar phrase: The Iron Strategist.

Isamu Baelor

Protector of The Iron Realm
Post Count: [2/20]
Location: Streets of Mayferria
Objective: 5. Capture the high ranking official
Allies: One Sith
Enemies: Mayferrian soldiers

The rockets roared through the sky, trails of smoke snaking behind them. They found their target, exploding on impact with the first military transport. It rocked from side to side, struggling to stay on the road, but it was in vain. The transport lifted from the road, twisting and turning in the air. It landed on its roof, and began to violently roll. Piece by piece, it started to tear apart. Debris flew into the air, and rained down on the surrounding street. It came to lumbering stop. The other transports swerved to avoid the debris, eventually harshly applying their brakes so as to not collide with the destroyed transport.

The transports came to a screeching stop; smoke billowed from the tires, and skid marks trailed behind along the street. The doors to the transport flung open, and Mayferrian soldiers erupted from inside the middle transport. From their vantage point, the Sith soldiers rained blaster fire down on the Mayferrian soldiers, keeping them pinned behind cover. The door to the final transport opened, but before any troops could exit the vehicle, a well-placed rocket threaded through the open door, exploding inside the transport. It erupted into a fireball, killing all inside.

Isamu readied his harpoon launcher, taking aim just over the transport. He pulled the trigger, and the harpoon propelled out of the launcher. It cut through the air, coming to imbed itself in the wall opposite the transport. One by one, more harpoons launched from the buildings, embedding themselves into the walls around the transports. While some of the soldiers continued to provide cover fire, Isamu clipped onto the line and jumped.

Isamu rode the line down, unclipping when passing overhead of the soldiers. He landed on the ground, falling to one knee to absorb the impact. He turned around, unsheathed his vibrosword, and plunged it into the soft belly of the Mayferrian soldier in front of him. The soldier screamed in agony as Isamu pushed him forward, pinning him to the transport. Isamu quickly unholstered his blaster pistol and gunned down the other soldier next to him. The rest of the Mayferrian soldiers were quickly dealt with by the other sith soldiers who had repelled down.

Isamu climbed into the transport, and found the official cowering in the corner. “Coward.” Isamu proclaimed. He grabbed the official by his collar and dragged him out of the transport, throwing him to the ground. The other soldiers tied a bag over the officials head, and cuffed his hands behind his back. “Regroup! We’re going to the extraction site, NOW!” Isamu ordered.

Darth Timoris

To err is human, to forgive divine. And I'm no god
[Post = 12/20]

Location: In the arena
Objective: 4. Maiden’s Blade
Allies: None
Enemies: There will be another one along soon…

She made her way to the arena. She was feeling tired now. The meds had kicked in but she’d had a number of bouts in a row and the latest damage had severely affected her endurance and mobility.

As she entered the circular fighting area, bounded by twenty-feet high walls, she was a female Zabrak. The red line of a lightsaber glowed in each of her hands. She studied Melori.

"Tranet," the Dark Jedi said.

Melori did not care to know her opponent’s name. The Zabrak was merely the focus of her anger, a convenient target for her growing rage.

She fell into the Force, roared, and bounded towards her opponent, her anger lending her speed.

The Dark Jedi held her ground. At twenty meters, her opponent raised her lightsabers aloft to either side and drew them both down with a flourish.

Too late the rumble of the falling ceiling penetrated the haze of Melori’s anger. An avalanche of duracrete and transparisteel crashed down on her.

She stood in a pocket under a mountain of rubble, legs bent, the power from her upraised hands preventing several tons of duracrete and steel from crushing her. Dust made her already troubled breathing more difficult.

She'd been sloppy, so lost in her need for a quick win that she'd failed to properly evaluate the Dark Jedi's power – it was a mistake she made over and over. She'd surrendered her reason to bloodlust. But no more. With an effort of will, she contained her anger, controlled it, made it a whetstone against which she sharpened her power. Using the Force, she blew the rubble up and away from her. It fell with a crash into the adjacent wall. A Force-augmented leap carried her out and over the heap. The Dark Jedi's eyes widened as Melori hit the ground. The Sith sneered and charged.

She closed the distance between them rapidly. The crimson line of her saber-staff moved so quickly it blurred into a red smear. The Dark Jedi parried again and again, the sizzle of blade on blade resounding through the arena. Melori’s onslaught - a blizzard of slashes, cuts, and stabs - allowed the Dark Jedi no room for a counterattack. The Zabrak retreated before the offensive, desperately intercepting Melori's blows.

Melori could have ended the Jedi in any of several ways, but she needed the satisfaction of a lightsaber kill.
Objective: To mine/ buy some Netharanium
Location: Near Mavigorn City. Browncoat Industrial and Mohc Extractives
Allies: ?

He had his color changing ore. Accepting the help from one of the miners, Micah began his wrap up of the trip. Little was he to know about the Sith moving into Mayferia, or what would result in their occupation. He was but a teenager, and in that, regardless on how he would joke, meant that he didn’t actually know everything.

What he did know, however, was what his next step would be. He would require studying more on the mind affecting power of Force Suppression and how he could utilize it in an artifact that could temporarily make a Force user believe they had been cut off from the Force. Pulling it off would be by far one of the best tricks he had so far, and not to mention useful. Further study of his grandfather’s holocron might do the trick.

Maybe even talking to Uncle Di.

Up the ramp he went, his boots making nary any noise. There were so many other techniques he was interested in learning. Some from the witches out in Witch Town at Yavin as well. Growing up there whenever his mother had seen fit to teach classes, he had found a certain amount of curiosity at the blend of Mandalorian and Witch traditions.

He would have to take the time to further study it. Perhaps he could talk to Loxa, a former Steward of Moross Crusade he had met some time back with his father.

Granted, she didn’t quite know that the Former God, Neth The Keeper, was his father...
Location: City of Joto
Objective: Plunder the Netharanium mine
Allies: [member="Animus Malgus"]
Enemies: Anyone who wants to play

"Excellent timing, Apprentice Malgus. We have just, in fact, arrived over Mayferria. To the dropship we go."

Sage was pleased to see such a good attitude in the Acolyte given the usual crop of impudent brats he usually mentored. The Hand ushered Animus into a dropship that soon made its way to the surface.

They landed on the very edge of the swamps that surrounded the city of Joto. The Sith Lord, his apprenctice, their troops and a group of small mining droids spilled out. On his Datapad, Sage called up the location for a nearby Netharanium mine. According to his notes, the Joto miners and their security force were part of the immigrant Chiss community. Sage himself was half-Chiss, but so far removed from any cultural identity with the people that killing them wasn't a problem for him. His gaze panned to Animus. How did the Acolyte feel about killing innocents? He would soon find out.

"The plan is simple," explained Sage. "We will be assaulting a nearby mine, which is heavily guarded. According to surveillance, there are four guards stationed at the mine's entrance and more inside. I am going to teach you an effective way to distract and confound those guards using Sith illusions. It's a skill called Doppelganger. I will explain more along the way."

With that he headed off, boots squelching in the mud, expecting Animus to follow.
Animus nodded and bowed "Yes master!" he said Excitedly as he he punched behind [member="Sage Bane"] hot on his heels very ready to learn and kill a few enemies of the sith while he was at it.
He had never been to this world, but he noticed very soon what looked like the entrance to a large facility not up ahead, no doubt being the mine the Master had referred to. Around him the swamps of mayferria gave him a dark angsty feeling, Animus Hated Swamps, Dark and gloom of them the fact that enemies could come from any angle and you would not even see their attack. Animus had never been part of a real warzone, skirmishes and fights here and there, even a duel, but never a warzone.
still Animus was Compliant and Exited, a Training session in real War alongside a Master Sage. Animus Laughed as he dashed behind the Master, bloodlust in his mind.
Post Count: x >=20
Location: Landing on Mayferria
Objective: Kill things, steal their money, probably eat them with my fething rows of teeth
Allies: Reef
Enemies: People who get in his way, things that look tasty.

Reef hadn’t really done much in the galaxy, but he did secure himself a Pursuer-class Enforcement Ship, refurbished to be up to snuff in this galaxy and timeline. Simple stuff really. But Reef was a simple fish with simple pleasures. His simple pleasures? Freeing humans and other people who somehow got themselves locked into a cage and dropped in the water (he wouldn’t want to be in a cage like that, and really, biting it was the best way to try to open it), hunting dogs, because people used dogs to shark fin. And if he killed the dogs quickly, then he wouldn’t get shark finned.

Yeah, that happened. Learn some conservation people, and don’t listen to the ones who say that they are shark hunting for research. They’re making shark fin soup. It happened to Reef’s sister, Coral, she was eaten by some dentist with an affection for hunting ‘lesser’ species. Yeah, Reef didn’t hold to that.

Sharks ruled, everything else was kind of… lame.

The potentially future Mando and maybe future Force using Mando, because how epic would a shark that could use the Force and fight in Beskar’bubblegum be? First he needed to get on the ground. Then he was going hunting.

Sport hunting.

He was A-Okay with this. He had his swim trunks and his flippy floppies assault rifle and his beating stick. And supposed it was okay to help the Sith clear this Dominion.
Location: City of Joto
Objective: Plunder the Netharanium mine
Allies: [member="Animus Malgus"]
Enemies: Anyone who wants to play

With his hand held up, Sage halted their group about a half a mile away from the location. The forces and droids would stay back while the two Sith would take care of the guards. There was no need to waste all of their men on the assault, when Sage and his apprentice could dispose of their opposition much faster. Then, Sage beckoned for Animus to follow him once more.

The two men approached the entrance to the Netharanium mine. There were four Chiss guards stationed there, two on either side of the opening. Sage whirled on his heel and gave Acolyte Malgus and dark grin. He addressed the eager Sith in a barely audible whisper.

"Here's where the fun begins. You're going to use an illusion of yourself, your Doppelganger, to distract and kill the front entrance guards. I will help you spin the web of illusion. How you use it distract the guards is your test."

Sage branched out with a tendril of mental energy. Animus would feel it tapping at his forehead like unwanted visitor. Sage's distinctive tenor seeped into the apprentices consciousness.

First you must let me into your mind.
Animus eyed the surrounding, and made a mental note of the defenses and weaponry. Chiss, animus thought, a shame really, Animus thought the most beautiful woman he had ever seen was Fantana the Chiss lady of house Chaf, Her eyes a two Blood crystals of hate and anger, oh how she would have him at beck and call if she only knew. Animus let the thought muse in his head, the Blue skinned Goddess of Chaf was Animus' favorite daydream. A smile wandered to his face upon the thought of the time he saw her, Yellow dress that whirled in the Csillian wind... a sight he had yet to equal in his trips through the Galaxy.

Animus snapped out of his incessant daydream and Focused on sage bane Kneeling before him. "Of course Master Bane" As he felt the tendril of Dark energy peirce his mind like a dagger in a blackened night.
[member="Sage Bane"]
Location: City of Joto
Objective: Plunder the Netharanium mine
Allies: [member="Animus Malgus"]
Enemies: Anyone who wants to play

It might be a disconcerting feeling at first, the sensation of that dark tendril oozing coldly into Animus' mind. However, in a few moments, the apprentice would presumably find himself adjusting to the intrusion. Once Sage was inside, he had access to Animus' thoughts, and he browsed them like a book. He noted his affection for a Chiss Aristocra, and his reluctance to kill the Chiss guards here on Joto. Overall, Animus' loyalty to the Sith seemed to win out in his heart, so Sage was unconcerned.

Now that their minds were linked, Sage telepathically delivered a series of hand gestures directly into Animus' mind. The motions would awaken ancient pathways to the Force to help the illusionist spin the vision of his very own physical form, a phantom self. Once this knowledge was placed directly into the celebral cortex of the apprentice, he had the tools. Next, it was time to help him mold the clay. Once again, Sage's mental whisper came.

By using these complex gestures, you can create a visual manifestation of yourself, a Doppelganger. Your illusionary twin can play on your victim's senses. It can even speak to the victim. If the victim ceases to believe it exists, however, the magic will be undone. It can also be dispelled if you yourself are hit with a light-sided attack.

Now, try it for yourself.
Animus felt the intrusion on his mind like a dark web that linked him and master bane together. Like a door been opened from the Master's mind into Animus. It was uncomfortable at first, Animus felt naked, all his secrets and thoughts were exposed and laid bare to the master, but Animus did not stop it, he had nothing to hide from [member="Sage Bane"]
Suddenly he knew... Gestures and an Art of Illusion, almost as if he had known it and practiced it all his life, he knew what he must do.
He was reluctant admittedly to kill the Chiss, but on the Orders of Sage Bane, Animus would slay every Lord in the Galaxy... The Sith was above all, even above Animus himself, aside from his pride, His Pride was to serve the Sith, no bigger pride than that could ever hope to be achieved.
Animus nodded and said "Yes master Bane... as you wish" Animus began to develop his Doppleganger, an Illusion of himself... a Twin.
Animus creeped up through the tower of where the Chiss guard was looking from.
Animus was directly below him, he made his doppelganger appear, in the walkway on top of the Bridge. To the Opposite side of the Guard, Oblivious to the doppleganger. Animus controlled it perfectly, it was as if he had a puppet.
"Hey, Blueface" The Doppelganger said as the Guard faced the opposite direction of where the Real Animus was. The Guard was shocked to see this robed Assassin Golden eyes flickering pull out a sword and charge at him. The guard instead of Firing a shot ran from the doppelganger screaming unintelligible screams into his coms and jumped off the 10 feet Tower right in front of the Real Animus. Animus smiled and said "Hey there blue face" Before slashing his head off with a flick of his lightsaber. The Guards Blue head tumbled towards Sage Bane and so did Animus' Sight searching for his approval.
Location: City of Joto
Objective: Plunder the Netharanium mine
Allies: [member="Animus Malgus"]
Enemies: Anyone who wants to play

Sage waited inside Animus' mind, overseeing the casting of the spell. Sometimes apprentices needed assistance with the complex gestures. They had to be practiced with precision, or else the spell would not work properly. The Hand had witnessed several students make incomplete Doppelgangers, some with missing limbs or even a head. Not Acolyte Malgus though. Animus took to illusionism like a duck to water. The man definitely had a keen knack for it, as well as a natural curiosity for the arcane. This was a student that the Hand would keep an eye on. He could use apprentices like Animus on the battlefield, men of action, who didn't need to be told twice, like some of the insolent whelps he had taken on.

The first Chiss guard, the one on the tower, was soon dispensed of with the apprentice's clever ruse. There was another guard on the ground near the entrance. Careful not to speak aloud, Sage's familiar tenor dripped into the apprentices mind.

Good work, Apprentice. Now practice casting the spell again, and just as before, use your Doppelganger to fool the other guard. Perhaps try two at once for a challenge?

Sage found the best way to practice was rote repetition. So in this vein he would keep pressing Animus until all four guards were disposed of.
Animus nodded at the Sage's request, he moved like a shadow creeping on the walls, moving with the wind dashing from tree to tree feeling the Dark Shadow of [member="Sage Bane"] in his mind guiding him, making him deadly... An Assassin in training. In the high bushes of the tall trees of Mayferrias swamps he looked at the entrance Guards.
Hearing the Masters challenge he again drew upon the Sages' ancient Knowledge and gestures as on top of the Tree branch, unmoving, slightly tilting at the command of a wind blow two Illusions appeared under the tree.

the Illusions walked forwards as Animus commanded them, both moving in Unison, both moving exactly the same. The two chiss Guards in the entrance ordered them to halt as they approached, but the Illusions rushed at them at the same time. The Guards shot at them each illusion dissipating with each blast.... Just as Animus predicted.
The guards dashed to the location of the Illusions , looking at the ground as if to find the corpse what what they had just shot. Another Illusion by Animus, This one right under the tree beckoned the guards his way.
The guards in a Frenzy shot at the Illusion chasing after it for just a second before Animus dropped down from the tree in an Effortless Juyo Motion downing both guards before they even knew they were there.
Their Bodies, hacked, Split in two by the fury of the Blue Lightsaber that once brought Justice and Peace, it was now bringing War and Death at the behest of Master Sage.... Everyone would die. Everyone who stood and fought, everyone who did not surrender, would soon meet a similar fate to the guards whose mutilated bodies decorated the trunk of the large tree like a Blood Magic ritual.
Again Animus kneeled to hear the words of the Master, to hear his next command... to Adhere to the Lord of Thorns and bring death to the Enemies of the Sith.
"Death, to all who oppose us.."

Ruby Wilded

Location: Sith Ground Command Center
Objective: Find the Iron Strategist & Krest
Allies: [member="Darth Ophidia"] [member="Darth Ferus"]

Enemies: Computer Nerds!!!

Ruby managed to get into the Sith's command outpost without much trouble. Everyone was rushing about. No one seemed to notice, or pay attention to anyways, just one more person wearing a cloak around here. Conquests were hectic after all, and she fit in well with the Sith archetype. As she marched about the place, looking for someone who could help locate her master exactly. All she knew for sure was Krest; or Ferus as he was called now, was participating in the invasion. Ruby picked out someone operating some computers. The man looked like he knew what was going on. "Hey you". No response, the guy was focusing too much on the screens. That wouldn't do, she needed this info now. Ruby picked up a handful of pens off a nearby table. Rule one of being a Sith, be angry, or pretend to be. It commands attention. Ruby threw her fist full of pens at computer geek. Some impacted his head and back. Others scattered by. "Pay attention when your betters are talking to you or you'll be wearing your pants as a hat! And you don't want to know how I will accomplish that".

The man ducked after the barrage. Hands over his head in a cowardly fashion. Then again anyone else takes that sort of reaction after being pelted by things. Protect the head instinct after all. "Yes sir. My apologies sir". The man turned about to see his torturer. A girl who's face was partially obscured by a red cloak, kind of short, but threatening. "I mean mam, sir. Uhh. What can I do for you"?

Rule one was paying off. Ruby kept the ball rolling with a ticked off tone. "Find out where Darth Ferus is operating. And arrange me transportation to that location. Or I'll find an even more inventive way to arrange a hat for you". It took a great deal of strength to keep the giggles away. She was having to much fun with this guy and her childish nature wanted out to play in full view.

"Yes, right away sir". Furious typing commenced on her orders. It took but a few minutes with her hawking over him, but he obtained the tactical data she needed. That transport as demanded too. With a point in the right direction for pick up, Ruby left the nerd to his post. And the command center all together for the transport LZ. She felt far out of her depth, but the deception was holding up nicely. Soon she's be reunited with her Master Krest.

Darth Timoris

To err is human, to forgive divine. And I'm no god
[Post = 13/20]​

Location: In the arena
Objective: 4. Maiden’s Blade
Allies: None
Enemies: Some Zabrak

Melori's lightsaber traced glittering red arcs through the air. She spun, slashed, stabbed, pushing the Zabrak backwards. But always her opponent parried. She seemed to be biding her time.

She was baiting her, Melori realised. Feigning weakness.

Melori relented in her attack, backed off a few steps, and reached out through the Force. Immediately she felt the faint, intentionally suppressed signature of another Force-user to her right. The Zabrak's ally was hidden behind the rubble, moving closer.

Melori loosed a furious series of overhand strikes that forced the Zabrak to retreat rapidly. Sidestepping a stab from the Dark Jedi, Melori rode her motion into a Force-augmented spinning side kick that hit the Zabrak in the ribs and sent her cartwheeling into the wall of the arena. At the same time, Melori reached out with the Force for the hidden Dark Jedi, brushed aside the resistance she felt, and pulled her out of hiding.

A human female in her twenties rose up out of ruins, dangling like a fish on the hook of Melori's power. Her legs kicked futilely; the deep purple blade of her lightsaber cut at empty air; she gagged as Melori's power squeezed shut his throat.

"So much for your ambush," Melori said, and closed her fist, crushing the ambusher’s windpipe. She let the body fall to the ground. A flash of anger shot from the Zabrak as she bounded over the rubble at Melori. Melori watched her come, her red blade held slack at her side.

At 10 metres, Melori extended her free hand and loosed arcs of Force Lightning. They struck the charging Dark Jedi: swept through her defences, swirled around her, and began to burn flesh.


Location: Surface of Mayferria | Location Unknown
Objective: Destroy the Sith [ Objective 5 Opposition ]
Allies: The Covenant, Enemies of the Sith
Enemies: The One Sith, Allies of the Sith, [member="Nerius"]
Post: [ 09/20 ]

There was seemingly nothing to do against the hit at the girl's nose bridge -- Lilin couldn't react to that fast enough nor would she have been able to get out of there fast enough had she somehow managed to notice the man trying to hit her. So the man hit her where he wanted to and it caused a quite loud crack and a serious amount of pain Lilin could barely deal with.

"Ugh," she muttered.

She tried to get her arm back from the man's grasp while kicking the man's right leg with her left foot. She would have to get out of there. The pain was a lot to bear and all she could think of was hoping that the injury wasn't too dangerous and serious.

She needed her nose, after all.

There was no time to think why the lightsaber had not made its way through the armour. Because in all seriousness, at that moment there was no time for thinking. She had to rely on her senses and instincts.
Location: City of Joto
Objective: Plunder the Netharanium mine
Allies: [member="Animus Malgus"]
Enemies: Anyone who wants to play

Sage watched as Animus' illusions confounded each guard, only to be severed in two by the man's plasma blade. Animus was a brutal killing machine with no hesitation in his effortless Juyo form. He was going to go far in the One Sith. Sage could feel it.

"Animus, you are an animal," praised the Hand with a proud, toothy grin. "In fact, that can be your nickname. 'The Animal.'" Flicking on his commlink, Sage ordered the One Sith troops and mining droids to their location. Now that the mine was unguarded, It was time to reap the spoils.

Just when the group was set to begin their descent, there came the sound of frantic voices. More guards began to spill out of the entrance, their blaster fire crisscrossing through the swamp. As Sage was still mindlinked with Animus, he gave his next instruction.

I will show you how to spin a simple, but powerful illusion to cause massive fear and panic in these sentient beings.

With another series of hand gestures, and a verbal invocation, silken filaments of the Force wove together to make a hyperrealistic illusion that only the guards would see. Massive, plant-like tendrils, riddled with razor-sharp thorns burst out of the ground around the guards. Along with the vision, Sage pressed emotions into the illusions. The guards would find themselves consumed with panic and fright, and soon some of them ran, but not all. Once again, the Hand's seductive tenor seeped into the apprentice's mind.

Animus, add to the illusion. With the help of my power, you can work with me make it stronger and more terrifying. One illusionist is a beast. Two are a behemoth.
Animus hearing the voice of [member="Sage Bane"] slowly rose from his kneeling position. "Yes master" He said with a grin "As you wish" He repeated the hand gestured in his mind and his hands would quickly follow. The tendrils of that the guards faced soon became covered in flame, and then would see what Animus had seen in Korriban, a Massive tuka'ta, covered in flame.
The ground under them would appear to be covered in spikes and gore, limbs battered and their comrades dead.
The guards that remained ran inside fleeing the tukata if not falling to the ground screaming in fear.
"The Animal sound so....uncivilized" Animus said with his eyes closed to his master, connected. He Saw a particular guard, screaming in fear. He dissipated the Tuka'ta to do this, but still the flames raged on. The guard would see light blaze up from Animus as he walked slowly towards him. The light would be a figure covered in light, approaching the man. It was made to look beautiful, shining and pure and a calming pressing, the closer that he looked animus beckoned a the image of a beautiful maiden dressed in White gowns, her hand a light of beauty which was in fact the blaster Animus held which ripped his head off. The illusion disappears as he shot his mangled corpse repeatedly as the blood spurted everywhere. "They shall see death." Animus said reloading his clip. And focusing back adding more dark tendrils and spikes of darkness.

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