Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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FNRP - Fracas at Far Harbor (Open to All!)

Kiso was not really paying attention to the bids, nor did she care, the Shroud was here to acquire phrik and meet those of importance, not spend valuable cash on some most likely useless device from the past. Though once that hologram started spouting nonsense things became more interesting, not the best situation mind you but never the less interesting. The sudden image and mind attack only partially affect Kiso, her bionics not being affected lessening the debilitating outcome of what ever the.. thing did to everyone one, "What the kark was that"?

Looking up the marine saw the incoming ship, followed by the word from the hologram lady again, join them, not likely, and with so many Sith present the invaders would be in for a rude awakening. Wofle started to gather up those willing to fight, having a reasonable amount of experience on his side, and as her commanding officer she ready and waiting, once their star destroyer return a space battle of epic proportions would occur.

As people slowly gather her eye fell on the same girl that Kiso saw earlier, looking closer the resemblance to her mentor was even stronger, were they related? While Wofle started to prepare a battle strategy Kiso walked over to said girl, no older then 18 by the looks,"You there, whats your name, and why are you here"?

[member="Kainan Wolfe"] l [member="Incursion"]
Finding what I needed, I finally made a connection to what I needed. I cleared up the picture of the woman, and as I looked at. I smiled a little as I broke through it. However, that changed when I saw the woman's face. She looked directly at me. Her eyes piercing my soul. I could almost feel bile come up from my mouth at the notion that this woman could even see me. Calling me child like a mother would. Aiming to call me to her. I saw strings if images flashing through my head. A vision of where to go. She called out to me.

Pulling myself out, I recoiled from the console. James looked at me with absolute shock. He pointed at me and then took a step back.

"You're a... a force user?"
"Yeah... I am."

It was when both James and his father doubled over in pain. Screaming and yelling in inhuman ways. They fell upon the floor and writhed in pain. I leaned down and tried by best to figure out what was wrong. In that moment, I saw another woman who seemed to be unaffected by this. I looked at her only a moment before Everyone seemed to get over this affliction. They looked around and dealt with it in their own way. James was drooling as he came too.

"Lay down, don't move unless necessary. I'm gonna go check on something."

Looking over to the woman, It seemed both of us were unaffected by this attack. Was there something different with the both of us to allow us to not be attacked? I didn't have a clue, but needed to find out. I took a few steps away from where James and his father lay. Trying to rub the pain out of their heads, and get up to do something. Making my way to the woman, I was quick with what I wanted from her.

"Both you and I didn't get hit. I think I have a lead if you want to come with."

[member="Incursion"], [member="Enyo Typhos"],
Is A Great Slicer To Work With
Chaos was erupting in Far Harbor.

It began with small fights, then slowly got worse with other activities. For many who, like Malen, hadn't brought a weapon, it seemed the situation could only get worse for them. Malen however had his own weapon - a datapad, which at the hands of those who knew how to use it, could prove to be a game changer.

While he considered slicing his way to his ship, Malen decided to write several lines of code to a botnet along with various crude payloads, just in case he needed to use it. He could have used Mechu-duru for another purpose, but the Epicanthix hybrid needed to do knew that using it while also using force stealth wasn't feasible. The revelation the AI was a hostile intelligence was enough to convince him that using his slicing abilities would be better than sitting around.

When he got out of the booth, he could see many people begin to fall to the ground, Malen included. He struggled to breath, his force signature being revealed in the process. It felt like a missile had just exploded in his mind. Slowly, but surely, he was able to fight it, struggling to get up due to all the pain he had just received.

Having been able to fight the pain, he went back inside, looking for the auctioneer that was here. The auctioneer struggled to breath, but Malen needed him to speak.

"That exploit, the zero-day. Can it be used for the systems here?"

He didn't get a response, as he could no longer get feel his heartbeat. Malen decided to take the storage device that had the zero-day. Before he exited out again, he went to the terminal began to work. Using his mechu-duru to aid him, he was able to memorize some of the vulnerabilities that were there from the source code.

As he exited, he looked around, making sure that there weren't any droids, or cameras nearby.

It was time to get to work.

[member=Incursion] / [member="Darth Abyss"] / [member="Tegaea Alcori"]
What an delightful, considerate person. Sybil, or, The Major, for those so inclined within the First Order Security Order, was a highly adaptable specialist. As her lens clad blue eyes peered down at the blaster pistol proffered something akin to sentimentality played across her freckle stained face. In a galaxy so interwoven with chaos, it was almost naive to ask someone if they could use a blaster pistol. Such a question hearkened back to an ephemeral Sehnsucht: or a nostalgia for something one had never personally experienced -and all of this was contained in a little gesture attached to the end of a pistol grip.

Sybil was enchanted by the situation.​
Never one to be so rude as to undercut a person's generosity, the bespectacled woman politely takes the familiar blaster pistol and obeys the first rule of firearms: to check that the safety was engaged. Insured, the tall woman downs her liquor and returns the glass. A slight blush softened her cheeks as the alcohol did its usual burn.

"Yes, I do. Thank you. I'll follow you off this station if that is not too bold an imposition. But for now, want to follow that guy over there?" She points a thumb at the composed gentleman who referred to himself as the "Lord of Shrouds." It was bit blunt, barring on melodramatic to say something like that aloud, but he seemed to be a stalwart chap.

"HALLO! We'll watch your back as you advance with that saber. Deal?" With a shout.

With any luck, Sybil wouldn't have to using any of her other, innate talents to help her new partners of necessity. She would if their lives were threatened -being one to always be a sucker for benevolent cooperation.

[member="Kainan Wolfe"] [member="Aeshi Tillian"] [member="Incursion"] @Everyone Else


Event Account
[member="Anora Shaw"] [member="Sky'ito Yumi"] [member="Lark"] [member="The Major"] [member="Muad Dib"] [member="Malen"] [member="Darth Venefica"] [member="Darth Abyss"] [member="Darth Banshee"] [member="Ultimatum"] [member="Miss Blonde"] [member="Jorah"] [member="HK-36"] [member="Ghorua the Shark"] [member="Nima Tann"] [member="Elpsis Elaris"] [member="Ultimatum"] [member="Kainan Wolfe"] [member="Aeshi Tillian"] [member="Lily Kuhn"]

Enyo & Anora

Sapphire’s response was calm, confident.
“Of course, as you wish!”
The hanger door slid open to Enyo’s ship, probably to the disappointment of Neda who had lined up a missile launcher on the door.

The chamber at the top of the station was for the moment empty except for Garnet. The seemingly human glanced around at Enyo as she entered.
“Welcome, Enyo. This meeting will have to serve instead of Coruscant. Have you considered our offer? We are willing to offer generous terms for an alliance with you.”

When Anora entered Garnet smiled. “Welcome Anora. We sensed your interest, your skills. Would you like to hear our offer?”

Darth Abyss

As the Undead woke and took their positions and stood guard, Abyss would head down into the depths of the station.
Outside a large durasteel door were the bodies of two of his people, low level and relatively unimportant sorts, but their bodies lay on the deck. There were no physical marks of violence on them, but considering the mental attack which had just happened that did not mean anything.

The signal definitely indicated it was coming from behind this door. The overrides the Sith had were not working, and acid would take a long time…days really…to eat through the door. Still, a lightsabre or the Force would certainly break through.

Darth Venefica

The now crippled woman whimpered, but complied, moving ahead of the Sith Lady obediently. However, like the others, they’d find all the doors to the docking bays sealed. Still, people were quickly looking for ways out, and in the general confusion, Venefica might be able to lightsabre or otherwise get the door open.

HK-36 & Sky’ito

The little slot in HK’s booth opened, and the artefact rolled out.
Sapphire reappeared on his holodisplay.
“I think that’s a fair offer. Congratulations, Iron Protector. I do hope we might have a discussion, you and all your esteemed Metal Lords present….”
For Sky’ito, once she recovered, she’d see a different message. “I’m sorry, better luck next time. However, if you were to join us, I could provide you with several, far more worthy artefacts….”

Elpsis & Nima

Together, their mental shielding was able to deflect the worst of the psychic attack. The combination of Elpsis’ fire and their two lightsabres cut through the door like the proverbial hot knife through butter.
As they headed towards their ship in the hanger though they found that they could see what was happening outside. The massive ship was looming over the broken fragment of Far Harbor, and there were more ships behind it.
From the biggest of the ships, dropships and fighters were moving. Trying to take off into the swarm would be hazardous indeed for any single ship.

Tegaea herself, helped and steadied by her companions, managed to clear her head. She looked at the situation.
“If we try to fly out we’ll be cut to pieces.” A pause, looking between them all. “But if we could take control of the station’s broadcast system we might co-ordinate with all the ships here, and anything waiting in orbit to try at once. More targets, harder for the enemy to take us all down.”
But how? She looked at the Revenant. It was stealthy but not stealthy enough to escape all detection.
“I’ve got an idea. Let’s get on board and try and use the signal booster to contact the other ships. If we can persuade them to all try and leave at once we can use our stealth to get away.”

Darth Banshee

“Of course, my dear Sith, look outside. See the majesty of our fleet, the power of our forces. If this does not persuade you, come meet us, you will see our power in person.”
The slot in her booth would open and a datacard would be deposited there. On it, when connected to a datapad, was a contact code.


He was able to find somewhere a bit private. A scan of the communicator device found that malicious code had been entered in order to hijack it. Though it was an unusual insertion of code, it could be emulated if the slicer wanted to try and take back control of the communications systems….

Kainan and ALL Others

The distinguished gentleman had managed to gather support, and just at the right time. The mass of droid fighters was circling the station. They were not closing in to attack the place though. Rather, they were clearly on the lookout for any ships trying to flee.

Meanwhile droids were landing in the hanger bays. Some attempted to board the ships belonging to those present, others pressed on to attack into the main area of the station.

These droids were skeletal in appearance, armed with blasters, grenades and sonic pistols. Though tougher and smarter than regular droids they were still only regular in quality. Further, they were being dispatched in relatively small numbers, sent against all areas to engage as many targets as possible.

Why? Why was the large capital ships not just bombing the station? Why were the droids probing in still relatively small numbers and not strongly attempting to destroy the docked ships?
Attn: [member="Incursion"] | [member="Kiso"] | [member="tsarwars"] | [member="Aeshi Tillian"] | [member="Natasha Darkstar"] | [member="Formorta"] | [member="The Major"] | Everyone Else​
  • Outsider Station
    Far Harbor

The Warlord watched the hostile ship's movements and the deployment of forces for a few brief moments, his tactician mind dissecting the situation when his comlink beeped. Taking it in his free hand, he accepted the incoming connection over an encrypted military channel, turning so that the others wouldn't hear what was being said. "Lord of Shrouds, this is the Argent Dawn. We have received your message and are en-route to your location. Estimated time to arrival is two hours, over."

"Copy that, Argent Dawn," replied the Lord of Shrouds. "Alright, listen up, everyone," he said, waving those who had joined him, over. "They're not bombing the station, which means they want at least some of us alive," explained the warlord, his old instincts from his mercenary days taking over. "Here's the plan. We need to buy time for my reinforcements to arrive. We put up a fight, destroy some of those droids, then we pretend that we're ready to negotiate. If anyone here is any good with computers, I'll need you by my side when the time comes, to run electronic and cyberwarfare," he said, implying that whatever ship was due to reinforce them, wasn't some freighter.

"When the time comes, we make a beeline for the docking bays and get ourselves a ride, but we need to secure and hide it as soon as possible, just in case those droids decide to destroy every ship on the station. Air cover from those droid starfighters, will be provided for us as we retreat back to my ship," he said. Taking point, Wolfe led the group through the crowd, dispatching two droids with shots from his blaster pistol and a third one that had run into them after turning a corner, with his lightsaber.

This... Contingency had mobilized an impressive military force. However, the assailants had made one mistake: they trapped the galaxy's most dangerous individuals on the same station as Kainan Wolfe. And Kainan Wolfe had a very pissed off Star Destroyer en-route to their location.
After a long way down Abyss finally found himself in front of a closed door. Two corpses of his men, presumably killed by the mental attack that had happened earlier, already awaited him, adding just that bit of atmosphere he expected so close to the answer to this whole mess. Carefully he inspected the door, yet he made no attempt to open it. So far he had gotten through Outsider Station untouched by the opposing forces, and if possible he would continue his path the same way. It was more then unwise to go head to head with a unknown opponent, without knowing their weaknesses intimately enough to expose them. Instead he would try to get through without much noise, at best leaving the Contingency as little a hint as he could about him closing in the signal.

Once more his hand reached for his staff. A saber would probably quickly cut a pathway into the door, but why go through it, if you could simply bypass it, and the laws of reality, completely?

Like before words whispered in the air, and once more green smoke gathered around the skull on top of his weapon. This time not to raise the dead, but to cut a rift into the fabric of reality leading straight into the nether. From there he could pass the door on an entirely different plane of existence, with the main drawback being the wave of unease and agony such an unnatural act left within the force. On the other hand his presence alone was probably already enough to sense him, so he wasn't to worried that this would be the thing the really tipped them of about his position.

"Fe've ir armijio mazo tolus, dotacij nun ana pro tave shiris iv tave guduma" ("Near and yet so far, grant me passage through the realm of the dead")

With that a the rift was cut, and the husk was swallowed, for a few moments devoid of a single trace of his existence in the world of the living. Then the veil departed a second time, releasing Abyss back into reality and into whatever awaited him behind the door.

Is A Great Slicer To Work With
While he walked, an alarm system in Malen's datapad turned red. He was nervous, already beginning to type into his datapad, surprised as to how malicious code had been able to penetrate his defenses. He immediately began by going on the defensive performing a number of actions: he first accessed the root user and deleted all the logs of what he had typed on his keyboard over the past three hours; he then encrypted the source code of his botnet file, and it's payloads, then put his computer in 'Safe Mode'.

This all occurred as he moved deeper, and deeper into the station. There were still some force users that could sense him, but his primary goal was to get as from any droids/cameras, as well as the reinforcements that his enemy most likely had on it's way. After 90 seconds, he stopped moving, entering a booth where all the people were dead. He however smiled, seeing a bunch of terminals that were here.

It was time to get to go on the offensive.

Malen began running his own self-made anti-malware scanner. While it run on updated heuristic analysis, to him, it was an ancient method. If all went according to plan, it would immediately neutralize the malicious code, stopping it from functioning from datapad. At the same, he made sure to update the encryption key of his disk, also as a back-up plan.

If the malicious code was successfully neutralized, he would open up his IDE, where he would look at the code itself. The code itself was impressive, better than anything he had seen in during his time in a slicer, or while he looked at Aladon's databases. He then smirked, getting the idea in his mind to use it on the terminals, along with the botnet.

The slicer would then immediately connect his datapad to the terminal. He would then inject the botnet to the terminal, remotely activating the payloads in his datapad. The first payload would be a fork bomb, designed to exhaust as much resources as it could from the system - primarily any defenses. Lastly, the last one was a program designed to take over the entire computer, allowing Malen to hopefully be able to remotely control it if his attack was successful.

A botnet's primarily function was to be able to take control of as much computers as possible. The intention was for it to be able to hopefully distract whoever his enemy was, while he injected the code he had here to the terminal as well. Unknowingly, the neutral Knight had a more powerful weapon, a program that had previously attacked his datapad. Deciding to use it against his unknown enemy, Malen also injected it to the terminal, although he wasn't aware that it would allow him access to the terminal, and perhaps other terminal's communication systems.

[member="Anora Shaw"], [member="Incursion"]

Enyo cocked her head slightly when the blonde woman addressed her. She had also been unaffected by the mental attack. This could only mean that the Contingency was interested in her. She could sense that the woman was strong in the Force, but that could not be the sole cause. Presently, she was in the dark about Anora's aptitude for technomancy. Due to her powers, Anora would probably sense how...heavily mechanised Enyo was. Neither droid nor organic, she was something in between.

"So do I. Let us go. I'd keep your guard up," she spoke blandly. For a moment, she wondered whether she should tell the other woman about Rishi, but then decided against it. "I imagine this is a job offer. I believe I know why they picked me, but I am not so sure about you."

At this moment Neda appeared on the scene. The wiry Zabrak cyborg was carrying a big gun. Much to her disappointment, she had not gotten the chance to use it yet. She raised her eyebrow when she saw Anora. "New recruit for us or the Contingency?" she asked.

"Contingency. They're head-hunting."

"Grumpy about not being the only one the robot in a suit wants?"

"Shut up and come along." Those modifications were supposed to make Neda more obedient!

Anyhow, our three ladies eventually reached the top of the station, where they met Garnet. Presumably the hybrid was dressed in a hot business suit. She looked deceptively human and had a blazing Force aura, but Enyo knew better. Garnet was like her, and yet not the same. It aroused her curiosity, but she also found it a bit disconcerting. There were fancy chairs, but Enyo did not sit down. She was very opposed to chairs.

"The Sapphire unit is unprofessionally melodramatic. It is a very organic trait," she commented. "You revealed yourself to a more or less relevant crowd of organics, rather than hiding behind another face to use the chance to foment discord between them. You incapacitated many and parked a giant warship in front of the station. But while I sense machines boarding the station, they seem few in number. Your efforts to eradicate the organics are...piecemeal. This leads to two theories: Either you're not that competent or you want witnesses to escape and spread word. Let's go with the second. If the major powers are short-sighted, they will ignore what's in front of them or think they can bargain to gain a competitive advantage. Or their legions will mobilise and unite, be lured some place they can be trapped and defeated. Just like the auction was a trap. Which, of course, implies that you have huge force and far more advanced tech, or at least think so," her eyes never left Garnet as she spoke. Damn, that had been a lot of talking. It all clicked together. Only two days had passed since Rishi, but Enyo had been paying attention to the news. There had been many incidents that followed the same pattern. Neda blended into the background, but remained alert. Her bolter was loaded with ion rounds.

"I am mildly curious about your interest in Anora over here. I sense she is a Force Master, but there are many of those on the station, and you singled her out. So I imagine she has something that benefits you. Anyhow, make your sales pitch. What do you offer mine and me? And what is your plan for a new galactic order?"
[member="Incursion"], [member="Nima Tann"]

"Well, if you think it's worth a shot. Go for it." Of course, it required various shady characters on the station to be sensible. Elpsis was dubious, but being a practical gal she was not about to waste time arguing. Then suddenly the roar of approaching transports could be heard. They spilled out skeletal droids! Being blind, Elpsis could not see the droids per se, for in the Force they felt like background noise. However, they had oil and this produced heat she could sense.

Battle precognition kicked in. "We got company. Tegs, get to the ship. Nima, let's wreck things." Blaster bolts shot towards them and Elpsis ignited her lightsabre. The blazing orange blade slashed blaster bolts out of the air.

A sonic boom slammed into her and caused her to reel, tumbling. Force Protection blunted the impact, but it still hurt. Gritting her teeth, she winced as a blaster bolt grazed her side. A ball of flame manifested inside the palm of her hand as she advanced, growing bigger. Somersaulting through the air, she unleashed a charring wave of flame as she hit the ground. Lightsabre in hand, she set to work.
After speaking to the woman, It seemed like we were on some kind of the same page. I could feel the force radiating from her. I knew she could feel my own little spark of the force in the darkness due to so many people having to deal with what could only be explained as a dampening of the force. Taking this to mind, The woman began to speak to the Zabrak that stood nearby. Even throwing out how she knew why they picked her, but not me.

Truth be told, I had no clue why they picked me too! Nor even about this other woman. Her companion seemed fine as well. What was letting all of us avoid whatever had caused this to them. As she started to walk off, I followed her. Really I didn't need to follow her as I knew about four different ways to get to the top of the building. Almost like when I was a child walking home from school. I could do it blindfolded. Same here.

Once on top of this building, we came to stand in front of... whoever this was. I couldn't trust it was this Sapphire woman or hell, anything else. Yet as I drew closer, the woman mentioned me by name, and offered me... a job? Saying I was needed for my talents. Talents in wh- Now it makes more sense.

"I am a Technomancer. I can manipulate machines by my will alone. Just before the attack I tried to access where the signal to Sapphire was through a console."

I took a step forward. Even after hearing what, Enya? Enyo? Whatever she said about them making an attack. Then it was all connecting.

Recent attacks by droids or robotic like beings were flying over the holonet like a wildfire. I heard rumors that these attacks were leading up to something. What got me is that some were saying it was just a malfunction of droids. This couldn't be so. No. These people were trying to make an entire assault against the galaxy. One where they seemed to attack only beings. I didn't see any droids in the auction house.

"So you two are HRD's or an android of some kind. And this Contingency wants you two for your services as yourselves. You feel different than every force user I have met. You are on a different level of a cyborg. That's what you are worth to them. More technology, and more manpower."

Turning back to my possible employer, I tilted my head as I then post a rhetorical question.

"You want me for my skills in Technomancy. and you are giving me a generous offer that I can't refuse?"

Looking down at my hands, and then down at my boots. I took a second to think. If what they were offering was possible, if I could somehow do what I set out to do because they aided me, if there was even a chance that I could be one step closer to getting her. Then I would take it.

"What is your offer."

[member="Enyo Typhos"], [member="Incursion"],


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)

"Because suddenly you cannot keep up with two conversations at once."

HK quipped in response to Ultimatum's complaint about him talking over the recording of Sapphire as he put in the credits one by one into the slot, causing an opening in it to extend out for the rod with Force sensitive crystals to roll out from inside.

"Thank you very much."

The droid replied to the holoprojector as he grabbed the rod, looking it over before shrugging and hiding it away inside one of his many satchels on the armored utility belt.

"I have the Greycloaks with me, they are aboard the Knight of the Eclipse,"

The shuttle which in no way was captured or hindered during the events of Mustafar by the way,

"But until we are able to get to them we are on our own. Outside of that I do not have much,"

His hands would move over the belt, looking over through holsters, satchels, hidden compartments,

"Only two heavy shattergun revolvers, my lightsaber, Spear of Rae, Gauntlets of Gravitational Mastery, some sourcefyre crystals, whatever weapons I have hidden on me, chameleon cloak, the Anti-Force biot armor, which can stop and anti-armor shell and rip flesh apart with a mere touch, and just a collection of various grenades,"

The droid pulled out a couple of orbs, one was a thermal detonator the other some sort of a gas grenade to punctuate his report,

"But other than that, I do not have anything useful, so if we will come across something like a tank then we will probably be- oh wait,"

HK stopped himself as he opened the drum of his magnetic revolver,

"I have these loaded with neuranium pellets. So we would be actually able to take down a tank with this."

He spun the drum before pushing it back in its slot and holstering the weapon once more,

"I am pretty sure we are the most dangerous thing aboard this station right now."

HK quipped just as [member="Lord Mettallum"] activated from his low power state and he received a transmission from [member="AD-8"],

"No, no, no attacks or landing troops,"

He replied to Lord Mettallum while sending a transmission to AD with the same content,

"AD, we are aboard the station over the planet, we have little to no troops with us and someone just conducted a mental attack on organics, do not land your soldiers just yet and do not provoke them, if we can avoid a fight or learn more about these attackers before chit hits the fans then we should take that opportunity."

He would look to Mettallum and Ultimatum then, speaking to them while he sent out a transmission of the same words to AD,

"However we should be prepared to fight our way out of here on our own, no soldiers to help, no allies, just the three of us kicking ass left and right until we reach the hangars. I doubt we would have any difficulties with it though, after all we are the Metal Lords. The metal does not age, we are eternal."


HK pressed on the call button then, responding back to their unknown and mysterious benefactor,

"Alright, me and my colleagues are willing to meet and speak with you,"

The old droid agreed without really asking Mettallum and Ulti whether they were willing to do it or not,

"We have our conditions though, we received reports of attacks on organics and troop movement towards the station and the planet. Call an armistice and hold back your soldiers and offensive against the meat-kind for the duration of our talks and make sure that they know it is by the grace of Metal Lords they gain some respite and peace. I am sure the matter of our allegiances will be discussed during this meeting, if we do not agree with your stance and decide to oppose you, we would not want the organics to think we are associated,"

HK explained, continuing,

"However, if we will side with you, making organics here believe that we are still allies to them and build trust on us would be a great ruse to gain advantage over them later on together. I am sure you would agree that this maneuver is logical and would be highly efficient in the future if we will work together."

Ein Harper

hippocratic fethin' oath
Location: Balcony above the general marketing area
Nearby: [member="HK-36"], @Lord Metallum, [member="Malen"], others on the auction house floor
Target: [member="Incursion"]

Jorah hoisted his rifle up into his hands, the weapon whirring as its power cell came to life. His comms with the rest of the security force were flooded with static and garbled words. Whomever these invaders were, they were intelligent enough to keep their would be opponents silent.

Feeling was still numb. Jorah felt an echoed pang of frustration at the back of his mind, but it was a foreign thing. Bursts of coherent words broke through the comm network; they told of droid strike teams causing minor chaos around the perimeter of the station and the arrival of a new unknown fleet.

The leather in his gloves crinkled as he squeezed on the railing. The helmet's vocalizer clicked as its output volume was set to the max.

Jorah's voice was akin to a distorted bullhorn as he shouted down from his perch above the marketplace.

"You want to explain your intentions in better detail beyond 'surrender organics, the end is coming', so that we might actually talk intelligently."

Or we could all just kill one another.

Throat hurt. Jorah grimaced.

She looked out, the fleet did look impressive, but looks where not everything. She seen nice ships before, but it what was inside that counted. Okay I am game, but I ain't putting that in my own pda, as it has some private details, that I wish to keep that way. She got out then head out, see she saw droids but paid them no heed. She figured they where with the forces outside of the station. As she left she saw some man with a pda, she just snatched it of him. He replied OI give it me back, she just showed him her saber, and he backed off. She was not into killing without reason, as it demeaned the act. She then placed the data card in it, a contact code came up. She then using the force contacted [member="Darth Venefica"], I am playing ball, I keep you informed what happens. I don't trust them, but if makes empire stronger, it is worth the risk. Keep yourself safe, also Captain Markus is in a stealth fury outside the station if you need help. Contact him, he will know who you are. May the force be with us. She then pressed the contact, waited to see what happened. She was nervous, but she was a loyal subject of the empire.
After assisting Darth Abyss and Miss Blonde, as well as their cohorts the zombified, from dropping through the weakened flooring Muad stood back and watch them leave with a sense of determination in their strides. Standing there thinking for a few moments the Mad Knight contemplated on his future actions.

The space station had become infiltrated on a technological level. A giant warship was in orbit approaching the said Space Station. Several smaller vessels had arrived to the space station where a Droid contingency had disembarked to engage those few beings still conscious aboard the space station.

To Muad it seemed the easiest way to attain their obvious goal would be to merely destroy the space station. And yet that was not being done. Which meant that the station held something of value, something as of yet undetermined. With this in mind a slight grin became etched across the Mad Knight's face. To those who knew Muad Dib, they would know that was never a good thing.

Quickly he moved out, sword gripped loosely in his right hand. Trotting down the hall through the minefield of fallen bodies he laid them no mind as occasionally his armored boots landed on flesh heaps with a sickening crunch. Twice he had run into a few of the arriving droids where quick reflexes and muscle memory served the Mad Knight well as sword work came into play in close quarters. The droids were designed as infantry it seemed and yet they were no more efficient then the average Droid soldier it seemed. Something to reflect on later perhaps.

As he went deeper into the station's bowels he encountered fewer and fewer opposition or members of the organic ki d who were conscious. This worked to his advantage as he sheathed his sword and moved even faster through the corridors.

Reaching a maintenance hatch he placed his hand against the controls for a moment and summoned the force. Following the electrical impulses and surges be saw in his minds eye he duplicated the pattern and with a click the door opened. Chuckling he moved in shutting the door behind.

Moving into one of the offices he rummaged through a desk until he found a datapad that had the station's schematics. A few swipes on the display and he deactivated the datapad from it's connectivity to the station, in effect disabling any external interference from outside forces. Taking several minutes he scanned through the schematics finding the quickest way to his goal.

Moving from the office he made his way to a maintenance turbolift and , using the force to strengthen his body, pried the doors open to look down the shaft. With a sigh he swing into the shaft and began climbing the rungs down to the level that he wanted to get to. Alternating sliding down the rails of the ladder and climbing down the rungs he quickly descended the shaft until reaching the correct level.

Reaching the turbolift doors he noticed that they were reinforced. So again placing his hand to the control panel he used the force to bypass the security protocols within. After several minutes the doors slid open. Before exiting the shaft he sent a surge of electrical energy through the panel in effect locking the servos that operated the doors so he could have a quick escape.

Climbing from the shaft he slowly made his way into the control room and looked through the viewport at the rippling energy from the fusion reactor that powered the station. A grin split his face as he sat at the controls and looked at all the levers and buttons. Muad rubbed his hands together as his blue eyes glowed with anticipation.

Several buttons and power levers had warning next to them. Tapping his chin thoughtfully he shrugged and began pushing dials and powering up everything he could reach. As the reactor levels spiked and a warning began flashing on the control board he read some of the diagnostics warning of an overload.

Laughing again he continued pushing buttons and levers watching the warning levels climb. A klaxon began blaring while he paused and read part of the warnings and recommendations as the reactor spiked. A reactor overload was nigh and the systems began recommending an energy vent before the reactor reached critical levels.

As he watched an automated emergency protocol began to be implemented despite his best attempts to stop it. Frowning Muad did the only thing left he could think of. Placing both hands on the controls he let out a surge of electricity through the force frying the circuitry that would potentially stop the overload. Rising from his seat he began firing electrical currents from his right hand and flames from his left into all the servers, data banks, consoles, and any other computer that appeared useful.

Ultimatum conceded the point, but was nonetheless glad that they had managed to collect the scepter. The artificial was certain that it would find some use in the grand scheme of the Metal Lords. The Force would be used just as well as everything else the galaxy had to offer. Waste of any resource was a failure to be efficient enough. While the Force was something that Ultimatum could not personally connect with, it was something that he could take advantage of nonetheless.

The question of armaments was obviously of little concern. However, to assume that the enemy could not hurt them, or was vulnerable to them, was to make a potentially disastrous mistake. They did not know the full power of their enemies, for all that Ultimatum knew the these droids could be invulnerable to any standard tech available to them. The problem was that they would not know until too late.

"Are you certain we will be able handle them." One thing that Ultimatum was glad to hear, it appeared that these invaders wanted to speak with with them. The droid was concerned that this was some form of trap. The droid agreed with the decision not to call for more troops to destroy everything. [member="Lord Mettallum"] probably had good intentions, but Ultimatum didn't think an army would help them at the moment.

Guile was the way forward, they had to be ready to trick the opponent. Which was why Ultimatum was glad that HK had decided to agree to meeting these attackers. He needed to know what their plans were.

[member="HK-36"] [member="AD-8"]
[member="Kainan Wolfe"] [member="The Major"] [member="Incursion"]

Aeshi nodded, noticing that the woman checked the safety. Interesting. So she had some experience with them. But then, if she was at this auction, she probably had her own experiences with shady folk. This entire auction, it appeared, was shady. But she would have to puzzle that out later. The presence was close now, whomever this other Tillian feeling person was. But she also sensed something of the Dark Side. She turned a corner, ducking back as a blaster bolt sizzled against the wall next to her.

She froze for a moment- the Tillian was there. It was the man with the Dark Sided saber, rallying the people for an escape. Was there a Tillian gone to the Dark that she hadn't known about? She couldn't think of any, but then, she'd only reunited with her extended family after the Omega War. Who knew what might have happened? It was possible.

"We can all fit on my ship!" Aeshi yelled to the man, not trusting her instincts about him. But he was familiar. He even had the cheekbones. But who was he? "Droids aren't going to be able to take it out." She smiled, flinging herself against a wall as another barrage of blasters careened towards them. She ducked forward as the skeletal creatures took cover, pistol ready. There it was- a flicker in the Force. She squeezed the trigger, catching the droid in its metal body, sending it collapsing down. "Hangar A-45."

She found herself near the front of the group, looking around the corner, muscles tense. They could keep this up all they wanted- outgunned, outnumbered, and surrounded, cut off from reinforcements. Or they could try and seize some sort of advantage. She ran his plan through her mind and frowned.

"Try and hold them off?" Her voice hissed beneath the blaster fire. "You're insane." She gestured to the corridors. "We need a fortified position. Not open hallways."

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
"We'll cover you." Nima replied to Tegs as they were welcomed by skeletal droids once the door opened, and prepared her stance once they started shooting at them. Nima nodded to Elpsis and concentrated on the Force immediately to create a protective web in front of her, tanking the shots. Blaster bolts stood there before getting reflected, trying to penetrate the defences. Taking advantage of this opportunity, she pushed the web and redirected the shots towards the droids.

If it connected with Elpsis's attack, it would limit the droids' reaction to her wave of flames.

With the web gone, Nima was vulnerable to the attacks so she jumped back, and she sent a quick Force wave towards the droids to disrupt their balance. Once she landed, she took a breath and lauched, keeping her lightsaber close to her body to protect herself from the bolts.

[member="Elpsis Elaris"] [member="Incursion"]
'Go figure, a swarm of droids - what's next, an entechment-obsessed human replica droid hellbent on turning all biological life into synthetic ones?'

Scratch that, best not to think of things that the galaxy might throw back in your face one day. "I hate my life." She grumbled, pushing herself back to her feet as the transports encircled the auction location. 'That doesn't mean I want to die, I might add.' Lily thought immediately afterwards, as if it made any difference. A small hand moved for the blaster that she had kept holstered at her hip, a sense of self-preservation kicking into high gear - especially since she hadn't exactly kept up with her self-defense training, and doubly so because she was effectively alone.

If she had kicked herself for not continuing her training a year back, she was considering herself lucky that were she to do that now, physically or metaphorically, she'd only be worse off than some pretty face wandering around with a blaster that she could handle only moderately better than the average person. 'And what is this "Contingency"? A Contingency against what?' She wondered, putting herself behind a short wall for cover.

AD-8 was disappointed at the refusal of his chance to test the droids but understood HKs reasoning.

"I'll come down to talk to them with you, I don't like the look of them though, we should be cautious," He replied to [member="HK-36"]. He walked towards the turbo lift that went down to the hanger.

"And can you tell them to not attack them when I'm on my way down," He added hoping that he would get a safe passage through. He had seen images from the ground and it didn't look good. He felt there was something wrong that he couldn't quite put his finger on.

[member="Ultimatum"] [member="Incursion"]

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