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Faction [GA | Allies | Neutral] Hapes Charity Event

"That seems like a reasonable enough deal to me. Though if I know anything about politicians, is that they'll always have some kind of hook or ulterior motive. I wonder what yours could be?"

Alicio smirked. That was the perception of politicians, these days. And given who populated the senate seats in recent years, it couldn't entirely be blamed. "You caught me. I was going to wish for my peace, too, so it'd have double the chance to come true. Oh well." He flashed a smirk. "Guess I have no choice but to wish for you, after all."

The King of Alderaan paused a moment, looking at the sky, thoughts running like an untamed rapid behind his riverstone eyes.

Until it was time. Alicio closed his eyes, and made a wish.

He did wish for Shan's family, despite his jests. For his mother, wherever she was. That they would find happiness, and peace. That they would find each other. The Hapan said that wishes could become reality, on a night like tonight.

For Shan's sake, Alicio hoped it to be true.

- Shan Pavond Shan Pavond - Open -


"You mean the fun you're going to have with me, mm?"

Kahlil flashed a wink and a grin. There was no doubt in his mind that tonight she was going to try to prove his fact wrong; that he loved her most; and he always welcomed her to challenge it. It was the main reason he did love her so much. No matter what compentition they decided to have with one another, it was always fun. Always good natured.

He simply just loved her, through and through.

"You can make your wish first. You know the saying." He smirked a bit to her as they arrived at the fountain. His gaze shifted to the water as he squeezed her hand, smiled faintly.

"Sides, mine already came true."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Red Dress~ | Wedding Ring

"Oh, I'll have fun with you, alright..." Valery's voice dropped to a whisper, her eyes gleaming with a dangerous sparkle as she bit her lower lip. The way she looked at him, with that mix of playfulness and something much more intense, was enough to drive any man wild. As much as she enjoyed the Gala and their time together at the dance floor, she was already looking forward to the moments they'd steal away from prying eyes. It would be her chance to show him just how much she loved him.

First, she wanted to drive him crazy with anticipation long before they ever made it back to their room.

As they walked hand in hand, leaving behind the dance floor, Valery couldn't resist adding a bit of flair to her teasing. She let her hips sway with each step, the high slit in her red dress revealing tantalizing glimpses of her toned legs. The way the fabric clung to her curves made it impossible for him not to notice, and she flashed him a grin to let him know it was all on purpose.

The couple followed the long, winding path that led them towards Hapes' waters, where the fountains were waiting in a secluded area close to the sea. The night air was filled with the scent of flowers and exotic plants, the soft sound of water adding to the serene beauty of the setting. But what struck Valery most was the strength of the Force in this place — it was warm, inviting, yet she knew to tread carefully around such a potent nexus.

As they approached the fountain, Kahlil squeezed her hand gently, his earlier playful demeanor giving way to something more tender. "You can make your wish first. You know the saying. Sides, mine already came true."

"Really?" Valery's teasing tone softened, replaced by a gentle curiosity. She looked up at him, her eyes searching his as she asked, "What, uh, did you wish for?" She had a suspicion, but there was something about the way he said it that made her heart flutter. It made her curious and-

She realized how easy it was for him to keep her on her toes.

With a smile, she stepped closer to the fountain, closing her eyes for a moment as she held her hands together, the warmth of the Force swirling around her. In the stillness of the night, surrounded by the calming presence of the water and the plants, Valery made her wish, "I wish that my husband and I get to grow old together, so we can raise our children in good health and be happy together."

When she opened her eyes, she looked at Kahlil with a loving, almost playful expression, "How was that? I heard these fountains can make wishes come true in unexpected ways."




Wearing: xxx
Tag: Palm-Imer Palm-Imer

They walked to the dance floor. Judah had not danced in some time despite what many may think about his ways with women. It was all a front, the flirting and the occasional dalliance. He was not sure he could actually dance with this woman without stepping on her toes, but it seemed his body did not forget the steps. The music helped, the rhythm, and it took little time to fall back into old habits.

A twinge of guilt creased his brow and left the moment it came. It should not have been so easy. He had danced like this with Red, and Judah had avoided dancing since. This was a role, he was being diplomatic. The cause was worth taking one more step toward being an asset to the Jedi. He let the guilt go as quickly as it came. Judah was enjoying the dance, and banter was fun as well.

“The dancing or the flirting,” he joked. “The katas I do daily help me move, but the dancing was something I learned from my late wife.”

He smiled as the music continued. Judah was genuinely curious about this Palm-Imer and her people. He would rather focus on her and her people.

“I don’t need to go on about me. Tell me about you and your people. I am curious, and I love seeing new places.”

Live Every Benduday 18:00 GSC

"Yeah I'll have the Corellian too I suppose, doesn't hurt to mix things up." Jysell could far from call herself a galactic whiskey connoisseur but it would undoubtedly be something she enjoyed, she had a lip for bitter and smokey things which whiskey had in dividends. just one of those things made for you that you learn how much your adore later in life.

"Pleasure to make your acquaintance Tarw always nice to meet our nations loyal soldiers you take it easy, yah hear?" Jysell chuckled to herself and put her arm on his shoulder as he left with a hardy pat.

"I've done this long enough that I think I do know, my job is weeding out truth from fiction and like you said visa versa. I think wht bothers me the most in the galaxy these days is the lack of authenticity, people will tout the evil of the Sith only for it to come to light their son is married to a Sith and they've secretly been funnelling money into an imperial arm ring. That's the kind of attitude that I think will tear this alliance apart and as a journalist I long to expose."

Jysell took a large sip of her whiskey

Tags: Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau | Jysell Brumen Jysell Brumen

Holly got the whiskey the women had ordered and waves as the soldier made his exit. She knew these social gatherings weren’t much for everyone.

“I think if anybody can find those stories it’s our team at HNN.” This included Jysell, since the woman was a good reporter.

She sat the drinks down on the bar and then moved along the bar to fill up a few other drinks. When she came back she had popcorn, peanuts and other salty snacks for Danger and Jysell to munch on.

“You ladies help yourselves! I’m going to go to the store room and get a few bottles and some more peanuts.”

She left to let them socialize and started navigating her way through the dancers towards storage. She wondered if she would hear any good gossip along the way.


Aris laughed. Just a small, lighthearted laugh as he shook his head. "I just said don't worry about missteps, and you already are? My foot's fine. Just focus on the music. This is supposed to be fun, you know. Unless you've been my knight so long already you've forgotten how to have fun?" He wouldn't give her a chance to answer, instead just smirking as he'd pull her along, to keep the dance moving, to keep her moving so she wouldn't be so stuck in her head. She clearly was, with whatever she was thinking about.

"Just dance, Zaiya. That's all we have to do."

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti


Usually, Kahlil didn't react. Not visibly, at least, to any of Valery's teasing. It was a long standing thing that public displays of affection just weren't the type of affection he often showed, whether from himself or if he enjoyed it. Valery always knew he did, at least, but tonight? He just chuckled at the sight of her swaying hips, not too subtle in how he glanced down.

Then gave them a little pat before he turned his focus to the waters.

"My wish was to spend my life with my best friend."

He just smiled, though, as he watched Valery make her wish. He nodded once, though another playful smirk formed. "You're not supposed to tell people our wishes, you know. Something about ruining them."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Red Dress~ | Wedding Ring

That little pat was more than enough. When she felt his hand against her hips, Valery glanced over her shoulder with a knowing smirk. She had him. The gesture was simple, almost casual, but it spoke volumes. Kahlil had always been reserved when it came to public displays of affection — a man who kept his emotions close, even when they ran deep. There was a time when even a kiss on the dance floor would have been unthinkable, but so much had changed since his 'death' and miraculous return.

Now, he struggled less with showing his love in more typical ways, though taps on the hips or rear were still usually reserved for when they were alone. So when he touched her like that, out in the open, it sent a thrill through her. It was a sign of just how far they'd come, of the trust and comfort they had built between them.

As he turned his focus to the waters and shared his wish, Valery's smile softened. "We really have it good, huh? Something special..." Her voice trailed off, laced with the kind of affection that only deep, enduring love could bring. Their marriage, their duties, their dedication to their children — through it all, they'd never lost the spark, the fun that made their relationship unique.

Every day and night with him, she still felt those same butterflies she had when they first met.

After making her wish, Valery blushed at his playful teasing, then stepped back into him, seeking the warmth of his embrace as they stood by the tranquil waters. "That's okay," she murmured, her voice soft and tender as she leaned into his chest. "I don't need a wish to make mine come true. I'm going to do everything I can, every single day, to make it home and be with you." She lifted her chin, her eyes meeting his with a gaze full of love and determination, the back of her head resting comfortably against his chest.

"My most important wish already came true the day I first met you." She chuckled, her voice filled with genuine happiness as she took his hands in hers, keeping his arms wrapped securely around her waist. Her fingers began to play with his, a simple, comforting gesture as she gazed out at the water, the night's serenity wrapping around them.

"When you first met me, did you ever think, or even dream, that we'd get this far together?" she asked, her voice a mix of curiosity and wonder, as if the very idea of their journey still amazed her.

lIn that moment, with the stars above and the gentle sound of water beside them, she felt the depth of their connection, the incredible bond they'd forged through all the challenges they'd faced. It was a bond that had been tested by time, by loss, by the very forces of the galaxy itself, and yet here they were, stronger than ever.

And in this quiet, intimate moment, she couldn't help but marvel at how lucky she was to have him by her side.



Hapes Charity Event: Obj. I - Hapan Ball

Tags: Corhaa Iredunn Corhaa Iredunn

Ran didn't hope to meet the Prince Vince Ivro Kalmorak again, at least not on a battlefield. Ran acted with all the honor and duty of a Jedi Knight to defend the Galactic Alliance, but she still desired peace over anything else. The sentiment of his words was not lost on her though. "I believe we will." Ran replied, because as much as she didn't hope to see the man on a battlefield her instincts told her she would, and her instincts were always quite sharp.

"I wouldn't take it as an offense if you did," Ran explained to Lady Corhaa as she followed through the ballroom crowd behind the taller woman. "The moments are reserved for rare occasions but I've seen the way the nobility must operate around each other. I'm afraid I'm much too earnest to partake in that social milieu." She continued. "You seem quite earnest yourself, albeit infinitely more tactful than I, Lady Corhaa." She observed from the Lady's earlier exchange with the Hapan Nobility. Ran would be grateful Lady Corhaa came to her aid the entire night.

As they neared the dance floor Ran could feel the music's call. Her hips began to sway, and shoulders began to shimmy, as the band played a more modern and lively tune that would break the cotillion-like mood in favor of a party atmosphere. "Is there much dancing on Sarula Illiene?" Ran asked with a loudness to rival the volume of the band as she danced. "Teach me your favorite dance!" She demanded with excitement.



"You've asked me that before you know." Kahlil smiled softly. It was always in moments like this that Valery would ask that question. When they were at their most vulnerable, in a moment of such closeness that she couldn't fully believe it herself. Her past as a Jedi of old always made it's way there to bring that doubt. Only, it wasn't doubt anymore. Just wonderment and joy.

That was the strength of their relationship.

"No, I didn't. But there's no other life I can imagine now."

He squeezed her hand, smiling ever still. "Our life together is beautiful."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Objective I - Hapan Ball
Outfit: x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x x
Interacting with: Aris Noble Aris Noble

Aris's laugh was infectious, and it pulled a giggle out of Zaiya, her skin lighting up with a dazzling burst of luminescent colors that danced across her face and arms. She made another playful face at him, finally letting herself relax. Fine, if he wanted to waltz, she'd show him she could handle it just as well as any fancy Hapan noble.

"Of course, Your Highness," Zaiya teased, her tone dripping with mock formality as she matched his steps, letting Aris guide her effortlessly across the floor. The way he led with his hand, gentle but firm, was oddly reassuring, and she found herself slipping into the rhythm with surprising ease.

"I'm at your service, my Prince," she continued, laying it on thick as her amusement painted her skin in vivid shades of teal and light blue, swirling like an ocean under sunlight. "I won't worry at all about your royal feet, even if I might, by some terrible accident, trample them with my own. I do hope you'll forgive such a grievous trespass."

Zaiya's grin was wide, iridescent blue eyes sparkling as she moved with him, half expecting to mess up but not really caring at this point. The teasing banter was enough to keep her confidence afloat, and maybe, just maybe, she'd impress him with her not-so-terrible waltzing skills.

"Then let's have fun then!"


Outfit: Red Dress~ | Wedding Ring

"Hmm..." Valery squealed softly, her lips pressing together in a way that made them pout as she looked up at him with a slightly embarrassed smile. "I'm sorry, I just can't help it," she admitted, her voice tinged with a shy vulnerability that wasn't common for her. She knew he was teasing, but there was truth in his words — these intimate moments with him brought out her deepest emotions, emotions she'd spent so many years keeping locked away. It was in these moments, when they were closest, that she found herself asking the same questions, seeking the same reassurances.

Was it annoying? Did it bother him that she kept returning to these thoughts, even after all the time they'd spent together? She knew he understood — he always did — that her past as a Jedi of old, with all its rigid rules and emotional restraint, had left her struggling to fully embrace the happiness she now had. But they'd been together for over a decade.

Maybe it was time for her to finally let go of those lingering doubts.

Valery swallowed and gently pushed those thoughts aside, choosing instead to close the distance between them. She pulled him into a warm embrace, her head resting softly against his chest as she held him close, feeling the steady beat of his heart. It was a sound that grounded her, reminding her that he was here, that this was real. After a moment, she withdrew just enough to raise her hands to his face, cupping his cheeks with a tender caress.

"It's the most beautiful thing in this galaxy," she whispered, her eyes locking onto his with a look of pure love. "You, me, and the kids." Her smile brightened as she leaned in to kiss him, a slow and loving kiss that was meant to shake away any remaining doubts, allowing her to fully savor this moment with him.

When she finally pulled back, her lips barely a breath away from his, she whispered, "You know, I brought a gift for you." Her voice was soft, almost playful, as she let the words linger between them. "Can we go back to the dance floor? I'll give it to you there, and maybe we can have a little more fun before... you know." She bit her lower lip, giving him the look he knew all too well — the one that held that dangerous sparkle in her eyes, a promise of a long night ahead.


Objective III - Gossip
Interacting with: Jysell Brumen Jysell Brumen

| Dress x | x | x | x | x | x | X | X |
Danger inclined her head in goodbye towards Holly, before returning her attention to Jysell.
Danger offered a graceful nod in response to Jysell's words, her expression thoughtful as she swirled the amber liquid in her glass.

"Well now, reckon everyone's got their own Wookiees tucked away in their closet,"
she drawled, taking a slow, measured sip. The burn of the liquor was a familiar comfort, smooth and satisfying, like an old friend.

"People have a way of showin' all sorts of sides, like a shiny gem turnin' in the light. But the trick is figuring out which one's real, and which one's just for show," her emerald eyes swept over the crowd, assessing, calculating, yet with a touch of warmth.

"That's why at Arceneau Trade, we pride ourselves on transparency in every venture. My word is as good as Aurodium ingots." She turned her gaze back to Jysell, her smile as polished as the jewels adorning the Hapan guests.

"A girl's only as good as her reputation, after all. Takes years to build it up, but only a heartbeat for it to come tumblin' down." With a soft, cordial smile, Danger gave Jysell a respectful nod.

"Well, Miz Brumen, I won't keep you any longer. I've got some business to handle with a few of those Hapan courtiers myself. You enjoy your evenin', now. It's been a pleasure chattin' with you." She gave a final nod, the picture of poised charm, as she gave her own goodbye.


TAG: Ran Serys Ran Serys

Corhaa seemed to chuckle at Ran's words. She simply would shrug her shoulders as she continued to sway her hips to the music. It was different than what she was used to say the least. She gave a smile at Ran, responding to her earlier comments. "I am used to the nobility life, Ran. So I do know how to push the buttons of nobles who seem unbefitting of their station. I rather not let the people I plan on spending my time with this evening, to feel ostracized because some of the Hapans couldn't keep from making such remarks." Corhaa gave a glance at the Hapan nobility. Regardless of some of their words, she still was having a good time this night.

Corhaa looked back at Ran, doing her best to match the other woman's movements. "Dancing? Well on my planet there isn't entirely much dancing unless its for balls or perhaps a festival. I'm afraid I dont know any much of the festival dances. My expertise is in ballroom dancing. Even if I am not that good at it." Corhaa chuckled as she then extended out a hand "If you wish, I can show you a bit of the dance I enjoy to do. It does require another partner however."


Oh now she was doubling down on it? Aris just chuckled and grinned. "I suppose in my benevolence I shall forgive your transgressions no matter what they might be. Never let it be said I am a cruel prince, mm?" He pulled her along as the song continued, smirking here and there as he did. Once she seemed to at least get the basics down he'd double down on it. Fanciful and just, fun, was the intent now, twirling and spinning with Zaiya in a mix of her colors and his clothing's own.

This was just.. Fun, for him. So much fun. He couldn't help the smile on his face as he focused on just her right now. There was no drama of them being Jedi, no battles, no confusion. Just two friends having a lot of fun.

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti

Objective I - Hapan Ball
Outfit: x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x x
Interacting with: Aris Noble Aris Noble

Aris had this way of making Zaiya forget all the silly, confusing flutterings she'd been feeling and just have fun. One moment, he'd be cracking a joke that made her laugh till her sides hurt, and the next, he'd be looking at her with those piercing eyes, and suddenly she was way too aware of how close they were. But right now, in the midst of the dance, his playful banter, the glint of humor in his eyes, and the way he effortlessly guided her across the floor in a waltz, it was all perfect.

Even if his smirk made her heart do that tiny, annoying skip that felt like she'd missed a breath between laughs.

"Oh, forgive any transgressions?" Zaiya teased, her confidence growing with each step. He made it easy—every spin sent her multicolored braid swirling, and her skin shimmered with a joyful glow of gold, blue, teal, and cyan. She couldn't help it; she was happy, genuinely happy.

So much so that she forgot to keep her emotions to herself, and the resonance of her delight began to ripple outwards, brushing against Aris through the Force through where they touched. From their conjoined hands to the small of her waist to the broadness of bare skin contact on his shoulder. Warmth and joyful delight would permeate through.

"Now that's a tempting assurance," she quipped, flashing him a mischievous grin, her brows raising as if she'd just thought of a dozen ways to test the limits of his promise. "I wonder what I can get away with if that's the case, hmm?"

Oh, the mind races!

She laughed, light and carefree, her glow brightening with the playful challenge in her eyes. For a moment, all the galaxy's worries seemed distant, and it was just the two of them, spinning and laughing, with nothing but the next dance step ahead.



"You spoil me you know."

Kahlil chuckled softly as he took Valery's hand again, practically pulling her towards the dance floor. The kiss wasn't enough for him. That tender moment between them, holding each other. Feeling the doubt in her fade just made him want to take her home with just how happy he was. He was grinning as he pulled her along, not bothering to hide or keep his emotions close to his chest as he usually did by habbit.

This was a good night.

"Do I know, though? I know dancing is a lot of fun, but what is my wife insinuating?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Red Dress~ | Wedding Ring

"I do love to spoil you," Valery replied with a playful grin as she took his hand and skipped along, doing her best to keep up despite the challenge of moving quickly in high heels. But seeing Kahlil so happy, his grin wide and his emotions bubbling over, made any struggle worth it. His joy washed away the last remnants of her doubts, filling her with warmth and love. She wouldn't slow him down, not tonight.

"But..." Valery teased as they left the fountains behind, "Are you sure you don't want to make any more wishes? No one said we're limited to just one, you know. I was thinking I might finally wish for you to get ticklish." She waggled her eyebrows mischievously, playfully threatening him for all those years she'd lost their playful wrestling matches thanks to her own ticklishness. Sure, his natural strength played a role, but the tickling was always her downfall.

This could have been her chance to even the odds, but Kahlil was too eager to reignite their romantic dance, pulling her along with a grin. Still, he couldn't resist playing innocent.

"Do you want me to say it out loud? Right here?" Valery smirked dangerously, her eyes glinting with mischief as she glanced around the dance floor at all the people who might overhear. "You know I will~" she teased, her voice low and sultry. Valery was far from shy, especially not on a night like this, filled with dancing, drinks, and so many tender, intimate moments shared between them.

As they reached the dance floor, she closed the distance between them, her eyes and lips exuding pure seduction. Her arms slipped around his neck, pulling him close as she looked deep into his eyes. "We're going to have a lot of fun tonight," she whispered, her voice dripping with promise. "The things I'm going to do to you..." She bit her lip, letting her words trail off, inviting his imagination to run wild with anticipation.

"But first... don't look." Valery's hands slipped down to his waist as she circled around behind him. With a quick, deft movement, she spun him back to face her, a mischievous sparkle in her eyes. And there she stood, holding the stem of a beautiful, vibrantly colored flower between her lips, careful not to be cut by the delicate petals.

The flower emitted a particularly strong aura in the Force — one that made the heart beat faster, a gift that resonated only between two lovers, perhaps even soulmates. As expected, the connection between Valery and Kahlil flared with intensity, the bond between them strengthened by the flower's power. She would have to thank Jonyna Si Jonyna Si for helping her collect it later.

First, her husband would have to take his gift from between her lips, and she challenged him with a wink.



"Whatever you'd want. But that's only because I know that you'd never take advantage of it."

The dance did finally come to an end, and Aris wasn't going to keep pulling Zaiya along indefinitely. He didn't tire as fast as she did as they'd learned with the jump roping, so he was trying to be mindful. There was so much for them to do here that they couldn't spend all her energy just dancing, could they? Maybe they could, but Aris didn't want to just dance.

"Not bad for your first lesson. I think that means juma juice is a good reward."

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti

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