Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction [GA | Allies | Neutral] Hapes Charity Event

Hapes Charity Event

Speaking to Ran Serys Ran Serys and Corhaa Iredunn Corhaa Iredunn

Interested brows gently rose a little farther over the eyes as he listened to Corhaa speak of her home planet. "Thank you for speaking to us about your planet" he said, apparently well aware of how rude or ignorant such a question could be perceived as in some circles. "We would love to hear more about it at some point. For now - well - suffice to say, it sounds like a good planet to visit." A simple nod - likely in agreement - was offered as Ran reacted to the cape.

It did not take much time to prepare a glass of water with lemon. The bartender had even taken the liberty to add a few pieces of ice to it as he handed it over. Mouthing a silent 'Thank you' Vince nodded and reached for the glass waiting for him on the counter. Only to look to the Jedi with surprised - almost startled - eyes upon hearing her voice her objections. His eyes grew larger as she ordered an increasing amount of Snivvian Salt Burns.

Normally careful not to interrupt and to let people say their piece fully and completely, Vince started to raise a finger with his mouth forming the beginnings of a word before the Jedi continued. He quickly dropped the finger and offered a smile for her to go on. The smile soon took a somewhat awkward form as he nodded, conceding that she had a point.

Then, he started to raise not just a finger, but both of his hands in the hopes of slowing the situation down a little. But the bartender continued to impress with their speedy service and before he knew better, he had a drink in his hand. A silent "Oh no" escaped him as he finally managed to fully spring to action. Now, with both hands raised, one holding a glass of Snivvian Salt Burn, he gestured for the others to lower their glasses.

With that, the Prince put his own glass back onto the bar counter, next to his water. A quick glance was thrown to the gossipers who had called for the Jedi to learn her station. Then he began, first by rather clearly defining her station, and then by explaining his predicament "Friend, the news of this were mainly contained to Onderonian press." he started. His usually happy and eager expression had been replaced by a kind but somewhat awkward one. "A few months back, earlier during the Iziz summer, we made a pledge to stay sober for a year. Some, ill-advised behaviour on our end made it a necessary step. Regardless, when we have given our word to the people of Onderon, we do not let them down."

The smile had softened, but it still remained. His eyes showed no signs of resentment as he offered the two of them a nod whilst grabbing his iced water with lemon. He then raised his glass, like Ran had before him, and waited for the others to join.



TAG: Open for interaction~


Palm had just let her gaze drift toward the intricate patterns of the ballroom’s ceiling when a presence moved into her peripheral vision, drawing her attention back to the gathering. As she turned, her amber eyes met those of a man whose easy grace and practiced manner made it clear he was no stranger to such events. His approach was confident, but not imposing, and the warmth in his smile suggested a genuine interest beyond mere formalities.

The offered glass of champagne was a thoughtful touch, and Palm accepted it with a slight nod. The introduction that followed was as polished as the man himself, yet there was something in his tone, a depth or a quiet resilience, that intrigued her. Judah Lesan. The name was unfamiliar, but then again, the galaxy was vast, and her journey through it was still unfolding.

“A pleasure to meet you, Master Lesan,” Palm replied, her voice carrying the same warmth that had caught his attention. “I am Palm-Imer, Sovereign of Geminidae.”

Her smile remained, soft and genuine, as she studied him for a moment longer. There was a story behind everyone, and something about him told her his carried quite the narrative. Yet, like herself, he had chosen to be here, to find some semblance of peace in a night that might be the last of its kind for some time. She chuckled when he mentioned no having seen her before.

“My people have not been the kind to mingle until very recently, nor are we a part of the Alliance. Even so, I am honored to be among so many who have devoted their lives to the greater good,” Palm continued, her tone reflecting a blend of respect and curiosity. “It is always refreshing to meet someone I have not yet had the pleasure of knowing. The galaxy, for all its vastness, often feels like a much smaller place.”

She allowed a brief pause, taking a sip of the champagne, before her gaze returned to his. There was a quiet confidence about Judah, a calm that she found reassuring.

“Have you been enjoying the evening so far, Master Lesan?” Palm asked, her tone lightening.

Objective: 1
Tags: Tarw Rhyfelwr Tarw Rhyfelwr
Outfit: XXX

When Holly had been asked to work at the charity event she hadn't exactly figured she would be tending bar. She was a media personality after all so she figured she might be announcing awards, working the sound box, or giving some sort of ceremony. But here she was, behind the counter serving drinks to patrons. Overall she couldn't complain though, considering what had happened at the last charity ball. If there was another attack it would be breaking news and Holly would be prime and ready to get the scoop!

"One beer and two shots of Corellian whisky."​

"Coming right up!"

She poured the beer in a frosted mug and then got out two shot glasses. Holly hadn't ever bartender before. Some of the other tenders were doing fancy tricks and she was envious. She didn't know a ton about the profession but she did know that bartenders were supposed to chat with the customers.

"Are you having a good time tonight?"
She asked the young man. He looked like he might be a soldier of some sort.
Objective: 2 and 1
Outfit: Dress
Tag: Silas Westgard Silas Westgard | Colette Colette

As Lily began walking away from the fountain area, she spotted Shan Pavond Shan Pavond with Alicio Organa Alicio Organa , she gave them both a smile and a wave. She was glad to see her friend here and he looked nice in his outfit. She hadn't interacted with the senator but she was sure someday she would get a chance to meet him in person. There was also someone falling asleep on a bench, which was a concern, she tapped the shoulder of a waiter and whispered her concerns about the Jedi attempting to fall asleep outside. It was not a comfortable position nor would it be good for his health. His dog was cute though.

When Lily entered the ballroom, she smiled and relaxed, posh events such as these were always something that she loved. It was a reminder of home, and she admired the dresses and suits of everyone who was attending the event. Lily was always keen to see the styles and looks that people loved to wear and saw as fancy or elegant. It was somewhat informative of how the people thought and behaved. She moved calmly and smoothly through the crowds as she approached the bar, leaning forward and resting on the bar, she smiled to the bartender.

"Wine please. Red." Lily ordered before she looked to the side and spotted Colette Colette giving a wave to her friend, pleased to see her here. She then noticed Silas Westgard Silas Westgard as she gave a small wave to him. "Hey there," Lily greeted the fellow Jedi.



"You look like you could use a drink." Zane's voice came from behind, his quiet approach intended to catch the Jedi Master just slightly off guard. He held out a glass of red wine to Katarine, keeping the other for himself. It was a bit of a gamble — he had no idea if she liked red wine — but it was a risk worth taking. The ballroom was filled with couples, each sharing precious moments before the war would inevitably escalate once more.

She stood alone, and he had a feeling she was longing for some kind of connection, even if it was just one dance to make this night memorable.

Zane raised his glass to his lips, his eyes sweeping over her before a familiar grin curved his lips. "You look stunning tonight. The hair, the dress..." He smirked approvingly. He wasn't exactly a fashion expert, but the way her white locks curled against the black dress made it hard to look away.

Zane himself was dressed in a simple black suit — nothing too extravagant. Being a pilot paid well enough, but he couldn't afford the luxurious attire that some of the Hapan nobility around them were flaunting.

Not that he needed it — he felt charming enough just as he was.

"After we finish our drinks, would you care for a dance?" he asked, his tone light, a playful gleam in his eye. "I saw those impressive moves during our last mission when you took on those thugs, and now I'm curious to see your dancing skills." His grin widened into a teasing smirk, hoping to coax her into accepting his offer.

Lily Decoria Lily Decoria / Silas Westgard Silas Westgard

The final chord was strummed and Colette resurfaced into the real world again in time to see Lily wave in her direction. She was standing nex to—

She raised her finger to point at Silas and then Lily when the man wasn't looking. She put on a disgusted grimace and made a motion with her hand as if she was trying to use it to saw a path through her own throat.

The man turned around and she quickly raised another finger, just off to the side of her index finger. She pointed the back of it in his direction and blew a silent raspberry before she lowered it and went back to strumming again.
Objective: 1
Outfit: This
Tag: Holly Starstorm Holly Starstorm

When he got his beer and spirits, he studied the bartender for a few moments and tilted his head. Tarw was sure that he recognised her face, there was something deeply familiar. The recognition clicked in his head as he looked at her, "you're Holly Starstorm!" He uttered, not being too loud to draw attention to them both in case she was trying to avoid attention. "Are you here uncover? Here to reveal some criminal organisations?"

It was clear that Tarw was a bit of a fan of Holly's so this was an exciting moment, she tended to reveal and cover important moments within the Galactic Alliance. He slid the second of his shots over to Holly so that she could join him for a drink, "is there anything I should know?" He was definitely interested in hearing more about what she was here to do.

"It is quiet for the moment. Not the usual type for fancy dancing and all the extravagant attires." He chuckled deeply.
King of Pentacles



~the lord giveth, the lord taketh some more~

TAG: Open


I’ve heard whispers at the bar, that lady loves to eat grass!” Rou, my secretary and closest confidant whispered, nudging her head at the direction of a rather unfamiliar noble, Corhaa Iredunn Corhaa Iredunn , as she walked back from the bar with two glasses of Naboo Red, one for me and one for her. Although war is looming over our head, the atmosphere is festive in this event, hence my lack of reluctance in consuming liquor. The atmosphere is not surprising to say the least, many in this room, including I, are set to profit from the brewing war.

Oh my… Maybe her species descended from something similar to a goat on our planet. I mean, look at her pale skin and magnificent horn.” I whispered back to Rou in a scandalous tone. Ever since we walked inside the ballroom, arriving fashionably late as usual, we’ve been hearing whispers of rumours throughout the room. The high-society are similar throughout the galaxy, they all love to gossip.

The ball is indeed attended by mostly the Alliance’s elites. Nobility gossiping and business moguls whispering state secrets. Older women smiling foolishly at my direction, as they always do in such event. No need to wonder, the pheromones I have been pumping from my skin ever since I entered the room is not for the weak-willed.

Curiously, there are many Jedi as well here tonight. Some of them louder than how people should be in a polite society.

Truly, power and influence can’t buy class.

Shifting my attention back at my Falleen confidant, I whispered to her. “5.000 credits someone approached me to talk first before anyone do you.” I smirked at her.

Confident aren’t you? Game on.” She answered, her pheromones started to escape her body as well.




"Not too tired to make your night." Kahlil whispered in turn as he leaned right into her hand, letting his eyes close briefly. He was tired, but only in a mental way. This day, this night, was just the sort of recharge he'd need before everything kicked off. Before the war, the fights. He lead the dance once they were on the floor, gentle but firm in doing so. They were both going to be leading so many to fight soon enough.

But the weight of the Grandmaster and the choices they had to make? At least for tonight, she wouldn't be the one making choices.

"Whatever the future holds, we'll face it together. And we're not alone either, are we?" The whole of the Jedi Order would be by their side. And their children would always be there to support them. He spun Valery with a smile, a grin, even.

"Right now, though, we dance."

Valery Noble Valery Noble
Tags: Tarw Rhyfelwr Tarw Rhyfelwr

"you're Holly Starstorm!"

Holly beamed at him and nodded at the recognition. He seemed like a fan which was flattering. Holly always found it weird that people could be a fan of local news people because she wasn't like a holo actress or some celebrity, but she supposed she did come into peoples homes every night and give them reports that mattered to them. It was nice to know her work was appreciated!

She laughed as he asked if she was undercover.

"Nothing that glamorous. They asked me to work tonight and well here I am. Gotta pay the bills somehow."

Holly wasn't usually one for these type of events either. Her boss teased her that she worked too much and didn't have any type of social life. Truthfully though that was how she preferred it. She could never see herself dating , dancing, and doing all the social things others did. She loved her job and loved to work and in her mind there was nothing wrong with that.

"Well maybe tonight will change your mind and you will be into these types of things! I heard there is supposed to be a lot of gossip around these things as well."

She wondered if any of that could lead to a story... the idea had merit.

She helped a few more customers with drinks and then started washing down the area while talking to the kid in front of her.

"What do you do? Alliance I suspect?"


Outfit: Red Dress~ | Wedding Ring

"Not too tired to make your night."

"Oh my, that's quite the tempting promise," Valery replied with a smirk that held a dangerous edge, her brows playfully waggling as her fingers traced the line of his cheek, savoring the warmth of his skin against her palm. They both had heavy burdens on their minds, so much to prepare and plan for the Jedi Order. Yet, she was determined to carve out time for her family — for her husband — even if it was just a single night on a distant planet.

Or a night of passion, far removed from the pressures of their duties.

As the music swelled, Valery let herself fall into the rhythm, her body moving with a natural grace and a hint of fire. Her curves seemed to dance of their own accord, teasing and tantalizing, in perfect harmony with the melodies that filled the ballroom. The world around them faded — the murmurs of scandalous gossip, the watchful eyes — none of it mattered. She was lost in this moment, in this dance, in him, and he was determined to keep her there, ensnared in their private world.

"We're not alone," Valery acknowledged with a mischievous grin as she spun away, only to draw back close, her smile widening. "But I don't want you to be alone when this war ends either. Losing you once was the hardest thing I've ever faced, and now, with the kids... I want to be there for all of you." She pulled herself against him, her body pressing firmly to his, her hands exploring familiar territory as her eyes locked onto his lips. Her breath hitched, desire sparking between them, but the music pulled her away, spinning her on her heels, leaving him yearning.

At arm's length, she finally took a single glance around the ballroom, snapping out of the trance he'd put her in just long enough to notice the familiar faces — Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah , Malcoma Hesse Malcoma Hesse , and others — all chatting at the edges, their eyes occasionally drifting her way with amused expressions.

What was up with that?

"You'd go to hell and back for me, wouldn't you?" Valery teased, swaying her hips as she drew near once more, her voice a sultry whisper. "I won't be afraid, as long as I know you'll always come for me."

Objective: 1
Outfit: This
Tag: Holly Starstorm Holly Starstorm

He was surprised that Holly needed a gig like this one to be able to pay the bills, especially since he had believed she was a pretty big reporter but clearly reporting was not a high paying career. Which something as a low-ranking soldier, he could understand and sympathise with. He chuckled about getting the chance to change his mind, it was something that he was definitely attempting to be open about but he was not sure he would ever fit in crowds like this. He was too focused as a soldier and hadn't really experience much outside of that path.

"Have you heard any gossip then?" Tarw asked curious, Holly in the position as a bartender and as a reporter was much more likely to hear some good gossip than he was.

When she asked about himself, he nodded his head, "I am a soldier, GA, rookie." Tarw mentioned, he was still learning the ropes for the most part but he was getting a better understanding of his skills and where he was going to end up. Especially the more that he was working on missions and trying out different weapons, having a few favourites already.


Location: Hapes
Objective: Chill out
Tag: Lily Decoria Lily Decoria / Colette Colette
Attire: xx


It didn't take long until someone recognisable came to greet him. Lily, a Jedi he knew of through passing gave him a friendly wave. They had not spoken to each other before, but tonight was when he could get to know some of his fellow force users before things got heated in the frying pan. Offering a slow wave, he turned his back to a certain someone across the room and greeted her properly.

"Good evening, I presume your name is Lily correct?"

Silas offered her a hand and turned his head to see Collete return back to her guitar. For the briefest of moments, a grin appeared from his suspicions, one that was soon cast aside when he turned back to face Lily "I don't think we have properly met before, nor properly spoken. My name is Silas, it's good to meet you finally" he said respectfully, his hand raising to have another sip of his drink. In that moment a thought came to mind. While he was waiting at the bar rumours were flying about that were damn right ridiculous.

That in itself made him incredibly tempted to add in his own.

"You see that girl over there, Colette? I found out something funny about her while I was waiting for my drink. Do you notice how she's playing that guitar? well, she used to be a musician before all this..." Silas explained, a smirk brewing across his lips "The reason she packed it in and became a Jedi was due to her being caught out using autotune for all her shows. When everyone found out, the media nicknamed her the "The wailer of Coruscant" from the ugly, deafening screech she produced"

"From the looks of it, she's never recovered from the ordeal since."

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"You're looking for your mother? Why... would that bore me?"

"I feel like there's more entertaining things to hear about than my mother being kidnapped. It's just been a wild goose chase of me going from place to place, trying to find her. Grandmaster Noble helped me in the search, but it's ran cold for now. "

Shan shrugged his shoulders at that. It was something he was trying his hardest not to focus on. At the very least, it was nice to have some comfort in being told that the wish wasn't selfish. He did make a mental note of Amani and Alicio's kids' names. There might be a chance he met them in the future.

"I don't think that wish is selfish either. Wanting your family to be safe and grow up healthy is a completely normal wish. Anyone would want that. Now if you were wishing for your family to be safe at the expense of another family, that's a different story."

Families were a strange thing in Shan's mind. He had thought his family was a perfect one when he was younger, but with all of the news and drama that came out from him searching for his mother, he realised it was the complete opposite. The closest he had to an actual caring family was the Nobles when he was Kahlil's padawan...But that wasn't important. Shan shook his head, dismissing the thought from his mind before looking back at his reflection.

"I just don't think...lasting peace is ever possible. Violence and chaos is a part of life. It's a part of the cycle. Not to say that wishing for it is pointless. If it helps someone relax, or gives them peace of mind, then it can't be pointless."

Alicio Organa Alicio Organa


Tags: Zane Cameron Zane Cameron

"You look like you could use a drink."

Katarine turned slightly and felt her heart leap into her throat. Lieutenant Cameron was softly making his way to her with two glasses of wine in his hand. Katarine's favorite drink happened to be blossom wine made from Naboo, and she wondered how he could possibly have known that as he offered her a glass of the red liquid. She took the glass with a smile, but there was a slight tremble in her hand that she hoped he didn't notice.

"Lieutenant Cameron, this is a nice surprise."

Was it a nice surprise? Katarine couldn't be sure. Part of her had wanted to see the blond haired man again but the other part of her wanted to put a galaxy between them to avoid the flutters in her stomach. He was handsome and confident and rough but she also knew there was a reputation that a lot of squadron pilots got around and enjoyed the company of many, so she was trying not to read too much into his drink offer. There wasn't a need to panic just yet.

"You look stunning tonight. The hair, the dress..."

"Thank you. You don't clean up too badly yourself Ace."

As soon as she said the nickname she mentally cursed herself. Don't fall for a pilot girl, you can't handle it. Her eyes darted past him towards Valery Noble Valery Noble and she glared daggers at the woman. Master Noble was responsible for this, since it had been she that sent Kat on the mission to meet Zane in the first place.

"After we finish our drinks, would you care for a dance? I saw those impressive moves during our last mission when you took on those thugs, and now I'm curious to see your dancing skills."

She grinned but felt a little guilty remembering their mission together. He had gotten hurt and she felt mostly responsible for that. She supposed the fact that he was talking to her meant he didn't blame her the way she blamed herself.

"Sure. If you can keep up that is." She smiled playfully at him and couldn't help but let her thoughts drift toward her twin. Daxium had taught her how to dance and whenever she enjoyed the activity she always remembered him. Instinctively she reached for the special connection they shared, but it was long quiet after a thousand years of cyro sleep.

To avoid this painful thought she let her deep green eyes travel back to the pilot and felt a flush in her cheeks. Careful girl... remember what happened last time you fell for a blond with a lopsided grin. The thought made the smile fade and she blinked, as if reigning in her thoughts, and let her eyes leave his face and instead search the crowd.

"They have a nice turn out at this thing don't they."

Smooth Kat. Real smooth. She mentally groaned.

Objective: 2 and 1
Outfit: Dress
Tag: Silas Westgard Silas Westgard | Colette Colette

"It is." Lily smiled to Silas then thanked the bartender quietly for her drink.

She shook his hand politely when he extended his hand for her to shake. "Pleasure to meet you Silas, surprised you have heard of me." Lily didn't really think much about the impact that she had on the Order nor assumed that she had any influence among her peers. Much of what she had observed amongst them was from an outsider position it occasionally felt like.

When he mentioned Colette, she turned her head over to her friend and observed her on the guitar, she hadn't realised that Colette held much interest in music. That was fun. When she turned her head back around, she listened intently, "oh," was all she said initially as she couldn't help but laugh in her head since the man had assumed she did not know Colette. It seemed very unfortunate for him but Lily held no issue in correcting such rumours he had attempted to spread. Especially when it came to lies attempting to humiliate her friends.

Swirling her wine slowly in its goblet she smirked and looked back to Silas with a half grin, "that is most interesting to learn about Colette." Lily stated, "especially since she came directly from a different planet to Coruscant to become a Jedi and is not a native to the world. I doubt anyone could keep her on Coruscant long enough to perform a single song, yet alone garner a reputation as a performer, given she hates the world so much." Revealing her knowledge about Colette, "might be better to share gossip that is actually truth than attempt to lie to me, sir. Makes for a very poor first impression attempting to lie to me about my close friend."

Taking a sip of her wine, "wish to start over?" Lily decided to be generous after shutting down his attempts of spreading rumours of Colette.


"Merely following the pace you've set", came the siren's answer, her lips curled into a tender smile as she fully savored the feeling of those hands resting against her waist. Jonyna's duty as the Sentinel of Harmony, not to mention her own responsibilities as Alor of Clan Kryze, would inevitably bring the two of them into the fiercest frontlines of the war, and this wonderful occasion... may very well just be their last. Such grim thoughts could not sink their hooks into her psyche, however, for the fire within the Jedi's heart kept her warm. This was something far more delicious than a raw, desperate need for affection, something beautiful.​
A warm chuckle escaped her lips when those fingers twirled her hair about, the scales adorning her cheeks turning a deeper shade of blue, whilst the surrounding skin reddened. "I've always kept it short. Have to be practical when you're wearing a helmet most of the day. Still... it wouldn't hurt to try." A mirthful conclusion, light-hearted and eager.​
Hers was an alluring voice, worthy of the name Darth Prospery had bestowed upon her kind after he created them - for Jenn truly was Ersansyr. A Songbird. The longer one listened to the pleasant melody woven with each and every word she uttered, the deeper the effects, and the harder it became to resist the tender hold forming around their mind... but surrender was all the more delicious for it. A sign of trust, then, that Jonyna accepted the song into her heart, trusted Jenn not to misuse it.​
The Mandalorian, for her part, cared only to bring comfort to the heart of the one she looked upon with such warmth, blind to the world around them. Perhaps she may have noticed the entrance of her dearest friend, accompanied by her husband, if not for such a state - but, as it were, she cared only to waltz with the Sentinel of Harmony. To cherish one last night spent in celebration of life, and all the ephemeral treasures it brought her.​
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Aris blinked for a moment. There was the most subtle tick of his smile growing at her compliment. No, he didn't mean how he looked when he asked her what she thought. He'd meant the party itself, the gala, all the food that was offered. Or, did he? Was he fishing for compliments? He really wasn't too sure if that was his intention, but it still made his smile a little wider.

Maybe a little fluttery?

"Ah- yeah. Dad let me borrow it, actually. I had to have it taken out some, but I thought it was fitting." He was ultimately Epicanthix. And very proud of that fact, all things considered. He glanced her over briefly. A habit now, really. All the colors she shined were just an open door to how she was feeling. He wasn't supposed to encourage these feelings, right? Yet, they made him feel that much happier that she felt them?

Oh no. Was he the one who was really struggling now?

"A drink sounds good. Think they've got Juma Juice?"

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
TAG: Vince Vince , Ran Serys Ran Serys
Objectives: 1&3
Outfit: Golden Yellow Dress with cape, Bejeweled Horns


Corhaa looked at the drink she was provided by the bartender. A Snivvian Salt Burn. The drink's mere name was enough to give Corhaa pause for drinking it. She didn't have the slightest idea how strong this will be. But judging from Ran and Vince's conversation, this would at least be stronger than the drinks she had been drinking. Corhaa took the glass as she turned to Ran, listening to her cheer, raising her glass in the air. Then came the snide remarks from members of the Hapan nobility. Corhaa turned to them, listening to the Hapans call Ran, uncouth and that she should know her place.

Sure, Corhaa could see the Hapan's point of view. Being an aristocrat herself, there are certain mannerisms, etiquette, and ways you should speak. All of it to give the atmosphere a form of decorum. So naturally when someone acts outside of that carefully constructed atmosphere, it will naturally draw the ire of those who wish to maintain it. Corhaa was going to say something before the Prince then interjected. She stood there with a smile listening.

Vince explained his reasoning for choosing the lemon water. He had to keep his word to the people he rules. He had to remain sober. Corhaa found that endearing. For a ruler should always have their people's best interests at heart. Corhaa nodded at Vince, silently agreeing with his stance and reasoning for remaining sober. However, Corhaa turned back to the Hapan nobles who made comments about Ran. If there was one of the few things that Corhaa was good at, it was aristocratic sparring. She could thank her Aetharian in-laws for that.

Corhaa walked up to the Hapan nobility, giving a smile, despite her intentions. "Fellow nobles. While I understand that we are used to a much more refined atmosphere, tonight is not that night. We are here to enjoy such a diverse group of people all from different backgrounds. There is a war going on and for right now, let people enjoy their night. Even if it falls out of our social norms."

One of the Hapan nobles gave a snort. "A Jedi should know better."

"The Jedi have much more to worry about than something as trivial as this. After all, the Jedi are one of the major reasons why the Sith were driven back. I may not have been in Alliance space for long, but from the three Jedi I have met, all of them deserve respect. After all, without their help, you may not be able to enjoy the lavish lifestyles you all live."

"We do not have to take this from a species who consumes grass." Another Hapan said with a sneer "I did not know farm animals can become nobles as well."

Corhaa was slightly taken aback for a moment. 'Grass? Who said-'. Corhaa then slowly realized that she must be a victim of a rumor. Especially with looking at the faces of the other Hapan nobles she was speaking to. Why someone picked her as a target? She would never know. Corhaa seemingly chuckled. "You would have to much better than that. But perhaps I should let it slip that the Hapans are bad hosts? They belittle their guests who come from all over the Alliance. That they disregard the purpose of this ball to engage in childish behavior. My, I wonder how your Queen will react to this if such words reached her? The Hapan aristocracy might take a severe blow to their reputation. Which we all know, reputation is just as important as money."

The Hapans seemingly went silent for a moment as Corhaa gave another smile. "Glad we understand each other. I do like your people, and please do not ruin my first impression of them." Corhaa turned to walk away, as then glanced at the nobles "If you believe I eat grass, I leave you with this. I do tend to enjoy eating fruits. Especially plump peaches. Take this information however you like." Corhaa smirked as she then returned to Ran and Vince.

"Apologies. Just had to remind them what it means to be a good host and noble." Corhaa raised her drink in the air. "Cheers!"
"Not to my knowledge. If there are any donations, they're probably directed toward the defense force or the industrial sector," Carlo replied, noting the smirk on the other person's face. He wondered if the question was more of a tease than a serious inquiry, though he could just be overthinking it.

"I haven't seen combat as a Jedi, but I did get into a few scrapes during my time at Cardia's military academy." As the conversation shifted to his restless behavior, Carlo made a conscious effort to stop fidgeting—a difficult task for him.

"Ah, apologies," he added with a wry smile. "I find it hard to stay in one place for too long before it starts to feel like my skin is crawling." He cut himself off before he rambled too much, focusing back on the topic at hand.

"You'd need plenty of warm clothing for my families estate. The blizzards can get intense." His expression softened as he recalled the snow-covered fields surrounding the Corrino estate, but that nostalgia quickly turned into a mischievous smirk at the mention of dancing.

"It seems my tango lessons might finally come in handy." Offering his metallic right hand, Carlo asked with a playful glint in his eye, "Care to dance?"

Eloise Dinn Eloise Dinn

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