Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction [GA/NEO] Battle of Onderon [junction of Onderon and Vjun]


I'd Rather Watch This Kingdom Fall
I Want Everything Or Nothing At All~

LOCATION: The Throne
Primes Beskar'gam
OBJECTIVE: Capture The Queen

As Domina Prime erupted into the throne room, a wave of sheer terror spread among the Queen's attendants and guards. The air crackled with tension, the heat of the fires below now rising through the jagged cracks in the floor. The lavish space, once a symbol of opulence and power, had become a battlefield, and standing at the heart of it was a creature of unrelenting fury.

A handful of The Royal Guards drew their blasters, their hands trembling as they aimed at the Xeno terror before them. Others shifted nervously, whispering orders to each other as they took defensive positions near the Queen, who stood stiffly near her throne, her face pale but composed. Her eyes flicked toward her closest protectors—one of whom was Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren , a young jedi with a soft gaze.

"I cannot allow you to take her," He responded cooly, causing Dima to roll her eyes hard from behind her mask.

Herrel Eldar Herrel Eldar also addressed Dima. Commenting on how she had dirtied his armor and how she inconvenienced his 'guest'. Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze greeted her as well, but then informed her that they couldn't let the Primarch proceed.

They both probably could not tell at the moment, but Domina was looking at them as if they were crazy. And when Herrel began preaching scriptures she was all too familiar with. Baffling the Xeno as her head leaned hard to one side as if her head were going to fall off her shoulders.
"Uuuuuuuuh? You feelin ok Brother? Sis? Why are you guys being so....weird~" She'd casually ask, only for her eyes to widen in the next moment when he mentioned something about 'maiming'. "Whoa! whoa! whoa! hey! hey!" She waved her four arms in alarm.

Herrel raising his wrist gauntlet as he aimed directly at Domina. The cold, mechanical click of a wrist rocket locking into place echoed through the shattered room just as Jonyna Si Jonyna Si used the force to cause pipes to burst in the shattered floor below.

The Mando snarled and fired. The wrist rocket whistled through the air, straight toward Domina. But in a flash of movement, she raised her massive Beskar shield while flicking a wrist and ejecting a long tether of silk directly at the rocket, completely covering it in the dense material. The rocket smashed into the ground with a thunderous explosion that was directed down due to being wrapped in silk before impact, doing just enough to lighten to strike to her shield. The impact sent a wave of force rippling through the room, knocking debris loose and causing the hole in the floor to only gape wider. Domina was hurled back across the shattered floor, her shield absorbing the brunt of the blast as she skidded along the ground, smashing into one of the throne room's marble columns.

But as the dust settled, strange alien whimpers filled the air as Dima suddenly stood straight and began shaking her fist up at Herrel who was monkeying about. "H-hey! Ya could've KILLED This One with that stupid thing who taught you how to shoot!?" She barked angrily at the fellow Mandalorian, shaking off the debris and rising to her feet, her lashers and oversized tail twitching with renewed agitation. "There are like TWO jedi in here how the FUCK did you MISS and hit Dima!?" She complained childishly at her kin as Yuri Maji Yuri Maji made his way up through the rubble and blasted into the air with his jetpack.

"They're not with us, Dima!" He'd bark at her, causing the xeno to blink at least twenty times in a second.

Well that didn't sound right at all…

"But...they're...kin? A-are....are you sure?" Dima asked, only to watch Yuri fly towards the jedi blasting away. Leaving Dima to figure out this incredibly complex situation on her own as her mind rattled back and forth.

To everyone currently in the room it was becoming increasingly clear that the idea of a Mandalorian being AGAINST her was almost as unfathomable as a world without Squid Soup! It was an impossibility she rarely considered despite the obvious realities of their people and culture. It was like Herrel had said after all, to turn one's heart against kin was more than frowned upon…it was SIN to the primitive Xeno.

But before she could make her next move, a hum of energy filled the air.

Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren remained statuesque in his duty however. He held his weapon steady, his eyes focused on Domina as he positioned himself in front of the Queen, his presence calm but commanding as the Padawan remained steadfast. The Royal Guards swarmed the Queen. "Keep her back!" The Guards shouted to the others.

"We let the Queen go through a hidden passageway, they'll ambush and murder her before we have the time to react! Nite Owls, redeploy; form a defensive position around her!" Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze commanded alongside Jonyna Si Jonyna Si . Luckily, Yuri Maji Yuri Maji was quick to engage her, leaving Domina the chance to deal with others who had assembled.

Prime tilted her head, her claws flexing as a low growl rumbled from her chest. Her body, coiled like a spring, seemed to vibrate with barely contained fury. "No, no, no, little mice," she hissed, her voice taking on an almost sing-song tone. "Can't let you go running off with Primes Royal Prize!" She cooed, laughter filled the air, manic and gleeful as power surged through her crystalized bones.

With a savage roar, Domina leaped into the air, her piston-like legs propelling her high above the room. The guards barely had time to react as she crashed back down, landing in a powerful crouch right in front of the throne. The marble floor beneath her shattered further, cracks spider-webbing out from the impact. She now stood directly between the Queen and her protectors, a terrifying wall of claws, tendrils, and menace.

"Is this it Your Majesty? Your chosen champions?" Domina purred, her massive tail whipping through the air with deadly precision. The guards hesitated, their fingers twitching on their triggers, but none dared fire—Domina was too close to the Queen. Any stray shot, any explosive thrown now, would risk endangering her. And the Nite Owls, they realized Dima was...less antagonistic towards Mandalorians and thus they hesitated to open fire first and thus evoke the Primarchs Wrath. The Queen, despite the chaos, remained still, her eyes wide as she watched the scene unfold. "Should've brought more~" Dima quipped as her fifth eye focused mainly on Caelan. The other five darted and scanned, one keeping close tracking of Herrel who remained clung to the walls above as the Xeno whistled whimsically from behind her mask despite the chaos unfolding all around her.

Domina wasn't attacking them—not yet. She was toying with them, dancing around the Queen in tight, menacing circles as the fog that filled the room from Jonyna enhancing her sword only served to further shroud everything she was doing. Her movements were fluid, almost elegant, as she weaved and ducked, constantly shifting her position so that the guards and the Jedi couldn't get a clear shot or line of attack. Her tail lashed out at intervals, knocking over pillars and furniture, further limiting their ability to act without risk.

"She's boxed us in. We can't move her!" A Royal Guard cried out towards the Jedi, requesting some other form of plan.

A Guard, still holding his blaster, remained calm but was visibly struggling to find an opening. His eyes followed Domina's every movement, watching for even the slightest moment of vulnerability. "Stay focused!" he called out to the other guards. "We can still bring her down. Just wait for—"

Before he could finish, Domina's tail snapped through the air with blinding speed, wrapping around one of the guards, yanking him off his feet and tossing him into a wall like a ragdoll. The man hit the floor with a sickening thud, unconscious before he even landed and thinning the herd defending The Queen.

Others would aim, but Domina was already moving, flipping over one of the fallen pillars, her claws digging into the marble floor as she landed gracefully on her feet. Her wicked smile never faltered as she glanced at the Jedi, then back to the Queen.

She leaned closer to the monarch, her claws gently brushing against the throne's armrest, sending a chill through the air. "They can't save you, little light...But Prime can~" she cackled, sidestepping and weaving through the guards like a predator playing with its prey as most of them panicked and fumbled over one another, her tail swishing dangerously behind her. "Go ahead!" she taunted, her voice dripping with malice as her five eyes dilated in focus. Anticipating Herrel Eldar Herrel Eldar and Rayia Si Rayia Si to continue their interception. "Take your best shot! Prime is waiting!"

The tension in the room mounted as the Queen's protectors struggled to find a way to break free of the deadly dance Domina had trapped them in. The throne room, once a symbol of power and security, was now a cage, with the deadly Prime standing at its center, her monstrous tendrils and claws ready to unleash chaos at a moment's notice.

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Braze was swatted aside with ease, sent flying by the powerful impact of the Vibro-axe meeting his blades. He twisted in midair, attempting to regain control before hitting the ground. His boots skidded as he slid, quickly bounding off again and zipping around the encampment. His movements were erratic, zigzagging through the chaos, cutting down anyone unprotected or foolish enough to raise a weapon in his path. He was hard to track, a blur of motion darting across the battlefield.

Charging right back at the larger opponent, Braze unleashed a flurry of sharp, fast strikes at his belly and chest. Each blow delivered with rapid-fire speed, as if attempting to dent the warrior's defenses. He continued to move, relentless, testing every angle, his twin blades flashing as he sought to create an opening.



He was content with the mention of the old Mandalorian Patron of Growth and Change. His efforts at preserving its memory had seen merit, for many had embraced its truth in the wake of the Crusade. The fire the Gamorrean showed was a promising testament to that. “A worthy offering, indeed. Fight well, then, vod.” Was the parting comment, just as they broke off to face their respective foes.

A shield upon his wrist thrummed to life, deflecting several slugs sent his way with several swift movements from his forearm, each impact sending a ripple across the glowing barrier. One or two more were allowed to glance off his armor, it's contact triggering some of the freezing effects of the payload in a couple streaks across his imperfect armor - almost as if akin to a frostbitten scar. Nonetheless, his stride remained deliberate, steps undeterred with a calm certainty. No tricks, no gadgets, just a weapon in hand at the moment. He would trust Grissuk to deal with the other.

“What foolishness has thine Order reduced to?” He scoffed, a hint of disdain in his voice as it echoed from behind the cold, emotionless visor. Its visage had remained fixated upon the grey-eyed individual during the approach, scrutinizing him as if to try to verify this was, in fact, a Jedi. It was not the first time one had opted to use firearms against him, rather than their fabled weapon of choice. It often did little to help them.

“Have they abandoned the very weapons they once clung to so ardently?”

As the final slug was batted aside with a casual flick of his shield, his main hand tightened around the haft of his weapon. It was then he shifted diagonally towards Jasper in a fluid motion, the poleaxe’s bladed edge flashing out from behind him in a winding cleave. The deadly arc swept up from below bearing frightful speed, aimed towards the Jedi’s right shin with a range deceptively longer than one might anticipate - just as the lightsaber ignited.

“...Perhaps not. Good. It will be all that stands between you and oblivion.”
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Lyrana: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze
Engaging: Yuri Maji Yuri Maji
"Yeah, and the scrapyard is two blocks down. I'm sure most of your tech would make a good addition to the heap." Jonyna shot back, holding her saber in her classic stance. Always Form One. "Get out of here before you make a mistake, kid."

Jonyna was ready to attack, before Jenn spoke a name she hadn't heard in a long time. It had been a few years now since the war with the Enclave, and yet it was a name that had held significance in Jonyna's story.

She had only known Shai for a little while, but Jonyna was sure she was turning in her grave as her kin acted this way.

Stun, not kill. She didn't exactly have a lot of options for that. As her lover dashed forward, Jonyna had to take a split second to consider her options. Moving like a blur, Jonyna dashed forward using the Force, following Jenn as she leapt right over the Siren, blackflipping over her and swinging her saber while upside down like a bat right at the back of Yuri's head.

Jonyna had spent her entire life fighting to kill. Fighting to survive. To stun, it was almost a foreign concept to her.



Braze was swatted aside with ease, sent flying by the powerful impact of the Vibro-axe meeting his blades. He twisted in midair, attempting to regain control before hitting the ground. His boots skidded as he slid, quickly bounding off again and zipping around the encampment. His movements were erratic, zigzagging through the chaos, cutting down anyone unprotected or foolish enough to raise a weapon in his path. He was hard to track, a blur of motion darting across the battlefield.

Charging right back at the larger opponent, Braze unleashed a flurry of sharp, fast strikes at his belly and chest. Each blow delivered with rapid-fire speed, as if attempting to dent the warrior's defenses. He continued to move, relentless, testing every angle, his twin blades flashing as he sought to create an opening.

Captain Grissuk tightened the grip on the Shogar Tok Vibro-axe, feeling its weight and balance become an extension of his formidable will. He concentrated not on the chaotic dance of the blade as it sliced through his line of sight, but rather on the cadence of the Padawan's strikes.

With a semblance of precision, the Gamorrean executed another pivot on his heel, employing his beskar-plated gauntlets to deflect the initial incoming slashes towards his belly and chest.

In tandem with his previous move he launched a sweeping arc of the axe aimed directly at the Padawan's legs intending to throw him off balance even further. Following this aggressive strike he charged forward utilizing the axe not only as a weapon but also as a shield. The broad blade was expertly maneuvered to parry Braze Braze 's thrusts while he spun it low and close to the ground to evade the worst of his opponent's blades.

"Hah, hah, hah...a runt like you can't even defeat a blind Morrt" He let out a booming laugh mixed with a hint of mockery.

Using the sheer force and the weight of his swings to deflect the majority of the damage coming his way although still being pushed back due to the formidable speed of the Jedi's offensive. His laughter echoed through the camp adding a sense of bravado to his actions.

Battle of Onderon

Tag: Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo

A push sent him back and a blaster shot found purchase in his armour - but only as he was in the middle of another swing of the sword. A pained grunt escaped him: For even if the armour did its job well, the heat and blunt force were far from painless. But the rest of the volley - if there was a rest of the volley - would not come quite as near, for the blade would threaten the Mandalorian's hand and likely push the tip of the blaster in another direction.

Surprisingly, however, the lost cousin chose to disengage. Vince could count his lucky stars for staying in the fight after taking a shot would have been hard indeed. But the rather obvious threat then presented itself. Sig was getting close to his mother. The Royal Guard whom had initially accompanied Vince out of the Throne Room stood on top of the stairs to the Mandalorian's right. Her eyes were covered by a reflective visor but thin and seasoned lips were clenched tight as she leveled her blaster rifle against the Mandalorian to fire off a shot.

The shot would be part of a two-pronged attack, for Vince was not one to stay passive. His own rifle would soon go off, once his saber and pistol had been holstered. Once more, it was the shrapnel filled projectile, menacingly barreling towards the Mandalorian.

Seeing as his foe was undoubtedly going to need to evade either to the left or right, Vince capitalized on the opportunity to start rushing up the corridor to close the distance.
ALLIES: MANDOS | Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo | Domina Prime Domina Prime | Trajan Fett Trajan Fett
ENEMIES: GA | Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Haliat Kryze Haliat Kryze | Vince Vince
ENGAGING: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si
GEAR: In bio


A snicker escaped Yuri as he watched the Cathar’s movements. At least she had a mouth on her, this was something he could work with. It beat listening to another Jedi monologue on the importance of life and the Light.

”Kark that, hairball, I’m scared I’ll meet your sister or somethin’.” He retorted as his attention was drawn to the Rallymaster charging at him, shouting something to the rest of her team. He didn’t exactly have time to pay attention as the Jedi moved on him as well with an overhead jump.

With a sleight of hand he dropped a small, hemispherical device behind him as his jetpack flared to life, propelling him toward the charging Mandalorian. In the blink of an eye, sparks flew and metal screeched as Yuri’s armour collided with the Mandalorian’s shield. He used the momentum of the collision to roll towards the opposite side of the woman’s Beskad and raised his rifle with one hand to let loose with a burst at her back and side, aiming to hit her more exposed side and rear of her armour. In the wake of the collision, he snuck another hemispherical device onto the woman’s shield.

His jetpack carried him a space away from his attackers, allowing him a second to activate his helmet’s thermal sight as well as click a button on his vambrace. The two hemispherical thermal detonators gave a brief whine before erupting in a shockwave of fire in hopes of catching the Jedi and the Mandalorian in a quick and powerful series of explosions.

However, the moment also allowed him to register what the Rallymaster was saying only a few seconds ago.

”... What was that about my Ma?” He spoke with a low growl, a mixture of raging anger and curiosity. Was there anyone in this damn galaxy that didn’t know his mother?

Chaotic Evil - Alor of Clan Dryggo

With the sudden weight of the palace thrown temporarily off balance, Sig cursed beneath his breath. He was glad his childhood home was suffering the damage it was. What angered him was his prize potentially slipping away. The prize, his aunt’s death, is all he wanted and needed.

Wanted, because of the glory such a kill would bring, as well as the personal satisfaction of ending the life of the one who held most responsible for his original clan’s demise.

Needed, because her death would secure Sig’s place within the Crusade and, no matter how damming the evidence against him was, his position would be secured.

As the radio in his helmet began to buzz with word that the throne room had been breached, Sig wasted no time.

Turning back down the original hallway, the direct route, he rolled forward and broke into a sprint.

As he did so his former cousin was capitalizing off his brief disengagement and decided to push. Not just him, but the royal guard who had accompanied him that Sig elected to ignore.

As Sig attempted to dodge both incoming attackers he was only able to do so much. A shot from the rifle of the royal guard sent the Mandalorian back against the wall. Letting out a low groan of pain, Sig gritted his teeth and pushed off the wall.

Despite the burst of anger and rage he was determined to reach the throne room and ensure victory for his clan and Crusade.


“...Perhaps not. Good. It will be all that stands between you and oblivion.”

Jasper scoffed. The mandalorian seemed insistant on talking. Between questioning the use of a slugthrower and telling him he's going to be sent to oblivion it was starting to frustrate the Jedi Master greatly. A good fight shouldn't need words. Everything should be expressed clearly and decisively through the weapons of the warrior. Yet here they were.

He was quick to notice the pole arm swinging towards his shin, the Jedi's natural battle sense kicking in. Jasper had done this song and dance before, so why not shake things up a bit? Rather than dodging the blow out-right, Jasper performed a small hop over the weapon in such a way to where he would land his feet firmly on top of it, crouching down as he landed. A more playful grin spread across the young Master's face as he gazed into the empty visor of the Mandalorian's helmet.

"You should lighten up."

The blonde Jedi proceeded to lay his mechanical hand on the pole arm, one of his runes flowing with Force energy: Lightning. A surge of electrical energy would ripple out of the rune and into the conductive Beskar of the poleaxe.

Hopefully to fry whatever equipment the dude was packing with him. There was really only one way to tell what this would even do...

Wait and see.

Battle of Onderon

Tags: Throne room defenders, Throne room attackers

The Queen - her reign had been long. Throughout the years, many battles had been waged on Onderon. By now, it was no longer an unfamiliar challenge. The attacks were like the waves, ceaselessly bashing against the seaside cliff. And her people were like the rock which the waves bashed against. Standing strong, but always eroding, little by little. Staying strong against the waves was never something which could be taken for granted. Especially not now, when the attackers were not just poised on attacking the planet, but attacking her capital, her palace, and her person.

The woman whom sat on the throne did so with a straight back and a chin held high. In the room, with her, was people whom she entrusted with her life. People whom had served in her Royal Guard for years, Jedi, like the young Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren and importantly, the Knight Commander Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze whom had already come to the planet's aid in the past. She had bid the Crown Prince Vince Vince farewell, as was protocol, and she had allowed the battle to take its course. People far more gifted in the art of war held the future of Onderon in their hands now.

She seemed pleased with the company of the young Jedi who had encouraged her to leave. It was natural for her to refuse being escorted away - protocol planned by defensive strategists dictated that she remain - at least in a situation like this one. But the kindness he showed mattered to her; the friendly glint in her eye and gracious nod to him indicated as much. After a bit of waiting and listening to the hart battle being waged outside, her mouth opened. Perhaps an explanation was on its way "Young Jedi" her aging voice did not only carry decades of experience, but also an unexpected warmth. "This attack, it struck too fast for a proper evacuation. The safest-..."

Her voice trailed off. Something was awry - and the Jedi sensed as much. A small yelp escaped her as he went close to protect her. For much of what followed, the elder would remain silent. Standing in a room filled with defenders, and the young Jedi right by her side, she was relatively well protected. Experience and what seemed like a complete lack of fear steeled her eyes as the threat - Domina Prime Domina Prime - approached. It may have talked to her, it may have goaded her, but she remained unmoved and seemingly uncaring. It was quite possible that she was indeed utterly fearless next to Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren - her years on the throne and the tabloids would suggest as much - but it was also possible that she had a defence which her attackers were unaware of.

At one point, her eyes left that of the bestial alien. With eyes carrying a slightly colder shade of blue than Vince Vince - she allowed her gaze to wander to Yuri Maji Yuri Maji . The two of them weren't the strangers one might have expected from a situation like this. Disappointment was clear to see spreading across her features before her lips tightened and she allowed her eyes to wander on. Now to Varys Amun Varys Amun , Rayia Si Rayia Si and Herrel Eldar Herrel Eldar - defenders. Her lips formed a comforting smile as she offered a nod. It was time.



Training lightsaber [Normal] |

Gauntlet Shield [Katar + Shield] |
Corsage [Dueling Foil +Gun] |
Calypso [Hand an a half + Board Saber] |
Sentry [Parrying Dagger] |
Requiem [Light Foil] |
Echo [Two handed with Crossguard] |
Resurgence [Two handed with Crossguard] |
Whirlwind [Chin Kama] |
Twilight [Polearm] |
Nightshade [Throwing Knives]
Hot 'n' Heavy Compensator [ War Maul]

Amplification |
Serenity |
Phantom Ghostfire |
Frostheart |
Entropite |
Tiger's Fang |
Mindshatter |
Echos |
Mestare |
Melee: Knife

Fang |
G.O.O. Gun |
Phantom |
Chiru Tranquilizer Rifle|
FFS- Quiver Trigger - Grip / Stock |
FFS- I. S.P.Y. : Scope |
FFS- H.A.R.M. - Shroud

Thowing :
BA-K177 Kamino Saberdarts X15
E.G.G.S. x10 |

Thermal detonator (Class-A thermal detonator) x5 |
G-20 Glop grenade "Impact" x5 |
C-22 fragmentation grenade x5 |
WW-41 CryoBan grenade) X5
Telescopic stun grenade staff
Serenity Flashbang Incense

Equipped Gear:
Neck: Lightveil Circlet | Charms x3 | Amulate |
Chest: Light Armor [Integrated in to armor | Boots | Gauntlets | Mask/Helm | ]
Belt: FFS- Utility Belt
Left Hand:
Compass Ring | BCA - Solid State Hologram Tool Band

Other Items:
Survival Kit |

FSP - Besh ( Advanced Force Suppression Drug )
Sil-Alert Stim
Trauma Care Package
Trauma Kit
Trauma Spray
Aspha Serum
TS-N Healing Serum (For those allergic to Bacta)
Reanimation Serum Aurek
PharmaTech BioStamp
PharmaTech DNA Identi-Kit
Bota M9-A2: Berries
FFS-RIP-Cell: Power Cell |
Vixen's Vault |
In the Zone Compact, Mister, and Lipstick|

Essence of Zeltros DUST Compact|
S.I.N. Devaronian Blood-Poison Nail Polish|
5 Lbs bag of Thermite |

Ashwing - Starfighters
Phantomray Stealth Assault Interceptor Fitted with Werlaara Stealth Suite

Dragon Knight

AX-01 Vanguard Mark I
[Character Bio]


"Hah, hah, hah...a runt like you can't even defeat a blind Morrt"
Braze, much smaller and physically weaker, knew he couldn't match Grissuk's strength head-on. As the Gamorrean launched the sweeping strike at his legs, Braze leapt into the air, narrowly evading the axe's arc. Twisting in midair, he used his agility to stay just out of reach, landing lightly on his feet as Grissuk charged forward.

As Braze twisted to land, the Gamorrean's follow-up was already in motion—a wide swing of the Vibro-axe caught him off guard, and although he attempted to block with his blades, the impact sent him flying once more. His small frame skidded across the ground, and for a brief moment, his breath was knocked out of him.

Despite the soreness creeping into his limbs, Braze grinned, wiping a bit of dirt from his cheek.

Rather than charging straight back in, Braze darted to the side, zipping in sporadic movements to avoid becoming an easy target. His speed was his greatest asset, but Grissuk was no fool—each strike the Gamorrean launched seemed to come faster, with more force, and Braze found himself on the defensive. Another powerful swing came low, and though Braze twisted to dodge, the heavy axe clipped his shoulder, sending him tumbling sideways.

He gritted his teeth as he hit the ground, flipping himself back up with a forceful kick, only to find Grissuk charging forward again, using his massive axe as both weapon and shield. Braze's dual blades sparked against the metal as he parried, but the impact jolted his arms, making his small size a clear disadvantage in the face of such raw power.

Stumbling back, he tried to regain his rhythm, ducking under another strike.

He deactivated his sabers clipping them to his belt as he sought something else.

Each time the axe came down or swung wide, Braze was gone—his light footwork allowing him to slip through the cracks in the Gamorrean's heavy, forceful attacks. He attempted to get inside the axe's reach, where the weight of Grissuk's swings might work against him.

Braze relied on his speed and reflexes, dodging the majority of Grissuk's wide, powerful swings, while waiting for the right moment to turn the brute's own strength into a disadvantage. When he saw an opening he tried to throw not one but two E.G.G.S at him!
Battle of Onderon

Tag: Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo

Words had been buzzing through his come for the duration of the battle. Words from exasperated guards, Captains distraught over their fallen comrades and messages from Jedi such as Jonyna Si Jonyna Si - asking for him to escort his mother away. It was all flooding through his mind as it got a few brief moments to process it all. First when charging up the stairs, and then when Sig evaded him when rushing up against the Royal Guard. Terror filled the Prince's eyes as his cousin headed for the woman. Then he simply pushed her aside: A relieved breath left the Prince's mouth as he once more started to run up the stairs in pursuit of his cousin.

But chasing after a Mandalorian whilst wearing heavy armour was foolhardy. Both were encumbered - but one practically wore it as a second skin while Vince usually moved on parade uniforms and other formal wear. Still, he was a soldier and his pace wasn't slow. It just meant that, each time he slowed down to take a shot at his cousin, Sig would already be rounding the next corner.

Unfortunately, there weren't many more corners to round before arriving at the Throne Room. With the elderly Royal Guard safe and far behind them, Vince pushed on with determined steps. Once they were close enough for it to matter, he raised his left arm with the comms unit to contact the Throne Room defenders.

"My cousin, he's coming towards you. I'm not far behind, but he's coming" Vince's voice was recognizable, but tired. Flame licked, shot and punched, he had suffered a few injuries already - but this was important. Flicking the switch on his rifle once more, he readied himself for battle. If Sig slowed down or stayed up, a concentrated cryobeam would find its way towards the area around his armpits where the Soldier expected the armour to give way for mobility.
Loadout: Battlefield (Fennec Pistol replaced with a VSF Shiba)
Enemies: Mandalorians Hakon Fett Hakon Fett Biala Prahl Biala Prahl Feydrik Munin Feydrik Munin Domina Prime Domina Prime
Allies: GA Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Mahsa Mahsa Ran Serys Ran Serys Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad Rayia Si Rayia Si Varys Amun Varys Amun Herrel Eldar Herrel Eldar
Objective: Fall back to support the palace.

Vulpesen's ear buzzed as chatter came in from the palace. The guards were being pushed back by some nightmarish blue creature. Multiple limbs and incredible strength were ripping the palace apart to get to the queen. The horror in the words sparked a memory in Vulpesen and he couldn't help but grin. All around him, his men were fighting like demons to fdefend the bridge. Mandalorians in their attempts to dismount his men had found their bodies crushed and broken by the might tails of the veran foxes. Others had found their organs rattled to jelly as Shiba sonic blasters rattled their armor with horrifying frequencies. And then those that got the farthest, those that got the men off their beloved hounds, would find claws and fangs bared and eager to take the fight up close and personal. By no means were the Zorrens taking a one sided victory, but they were certainly refusing to let up even an inch of ground. [Trident Actual, Take command! I'm headed to the palace!]

Shadow reared with a howl as he turned her around and sped up the bridge deeper past friendly lines. All the while, he poured his energy into his mount. For a Wilder, the way of the tamer wasn't just making animals like and obey you. It was empowering even the most leoly beast into becoming ana sset that could stand beside you. Right now, Vulpesen needed the speed to reach his target, and he poured that speed directly into the vixen's legs as she bore him to his new enemy, zipping past the republic lines as a black blur.



The arc turned from cleave to thrust, though missed its mark. Suddenly, somehow, the Jedi had found itself onto the Poleaxe. Perhaps he had paused in his motion out of sheer confusion from the act. An unorthodox opening to a fight, to say the least. There was little more words to be had now that the fight had begun in earnest. Weapons did not make warriors, nor did the tricks of the force. It was this - two individuals, fighting for their own beliefs.

It was as much as a testament to Jasper’s agility as it was a testament to Carduul’s apparent strength to be able to support that long enough for him to get a quip in. As soon as he reached down and grazed the tip, the electric pulse coursed through. That was now the second time someone had done so. He had learned from the first time - the small burns still healing upon his palms a testament to that. It coursed through the insulated gauntlets, the shock painful enough to waken his senses without it spreading to affect the rest of his person. He would have to thank Caeos Prahl Caeos Prahl for the improvements, for that may have caused issue otherwise.

At the same time Jasper reached down, one of Carduul’s hands let go and tilted, firing a single precise blaster bolt into the wrist of the now-exposed arm - intent on rendering the joint damaged for his hubris through a wrist blaster. Without the counterbalance, the Jedi may well just tumble off unbalanced. Had he attempted to jump off first from the unsteady 'platform' that was the poleaxe, the followup would be the same.

A twist of the now-freed weapon, making a single step forwards aiming to impale Jasper unto the ground or mid-air with its pointed end.
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Location: Navigating through emergency passages..
Equipment: Beskar'gam, Main, Sidearm, Polearm, Belt of "goodies"
Beasts: x2 Oggdo's
GA: Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren Vince Vince Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze
Vode: Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo Trajan Fett Trajan Fett Domina Prime Domina Prime
Hunting: Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren


Ninurta moved silently through the emergency tunnel, his two reptilian-toads, the Oggdos, flanking him on either side like primal sentinels. The flickering light of the throne room grew brighter as he neared the end of the passage, his keen hearing catching the tail end of the conversation between Caelan and the other Mandalorian. The words reached him clearly: "I cannot allow you to take her."

Without breaking stride, Ninurta emerged from a hidden passage behind the group, his dark figure looming behind the defiant warrior. His presence was sudden, unsettling. The Oggdos crept forward, their heavy breaths filling the air with an the musk of meat and iron.

Ninurta didn't speak at first. He simply strode forward, his helmeted gaze locking onto Caelan and his jetii weapon with cold, calculating intent. His steps were slow, methodical, and the Oggdos mirrored him, positioning themselves on either side of him like monstrous guardians. Their tongues flicked out, tasting the air, while their multipole eyes, wide and predatory, stayed trained on the Jedi and the queen behind him.

In one fluid motion, Ninurta raised his blaster carbine and poised it in front of Caelan, a silent warning. He kept moving forward, closing the distance without hesitation, his pheromones filling the room with a aura of dominance. Causing the Oggdos growled low, their massive tongues twitching, ready to strike at his slightest command.

Then Ninurta's voice cut through the tension, calm and lethal. "Dont move jedi." He kept advancing, his hands steady, prepared for any move Caelan might make. The Oggdos edged closer, their bulging muscles ready to pounce, their jaws poised to crush.

He was done with words. Now, it was only action. Finger on the trigger, he could feel a smile on his face behind his visor. Then he fired a three round burst.


Jasper was quick to respond to the incoming blaster bolt, his reflexes fast. His lightsaber, burning bright in his organic hand, surged forward to deflect the incoming plasma into the ground. The Jedi Master leapt off the poleaxe, to which the Mandalorian reacted swiftly, moving to impale him as he moved away. Again he moved his lightsaber to catch the incoming attack, catching the end of the piercing blow and knocking it back before landing on the ground. Things were heating up and there wasn't any yapping to kill the mood?

Maybe this was going to be a fun battle after all.

The Master was quick to spring back into action, lifting his mechanical arm and firing off two crossbow bolts from the weapon hidden within: One aimed for the head, one the gut. From there he'd change his stance to Djem So, moving to strike the hand of the Mandalorian with a heavy swing of his blade. The hydraulic piston fired to life within his mechanical arm as he held the blade with two hands, drastically increasing the strength of the blow as steam billowed out from within. A good punch from his arm was enough to leave dents in durasteel, and Jasper had no intentions of holding back.

After all, this was a proper battle. Doing so would be disrespectful.



Captain Grissuk stood his ground, feeling the unmistakable weight of the battlefield beneath his hefty feet as his axe cleaved through the air, barely missing the nimble figure of Braze Braze . This Padawan had size and weight stacked against him - even Grissuk could see that - but what they lacked in raw strength, they made up for it with sheer ability and cleverness.

The Jedi's small stature allowed him to duck, weave and evade with acrobatic finesse that even he had to admire, even if it started to infuriate him to no end. As he surveyed the landscape around them, the Gamorrean's green skin gleamed with sweat and determination. Each missed swing was a reminder of how puzzling this duel had turned out to be.

"You're quick, I'll give you that, you little wart," he bellowed, his voice rumbling like thunder as he straightened his posture. He took a moment to mentally prepare himself, resetting the rhythm of the fight in his mind.

A primal roar escaping his lips as he swung his Shogar Tok Vibro-axe, with reckless abandon. The cocky grin that Braze flashed at the pain he endured only fueled Grissuk's competitive spirit. "You think you can push through, little warrior?" Grissuk called out, his massive muscles straining as he swung with purpose. He felt the thrill of combat burning in his veins, and every time Braze gracefully avoided his attack, it gnawed at his pride.

It was then that he saw Braze's hand fluidly reach for something beside his belt. A collection of E.G.G.S, - the sort of improvised weaponry that could easily change the tide of a confrontation.

"What the!' Grissuk yelled in surprise, as the unpleasant substance from the weapon obscured his helmet's vision, leading to a forceful fall as the combined weight of his weapon and the momentum from another swing pulled him to the ground.

Turning over was a hassle but he finally managed to do it, as the Undergauntlet Toxic Gas Dispenser emerged from his ZV1 Modular Gauntlets. Dispensing hazardous gas around his body in an attempt to drive the Jedi Padawan back from attacking any further until the gas disappeared.



TAGS: Biala Prahl Biala Prahl | Mahsa Mahsa | Ran Serys Ran Serys
"I'm not a warrior. I'm a soldier. There's a difference. Warriors attack and conquer. They – they prey on the weak. Soldiers defend and protect the innocent – mostly from warriors."
"Nice speech. I bet you tell yourself that every night so you can sleep. But I accept who and what I am. I don't have to justify it with words. Victory in battle is my justification."

―Carth Onasi and Canderous Ordo
Mandalorian Neo-Crusader Vanguard
The Sky, Sky Ramp Front Lines

All around him, basilisk war droids clashed with winged beasts, their iron talons raking against scaled hides. The beasts screeched defiantly in returns, fangs bared, diving and tearing at the machines. Fire and steel clashed in the heavens, chaos unchained, unbound. Untamed. A Drexl's talons sliced through a Mandalorian's armor, too slow on the turn; in a heartbeat, the hunter became the hunted. And a heartbeat later, the food chain shifted again. Thorin's triumphant cry echoed across the sky as his basilisk's pulse-wave cannons burned bright into ash both drexl and rider.

Hakon's own quarry dove sharply, the Mandalorian almost losing its tail as the drexl twisted through the sky in a desperate bid to outrun Fett's relentless lasers. Pale red squares of his rangefinder, interlinked with his basilisk's droid brain, began to flash rapidly for the inevitable intersection point where beast and rider would cross with the salvo of his restless laser fire. The flashing squares converged into one, crimson like death.

But the beast's wings still beat alive against the wind. A bright morning star of sapphire illuminating the basilisk's lasers away.

The sudden surge of adrenaline tugged his lips into a satisfied smirk.


The ultimate challenge.

Hakon had witnessed their might in the Mandalorians' early raids of Contruum and Manaan, and even on Vanquo where he had--reluctantly--fought on the same side of their Grandmaster, the Sword of the Jedi Valery Noble Valery Noble . Very few in number then, but enough to turn a tide of a battle. And the strongest of their kind were worth a thousand men. They were the ancient foes of his people; the anvil upon which the Mandalorians renown and legacy had been hammered true. No truer, nor greater honor, could be attained than to dare to fight the Jetii.

As the drexl looped over his head, the Field Marshal yanked his basilisk around to face the inevitable charge of the Jedi and their mount. Fett fired up the basilisk droids' thrusters to their absolute brim, managing to get a little more velocity in his own charge, but well aware the drexl already had that advantage as it closed the distance quickly with each powerful flap of its giant wings.

"Cut a different path, Crusader! The Sky Bridge is not yours today and it won't be yours tomorrow! Onderon will never be Mandalorian!"

"Through you." a terse response escaped his vocoder as the tension of the imminent jostle compressed time itself: yellow eyes bore into the abyss of a soulless visor; sweat drops crept down inch by inch; fibres of muscle tensed with the slowness of a rusted vice; seconds stretched into eternity until eternity flashed by in the blink of an eye.

One arm, confined in beskar, snapped against the slash of the lightsaber, batting the blade away as the other hand flicked a switch, producing Fett's beskar spear and thrusting it against the passing Jedi. In the same instant, something cracked beneath him and the basilisk shook and rattle as the drexl's fangs tore through a stabilizer. His free hand instinctively held for the droid, fighting to steady it and turn it around faster before drexl and Jedi could gain a solid advantage of momentum once more for the next jostle.

Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species

Jack moved, and the jungle moved with him. Flanked by two heavy walkers, he steadily drew from the jungle around him, the Force growing and snowballing into a massive knot of potency with him at its core. Immense armor platings grew and peeled from the trees around him, snapping into place over his shoulders, around his arms, twisting and entwining into his Ktinos heavy armor. Vines and saplings leapt from the ground to snuggle into place in the waiting slots on his armor, swelling and churning as their chemical composition reshaped into slugs and shells, mortars and chemical weaponry.

The distinctive 'spannggg' of lightsaber on beskar egged him on, and with a rumbling creaking roar he burst into the fray. Skidding to a stop a few meters into the clearing, he gestured to the Ankathi walker. Suppressive fire, keep the troops locked down. Get close and use the mortars to crack their bunker open. To the Diadidon walker, he gestured, Keep the Ankathi and me repaired. If they get under you, hose 'em down.

He stomped forward, eldritch armor swirling and twisting with every movement as he raised an arm. Time to make this clearing his own. A massive shell launched upward, popping with a disquietingly soft 'puff' of air before spores began to float down into the clearing and beyond. While nowhere near hazardous to breathe in (accidentally or on purpose), and wafting thin enough to be only barely visible to the naked eye, they inevitably coated every single surface in the area. And now Jack had a full tactical view of his own. In between this heartbeat and the next, he marked the Mandalorian in the red armor as an enemy, the big Mandalorian - Gamorrean?? - as an enemy as well, and the two Jedi as allies.

His arm raised again, and a rapid-fire burst of razorgrass slugs spat forth with a loud 'BRRRUTTTTT', each slug weaving through the air and twisting just enough to avoid the Jedi and spatter the Mandalorian armor with hypersharp plant matter.

Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl
Grissuk Ung Kusp Grissuk Ung Kusp
Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el
Braze Braze


| Location | Iziz - Throne Room
| Objective | Confront a wayward soul
| Focus | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Yuri Maji Yuri Maji

As their Alor fought against her own foe, the elite warriors of the Nite Owls kept their blasters trained on Domina, refusing to budge from their position, no matter the situation; if their tall, murderous vod would not relent, then they would show her the mettle of the House of Kryze, and bring their weapons to bear against her. Karrys, de facto leader of the squad with The Redeemer otherwise occupied, spoke into the squad's comms in a low and measured voice, although not before ensuring that the built-in speaker was muted.
"Keep your cool. She tries to go for the Queen, you fire - but one of the bastard traitors might try and use the distraction to get to her, so keep that head on a swivel."
Although Jenn sought to keep her foe alive, and so too did her precious Moontide, the Shivastanen was under no such compulsion. Were she more ruthless, the Alor would have simply used her lightwhip to kill the damnable hound, deadly weapon that it was... but that path could only lead to ruin. All it took was a single practical, if dishonorable act, followed by another, then another, until she finally found herself with naught but destruction as her legacy. With the fate of an entire House on her shoulders, she had to do better. To be better.
The asymmetrical nature of this engagement was everything she looked for in life. What was the point of a battle, if she left it thoroughly unchallenged? No, the restrictive nature of her self-importance objective forced her to think creatively, and therein lie the thrill. Although Yuri managed to squeeze in a one-handed burst with his weapon, the beskar plating covering her back caught most of it; the rest, meant for her side, she managed to redirect by twisting her body in order to have it catch the pauldron instead.
A close call. Closer than she'd like, but she would have been dead right then and there if not for the sacred metal of their people, protecting her still from a wayward son lashing out angrily against the Galaxy. Using his jetpack to keep his distance from two melee specialists was probably his safest bet, and, in spite of the circumstances, she admired the fire in his heart, misplaced as his allegiance might be. Even in the midst of a chaotic battleground, he clearly managed to keep his cool... for the time being.
It was then that she noticed the sphere affixed to her shield.
There was a beauty to the fluidity of her motions, some would say. Others appreciated the movement economy on her part, strategists that they were. Either way, she reacted swiftly to the danger, deactivating her personal shield so that the hemispherical device may fall to the floor - only for her to hastily seize the both of them through the Force, ere flinging them up and towards the ceiling. It was the best she could do under such short notice, largely untrained as she was!
Besides, flinging the both of them back towards Yuri, that might just kill him, and defeat the whole purpose of her choice to stay her hand. With her foe so keen on keeping his distance, she was quick to return her beskad to its resting place at her belt, pulling out her twin pistols and training them on the foe.
His words made her pause. This wasn't just her sparing the Rallymaster's kin, but her son?
Jenn had to keep talking. Keep the Shivastanen curious, maybe anger him with the cold truth of her words - make him act recklessly, that she may exploit this weakness and incapacitate him. Without maiming him, if she could, but that was just extra.
"Shai offered me a place when I had none - showed me kindness when I acted like nothing more than a selfish, cruel Crusader. She was fierce, she was passionate, but she was good, and maybe just the best of us all. How she must look at you now... fighting alongside murderers and raiders. Killing those you once called vod. You may have her blood, but you don't have her heart."
Jenn slammed the triggers, firing a series of accurate shots, aimed towards his chestplate. The beskar may handle the hits, but if she hit him enough, it would get him off-balance. Get him to focus his attention on her, the one who knew his mother, who spoke of her like this - and allow Jonyna to outmaneuver him.

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