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Junction [GA/NEO] Battle of Onderon [junction of Onderon and Vjun]



EQUIPMENT: Borrowed Lightsaber (Real one this time, not a training saber)
ALLIES: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze | Vince Vince | Haliat Kryze Haliat Kryze
ENEMIES: Ninurta Slaabur'r Ninurta Slaabur'r

There it was. That feeling again. Something was wrong and it wasn't what he was surrounded by at the moment. Something else lurked, creeping up on them with silent hunger. No, not just one something, but three. Distinct signatures in the Force, coming from? Coming from the tunnel hey would have used as an emergency escape. The other mandalorian, Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze , had been right about them not taking her and leaving. They would have been trapped in a small confine with nowhere to go. At least here he had room to maneuver, though the throne room was quickly getting cramped.

He turned to face the new threat, the unchecked one, noting two beastly toad-like creatures emerging alongside the mandalorian. He did not know these creatures. Their capabilities were beyond him, but he sensed extreme danger, and their tongues glistened with saliva meant to stick to whatever they desired to eat. These were not simple toads, but something far more dangerous.

Several other mandalorians, part of the crew of the loyalists, had moved to surround the queen. That was good. Their armor would offer her far more protection than his body alone would. What's more, it would allow him to focus on this new attacker, this person the others had not had a chance to respond to. He had hoped they would be able to keep the enemy at bay, but that was not to be the case, as now there was one and his pets and Caelan was the one who was going to have to deal with them.

"Stand down, friend," he said, ignoring the command not to move.

For good reason, too, he could feel the intentions coming from this mandalorian. The light empathic tendencies told him there was a deep seated aggression within him, and Caelan's lightsaber snapped up just in time to deflect the triple shot away to harmlessly dissipate into the walls of the room. Had he had more training, he might have been able to deflect them back, or perhaps at the toads. But he didn't have that. His skills were simple and largely martial in nature.

"So you will not."

He moved in instant, heading directly for the mandalorian, but keenly aware that his pets would protect him. Not knowing these creatures was going to be problematic, but he could test their boundaries easily enough. Before he drew up on his foe, he planted his foot and launched to his left, slicing blue blade at the creatures face as he sailed past it, aiming to put its hide between him and his opponent, at least for the moment. With the wall of beskar around the queen now, he did not need to be directly in front of her, and he had to deal with this threat.

Location: Second Floor of the Palace
Objective: Defend the throne room
Domina Prime Domina Prime Yuri Maji Yuri Maji Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo Trajan Fett Trajan Fett
Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Haliat Kryze Haliat Kryze Varys Amun Varys Amun Herrel Eldar Herrel Eldar

As she darted through the smoke, Rayia braced herself for a surprise. There were the perfect conditions to lay a trap after all. As her own actions could much attest. And yet, said trap never came. In fact, she could feel Domina Prime Domina Prime leading her deeper. A rasping click accompanied each pulse of vibration following Domina’s steps. The sound of talons on cold, hard stone.

Rayia “watched” as Domina pulled up short and sent flickering, weaving lashes of motion that burrowed deep into the ceiling. She could feel them worming their way in, ripping chucks from the stonework that spiderwebbed above them. Her first instinct was to rush forwards in an attempt to stop Domina’s attempt to create an opening. Rayia paid for her haste.

One of the lashers whipped towards her and though Rayia felt it coming and managed to block it with her forearms, it still sent her skidding backwards. Burrowing her claws into the floor till she stopped, Rayia ducked behind a column. Nerve rattling pain exploded from behind her makeshift “buckler”, sending the thread of liquid fire pouring through her veins to fill and grow. The tightrope of control Rayia had in suppressing her bestial side wavered as if caught in a strong breeze.

There was a sharp crack that seemed to resonate off the stone around her. Bones snapping and reforming beneath her skin. Thicker and stronger than Rayia’s thin frame belied. Muscles, similarly incongruent, lacing her arm as if poured in from nowhere. The soreness of her arm quickly disappearing and replaced with a keen pressure building inside her skull. Rayia shook her head, gritting her teeth against a noise akin to a growl that fought its way out of her throat. ‘Calm down. You can’t lose yourself here,’ Rayia reminded herself, working at her arm until her fingers stopped curling into hooked claws.

She watched, and felt the events before her. The way the two sides clashed and came together. The way Dima was repulsed with heavy ordinance and the way the others stormed in. Her heart grew light at the sound of her mother’s voice and her ears shot up, a throbbing vein pulsing on her forehead as she heard the Shistaven refer to her as a furball.

“Pot. Kettle,” ground out Rayia surrpressing the urge to pounce and claw Yuri Maji Yuri Maji ’s face until it was concave and pug-like. She had a much better idea as she darted away from her hiding place down along the second floor. She was mirroring one particular individual’s motions.

Thanks to her keen Felacatian senses, Rayia could read every vibration of motion on the third floor. It gave her a kind of seismic map of her vicinity, allowing her to position individual sources around her. She could feel each step, and one set of vibrations stood out in particular. Heavy, proud, and with two slight variances that Rayia had learned to associate with metal armor and talons. ‘…probably the only one that would prance and traipse around like this anyway,’ Rayia thought to herself as she mimed a punch towards the ceiling to get the timing right.

…Then Rayia was bursting through the ceiling with an uppercut aimed at Domina Prime Domina Prime ’s face and her left beskar-laden arm ready to block a potential counter. Stone flooring splintered and gave way, dusting the other cobblestones with fragments of rock. “It’s rude to ignore me, you know.”
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C a r e e n a _ F e t t
| Location | Sky Bridge, Onderon
| Objective | Seize the Sky Bridge

With additional Neo Crusader support having arrived, the pressure and focus on Careena after her surprise attack had been alleviated. Careena had a vibro throwing dagger unsheathed and raised above her head, her scanner picking up an incoming hostile. She was ready to throw the blade at the incoming soldier only for it to get shot out of her hand from incoming sniper fire through the dust. She instinctively shifted and moved as several follow-up shots cut through the dust, her gaze turning in the direction the fire came from. She took note of its general direction to make sure she didn't get blindsided again.​
A soldier charged at Careena, trying to swing at the Mandalorian as she repositioned herself upright, raising an arm up to catch the swinging arm under hers and giving it a twist as she shifted their position to put them in Anna Carden Anna Carden line of fire and give them a reason to hesitate. Careena's movements were fluid and composed, graceful even despite the heat of battle. The soldier cried as their body contorted a bit upwards from the twist, Careena raising her blaster up as she pressed the muzzle in the gap between their chest and breastplate before squeezing the trigger. A single bolt caused the soldier to immediately go limp as she released their arm and let the body crumple to the ground.​

"Ghost! Fight me!"​
Her attention was diverted to the sound of someone shouting in her direction, her gaze tracing back to Atin Tracinya Atin Tracinya who was challenging her. The Mandalorian was unfamiliar to her, perhaps she had seen him once in passing, but no memories came to mind as she turned to face him fully. Any Mandalorian worth their name to challenge an Alor was due respect, to which she offered. Despite being enemies they were both still Mandalorians, and it brought her no joy to have to face her own. But perhaps they may learn something. Or perhaps she may be humbled. It was up to fate to decide, and in true Mandaloria fashion, might would make right. She raised her arms up, a blaster pistol in one hand and an unsheathed beskad in the other, calling back out in their people's tongue, <"Then face me young warrior. I accept your challenge!">​



Garrus Bralor

The silver-armored Mandalorian veteran, Garrus, had remained upon the battlements watching with the pair of electrobinoculars. It was not as glorious as the front, he would admit. He’d much prefer to be out there, like Carduul, but he would have to content himself in ensuring others would earn the glory in his stead. He supposed that was the message Akahl preached - that there was no greater service than to Mandalorians as a whole.

“They’re in Sectors D and A, Garrus. Sector A’s status is green, but we’ve…readings seem like Walkers in D bearing down on the Alor’s location. Motion sensors picked it up.” Came a Preservist comms officer, intently watching several helmet-cams from a battlefield projector. Logistics were key in war - it only made sense many of their number were trained in it.

“Walkers?” Queried Garrus, helm tilting.

“Yes, Alor’ad.”

“No infantry support?”

“Just one individual I think - I can’t tell what it is.”

“...Well, either way, just makes it easy.” He gave a morbid chuckle, as he activated his helmet comms on a short-band frequency, scoping in with the electrobinoculars. “Scout Team Indominus, trigger Sector D… just Grid 11.” Having taken a moment to ascertain the exact position of the coordinates they had laid out aforehand.

Elsewhere, a pair of Mandalorian scouts, wreathed in cloaking generators and perched in the trees above, watched from a scope the approach. There were many more of their ilk, planted throughout the Jungles - it was a majority of their force deployed, in fact. They had the lay of the land, a trait the Alliance were woefully unprepared for upon landing. Wordlessly in reply to the communicated order, there was a click of a detonator.

And below the feet of Jack Sandrow Jack Sandrow and his walkers en-route to the position of the battle, a cluster of powerful mines were set off. Normally, it’d be instant death for most infantry walking through it, and summary destruction for armored vehicles - hence why there seemed to be an apparent lack of the fearsome beasts of Dxun on their approach. The lone individual may well survive the blast - but the lone pair of walkers were highly unlikely, unsupported as they were. That was a rather foolish advance, by the veteran's reckoning, but it made sense from what he knew of the Galactic Alliance thus far. After they threw away a warship for little reason over Manaan, it was par for the course.

“Status on the air defenses?” He asked curtly thereafter.

“Recovering. I believe the rest of the emplacements covered it.”

“Good. Get the Basilisks to change priorities. Have them sweep over the area to make sure nothing else slipped past.” Gaze tilting to eye the holo-projector of troop movements once more. “Least we can do is make sure the Alor doesn’t bite off more than he can chew.” He added, with a hint of amusement in his voice. It took suicide charges for the Republic of old to get anywhere near the fortress during the Wars - or so the legend goes, as espoused by his repository of a leader. The man of Clan Bralor would be happy to re-enact the scenario for the Republic’s leftovers.

Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

Reacting just as quickly as the Jedi did, the poleaxe slid back in his grip with the deflection, pulling it back close once more just as the other’s arm raised. Keen senses did not pick up on a ripple of force, a gust of wind, or a surge of lightning - rather, the soft hiss of hydraulics from atop his wrist. He reacted on honed instinct, tilting the flat of the weapon's blade to deflect the crossbow bolt so that it did not embed itself into his visor. It rebounded off the edge with a sharp ring.

The other bolt hit him square in the gut, embedding into the imperfect armor with a metallic thunk, but failing to penetrate it. With the movement of the deflection, his footwork saw him shifting sidelong once again as the Jedi uptook a stance - the high guard of Djem So, if he recognized correctly - and made to strike with another subtle hiss from his hand. Carduul’s weapon moved to intercept with not enough force, purposefully letting the powerful blow push against it with a shriek of metal in protest. He needed not even contend with the strike that would see him disarmed or maimed, instead sidestepping with a flow of motion. The poleaxe then acted like a winch, suddenly shifting its weight so that it would use Jasper’s own momentum against him. The blunt end had whipped around in an attempt to harshly crack against his side whilst the bladed edge drew back. That same momentum could potentially output bone-cracking force, with the help of the Jedi's own hydraulic arm.

This just so happened in time with the sound of an explosion in the distance - placing the back of the Jedi Master in the way of what could’ve been the remnants of Jack Sandrow Jack Sandrow ’s attack. Had any still managed to find its way with extra twisting motions, the stunted momentum of the strange projectiles would not be sufficient to pierce the armor nor body glove, merely dinking off the metal in a symphony of iron. Gaze remained focused upon his target - now mindful of potential company - as the separate wars on the moon and planet below evolved and forged its participants anew.
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Mount: Rupert the Ruping

The cry of the Vof echoed upwards, challenged by the roars of rupings and drexls alike as their riders guided them into combat. She watched as one of the basilisks took flight, seemingly determined to engage Knight Serys and her mount, before the heavy footfalls of another brought Mahsa’s attention to the ground.

"Together, Rupert!" It was clear they’d caught the attention of the Mandalorian guiding said droid, the first volley of plasma shots easily dodged as the ruping expertly banked left. She trusted Rupert when it came to flying, knowing that the creature had an affinity for the skies that had kept him alive even when she’d not been here to support him.

Her legs tightened against the saddle, keeping the padawan grounded as her connection to the Force flowed through them both. The first of many purple pellets was fished out, prepared by her energy bangle in advance and infused with hurrikaine crystal properties.

She held onto it tightly as Rupert dove towards their opponent, leathery wings pulled tight against his frame to maximize his speed. A slight shift from them caused his body to spiral as another volley of shots came, the few that managed to get too close to the ruping deflected by a shimmering golden hue that sprung to life—a protection bubble raised by the girl to keep him safe.

He leveled out at the last second, narrowly avoiding turning Mahsa and himself into an abstract splatter on the ground, before the forceful beat of his wings brought him closer to the basilisk. At the last moment the shield around Rupert dropped just as two streaks of purple shot towards their target, the slingshots aimed towards the larger barrels of the canons set against each side of the Mandalorian, before the ruping angled right as he sought to zip by the now stationary droid.



| Location | Iziz - Throne Room
| Objective | Make sense of the mess


Varys had thought herself ready for the battle that was coming. She stood, behind Herrel. Waiting for her moment. And then ,the floor began to crack. Fissures ran across the floor of the in a blink, causing Varys to dive sideways to avoid falling to the fire that raged on the level below. The beast, Domina Prime, rose from those depths, covering the entrance of the other Neo-Crusaders. In an instant, the room thrown into disarray.

In front of her, the defenders struggled to contain the beast Domina, taking advantage of her apparent confusion to try and contain her. If the stories Varys had heard held any truth, that would not be enough. Herrel advanced on her first.

"I will maim you."

I will kill you if he will not, durik. Varys promised herself. She stepped backwards, giving Herrel room to fire. The rocket struck the ground in front of Domina and sent all of them stumbling. Varys ducked down and covered her head as masonry rained down on her, her beskar'gam absorbing the blows. Herrel kept moving, throwing the weapon aside for Varys to reload.

Varys caught the thrown weapon with both hands as it slid along the floor, grunting at the impact. She half dragged, half carried the weighty weapon behind a fallen piece of stone. Varys crouched down, pulling a rocket from the pouch Herrel had thrown her, frantically loading the weapon. Stars, that thing was heavy.

Across the room, Jonyna Si Jonyna Si , the Duchess Kryze's consort, wrapped Domina in ice, holding her but a moment. The creature broke free, and a potent mixture of fog and smoke swirled about the room, obscuring almost everything.

Varys lost sight of the defenders. All she could hear were echoing shouts of alarm. When she strained her eyes, she could see dim figures in the fog. It was clear the struggle continued. Others fought against the invaders, she thought she caught a glimpse of Rayia Si Rayia Si darting across the room. She heard Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze , but could not see her.

"Osik!" Varys cursed. She couldn't see chit. Still dragging Herrel's launcher, she moved around the outside of the throne room, weaving around pillars, approaching the throne. Something heavy crashed nearby and Varys looked up, startled. A cacaphony of blasters firing next to her sent her heart racing into overdrive. What was happening?

Through a break in the fog and smoke she saw it. Domina was standing in front of the Queen, the majority of the defenders behind her, still recovering from the shock of her leap. Too far to help, but Varys was close enough.

Varys didn't wait to see what happened next. She was already running, the rocket launcher dropped with a loud clank against the flagstones. All of Herrel's instructions had fallen away in the panic of seeing Domina so close to the Queen. Running full tilt, Varys pulled her javelin out once again screamed out so loud her voice nearly gave out.


A few paces from the Domina, she leapt forward, closing the distance between herself and the monster. Varys knew she had to strike the vitals, to end the fight before it spun further out of control, before the very throne room collapsed on top of them.

Varys thrust the javelin forward, its tip aimed at Domina's throat.


Clan Kryze and Allies: Herrel Eldar Herrel Eldar | Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Rayia Si Rayia Si | Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren | Haliat Kryze Haliat Kryze
Enemies: Domina Prime Domina Prime | Yuri Maji Yuri Maji | Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo | Trajan Fett Trajan Fett | Ninurta Slaabur'r Ninurta Slaabur'r


Tag: Anna Carden Anna Carden Atin Tracinya Atin Tracinya

The Talons had finished restocked and regrouped when the Ghost Basilisk made its strafing run against Clan Kryze warriors and the Onderonions up ahead. They, including Minerva, felt the ground. Hearing the call for assistance the daughter of Jorel nodded but before she could, more crusaders both with jetpacks and more conventional basilisks intervened. Not intimidated, Minerva turned to her lieutenants then hand signals her next instructions and both nodded.

Gakot then bellowed to his platoon. "Come on ya sleemos! You want to live forever?!" Roaring in unison the First Platoon and Minerva charged upwards to meet the next wave. Once more a dogfight of jetpack combatants raged with flying war-droids, they were actually a diversion for Platoon Four.

The latter taking cover on the bridge's defenses sniped and unleashed bursts of repeater fire with the ion bolts against the crusaders that engaged their fellows or pursued them. EMP missiles were fired selectly toward the Bailisks, when away from their comrades forcing several droids and their rider to face destruction by collapse.

Minerva shot down three Crusaders from above, sending them to a final descent together when she heard on the comms. Atin was challenging the ghost rider to single combat. She said nothing, understanding and quickly instructed her troops not to interfere. Of course if the stealth basilisk tries a strafing run by itself while that duel is happening they'll deal with it.

Soon enough Minerva had to evade a beskad blade that was cut at the edge of her left thigh. The crusader kept lunging, forcing Minerva to use her left vambrace to deflect the slash, igniting sparks. She ducked before her foe let loose with his flamethrower and she dived down to avoid getting scorched. Minerva shot a fibercord that caught his wrist.

"COME HERE!" Minerva challenged as she pulled him in.

In counter the crusader tried to swing his blade again but she maneuvered out of the way before icing his head, neck and shoulder with her CryoBan projector. He stiffened in reaction and involuntarily dropped his sword as she froze the rest of his body and released the fibercrod, letting him fall to break into pieces on impact.
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