Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction [GA/NJO] The Last War

Objective II: Remnants
Location: Low Orbit, Giaca
Starship: Marauder-class Corvette [x]
Tags: Drego Ruus Drego Ruus Lily Decoria Lily Decoria Aiden Rennek Aiden Rennek Celendis Astraia Celendis Astraia Driver Driver Zinder Tokarache
Some Music

A Maruader-class corvette began to descend from the cloud banks, its silhouette barely visible to those with macrobinoculars but perhaps more visible to those with specialized vision or optic technology. It was painted a stark white with brilliant blue trim instead of the deep red of most of its classification. It bore the seal of the Galactic Alliance. From within the bridge an old enemy of the Maw and Final Dawn was closing in on the remnants of the accursed doomsday zealots.

There was then a signal, a priority signal that demanded the attention of any Alliance coded holo communicator or commlink. It stretched the breadth of the Sector Rangers, Federal Marshals, Strategic Intelligence Agency, New Jedi Order, and Galactic Alliance Defense Force. For those with holoprojectors or visual communicators of some form a large serpentine head appeared flickering blue light. His eyes were large and predatory, indeed the whole of the Filithar seemed rather immense even as a projection "I am Sssar Taszzn, Arbitrator of the Minissstry of Jussstice. Thossse that you ssseek are wanted for crimesss againssst the Galactic Alliance. I bid you ssspare any sssurvivorsss of your wrath and deliver them to me ssso that they may be brought to jussstice. Do thisss and you will be duly rewarded for your ssservicesss to the Minissstry. Asss a gesssture of cooperation I will be routing my vessssssel'sss sssensssory information to your navigational sssoftware. Glory to the Alliance." with that final word the Filithar's visage gave way to a third dimensional topographical map of the forest floor for miles around. The sensors did not seem to be showing particular individuals but vehicles, structures, and landmarks.

From within the ship the Filithar looked to his crew, his large coils running over one another in what appeared to be an infinite cycle of rustling scales. A deep hissing eminated from Sssar as the ship's captain came towards him and gave him a respectful bow of his head "Sir, I have ordered the deck crew to prepare the transport shuttles. I've also taken the liberty of readying the Ranger response team." Sssar tilted his head towards the man "Your attention to detail is appreciated Captain. It will not be long. For what the Alliance lacksss in many assspectsss it hasss never wanted for competent killersss." the Captain put his hands behind his back and grinned "One last rabble to put the whole mess behind us. It'll be a welcome reprieve." then the serpent's attention turned towards the transperisteel of the viewport "Lassst? No, Captain. There are alwaysss more. Like insssectsss they cling beneath the ssstone of sssociety. There are alwaysss more."

For those with a knowledge of the past Senate affairs, Sssar Taszzn, was a Senator of Eclipse throughout much of the Alliance's existence. A Law and Order hardliner and advocate for the eradication of the Brotherhood of the Maw, Final Dawn, and renegade Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen .
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Wearing: Interceptor Gear

Armed With: Nathan's Saberstaff, Outdated Plasma Grenade (3), Chiru Rifle

Equipment: Sith Energy Shield

Objective: 2

Let the Jedi Masters hold meetings, talk, and reminisce.

Nathan had no use for such things. He was a creature who preferred--and created--results.

What the powers that be demanded was a cleansing of the jungle. They hadn't specified dead or alive but he had seen these Mawite crazies in action before: They would fight until they couldn't.

Assuming the situation would be extremely dangerous, he had left his lightsaber on lethal mode and had come heavily armed.

He simply appeared out of the brush, a sliver of black against the green. He was silent, movements almost mechanical as he approached the gathering party as the ship of Sssar Taszzn Sssar Taszzn descended and made his request. Nathan had no need of rewards, so the offer was ignored by him.

He was known to Alliance Forces by this point. Sometimes he was seen on the ground before any other allied unit had gotten into an area. Or he would turn up at odd hours at the Jedi Temple, depositing scavenged high priority equipment, and leave without a word. There was never a smile, or a chuckle from him. Attempts at humor were met with dead silence.

He examined the others. Only Lily Decoria Lily Decoria and Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus were familiar to him. And then only because he and Lily had a class together with Jax Thio Jax Thio .

"Hope I'm not one too many..." Nathan spoke to the group. "I'll try looking for traps and mark them as I go along..."

Driver Driver

Aiden Rennek Aiden Rennek

Drego Ruus Drego Ruus

Celendis Astraia Celendis Astraia
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Location: Jedha
Equipment: Travelling Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Third Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble , Open


Objective I - Remembrance

Jax didn't like reminiscing about the past.

He found himself back at the village where assisted the soldiers of the Alliance against the Mawite soldiers. Said village was abandoned leading the buildings being in decay. Though the corpses were removed and most of the spilled blood being washed by the sand, Jax could hear the echoes of the battle. Soldiers on both sides living and dead exchanging blaster fire, tanks rolling the village and sounds of Jax's Lightsaber cutting through the Mawites. He grimaced walking through the village, feeling the Force's vibrations speak to him retelling the story that Jax wanted to forget.

It was rather strange that the NJO was getting a little sentimental over a battle which kickstarted the most devastating war not seen since the Omega War. Many soldiers and Jedi who participated at Jedha were plagued with physical and emotional scars. Jax had fought in many battles, but Jedha was a special case as he had never seen a battle so chaotic, so intense in his life.

Jax thought that being a battle-hardened veteran would steel him, but he was disturbed by screaming and the bloodshed and other sights that continue to haunt him today. Of course, the cherry on top of the chit cake was when he faced Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen and his elite unit and ended up losing an eye. The building where they fought was long gone, bombed to the ground by Alliance forces but Jax could sense the memories of the building and it nearly made him faint reliving that painful moment.

Sometimes, being a Force Sensitive can be a burden. To feel the deaths of thousands that day took a heavy toll on Jax and other Jedi. It felt like his mind was going seconds away from breaking. The Jedi Master took a deep breath trying to remember his mediation exercises. He was once again isolating himself away from the Jedi, he needed to come to terms with what happened at Jedha before he faces the Mandalorians. But Jax knew that the cycle of War will weaken the Jedi making them vulnerable to the Dark Side. Jax should know this because he fell and was manipulated by Carnifex: His father.

"Let's just hope we can make this a short war then," Jax said to himself closing his eyes.

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Location: Giaca, Planetside
Objective: After the Fall a New Crusade Rises
Equipment: Krath blood blade | DC-15s side arm blaster | DC-17 hand blaster | DXR-6 disruptor rifle | X2 Thermal detonators | X3 Frag Grenades | Combat Knife | Blast Vest and Helmet
Tags: Celendis Astraia Celendis Astraia | Aiden Rennek Aiden Rennek | Lily Decoria Lily Decoria | Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus | Drego Ruus Drego Ruus | Driver Driver | Zinder Tokarache | Sssar Taszzn Sssar Taszzn | Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl

x20 Soilders in Silver Mandalorian Crusader Armor : Beskads | WESTAR-34 blaster pistol | Assault rifle | X5 Frag Grenades
X25 Moon Children
x3 Tank Operators
x4 Tie Pilots
x2 TIE/sa bomber - Currently hidden under forest camo
x1 T-Class Hover Tank - Currently hidden under forest camo


"Ma'am we just got signal that a Alliance ships have entered the system and have began landing." Max looked at the Krath soldier decked out in his silver Mandalorian armor stripped of the old Maw crusader paint job it once had and nodded her acknowledgement. No doubt here to hunt down Maw savage warbands but people liked to delude themselves and change history, forgetting the Maw had real organized forces behind them. From Mandalorians, Tetan's, Imperials, and Sith. The Barbarians that charged the gates from the many wild tribes were used to soften up the enemy for the real might of the Maw.

Still in the end the Maw was defeated and gone so Max guessed people could presume whatever they wanted now. "They will be coming for us." The soldier said and again Max just nodded. Max was more a naval commander than a ground general, but still this had to be done. It needed to be run clean and quickly and there was very little wiggle room for calling audibles in the plan.

"Are our allies in place?" She looked at the soldier with a questioning glare. "They will be shortly Ma'am." Was his simple reply to which she gave another nod of confirmation. That meant only one thing it was time for the battle to begin. Max took a moment closing her eyes and taking a deep breath praying to any Devine that cared to listen. They had one purpose make it look like the Mandalorian were working with remnants of the Maw which wasn't as far fetch given Maw always had connection among the Mandalorians like Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze .

"Release the Moon Children, soften them up. Send the order to our allies to commence." Max smirked; it was time to light up some Galactic Alliance jarheads. With that said several of those crusaders went to a couple of cages and that had been set up. They spoke to the moon children pointing in a direction. "Dinner is that way." Then the cages were opened, and the band of moonchildren took off like wild beasts in the direction of the gathering band of Alliance and Jedi brothers. They ran through the forest with reckless abandon not aware they were about to eat blaster fire for breakfast.



| Location | Giaca, Planetside
| Objective | Locate Mawite Remnants
| Focus | Aiden Rennek Aiden Rennek | Max Sinn Max Sinn

Celendis turned to properly face the marine that first approached her, offering a small humble bow as he introduced himself to her. She spoke in a soft voice in response, " Celendis Astraia. Your assistance here is greatly appreciated as is the help of our fellow allies who should be making their arrival here shortly. " She shifted her head in several different directions, having already sensed the arrival of fellow Jedi and reinforcements through closed eyes. A small frown crossed her lips as the marine continued to speak, providing a brief report on what they had scouted from a glance. Whoever was charged with command of the Mawite remnants here certainly did do a rather excellent job of concealing their numbers - and that's what worried her; she sensed far more than the initial number that the marine had mentioned.
"I can provide cover if you'd like, or join you up-close to handle them. I doubt they're the talking types."

She simply nodded in response. While Celendis hoped and wished for even the slightest shred of hope that someone could be changed, she had come to find that not all could be guided down a better path, least of all a Mawite. Several Jedi and soldiers soon arrived to meet them as she gave them all a small smile and curt nod while they spoke before her attention was soon drawn to something approaching. Her blindness ironically enough gave her far more perception and sight than probably anyone present, speaking to get their attention, " Unfortunately, I fear they won't give us the courtesy to speak to begin with... " Gnawing, ravenous hunger approached the assembled group like a pack of wild beasts as she readied herself.



Objective II: Remnants


Yarmin smirked behind the visor of his commando helmet, paying more attention to the tactical HUD displayed before his scarlet eyes than he was to the social soirée unfolding between the others. He was a short distance away, moving quietly alongside the group yet not totally unbeknownst to them; The Chiss suspected that at least the Jedi were aware of his presence, and probably the more observant troopers as well.

He’d have said something by now under normal circumstances, but Giaca had his mind totally occupied.

It was the Maw, or what was left of them.

The Second Great Hyperspace War has taken everything from him. The Maw had taken everything from him. His rigorous training was supposed to condition things like vengeance out of his thoughts, but deep down there would always be part of Yarmin that hated the Maw and their disciples.

Perhaps that’s what landed him in Rogue Company.

He sighed. That still wasn’t a good reason to rebuke the rest of his team. They may not be Rogues like him, but they all shared the same enemy. His hand tapped the comlink on the side of his helmet, patching him into the live channel.

Yarmin here. Looks clear so far, but things change fast.


Lt. Bren Alazar


You know those types you don't want to meet in a dark alley?

Weapons (assault)- RI-19 Assault Rifle-w-LPD53 Grenade Launcher(5 FYB 40mm grenades each), T-73 Handgun, Scattergun, Combat Knife, FTB Rocket(2 FYB Rockets each, 3 with Flame Carpet warhead)
Grenade, Fire Grenade
(Snipers)- SMR, "God Gun", M-14 Sniper Rifle, Wrist Blaster, Carbine, God gun Rotary and Blaster Vambraces, Stun Club and Shoulder Mounted Interchangeable Weapon(Sniper Variant)
(Heavy Weapons)- Minigun(if in the field), Defender-Automatic Weapon(if in CQC) Assault Rifle Rotary and Blaster Vambraces, Stun Club and (Shoulder Mounted Interchangeable Weapon)(Grenade Variant)
BLUE TEAM - Michael,
[Any text in brackets signifies comm-link usage and not face to face conversation] * Any weapons or gear are earmarked in spoilers*


First assignment was the planet, he was to meet up with other Marines already on their way. So Bren did not bother worrying about the planet, it was a standard "search and destroy", easy enough. It was time he had to learn about his would-be compatriots. Omega Squad was successful because of how close knit they were. He knew that was not in the cards now, and had to adapt in the Marines (especially since he was Navy back with the Silvers) but he could and would be ready with those around him.

Bren was confident in himself, he knew his stuff, especially after Captain Mueller wanted everyone to be solid in everything they did. He didn't want to be the weak link.

Already off the transport, "Michael", his acquired code name from OS went with his "Assault" loadout. The normal set up for this would be "stealth" but they were supposed to be looking for encampments, so he has some weapons.

It's like someone is telling me to bring more guns.

Laughing to himself at the thought, the Lieutenant was on the ground and making his way to the rally point. He was here on his own so he didn't have a chance to meet up with anyone, just get a few names, all of these guys and girls looked to be damn good. Maybe he wouldn't need the bag he had slung over his back. That bag was full of explosives and an SMR.

So started the trek inward, hearing the rustling and making slow and controlled movements toward them. Night vision goggles were the necessary tool for movement because a spotlight would give away his position, especially if those he was approaching were not "friendly". This made Bren miss being a part of Omega Squad, solo'ing this sucked.

There they are. The load master of his transport told him the "chirps' ' he could make to notify them of an approaching "friendlies", so Bren peeped up and hoped for the best. Moving his rifle into "discipline" position, Bren looked around and let his rifle hang, keeping his hands out in the open.

Lt. Bren Alazar, I guess I'm with you guys. I have explosives if we need them.

Suddenly realizing he was a little "overdressed", he chuckled at how many weapons he was carrying again.

TAGS: open


Things were starting to get a little crowded. How was this group supposed to hold unit cohesion together at this size? He figured the jedi would take charge, but that didn't always guarantee good leadership.
"Let's slow our roll, hot shot," the clone piped up. "We could go in guns blazing, but lets see if we can't take a different approach..."
A clone trooper. That was an old face he could get a smile off.

"Alright Fettface, you take lead. I'll flank around then once we get some good recon. Who's with my element?" He turned to the others, a large group at this point. Too large. They would need to split up to keep some semblence of stealth. Not that it'd stay that way.

Tag: Driver Driver Lily Decoria Lily Decoria Aiden Rennek Aiden Rennek Celendis Astraia Celendis Astraia Zinder Tokarache Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Evy’armi’naken Evy’armi’naken Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl Lt. Bren Alazar


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsaber
Tag: BB-610 BB-610 Katherine Holt Katherine Holt Loomi Loomi Ko Vuto Ko Vuto Shan Pavond Shan Pavond Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Colette Colette Makko Vyres Makko Vyres Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor Liam Nargon Liam Nargon

There was quite a smile forming on Valery's face when she noticed so many gathering around her. Jedi, mostly, but she spotted Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad among them as well. All were welcomed, and she was grateful for the interest they showed in learning about recent history. Valery then looked down at BB-610 BB-610 and patted the top of his head. He had been by her side for much of the war, though not the beginning.

But when the time was right, she'd call on his ability to project his memories.

"There's always a why, even if we believe that reasoning not to be sound. The Brotherhood of the Maw's greater purpose was to burn down everything as it was, and make the Galaxy rise from the ashes the way they envisioned it. To do this, they had the New Sith Order at the very top, but cults, warrior tribes, monstrosities and even Mandalorians fighting for them as well," Valery began to answer Loomi Loomi 's question.

A question that made it easy to shift into Jonyna Si Jonyna Si 's.

"The Maw began with expansion around their own territories, with Exegol as their capital planet. Part of that expansion involved their aggressive push into Chiss space, and that ultimately led up to the destruction of Csilla. Many view that as the real start of what was coming. But for the Alliance, most of it began on Coruscant. The Brotherhood of the Maw launched a surprise attack where they sacked the Jedi Temple, engaged our fleet and released thousands of their Sithspawn and war beasts into the lower levels to attack civilians, soldiers and Jedi alike. I was there in the aftermath, and I've seen few horrors quite like it."

"From that point forward, the first goal they had to make their overarching plan work, was the destruction of the Jedi. Not simply by eliminating us all, but they wanted to destroy the symbol we were." She gestured around and smiled faintly, "That's what brought them to Jakku and Jedha next — the destruction of another Enclave before they started their war path towards Tython."

Valery Noble Valery Noble @EVERYONE ELSE, SORRY
BB-610 BB-610 Katherine Holt Katherine Holt Loomi Loomi Ko Vuto Ko Vuto Shan Pavond Shan Pavond Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Makko Vyres Makko Vyres Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor Liam Nargon Liam Nargon

There was a moment when Colette caught Shan's encouragement and gave him a quick nod before she turned back towards Valery to listen to the history lesson. While it was important, it somehow struck her as… Well, she had no idea what to call it. The old war was the old war, and the reason to fighting that was different from this one. History was valuable, but Colette was also young and by many accounts also very stupid.

"Yeah, okay, sure." She grumbled. "We're a big target because we mean something."

"I get that we aren't being forced to fight, but that doesn't mean the expectation of us to do it isn't there." Colette said and lifted her crossed arms in a disapproving shrug. "People are going to die. Death scares people, and fear makes people do dumb things."

"How will you, as Grandmaster, make sure that we who refuse to fight do not feel obligated to?"
ᴏɴᴇꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ᴢᴇʀᴏᴇꜱ





| LOCATION: Jedha |
| TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble | Katherine Holt Katherine Holt | Loomi Loomi | Ko Vuto Ko Vuto | Shan Pavond Shan Pavond | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Makko Vyres Makko Vyres | Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad | Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor | Liam Nargon Liam Nargon | Colette Colette |

BB-610, too, was impressed by the number of attendees. He recognized most of them, some better than others, but was nonetheless glad that many shared his fascination. Pressing the flat of his head against Valery's palm, he nuzzled against her, cooing happily. The droid pulled away soon after, glancing back to the group that had assembled before them, and his holoprojector blipped to life.

"The Brotherhood of the Maw's greater purpose was to burn down everything as it was, and make the Galaxy rise from the ashes the way they envisioned it."

Raised high enough to be eye-level for most of the attendees, BB-610 displayed a selection of holograms, beginning with footage of Valery and himself breaking into a Mawite listening outpost, sneaking into their communication centre so the astromech could hijack their systems and disrupt their tracking sensors. BB-610 had recorded the entire thing, with the hologram currently projecting the computer's screen as he'd sliced into it; on it were files on top of files of encrypted messages, displayed beneath archives of civilian abuse. Grainy footage and still-shots of interrogations, beatings, and indoctrinations.

"The Maw began with expansion around their own territories, with Exegol as their capital planet."

The hologram blinked, switching to recordings taken on the planet of Selvaris, bait to lure in Mawite forces as the Galactic Alliance sought to liberating the planets of Shihon and Okoyal: stepping stones for reaching Exegol. BB-610 had stood by Valery and Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania , fighting head-on against the late Darth Mori.

He had bashfully fast-forwarded the part where Cora threw up on him.

And with yet another blip of the holoprojector, BB-610 displayed footage of Exegol itself, its dreary lands cluttered in dust and despair as the
Alliance stormed against the forefront of the Brotherhood's forces. For the first time, the astromech hadn't worked alongside Valery, as he had instead infiltrated one of their bases. Footage showed him slicing through one of the computers in a Mawite flagship, ordering its cannons to inflict friendly fire upon the accompanying enemy vessels; one of the biggest accomplishments in his life, all thanks to Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad and Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el buying him enough time.

"From that point forward, the first goal they had to make their overarching plan work, was the destruction of the Jedi."

The feed cut to the little footage he'd manage to record from the flagship of Exegol's surface, with his allies being able to push forward without fear of bombardments from the Maw's flagship. With a mischievous little giggle after watching the replay, BB-610's holoprojector whirred offline, as he waited for the next question.

Glancing at Colette Colette , he narrowed his optic, silently wary of her wording. He still had a ways to go regarding social cues, but there was a confrontational undertone directed at Valery that rubbed him the wrong way. BB-610 stayed quiet, merely peering up at the Sword of the Jedi, curious for her response.



Loomi just couldn't understand it. They just wanted to burn everything down and start over? How did that even work, not to mention how twisted and torturous a world of their vision would have been. The Godoan lived in their aftermath. These weren't individuals looking to create a better life for eveyone.

And then Colette spoke. There was an edge to her tone, one which made they young padawan even more nervous. They had never been given the expectation to fight, right? Whevener Loomi made it clear that she wasn't going to war, people seemed to accept her stance. Maybe it was different for her friend. After all, she wasn't the student of the Sword of the Jedi. Colette was. There had to be a lot of pressure that came with learning under such an individual.

"I..." Loomi began, hoping to find some words to comfort her friend.

All she got was a mental block, unfortunately. Her tongue seemed to metephorically tie itself into a knot, her mechanical ankles buckling below the weight of her own nerves. No further thought ever came out. All of that anger, that frustration... Loomi was afraid of it. She didn't want Colette snapping at her.

"N-never mind," she decided, slunking back a little into the crowd.

Maybe this just wasn't a conversation she was ready for.


Objective I - Remembrance
Location: Former SIA blacksite, Jedha
Equipmeint: Nargon Holocron, lightsaber, Fur-line coat
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble | Loomi Loomi | Colette Colette | Shan Pavond Shan Pavond | BB-610 BB-610 | Katherine Holt Katherine Holt | Ko Vuto Ko Vuto | Makko Vyres Makko Vyres | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad | Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor

Liam sat back and listened to the explanation of the Mawites’ motives for the last war. He listened to Valery’s words as he watched the projections from BB-610 as well. Liam had not been anywhere near the conflict for the most part, but he heard things from his father. That was not a reliable source and even in his youth Liam knew that to be the case. Though his father had access to the same training that Liam took advantage of, Naren Cors Naren Cors chose to use his gifts to line his own pockets and resented the “noble bullchit” that the Jedi stood for. As such all the stories of the war that Liam heard were painted in a distinctly anti-Jedi hue.

It was good to hear the other side, though Liam had to admit that he wasn’t sure that all the Jedi actions during the war were pure either. The young man was glad that the Brotherhood was no more, but there always seemed to be a next threat to rise up. And the Jedi seemed to be as big of a target resulting in instigation of conflict than they were a calming force on the galaxy. Whose fault that was could be debated. Liam wasn’t willing to pass judgment yet.

As Valery completed her talk one of the young Jedi in attendance spoke up. She asked a question that peaked Liam’s interest in a response. This young woman didn’t seem to be focused on the past war, but on the one right in front of them. And she didn’t seem all that eager to join in. There was emotion in the young woman’s question. How Valery would deal with that was intriguing to Liam. The reaction of the Godoan Jedi seemed to suggest this wasn’t exactly the norm in the New Jedi Order. Would it be pushed down and away to fester or discussed openly in order to come to a resolution. Liam’s view of the old Jedi was that they would give this woman a slap on the wrist and tell her to calm herself and do what was best for the galaxy. Liam was curious if the New Jedi Order would take a different approach.


Location: Jedha
Objective: 1
Outfit: White Robes
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble | Loomi Loomi | Colette Colette | Katherine Holt Katherine Holt | Shan Pavond Shan Pavond | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Makko Vyres Makko Vyres | BB-610 BB-610 | Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad | Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor | Liam Nargon Liam Nargon

Ko wasn’t really surprised with Master Noble’s explanation on the reasoning behind The Brotherhood of The Maw’s goals. To the Kel Dor it sounded like a very warped and misguided principle of rebirth. But it wasn’t mere destruction to breathe new life into the galaxy. Not like the devastating eruption of a volcano in order to create a new fertile island. What The Maw wanted just sounded like a simple erasure. To bury the past in order to control the future. In Ko’s mind, that was truly sinister.

Regrettably since Ryloth the young Kel Dor has felt the beating of war drums within himself. After nearly losing his life to a certain Mandalorian, as well as losing his lightsaber, he has tried to temper his growing disdain for the warrior cult.

He sensed that there was a small, rotund astromech droid close by as well. Seemingly displaying holographic images to go along to Master Noble’s words. None of which could be taken in by Ko. Then he heard the words of another, it was Colette. He didn’t really know a lot about them, other than that they were another padawan under Master Noble.

There was a bit of abrasiveness to her words. At least that’s how it felt to Ko. The reasoning for it he didn’t really understand. Did Colette fancy herself something of a pacifist as well? The idea reminded him of his prior conversation with Shan. So long as their ideals didn’t have a detrimental effect on their duties, Ko had no real issue with such an approach to things. “Historically the Order is not too critical of those Jedi who choose to refuse the call to fight. But that doesn’t mean the expectation isn’t still there. Even if the entire order is hesitant to participate in a war, that expectation still exists far beyond the walls of our temples.” Ko said, being the bookish student he was, the Padawan knew that the Jedi didn’t exist within a vacuum. If they fought or not, there would be consequences regardless. There was also never a shortage of critics and detractors that would speak out against the Jedi no matter what they did.

Ko imagined that Loomi was feeling a little down as well. Which left him feeling a little conflicted on if he should check on his friend or continue this conversation. But there was something he felt he needed to ask the Sword of The Jedi. “Master Noble… Was there ever a time it seemed like victory for the Brotherhood of The Maw was inevitable?” Given his outside perspective on the conflict he could only imagine how perilous The Second Hyperspace War must’ve felt for those directly involved. He wanted to know how the veterans seemed to cope with seemingly insurmountable odds.




"We've arrived at Giaca sir" the Pilot said, just as the Neo-Imperial Shuttle reverted back to real space arriving in proximity of Giaca. Seated right behind the two pilots in control of the shuttle, was Captain Torson who had been sent here by the High Regent himself to seek out Krath Admiral Max Sinn, who according to some sources had been leading Mawite remnants on Giaca. If contact between the Krath and the Final Dawn could be restored, and an agreement reached between both parties, then steps could be further taken to gather more Mawite remnants to usher forth the ultimate reemergence of the Brotherhood of the Maw as a single united entity.

"Good." Torson said. "We have the coordinates of Admiral Sinn's location, activate all Stealth Features and head for those coordinates" he further ordered. "Roger that, Captain." the lead pilot responded. Soon enough the Shuttle began to accelerate towards the planet, headed towards the last known location of the Krath Admiral. After a while the Shuttle, still cloaked, would reach the general area where Admiral Sinn was reported to have set up camp with his forces, proceeding to circle around the dense forest in order to make visual contact. "Got any visual confirmation on the Admiral's Camp?" Torson said, after the Shuttle had spent a while searching for the camp. "Not yet sir, the Forest is too dense for us to spot anything from our current position" the Co-Pilot said.

Torson stood up and joined the two pilots at the front, taking some time to scan around at his surroundings and look for any signs of the Mawite Camp. While he found no signs of the camp, the Captain instead located a small clearing big enough for the Shuttle to land within. "Sir?" the lead pilot said quickly catching Torson's attention. "You see that clearing in the distance?" Torson said pointing at the clearing. "Land over there, we'll set up there and try to find the Camp on foot." he ordered. "Got it" the pilot said as he moved the shuttle towards the clearing before bringing it to rest within the area.

After the Shuttle came to rest, it would deactivate it's stealth features as Torson and a group of eight
Red Right Hand Operatives emerged from the Shuttle ready to begin their search for the Admiral's Camp, with the Operatives coming out with a pair of small crates each of them containing a pair of Drones. "The Drones are out sir." one of the Operatives said. "Good." Torson responded. "Send them out to locate Admiral Sinn's base and secure our perimeter. We don't want to encounter any unpleasant surprises." he said. As ordered, the Operators launched the drones which sped off into different directions, scanning through the forest in search of Admiral Sinn's Camp with half of the Operators taking care of the launched drones while the other half stood guard for any unwanted guests.



Aiden blinked.

"I was expecting back-up, but this is something else." He chuckled and offered a nod in greeting to Lily Decoria Lily Decoria , who was one of the first to address him. But so many others were showing up that it almost looked like a small army. Having Jedi and soldiers in the mix made them all the more deadly, too. But it also made them a far bigger target, and he wasn't going to try and have a group of this size all storm one small settlement together.

Especially not with the answer he had to Zinder Tokarache's question, "The camp up ahead has maybe two dozen mawites at most, but there are others too. All scattered throughout the forest. The problem is that they're hard to see because of how dense this place is," he told him before shooting a smirk.

"I suggest we split up into three groups and hit their camps. Divide our forces a little and maybe bring back a few of these Mawites for our good Arbiter." He hadn't missed Sssar Taszzn Sssar Taszzn and his request, and saw the logic in it. The difficult part would be actually capturing the Mawites — they were notoriously self-destructive in their war path.

"Zinder, you're with me, and I'd like to have one Jedi join my group as well." All that was missing at that point was Alexander Hayes Alexander Hayes and his big head crashing into this party.


Valery Noble Valery Noble 's words rang through Jonyna's mind. Rebirth through destruction. That sounded a lot like the tales her people told of the old Mandalorian Empire that once tried to glass her home planet. There always seemed to be someone trying to reshape the galaxy in the shape of their own imagination. Someone willing to forgo peace in favor of annihilation.

It was the Jedi's job to oppose those people.

Colette Colette 's words caused the Cathar to frown. To refuse to fight outright, in her culture, was tantamount to treason. The coward's way. Of course there was an expectation, there always would be. With war, everything was at risk. To tell your fellow cathar that you refused to partake in the defense of your homeland, that was telling them that you are more important than they are. That they can happily throw their lives away so long as you don't have to.

But this wasn't her padawan to teach.

Instead, she turned to Ko Vuto Ko Vuto , putting a hand on her padawan. "I won't force you to anything Ko."


Objective 1

Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble Shan Pavond Shan Pavond BB-610 BB-610 Makko Vyres Makko Vyres Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Katherine Holt Katherine Holt Colette Colette Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor Liam Nargon Liam Nargon Loomi Loomi

Minerva listened to the history lesson. What happened to the Chiss was utterly horrific and completely unjustified.

My people suffered genocide at Sith's hands but we never lost our world like the Chiss did.

The Mawites were monsters that needed to be stopped and it disgusted her how some Mandalorians had been in their ranks willingly. She found herself smiling when BB showed footage of his exploits onboard the Maw flagship. The astromech made their victory possible and she was forever grateful. That was a battle worthy of songs but then her eyes became downcast.

Sometimes I wonder if dying a warrior's death at Exegol would've been more preferable than living to see my former vod embrace senseless crusades.

But as soon as that line of thought comes she would rebuke herself. To seek death is easy but to defy it until the end while living for what one believes is of greater value no matter its agony. The survival of her people's culture now mattered more to her than any bloodstained hypocrisy that the Enclave follows.

At Collete's question to Valey the Mandalorian raised a confused eyebrow before rolling her eyes in annoyance and resentment. To Minerva it almost sounded like the padawan was judging her brethren preparing to fight despite who caused this latest conflict to begin with.

Fine let those like her stay out of it. I wouldn't want that type watching my back in this new war anyway.
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Interesting...They wanted to destroy the ideal of what a Jedi was. There was a small part of Shan that thought they had already done that. He had seen plenty of things in the Galaxy that contrasted with his own belief of what a Jedi was. He had also seen plenty of different opinions on how people felt about Force Users. Though he was intrigued by Colette's response to what Valery said. She seemed not to care so much about the past and history and more about what Valery was going to do to make sure no-one felt expected to fight, which honestly for Shan, was a very important question. He had been tearing himself up inside, trying to decide whether or not he should get involved in the war. So he definitely agreed to her question...though he might not have been as abrasive in his opinion.

His eyes trailed towards Loomi, frowning at her reaction to...something? He wasn't sure. The Mirialan was never great at sensing emotions, unless they were screaming at him in his face so he turned his attention towards Ko, listening to his words. It took a bit of effort on his own part not to laugh at the idea of the Jedi not being critical of people who didn't fight. He partly felt like he had been judged by plenty of other Jedi when he tried to stick to his pacifism but shook his head trying not to focus on that. Don't dwell on those thoughts and keep moving forward. Either way, he felt like it was time he should speak, clearing his throat slightly.

"I echo Colette's statements. As much as I understand that I don't have to take part in the fighting...It still feels like I'm expected to. And that by not getting involved, I am a...disappointment to the Order." The Padawan rubbed the back of his neck at that, breaking out into a small smile. "That isn't the only thing, however. I have an...unreasonable dislike towards the Mandalorian culture." There were probably a few members here who thought any dislike towards the culture was completely reasonable but Shan didn't see it that way. "So I feel like...fighting against them would only help to fester these negative opinions of mine. Seeing the potential destruction and horrors would blind me to anything positive." Whilst none of that was really necessary, and he could have just said he agreed with Colette, Shan felt like he had to justify himself, for any of his beliefs.

Valery Noble Valery Noble BB-610 BB-610 Katherine Holt Katherine Holt Loomi Loomi Ko Vuto Ko Vuto Colette Colette Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Makko Vyres Makko Vyres Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor Liam Nargon Liam Nargon

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