
Location: Low Orbit, Giaca
Starship: Marauder-class Corvette [x]

Some Music
A Maruader-class corvette began to descend from the cloud banks, its silhouette barely visible to those with macrobinoculars but perhaps more visible to those with specialized vision or optic technology. It was painted a stark white with brilliant blue trim instead of the deep red of most of its classification. It bore the seal of the Galactic Alliance. From within the bridge an old enemy of the Maw and Final Dawn was closing in on the remnants of the accursed doomsday zealots.
There was then a signal, a priority signal that demanded the attention of any Alliance coded holo communicator or commlink. It stretched the breadth of the Sector Rangers, Federal Marshals, Strategic Intelligence Agency, New Jedi Order, and Galactic Alliance Defense Force. For those with holoprojectors or visual communicators of some form a large serpentine head appeared flickering blue light. His eyes were large and predatory, indeed the whole of the Filithar seemed rather immense even as a projection "I am Sssar Taszzn, Arbitrator of the Minissstry of Jussstice. Thossse that you ssseek are wanted for crimesss againssst the Galactic Alliance. I bid you ssspare any sssurvivorsss of your wrath and deliver them to me ssso that they may be brought to jussstice. Do thisss and you will be duly rewarded for your ssservicesss to the Minissstry. Asss a gesssture of cooperation I will be routing my vessssssel'sss sssensssory information to your navigational sssoftware. Glory to the Alliance." with that final word the Filithar's visage gave way to a third dimensional topographical map of the forest floor for miles around. The sensors did not seem to be showing particular individuals but vehicles, structures, and landmarks.
From within the ship the Filithar looked to his crew, his large coils running over one another in what appeared to be an infinite cycle of rustling scales. A deep hissing eminated from Sssar as the ship's captain came towards him and gave him a respectful bow of his head "Sir, I have ordered the deck crew to prepare the transport shuttles. I've also taken the liberty of readying the Ranger response team." Sssar tilted his head towards the man "Your attention to detail is appreciated Captain. It will not be long. For what the Alliance lacksss in many assspectsss it hasss never wanted for competent killersss." the Captain put his hands behind his back and grinned "One last rabble to put the whole mess behind us. It'll be a welcome reprieve." then the serpent's attention turned towards the transperisteel of the viewport "Lassst? No, Captain. There are alwaysss more. Like insssectsss they cling beneath the ssstone of sssociety. There are alwaysss more."
For those with a knowledge of the past Senate affairs, Sssar Taszzn, was a Senator of Eclipse throughout much of the Alliance's existence. A Law and Order hardliner and advocate for the eradication of the Brotherhood of the Maw, Final Dawn, and renegade

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