Blind Resolve

| Objective | Locate Mawite Remnants
| Focus | Aiden Rennek | Zinder Tokarache | Max Sinn |

Celendis' shut eyes turned to the camp as she knelt close to the ground, her fingertips brushing the earth beneath their feet. Aiden had already given the small group a heads up on the contacts ahead as she took a moment to focus her "sight" and much like echolocation, she reached out through the Force to grant her vision, the darkness that was her world being illuminated by the teeming auras of everything around her. She ideally would prefer to approach the situation with as little bloodshed as possible, but given the circumstances that would be impossible - but at the very least, capturing whichever ranking Mawite was available would be her main focus. Such a task would best be executed by not giving themselves away and prompting their query to run. As her vision extended to the camp, she was also able to pick up on the presence and auras of those hidden from view.
For the time being, she was able to assess that they would not be an immediate threat as she turned to Zinder and Aiden. " We'll save the heavier ordnance for the bigger threats that we are able to confirm. I'll take point and cover Zinder from any fire we may come under. I trust you to keep anyone giving us a hard time down if that becomes the case Aiden. That being said we and the Mawites are not the only ones here. Remain vigilant and be sure to watch your backs. " She turned back towards the camp after waiting for their acknowledgment before taking the lead and doing her best to stay out of sight as she made her way towards the Mawite camp.