Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction [GA/NJO] The Last War

I'm scarier with my mask off.
Location: Jedha

Valery Noble Valery Noble / BB-610 BB-610 / Loomi Loomi / Colette Colette / Katherine Holt Katherine Holt / Ko Vuto Ko Vuto / Shan Pavond Shan Pavond / Makko Vyres Makko Vyres / Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad / Liam Liam Nargond / Jonyna Si Jonyna Si


Objective I - Remembrance​

It’s funny how things happen and stories are told differently depending on a point of view. I definitely appreciate the point of view Master Noble expressed about the Maw. No doubt they were evil personified, but from another point of view, their intentions may have been considered “Noble”(no pun intended). You know what? It’s true, but that doesn’t justify actions such as destroying a planet. Evolution might require conflict on some level, but… not thinking about this anymore.

Such a shame.

Good thing I whispered that, I don’t want to interrupt, I mean the talk of attacking Coruscant, and the very Temple… Father told me stories about it, but… I don’t know. Then the mention of Jakku, and Tython. You may not be able to stop progress, but those who fail at history are doomed to repeat it.

Not every Jedi is a fighter. Crap, I didn’t mean to interrupt again.

Sorry to speak out of turn, but my Master taught me about how our paths are based on our choices. He used to say how he “needed to be able to look at himself in the mirror.” Jedi are many things, just as we are as individuals.

Shut up. Shut up. This is not your gig, shut up. Vuto, the Kel Dor asked an interesting question. Isn’t there always a feeling of doubt? After all, there are two sides to every conflict. I don’t get why Padawans here seem to think that they are going to be judged. If they don’t want to fight, don’t fight. Simple as that.
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Lt. Bren Alazar

You know those types you don't want to meet in a dark alley?


BLUE TEAM - Michael,
[Any text in brackets signifies comm-link usage and not face to face conversation]


There are Jedi here? Doesn’t matter, they are more capable than anyone here. It looks like the Sniper is in charge, which is fine. He was not here to do anything but complete the mission and keep “the guy next to him” alive. That of course meant that he was carrying too much, so he dropped everything but the slung bag of explosives, the rocket launcher and the SMR (leaving the assault rifle-grenade launcher, the Scattergun, the stun club and the grenades on the ground in front of him).

Whoever wants to use those. Go ahead.The scattergun was for shooting out door hinges. I’ve got anti-armor and shaped charges if we need them.

That is the problem with having little to no intel on a mission in regards to his experience. So yeah, he went overboard. No apologies, just wasn’t needing all of the stuff he had. Enough dwelling on the issue at hand, there was a matter of whom he would be pairing up with. Bren was under absolutely no illusion that he was going to be an easy choice, so he didn’t look at anyone, just waited. We have a job to do.

One by one the groupings came together while Bren stayed down on one knee and then into a sem-prone position. He was not in a full sniping posture, but able to see more of a wide sweeping radius through his scope in case anyone wanted to sneak up on them. He did not move until the teams split and "his" team started to go, then he would follow.

Slowly they made their way through the woods, this was simple enough, just slow and controlled walking while scanning the grounds in front of them. The familiar scream of TIE ion engines could be heard in the distance, that made him feel justified in carrying the rockets.

TAGS: Celendis Astraia / Drego Avik / Lily Decoria / Driver / Lossa Darcuhl / Zinder Tokarache / Sssar Taszzn / Nathan Bloodscrawl / Max Sinn// Yarmin / Joseph Torson

... yeah, I scare them.



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsaber
Tag: BB-610 BB-610 Katherine Holt Katherine Holt Ko Vuto Ko Vuto Loomi Loomi Shan Pavond Shan Pavond Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Colette Colette Makko Vyres Makko Vyres Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor Liam Nargon Liam Nargon Jax Thio Jax Thio

Valery had been watching Bee's projections with a soft smile — they mostly showed a later phase of the war, back when he had been by her side, but they were useful. Selvaris was a planet that the Maw attacked not long after Jedha, and it was one of several on their path to Tython. Her attention, however, shifted very quickly when Colette spoke up, and where others might feel a bit of confrontation in the Padawan, Valery felt something else.

She had been there when Colette first took a life.

A brief smile was offered to Ko Vuto Ko Vuto when he answered Colette's question too, but she wanted to add more to it, "We all make the choice to be Jedi, and part of that choice is that we protect and honor life. We do take lives sometimes, when we have to protect others or ourselves, and it should always be with that intent. That said, most of you are Padawans — students who are busy preparing themselves to do what Jedi are supposed to do."

"We will not force you to fight, and even if a Jedi Knight wants to step back from it, we will not force them into the war either. There are many ways a Jedi can serve, and all of them are respected. But... I also want you all to understand that we don't always get to make a choice. The Jedi on Coruscant had no choice but to fight when the Maw suddenly appeared to kill them."
This is why she hosted this session, and why she wanted every Jedi to at least train themselves to be capable of self-defense. There was going to be a time when they'd need it.

Turning to Ko, Valery continued her story with his question, "After Jedha and Jakku fell, the Maw began to carve a straight path towards Tython, and we weren't able to stop them. Selvaris, Batorine and Xa Fel, then Foerost and finally, Empress Teta. All of them fell in a seemingly unstoppable assault. Back then, many of us believed that they weren't going to be stopped at all anymore. But then Tython happened."

"They wanted to destroy the planet for what it meant to the Jedi, and erase us as a symbol of hope in the Galaxy. On Tython, we finally managed to stop them, and turned the tide."

Valery Noble Valery Noble | @Group, oh dear god, why are there so many of us?

A quiet curse escaped under Colette's breath as she noticed the way she had upset the mood of the group. She let her unknowingly tense shoulders sink for a moment as she noticed the way Loomi hesitated to speak. Not that this sink lasted for very long. She caught the stares of two the Cathar and the Mandalorian which was fine. It was the eyeroll that got to her.

Colette's teeth gritted behind thinned lips. It made sense that someone like that would roll their eyes, someone from a culture so—

Oh, Ko spoke up. Colette focused on that instead of letting her absolute disdain for these 'warrior cultures' fester into another internal monologue about how they were built to fail. From what Colette heard from her fellow Jedi it would seem that he at least understood why she had brought it up, and the question he followed the pretty accurate description with was a good one as well.

Those crossed, tensed up arms fell by Colette's side, and by the time Shan spoke up she had her hands placed firmly on her waist with a confident albeit weak smile. It felt good to realize that her question, while perhaps not phrased in a good way, was a valid one too. As Shan finished explaining his stance and ideas on the whole situation she gave him a nod to say thanks, and to agree with what it was that he brought up as well.

Valery continued the history lesson, and then the Cathar asked a good question too: How did it turn around?

"My guess is they pushed too hard and got tired." Colette mused. "Predators are like that. Fierce, but they have their limits."

"And the Alliance was getting cornered." She followed up. "Any hunter worth their share knows that you never corner your prey."
Shan listened intently as Valery spoke, since her answer would be closely connected to his own actions. Frowning ever so slightly since the answer didn't do anything to remove his concerns. He understood that there might not be a choice. It's why he had been pushing himself harder and harder in his lightsaber drills. It wasn't that he couldn't fight. The Mirialan just felt like he shouldn't fight. He just had to try and see things from a different angle...Less of him fighting the Mandalorians, but protecting other people...but even then it would still possibly be a struggle for him. Maybe if he focused on ship-based combat, it would be easier for him...He could disassociate himself from the death...No. No. That was a coward's way out. If he was going to face the consequences of his actions, he'd do that in person. Not through a cockpit.

Though he turned his attention back towards Valery as she carried on talking about the onslaught of the Maw. The Padawan's mind just started to wander on different thoughts of what the Mandalorians would potentially do on their warpath. How many innocents might be killed, how many lives would be ruined...and for what? Glory? What kind of glory was worth the destruction of millions of liv-...Chit. He was getting too frustrated. Shan pinched the bridge of his nose for a moment, letting out a long sigh. This was why he didn't want to get involved in the war. He knew there were possibly good Mandalorians. It was like how he had encountered Jedi who were too...stubborn and rigid in their belief. It was part of why Shan personally disliked the idea of having a code. It should be able to bend and flex. You shouldn't follow it rigidly. No situation is ever clear cut...

Once again he snapped out of his thoughts at Jonyna's question, listening to it, and then Colette's answer. Shan didn't fully understand the predator and prey analogy. He wasn't from a world that had a lot of flora or fauna but he did understand how people could act if they felt like there was no hope... "Sometimes, when people are backed into a corner, they're willing to do things they'd never normally do to survive. People who would never normally work together would, for a chance to see a better tomorrow, or at least to be able to see a tomorrow." Even though he was the one saying that, Shan frowned at his own words. Would he be one of those people? Someone willing to go against their ideals to see a new day?

BB-610 BB-610 Valery Noble Valery Noble Katherine Holt Katherine Holt Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Ko Vuto Ko Vuto Colette Colette Loomi Loomi Makko Vyres Makko Vyres Liam Nargon Liam Nargon Jax Thio Jax Thio

Objective 1

Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble Katherine Holt Katherine Holt Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Loomi Loomi Makko Vyres Makko Vyres Liam Nargon Liam Nargon Colette Colette Jax Thio Jax Thio BB-610 BB-610 Ko Vuto Ko Vuto

She was hardly intimidated by Colette’s resentment. Even before this war started she dealt with more than her share of people judging or hating her. Her choice to oppose the Enclave added to it from the other spectrum. What now irked the Mandalorian from her point of view was that some of these younger Jedi seemed more concerned about masters frowning at them or fellow padawans gossiping behind their backs than the actual crisis at hand.

Though when Shan expressed his reasons why he didn't want to fight Minerva looked calmly at him before shrugging her shoulders in acceptance. The Mandalorian bore no ill-will toward him for those feelings. It was to be expected with the Enclave's murderous crusade. But honestly she believed him misguided to expect everyone to appreciate his sentiment when people are dying by bloodshed.

War comes whether one desires it or not.

Her expression became neutral while the others like Valery gave their answers and Jonyana asked the next question before the discussion went in different directions. Clearing her throat she remarked.

"I don't know anything about being a Jedi and nor I will pretend to but here a little reminder. Not everyone is ever going to understand you or even try. So don't waste your time worrying about folks giving ya glares and snide comments when it comes to your stance on this war.”

She paused before turning to Shan and added.

”If you do stand by your conviction not to fight then help people through other means like Valery Noble pointed out.”
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"But... I also want you all to understand that we don't always get to make a choice. The Jedi on Coruscant had no choice but to fight when the Maw suddenly appeared to kill them."

Loomi let that thought linger in her mind, allowing everyone else to continue to speak. The tension lingered. It was clear that the emotions going into this conflict were not the regular kind. Eye rolls from Minerva, Colette's palpable frustration, Shan stating very clearly that he had a distaste for Mandalorians, Jonyna glaring judgingly at the mention of not wanting to fight. It was all falling apart. It was a disaster, especially when everyone present was supposed to be allies.

Why was everybody doing this to themselves?

"I... I know maybe we'll have to fight... Not have a choice," she began after everyone else had spoken, "But... what if we kill someone?"

She'd hesitate for a moment, shuddering as she took an unsteady breath. The Godoan's body had begun to tremble a little as she asked. It wasn't exactly a hypathetical, at least not to her. She had done that. She had killed someone. What would they think of her if they found out?

"What if that turns us into something different?"


Zinder Tokarache



Location: Giaca
Objective: Hunt the Maw
Equipment: Assualt Loadout (Bio)
Tags: Lily Decoria Lily Decoria Aiden Rennek Aiden Rennek Drego Ruus Drego Ruus Celendis Astraia Celendis Astraia Driver Driver Sssar Taszzn Sssar Taszzn Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl Max Sinn Max Sinn Evy’armi’naken Evy’armi’naken Joseph Torson Joseph Torson

Aiden laid out the plan, and Zin simply stepped closer to him. Turning to face the others and doing a small headcount before turning back to Aiden

"Woods are gonna make it difficult to reinforce anyone. On that" Zinder sent a look to Lily, nudging Aiden a little as humor crept in behind the visor. "You got your running shoes on in case hotpant's padawan gets in trouble?"

More arrived, and someone dumped gear, earning a small whistle of approval from Zinder as he zoomed in on the pile with a slow nod. Was nice seeing someone else ready to rumble.




Location: Giaca, Objective 2
Equipment: Skinsuit, Wayward Gear - All Pieces
Accessories: Echo Stone
Weapons: Lossa's Lightsaber, Turmoil Lightsaber, Concealed Blaster, Nasty-Stabby
Tags: Celendis Astraia Celendis Astraia Aiden Rennek Aiden Rennek Lily Decoria Lily Decoria Drego Ruus Drego Ruus Driver Driver Sssar Taszzn Sssar Taszzn Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl Evy’armi’naken Evy’armi’naken Max Sinn Max Sinn Joseph Torson Joseph Torson

The idea of splitting up to take on multiple camps wasn't appealing. But it made sense given just how disorienting the woods were being. Especially with how many limb loppers were going to be waved around.

The idea still didn't make her happy, sending a look around the group and bobbing her head slightly. Pointing at Celendis Astraia Celendis Astraia before pointing to Aiden Rennek Aiden Rennek and Zinder.

"You go with the knuckleheads."

Her own helmet turning to look at Lily Decoria Lily Decoria now as she pointed to Drego Ruus Drego Ruus and Driver Driver .

"Lily, you get the Mando and spooky boy." A firm nod as she looked to Lt. Bren Alazar, Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl , and Evy’armi’naken Evy’armi’naken with a crossing of her arms.

"You three are with me. Anyone have issues with that?" Glancing around with a final nod.


"You three are with me. Anyone have issues with that?" Glancing around with a final nod.
"Not a word." Drego said through his modulator. "Alright, Trooper Boy, Jedi, what's the plan then? I'm just the sledgehammer, point me towards a wall."

At this point, Drego was just itching for combat. He was never one for intricate plans. Plans fell apart, and it always came down to short term tactics to complete objectives. He excelled at short term tactics. Maybe it was her old shock trooper training. He knew the shotgun on his back would see him against anything the Maw could throw at them at this point, and anything else he had his new Fang. Now he just needed the go ahead.

Tag: Driver Driver Lily Decoria Lily Decoria Max Sinn Max Sinn Joseph Torson Joseph Torson


"Twenty-ish," Driver relayed, having sent out his drone. "There are a good number of heat sigs out there. I... believe there are a couple more coming in. Reinforcements? They could just be wild animals, but keep an eye out."

Twenty-ish was good enough. They needed at the very least a rough estimate to see what they were working with. Combining that with the message from Sssar and it was looking possible to perhaps even bring back one of these Mawites for intirigation. Driver was a man of action and following orders, but he liked himself a bonus from time to time. That was about when one of the present Jedi began to delegate...

"Lily, you get the Mando and spooky boy."

"Spooky boy?" Driver remarked, frowning under his helmet.

That was him, right? He certainly wasn't the Mando. That was the hot shot.

"I'm... not that scary," he muttered, taking a moment to prepare his gear.

The drone would return, and Driver would draw his pistol in anticipation. There was one clear course of action now. Move in, pick them off, grab a Mawite alive for some questioning.

Just another day.

Nathan craned his head mechanically to Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus .

"No objections." Nathan said simply, not wasting time in small talk, the oooohh-ing and ahhhh-ing...

He had worked in small groups before.

"The sooner we get moving, the better a chance we have at surprising the Mawites..." he added. "Time is not our friend here. We should go in expecting countermeasures to assault. Well thought out ones..."

If it were his call, and if he didn't have to worry about an inferno consuming the environment, he'd have had the suspected sites firebombed from above to soften them up. Going into this place on the hunt when you weren't a local could prove troublesome.

But then again, he did know Pyrokinesis...

...not that he wanted to let anyone here know that... especially Lossa. Lots of Jedi get nervous if they realize a Padawan can burn a forest or a building down when they get ready...

...and Nathan had already done both before he was even twenty. Before he got the Pyrokinesis.

Nathan pulled out his tranquilizer rifle, ready to move out when they did...

Drego Ruus Drego Ruus

Lily Decoria Lily Decoria

Max Sinn Max Sinn

Driver Driver

Lt. Bren Alazar

Lt. Bren Alazar


There are Jedi here? Doesn’t matter, they are more capable than anyone here. It looks like the Sniper is in charge, which is fine. He was not here to do anything but complete the mission and keep “the guy next to him” alive. That of course meant that he was carrying too much, so he dropped everything but the slung bag of explosives, the rocket launcher and the SMR (leaving the assault rifle-grenade launcher, the Scattergun, the stun club and the grenades on the ground in front of him).

Whoever wants to use those. Go ahead.The scattergun was for shooting out door hinges. I’ve got anti-armor and shaped charges if we need them.

That is the problem with having little to no intel on a mission in regards to his experience. So yeah, he went overboard. No apologies, just wasn’t needing all of the stuff he had. Enough dwelling on the issue at hand, there was a matter of whom he would be pairing up with. Bren was under absolutely no illusion that he was going to be an easy choice, so he didn’t look at anyone, just waited. We have a job to do.

One by one the groupings came together and finally the grumpy Jedi asked who had a problem with pairing up, A Mandalorian, a Chiss, another human, and him. Just give me a target and I’m fine.

The Mandalorian was a little cheeky too. No worries, it’s not Kindergarten, and the guy wasn’t speaking to him anyway. Patting his sling bag, Bren was glad to have brought the rockets and the shaped charges. Slowly they made their way through the woods, this was simple enough, just slow and controlled walking while scanning the grounds in front of them.

TAGS: Celendis Astraia Celendis Astraia / Drego Ruus Drego Ruus / Lily Decoria Lily Decoria / Driver Driver / Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus / Zinder Tokarache / Sssar Taszzn Sssar Taszzn / Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl / Max Sinn Max Sinn / @Yarmi
n / @Joseph Torsonó


Location: Giaca, Planetside
Objective: After the Fall a New Crusade Rises
Equipment: Krath blood blade | DC-15s side arm blaster | DC-17 hand blaster | DXR-6 disruptor rifle | X2 Thermal detonators | X3 Frag Grenades | Combat Knife | Blast Vest and Helmet
Allies: Joseph Torson Joseph Torson
Tags: Celendis Astraia Celendis Astraia | Aiden Rennek Aiden Rennek | Lily Decoria Lily Decoria | Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus | Drego Ruus Drego Ruus | Driver Driver | Zinder Tokarache | Sssar Taszzn Sssar Taszzn | Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl | Evy’armi’naken Evy’armi’naken | Lt. Bren Alazar

x20 Soilders in Silver Mandalorian Crusader Armor : Beskads | WESTAR-34 blaster pistol | Assault rifle | X5 Frag Grenades
X25 Moon Children
x3 Tank Operators
x4 Tie Pilots
x2 TIE/sa bomber - Currently hidden under forest camo
x1 T-Class Hover Tank - Currently hidden under forest camo


The Moon children pounded through the forest leaping over the underbrush acting almost like a pack of wild animals as they tracked closer to the gathering forces. Only a few straggled behind as they ran with wild abandon towards what they thought would be their dinner for the evening. Basically, mindless children or animals one could barely call the moon children sentient. They were simply wild chaotic shock troops there combat prowess was nonexistent, almost just a seek and destroy and consume mentality. If Max could have captured more, she would have and through as many waves as she could at the gathering alliance forces.

Back at the camp Max gave the signal to the Krath crusaders dressed as Mandalorians all stripped of their Maw insignia and just plan silver in color. She signaled them to form up into four five-man groups and fan out and move into positions where they could strike out at any in coming Alliance soldiers. The Alliance would have a hard enough time in this dense force picking them off should be easy enough. The Maw remnants had been here awhile and knew the terrain well.

The Faux Mandalorians split into four groups and the squad commanders remind each of their members of the plan. "If we are captured remember we are Enclave here to raze up the Mawites to make this a two-front war. We were all selected because we know Mando'a and were taught in the old ways from back when the Krath and Mandalorians were allied. So today we fight like Mandalorians, we are Mandalorians today." Each of the squads just nodded and then said. "For the Silver Crusade." The last time probably any of them would say it after the days end.

As they began to fan out Max Grabbed her sword still in hilt and tapped it once on the ground. As it was the cameo the Tetonic Tank gunner prepared it for firing and waited for a second tap for the signal to light them up. Max then lifted her still sheathed sword out to her side a singal for the two bombers to begin their flight checks and be ready. She then she returned the sword to her side and double tapped it on the ground the signal to release a shot from the Tank into the forest in the general direction of the gathering forces. The dense forest would allow for any accuracy but that wasn't its purpose, it was to give other allies throughout the forest a signal. With the thunder of one of the missiles from the tank all hell was about to break loose in good old Maw fashion.

Under her breath Max said. "I hope the Alliance didn't forget, the Maw are willing to burn their own worlds to the ground to claim victory."



Objective II: Remnants


"You three are with me. Anyone have issues with that?"

Yarmin shook his head, stepping closer to the trio he was assigned to.

<“No issues here, ma’am.”>

It’d been a good while since he’d served under- alongside a Jedi in the field. He checked his particle rifle, ensuring it was switched to burst-fire before giving Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus a final nod.

When the group was ready to resume their path, Yarmin stepped forward and skirted by the others to maintain his post as a forward scout. He patted Lt. Bren Alazar on the shoulder as he passed, giving the man a curt nod as he moved.

<“Have fun with the Jedi,”> the Chiss mused.

<“I’ll keep an eye out for trouble ahead.”>


Squadmates: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus | Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl | Lt. Bren Alazar
Proximity: Aiden Rennek Aiden Rennek | Lily Decoria Lily Decoria | Drego Ruus Drego Ruus | Driver Driver | Sssar Taszzn Sssar Taszzn | Celendis Astraia Celendis Astraia | Zinder Tokarache
Enemies: Max Sinn Max Sinn


| Location | Giaca, Planetside
| Objective | Locate Mawite Remnants
| Focus | Aiden Rennek Aiden Rennek | Zinder Tokarache | Max Sinn Max Sinn

Celendis nodded as the large group had been divided into smaller squads to spread out and cover more ground, making it easier to communicate with one another rather than having a dozen different callouts or orders being given. She would give Lossa a small nod as she had been tasked with watching over two of the soldiers present before glancing to the rest of the group before they would part ways to pursue their own objectives, speaking softly " May the Force guide you all. "
She glanced at Aiden and Zinder with closed eyes before addressing them directly, " Aiden and Zinder was it? Shall we? " She gestured in the direction that she had sensed the camp as well as the area that Aiden had previously mentioned having done recon on, already starting to take the lead as she let her heightened senses and the Force guide her. Every step that was taken pulled her closer and closer to that feeling of a hungering beast, or rather beasts.
The world around her spoke in ways that most would not be able to perceive. The subtle shift in the atmosphere, the faintest tremble of the ground beneath her feet, the dark aura growing more and more intense as that gnawing hunger was so close she could practically smell it. She tilted her body to the side as a Moon Child lept from the brush and lunged at her, raising a hand up as her fingertips lightly dragged over their passing body, thick ice forming and growing to spread across their body as they crashed into the ground from missing her, unable to properly get back up due to the weight of the ice as it snarled.

ᴏɴᴇꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ᴢᴇʀᴏᴇꜱ





| LOCATION: Jedha |
| TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble | Katherine Holt Katherine Holt | Loomi Loomi | Ko Vuto Ko Vuto | Shan Pavond Shan Pavond | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Makko Vyres Makko Vyres | Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad | Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor | Liam Nargon Liam Nargon | Colette Colette |

BB-610 stared, studying the situation unfolding before them, hesitating to resume his visual accompaniment to Valery's words. The droid noticed a conflict in ideals amongst a handful of attendees, and a shroud of tension bubbled soon after. It was hardly fun to see; they all served under the same umbrella, warrior or not-- organic or not- and to witness petty in-fighting and snarky side-eyes gnawed at his core. For a fleeting moment, it almost felt as though he were back in the First Order, subject to routine squabbling that went without closure. It was discouraging, and he could tell Loomi felt the same way.

"But... what if we kill someone? What if that turns us into something different?"

His gaze softened, optic widening ever so slightly. It wasn't a subject he was too adept at tackling, but the wavering in her voice was devastating. BB-610 rolled forth a few inches, chassis wobbling in place as to get Loomi's attention. He may not be a Jedi, or a Padawan, or a soldier, but he had fought, and he had killed, and he had witnessed killing enough to recount the fear in his systems as well as any organic would. The astromech used to be terrified-- he still is terrified, truthfully, but his family was there to anchor him down to reality the moment his anxieties crept ever nearer.

The droid bweeped, a solemn sound, as he told her that war meant doing things you sometimes don't want to; every dent to his body, every crushing of his circuits, every surge of synthetic pain as he threw himself into fire that he was never designed for reminded him of that every day. BB-610 chirped, tone much more reassuring, as he added that fear was normal, and that doing bad things for good reasons didn't make you a traitor or a Sith or a coward.

The holoprojector blinked back on, a selection of screenshots displayed prominently before them. It showed the Alliance after the annihilation of Exegol, rejoiced and celebrating, arms wrapped around anybody within hugging distance. Blood was on everybody's hands, but they left that day with the same thing they entered with: each other.

BB-610 spoke once more, his binary excited, as he said that they need to have each other's backs, to keep each other grounded when thinking of the bleakness of killing. The astromech cast a glance to the group that had formed, optic combing each and every one of them. He bweeped one last time, confidently stating that they all fought for the same reason, and that they should focus on what they have in common, not their differences.


I'm scarier with my mask off.
I learned from my mother and father, but I am not them!

[Any text in brackets signifies comm-link usage and not face to face conversation]
Location: Jedha
Valery Noble Valery Noble / BB-610 BB-610 / Loomi Loomi / Colette Colette / Katherine Holt Katherine Holt / Ko Vuto Ko Vuto / Shan Pavond Shan Pavond / Makko Vyres Makko Vyres / Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad / Liam Liam Nargond / Jonyna Si Jonyna Si


The Mirialian kid “Shan” had a great question, but was bothering everyone else, not to mention the girl “Collette” having the same concern. Of course there was indeed the concern about how war changes you, that is my question. I don’t really concern myself about standing up for others, that’s what we do, but so did Father.

What Loomi asked, is that how war “changes” you? My f…Master was at Tython, as well as Jakku, Jedha and Coruscant as well. He told me stories about the look in the eyes of those around him, the defeat, the depression, the hopelessness. It made me worry that I might have that same future in me, but he spoke also of those who rallied others. He spoke of what it meant to be a JedI Knight, a Master, and how it wasn’t just a title, or rank. He made me realize that what I was feeling was normal, and it was his job as my Master to understand that and help me deal with it.

So, I guess my question to you is, you have a long history here, as well as in the Old Republic. No doubt you felt this way at some point. How did you approach it? Is it something we could learn from you or have to come to on our own?

She knows Father, no worries about any secrets there. Hope I didn't say too much otherwise.

Finally asking a question


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsaber
Tag: BB-610 BB-610 Katherine Holt Katherine Holt Ko Vuto Ko Vuto Loomi Loomi Shan Pavond Shan Pavond Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Colette Colette Makko Vyres Makko Vyres Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor Liam Nargon Liam Nargon Jax Thio Jax Thio


Valery looked at Jonyna and offered a gentle smile in response to her questions. Others immediately offered their thoughts to it as well, and Valery just let it happen. Colette, Shan — they all offered a piece of that puzzling question, and she was quite happy with the addition from the Mandalorian who had joined them too. But there was more to it that she wanted to explain, "We quickly realized that their road was one to Tython, so as many of you correctly point out, we were being driven into a corner. It was fighting for survival," Valery explained, but with a tone that hinted at there being more to it.

"But we also didn't fight alone. After the Maw captured Empress Teta, we called on the Galaxy as a whole to come to our aid, and they did. Imperials from the New Imperial Order, the Ashlan Crusade and even the Mandalorian Enclave — they sent their greatest warriors, their armies and their fleets to help us protect Tython. We defeated them at Tython because we fought together for mutual survival." She doubted they'd have come otherwise, but that was a detail the Jedi here likely understood as well. The Maw had been a lot more than just the Alliance's problem.

They were simply at the forefront of stopping the Maw.

Loomi then asked a question that drew Valery's attention to her quickly, but again, she remained quiet to let others offer their advice. BB-610 BB-610 , as expected, did not disappoint, "Bee is right, but even knowing that, it's not going to be easy to hurt someone or take a life. Especially not the first time it happens. It can change you, but that reflection is important — we shouldn't shrug off the fact that we're taking lives, even if we're doing it to save many others. Talk to each other, reach out to who you trust, and find comfort in that unity."

Finally, Valery turned to Connel and nodded, "We all approach it differently because we're all different people. In the past, I found a lot of comfort in my own Master, but I've struggled during times when I felt alone too. These days, I have a lot of support from my family." She smiled a little and glanced at the others, "That said, if any of you feel stuck, stressed or need someone, you can always approach me."

"I'll be there for you."

With that said, she waited for new questions. They had reached the defense of Tython now. All that remained was the Era of Reclamation — the GA counter-attack that led up to the end of the war.


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