Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction [GA/NJO] The Last War


Objective I - Remembrance
Location: Former SIA blacksite, Jedha
Equipmeint: Nargon Holocron, lightsaber, Fur-line coat
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble | Loomi Loomi | Colette Colette | Shan Pavond Shan Pavond | BB-610 BB-610 | @Katherine Hold | Ko Vuto Ko Vuto | Makko Vyres Makko Vyres | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad | Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor

Liam was quite glad to hear that many of the young Jedi and even some veterans were not willing to merely move forward with war talk without questioning it first. Though as the discussion continued, Liam realized that the presence of questions did not completely counter the questions instilled upon him by the gatekeepers of the holocron about the Jedi Order. It was not the willingness to go to war that was in question. As the story unfolded it seemed like it was quite evident that the Brotherhood of the Maw was not something that was just going to go away. They were a threat to the entire galaxy that needed to be removed in order to make the galaxy safe. All of the galaxy. That was supported by Valery stating that so many had come face the Maw in the end. And that collection of galactic entities stood together to defeat the Maw.

The talk had taken on a very spiritual personal tone. One that Liam didn’t really need to consider on a grand stage himself. He was not a member of this Order. He was not loyal to a Galactic Alliance he’d never been a citizen of. War was not coming for him. Yet the “dreams” that he continuously had since Thule were leading him to wonder what he would feel if he needed to take a life. He wondered if doing that would be a tipping event to trigger a great fall. Other Nargon before him had fallen, most had been redeemed for sure, but that didn’t mean he would. If he was going to serve the light as he hoped he would need to avoid the fall. Or form bonds with those who would pull him back.

”Master Noble,” Liam finally added his voice to the discussion. He hoped it would not be frowned upon. He was an outsider after all. And he wasn’t sure if his question was going to sit well with all those in attendance. But he needed to know. ”Forgive what might be an outsider’s ignorance, but how do you know when you are fighting for the galaxy and the will of the Force, and not at the bidding of the Galactic Alliance? The Maw seems like the need for war was obvious. But the Mandalorian conflict seems like it may be a little more political, than dire straits for the entire galaxy.”
Valery Noble Valery Noble

Life was life, death was death. As someone who hadn't grown up with the belief that the Force was even real, Colette held particular reverence for it. To take a life was the most selfish act that one could do. It was to reduce something so complex as an actual being into nothing more than nutrients for scavengers. There was no way in her mind to justify that kind of waste of — if not life — resources.

"You ask that as if we know what the force wants." Colette said as she turned to Liam. "I am… New to this whole force thing, but… Basing our choices on something that we can't ever truly understand is dangerous."

"I…" She exhaled a bothered sigh. "I am not good with words. What I want to say is…"

"Yes, the will of the force is important. The principles of the code are too. Peace is only possible by engaging the thing that disturbs it. In this case, the Mandalorians."
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Shan sucked on his teeth for a moment as Minerva spoke, doing his hardest to keep his cool. He never said he expected anyone to understand him. He was simply stating his opinion, which to him, it seemed like the Mandalorian disagreed with. The Mirialan just flexed his hand out for a moment. He had thought that perhaps there were Mandalorians that could be understanding, but it appeared otherwise now. It was interesting. Nearly everyone he had had met that had part of fighting as their culture didn't seem to be able to just accept Shan's dislike of fighting, yet he could accept their want to fight. Instead he just focused on staying calm himself, flexing and clenching his fists ever so often. He had been specifically told that if he was going to be involved in the war, it was going to be as a fighter first. As a target. So any comments about doing what "he could to help" were completely lost on him.

Though then Loomi spoke up, and her question was one that Shan could understand. It was partly why he didn't want to kill someone. It would change who he was, at least in his eyes. He'd be a hypocrite if he didn't do everything he could to try and prevent himself from killing. It was starting to seem like however that people weren't too fond of him speaking his opinions and thought, so the Padawan decided it was just best to be silent from now on if that was the case. He had tried to be understanding of the situation, and just stating how he felt about it all. The more and more he talked about how he felt about things, the more isolated Shan was starting to feel...He just sighed to himself, running his hand down his face afterwards. He trusted Valery at the least, but that seemed to be it. Maybe Colette as well, since she seemed to partially agree with his mindset...but that seemed to be it right now.

The Padawan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows at Nargon's question. The stranger hadn't been there at Ryloth. He hadn't seen the innocents screaming in terror and fear. So of course he'd think going to their defence would possibly be something political. This time it was his turn to roll his eyes, his patience having worn itself thin after the way he had been treated for speaking his own mind. Instead he nodded in Colette's direction once she had spoken up, before Shan just...stepped towards the back of the group. His interest in asking questions and talking had faded from how people had reacted to him. Taking it upon himself to decide that it was better that he wasn't seen or heard. Just watch and learn.

Valery Noble Valery Noble Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad BB-610 BB-610 Colette Colette Liam Nargon Liam Nargon Loomi Loomi Katherine Holt Katherine Holt Ko Vuto Ko Vuto Makko Vyres Makko Vyres Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor

Bee is right, but even knowing that, it's not going to be easy to hurt someone or take a life. Especially not the first time it happens. It can change you, but that reflection is important — we shouldn't shrug off the fact that we're taking lives, even if we're doing it to save many others.

Loomi shuddered. Wording it that way made it sound inevitable. She was going to kill someone. It was only a matter of when. The scarriest part in all of this was that the Godoan knew she could kill someone too. If that had been an accident, what did that make anything that happened now that it was something she would take part in at any moment?


She had only come today to learn history. Now her back had sins crawling up it that she hadn't even committed yet. It was mortifying to think that at any moment she could become the very thing that had tormented her. The fact that they would be saving lives didn't register in her head at all anymore. Just death. Everyone was talking about it now, making it seem closer than ever before. Her heart began to race as the young padawan looked around her to find at least one reassuring face...

It was all negative. Loomi couldn't handle it anymore.

The Godoan wouldn't give any warning. She'd simply turn, sink away into the crowd, and run off towards the shuttle.




Location: Jedha
Objective: 1
Outfit: White Robes
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble | Loomi Loomi | Colette Colette | Katherine Holt Katherine Holt | Shan Pavond Shan Pavond | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Makko Vyres Makko Vyres | BB-610 BB-610 | Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad | Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor | Liam Nargon Liam Nargon

Loomi’s question had managed to strike a chord deep within the Kel Dor. Ko had never really felt the same after the battle on Chaldea. After plunging his saber through the skull of an armorclad young woman. Unfortunately he couldn’t fully understand the astromech’s response. Only able to make out bits and pieces of their binary words.

However, Master Noble’s words helped to clarify it for Ko. Although The Sword of The Jedi wasn’t speaking directly to him. It almost felt that way to him. He didn’t really talk much about what had happened and how it affected him. Not even to his own master. Making him feel like he failed in this regard. Shan was the only person he really opened up to about it after a talk the two had, while looking over the coruscant skyline.

As the conversation continued some. Shifting the focus some to the current conflict in relation to the old war. The Mandalorians didn’t pose the same kind of existential threat like the Maw had. When Kel Dor finally spoke up his voice was notably more shaky than before. “I think it’s true that the conflict with the Mandalorians isn’t on the same level as The Maw. That’s no reason for me to want to bury my head in the sand and ignore it…” Ko was a little worried that his words might’ve come off as a little harsh. But it also gave a good idea of his feelings on the subject. Believing that it shouldn’t be overlooked because of the more worldly and political nature of this conflict. Since the suffering of countless lives was still on the line. "... Sorry, I hope my words didn't offend anyone."

But Ko couldn’t deny that personal grievances he’s felt now against the Mandalorian Enclave. Getting nearly bashed to death and thrown into a bacta tank for his wounds was difficult for him to just disregard. Internally he desired retribution, but didn’t want those feelings to consume him. He had enough sense to try and be mindful of these feelings he had, and to not let them lead him down a dark path.

But then his mind went to Shen, noticing them back away some into the group. The fellow padawan had very differing perspectives and values to himself. But Ko never thought less of Shan and his more redemptive ideals. He couldn’t read the young man’s mind, but had an idea of how they must’ve been feeling given their prior interactions. Stepping closer to him, Ko briefly placed a supportive hand on their shoulder. “It’s almost like there isn’t really a correct way to be a Jedi, right?” He said, somewhat paraphrasing Shan’s own words to him with a friendly tone. But to also remind him that it wasn’t always so clear cut what the right answer was. Ko still thought that Shan’s ideals were just and sound. An excellent starting point for his moral compass to help guide him through the encroaching fog of war. Ko also noticed the sudden departure of Loomi. His heart sank some for his Godoan friend. Wishing her some peace of mind.
"... Chit." Colette cursed under her breath and shook her head, feeling to no small amount responsible for having pushed Loomi away from the conversation. "I have to go."

While others had "sneaked out" of the talks, Colette was more akin to an icebreaker. She pushed through the little circle and then broke into a slight jog to catch up with Loomi. Colette needed to apologize, and make sure that her friend was okay. This whole history and philosophy discussion was worth very little to her in comparison to that.

If the force was forever, then making sure that the present was as unruffled as possible took precedent.

"Hey, wait up!" Colette called out before she too disappeared.

[Exit here]
I'm scarier with my mask off.
I learned from my mother and father, but I am not them!

[Any text in brackets signifies comm-link usage and not face to face conversation]
Location: Jedha
Valery Noble Valery Noble / BB-610 BB-610 / Loomi Loomi / Colette Colette / Katherine Holt Katherine Holt / Ko Vuto Ko Vuto / Shan Pavond Shan Pavond / Makko Vyres Makko Vyres / Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad / Liam Liam Nargond / Jonyna Si Jonyna Si / Jax Thio Jax Thio


Why is everyone leaving? He couldn't help but look around confused as the Learners around him went running for the shuttle. It was not an easy thought, to take a life, but maybe that is why father had told him how it was normal for Padawans to feel this way. He has yet to take a life himself, and it is rather nerve-wracking to think about it. That is why he doesn't, Connell won't shy away from the tragic event, but he won't let it envelop him either. His time in the Rangers, he had taken life and it was hard, but it proved to be a formation of his outlook on the galaxy.

Maybe that is why we cite the Code when we come into times like this.

For all of the insult and hatred shown towards a Jedi, it was true how remaining calm in a battle was key. Emotions cannot be ignored, but they could not be controlled either, so it was a matter of finding a balance in between. Maybe that is why he won't learn the aggressive saber forms, if it came down to him or the attacker going against him, Connell would defend himself, but he did not look for a fight either.

A part of him felt bad for those who were not wanting to be here anymore, but a part of him was glad that he did not have a Padawan Learner assigned to him yet. He wasn't sure how he would feel if his would do something like this. He felt bad for Master Noble as well, she did her best to put this experience into action and it was turning into a civilized argument.

Looking gobsmacked at why others are leaving.

Objective 1

Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble BB-610 BB-610 Makko Vyres Makko Vyres Katherine Holt Katherine Holt Ko Vuto Ko Vuto Jax Thio Jax Thio Shan Pavond Shan Pavond Liam Nargon Liam Nargon Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor

Minerva had paused listening to BB's appeal. She looked to the sands once more deep in thought. The little droid was right about them needing to have each other's back when faced with such choices. Valery continued the history lesson before declaring her willingness to talk with any of her fellow Jedi about this matter.

It was when Liam Nargon seemed to dismiss the Mandalorian threat as a favor to the Alliance that suddenly Minerva's expression gave way to open shock. Then her eyes narrowed and the Jedi able would sense the outrage now burning in her heart. She didn't pay attention to any of the others as her focus was now squarely on Liam. There was no threat of violence in her body language but resentment at his comment. She could understand why Shan and Loomi wouldn't want to fight but him...

Liam must be new not to understand how this war with the Enclave happened. Squeezing her right fist tightly before unclenching it she said to him.

"It wasn't the Alliance who made your brethren fight the Enclave. Rather we stood by your order's choice to confront them. Where there are those within the Federation who would accuse you Jedi of dragging us all into this but I for one know it's not true. The Enclave and their ink is responsible for their mad crusade. Go ask the victims of Riishi, Kashyyyk, Rodia and Ryloth if what they endured is all an Alliance's ploy.”

At that last statement she bowed her head and closed her eyes in a pained expression, remembering what she witnessed that day on Kashyyyk and all those lost because of her former vod's bloodlust. It was completely unprovoked and yet they committed such carnage without even a hint of remorse. Subsequently that Twi'lek orphan she met after Ryloth came to mind as well. The boy lost his parents all because the Enclave were offended by the Twi'leks people tried to break from their rule.

Hearing movement she looked and saw Loomi fleeing the scene and Collette going after her. At the sight Minerva looked on with sympathy for the former. Sighing, she declared.

"Think what you will of me Jedi but I will fight the Enclave because they must be stopped and only for that reason nothing else. I’m sick and tired of innocents suffering because of them.”
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Location: Giaca, Objective 2
Equipment: Skinsuit, Wayward Gear - All Pieces
Accessories: Echo Stone
Weapons: Lossa's Lightsaber, Turmoil Lightsaber, Concealed Blaster, Nasty-Stabby
Tags: Lt. Bren Alazar Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl Evy’armi’naken Evy’armi’naken Max Sinn Max Sinn Joseph Torson Joseph Torson

Nathan gave her that same mechanical response she'd come to expect. It hadn't been an extravagant amount of time that they had spent together in that little temple training, but it had left a clear and concise impression of the man that she had assigned to her little squad.

The eyes behind her helmet shifting across as she examined those around her.

The soldier with extra gear gave an equally simple answer, and he received a nod in kind. He seemed to be carrying the heavy hitting stuff still, and that made the idea of camp raiding the Mawites settle a bit easier as a decent idea.

The Chiss however was already cutting ahead of them with a final nod to her. She'd opened her mouth to speak, a slight buzz from her annunciatior as the crack of munitions filled the air. She scanned the treeline around them, taking a breath.

"Don't get caught out by yourself. Fall back at first contact. Or at least find a climeable tree." Her only advice as she gave a thumbs up to Celendis Astraia Celendis Astraia

"Same to you. And come back in one piece please." A farewell meant for better as she winked behind the helmet, enabling the recording to begin as she set off with her group in tow.

<Let's find that noisy bunch, huh?> A comment thrown across the comms to Evy’armi’naken Evy’armi’naken .

Her personal blade in hand but not yet ignored with a wary pause over the second saber on her hip.



Location: Jedha
Equipment: Travelling Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Third Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble , Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor , Loomi Loomi , Ko Vuto Ko Vuto , Colette Colette , Katherine Holt Katherine Holt , Shan Pavond Shan Pavond , Jonyna Si Jonyna Si , Makko Vyres Makko Vyres , BB-610 BB-610 , Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad , Liam Nargon Liam Nargon


From afar, Jax saw Valery talking to a group of Jedi Knights and Padawans as well as one of many Mandalorians who joined the Alliance against the Enclave. He took a step forward, wanting to reunite with Valery and the Jedi, and maybe talk about his experiences on the battle of Jedha as well. It was time to stop moping around and isolating himself. It was time to rejoin the NJO and help them in this new war especially after Jax abandoned them during the Hyperspace War. The Jedi Master took a deep breath and began walking towards them, a sense of hope swelling inside of him a smile curled on his lips. A chance to help lead the next generation, to help them deal with the horrors of war was something that they needed to know.

However, as Jax got closer, the group began to go their separate ways. His heart sank and the smile that was forming began to quickly fade. The meeting was over, of course it was. Just when Jax mustered up the courage to actually reconnect with his fellow Jedi, he was too late. Part of Jax wondered if that was a sign of sorts, but he quickly dismissed it as his mind being paranoid. It was just bad timing on Jax's part, still it stung that he missed his opportunity to teach. The wind began howling as small streams of sand swirled around Jax as he shook his head.

"Well chit," Jax said looking down on the ground.


Objective I - Remembrance
Location: Former SIA blacksite, Jedha
Equipmeint: Nargon Holocron, lightsaber, Fur-line coat
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble | Loomi Loomi | Colette Colette | Shan Pavond Shan Pavond | BB-610 BB-610 | Katherine Holt Katherine Holt | Ko Vuto Ko Vuto | Makko Vyres Makko Vyres | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad | Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor | Jax Thio Jax Thio

Liam actually smiled at the upheaval that his question seemed to cause. Either it meant that the views of the gatekeeper of the holocron was completely wrong and the mere suggestion was outlandish. Or he had struck a nerve. When Loomi and Colette departed however his smile turned to a frown and guilt bubbled up inside of him.Interpreting the Force was supposed to be the job of the Order. So while, Liam himself agreed that the unseen entity that gave them life was incredibly hard to decipher, it was supposed to be the goal of the Order to act on the desire of the unseen Force. Previous iterations of the Jedi had failed. Liam’s question was pure curiosity, not meant to be an accusation.

”Peace is impossible,” Liam muttered more to himself than anything as Colette had already departed. Those around him likely heard, but it was not meant to further his argument. Liam felt the unrest that his question caused. He thought it was a good thing since most present seemed to be younger.A Kel Dor spoke up defending the current stance against the Mandalorian, while also accepting that it was not the same as the Maw had presented. ”I take no offense to your words,” I answered with a nod. ”And I was not suggesting that the Mandalorian threat be ignored. However, war seems to be in the nature of things. With the Mandalorians a good example of that. War, famine, disease, the end of our mortal being is inevitable for nearly all things. This is the will of the Force. There will be no end to these things. I am not saying that the Mandalorians should be ignored. I’m asking why a line was drawn in this particular sand. As I said. I am an outsider. Curious about how things work, and where my own ideals might fit.” Liam looked at the door that Loomi and Colette had exited. ”It is I who it seems may have stirred things up and offended people. This is not my intention.”

It was what I assumed was a Mandalorian based on the armor, who actually stated that the Alliance was not the ones to initiate the current situation. It was rather the Alliance who was in support. ”Not my brethren…not yet at least,” I answered with a nod of respect. ”And sorry if I gave any offense referring to the Enclave as ‘the Mandalorians’. The fact that the Enclave need be stopped was not the point of my question. Wars happen all over. Both sides feel the need to stop the other side. Why the Jedi have chosen a side is my intrigue.”


Objective II: Remnants


<“Yes ma’am,”> Yarmin answered as he stepped through the trees.

Climbing was certainly out of the question, but he could suffer a brief retreat. With covering fire provided, of course. He gave his particle rifle a trusty pat. That piece of equipment had gotten him out of more sticky situations than he’d care to admit.

He was beginning to wonder how soon before it was needed again, when the telltale -crunch- of woodland brush halted the commando in his tracks. In a fluid motion, his rifle was raised, visor was viewing infrared, and his comms were open.

<“Contact,”> he said plainly to the rest of the squad.

There was only one heat signature ahead, a single target still unaware of his presence. One of the Maw’s dreaded Moon Children from the looks of it.

<“One tango, Mawite, probably a scout. Advise.”>

His sights were trained on the beast, ready to send a trio of amber particle beams straight for it. His blaster melted flesh like butter - all Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus had to do was give the word.


Squadmates: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus | Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl | Lt. Bren Alazar
Proximity: Aiden Rennek Aiden Rennek | Lily Decoria Lily Decoria | Drego Ruus Drego Ruus | Driver Driver | Sssar Taszzn Sssar Taszzn | Celendis Astraia Celendis Astraia | Zinder Tokarache
Enemies: Max Sinn Max Sinn


"I don't think these Padawans are going to need help. Jedi are pretty good at what they do." He was clearly biased, given his Jedi girlfriend, but most of the Galaxy knew as well. The Jedi were some of the greatest warriors around, and they had quite a few running around here today. The Mawites, in comparison, were chaotic and had very little reason to suspect an attack. They were going to be dealt with.

Turning to Celendis, Aiden dipped his head, "Aye. I think it's best if you take point with that lightsaber of yours. Gives us some cover if we run into trouble." At the same time, he could then suppress the enemy together with Zinder, who was digging into a pile of weapons like his life depended on it.

Welp, at least they'd be armed to the teeth.

"Lead the way, Master Jedi."





As the Drone continued their search for both the Mawite Camp and any potential hostiles, one of the Operators quickly pointed out to the sky. "Sir! Look" he exclaimed. Upon hearing this, Torson looked up only to see a missile emerge above the tree line a few clicks away, seconds before it erupted into a massive explosion "What do you think that was, Captain?" another Operator inquired. "Don't know. It could be Mawites or the Alliance. Regardless we're about to find out very soon." Torson answered. "Recall the Drones, and pin-point the approximate area where that missile was launched." he ordered.

After a while, the Drones had returned to the landing zone with a pair being placed back into one of the crates, while the other pair we're kept up in the air. "Captain Torson. We are ready to move out." one of the Operator said. "Good." Torson responded as he took out his Plasma Disruptor Rifle. "Let's go hunting." he said. Before long, Torson and his entourage of Red Right Hand Operators had entered the dense forest in the direction of the explosion, their helmet's HUD's connected to the drones flying above them which scanned the surrounding area for potential hostiles and friendlies, ensuring that whatever was out there would not catch them by surprise.


Zinder Tokarache



Location: Giaca
Objective: Hunt the Maw
Equipment: Assualt Loadout (Bio)
Tags: Lily Decoria Lily Decoria Aiden Rennek Aiden Rennek Celendis Astraia Celendis Astraia Max Sinn Max Sinn Joseph Torson Joseph Torson

"I just meant little silver there. That's Bri's yeah?" Pointing at Lily with the butt of the scattergun. With their own jedi assigned, and a pile of weapons for the taking, Zinder gave a questioning look to the group at large.

"Shame to leave all that." Clearly thinking about it before a final look found him picking through the pile. Sliding a few more Grenades where he could before looking to the SMG over pointedly.

"Probably ought to." Figuring out how to Holster it for the time being and casting a final glance to the Grenade Launcher. A hopeful look to Aiden, met with no contest as Zinder figured out how to sling it across his chest without keeping him from aiming.

He hadn't been this happy since the Life Day he'd got those thermal socks.

"I think we're good." A slight jump to make sure everything stayed in place, and still able to function as they all set a play in motion.

The girl in the helmet divided them up, heading out just as quickly while their own little group formed up. The scattergun on his shoulder slipping into both hands as their jedi began to lead the way.

"Let's." His only response as he took the second spot, leaving Aiden to the rear.

Between the sound of heavy artillery, the shuffle of their own steps through the brush, and the sudden appearance of the Maw rascal, Zinder was well aware of their surroundings. Plainly not as aware as their jedi leader with how quickly she had removed the Moon Child as a threat.

"Wouldn't be a Maw camp without their crazies," A solemn word as the barrel of the scattergun bumped against their flailing form and fired. "Blighted buggers. Mean when they get a hold of you. Quick thinking with the ice. Can you keep that up?"

A genuine question thrown her way given how little he understood of the force. It was pretty cool to watch though.



| Location | Giaca, Planetside
| Objective | Locate Mawite Remnants
| Focus | Aiden Rennek Aiden Rennek | Zinder Tokarache | Max Sinn Max Sinn

Celendis looked over at Aiden as he gestured for her to lead the way and nodded, " Not quite a master, but you may just call me Celendis, or Celene for short. Still have quite a way to go before I ever expect to become a master. " She paused briefly as she touched the ground once more, her fingers brushing over the track left by the stray Moon Child as she got a better sense of the direction that it originated from.
She glanced back as Zinder promptly dispatched the incapacitated Moon Child that she had frozen over and spoke, pulling back one of her sleeves to reveal the glint of her lightsaber's emitter attached to the underside of her forearm as she responded to him, " If not, then I always have these, though I'd prefer not to use them. But don't worry, I'll protect you both to the best of my ability when it comes to it. " she offered a small smile as she released her sleeve and let the fabric conceal her saber as she continued to move forward through the forest.
The forest around her pulsed with life, giving her a better sense of her environment through blind eyes as she guided them further into the forest. The shot fired earlier did give the enemy's general direction away, so it was simple enough to follow where the attack came from and further refine the direction through her senses.



This is why he loved having Jedi work with him.

They were quick to respond to threats, and they had answers for everything. From blowing something apart, to freezing something over. Pair that up with a few soldiers armed to the teeth, and he felt like they had quite the unstoppable team. Though Zinder, as usual, was being a little extra with just how much he brought along. Hopefully, it wouldn't slow him down too much, especially not if they ran into trouble.

"The ice is ideal. If we encounter something that isn't a monster, we should try to freeze and stun them. If we can bring back some of these guys alive, I'm sure the SIA will be happy." Not that he particularly cared for the SIA, but this intel could help them find more of these camps, and hopefully prepare the GA to take them down as well.

It'd save lives, and that he would always fight for.

"Contacts, 12 o'clock," Aiden said after a moment, as they spotted a Mawite camp up ahead. A pair of guards were patrolling around the perimeter, and there were a whole lot more of them inside the camp. Aiden immediately reached for his sniper, and got in position to target the one on the left.

"You two move up, I'll fire on your mark."


Lt. Bren Alazar


Heh, a friendly Chiss, cool. Okay, that probably sounds worse than it was meant to, but Bren was glad to be able to contribute. Chiss were known for their attention skills, so Yarmin taking "Point" (Pathfinder/leader of the squad into a sector] made sense. Tapping his communicator, he simply said [I'll drag.]

They didn't get far before Yarmin found something, or in this case someone. The lone beast in the forest, that could be a fluke, it could and probably did mean that there was an ambush somewhere. So Bren slowly dropped to a knee, turned on the "image intensifier" mode on his SMR scope and began to scan the area. This one time annoyed him not to have the "God Gun" that Sauriel loved, but this would still do its job well. What was that?

If he was encamped out here, there would be no real elaborate setup, nothing that could be tracked anyway. That is why while sweeping the ground, the former Omega Squad member eyed the treelines as well. What better place for a sniper than a well hidden "tower" spot that was camouflaged well enough for covered fire without the animated cover.

What he honestly did not expect was when his ears perked at the sound of a cannon firing. The flash of light not terribly far away meant there was armor in the area and his senses piqued. Tapping his comm-link again, he simply said [If I see what fired that, I'll need three seconds of cover fire to end them.]

Good thing a rocket was already loaded.

TAGS: @Lossa Darcuhl / @ Nathan Bloodscrawl / @Max Sinn/ @Yarmin / @Joseph Torson






"Sir, something's just appeared on our scopes." one of the Red Right Hand Operators said as the Drones picked up something ahead. At Torson's signal, the Red Right Hand Operators quickly moved forth to take cover behind some of the large trees using the dense forest terrain to stay hidden just as three individuals appeared. "Switch to encrypted channels, and get me a visual on those individuals." Torson ordered. The Drone proceeded to slowly approach the three individuals, making sure to use the surrounding environment in order to keep itself hidden from view. Soon enough, the Drone was able to get a visual on the unknown individuals soon relaying the new data to Torson's HUD.

Through his HUD, Torson observed the three individuals taking note of their appearance. One of them seemed to be wearing what the Drone identified as REC-manufactured Shocktrooper Armor while being armed with what appeared to be a Warhead Launcher, a Slugthrower, two pistols and numerous grenades, all of which we're manufactured by the REC. As Torson took a glance at the other two individuals he noticed one of them, wearing a black and grey robe briefly pulling back one of their sleeves to reveal a lightsaber, which was enough for Torson to confirm what he had already suspected when observing the first individual. "The Alliance." he said. "Two Special Forces Operatives and One Jedi. Most likely here to hunt down other Mawites on the planet." Torson added.

"Sir, our other drone picked up something. Seems like some sort of encampment." another Red Right Hand Operative said. Torson had his HUD connect to the other Drone, revealing a Mawite Camp guarded further eastward in the direction the three individuals we're headed towards. "That's what those three are after, that Camp." Torson observed. "Do we engage?" one of the Red Right Hand Operatives asked. "No, not yet. Let them engage those Mawites first, then we move up behind them and ambush them while their busy fighting." Torson answered. "They have a Jedi with them so maintaining the element of surprise is our best bet if we are to take them down." he added.

With that being said. Torson and his men maintained their positions, the two Drones remaining camouflaged within the dense terrain of the Forest as they kept eyes on both the Alliance forces and the Mawite Camp. Soon enough both groups would clash with one another, and with Torson's unit maintain the element of surprise, the coming battle was guaranteed to be short and swift, with the odds favoring him and the Red Right Hand. Thus, Torson waited for the group of three to make their move his hands gripped on his Rifle ready to pounce when the time was right.


Zinder Tokarache



Location: Giaca
Objective: Hunt the Maw
Equipment: Assualt Loadout (Bio)
Tags: Aiden Rennek Aiden Rennek Celendis Astraia Celendis Astraia Max Sinn Max Sinn Joseph Torson Joseph Torson

The jedi revealed the trick up her sleeve, and there was an appreciative nod at the sight. Though the mention of protecting them was met with a hidden smile as Aiden made sure to reiterate taking one alive. An idea that railed against Zinder's end-em-all mentality.

Keeping the seething comments to a minimum for the moment as he grunted back a reply.

"Sure one will be well enough to turn over." At least any that weren't within his vision anyway. The general rattling of his gear the only addition he felt needed to be spoken as to his intent.

They moved forward, Aiden letting them know of the next camp as he lay in wait. It brought a smile to his face hearing the metaphorical voice over his shoulder and knowing it was attached to someone behind the scope he trusted.

<Solid Copy.> Zinder taking his approach slowly and carefully as his arms held fast the extra gear he'd hauled all the way in. Waiting for the patrol to pass by the tree he'd managed to put between himself and the guards as he nodded to the Jedi.

"You want the honors?"

Given the go ahead, and not one to skimp on the entry, Zinder switched to the Warhead Launcher, aiming at the outskirts of the camp before letting a rocket sing through the air and strike the nearest "tent".

Dropping it beside the tree, swapping to the Scattergun and rushing forward with little care for the shouts and hollering that followed.

Zinder would follow the jedi's lead, keeping the Scattergun in hand, trying to close the distance between them and the camp to near point blank range to make the best use of his weapon.


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