Liam Nargon

Objective I - Remembrance
Location: Former SIA blacksite, Jedha
Equipmeint: Nargon Holocron, lightsaber, Fur-line coat

Liam was quite glad to hear that many of the young Jedi and even some veterans were not willing to merely move forward with war talk without questioning it first. Though as the discussion continued, Liam realized that the presence of questions did not completely counter the questions instilled upon him by the gatekeepers of the holocron about the Jedi Order. It was not the willingness to go to war that was in question. As the story unfolded it seemed like it was quite evident that the Brotherhood of the Maw was not something that was just going to go away. They were a threat to the entire galaxy that needed to be removed in order to make the galaxy safe. All of the galaxy. That was supported by Valery stating that so many had come face the Maw in the end. And that collection of galactic entities stood together to defeat the Maw.
The talk had taken on a very spiritual personal tone. One that Liam didn’t really need to consider on a grand stage himself. He was not a member of this Order. He was not loyal to a Galactic Alliance he’d never been a citizen of. War was not coming for him. Yet the “dreams” that he continuously had since Thule were leading him to wonder what he would feel if he needed to take a life. He wondered if doing that would be a tipping event to trigger a great fall. Other Nargon before him had fallen, most had been redeemed for sure, but that didn’t mean he would. If he was going to serve the light as he hoped he would need to avoid the fall. Or form bonds with those who would pull him back.
”Master Noble,” Liam finally added his voice to the discussion. He hoped it would not be frowned upon. He was an outsider after all. And he wasn’t sure if his question was going to sit well with all those in attendance. But he needed to know. ”Forgive what might be an outsider’s ignorance, but how do you know when you are fighting for the galaxy and the will of the Force, and not at the bidding of the Galactic Alliance? The Maw seems like the need for war was obvious. But the Mandalorian conflict seems like it may be a little more political, than dire straits for the entire galaxy.”