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Galactic Republic Senate Roster

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[member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Soliael Devin Talith"] [member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

I have scoured the Archives and the act does not exist there.

If a link or some record of the act cannot be produced than the act if effectively voided because its passage cant be proven. #GoodRecordKeepingIsEverything
I wasn't going to post until this matter was resolved - but events have progressed.

There is one thread that suggests it was passed - but this is in direct contradiction to the memory of a Senator whose judgement I vouch for 100%

So...leave it with me for a few hours and we'll decide categorically one way or the other. I'm sure we can all wait that long :)
skin, bone, and arrogance
Cecily de Demici said:
[member="Soliael Devin Talith"] [member="Corvus Raaf"]
However, in my RL legal opinion (I'm a lawyer duh,) you character could be put on trial for treason and depending on how jumpy everyone still is over Palpatine... even sedition.
Now I know why we get along so well. ONE OF US ONE OF US.
[member="Soliael Devin Talith"]

We are okaying your membership in the Senate (welcome aboard!). Just keep in mind, IC actions have IC consequences, e.g., use of darkside powers that are witnessed by members of the Republic could lead to IC issues.
Ahem. Search is your friend, folks.

Bill Name: The Secular Senate Act

Purpose of Bill: To protect the Senate from the influence of Force using practitioners during the process of deciding on the results of bills.

Language of Bill: As the majority of individuals Senators represent are not practitioners of the Force, and the influence of the Jedi or the Sith on Senate decisions can make or break our abilities as Senators to best represent the aims of your people, this bill puts forward the notion to prohibit Force practitioners for running for Senate positions or voting on bills in the future.
- All Senators will undergo a minor blood sample testing to determine the level of mido-chlorians in their system, and those with significantly higher levels than others will be barred from having major positions in the Senate as well from voting on major bills relating to the status of the Republic.

- Representatives of the Force using practitioner groups may attend Senate meetings and voice their opinions, but may not participate in the actual voting process.
[member="Jerek Zenduu"]

The act was proposed. But never voted on or passed. It was postponed by the proposer here in that exact same thread.

Smiling, K'Dan nodded to both Senators in turn as they spoke up.

"Not to worry, Senator of Eshan and Senator of Zeltros. This bill will be brought forward again after the coming election. However, it must be mentioned to the Senate that knowledge of mido-chlorians and their connection to the force has been known for hundreds of years by those who do not use the Force specifically, otherwise how would the Arkanians have been working on it for so long?

But not matter, the Senator of Mechis III will pull back the Act until after the elections."

The same goes for the secular act: it was proposed here, but because we had no active sc or vice chair post poned here.

Both had majority objections from the senators in place.

That is why we still had the Bard, vaudin, Maria, yuusen ( except when he blatantly went against the black sun and killed people public ally) hion, and Ashe as public force using senators.

Both acts did not have a voting thread nor were they passed.

What did happen is that Aledis publically stepped down from the Jedi order to run for sc, which she won.

This does not stop anyone from proposing it again!

For example, Persephone dislikes force users. She'd be for it.

Now let's stop the spam here. It is a sign up thread. We can propose this icly or keep talking oocly about it on a separate thread.
yuusen ( except when he blatantly went against the black sun and killed people public ally)

... Uh lady, that was a rescue mission so i dont know what Ally you are talking about (Saw that was supposed to be Publically). Think again. I seem to remember that being an invasion.

Ater Notechis

Same agenda, different place...
Given the dual-hatting within GRIM, the role of Senator is seen as a conflict of interests, and therefore Ater Nochetis relinquishes her role as Senator with immediate effect.
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