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Faction Good Chives Only [Plant Surge Training - Jedi]



Plant Surge Training

"The Force resides in all living things - feel the life within the seeds and soil, and encourage their natural path."

Cora held out her hands to display a small mound of earth cupped in her gloved palms. A few minute shifts of the Force could be felt, and a tiny green seedling rose from the center of the dirt. The sprout continued to grow like a timelapse, stalk thickening as dark blue leaves unfurled around a perked bud. The bud parted, giving way to a spherical, white tuft that gave off a luminous glow. With a wave of her finger, she directed the flower to shift left, then right.

"Aura blossoms are native to Endor. As you can see, they give off a lovely bioluminescent shine - and they can be used to help light your way through the citadel."

Behind Cora stood a towering spire of ancient stonework. It was old and unkempt, crumbling away in places. By contrast, the structure was ensnared in a tangle of healthy, fruit-bearing vines that seemed to keep it stable.

"Once you enter the citadel, your task is to retrieve three fruits or vegetables growing from these vines. Be wary of the vines - they may ensnare you and drag you into the bottom floor of the tower. If that happens, you'll be free to exit the citadel where you may rest, or rejoin the lesson."

The Knight gestured toward a small footpath that trailed from the ground level, indicating the exit.

"While you may use the Force to traverse the citadel, we encourage you to practice plant surge here. You may use it to move the vines and restrain others. However, you may not cut, slice, burn, or otherwise harm the vines."

Next, her gesturing hand waved to the pair of Jedi who'd graciously joined her in setting up this lesson.

"Myself, Master Elias Edo Elias Edo , and Knight Ko Vuto Ko Vuto will be overseeing this exercise. You may choose to begin by growing aura blossoms, which we will guide you through if needed. However, once you enter the citadel, you will not receive any help from us. Only in the unlikely event that you are in grave danger will we intervene."

Knight von Ascania smiled, a pleasant, practiced expression that held the barest glint of mischief. She had not specified whether the vines moved on their own, or if an outside force would be controlling them.

"Good luck. I am certain that all of you will perform satisfactorily."

Hello and welcome to Plant Surge 101. Special thanks to Ko Vuto Ko Vuto and Elias Edo Elias Edo who've agreed to be co-instructors for this thread! Another special thanks to Kyra Perl Kyra Perl for helping with the thread plot.

This training thread is geared towards Padawans and other Jedi who are looking to practice a new skill.

Here's the rundown:
  • The lesson starts with learning to grow bioluminescent aura blossoms that'll help light your way through the citadel. Growing the flowers isn't mandatory, and you can choose to enter the citadel first.
  • You can also just grow flowers if you wanna grow flowers. I'm not your mom.
  • Once you feel ready, you can enter the citadel. The citadel has multiple floors, but the bottom floor has mostly crumbled away. The entire building is covered in fruit bearing vines.
  • You must collect three fruits/ vegetables from these vines before they can leave.
  • You are encouraged to practice plant surge on the vines, and can even use them to ensnare other Padawans and steal their fruit. You may not cut/burn/hurt the vines.
  • If you're ensnared by the vines, you may be deposited to the bottom/floor basement.
  • A few surprises might come for you.
Tl;dr: Grow flowers, collect fruit, don't let the vines (or me) get you.

Tags for those who showed interest: Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti Raphael Gallustrade Raphael Gallustrade Vera Noble Vera Noble Aris Noble Aris Noble Ryana mina Ryana mina Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr. Carlo Von Corrino Carlo Von Corrino Colette Colette Talsin Lota Talsin Lota (apologies if I missed anyone, also you don’t need a tag to join, this is open to all Jedi)

Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Interacting with: Open to Interaction

It was always easy to spot Zaiya, but this time the Lovalla teenager seemed to blend seamlessly into the small patch of Aura Blossoms she sat before. A soft, musical giggle fell from her lips as she gently caressed the petals of the bioluminescent flower's blue leaves. In perfect harmony with the blossoms, Zaiya's skin fluttered with the same blue hue as the stems, while a soft golden ripple of bioluminescence matched the flowers' glow.

She hadn't tried growing a few of the blossoms yet, but for now, she was content to enjoy them as they were. Other Padawans had already finished blooming and retreated to the citadel, or were still struggling to coax the seeds into taking root.

Zaiya felt content. Simply content to resonate with the colorshifting and bioluminescence of another being, even if it was just a flower. Being able to visually resonate like this, feeling the connection through the Force, and seeing the answering call was just... so peaceful.

She'd start attempting to encourage her seeds to bloom soon, but for now, this was nice.

Talsin stared at one of the budding flowers.

It was so small, gentle, just having it in your hands you could feel the soft pulse of life coming from it. It scared Tal a little bit. There was responsibility there to Talsin. The responsibility to nurture innocent life even in the shape of a small flower. His eyes were closed, expression keenly focused, as he tried to visualize the life in his mind-eye.

The color appeared where his hands were drifting. Distinct from the blue hue that signified himself, it pulsed from pink to green to blue and back. But the shine was so soft you could barely see it.

He imagined his own color feeding into the plant. The idea of feeding the plant with his own life-force, allowing it grow, as he opened his eyes and smiled at the way the flower opened up and shone brightly. It wasn't exactly as effective as just having a flash light with him, but in a way it was still better.

Because he had helped it grow personally.

The current teacher, Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania , didn't look that much older than himself. But that was the consequence of coming into this late. It felt awkward to be learning from someone of his own age and realizing that in spite of it? She knew so much more than him. Clearly confident in her approach and mastery of the Force.

He could only hope that one day he'd reach a similar level of control and confidence.

One cursory glance around Tal saw some succeeding immediately, others taking a bit more time, but that was how it usually went. He stepped up on the path to the spire.

Time to get this started.

Three fruits, that shouldn't be so hard, right?

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
This lesson felt… Strange to attend. It fell within the lines of just the type of thing that Colette wanted to master, and well within the things she already knew how to do. The elements, plants, life itself, these were all concepts that (to her) were easy to understand.

Nature wasn't inherently anything of value. People often liked to think of it like that because to some extent or the other they held a foolish and insolent belief of ownership over it in an attempt to put themselves above it. But no, that wasn't how any of this worked. Nature was quite simply, for all intents and purposes, the act of existing in a greater group. It was the infinite, primal dictator of all beneath it. It was a set of rules that had been provided by the cosmic forces of the universe — the force — that told something what it was and nothing more.

A rose's thorns weren't any more evil than the bite of a wolf because that was the very nature of their existence, they had adapted to a nature where such defense mechanisms were necessary to continue living. These same things could be applied to water, and fire, and the air and the winds. Water wasn't inherently meant to kill the creatures that were stuck inside of it. Fish swam around in the water perfectly fine but because creatures such as humans had to go against their nature to live in such an environment, it was sometimes ruled out as an 'evil thing' by ignorant fools.

No, nature was as pure as the very fabric of existence itself. It was a constantly changing and evolving thing that granted life no other purpose than to simply exist. A lake was a lake, its reason for existing didn't go any further than that. A fire was a fire; it was warm, and these little seedlings were just the same. They existed and grew because the circumstances of the nature they grew in allowed it. They could have been brought here by outside forces like the group which had gathered here today, they could even have been planted here by the force itself. None of that mattered, all that it meant was that whatever changed had happened had in turn caused a change in the nature around it. There was an immense respect to be had for that.

Colette held her plant and looked at it for a moment longer as she swirled the roots of her plant within the palm of her hand. The other hand deposited a small pocket of dirt on top of it to grant it the nutrients it needed to survive as a little thank you for having listened to her kind request to grow on her command. She then withdrew the canteen on her belt and poured a small amount of water for it to drink, and then she held the flower like that for a while as she observed the others around her.

She hoped that the rest would see what they were doing as clearly and found it as important as she did, but part of her couldn't help but figure that they most likely wouldn't. The kid was, after all, raised to believe these things and that most likely couldn't be said for most others.

In that regard, Colette was most likely the luckiest girl in the Order, but she would keep such thoughts to herself. It was, after all, rather unbecoming of her.

Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania / Ko Vuto Ko Vuto / Elias Edo Elias Edo


Location: Ukatis
Objective: Oversee Lesson
Tag(s): Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania | Elias Edo Elias Edo | Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti | Talsin Lota Talsin Lota | Colette Colette


Ko had Jonyna as his Jedi master, but before then Mother Nature had been his mentor. Who taught him a great deal of what he knew about The Force and his place within it. His cog in the great cosmic machine that kept the galaxy turning. Not that it was really his choice. His time in the service corps made him wise to the interconnectedness of all things. How everyone’s energy pass through the world both physically and metaphysically. Just as someone’s soul passes onto The Force so does the physical energy held within their body. As it decomposes and replenishes the ecosystem as part of the food chain.

Currently Ko stood with Cora and commented after her explanation. “It’s an excellent idea to give them some obstacles and an objective here. It’ll keep things engaging.” Ko complimented. Finding the inclusion of the fruit scavenger hunt is a great addition to the lesson.

Then the Kel Dor turned to his own new pupil and glanced at who was next to him. A vulgar snowy haired echani who had been previously silenced moments earlier after Ko stuffed a bar non-toxic of soap into their mouth. He casually reached over with his clawed hand and pulled it away from the displeased teenager. Slotting the bar of soap into a small pouch on his belt. Then handed Valor some Aura seeds too. “Alright Valor, now make sure to try and practice with these seeds before you go collect the fruits.” He said to the reluctant, new padawan.

After that, Kel Dor turned his attention to the other students. Hoping to pass over a bit more knowledge to them as well. “Remember this too class, plant surge is an ability to use responsibly. You are influencing the growth of a living creature after all. Also understand that mass and energy in the universe can never be added or destroyed. Be mindful that the growth of the plants comes from somewhere and that vegetation is primarily made up of carbon and water. Plant surge works best when you have plenty of both to work with.” Ko was throwing in a bit of a rather scientific explanation for what was occurring. Something that as an agricultural worker he needed to be very mindful as to not stress out the local ecology by using this ability too much in a short period of time. Especially on an industrial or commercial scale. He wanted his words to also convey that using plant surge didn’t happen in a vacuum, but instead was connected as all things were, and avoid abusing the ability like it was some infinite plant glitch. That there was always an equal and opposite reaction to these things.



TAG: Ko Vuto Ko Vuto Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Elias Edo Elias Edo

Even as a Master, Jonyna knew the universal truth of being a jedi.

You never stop learning.

The idea of Plant Surge was not unfamiliar to Jonyna, even if she had never learned it herself. She had seen Ko Vuto Ko Vuto practice in back during their own training, and now he was teaching it. There was a certain level of pride that came from her as a mother in that sense. To see Ko finally teaching a new generation, to see him teach her.

She looked to the padawan turned knight, the boy she had taken in and quickly see become a man, and she couldn't help but smile.

Still, she was here to learn. She wanted to see how this worked. She was so used to navigating jungles by pure instinct, working with what the forest gave you, the idea of manipulating it felt almost natural to her. Then again, there was some part of her that questioned it. To change the terrain was to disrupt the flow of the jungle. There was something sacred to how the branches of the massive forest were sewn together like a patchwork.

That was for later though.

For now...

Start with a flower...

The little thing she held in her hand, she felt through it. Every cell, every bit of flora. The pedals, the stem, everything. She wanted to understand the construction, of a flower she was unfamiliar with.

To her, the Force had always been about asking favors. Asking the will of the galaxy to help her survive. Today, she asked it a simple request.



Valor was practically brooding, an unpleasant look plastered onto his features. He resembled a taller, somewhat older Braze, but with more well-rounded features and much, much longer white hair. His turquoise eyes settled on Ko as he spoke, a leering expression twisting his face. Adjusting to the Kel Dor's rules and regulations had been a challenge, and he was certain to let his displeasure be known, often through a barrage of nasty remarks. Currently, however, he was silent. When the bar of soap was finally removed, he spat to the side, clenched his jaw shut, and glowered at Ko. Apparently, issuing complaints about not needing nature lessons from a "scar-faced hag" wasn't appreciated, nor permitted.

He took the seeds tentatively in his hand, giving Ko a flat look before rolling his eyes. Cradling the seeds in his left hand, he levitated a section of earth from the ground by his feet, placing it within his palm. He buried the seeds within it, crushed the dirt together, and closed his hands, utilizing the Force. Drawing moisture from the grass around him, he stole it from the circle about his feet and formed a ball of water with the Force to combine with the hardened, desiccated ball of dirt. Soon, little sprouts burst forth from the dense ball, and he drew it up to his hair, manipulating the growing blooms. They shifted and wrapped around his hair, drawing the length up into a high ponytail and intertwining with one another as the dirt formed into a peculiar shape around the ponytail. It secured itself up high as the plants grew into a sort of headdress, with blossoms blooming forth as he fed them with water, leaving him with a hands-free method of light around his head. Initially, it might have seemed like a gross concept, but the end result looked elegant, if a pain to remove later on.

Until recently, Valor had only known the sterile environment of the laboratories he was created in and the confined, trapped nature that the scientists had purposefully maintained in a controlled environment. Life could be grown, controlled, and manipulated. This was not foreign to him and was one of the few forms of minor entertainment he could perform with ease.

Carlo brought a steaming cup of liquid to his lips, savoring its refreshing aroma—a heavenly feeling after a long night spent reading about different types of planets. The slight bags under his eyes betrayed his fatigue, and he couldn't help but feel annoyed that none of the information had stuck. With a final sip, he set the cup down and reached into the folds of his stylized robes, retrieving a simple hair tie. He knew he needed to keep those charcoal locks out of his eyes if there would be any form of physical activity inside that building.

He mentally noted the apparent rules about preserving the plant life around him. It made sense; this place was likely some sort of historical monument, and from the looks of it, the vines might be the only thing keeping the building upright. Carlo willed himself to move, picking up one of the plants. This was his way of staying grounded, preventing his mind from wandering too far into its own depths.

"Intriguing concept, to say the least,"

He murmured, the words not directed at anyone in particular. Besides Master Ascania, the others were strangers to him, but they didn't seem like a bad group. Carlo took this moment to grow the plant he held, aiming to fashion a makeshift whip from its roots. It would help him secure a good anchor point for whatever climbing obstacles might await him inside.

Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania | Others



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

"Plant Surge was never really my thing either, you know."

Valery stepped closer to her son and briefly looked at him before her gaze shifted to the others. She hadn't told him that she'd be joining this class, and it hadn't really been her plan originally. But sometimes, she just couldn't stop herself from wanting to check in on her kids during classes or when they were training. Both Aris and Vera were Padawans to another Jedi and spent most of their time learning from a variety of Jedi, rather than their parents.

It wasn't easy to just let go like that.

"I was better at burning plants than making or manipulating them." Valery looked back at him, a grin tugging at the corners of her lips. She could still remember the look on Master Dawn's face when she set the plant surge training room on fire.

It had been an accident, but it was very fitting that it had been her of all Jedi.

"What are you working on?" She asked with genuine interest. If he liked gardening, maybe she could even recruit him into helping her at home!



Aris was well aware this wasn't a skill he'd ever be able to learn. It was his nature, his connection to the Force or feeling lack there of, that would always limit him. Didn't mean he couldn't try his hand at actual gardening, though. And it let him be around his peers to show his support. He smiled to each, but mostly gave them their space to actually focus on the lesson. Last thing he wanted was to be a distraction.

Especially since Zaiya seemed so eager.

"Plant Surge was never really my thing either, you know."

The boy blinked before looking up. And smiled warm. "Mom." He cracked a grin at the comment about her setting fire to the plants. That didn't surprise him in the slightest, though he wasn't going to follow in suit. Not purposefully, anyway. Aris motioned to the plant he was currently tending to. A flower, specifically one from Panatha.

"Tending to what remains, mostly. And being silent support for the others. I'm sure this is going to be difficult for them all at first, but I believe they can do it."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Tags: @Zaiya, Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken , Others...



She'd start attempting to encourage her seeds to bloom soon, but for now, this was nice.

"Taking your time?"

Jalen sat down next to Zaiya, his sightless eyes settling on the blossoms. He couldn't see them, of course, cursed to never experience the bio-luminescence for himself. Yet even so, the energy of the universe swirled around them, making their presence known to the elder padawan. That was beautiful in it's own way, even if the average sighted individual would never experience it.

"That isn't a bad way to tackle things," Jalen noted. "Some here are a little too eager to prove themselves. The Echani with Knight Ko Vuto Ko Vuto , for example. Talented, sure, but he's showing off out of spite. You're at your best when you allow your drive to become one with the planet..."

A faint chuckle escaped his chest. He could feel the relation to Braze there. If the similarity in their aura wasn't a dead giveaway, the attitude certainly was.

"Jalen Kai'el," he introduced.

Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble , Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Carlo Von Corrino Carlo Von Corrino Aris Noble Aris Noble Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken Colette Colette Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti Talsin Lota Talsin Lota

Companion: pip

Ryana stood there attentively listening to the instructions given those who knew ryana well would note she was shy a small bundle of mischief and fur. Who usually found his way into following her everywhere it was at that moment both Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania and Ko Vuto Ko Vuto would feel a small paw patting their legs as pip stood their looking between them. Racyons where a common sight on ukatis but this particular one was unforgettable to those who had to deal with him ryana smirked as she saw the small racyon would cora and ko break character or stay in teacher mode.

The lethan twi'lek had taken the seeds given to her following the instructions given by ko and cora she took some dirt from the ground. Using her hands instead of using the force to get it applying the moisture and making it grow would be the hard part. She was good with fire not the best with water but she was here to try and learn a new skill with the force. Even if she failed at it as she focused drawing on the force letting it flow through her as she noticed the plant begin to grow.

The flower fully bloomed in her hand from a sprout glowing fully she proved to herself she could do it that was the important part for her proving to herself she could do it. The vines would be the easy part she was a dancer for most of her life and chasing after pip kept her cardio and reflexes super sharp. The main problem would be keeping the small racyon mischief maker out of the tower even if it wasn't strictly prohibited she didn't want to be called a cheat. She also didn't want to make more work for either cora and ko in watching him though what to do that's when she saw pip stuck his tongue out at her then quickly retracted it as she gave him a stern look.



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery couldn't help herself and briefly reached down to ruffle his hair when he cracked a grin at her comment. A rare chance to do something that had once been so easy. Now, it felt like he grew several inches every month and it just wasn't stopping. He was already taller than she was and he was starting to mature as well. She really had to remind herself that he was still a teenager.

Her kid.

"They'll be fine but it's nice of you to support your friends and fellow students." She briefly turned her body away, so she could look at the Jedi participating in this lesson. Plant Surge was no easy skill, but this generation of Jedi was exceptionally committed to working hard.

They'd get it right.

"I figured I'd do the same. Check in on them and, well, on you." She smiled at him, unable to hide that motherly touch of affection. "You and Vera have been busy with assignments and training. So... its has been a little quiet at home."

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Aris blinked as his hair was ruffled. Then, pouted. It wasn't a very large pout at all, especially considering how little he actually expressed emotions, but this was the first time he felt actually protective of his hair. He reached up, idly fixing it before raising a brow right up. "Aurra I can see being quiet, but Aeryn and Adam? There's no way it's actually quiet at home."

Grant it, he understood what she meant. But rather than linger on the sad of that, he wanted to focus on the positive. The kind of thing that'd bring a smile. Which, he was smiling himself.

"I'll make sure to come home more often, though. I'll bring friends too."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Location: Ukatis
Objective: Oversee Lesson
Tag(s): Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken


If Ko still had his eyes he’d narrow them at Valor as he watched the teen botch the technique. He shook his head some when it was done. “You’re just brute forcing it, there’s no harmony or balance in what you just do. You just dried out all these other plants for a fashion accessory.” Ko said, referring to the water he stole from the other plants and being critical of the result.

“Remember what Miss Cora said, if you wanna collect the fruits in the citadel you can’t harm the vegetation within. Now try it again, but this time do it without sacrificing other plants in the process.” The Kel Dor explained to them. Before taking note of the familiar fuzzy creature here as well. Ko wondered if Pip was enjoying spending some time on their homeworld.

His thoughts also drifted to the other native to UIkatis. Ko would likely wanna ask Cora how the planet has been lately. The last time he was here he was defending it with his Master and fellow padawan against mandalorians. But with how things are for a lot of Jedi he didn’t really get to hang around for the aftermath to help very much. But from what he’s seen so far it seemed as though Ukatis were healing well enough. The conflict was spread among several systems, so he supposed that could’ve helped not make the battle as destructive on Ukatis as it could’ve been if the Mandalorians put all their attention and energy into one planet.


TAGS: Ko Vuto Ko Vuto


Damn right Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el was that Valor was being spiteful. Valor's scowl deepened, and without a word, he threw the seeds to the ground at Ko's feet. Concentrating intensely, he used Plant Surge, drawing on the Force to make the seeds take root and rapidly grow. Vines twisted and bent, shooting up from the ground and wrapping around Ko's legs, attempting to ensnare him.

"You want harmony and balance?"
Valor spat, his voice low and menacing. "Maybe you'd prefer to be part of the lesson," Valor muttered, his voice low and menacing.

The vines continued to grow and twist, guided by Valor's will, as they tried to capture and immobilize Ko. Despite using a light side ability, Valor's intent was clearly to challenge and spite his mentor, pushing the limits of what he could do with Plant Surge.




Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Oh she saw his little pout — her children could never hide such things from her. But it didn't change anything. Mothers had the right to smother and love their children, and that could sometimes get a little annoying. As long as Aris knew why she did it, that's all that mattered. She wanted him to know just how much she loved him.

And why she missed him at home.

"That's true, but you know me. I like it when we're all home together for dinner or just to spend a day doing something fun." When all the kids were home — Colette Colette , Vera, Aris, the triplets and Eryx — she felt immense joy. Sure, she understood that half of her kids were getting older and wanted to do their own things, but family was still important.

"Drag your sisters along as well if you can," Valery said with a smirk. "Maybe I can take you guys and your friends to an amusement park or something fun that you can't do alone." Without parental supervision, that is.


Aris Noble Aris Noble | Valery Noble Valery Noble

Sazo stared at the fruits arrayed in front of her. She heard the instructions, and went straight to foraging. Because essentially, that what is was (to her), and that's how she treated it- like foraging in the jungles Haruun Kal.

With way less things likely to kill you.

No, the challenge for Sazo had been communing with nature on the level that plant surging required. But if she could learn this, and bring it back home...


Sazo mentally glared at Talion.


Sazo turned back to the fruits, going through mental cantrips and techniques taught to her by her master, Ran Serys Ran Serys . And gradually, she felt herself float through the ether. Feel the Force.


...Feel the Force. Feel life. All around her. And it glowed. From her fellow Jedi, to the birds, to the fruits.


...And she could feel the aura blossoms Master Cora spoke of. But what next? How would she-


"WHAT?!", Sazo roared, out of patience.


Sazo looked down, and, indeed, in her meditations, the vines that Master Cora warned them about had securely latched themselves onto her feet.



Sazo, almost casually, let her hand drift downwards. The vine, unwilling to give up it's prey , moved with urgency, tangling up theKorun youth and immobilizing her in short order. Then, with a yank, began pulling her towards the bottom of the citadel, in a blurring motion.

"This is unfortunate. Back to the drawing board, I suppose", Sazo said calmly as she zipped through the winding citadel.

"Hi Aris! Hi Master Noble! Bye Aris! Bye Master Noble!", Sazo said cheerfully as the vines zipped her past them.
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"I'll do what I can, but no promises on them. They're their own people after all." Of all the Noble children, Aris was the least likely to wrangle any of them. He'd rather sip his hot cocoa and let them do.. Whatever it was they'd end up doing. "Amusement parks would be fun, I think. Zaiya might enjoy it anyway. I- Hmm. Ayhan Ayhan and Mahsa Mahsa probably would too. Maybe Braze Braze and @Loomi?"

He paused for a moment, seeming to realize that there wasn't a whole lot of people he'd actually invite. Maybe he really needed to make more friends and speaking of one he hadn't spoken to for a while slid past. There was a double take from Aris before he blinked again. She didn't seem to be in danger by the cheerful tone of her voice, but-

Aris rushed right after, seeming to now realize the chaos of the vines.

"I- Wait hold on! What's- Mom what's going on?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Sazo Vass Sazo Vass

Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Interacting with: Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el

Zaiya was in the middle of humming a joyful tune when she heard a voice nearby. Her curiosity piqued, and a welcoming expression crossed her face as she looked up to see an older teenager. He had blonde hair, grey eyes, and a friendly disposition that she could sense through the Force. Ripples of citrine, bright orange, and light blue colors danced over her mottled spots as she turned to flash a curious stare from Jalen towards Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken . The Echani did seem gruff, but the Kel Dor Knight beside him appeared to be guiding him through training.

"Oh, hello! Nice to meet you, Jalen. My name is Zaiya," Zaiya smiled, returning her attention to her new companion.

Perhaps I'll make a new friend? That would be nice. She gave a little wave in greeting, then blushed a bit at his observation that she was taking her time. The tips of her stripes darkened into a soft coral hue.

"Haha, yeah... I've never been around any other bioluminescent beings or plants before, so seeing and interacting with them is so nice. I don't often get to resonate with others like this, so being able to mimic the Aura flower's color-changing and bioluminescence is lovely," she explained, unaware that Jalen was physically blind. But being blind from the eyes didn't mean he was blind in the Force, and through that energy, he'd be able to see the Force dancing in tune between the flowers surrounding Zaiya and the girl herself. Anytime the energy shifted, so would Zaiya's figure, matching the ebb and flow as if serenely flowing within a current.

"Although I guess I should start trying to encourage the seeds to grow," she admitted, flashing a wide smile up at Jalen. "Have you done anything like this before?" she asked, curious, another dazzle of vibrant orange painting her skin. At least until confusion dampened the color, blanching into a soft pale dove gray at the commotion starting in the direction of the Echani Jalen had pointed out earlier.

What is going on?

She caught sight of a very familiar silver head; Aris Noble Aris Noble was here with his mother, Valery Noble Valery Noble , but now it seemed that attention was growing around Ko Vuto Ko Vuto and Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken .

"Umm... so is the Echani your friend? Because I think he might be in trouble..." Intent was bleeding out for Zaiya to feel brush against her from Valor; low, menacing, and full of spite. It didn't feel good. In fact, it felt... bad. Icky.

Almost dark.


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