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Faction Good Chives Only [Plant Surge Training - Jedi]

Tides of Change


Location: UKATIS


Elias returned Cora's bow, glad that he was considered to help share his knowledge. Plant surge wasn't exactly a rare skill per se, but it was certainly more obscure than most. Imparting it upon the next generation was incredibly fulfilling. Despite the joy he felt, Elias couldn't help but purse his lips at the young woman's mentioning of Dagobah. It was still quite raw for him to think about. "I fear there's not much left of the temple," Elias said solemnly. "The Sith Order made sure of that." He wondered if there was anything worth salvaging from the ruins and charred treetops, but Dagobah was under Sith occupation last he knew. It had been some time yet since he last contracted his Coalition friends to inquire, but he suspected that the Sith would not relinquish such a prize as Dagobah willingly... and the remnants of the Trade League were in no state to recapture it on their own. He imagined that whatever was left of the temple deserved to rest.

"I brought whoever and whatever could fit on my ship back to Bogano," Elias went on to say, filling the conversational gap with something less bitter. He glanced to Ko Vuto Ko Vuto for a moment as he tried to recall if the Kel Dor had been at the temple when he and his second, a Nautolan Master named Erewhon, had invited the NJO Padawans to swim in the limestone lakes beneath the enclave. That was a joyful day after such hardships wracked his people.



TAGS: Colette Colette

Valor watched Colette carefully as she reached up and effortlessly grabbed a pepper. It was such a simple action, yet to him, it felt almost impossible. He couldn't hide the incredulous look on his face. She was right—he was scared. Everything here was different, and that was hard to accept. Not everything wanted to hurt him. But could he really let go of the thorny defenses he'd always relied on before even trying something new? It was what had worked in the past. He accepted what she offered him and warily looked at the vine wall. " Thank you... That does sound pretty terrifying. "

Taking a deep breath, Valor hesitated, his hand hovering in the air for a moment. Slowly, tentatively, he reached out towards the pepper. His fingers brushed against it, and for the first time, he allowed himself to try without the expectation of failure or pain. HE did need to bring Ko Vuto Ko Vuto these odd little fruits to be permitted to leave.

Carlo clung tightly to the vines, his grip firm as he dangled precariously above the ground. Watching as his shades were drawn even further away, he let out a low curse, his frustration evident as the vines formed a thorny barrier around his prized accessory.

"Well, that plan didn't work," he muttered to himself.

He swung back toward the raised surface from which he had launched himself, landing lightly. Clearly, trying to retrieve his glasses directly was futile. Another idea began to form in his mind, but for this one, he would need to find the source of the vines.

"Maybe higher up," Carlo mused aloud, glancing toward the upper levels of the building. With renewed determination, he started to climb, aiming for the second floor. From there, he hoped to find a more manageable path upward, avoiding the thorny entanglements that had thwarted him before.


Location: Ukatis
Objective: Oversee Lesson
Tag(s): Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania | Elias Edo Elias Edo


Noticing Cora’s approach the blind Kel Dor turned his head more in her direction. Not quite ‘looking’ at her however. “Of course Knight Ascania…” Even though Ko was a bit of a stickler for titles, addressing his friend in such a manner felt strange for him. Being addressed as an ecological expert also felt like high praise to him. Ko more so viewed himself and the two other instructors here as Jedis with particularly green thumbs.

“Oh and you’re welcome about my little addition. You could say that’s sort of a holdover from my time in the service corps. Which offered plenty of practical training with stuff like this. And speaking of the kand tree it’s doing far better than I anticipated. The carbon rich atmosphere of Coruscant has aided it’s growth tremendously.” Ko began to explain. “On Dorin it’s not just oxygen that’s scarce, but also gasses like nitrogen and carbon dioxide. To be honest though I should’ve known it would thrive in our garden. My comparatively diminutive bonsai still requires a great deal of maintenance to keep under control.” It wasn’t really his intention just now to offer another science lesson about how the kand tree has adapted and flourished on the galactic capital.

“Bogano? I recall visiting the planet.” Ko replied to Master Edo. He remembered that it was rather soon after he’d lost his eyes and still was getting used to perceiving the world without them. So much of the world’s natural beauty was lost on him unfortunately. “I remember accidentally stumbling into the natural habitat of one of the planet's colossal amphibians.”



Colette Colette was able to pluck a pepper without being accosted, but as Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken reached out, a thin, thorny vine began to curl in the space around his wrist. It moved slowly, not quite touching him as it coiled several inches up his arm. Then, it stopped. It wasn't exactly a warning - at least not the same one he'd experienced after taking only a few steps into the citadel.

The vines were still wary of the Padawan. Could they be appeased?

Meanwhile, Ryana mina Ryana mina made good use of her surroundings, traversing the gap with a dancer's grace. When she reached the second floor, she'd come across a rather thick vine, nearly five times the circumference of its brethren. It snaked around a corner to a small alcove where an old, plain wooden chest sat. The thick vine had crawled around the chest, encircling it in smaller green tendrils that slipped through the gap between the top and bottom halves.

As Carlo Von Corrino Carlo Von Corrino climbed his way up the stairs in search of a better angle, the vines rustled, but did not attempt to disturb him.

Once he made it to the next floor, he'd be above the the nest of thorns that housed his sunglasses. However, the tangle of greenery was suspended between the two floors, and couldn't be reached from the staircase alone. From his new vantage point, the noble Padawan would be able to follow the path of the pesky vines - the snarl that had his shades was anchored to the far wall of the citadel.

As Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el and Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti continued their thoughtful conversation, they'd receive no input from the flora. Eventually, though, they'd encounter a roadblock; a wall of vines stretching from the first floor up to the next, so thick that it couldn't even be seen through.


Fire and claws. Cora gave Jonyna Si Jonyna Si a tentative smile and nod while suppressing the image of the tower going up in flames. There was wisdom in knowing your limits.

"Of course, Jonyna."

As she turned away from the Cathar, the Lovalla teen's little wave caught her eye. She dipped her head to Zaiya and Jalen in greeting, imparting a general sense of welcome to them through the Force. It was heartening to see Padawans working together, and a flicker of warmth burned in her chest.

When she came to rest near Elias Edo Elias Edo and Ko Vuto Ko Vuto , Cora's stomach soured when realizing her faux paus. Of course. The tragedy that had befallen Dagobah was still very fresh in the minds of those who'd escaped, and her own words were poorly chosen. Crimson flushed her cheeks as she offered Elias a somber, apologetic look.

Ko's extended science lesson earned a thoughtful tilt of her head. That was right, he'd been apart of the agricorps before transitioning to the Jedi Order. "We can benefit from differences in perspective and experience." A value that she cherished after living a sheltered life, but one that was not invulnerable to exploitation. "The agricultural practices on Ukatis are…"

Cora looked out over the gently rolling hills as they dipped into the horizon.

"Well, they've become rather stagnant. I do hope that we can adopt some of the galaxy's more modern techniques."

Improving Ukatis was tricky, because it often needed to be balanced with tradition. Traditions that were, in more ways than one, widely considered regressive in the eyes of the galaxy.

Ko mentioned his previous visit to Bogano, during which he'd been introduced to some of the local fauna. Cora glanced between the two Jedi as her brows knit in concern.

"…How big is colossal?"


Tags: Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti



"But I didn't know you can use the Force to actually see! How do you train to learn how to do that?"

"Sometimes it just has to happen in the moment," he stated. "You lose your sight and in a moment of desperation you reach out to what's around you. Eventually the things around you have to answer. It's a lot of trial and error, and I wouldn't really know the odds and ins of even teaching it. As for what happens if I don't have the Force, I have other senses. I've become sensitive to vibrations in the ground, sounds in the air, that sort of thing. I also have a pretty good sense of smell, for better or worse."

He had something to lean on in the worst case scenario. Jalen nodded his head as Zaiya listed off her creations as well, which he took in the application of. They made sense. Counters for weaknesses, weapons for non-lethal damage. It all made sense for the sorts of equipment you'd want.

Eventually, though, they'd encounter a roadblock; a wall of vines stretching from the first floor up to the next, so thick that it couldn't even be seen through.

"Ah, the first obstacle," Jalen noted. "What are we working with..."

He sat down, letting his Force energy flow into the roots.

"Sit with me," the older padawan told Zaiya. "Let's have a chat with the vines and see if we can't convince them to let us past."

Tides of Change


Location: UKATIS


Quite big,” Elias supplied after glancing to Ko Vuto Ko Vuto with a grin. The sadness of Dagobah would always be fresh for him, but Elias knew the value in spinning tragedy into hope. That’s what Bogano was all about.

Oggdos, they’re called. About the height of a man and bulbous -much larger than a Kel Dor Padawan,” he joked with a laugh. “Three eyes, nasty claws, and a whip-like prehensile tongue. Nasty creatures.” Of course, it got worse. There were the Oggdo Bogdos, the toad-beast’s larger and much more aggressive cousin. Elias refrained from discussing them, just in case Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania ever wished to see the enclave. It would be a shame if she were too afraid of becoming frog food to visit.

His eyes found themselves transfixed on the stagnant fields that Cora seemed troubled by. It made him think of his own home and how creative the Genetians had become in order to support their civilization on a world covered in water. Hydroponics was an obvious solution, but Genetia’s oceans were saltwater. Massive amounts of fish would have to be consumed just to survive. Luckily, the Genetians found a happy balance between the two by incorporating a harvest of edible sea plants both native and imported that could grow from the sea floor beneath the shallow city platforms.

None of this mattered much to Ukatis, Elias realized, seeing plains and crumbling towers instead of warm seas and coral reefs. But Resilience and hope multiply, and if his people could manage on their own, then he felt confident that the Ukatians could do the same with the Alliance’s support.

Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken

"It's reacting to your presence." Colette said and carefully put her hand on Valor's shoulder to offer him support as the vine seemed to encircle his arm. "Don't think of the vine as just a vine but as a complete creature."

"Nature is life, and the force is part of it. I am sure someone has told you that already. Some of the knights like to preach like that, but this is… A lot more hands-on. Honestly, just forget the force entirely and focus on the plants."

"You stormed into its home after attacking someone. Just like you are scared of it, it is also scared of you."

"What would you do if you wanted to show someone that you mean them no harm? Someone who can't understand a word of what you are saying."

Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Interacting with: Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el

Zaiya was utterly captivated as she listened to Jalen explain how he adapted to the world using the Force, sharpening his other senses to compensate for his blindness. Her skin shimmered with a lovely citrine hue, her mottled spots glowing with intrigue and fascination. It was so-o interesting, and she couldn't help but smile wider as he spoke. After giving an encouraging push to her seeds, hoping her small effort would work, she eagerly followed along with Jalen.

But their path was soon blocked by a wall of entangled vines, thick and wild, barring their way.

Zaiya breathed, her voice a soft, awestruck murmur. The sight was incredible, and for a moment, she just stared, taking it all in. Then, as quickly as her surprise had come, it was replaced by a spark of excitement. She glanced at Jalen, her smile brightening as she nodded eagerly.

"Okay, let's do that." Without a second thought, she plopped down right where she was, completely unbothered by the grime beneath her. Her white, breezy robe fluttered around her as she settled in, her mind already buzzing with curiosity. A question popped into her head, and she tilted it to the right, the waves of her multicolored hair brushing against her cheeks as she asked, "So, does that mean your other senses can get overwhelmed too if they've adapted to be stronger?"

She leaned forward then, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial hush, a playful grin tugging at her lips. "And how do we talk to the vines to convince them to let us pass?"

Was it like how Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania had mentioned emotionally influencing the Frynocks? The memory of that conversation made her colors dim for a moment. It had been... difficult, leaving her feeling tangled up, confused, and more panicked than ever before.

But Zaiya pushed that dark memory aside, determined to focus on more cheerful things -- and to keep learning. She paid close attention to Jalen, eager to hear how he would suggest they move forward and hoping to keep the shadows of her worries at bay.

Ryana followed the huge vine towards the chest she was on edge as she kept her head on a swivel for any vines that would attack her "the one time pip doesn't come with me" she said trying to ease her own tension for herself. She didn't want to fail Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania class one of the first jedi she considered a friend and the person who was directly responsible for putting pip in her life. Plus there was Ko Vuto Ko Vuto who was also here helping cora. She hoped pip would be more distracted by the two of them to not come bother her so she could focus on the task at hand.

As she came to the room with the chest Ujjainshe stopped "this is such a trap something is totally gonna pop out of there and drag me to the bottom" she said. As she began to extend her senses she felt a small familiar presence pop his small furry face up into a window as he crawled up the vines and came through a window walking up to ryana as she watched him. "while your here you better be good and stay by my side" she said as pip smiled and purred as he stuck by her side.

Ryana now focused heavily on the force as pip focused on watching the vines ryanas curiosity wanted to know what was in the chest as she used the force go open the chest as she and pip kept their distance from the vine and the chest until it opened.
Location Citadel and surrounding areas, Ukatis
Objective Learn more about plants & the force

Gathering the Force wasn’t something the Kazelrrian struggled with as much nowadays. Harnessing it from around her slowly became as intuitive as breathing for Mahsa, though her control was still far from perfect. Instead what had stumped her today was how to deliver said energy back into the seeds, worried that the wrong choice could harm the seedlings as she urged them to grow and develop at a faster rate than nature would’ve asked of them.

"You're doing well, Padawan."
"M-Master Ascania…!"

The hands carefully pressed against the soil in her lap kept it from spreading outwards accidentally as the Kazelrrian jumped in her spot, too focused on the task at hand to notice that Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania had approached her until the knight spoke out. Her gaze immediately affixed itself to the long golden locks of hair that shone in the light, their shade reminding Mahsa of the vast and mature wheat field pictures she’d seen in books before.

"T-Thank you Master," she finally replied with a faint smile, though he knitted brows that refused to soften spoke of the many questions she considered asking Corazona. "I’m not sure how I should infuse it t-though… what if I hurt t-them?"

Many could argue that Mahsa might’ve been overthinking it too much, that plants weren’t exactly the same as animal and sentient creatures like themselves and as such could be far more resilient—and forgiving—when it came to applications with the Force. However, at least for her, just because they couldn’t express themselves in a matter they could understand and could endure the accidental stress of a padawan’s inexperience didn't mean Mahsa should be careless with her application.

Moreso when she knew that too little or too much could sometimes mark the difference between helping or hurting someone later on.

Her lips shifted into a small ‘o’ shape as Corazona knelt down beside her then, a finger gently pressed into the dirt Mahsa had gathered, before the blonde gifted her a practical explanation over a verbal one. She was still as a statue as Corazona worked the Force, her attention focused entirely on the way it shifted and moved as the knight directed the energy into one of the seedlings.

Slowly but surely the bright green stalk, thin and wispy at first, became more robust as it thickened and unfurled. It wasn’t long before a small bud formed in its tip, one that carefully bloomed into a perfectly shaped and luminous flower as Corazona finally withdrew her influence away.

"I see…" She nodded affirmatively, soaking up every piece of advice shared by the blonde, even as an excited smile tugged at the edges of her lips. "I will, t-thank you Master Ascania!"

Her own worries had caused her to forget about the abundant nature that surrounded them in this place, the perfect teacher for them to study and learn from—and one that could’ve answered Mahsa’s doubts and concerns if the padawan had realized it sooner. Following Corazona’s advice the girl allowed her hands to shift away from her lap, slim fingers gently entangling themselves with the blades of grass growing around them as Mahsa closed her eyes to focus.

She sought to “see” the ebb of the Force by listening and feeling for it, catching the faint whistling of an unknown tune that she’d never learned or memorized before—but felt soothing and familiar all the same. She listened and studied it for a time that felt indefinite to the young padawan—and hour would’ve felt no different from a few moments to her right then—until her hands finally returned to rest against the mound of soil carefully cradled on her lap.

Careful… like the gradual trickle of a brook in spring. The pictured example helped Mahsa guide the energy as it seeped into the soil, coaxing the seeds to develop their roots first before it slowly seeped further similarly to the rain that would’ve encouraged their growth.

Interacting with currently no one.



As Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el and Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti sat before the wall of vines, nothing stirred.

Then, without warning, three green tendrils lashed out - two around either of Jalen's wrists, and the last around his torso. Like a gluttonous monster out of a horror holo, they began to slowly drag the blonde Padawan within the tangle.

As Ryana mina Ryana mina kept her distance from the chest, her racyon companion scampered up the tower's vines until he located the Twi'lek.

Within the chest, something could be felt stirring in the Force. Ryana was right to be cautious - however, the threat didn't come from inside the wooden box. A seemingly dormant vine beside them surged to life and coiled around pip, yanking the little creature into the air. The chest opened, revealing a bounty of ripe red peppers for a split second before Pip was unceremoniously tossed in.

The chest clamped shut in an instant, the offending vine weaving around it protectively.

"I’m not sure how I should infuse it t-though… what if I hurt t-them?"

"Encouraging their natural path will not hurt the seeds."

Cora smiled, soft and faint. Mindfulness was a good trait to have. She recalled the terraforming of Thule, where she watched in a horrified stupor as tiny blade of grass sprouted from the earth beneath her boots. Spurred on by the Dark side of the Force, the life breathed back into Thule had been unnatural. Sickening. A lush jungle in agony.

Mahsa didn’t seem like the type to encourage that kind of growth.


Master Edo's description of the Oggdos had Cora's lips pulling in a barely contained sneer of horror and macabre curiosity.

"My goodness. They certainly do sound…" She trailed, searching for an appropriate word. "Impressive."

The nonchalance with which Elias Edo Elias Edo described the creatures was impressive, too. "You wouldn't find a creature like that on Ukatis. One that hasn’t escaped from a noble's private collection, at least."

With the easing of offworld tariffs, exotic goods had an easier time finding their way into aristocratic hands. Procuring rare animals that could not be found planetside was particularly fashionable among the upper echelons.

Blue eyes swept from the fields over to Mahsa Mahsa , observing the pointy-eared Padawan as she knelt, practically in meditation over the seeds. Her attention drifted back over to Ko Vuto Ko Vuto and Elias.

"Do you have any…impressive flora on Bogano?"


"And how do we talk to the vines to convince them to let us pass?"

"Good question."

Then, without warning, three green tendrils lashed out - two around either of Jalen's wrists, and the last around his torso. Like a gluttonous monster out of a horror holo, they began to slowly drag the blonde Padawan within the tangle.

"Oh," Jalen remarked with a frown. "Seems like it's become a bit feisty."

Jalen didn't react, maintaining his position on the ground, though he slowly was being dragged into the vines. This certainly was a predicament. Not that he was concerned.

"Well, guess this is the end of the road," he stated with an exaggerated sigh. "I had a good run. Guess I'll have to retry this class another day."

Meanwhile Jalen would slowly let his own Force energy flow into the vines, a gentle encouragement to slow their pace, but not stop. After all, it was Zaiya who really needed this training. He'd let her be the hero and act.

Just to get an idea of what she could think of on the fly.


Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Interacting with: Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

It all started out as good fun -- until the vines suddenly curled around Jalen and began dragging him away.

Alarm flashed across Zaiya's skin, her usually soft hues flaring into flustered patches of pale yellow and grey. She felt a spike of panic-- until Jalen's exaggerated sigh and dry remarks broke through her worry. He wasn't even remotely concerned, which only made Zaiya more determined to do something herself. Her lips twisted into a pout, one hand finding its way to perch on her hip as she tried to match his nonchalance with her own wry mirth.

"Oh, you think this is funny, don't you?" she quipped, her voice laced with wry amusement. The faint lavender of her annoyance was softened by the golden bioluminescence that edged her spots -- a clear sign that, despite everything, she wasn't truly upset. Jalen couldn't see it, of course, but he could definitely hear the smile in her tone.

"Alright, let me try something,"
the Lovalla Padawan said with a mix of determination and and curiuosity. "Knight Von Ascania showed me how to connect with animals using the Force. Maybe it'll work here."

Closing her eyes, Zaiya took a deep breath and dropped her empathic shields. She cradled her little potted flower in one hand, while the other rose gracefully, palm out and fingers slightly curled. Focusing her mind, she reached out with the Force, sending a gentle wave of intention -- a warm greeting, followed by a polite request. Could the vines please let Jalen go? They really did need some help getting through this temple, after all, and any assistance would be so greatly appreciated.

For a moment, everything stilled as Zaiya poured sincerity and warmth into her connection. Her skin shifted into soothing shades of serene turquoise, inquisitive ambers, and soft blues, mirroring the calm she tried to project. Now, all she could do was hope the vines were in a cooperative mood.
Colette Colette Colette Colette was able to pluck a pepper without being accosted, but as Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken reached out, a thin, thorny vine began to curl in the space around his wrist. It moved slowly, not quite touching him as it coiled several inches up his arm. Then, it stopped. It wasn't exactly a warning - at least not the same one he'd experienced after taking only a few steps into the citadel.

The vines were still wary of the Padawan. Could they be appeased?
"It's reacting to your presence." Colette said and carefully put her hand on Valor's shoulder to offer him support as the vine seemed to encircle his arm. "Don't think of the vine as just a vine but as a complete creature."

"Nature is life, and the force is part of it. I am sure someone has told you that already. Some of the knights like to preach like that, but this is… A lot more hands-on. Honestly, just forget the force entirely and focus on the plants."

"You stormed into its home after attacking someone. Just like you are scared of it, it is also scared of you."

"What would you do if you wanted to show someone that you mean them no harm? Someone who can't understand a word of what you are saying."


TAGS: Colette Colette

Valor was momentarily startled, his breath catching as the vine coiled around his arm. But before panic could take hold, Colette's hand gently touched his shoulder, grounding him in the moment. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath, and slowly turned his head away from the vine, almost as if surrendering his arm to the plant's gentle grip.

As he sank to his knees, Valor extended his hand toward the vine, palm open and facing upward. His posture softened, his head bowed, as he tried to make himself appear as unthreatening as possible. The uncertainty in his voice was evident as he spoke, "I… I don't know what to do." The words were barely more than a whisper, a reflection of his vulnerability.

Instinctively, Valor seemed to fall into a more primal response, making himself smaller, less imposing, in an attempt to communicate his peaceful intentions. His voice, though soft, carried the warmth of sincerity as he added, "I'm not here to hurt you. We're both just trying to protect what we care about."

He wasn't sure if it was the right approach, but it was all he could think to do in that moment, hoping the vine would understand his surrender and trust.
Tides of Change


Location: UKATIS


Elias smiled warmly as he pondered Corazona’s question. Dozens of plant species both native and transplanted passed through his mind. “It depends on how you define ‘impressive.’ The kalpi plant is pretty tasty in a salad. Sort of a superfood, and easily cultivated in the freshwater lakes.” Wild kalpi grew in standing water all over Bogano, and likely would do well on other planets with comparable pH levels. The Jedi scratched his chin, thinking. “Featherfern has medicinal properties when dried and mixed into a salve.” It also had bright purple flowers that looked and smelled rather lovely when potted indoors. He gifted one to Master Noble as a sign of gratitude for their growing friendship a few years ago.

Beyond that, especially in comparison to the semi-sentient vines in the tower, few plants on Bogano were particularly impressive. It was a peaceful planet right down to the flora.

Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken

The turnaround was quite honestly remarkable. Colette watched as the man she had followed out of worry for the ones around him turned into something a lot more soft than when he had stormed into this very structure.

As he knelt on the ground, she would kneel down next to him to support him in what she assumed to be a difficult sign of vulnerability.

And it would seem the efforts to be a more gentle self paid off. Perhaps the vines recognized his plea, or perhaps it was a trick of the mind, but the vines eased their grip and slowly slid off of the man's hand, leaving in their place the pepper that he had sought.

"Well done!" Colette whispered to Valor and nodded. "I know it was just a pepper and all. Not much of a challenge, technically. But you showed courage and that matters too."


TAGS: Colette Colette


Valor was taken aback by the unexpected turn of events, leaving him both bewildered and somewhat confused. However, Colette's praise worked wonders in reinforcing the budding realization that was beginning to take shape within him. He glanced down at the pepper still resting in his hand, then looked back at Colette. "We never had plants like these in the gardens," he admitted in a soft, quiet, and almost meek tone, clearly uncertain about how to process this new experience.

Gently, Valor began to rise to his feet, the pepper still cradled in his hand as if it were something precious and fragile. The effort to stand felt symbolic, as though he was also trying to find his footing in this new reality that was slowly revealing itself to him. This moment was certainly a formative one for him. It felt strange, almost surreal, as he realized just how sheltered he had been from the vast and diverse realities the galaxy held. This simple encounter was shedding new light on a mindset that had remained stagnant for far too long, and he could feel his perspective slowly beginning to shift.

Once on his feet, he hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to do next. Finally, he turned to Colette, his voice still soft but now laced with a hint of curiosity. "What should we do next?" he asked, the question carrying a deeper meaning than just their immediate actions. It was as if he was asking for guidance not just in the moment, but in navigating this new, broader world that was unfolding before him.



Location: Ukatis
Objective: Oversee Lesson
Tag(s): Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania | Elias Edo Elias Edo


"My goodness. They certainly do sound…" She trailed, searching for an appropriate word. "Impressive."

The nonchalance with which Elias Edo Elias Edo described the creatures was impressive, too. "You wouldn't find a creature like that on Ukatis. One that hasn’t escaped from a noble's private collection, at least."

“Precisely what Master Edo said.” Ko finally replied about the description of the Oggdos. “Like the oversized love child of a salamander and a toad. I was fortunate enough to have gotten gobbled whole, so I narrowly avoided their jagged teeth. But I managed to harmlessly escape its maw with a little ‘Jedi diplomacy.’ Convinced it that I was not worth eating. After which I was covered in saliva and mud so I didn’t really get to enjoy my brief visit of the planet for very long since I wanted a nice through shower afterwards.” He elaborated further, funny enough now he had one such beast under his care now. An albino female of the bigger and meaner subspecies. That Valor had been tasked with pet sitting for him during the Dark Empire’s assault on Coruscant. Fortunately his pet was still small and manageable. But was rapidly outgrowing her vivariums.

Elias smiled warmly as he pondered Corazona’s question. Dozens of plant species both native and transplanted passed through his mind. “It depends on how you define ‘impressive.’ The kalpi plant is pretty tasty in a salad. Sort of a superfood, and easily cultivated in the freshwater lakes.” Wild kalpi grew in standing water all over Bogano, and likely would do well on other planets with comparable pH levels. The Jedi scratched his chin, thinking. “Featherfern has medicinal properties when dried and mixed into a salve.” It also had bright purple flowers that looked and smelled rather lovely when potted indoors. He gifted one to Master Noble as a sign of gratitude for their growing friendship a few years ago.

Ko listened more to Elias' explanation of some of the flora of Bagono. “The Kalpi sounds like it would make for an excellent microgreen. After my brief time there I thought the world might have a good environment for growing rice and similar grains. So long as it’s kept in a curated area as to not haphazardly introduce an invasive species to the planet.” The Kel Dor said, once more his mind drifted to the agricultural practicality of a world. As well as always trying to think of the bigger picture when it came to environmental well-being of a world.

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