Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Good Chives Only [Plant Surge Training - Jedi]


TAGS: Colette Colette Ko Vuto Ko Vuto


"Maybe give him an apology too. You did attack him."

Valor considered the pepper in his hands, nodding absentmindedly to Colette before feeling a heated flush cross the bridge of his nose at her suggestion that he apologize. She hadn't been wrong so far, so she was probably right in this instance as well.

He frowned briefly but seemed to concede to the notion. "Alright," he agreed, willing to go along with her. Once they returned, he offered her a rather formal bow. "Thank you for your help, Colette. If you ween't there I probobly would have been in a much worse position. " With that, he went to bring the small pepper to Ko.

He approached tentatively, feeling a bit out of place, and couldn't help the flustered blush that colored his features. Fortunately, Ko was still blind. "Master?" Valor asked as he approached.

Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken

"Hey, no problem." She smiled. "You'll do the same for me next time, yeah?"

Colette gave Valor one last pat on the shoulder before he left to speak to his master. She didn't need to come along for that, it was all in Valor's hands since it was his 'master' after all. Colette would instead find a neat little spot in the grass and lie down to stare at the clouds with a content smile.

It felt good to help others, always did.
Location Citadel and surrounding areas, Ukatis
Objective Learn more about plants & the force

"R-Right." She’d almost forgotten about it, but Corazona’s words served as a helpful reminder. What they were doing—what she was doing—was simply encouraging the seeds to embark down their natural path of growth… just a bit faster than usual.

This was nothing like the perverse experiments of Glorii Te, they were not modifying or rearranging the genes within the seedlings without regard for the possible consequences such actions could hold. A small smile curled the edges of her lips as the Kazelrrian looked at the Knight, before she focused back on the small mound of dirt in her lap.

With her worries and fears assuaged, at least for the time being, the padawan found it easier to tap into the Force this time around. Eyes were closed as she focused on her surroundings, the gentle caress of the breeze against her cheeks and the quiet rustling of the grass in its path.

She remembered reading in books that plants could react to stimuli and sounds around them and, while Mahsa wasn’t sure the same would apply here, it gave the girl an idea. You can do it, little ones… Her mind sought to connect with the seedlings as she gathered the Force, quietly infusing it to the soil like the gentle trickle of a newfound spring.

A faint hum had begun to slip from her lips at some point, its melody not attached to any tune the girl knew as it merely flowed on a whim. She couldn’t see the faint glow that shimmered over the earth between, but she could feel the warmth against her fingertips as energy flowed through it.

The soil shifts and moves, before tiny specks of green begin to rise among its surface. They reach upwards before their tips quietly split in half, allowing the first true leaves to slowly unfurl as they reach for the light. Her control isn’t perfect however, and the Force spills outwards from her intended range—causing the grass in which she sits to thicken and grow as tiny wildflowers begin to sprout here and there around her.

When she opened her eyes a new bloom rested on the soil, accompanying the blossom that Master Ascania had encouraged before. "I d-did it…?" Disbelief colored her words, and yet it was impossible to deny the results her very eyes could see.

A hand hesitantly reached out to touch the petals of the second flower, careful as she confirmed it wasn’t merely an illusion of ehr hopes and dreams, before she felt the watchful gaze that fell over her. Golden eyes met the bright blue gaze, before the joy she felt reflected in cheerful sunflower and daffodil shades that shimmered through her hair as the padawan smiled fully back at the blonde knight .

She had done it.

Interacting with Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania
Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

Ryana had sensed the vines intent to late as it grabbed pip and put him into the chest she sensed pips worry and fear. Her instincts kicked in without thinking she forgot coras and kos instructions forcing the vine to rip the chest lid open cracking the lid splintering pieces off and destroying the hinges forcing the vines off pip she picked pip up. She held him as he shivered as his paws held onto her jedi robes "your okay" she said petting pip she didn't even think about the peppers in the chest. She figured she failed anyway by destroying the chest she sent thoughts of happiness and love through her connection with pip.

His safety was more important than any training session In her eyes still after calming the little racyon down. Ryana made her way out of the citadel with pip still latched onto her chest leaving the peppers for someone else to find. She walked up to cora, Ko Vuto Ko Vuto and Elias Edo Elias Edo "I'm afraid I might have damaged some vines on the second floor and destroyed a chest when pip got thrown into said chest and might have over reacted a little bit" she said scratching pips head the small racyon seemed to be calm but ryana whent and sat down in the field with everyone else as she used plant surge while pip sat in her lap trying to master the skill to the best of her ability.



The vines continued to drag Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el into the thicket, slowing in their movement at the blind Jedi's bidding. They stilled when Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti reached out to them in the Force. From the shifting hues across her skin to her presence in the Force, the Lovalla Padawan radiated a gentle, steady warmth.

A few long moments passed where the vines did not move, as if they were considering her request. Then, they slowly uncurled, releasing Jalen from their grip. Several feet above their heads, the vines unfurled their leaves to display a bounty of vegetables ripe for their picking.


Cora's gaze passed between Elias Edo Elias Edo and Ko Vuto Ko Vuto as they spoke. She didn't bother to suppress a brief shudder at Ko's more detailed description of his time with Oggdos.

"I'm thankful you've made it back to us whole," she chuckled awkwardly. "Had I been in your position, I would've been quick to burn my clothes."

Medicinal plants were much more her speed. "The featherfern sounds similar to nycillin. I catalogued a wild-growing crop on Selvaris recently. Knight Ran Serys Ran Serys is doing good work in building up an enclave there."

Her polite smile turned into a grin as Ko went into the specifics of agriculture. Even though she'd grown up in farming territory, Cora's family did not work the fields. The Kel'dor, however, had first hand experience in his time with the AgriCorps.

"When the time comes to introduce a little agricultural reform to the fields of Ukatis, I may ask to pick your brains." Blue eyes panned over the sprawling hills of her homeland, and Cora couldn't help but feel a little giddy. Ukatis might've been a poor, backwards, backwater planet to the rest of the galaxy, but her people deserved safety and prosperity. "If that's alright."

Students began to emerge from the tower, some bearing peppers, others not. When Colette Colette exited with Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken , the young man seemed more...subdued. He offered Ko the fruits of his labor.

Ryana mina Ryana mina approached with Pip, and Cora did a double take. She hadn't seen the racyon enter the tower, but then again, there were plenty of windows that he could've snuck through. "Oh?" Her brow creased. "I can't say that I've never damaged the plant life I've worked with, especially when under duress." A hand reached out to scratch Pip behind the ear. "We'll work on it. I'm glad that Pip is alright."

As Ryana moved onto the grass, Cora looked over to Mahsa Mahsa and witnessed tiny wildflowers sprout around the Padawan as she drew her seed into a bloom. The pointy-eared girl looked like a fae of Ukatian legend, wreathed in verdant grass and delicate, bright blossoms. Mahsa lifted her head, and the two shared a smile of warmth and pride.

Well done.
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"Oh, you think this is funny, don't you?"

Jalen simply gave a small smile, continuing to sit in a meditative stance. It was a little funny, but giving Zaiya a chance to prove herself was the most important thing here. He slowed the vines to give her a chance to communicate, feeling her Force energy flow into the foliage. Then he felt something change.

A few long moments passed where the vines did not move, as if they were considering her request. Then, they slowly uncurled, releasing Jalen from their grip. Several feet above their heads, the vines unfurled their leaves to display a bounty of vegetables ripe for their picking.

"It seems the conversation was productive," Jalen stated with a proud smile, getting to his feet. "Good job, kiddo."

For a moment, if someone familiar with the former Sentinel of Harmony squinted, his tone made him the spitting image of his older brother. Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el was a different man, but the two overlapped in key moments. Jalen tucked his hands into his pockets, gesturing to the fruit with his head.

"Go on then. You get first pick. You did all of the work after all."

As for his own part? That could stay between him and the vines.



Location: Ukatis
Objective: Oversee Lesson
Tag(s): Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania | Elias Edo Elias Edo | Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken


Ko ‘smiled’ some under his mask as Cora seemed to visualize how things went down for him on bogano. Understanding that it was rather gross. But couldn’t imagine himself burning his own clothes simply because he trespassed into the habitat of an apex predator.

He also listened as Cora spoke about wanting to get his feedback on possible farming programs here on Ukatis. He wondered if she had aspirations of seeing her rustic home world turned into some sort of agricultural hub. It was certainly temperate enough to grow a considerable surplus of foodstuffs. “It’d be my pleasure. All I could really say about that now is that this world should first make sure the entirety of its citizenry is well fed and healthy before looking to export the fruits of their labor.” Ko wouldn’t want the people here to prioritize other worlds before securing their food supply here. Also if could help in such an effort he’d probably try and warn those here about the dangers of monocultural farming and to not prioritize yields over sustainability.

It was then that a few of the padawans seemed to return. Almost like they were all coming back together. His attention was naturally drawn over to his own apprentice. Who presented him with a singular small pepper. However, he was caught off guard by the echani teen’s vocabulary. Having addressed the Kel Dor knight as ‘master’ which made him feel quite pleased with Valor, even if he only returned with a singular pepper.

“Looks like you’ve returned and not empty handed.” Ko said to the teen before reaching out gently to pick up the pepper. Holding it between the claws of his thumb and index finger. Getting a better ‘look’ at it through tactile feeling. They were supposed to retrieve three fruits or peppers. But considering that they seemed to not be nearly as hostile now and addressed him appropriately Ko would be willing to be flexible. “Excellent work Valor. We can take this back with us, and you can grow the two other missing peppers from this one. Your training today is over.” Ko said, following through with what he promised the echani teen prior. Of course that didn’t mean they needed to leave yet if they didn’t want to.
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Tides of Change


Location: UKATIS


It was quite rewarding to see the present generation of Knights working so diligently to better the galaxy for the future. Elias could remember when Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania and Ko Vuto Ko Vuto were just Padawans, starry eyed and eager to prove themselves. Today, he saw, they clearly had - and then some. Neither of the two had trained under him, or really ever directly worked with him, but that didn't mean they wouldn't find value in the words he was about to share.

"I'm proud of the both of you," Elias said with a smile. "And I know your Masters are, too. You're a fine pair of Knights, and with your dedication..." he trailed off as Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken approached and was addressed, "... I've no doubt that the Padawans looking up to you now will grow into even finer Jedi under your tutelage." The Quartermaster watched with a grin as several students emerged from the overgrown tower and returned to the meeting ground. He stood patiently, observing the Padawans and offering his congratulations to those who spoke to him. Elias would remain there as long as he was needed, eager to speak with any of the Padawans as they finalized their foray into the intricacies of plant surge.

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Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Interacting with: Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

"It worked!" Zaiya's voice bubbled with excitement, the rosy gold of her skin lighting up with shimmering waves of joy that spread down her mottled arms. She rocked back and forth on her heels, practically glowing with pride.

But then her excitement wavered, and she turned to Jalen, her cheeks flecking with pale yellow and gray uncertainty. "Are you sure?" she asked, her expression twisting with doubt. She watched him closely, waiting for any hint of hesitation, but Jalen's calm nod reassured her. With a relieved smile, Zaiya nodded back and turned to face the vines.

Before doing anything else, she bowed her head slightly toward them. "Thank you for your help!" she said earnestly, as if speaking to an old friend.

Satisfied, the young Lovalla crouched down and plucked a plump, vibrant purple fruit from the vines, examining it with curiosity. "Hmm... do you think these are edible?" she wondered aloud, her expression shifting to a hopeful blue as she inspected the fruit. Of course, Zaiya couldn't resist the thought -- if they were safe, it might just be a delicious treat!

Then she remembered.

"Oh wait... we need these to go through the rest of the temple, right?"

"Oh wait... we need these to go through the rest of the temple, right?"

"Yup," Jalen nodded. "Go ahead and grab what you need. Hey, maybe if you're lucky we'll get to try them later, yeah?"

Jalen turned his attention back to the vines, scanning them through the Force, feeling out the individual fruits one by one. He had a pretty good idea which one he'd be bringing back. Clearing his mind, the young padawan plucked the fruit of his choice subtly and drew it to his hand, tucking it into the pocket of his hakama pants. Before long he turned his attention back to Zaiya.

He'd only need the one.

"Which ones are you gonna take?" he asked. "You can put them in my hood if you wanna grab a bunch."

Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania | open

Ryana sat in the grass with pip on her lap he seemed excited by what ryana was doing as he stayed on her lap. As ryana used plant surge on some of the bioluminescent flowers as ryana made a small wreath to place on pips head the small racyon purred and seemed content the lethan twi'lek booped pips nose. Making her smile as Ryana turned her attention towards everyone else as pip seemed to chill out after being thrown into a chest.

Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Interacting with: Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el

“Is it okay to take them all? I don’t want to take more than necessary.” Although the temptation to eat one for a snack was high.

“I have this one,” she gestured to the purple fruit she held, only to tuck it away in one of her robes pockets.

“Well if you think it’s okay to take more I’ll take one more,” Zaiya replied, flashing a joyful grin that radiated jewel like iridescent hues over her face and arms. She bent and took another fruit that was a very pretty blue. “And okay let’s use your hood!”

“So, I guess you were already good with chatting with plants huh?”
She asked, accepting his offer of using his good as a temporary bag.

Once they were ready they would be able to continue on to the end.



TAGS: Ko Vuto Ko Vuto


“Looks like you’ve returned and not empty handed.” Ko said to the teen before reaching out gently to pick up the pepper. Holding it between the claws of his thumb and index finger. Getting a better ‘look’ at it through tactile feeling. They were supposed to retrieve three fruits or peppers. But considering that they seemed to not be nearly as hostile now and addressed him appropriately Ko would be willing to be flexible. “Excellent work Valor. We can take this back with us, and you can grow the two other missing peppers from this one. Your training today is over.” Ko said, following through with what he promised the echani teen prior. Of course that didn’t mean they needed to leave yet if they didn’t want to.
"I probably wouldn't have returned if it wasn't for Colette Colette s kindness," Valor admitted simply. The thought of growing a few more peppers later on brought him some comfort amidst the ups and downs he'd been through.

"I'm sorry about how I was acting earlier. You didn't deserve to be treated that way, Master Vuto," Valor added after a moment of reflection, feeling a bit ashamed of his previous behavior. He was relieved that he could finally put it all behind him.

Location Citadel and surrounding areas, Ukatis
Objective Learn more about plants & the force

No words were spoken, and yet the padawan was almost certain she’d felt Knight Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania ‘s praise through the Force. It caused her smile to widen just a bit more, the yellow hues coloring the bottom portion of her hair strengthening in intensity, before her eyes drifted towards the others as they began to return from the Citadel.

The first had been Ryana mina Ryana mina along with her racyon companion, the little creature instantly reminding Mahsa of Vera Noble Vera Noble ‘s Fuzzy. The thought was enough to make the padawan giggle, quietly making a mental note to herself about bringing him some fresh fruits the next time she met up with Vera to catch up.

Sensitive ears meant she could pick up the conversations around her with far more ease than others, and so the Kazelrrian was quick to busy herself with the soil on her lap and the blooms that had sprouted from it in order to keep her mind busy enough where it didn’t follow them subconsciously. She grabbed the hems of her robe, making sure to keep them taught and secure, before finding a suitable spot not too far that could serve as a permanent place for the sproutlings.

Grow big and strong~ She allowed her thoughts to flow into them softly, like trickled rain drops seeking to nourish them, as her hands diligently worked on transplanting them. First was the the bigger of the two, the one that had responded to Corazona and blossomed for the night, before her own smaller one followed shortly after.

By then Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken had also returned, along with a face that Mahsa knew from passing though she’d never personally met. She knew that Colette Colette was the older sibling to Aris Noble Aris Noble and Vera, but little else aside from that. However one colorful padawan still hadn’t returned, and Mahsa couldn’t hide the worry that stained her hair with amber streaks as she confirmed that Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti still wasn’t back.

I hope she’s okay…

Interacting with currently no one.



“It’d be my pleasure. All I could really say about that now is that this world should first make sure the entirety of its citizenry is well fed and healthy before looking to export the fruits of their labor.”

Cora broke into a grin. It was a genuinely fond expression, not one of the practiced, painted smiles she often wore. Ko Vuto Ko Vuto had always been the diligent, collaborative sort.

"Of course," she agreed. "Ukatis has spent much of its recent history unable to feed its people. Part of the reason why we sought aid from the Alliance."

Despite needing help, it was still a blow to Ukatian pride. Their first priority would be to sustain everyone here, then perhaps move on to exporting goods. Since they'd entered the Alliance, the planet mainly exported cheap labor.

At the praise from Elias Edo Elias Edo , her dreamy smile shifted to a look of surprise. "O-oh," Cora cleared her throat. A faint dusting of pink flushed her cheeks before she regained her composure. Proud? That was hardly a word she'd ever heard growing up under her father's strict hand. Her attention shifted briefly to Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken as he approached Ko, more subdued, and offered him a pepper.

It was her turn now to feel a swell of pride for her friend. Wasn't it only a short while ago, where they'd worked together as Padawans in the temple gardens? Now he was not only a Knight, but an effective teacher.

"Thank you. We do our best with what we can." She murmured as her gaze slid back toward Elias with a soft smile. "I hope that it will be enough, for whatever lies ahead."

Again, Cora's attention wandered towards the tower. She counted the students as they descended the path, token peppers in hand. While some relaxed on the grass after their ordeal in the citadel, others practiced plant surge with the seeds provided. Behind them, the lower of Ukatis' twin suns touched the horizon. The day, and their lesson, was coming to an end.

Another wave of pride swept through her; this one for each student, and what they took away from this class.

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