The vines continued to drag
Jalen Kai'el
into the thicket, slowing in their movement at the blind Jedi's bidding. They stilled when
Zaiya Ceti
reached out to them in the Force. From the shifting hues across her skin to her presence in the Force, the Lovalla Padawan radiated a gentle, steady warmth.
A few long moments passed where the vines did not move, as if they were considering her request. Then, they slowly uncurled, releasing Jalen from their grip. Several feet above their heads, the vines unfurled their leaves to display a bounty of vegetables ripe for their picking.
Cora's gaze passed between
Elias Edo
Ko Vuto
as they spoke. She didn't bother to suppress a brief shudder at Ko's more
detailed description of his time with Oggdos.
"I'm thankful you've made it back to us whole," she chuckled awkwardly.
"Had I been in your position, I would've been quick to burn my clothes."
Medicinal plants were much more her speed.
"The featherfern sounds similar to nycillin. I catalogued a wild-growing crop on Selvaris recently. Knight
Ran Serys
is doing good work in building up an enclave there."
Her polite smile turned into a grin as Ko went into the specifics of agriculture. Even though she'd grown up in farming territory, Cora's family did not work the fields. The Kel'dor, however, had first hand experience in his time with the AgriCorps.
"When the time comes to introduce a little agricultural reform to the fields of Ukatis, I may ask to pick your brains." Blue eyes panned over the sprawling hills of her homeland, and Cora couldn't help but feel a
little giddy. Ukatis might've been a poor, backwards, backwater planet to the rest of the galaxy, but her people deserved safety and prosperity.
"If that's alright."
Students began to emerge from the tower, some bearing peppers, others not. When
exited with
Valor the Forsaken
, the young man seemed more...subdued. He offered Ko the fruits of his labor.
Ryana mina approached with Pip, and Cora did a double take. She hadn't seen the racyon enter the tower, but then again, there were plenty of windows that he could've snuck through.
"Oh?" Her brow creased.
"I can't say that I've never damaged the plant life I've worked with, especially when under duress." A hand reached out to scratch Pip behind the ear.
"We'll work on it. I'm glad that Pip is alright."
As Ryana moved onto the grass, Cora looked over to
and witnessed tiny wildflowers sprout around the Padawan as she drew her seed into a bloom. The pointy-eared girl looked like a fae of Ukatian legend, wreathed in verdant grass and delicate, bright blossoms. Mahsa lifted her head, and the two shared a smile of warmth and pride.
Well done.