Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Good Chives Only [Plant Surge Training - Jedi]


TAGS: Colette Colette


Valor felt the vines gradually releasing their grip on his hair, the tension easing with each passing moment. He closed his eyes, focusing on his breathing as Colette had instructed. The sensation of the flower's gentle touch behind his head was oddly comforting, despite his initial skepticism.

When the worst of the vines finally retreated, Valor took a shaky step back, running a hand through his freed locks to ensure there were no remaining tendrils. He looked at Colette, a mixture of relief and grudging gratitude in his eyes.

"I'm... I'm good," he said, his voice a bit unsteady. He checked himself over, brushing off any lingering bits of vine. "No injuries or bruises, just my pride, I suppose."

He took a deep breath and let it out slowly, regaining some of his composure. "Thank you; I appreciate your help, even if I didn't exactly handle that with much grace."

A flicker of amusement crossed his features as he entered the building, though the feeling quickly faded when he felt a slight brush against his shoulder. Was someone trying to get his attention? He turned slightly, but there was no one there. The empty hallway was eerily quiet, sending a shiver down his spine—until he noticed that his stylish shades had somehow been removed from his face.

It became clear that the culprit was none other than a cluster of smug-looking vines, now holding his shades. "Object-stealing vines, now that's a new one," he muttered.

Carlo quickly realized that simply reaching for his shades would likely cause the vines to retreat further out of his grasp. So, instead, he eyed a raised platform nearby, calculating his next move. It had just enough space for a run-up.

A concerned chuckle escaped his lips as he began to fully comprehend the absurdity of his plan. "This might be the dumbest idea you've had yet, Carlo," he murmured, offering a small prayer for success—or at least minimal pain. With that, he pushed off, sprinting toward the edge of the platform. At the last moment, he sprang into the air, half-bracing himself for impact while simultaneously reaching out to grab the elusive vine.

Tags: Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti , Ko Vuto Ko Vuto



"Is he going to be okay?"

"Knight Vuto is right," Jalen agreed. "He will manage. Unfortunately I'll have to pass on competition. That's... not really how I operate."

He wasn't some angsty kid trying to prove he was better. He was just doing as a Jedi should. That didn't need to be any strong feeling on his end. Or maybe it felt more one-sided in his own mind. With a sigh he turned back to Zaiya, giving her a soft smile.

"If you'd like to go into the citadel, we should go together," he stated. "I'm sure helping out the local blind guy will get you some extra credit if you're up for it."

A gentle smile spread across his face. Perhaps it was better to lighten the mood and get attention back on the task at hand.


Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Interacting with: Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el Ko Vuto Ko Vuto

“Valor will be as well, he’s got a lot on his mind I’m sure and had expressed a desire to avoid this lesson before we got here. He just needs to understand the importance of working in harmony with The Force and nature instead of against it. I'm sorry if what he said was upsetting." Ko said, not worried about whatever botanical danger Valor might find themselves in at this very moment. "Now, if I may ask, how are you finding these lessons today young Ceti?”

Relief would be a visible brightening of hues and Force energy over Zaiya's skin, allowing Knight Vuto and Jalen to see through the Force the unique way it would dance emotively across the Lovalla's skin. It would appear that for those sensitive to Force Sight, the Lovalla not only displays a series of bright hues and tones, but also shift and dance with her emotive ebb and flow. For anyone who saw the Force in color, Zaiya would still be a mesmerizing display of watercolors. For Knight Vuto, the enhanced practice with the Force had allowed her strength in it to grow.

"It wasn't what he said that was upsetting... it was more what he felt like through the Force." Zaiya tried to explain, giving a slight contemplative frown as she tried to express what she felt. "I can sense when particularly strong emotions are utilized with the Force....Valor's felt... as if being in an uncomfortable smother. He was feeling very spiteful."

The Lovalla could only hope that the Echani would perhaps learn what Knight Vuto intended to teach him how to utilize the Force with harmony. He just might feel better doing that.

A brighter, if sheepish smile would curve over Zaiya's lips, and she would rock back and forth on her heels. "Oh, umm... I'm enjoying it, but I haven't used the Force before to encourage a plant to grow. I've used it to move things, or sense things, but not quite in this manner." she also got lost in resonating with the Aura flowers but explaining that would only make her blush in embarrassment.

"If you'd like to go into the citadel, we should go together," he stated. "I'm sure helping out the local blind guy will get you some extra credit if you're up for it."

Hearing Jalen mention that brightened Zaiya's expression, and she flashed him a grateful smile, her friendly and cheerful tone clear, "I'd like that." only to suddenly blush, her mottled spots brightening into coral hues as her eyes went wide and she immediately attempted to clarify in a rushed babble, "I mean, to join you! Not because of the extra credit for helping out the blind guy! I didn't even realize you were blind! I was just saying that I'd rather not do it alone."

Ugh, Zaiya, you are so dumb!

Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken

"Injured pride is better than an injured body." Colette said and nodded at her own words. "Hard to handle panic with grace. Would be more surprised if you didn't panic like you did."

She glanced into the darkness as if she tried to see anything more than the sheen of her flower would permit, but alas there seemed nothing more would show itself than the duo were already aware of.

"I'm Colette, by the way. You seem… New to these things, if you don't mind me saying." Not that it mattered whether he minded or not. She'd say it regardless. "For now, how about we stick together and see if those vines will leave us alone, hm?"

Sazo hummed absentmindedly, as the vines finally slowed down at the bottom of the citadel, then formed a pseudo-cocoon around her. It wasn't enough to suffocate her, but it was definitely not pleasant. But it wasn't trying to kill her, and she was Aris for the first time since Coruscant, so there was that. Now for the painful part...

...Asking for help. She could feel Talion's smugness emanating through the sword.

She sighed.

"Oh great and powerful Lord Vass, Jedi Lord of Haruun Kal, Father of Ghosh Vass, I beseech thee to grant me, the bearer of your august blade, a boon."

A pause.


Sazo successfully restrained her eyes from rolling into the back of her head. She had let her guard down and put herself in this predicament.

"...Allow me to drink from the fount of your centuries of wisdom, to determine the best means of escape."


Sazo gasped as Talion opened his mind, allowing her to access the breadth of not only his experience, but the few who had wielded Talionis before her- and found a solution. Concentrated, she gathered the Force within, and with a grunt, pushed out from all directions. The vines, slowly but surely, were warped out of shape until Sazo could clamber out of the pseudo-cocoon, eyes glowing a viridian green, and scamper away, returning to the ground floor.

She took the fruits out of her pocket and hummed, thoughtfully, as her eyes faded back to normal.

"I can feel them in the Force, but I don't quite know how to encourage them to change; it seems almost dark. I did see Ko when I was dragged away by the vines. I'll ask him", Sazo said to herself resolutely, making her way back up to the last place she was the Knight- and keeping an wary eye out for vines.

Ko Vuto Ko Vuto | Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

"I know it's hard not to help, but this is the one place where they should be allowed to make them." If they had been out in the field, Valery would have never stopped him. But here, in a controlled environment to learn, making mistakes was crucial to actually develop skills.

She was certain he'd understand.

"Whatever you and your siblings want to do. Theme parks, camping trips, shopping days — there are plenty of options." Valery smiled. She would already enjoy the day just because she was spending it with her kids. Giving them the choice just made sure they'd enjoy their time as well.



Better here than on a battlefield. Aris nodded his head in understanding. He still wanted to help, that'd never change. But in a way, not helping now was actually helping more. That'd have to do with keeping him from leaping to action. "Theme parks sound like they'd be a lot of fun. I've got some cheat days I can plan around heading there, munch on some fair food and the like."

Valery Noble Valery Noble
Location: Citadel and surrounding areas, Ukatis
Objective: Learn more about plants & the force

Mahsa had always been attracted to nature, whether it was the various fauna found in a location or the eye captivating flora native to its soil, and the gardens in the Temple had quickly become a favored place of the padawan shortly after being welcomed into the Order. Now, two years later, it was still one of her favored places—and some of its greenery had found its way into her room too.

She’d listened tentatively as Corazona had briefed them on today’s goal; retrieve three fruits of vegetables from within the Citadel, while being encouraged to solve any obstacles that might show up by channeling the Force to the flora around them. The one thing they weren’t allowed to do was cause any harm to the plants and vines within, though she wouldn’t have dared even if Corazona had not disallowed it.

It was clear a lot of care went into everything being grown here, not only would it be disrespectful to ruin it but she’d feel terrible about it too.

The familiar faces of Aris Noble Aris Noble and Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti had caused her to smile and wave in their directions. They’d been some of the first padawans she’d befriended not long after joining the Order, and had become two of her closest friends (and roommates) as time had passed. A quick glance along the space had found other familiar faces, and some she barely had a recollection of, though the girl had decided to stay by her lonesome for the time being as she focused on the seeds given for the first task.

She hadn’t seen Ayhan Ayhan among them, and a small port of her wondered what the Firronthix might be up to as of late.

There was a certain finesse that was required when using the Force to accelerate the regeneration of the body and mend a wound, and that careful balance became more delicate when you sought to speed the growth of anything organic—in this case a seedling—beyond what would’ve been natural for itself. It was a lesson she knew perhaps a bit too well, she’d seen the various ways things could go awry in someone’s body when that balance was forsaken and broken.

Things she still wished to forget.

Such was her focus that she’d missed the commotion surrounding one Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken , a face that she vaguely remembered from an evening spent in the picturesque golden beach of Corellia. A mound of soil had been carefully gathered and placed upon her lap with little regard to how it might stain the familiar padawan robes she wore, conscious that any dirt stains could be cleaned out later, and safely within it laid the aura blossom seed she’d been given.

Her mind had wracked itself left, right, up, and down as Mahsa tried to figure out what would be the best way to encourage the seedling inside and accelerate its growth without potential side effects of harm. There was always the option of infusing the force directly into the embryo dormant within, but she worried that her control could be lacking and harm the seedling in the process.

Instead she had finally chosen to imbue the Force into the soil itself instead, eyes closed and her hands gently pressed against the mound of soil as she allowed the energy to slowly trickle into every nook and crevice. Slowly… gently… There was no time limit on today’s lesson, so it was probably safe to assume they’d have a couple of hours at least. And, while she would certainly enjoy successfully completing the challenge given by Corazona, what was important at the end of the day was that they continued to grow and learn from each lesson the knights and masters imparted on them.

Interacting with currently no one.


TAGS: Colette Colette


Valor straightened, and he regarded Colette with a silent stare through the shadows.

"Injured pride may heal, but it leaves scars on the spirit," he replied, "Panic is a foe I have yet to fully conquer."

He followed her gaze into the darkness, feeling the oppressive weight of the unknown pressing in around them. The sheen of her flower offered a small comfort amidst the encroaching shadows.

"I am Valor,"
he introduced himself, the name carrying an ironic tinge given his self-perceived shortcomings. "And yes, newness to such trials is evident, I am sure.I've never had any Jedi training; All of this feels pretty pointless to me."

He managed a small, appreciative nod at her suggestion. "Sticking together sounds like a good idea. Maybe those vines will leave us alone if we're careful. I don't want to be here but I need to finish the task before my... " He trailed with a frown not even liking the word. " Master will let me leave. "
Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken

He was still blunt, but so could she be if he bit her, which he had not. She could have argued that he had gotten it backwards about how injured prides left scars on the spirit — she very much thought it lifted it up — but now was really not the time and place for it.

And she couldn't help but smile as he struggled to use the word 'master', same as she would had it not been replaced with 'mother' instea- no wait, she struggled with that word too. It was a familiar topic between them then and she pushed on that instead.

"Kind of… Possessive for a group of alleged peacekeepers, ain't it?" Colette chuckled and shook her head. "Either way, just stick close and we'll get out of this in no time."

The vines on the floor clung to their feet just a little as they walked which made each step a little more difficult than usual. They would start at the top of their feet and then peel off when the light reached them, and this repeated as they walked through the Citadel proper.

"So, Valor, why didn't you want to come?"

As Carlo Von Corrino Carlo Von Corrino leaped into the air, his hand would indeed wrap around the vine that had snatched his sunglasses. However, before the noble Padawan could retrieve his lost accessory, a second vine lashed out from the tangle to fetch his shades. The creeping plant would drag Carlo's poor sunglasses across the open central space of the tower and deposit them in a nest of thorny, fruit bearing vines. Tendrils of green caged the nest, and the sharp barbs jutting from their surface seemed to glimmer ominously even in the dim lighting.

Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken 's ponytail predicament was alleviated at the skilled hands of Colette Colette . Knowledgeable in her respect for nature, the tribal Padawan seemed to have a knack for influencing the plant life around her. As the pair made their way through the citadel, the vines seemed less aggressive – in fact, the plants seemed to downright ignore them.

Then, they would stumble upon an intricate latticework of vines. It stretched high along the wall like an intentionally decorative piece of order among the untamed jungle around them. What was more, the trellis bore plenty of ripe peppers – red, green, and orange, all tantalizingly ripe for the taking.

As Ryana mina Ryana mina entered the spire with her lekku aglow from the luminous blossoms, the vines rustled in the darkness. They didn't seem intent on disturbing her, but the Twi'lek would soon come to an obstacle; the stone staircase in front of her had crumbled away. The aura blossoms affixed to her head gave off enough light to illuminate where the staircase reformed in the distance – about half a floor up. In front of her were long, hanging vines that could be used to traverse the gap.


Atop the citadel's roof, Corazona slowly opened her eyes. Yes, the lessons was progressing well within. She removed both hands from the aged tile and wrapped them around a creeping vine, guiding it downward until it shrugged her weight to the ground.

While some of the Jedi present tested their mettle in the spire, others were testing plant surge in a less hazardous manner. Spotting a familiar face, Cora watched as vines grew from between the clawed fingers of Jonyna Si Jonyna Si . "Well done, Master Si." Stepping up to the Jedi Master, she offered a nod of approval – yet it still felt so very strange to be overseeing someone outranked her, even if it was regard a rather niche skill. A Jedi Master would be able to manipulate and alter more easily with the Force than a Padawan would, and the evidence trailed from the Cathar's hands in spires of green.

"You're a natural. Perhaps you'd like to try your luck in the citadel?" She placed a hand on her friend's shoulder and glanced towards the ancient building. There was a small spark of...mischief? in her eyes.

As she began to turn back to Jonyna, playfulness drifted from expression when she caught sight of Mahsa Mahsa . The young woman had gathered soil onto the lap of her robes, hands pressed to the dirt in meditative concentration.

"Excuse me, Master Si."

Cora paced over to the Padawan, silently observing as little sprouts of green emerged from the earth she'd gathered.

"You're doing well, Padawan." The Knight spoke soft and low, gently as if she were afraid to disturb the growth of the budding flowers. She knelt down and pressed her fingers into the dirt beside one of the seedlings. The Force moved at a slower pace than when she'd grown the blossoms at the beginning of the lesson, but her intent was for Mahsa to feel how she was directing the energy. Gradually, the wispy stalk of the seedling would thicken and give rise to a bud which unfurled into a luminous blossom.

"Take all the time you need, Padawan. The flowers are forgiving – the citadel, less so."

She gestured to the remaining seedlings in Masha's lap. "I find that it helps to draw inspiration from the life around us – feel the way the Force flows within the grass beneath your feet, in the vines along the tower, even among the trees in the distance. I will be here if you need guidance." With a smile, she rose and gave the Padawan her space.

Cora scanned the field. It was not just Padawans who'd gathered on Ukatis – Grandmaster Valery Noble Valery Noble had come to observe, as she often did with lessons. Right now, she was overseeing Aris Noble Aris Noble , who was overseeing a blossom of his own. The sight had her expression softening; the Noble clan was essentially family to her.

Among others she recognized were Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti ,a Padawan that was colorful not only in skintone, but in her very nature. She was accompanied by Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el , a senior Padawan whose smarmy demeanor and sense of justice could either defuse or ignite a situation. Based on how things had gone with young Valor, he seemed to have honed his sharp personality since their last meeting. They were passed by Sazo Vass Sazo Vass , the first Jedi who'd managed to complete the tower's task with impressive speed.

Cora watched the Lovalla-blind guy pair with a curious eye as the stepped up to the citadel, before turning away to approach Elias Edo Elias Edo and Ko Vuto Ko Vuto , her fellow instructors.

"Master Edo, Knight Vuto." Cora tilted her head deep by way of greeting. When she straightened out, she was smiling. "Thank you both for joining me on Ukatis to help teach this lesson. We are fortunate to have such ecological experts among us." Her eyes briefly fell to Elias' hands, having caught sight of the signing he'd made earlier. She couldn't read or interpret them, but they reminded her of the gestures Efret Farr Efret Farr used. "I hear that you've traveled from Dagobah. I haven't been to the temple there since I was a Padawan."

Her smile turned a little wistful, eyes gazing into a bittersweet memory. It was the last time she'd seen Cailen Corso Cailen Corso .

Cora's head tilted towards Ko. "Knight Vuto, it's good to see you again. Thank you for your addition earlier – it seems that you've developed your affinity for plant life even further since we first planted poola blossoms around your Kand tree on Coruscant."

Their pleasant little garden had been prophylactically removed before the Empire's invasion. When the time was right, they would replant.
Last edited:

TAG: Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

"You're a natural. Perhaps you'd like to try your luck in the citadel?" She placed a hand on her friend's shoulder and glanced towards the ancient building. There was a small spark of...mischief? in her eyes.
"Hm? Oh, uh..." Jonyna paused, looking at the citidel. "...I'm a little worried. I've dealt with jungles all my life, and my usual way of dealing with grabby plants is or claws..."

She let out a cough. "I would much rather not burn your citadel to the ground. I think I'll just practice out here if that's okay?"

She did feel slightly guilty, Cora and Ko were two of her only real friends in the order right now, as pitiful as that sounded. Well, them and Val.


Tags: Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti



"I mean, to join you! Not because of the extra credit for helping out the blind guy! I didn't even realize you were blind! I was just saying that I'd rather not do it alone."

"You're fine," Jalen chuckled, patting her on the shoulder. "I was just joking about that part."

He paused for a moment, taking in the familiar auras of people around him. Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania stood out immediately. Perhaps it was because they shared a good deal of time, but he noticed her focus on him. A gentle sigh escaped his chest as he thought about their last few encounters, or really his failings in being social while she was around. Had he grown since the days he was that sniveling little kid who was barely able to speak in her eyes?

Maybe that was a question better left answered at a later time. His focus returned to Zaiya.

"Are you ready?" he asked. "I'll let you take point. I figure you'll benefit the most from this sort of training, so consider me here for assistance."

He liked that better than trying to compete.


Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Interacting with: Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el

Relief washed over Zaiya's face when Jalen said he was joking, the silvery hue of her skin brightening back to its warm, rosy-golden glow. A faint coral tint lingered along the stripes on her cheeks and forehead, a remnant of her earlier embarrassment.

Feeling flustered but eager to continue with the lesson, Zaiya gave a quick, firm nod. "Okay, just guide me if I’m not doing well." She reached down to her belt, where a small pouch held the precious seeds.

Glancing around, she found a spot with open soil, empty and ready for planting. A few pots were lined up to the right, and some tools were scattered on a nearby table. She caught sight of Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania walking over to Ko Vuto Ko Vuto and she visibily brightened, giving the blonde Knight a slight wave of her fingers in greeting. Hopefully she'll be able to talk to Cora later. For now, it was back to the lesson. Turning toward Jalen she encouraged him to follow her.

"I’d rather grow it in a pot so we don’t have to pull it up by the roots later," Zaiya explained, her voice tinged with the excitement that sent flickers of bioluminescent teal rippling across her skin. She gave a shy smile. This was going to be fun. Plus, she just might make a new friend.

As she began dampening the soil before placing it into a pretty blue pot, Zaiya glanced over at Jalen, her iridescent blue eyes studying him curiously. He said he was blind, yet he moved with such ease.

"If I may ask... how do you see then, Jalen? Do you have internal cybernetics to help?" The Lovalla teen was fascinated by high technology and cybernetics, so she naturally wondered if Jalen had cybernetic eyes. Many did, and they often appeared strikingly lifelike.

"Sorry," she added quickly, her skin flushing anew with a soft pink hue. "I don’t mean to be rude, just curious. I make a few prototype cybernetics myself" She gave a jingle of her bangles in emphasis, "so I was wondering if you had any to help you see."



TAGS: Colette Colette

Valor shrugged, his uncertainty about the Jedi evident in his demeanor. "The Jedi certainly are... strange," he murmured, carefully following her lead, trying to stay close enough to the light she offered.

"I don't know anyone here. I don't know how to make friends or socialize. This environment is... unfamiliar. I don't like all these new things being forced upon me. I wasn't built for this frivolity," he admitted, his tone plain and devoid of emotion.

As they approached a wall of peppers, Valor's instincts flared. The vibrant peppers hanging from the vines seemed too good to be true, tempting him to snatch them and be done with this foolish errand. He hesitated, standing before them with a conflicted expression. This scenario reminded him too much of a certain test his trainer had put him through, more than once. His frustration mounted, a frown deepening on his face as he suspiciously scanned the area, searching for any unseen traps that might be lying in wait.

Tags: Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti


"If I may ask... how do you see then, Jalen? Do you have internal cybernetics to help?"

"I don't see," he stated. "I feel. The Force reveals to me things that sight cannot. In that sense I'm... well, perhaps a bit more aware of myself and my surroundings. Energy moves through all things. That's how the Force binds us all together. To feel that energy and understand what it means is to see what the eyes hide from you. Emotions, chemical signatures, wounds, toxins... I've been training my mind to reach further and further. It gives me the precision I need when treating patients."

He had studied for a rather childish reason, however. Jalen had wanted his Force sight to be better than everyone else around him, all to ensure that he wouldn't ever have to leech off of his peers. The fear of being seen as week fueled ever session of meditation, isolated in the depths of the Temple archives. He was a different individual these days, but those intentions would always cloud the back of his mind.

Pushing him to be better than the coward he had been.

"I haven't gotten cybernetics for that reason," Jalen explained. "Should I regain my eyes, I may come to lean on them as a crutch once more... I trust that the Force will continue to guide me in the right direction."

His smile returned.

"Cybernetic engineering is no small task," he noted. "I have a bit of mechanical experience. Used to make starfighters with my older brother. What kind of things do you want to make?"

Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Ko Vuto Ko Vuto Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken Colette Colette

Ryana had noticed the vines for had replaced the stairs she moved her lekku to attempt to give her better light hearing the rustling in the darkness she was glad a certain small someone had stayed behind. As she focused with clarity she forgot she had with pip around she loved him but he was definitely a huge distraction for everyone when he was around.

Ryana studied the vines to see which looked the most stable as she did a handstand on one of the more stable looking vines keeping her senses sharp and her glowing bulbs secure. Ryana put her stamina training and dancers expertise to the test as she walked on her hands for half the length of the stairs going up. If she was successful she would gracefully disembark and continue to the onto the second floor to look for vines keeping her force senses on her surroundings and her ears open the former slave dancer would be on her toes for moving vines. As she found a spot suitable to gather fruits/vegetables.
Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken
Colette looked at the peppers and then back at Valor. She wasn’t hungry, so there was no point in harvesting those. Others around them might have been hungry, so maybe they should have been the ones to find this. Then again, maybe Valor was hungry and that was why he was acting out?

Oh well, Colette looked at the way Valor seemed to distrust the fruit and smiled.

“You’re scared.” She stated plainly. “The roots attacked you, it makes sense. If you don’t want to trust what the force is telling us, then at least try to trust the people around you.” Colette said and looked at the peppers yet again. “After all, the mentors wouldn’t have sent us in here without keeping an eye on us if we were in danger.”

She reached out and put her hand on one of the peppers and rubbed her thumb against it to gently pluck it from its stem and carefully hand it over to Valor. Nothing seemed to happen.

“I was scared as hell when I joined. I hadn’t even set foot on a starship before, and now I was going to this big hellscape of skyscrapers and endless basements. To live in a tower where people carried blowtorch-swords and could move things with their minds. That’s insane.”

Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Interacting with: Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el

There was a joyful ripple of pulsating colors in vibrant citrine, teal, and orange. Zaiya was very interested in what Jalen was describing to her. So, was he able to use the Force to see?

"Okay, that is super neat; you can do that?!" Zaiya exclaimed, giving a joyful rock of her heels as she saturated her soil with water until it was moist enough. She didn't want it to be oversaturated, just wet sufficiently like a warm, humid, wet blanket for the seeds.

"I can use the Force to sense emotions, and there. well, how do I explain it?" Zaiya frowned, pondering, "I can notice if it feels good or bad when someone uses the Force. Sometimes it feels nice, like a warm summer day, other times, it feels icky, as if I'm being suffocated."

She hoped that made sense.

"But I didn't know you can use the Force to actually see! How do you train to learn how to do that?" she asked, curious. Could I perhaps learn? It would be neat to use if she ended up in a dark place and couldn't see. Then again... I am a walking glow light...

"Oh, I don't think of cybernetics as a crutch. I think of them more as a way to enhance what one already has and just in case as a back up." She brought her arms up to give the bangles and cuffs a jingle. He said he tinkered in mechanics, maybe she could talk more with him about tech!?

"I made these! One of them can create energy pellets for my slingshot cuff." She explained, pointing them out with grubby dirty fingers.

"Umm... this one is a Solid State Hologram cuff, it can create all different types of hand held tools with solid light." She added. That wasn't one of her creations, but she had programed some homebrew programs into it.

"I've also made Aris some neat aural dampeners so he wouldn't be overwhelmed by loud noises. They automatically filter out the sound waves."

She gave a happy shoulder shimmy. Zaiya was proud of what she'd made, even if they were prototypes.

A thought came to her, and she wondered aloud.

"So if you can use the Force to see, what do you do if you are in a place where you can't use the Force at all? I was on Myrkr before, and I know the lizards there somehow prevent the use of the Force."


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